diff src/defs.h @ 0:83c23a36980d

author Tatsuki IHA <e125716@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Fri, 26 May 2017 23:11:05 +0900
children 1a64b5645cdd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/defs.h	Fri May 26 23:11:05 2017 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// a definition of data structure/methods
+#define UMAX(a, b) ((uint)(a) > (uint)(b) ? (uint)(a):(uint)(b))
+#define UMIN(a, b) ((uint)(a) > (uint)(b) ? (uint)(b):(uint)(a))
+// number of elements in fixed-size array
+#define NELEM(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+struct buf;
+struct context;
+struct file;
+struct inode;
+struct pipe;
+struct proc;
+struct spinlock;
+struct stat;
+struct superblock;
+struct trapframe;
+typedef uint32	pte_t;
+typedef uint32  pde_t;
+extern  uint32  _kernel_pgtbl;
+typedef void (*ISR) (struct trapframe *tf, int n);
+// arm.c
+void            set_stk(uint mode, uint addr);
+void            cli (void);
+void            sti (void);
+uint            spsr_usr();
+int             int_enabled();
+void            pushcli(void);
+void            popcli(void);
+void            getcallerpcs(void *, uint*);
+void*           get_fp (void);
+void            show_callstk (char *);
+// bio.c
+void            binit(void);
+struct buf*     bread(uint, uint);
+void            brelse(struct buf*);
+void            bwrite(struct buf*);
+// buddy.c
+void            kmem_init (void);
+void            kmem_init2(void *vstart, void *vend);
+void*           kmalloc (int order);
+void            kfree (void *mem, int order);
+void            free_page(void *v);
+void*           alloc_page (void);
+void            kmem_test_b (void);
+int             get_order (uint32 v);
+// console.c
+void            consoleinit(void);
+void            cprintf(char*, ...);
+void            consoleintr(int(*)(void));
+void            panic(char*) __attribute__((noreturn));
+// exec.c
+int             exec(char*, char**);
+// file.c
+struct file*    filealloc(void);
+void            fileclose(struct file*);
+struct file*    filedup(struct file*);
+void            fileinit(void);
+int             fileread(struct file*, char*, int n);
+int             filestat(struct file*, struct stat*);
+int             filewrite(struct file*, char*, int n);
+// fs.c
+void            readsb(int dev, struct superblock *sb);
+int             dirlink(struct inode*, char*, uint);
+struct inode*   dirlookup(struct inode*, char*, uint*);
+struct inode*   ialloc(uint, short);
+struct inode*   idup(struct inode*);
+void            iinit(void);
+void            ilock(struct inode*);
+void            iput(struct inode*);
+void            iunlock(struct inode*);
+void            iunlockput(struct inode*);
+void            iupdate(struct inode*);
+int             namecmp(const char*, const char*);
+struct inode*   namei(char*);
+struct inode*   nameiparent(char*, char*);
+int             readi(struct inode*, char*, uint, uint);
+void            stati(struct inode*, struct stat*);
+int             writei(struct inode*, char*, uint, uint);
+// ide.c
+void            ideinit(void);
+void            iderw(struct buf*);
+// kalloc.c
+/*char*           kalloc(void);
+void            kfree(char*);
+void            kinit1(void*, void*);
+void            kinit2(void*, void*);
+void            kmem_init (void);*/
+// log.c
+void            initlog(void);
+void            log_write(struct buf*);
+void            begin_trans();
+void            commit_trans();
+// picirq.c
+void            pic_enable(int, ISR);
+void            pic_init(void*);
+void            pic_dispatch (struct trapframe *tp);
+// pipe.c
+int             pipealloc(struct file**, struct file**);
+void            pipeclose(struct pipe*, int);
+int             piperead(struct pipe*, char*, int);
+int             pipewrite(struct pipe*, char*, int);
+// proc.c
+struct proc*    copyproc(struct proc*);
+void            exit(void);
+int             fork(void);
+int             growproc(int);
+int             kill(int);
+void            pinit(void);
+void            procdump(void);
+void            scheduler(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
+void            sched(void);
+void            sleep(void*, struct spinlock*);
+void            userinit(void);
+int             wait(void);
+void            wakeup(void*);
+void            yield(void);
+// swtch.S
+void            swtch(struct context**, struct context*);
+// spinlock.c
+void            acquire(struct spinlock*);
+int             holding(struct spinlock*);
+void            initlock(struct spinlock*, char*);
+void            release(struct spinlock*);
+// string.c
+int             memcmp(const void*, const void*, uint);
+void*           memmove(void*, const void*, uint);
+void*           memset(void*, int, uint);
+char*           safestrcpy(char*, const char*, int);
+int             strlen(const char*);
+int             strncmp(const char*, const char*, uint);
+char*           strncpy(char*, const char*, int);
+// syscall.c
+int             argint(int, int*);
+int             argptr(int, char**, int);
+int             argstr(int, char**);
+int             fetchint(uint, int*);
+int             fetchstr(uint, char**);
+void            syscall(void);
+// timer.c
+void            timer_init(int hz);
+extern struct   spinlock tickslock;
+// trap.c
+extern uint     ticks;
+void            trap_init(void);
+void            dump_trapframe (struct trapframe *tf);
+// trap_asm.S
+void            trap_reset(void);
+void            trap_und(void);
+void            trap_swi(void);
+void            trap_iabort(void);
+void            trap_dabort(void);
+void            trap_na(void);
+void            trap_irq(void);
+void            trap_fiq(void);
+// uart.c
+void            uart_init(void*);
+void            uartputc(int);
+int             uartgetc(void);
+void            micro_delay(int us);
+void            uart_enable_rx();
+// vm.c
+int             allocuvm(pde_t*, uint, uint);
+int             deallocuvm(pde_t*, uint, uint);
+void            freevm(pde_t*);
+void            inituvm(pde_t*, char*, uint);
+int             loaduvm(pde_t*, char*, struct inode*, uint, uint);
+pde_t*          copyuvm(pde_t*, uint);
+void            switchuvm(struct proc*);
+int             copyout(pde_t*, uint, void*, uint);
+void            clearpteu(pde_t *pgdir, char *uva);
+void*           kpt_alloc(void);
+void            init_vmm (void);
+void            kpt_freerange (uint32 low, uint32 hi);
+void            paging_init (uint phy_low, uint phy_hi);