# Shnippet **Shnippet** is a collection of [YASnippet][yas] [Haskell][haskell] snippets for Emacs. ## Installation Clone repository: $ cd ~/.emacs.d/snippets $ git clone https://github.com/LukeHoersten/shnippet OR $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/LukeHoersten/shnippet Add the cloned repository to YASnippet's `yas-snippet-dirs`: (setq yas-snippet-dirs '("~/.emacs.d/snippets/shnippet" "/other/paths/" )) Snippets may have to be recompiled and reloaded in Emacs if YASnippet is already in use: M-x yas-recompile-all M-x yas-reload-all Haskell snippts should now be available to use! In a `haskell-mode` buffer, type `fn`. A prompt should appear asking which `fn` snippet to expand. I **highly** recommend using YASnippet with [ido-mode]. Configure Emacs: (setq-default yas-prompt-functions '(yas-ido-prompt yas-dropdown-prompt)) This is important so that alternatives (like `import` vs. `import qualified`) can quickly be selected with a single key stroke. ## Available Expansion Keys * `new` - newtype * `mod` - module [simple, exports] * `main ` - main module and funtion * `let` - let bindings * `lang` - language extension pragmas * `\` - lambda function * `inst` - instance declairation * `imp` - import modules [simple, qualified] * `if` - if conditional [inline, block] * `<-` - monadic get * `fn` - top level function [simple, guarded, clauses] * `data` - data type definition [inline, record] * `=>` - type constraint * `{-` - block comment * `case` - case statement ## Design Ideals * Keep snippet keys (the prefix used to auto-complete) to four characters or less while still being as easy to guess as possible. * Have as few keys as possible. The more keys there are to remember, the harder snippets are to use and learn. * Leverage [ido-mode][] when reasonable. For instance, to keep the number of snippet keys to a minimum as well as auto complete things like [Haskell Langauge Extension Pragmas][lang-pragma]. When multiple snippets share a key (ex: `fn`), the `ido-mode` prompts are unique to one character (ex: `guarded function` and `simple function` are `g` and `s` respectively). ## Authors This code is written and maintained by Luke Hoersten, . [yas]: https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet [ido-mode]: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InteractivelyDoThings [lang-pragma]: http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/Cabal/ [haskell]: http://haskell.org/