view webGL/src/const.js @ 22:df7f7eef72ef draft

put canvas to center
author e105711 <>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2012 00:45:56 +0900
parents fafb468bd914
children 3f8305d62106
line wrap: on
line source

// Game mode
const TITLE = 0;
const MENU = 1;
const MAIN = 2;
const PLAY = 3;
const READY = 4;
const RESULT = 5;

// Constituents of game
const WIDTH = 960;
const HEIGHT = 600;
const FPS = 60;
const Interval = 1000/FPS;
const ALPHA = 6; // influence speed of notes

// Key code
const keyA = 65;
const keyS = 83;
const keyD = 68;
const keyF = 70;
const keyJ = 74;
const keyK = 75;
const keyL = 76;
const keyX = 88;
const keySemicolon = 186;
const keySpace = 32;

// judges (s)
const PERFECT = 0.025;
const GREAT = 0.04;
const GOOD = 0.06;
const BAD = 0.1;