view doc/devel/mji/ @ 0:61d41facf527

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author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:14:01 -0800
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# Mangling for MJI #
## Mangling Methods ##
Suppose your method looks like 

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
T1 foo(T2 x, T3 y, ...)

where the `Ti` are Java types.

If `T1` is a primitive type or `void`, then the mangled MJI method looks

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
public static T1 foo__MT2MT3...__MT1(...)

where the `MTi` are the mangled versions of the `Ti`.  
Mangling of types is described in the Mangling Types section below. 
Note that `T1` appears twice, once not mangled (`T1`) and once mangled
(`MT1`).  The `__` is two consecutive underscores: `_` followed by

As a not-so-special case, if `foo` has no arguments, then the mangled method
will have four consecutive underscores:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  `T1 foo()`[[br]]

goes to

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  `public static T1 foo____MT1(...)`

If `T1` is not a primitive type, then the mangled `MJI` method looks like 

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  `public static int foo__MT2MT3...__MT1`

where the `MTi` are as above.  Note that `T1` only appears once in this
case.  The method's return type is `int`.  As before, a method with no
arguments gets mangled to something with four consecutive underscores.

Also, the use of generics is ignored when mangling names.

## Mangling Constructors ##
Constructors are treated as methods named `$init` with return type `void`.

## Mangling Static Initializers ##
Static initializers are treated as methods named `$clinit` with no
arguments and return type `void`.  Thus, their MJI versions always
have the mangled signature:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
public static void $clinit____V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef)

or the equivalent unmangled signature:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
public static void $clinit (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef)

## Mangling Types ##
  - Convert primitives and `void` as follows

    |Java Type|Mangled Type|
    | ------- |:---:|
    |`byte`   |`B`|
    |`char`   |`C`|
    |`short`  |`S`|
    |`int`    |`I`|
    |`long`   |`J`|
    |`float`  |`F`|
    |`double` |`D`|
    |`void`   |`V`|

  - Convert a non-array reference type `T` in package `x.y`
    (e.g. `java.lang.String`) as follows
    - `x.y.T`   --> `Lx_y_T_2`
    - Example: `java.lang.String` --> `Ljava_lang_String_2`

  - Convert an array of primitive type `T`
    (e.g. `byte[]`) as follows:
    - `T[]` --> `_3MT`  where `MT` is the mangled version of `T`
      (e.g. for `T=byte`, `MT=B`)
    - Example: `byte[]` --> `_3B`

  - Convert an array of reference type `T` in package `x.y`
    (e.g. `java.lang.String[]`) as follows:
    - `x.y.T[]` --> `_3Lx_y_T_2`
    - Example: `java.lang.String[]` --> `_3Ljava_lang_String_2`

## Method Examples ##

 `void` return type, single primitive argument:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public static void resetCounter(int id)
  public static final void resetCounter__I__V(MJIEnv env, int objref, int id)

 Primitive return type, no arguments:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public native boolean isArray()
  public static boolean isArray____Z(MJIEnv env, int objref)

 Primitive return type, single primitive argument:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public static double abs(double a)
  public static double abs__D__D(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, double a)

 Primitive return type, two primitive arguments:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public static long min(long a, long b)
  public static long min__JJ__J(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, long a, long b)

 `void` return type, arguments include an array of a primitive type:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public native void write (byte[] buf, int off, int len);
  public static void write___3BII__V(MJIEnv env, int objref,
                                     int bufRef, int off, int len)

 `void` return type, argument is an array of a reference type: 

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
   public static void print(String s)
  public static void print___3Ljava_lang_String_2__V(MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int argsRef)

 Array of reference types returned, no arguments: 
~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public native Annotation[] getAnnotations()
  public static int getAnnotations_____3Ljava_lang_annotation_Annotation_2(MJIEnv env, int robj)
   Notice there are 5 underscores before the `3L`: two marking the
   arguments, two marking the return type, and one from the `_3`
   signalling an array.

 Array of reference types using generics returned, no arguments:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public native Class<?>[] getParameterTypes()
  public static int getParameterTypes_____3Ljava_lang_Class_2(MJIEnv env, int objref)
Note: the use of generics is ignored in the mangling.

## Constructor Examples ##

Constructors are treated as though they were methods named `$init`
returning `void`, so the method examples above should also be helpful
for constructors.  Here are a few more examples.

In the class `ConsoleOutputStream`:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  public ConsoleOutputStream()
  public static void $init____V(MJIEnv env, int objref)

In the class `AtomicLongFieldUpdater`:

~~~~~~~~ {.java}
  protected AtomicLongFieldUpdater(Class<T> objClass, String fieldName)
  public static void $init__Ljava_lang_Class_2Ljava_lang_String_2__V
                         (MJIEnv env, int objRef,
                          int tClsObjRef, int fNameRef)