view .emacs.d/haskell-mode/ @ 0:2764b4f45f9f

1st commit
author Shohei KOKUBO <>
date Mon, 21 Apr 2014 04:30:59 +0900
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line source

Haskell Mode for Emacs

[![Build Status](](

This is the Haskell mode package for Emacs.  Its use should be mostly
self-explanatory if you're accustomed to Emacs.

When Emacs is started up, it normally loads the
[Emacs initialization file](
usually called `~/.emacs`, `~/.emacs.el`, or `~/.emacs.d/init.el`;
with `~` standing for for your home directory.  This file should
contain all of your personal customisations written as a series of
Emacs Lisp commands.  In the following sections, this file will simply
be referred to as the `.emacs` file.


GNU Emacs version 23 or later is officially supported.  It may work
with other Emacsen, but we don't have the resources to support other

There are many ways to install `haskell-mode`. The following sections
describe the most common ones; pick the one that you're most
comfortable with.

### `package.el`-based Installation

*This is the recommended way*

`package.el` is the new
[built-in package manager](
included in Emacs 24.x. On Emacs 23.x you will need to download
[`package.el`]( yourself and place `package.el`
somewhere in your

#### Marmalade

**Stable releases** of `haskell-mode` are available on

If you're not already using Marmalade, add the following snippet to
your `.emacs` and evaluate it with `M-x eval-buffer`:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("marmalade" . ""))

Refresh the package index by `M-x package-refresh-contents` and install
`haskell-mode` via `M-x package-install [RET] haskell-mode`.

Alternatively, you can also download the `.tar` file via the
_Download_ link at and
install the package `.tar`-file via `M-x package-install-file`

#### MELPA

**Unstable snapshots** can be installed via the
[MELPA]( community maintained repository.

For MELPA the code you need to add is:

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa" . "") t)

Refresh the package index by `M-x package-refresh-contents` and install
`haskell-mode` via `M-x package-install [RET] haskell-mode`.

### el-get based Installation

[el-get]( is another popular package manager for Emacs.
If you're an el-get user just do `M-x el-get-install` to get `haskell-mode` installed.

### Emacs Prelude

`haskell-mode` is bundled with
[Emacs Prelude]( If you're a
Prelude user you can start using it right away.

### Debian

If you are using Debian, you can install an older version (e.g. Wheezy
ships with version 2.8.0) of `haskell-mode` with a command like:

$ apt-get install haskell-mode

### Installation from Git

*This installation method requires more work and recommended for haskell-mode developers/contributors only as it allows to load haskell-mode directly from the checked out Git working copy. If you just want to use bleeding edge versions of haskell-mode please use the MELPA installation method described above.*

-   `git clone` into a
    suitable directory, e.g. `~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/` where `~`
    stands for your home directory.

-   Assuming you have unpacked the various haskell-mode modules
    (`haskell-mode.el` and the rest) in the directory
    `~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/`, you need generate the autoloads file
    (`haskell-mode-autoloads.el`) by either

    - Invoking `make haskell-mode-autoloads.el`, or `make all` (use
      this to perform byte-compilation and Info manual generation)
    - From inside Emacs, `M-x update-directory-autoloads` and answering the question for
      the folder with `~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/` and the question for the output-file with
    and then adding the following command to your `.emacs`:
    (add-to-list 'load-path "~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/")
    (require 'haskell-mode-autoloads)
    (add-to-list 'Info-default-directory-list "~/lib/emacs/haskell-mode/")

-   After updating your haskell-mode working directory, you need to
    re-run `make all` or `M-x update-directory-autoloads`.

Basic Configuration

For setup instructions, please consult the new integrated haskell-mode
manual which can be accessed after installation via
`M-x info-display-manual [RET] haskell-mode`.
Alternatively, you can also direct your browser to the
[latest online HTML version](


- [Mailing list](
- [Github homepage](


For submitting pull requests, please see the wiki
[page on contributing]( You
don't have to follow this guide, but please make sure your pull
requests are at least properly rebased and up to date.