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author Tatsuki IHA <>
date Fri, 03 Jun 2016 05:16:27 +0900
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# p2
- Aging of the population is a common problem in modern societies, and rapidly aging populations and declining birth rates have become more serious in recent years.
高齢化は現代社会において共通の課題 また、出生率の急速な減少は現代社会においてより深刻になっている。

- For instance, the manpower shortage in hospitals and elderly care facilities has led to the deterioration of quality of life for elderly individuals.

- Robot technology is expected to play an important role in the development of a healthy and sustainable society.

- In particular, daily life assistance for elderly individuals in hospitals and care facilities is one of the most urgent and promising applications for service robots.
特に 病院や養護施設での高齢者の日常生活をサポートは、最も緊急かつ有望なサービスロボットのアプリケーションである

# p3
- For a service robot, information about its surrounding, such as the positions of objects, furniture, humans, and other robots is indispensable for safely performing proper service tasks.

- However, current sensing technology, especially for cases of robots equipped with external sensors, is not good enough to complete these tasks satisfactorily.
しかし、 現在の判断技術では、特に外部センサーをつけたロボットの場合に、 十分にこのタスク実行を満足することが出来ない。

- for example, a vision system is susceptible to changes in lighting conditions and the appearances of objects. moreover, the field of vision is rather narrow.
例として、 視覚の機能は証明器具の状態の変化とオブジェクトの外見に影響を受けやすい

# p4
- Although occlusions can be partly solved by sensors on a mobile robot, background changes and unfavorable vibrations of a robot body make processes more difficult.

- In addition, the payload of a robot is not so high and computer resources are also limited.

# p5
- fixed sensors in an environment are more stable and can more easily gather information about the environment.
一方、 固定センサーは容易にもっと安定した環境についての情報を集める事ができる

- If a sufficient number of sensors can be embedded in the environment in advance, occlusion is no longer a crucial problem.

- information required to perform tasks is acquired by distributed sensors and transmitted to a robot on demand.

- the concept of making an environment smarter rather than the robot is referred to as an informationally structured environment

# p6
- An informationally structured environment is a feasible solution for introducing service robots into our daily lives using current technology

- several systems that observe human behavior using distributed sensor systems and provide proper service tasks according to requests from human or emergency detection, which is triggered automatically, have been proposed [1,7–12].

- Several service robots that act as companions to elderly people or as assistants to humans who require special care have been developed [13–18].

# p7
- We also have been developing an informationally structured environment for assisting in the daily life of elderly people in our research project, i.e., the Robot Town Project [2,19].

- The goal of this project is to develop a distributed sensor network system covering a townsize environment consisting of several houses, buildings, and roads, and to manage robot services appropriately by monitoring events that occur in the environment.

- Events sensed by an embedded sensor system are recorded in the Town Management System (TMS),
埋め込まれたセンサーシステムによって感知されたイベントは TMS(Town management System) に記録され、 

- appropriate information about the surroundings and instructions for proper services are provided to each robot [2].

- We also have been developing an informationally structured platform (Fig.1) in which distributed sensors (Fig.2a) and actuators are installed to support an indoor service robot (Fig.2b).

- objects embedded sensors and RFID tags, and all of the data are stored in the TMS database.

- A service robot performs various service tasks according to the environmental data stored in the TMS database in collaboration with distributed sensors and actuators, for example, installed in a refrigerator to open a door.
サービスロボットは設置された冷蔵のドアを開けるといった、様々なサービスのタスクを 分散型センサーとアクチュエータの共同の TMS データベースに格納されている環境データに応じて実行する。 

- We herein introduce a new Town Management System called the ROS–TMS.
私達はここで ROS-TMS と呼ばれる新しい街管理システムを紹介する

- In this system, the Robot Operating System (ROS [20]) is adopted as a communication framework between various modules, including distributed sensors, actuators, robots, and databases.
ROS(Robot Operating System) は分散センサ、アクチュエータ、ロボット、データベースを含む様々なモジュール間の通信フレームワークを採用している。

- Thanks to the ROS, we were able to develop a highly flexible and scalable system.
ROS のおかげで、私たちは非常に柔軟でスケーラブルなシステムを開発することができる

- Adding or removing modules such as sensors, actuators, and robots, to or from the system is simple and straightforward.

