Constructing ZF Set Theory in Agda ============ Shinji KONO (, University of the Ryukyus ## ZF in Agda [zfc]( axiom of choice [NSet]( Naive Set Theory [Ordinals]( axiom of Ordinals [OD]( a model of ZF based on Ordinal Definable Set with assumptions [ODC]( Law of exclude middle from axiom of choice assumptions [LEMC]( choice with assumption of the Law of exclude middle [BAlgebra]( Boolean algebra on OD (not yet done) [zorn]( Zorn lemma [Topology]( Topology [Tychonoff]( [VL]( V and L [cardinal]( Cardinals [filter]( Filter [generic-filter]( Generic Filter [maximum-filter]( Maximum filter by Zorn lemma [ordinal]( countable model of Ordinals [OPair]( Orderd Pair and Direct Product [bijection]( Bijection without HOD ``` ## Ordinal Definable Set It is a predicate has an Ordinal argument. In Agda, OD is defined as follows. ``` record OD : Set (suc n ) where field def : (x : Ordinal ) → Set n ``` This is not a ZF Set, because it can contain entire Ordinals. ## HOD : Hereditarily Ordinal Definable What we need is a bounded OD, the containment is limited by an ordinal. ``` record HOD : Set (suc n) where field od : OD odmax : Ordinal