;; Sample file for the new session/process stuff ;; Based on my own configuration. Well, it IS my configuration. ;; ;; NOTE: If you don't have cabal-dev, or you don't want to use it, you ;; should change haskell-process-type (see below) to 'ghci. ;; ;; To merely TRY this mode (and for debugging), do the below: ;; ;; cd into haskell-mode's directory, and run ;; $ emacs --load examples/init.el ;; ;; To get started, open a .hs file in one of your projects, and hit… ;; ;; 1. F5 to load the current file (and start a repl session), or ;; 2. C-` to just start a REPL associated with this project, or ;; 3. C-c C-c to build the cabal project (and start a repl session). ;; Add the current dir for loading haskell-site-file. (add-to-list 'load-path ".") ;; Always load via this. If you contribute you should run `make all` ;; to regenerate this. (load "haskell-mode-autoloads") ;; Customization (custom-set-variables ;; Use cabal-dev for the GHCi session. Ensures our dependencies are in scope. ;;'(haskell-process-type 'cabal-dev) ;; Use notify.el (if you have it installed) at the end of running ;; Cabal commands or generally things worth notifying. '(haskell-notify-p t) ;; To enable tags generation on save. '(haskell-tags-on-save t) ;; To enable stylish on save. '(haskell-stylish-on-save t)) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'haskell-hook) (add-hook 'haskell-cabal-mode-hook 'haskell-cabal-hook) ;; Haskell main editing mode key bindings. (defun haskell-hook () ;; Use simple indentation. (turn-on-haskell-simple-indent) (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "") 'haskell-simple-indent-newline-same-col) (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-") 'haskell-simple-indent-newline-indent) ;; Load the current file (and make a session if not already made). (define-key haskell-mode-map [?\C-c ?\C-l] 'haskell-process-load-file) (define-key haskell-mode-map [f5] 'haskell-process-load-file) ;; Switch to the REPL. (define-key haskell-mode-map [?\C-c ?\C-z] 'haskell-interactive-switch) ;; “Bring” the REPL, hiding all other windows apart from the source ;; and the REPL. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-`") 'haskell-interactive-bring) ;; Build the Cabal project. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'haskell-process-cabal-build) ;; Interactively choose the Cabal command to run. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c c") 'haskell-process-cabal) ;; Get the type and info of the symbol at point, print it in the ;; message buffer. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-t") 'haskell-process-do-type) (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-i") 'haskell-process-do-info) ;; Contextually do clever things on the space key, in particular: ;; 1. Complete imports, letting you choose the module name. ;; 2. Show the type of the symbol after the space. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "SPC") 'haskell-mode-contextual-space) ;; Jump to the imports. Keep tapping to jump between import ;; groups. C-u f8 to jump back again. (define-key haskell-mode-map [f8] 'haskell-navigate-imports) ;; Jump to the definition of the current symbol. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'haskell-mode-tag-find) ;; Indent the below lines on columns after the current column. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-") (lambda () (interactive) (haskell-move-nested 1))) ;; Same as above but backwards. (define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-") (lambda () (interactive) (haskell-move-nested -1)))) ;; Useful to have these keybindings for .cabal files, too. (defun haskell-cabal-hook () (define-key haskell-cabal-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'haskell-process-cabal-build) (define-key haskell-cabal-mode-map (kbd "C-c c") 'haskell-process-cabal) (define-key haskell-cabal-mode-map (kbd "C-`") 'haskell-interactive-bring) (define-key haskell-cabal-mode-map [?\C-c ?\C-z] 'haskell-interactive-switch))