- Parallelization is also easily achievable.

We herein report the followings:

• Introduction of architecture and components of the ROS–TMS

• Object detection using a sensing system of the ROS–TMS

• Fetch-and-give task using the motion planning system of the ROS–TMS.
ROS、TMS の動作計画システムを使ったFetch and give task 

The remainder of the present paper is organized as follows.

After presenting related research in Section 2, 

we introduce the architecture and components of the ROS–TMS in Section 3.  

In Section 4, we describe the sensing system of the ROS–TMS for processing the data acquired from various sensors.
第四章では 様々なセンサから取得したデータを処理するための ROS TMS の判断システムについて説明する。

Section 5 describes the robot motion planning system of the ROS–TMS used to design the trajectories for moving, gasping, giving, and avoiding obstacles using the information on the environment acquired by the sensing system.
第五章では判断システムによって取得された環境情報を使用するオブジェクトの移動、 渡す、回避の軌道を設計するためのROS-TMSのロボットの動作計画システムについて説明する

We present the experimental results for service tasks performed by a humanoid robot and the ROS–TMS in Section 6.

Section 7 concludes the paper.

--- ここから chap2
# p14
A considerable number of studies have been performed in the area of informationally structured environments/spaces to provide human-centric intelligent services.
かなりの数の研究は ヒューマンセントリックなインテリジェンス・サービスを提供するために環境/空間 情報構造化 の範囲で行われている

Informationally structured environments are referred to variously as home automation systems, smart homes, ubiquitous robotics, kukanchi, and intelligent spaces, depending on the field of research and the professional experience of the researcher.
環境情報構造化は研究者の研究分野と専門的な経験に応じて、ホームオートメーションシステム、 スマートハウス、 ユビキタスロボット工学, 空間知、空間知能化、などの様々な呼び方をしている。

# p15
Home automation systems or smart homes are popular systems that centralize the control of lighting, heating, air conditioning, appliances, and doors, for example, to provide convenience, comfort, and energy savings [21–23].
ホームオートメーションシステムやスマートハウスは利便性、快適性、エネルギーの節約を提供するために 証明、暖房、空調、家電製品、ドアなどの制御に集中したポピュラーなシステム

The informationally structured environment can be categorized in this system, but the system is designed to support not only human life but also robot activity for service tasks.
環境情報構造化はこのシステムに分類することができるが、 このシステムは人間の生活のサポートだけではなく、サービスタスクのためのロボットの活動も設計している.

# p16
Hashimoto and Lee proposed an intelligent space in 1996 [24].

Intelligent spaces (iSpace) are rooms or areas that are equipped with intelligent devices, which enable spaces to perceive and understand what is occurring within them [24–27].

These intelligent devices have sensing, processing, and networking functions and are referred to as distributed intelligent networked devices (DINDs).

One DIND consists of a CCD camera to acquire spatial information and a processing computer, which performs data processing and network interfacing.
DIND は空間情報の取得するためのCCD camera、データ処理及びネットワーク接続を行うためのコンピュータ処理から成る

These devices observe the position and behavior of both human beings and robots coexisting in the iSpace.
これらのデバイスは Ispaceに共存する人間とロボットの両方の位置と構造を観察する

# p17
Moreover, the concept of a physically embedded intelligent system (PEIS) has been introduced in 2005 [28].
Physically Embedded intelligent system(PEIS)の概念は2005年に紹介された。

A PEIS involves the intersection and integration of three research areas: artificial intelligence, robotics, and ubiquitous computing.
PEIS は 人工知能、ロボット工学、ユビキタスコンピューティングの3つの研究分野の交差と一本化を伴う

Anything that consists of software components with a physical embodiment and interacts with the environment through sensors or actuators/robots is considered to be a PEIS, and a set of interconnected physically embedded intelligent systems is defined as a PEIS ecology.
物理的に具現化されたかつソフトウェアコンポーネントから成り立っているかつセンサーやアクチュエータ/ロボットを通して環境と相互作用するものはPEISであると考えられ、そして相互接続されたPEISはPEIS ecology として定義される

Tasks can be achieved using either centralized or distributed approaches using the PEIS ecology [29,30].
タスクはPEIS ecology を使用して、集中か分散のいずれかのアプローチで達成することができる

# p18
Ubiquitous robotics [31] involves the design and deployment of robots in smart network environments in which everything is interconnected.

define three types of Ubibots: software robots (Sobots), embedded robots (Embots), and mobile robots (Mobots), which can provide services using various devices through any network, at any place and at any time in a ubiquitous space (u-space).
Ubibots(Ubiquitous roboticsの略) に ソフトウェアロボット(Sobots), 埋め込みロボット(Embots), 移動ロボットの 3つのタイプを定義し、ユビキタススペースの任意の場所、任意の時間、任意のネットワークで様々な装置を利用してサービスを提供する。

# p19
Embots can evaluate the current state of the environment using sensors, and convey that information to users.
Embots はセンサーを使用している環境の現在の状態を評価し、ユーザーにその情報を伝える事ができる。

Mobots are designed to provide services and explicitly have the ability to manipulate u-space using robotic arms.
Mobots は サービス提供と明示的にロボットアームを用いてユビキタススペース(u-space)を操作する能力をもつ用に設計される

A Sobot is a virtual robot that has the ability to move to any location through a network and to communicate with humans.
Sobot は ネットワークと人間の通信を介して任意の場所に移動する仮想ロボットである

The present authors have previously demonstrated the concept of a PIES using Ubibots in a simulated environment and u-space [32,33].
この研究の筆者は、シミュレーションした環境とu-space での Ubibots を使用して PIES の概念を証明している

# p20
RoboEarth [34–36] is essentially a World Wide Web for robots, namely, a giant network and database repository in which robots can share information and learn from each other about their behavior and their environment.
RoboEarthというロボットのためのwwwがあり, すなわち、ロボットが行動とその環境について情報を共有、学習することができる巨大なネットワークとデータベースリポジトリ

The goal of RoboEarth is to allow robotic systems to benefit from the experience of other robots, paving the way for rapid advances in machine cognition and behavior, and ultimately, for more subtle and sophisticated human–machine interactions.
RoboEarth のゴールは他のロボットの経験から利益をえることが可能なロボットシステム

# p21
The informationally structured environment/space (also referred to as Kukanchi, a Japanese word meaning interactive human-space design and intelligence [37,38]) has received a great deal of attention in robotics research as an alternative approach to the realization of a system of intelligent robots operating in our daily environment.
環境/空間情報構造化(それに空間値は人間、空間の相互作用の構想と知能化を意味する日本語) は私達の日常の環境で動作する知能ロボットのシステムを実現するための別のアプローチとしてロボット研究で注目されている

Human-centered systems require, in particular, sophisticated physical and information services, which are based on sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, and intelligent artifacts.

Information resources and accessibility within an environment are essential for people and robots.

The environment surrounding people and robots should have a structured platform for gathering, storing, transforming, and providing information.

Such an environment is referred to as an informationally structured space
このような環境は空間情報構造化(informationally structured spaceのほうがいいか)と呼ばれている

# p22
In Section 5, we present a coordinate motion planning technique for a fetch-and-give including handing over an object to a person.
5章ではオブジェクトを人に受け渡すことを含む fetch-and-give の動作計画手法の調整を提示する

The problem of handing over an object between a human and a robot has been studied in Human–Robot Interaction (HRI) [40–43].

# p23
In particular, the work that is closest to ours is the one by Dehais et al.  [42].

In their study, physiological and subjective evaluation for a handing over task was presented.

The performance of hand-over tasks were evaluated according to three criteria: legibility, safety and physical comfort.

These criteria are represented as fields of cost functions mapped around the human to generate ergonomic hand-over motions.

Although their approach is similar to our approach, we consider the additional criteria, that is, the manipulability of both a robot and a human for a comfortable and safety fetch-and-give task.
彼らのアプローチは我々のアプローチと類似しているが, 我々は追加の基準として、快適と安全な fetch and give タスクのためにロボットと人間の両方の操作性を考慮している

# p24
The problem of pushing carts using robots has been reported in many studies so far [44–50].

The earlier studies in pushing a cart were reported using a single manipulator mounted on a mobile base [44,45].

# p25
The problem of towing a trailer has also been discussed as an application of a mobile manipulator and a cart [46].

This work is close to the approach in this paper, however, a pivot point using a cart is placed in front of the robot in our technique.

# p26
The work that is closest to ours is the one by Scholz et al.

They provided a solution for real time navigation in a cluttered indoor environment using 3D sensing [49].
彼らは3D センシングを使って、散らかった室内環境でリアルタイムナビゲーションの解決策を提唱した

# p27
Many previous works focus on the navigation and control problems for movable objects.

On the other hand, we consider the problem including handing over an object to a human using a wagon, and propose a total motion planning technique for a fetch-and-give task with a wagon.
コレに反して、我々は四輪者を用いた人へのオブジェクトの受け渡しなどの問題を考え、ワゴンでの fetch-and-give タスクの合計運動計画技術を提案する

--- ここから part3
# p28
In the present paper, we extend the TMS and develop a new Town Management System called the ROS–TMS.
本論文では, TMS を拡張したROS-TMSと呼ばれる新たなタウンマネジメントシステムを開発している

This system has three primary components, i.e., real-world, database, and cyber-world components.
このシステムは3つの重要なコンポーネント、 すなわち現実世界、データベース、コンピューターの世界のコンポーネントをもつ

# p29
Events occurring in the real world, such as user behavior or user requests, and the current situation of the real world, such as the positions of objects, humans, and robots are sensed by a distributed sensing system.
ユーザーの行動やユーザーの要求および、オブジェクト、人間、ロボットの位置のような現在の実世界の状態などの 実世界で発生したイベントは分散センシングシステムによって感知される

The gathered information is then stored in the database.

# p30
Appropriate service commands are planned using the environmental information in the database and are simulated carefully in the cyber world using simulators, such as choreonoid [51].

Finally, service tasks are assigned to service robots in the real world.

# p31
the following functions are implemented in the ROS–TMS.
上記の概念を実現するために、以下の機能が ROS-TMS で実装されている

1. Communication with sensors, robots, and databases.

2. Storage,revision,backup,and retrieval of real-time information in an environment.
環境のリアルタイム情報のストレージ、リビジョン、バックアップ, 検索

3. Maintenance and providing information according to individual IDs assigned to each object and robot.
各オブジェクトやロボットに割り当てられた個別のID に応じた情報の保守及び提供

4. Notification of the occurrence of particular predefined events, such as accidents.

5. Task schedule function for multiple robots and sensors.

6. Human–system interaction for user requests.

7. Real-time task planning for service robots.

# p32
The ROS-TMS has unique features such as high scalability and flexibility, as described below.
ROS-TMS は以下に説明するようなユニークな機能を備えている

・Modularity: The ROS–TMS consists of 73 packages categorized into 11 groups and 151 processing nodes. 
Modularity: ROS-TMS は 11グループと151の処理ノードに分類された73個のパッケージで構成される

Re-configuration of structures, for instance adding or removing modules such as sensors, actuators, and robots, is simple and straightforward owing to the high flexibility of the ROS architecture.
センサーやアクチュエーター、ロボットなどのモジュールのインスタンスを追加したり削除のために構造の再設定を行うことは ROS アーキテクチャの高い柔軟性により、シンプルで簡単でである

• Scalability: The ROS–TMS is designed to have high scalability so that it can handle not only a single room but also a building and a town.
Scalabilty:  ROS-TMS は 一つの部屋だけでなく、建物や街も処理できるように、高いスケーラビリティを持つように設計されている

• Diversity: The ROS–TMS supports a variety of sensors and robots.
Diversity(多様性): ROS-TMS は色々なセンサーやロボットをサポートする.

 For instance, Vicon MX (Vicon Motion Systems Ltd.), TopUrg (Hokuyo Automatic), Velodyne 32e (Velodyne Lidar), and Oculus Rift (Oculus VR) are installed in the developed informationally structured platform
例として ViconMX(Vicon Motion System Ltd.), TopUrg(Hokuyo Automatic), Velodyne 32e(Velodyne lidar), Oculus Rift(Oculus VR) は 開発された情報構造プラットフォームを搭載されてる

• Safety: Data gathered from the real world is used to perform simulations in the cyber world in order to evaluate the safety and efficiency of designed tasks.
Safety: 計画作業の安全性と効率を評価するコンピューターシミュレーションの実行のために使用されるデータを現実世界から収集。

# p33
• Privacy protection: One important restriction in our intelligent environment is to install a small number of sensors to avoid interfering with the daily activity of people and to reduce the invasion of their privacy as far as possible.
Privacy protection:  私達のインテリジェントな環境での一つの重要な制限は人々の日常生活の殿干渉を避ける、彼らのプライバシーの侵入を軽減するためにセンサーの設置を少なくする

For this reason, we do not install conventional cameras in the environment.

• Economy: Sensors installed in an environment can be shared with robots and tasks, and thus we do not need to equip individual robots with numerous sensors.
Economy: 環境に設置したセンサーはロボットやタスクと共有することができるため、私たちは数多くのセンサーを個々のロボットに装備する必要が無い

In addition, most sensors are processed by low-cost single-board computers in the proposed system.

This concept has an advantage especially for the system consisting of multiple robots since robots can share the resources in the environment.

# p34
Some features mentioned above such as modularity, scalability, and diversity owe much to ROS’s outstanding features.
Modularity, scalability, diversity など上記の一部の機能の多くは ROS の優れた機能のおかげ

On the other hand, economical or processing efficiency strongly depends on the unique features of ROS–TMS, since various information gathered by distributed sensor networks is structured and stored to the database and repeatedly utilized for planning various service tasks by robots or other systems.
一方、 分散センサーネットワークによって収集された様々な情報を繰り返し構造化し、データーベースに格納され、ロボットや他のシステムによる各種サービスタスクを計画するために利用されるため、 経済的、処理的効率はROS-TMS のユニークな機能に強く依存する

# p35
This system is composed of five components: user, sensor, robot, task, and data.
このシステムは user, sensor, robot, task, data の5つのコンポーネントで構成される

These components are also composed of sub-modules, such as the User Request sub-module for the user component, the Sensor Driver sub-module, the Sensing System and State Analyzer sub-modules for the sensor component, the Robot Controller, the Robot Motion Planning, and the Robot Service sub-modules for the robot component, the Task Scheduler sub-module for the task component, and the Database sub-module for the data component.
これらのコンポーネントはサブモジュールから構成されており、 User Request は user コンポーネントのサブモジュール、 Sensing Systen と State Analyzer は Sensor Driver のさぶもじ,以下略

---- ここから chap4
# p36

The sensing system (TMS_SS) is a component of the ROS–TMS that processes the data acquired from various environment sensors.
センシングシステム(TMS_SS)は様々な環境センサーから取得したデータを処理する ROS-TMS の構成要素

In the current platform (Fig. 1), TMS_SS is composed of three sub-packages as described below and is described in Table 1.
現在のプラットフォームにおいて、 Table1に記載されているように TMS_SS は 以下に記載された3つのサブパッケージで構成される

1. Floor sensing system (FSS)
2. Intelligent cabinet system (ICS)
3. Object detection system (ODS)

# p37
The current platform (Fig.  1) is equipped with a floor sensing system to detect objects on the floor and people walking around.
現在のプラットフォームでは床上のオブジェクトや、回りに歩いてる人を検出するために床面センシングシステム を装備している

This sensing systems is composed of a laser range finder located on one side of the room and a mirror installed along another side of the room.

This configuration allows a reduction of dead angles of the LRF and is more robust against occlusions [52].
この構成は LRF の死角の減少を可能にし、 閉鎖に対してより強力

# p38
People tracking is performed by first applying static background subtraction and then extracting clusters in the remainder of the measurements.

this system can measure the poses of the robot and movable furniture such as a wagon using tags, which have encoded reflection patterns optically identified by the LRF [53].

# p39
The cabinets installed in the room are equipped with RFID readers and load cells to detect the types and positions of the objects in the cabinet.

Every object in the environment has an RFID tag containing a unique ID that identifies it.
環境内の全てのオブジェクトはそれを識別する一意のIDを入れている RFID タグを持っている

This ID is used to retrieve the attributes of the object, such as its name and location in the database.
この ID は、データベース内の名前と場所のようなオブジェクトの属性を取得するために使用する

# p40
Using the RFID readers, we can detect the presence of a new object inside the cabinet.
RFIDリーダーを使用して, キャビネット内の新しいオブジェクトの存在を検出することができる

the load cell information allows us to determine its exact position inside the cabinet.
また、 ロードセルの情報はキャビネット内部の正確な位置を決定することを可能にする

# p41
available for detecting objects such as those placed on a desk, the object detection system using a RGB-D camera on a robot is provided in this platform as shown in Fig.  8.
机の上に置かれたものなどのオブジェクトを検出する場合、Object detection system に示すようにこのプラットフォームで提供されたロボットのRGB-D カメラを使用する

In this system, a newly appeared object or movement of an object is detected as a change in the environment.

# p42
The steps of the change detection process are as follows.

1. Identification of furniture

2. Alignment of the furniture model

3. Object extraction by furniture removal 

4. Segmentation of objects

5. Comparison with the stored information

# p43
It is possible to identify furniture based on the position and posture of robots and furniture in the database.

Using this information, robot cameras determine the range of the surrounding environment that is actually being measured.

the system superimposes these results and the position information for furniture to create an updated furniture location model.
その後、システムは更新された家具の位置モデルを作成するために、この結果と 家具の位置情報を重ねる

# p44
The point cloud (Fig. 9a) acquired from the robot is superimposed with the furniture’s point cloud model (Fig. 9b). 
ロボットが取得した点群(ポイントクラウド)(Fig. 9a) に 家具の点群モデル(Fig. 9b)を重ねあわせる

After merging the point cloud data (Fig. 9a) and the point cloud model (Fig. 9b), as shown in Fig. 9c, the system deletes all other points except for the point cloud model for the furniture and limits the processing range from the upcoming steps.
Fig9 に示すように、点群データと点群モデルをマージした後、システムは処理範囲以外の家具の点群モデル除く全ての点を削除し、今後のステップから制限する

# p45
We scan twice for gathering point cloud datasets of previous and current scene.
私達は前と現在の場面の点群データセットの収集のため 2回 スキャンを行う

In order to detect the change in the newly acquired information and stored information, it is necessary to align two point cloud datasets obtained at different times because these data are measured from different camera viewpoints.

# p46
In this method, we do not try to directly align the point cloud data, but rather to align the data using the point cloud model for the furniture.
この方法では 直接点群データを並べようとはせず、むしろ家具の点群モデルを使用してデータを並べる

The reason for this is that we could not determine a sufficient number of common areas by simply combining the camera viewpoints from the two point cloud datasets and can also reduce the amount of information that must be stored in memory.
この理由は 単純に2つの点群データセットとカメラ視点の組み合わせでは、通常の領域の十分な数を決定することが出来ず、更にメモリに記憶されなければならない情報の量を減らせる

Using the aligned point cloud model, it is possible to use the point cloud data for objects located on the furniture, without having to use the point cloud data for furniture from the stored data.

The alignment of the furniture model is performed using the ICP algorithm.
家具モデルのアライメントはICP アルゴリズムを用いて行われる

# p47
After alignment, all points corresponding to furniture are removed to extract an object.
アライメント後、 家具に対応するすべての点はオブジェクトを抽出するために削除される

the system removes furniture according to segmentation using color information and three-dimensional positions.

More precisely, the point cloud is converted to a RGB color space and then segmented using a region-growing method.

# p48
Each of the resulting segments is segmented based on the XYZ space.
得られたセグメントそれぞれは XYZ 空間に基づいてセグメント化される

The system then selects only those segments that overlap with the model and then removes these segments.

Fig.10 shows the results of bed removal after blankets have been changed.

# p49
After performing the until now processing, only the points associated with objects placed on furniture remain.
今まで処理を行った後、 家具の上に配置されたオブジェクトに関連付けされている点のみが残る

These points are further segmented based on XYZ space.

The resulting segments are stored in the database.

# p50
Finally, the system associates each segment from the previously stored information with the newly acquired information.

 As a result, the system finds the unmatched segments and captures the movement of objects that has occurred since the latest data acquisition.
その結果、 システムはマッチしないセグメントを検索し、最新のデータ収集以降に発生したオブジェクトの動きを読み込む

 the segments that did not match between the previous dataset and the newly acquired dataset, reflect objects that were moved, assuming that the objects were included in the previously stored dataset.
セグメントが以前のデータセットと新たに取得したデータセットの間で一致しない場合、 オブジェクトが以前に格納されたデータセットに含まれていたとすると、移動したオブジェクトを反映する(つまりオブジェクトが移動した)

segments that appear in the most recent dataset, but not in the previously stored dataset, reflect objects that were recently placed on the furniture.

# p51
The set of segments that are included in the association process are determined according to the center position of segments.
関連付け処理に含まれるセグメントの集合は セグメントの中心位置に応じて決定される

For the segments sets from the previous dataset and the newly acquired dataset, the association is performed based on a threshold distance between their center positions, considering the shape and color of the segments as the arguments for the association.
以前のデータセットと新たに取得したデータセットのセグメントセットの場合、 中央位置との距離を閾値にして関連の引数としてセグメントの形状と色を考慮する

# p52
We use an elevation map (Fig.11b) that describes the height of furniture above the reference surface level to represent the shape of the object.

The reference surface level of furniture is, more concretely, the top surface of a table or shelf, the seat of a chair

The elevation map is a grid version of the reference surface level and is a representation of the vertical height of each point with respect to the reference surface level on each grid.

- 図の説明

# p53
Then, comparison is performed on the elevation map for each segment, taking into consideration the variations in size, the different values obtained from each grid, and the average value for the entire map.
そして、エレベーションマップで行ったセグメント同士の比較は、 変化したサイズを考慮して異なる値が各グリッド、およびマップ全体の平均値から取得される

The color information used to analyze the correlation between segments is the hue (H) and saturation (S).

Using these H–S histograms, the previous data and the newly acquired data are compared, allowing the system to determine whether it is dealing with the same objects.
これらのH-Sヒストグラムを使用して、 以前のデータと新たに取得したデータは同じオブジェクトを扱っているかどうかを判断できる用に比較される

# p54
The Bhattacharyya distance BC(p, q) within H-S histograms(p,q) is used for determining the similarity between histograms and is calculated according to Eq. (1)
バタチャリア距離 BC(p,q) は H-S ヒストグラム内の (p,q) は式1によるとヒストグラム間の類似性を決定するために使用される

Once distance values are calculated, the object can be assumed to be the same as for the case in which the degree of similarity is equal to or greater than the threshold value.

# p55
According to the scenarios for the two tables shown in Fig. 12a and b, the objects placed on top of the tables becomes segmented, and the correlation between these segments is calculated using only H–S histograms.
Fig.12a, bに示す2つのテーブルの状況によると、テーブルの上に置かれたオブジェクトはセグメントになり、これらのセグメント間の相関は H-Sヒストグラムを用いて検査される

Fig.12c shows the Bhattacharyya distance of the H–S histograms according to the overall combination of the previously stored dataset and the newly acquired dataset.
Fig.12cは以前に格納されたデータセットと新たに取得したデータセットの全体の組合せと、 H-Sヒストグラムのバタチャリア距離を示している

If the distance is the highest for both sectors and is equal to or greater than the threshold, the system determines it to be the same object.

The distances shown in bold represent the values for which it is regarded as the same object.