view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/util/ @ 0:61d41facf527

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author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:14:01 -0800
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 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.util;

import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * A generic sparse reference array that assumes clusters, and more
 * frequent intra-cluster access.
 * This is motivated by looking for a more suitable ADT to model a heap address
 * space, where reference values consist of segment/offset pairs, we have
 * reasonably dense and very dynamic population inside of well separated segment
 * clusters, and intra-cluster access is more likely than inter-cluster access.
 * An especially important feature is to be able to iterate efficiently over
 * set/unset elements in index intervals (cluster sizes).
 * The result should find a compromise between the fast element access & iteration
 * of a simple, dense array, and the efficient memory storage of a HashMap
 * (if only it could avoid box objects).
 * <2do> so far, we are totally ignorant of population constraints
public class SparseClusterArray <E> implements Iterable<E> {

  public static final int CHUNK_BITS = 8;
  public static final int CHUNK_SIZE = 256;
  public static final int N_ELEM = 1 << CHUNK_BITS;     // 8 bits chunk index -> 24 bits segment key (3x8bits / 256 segs)
  protected static final int ELEM_MASK = 0xff;
  protected static final int BM_ENTRIES = N_ELEM / 64;     // number of bitmap long entries
  protected static final int MAX_BM_INDEX = BM_ENTRIES-1;

  // 8 bits per segment -> 256 children
  public static final int SEG_BITS = 8;
  public static final int N_SEG = 1 << SEG_BITS;
  protected static final int SEG_MASK = 0xff;
  public static final int S1 = 32-SEG_BITS; // L1 shift
  public static final int S2 = S1-SEG_BITS; // L2 shift
  public static final int S3 = S2-SEG_BITS; // L3 shift
  protected static final int CHUNK_BASEMASK = ~SEG_MASK;

  public static final int MAX_CLUSTERS = CHUNK_SIZE;      // max int with CHUNK_BITS bits (8)
  public static final int MAX_CLUSTER_ENTRIES = 0xffffff; // max int with 32-CHUNK_BITS bits (24) = 16,777,215 elements

  protected Root root;
  protected Chunk lastChunk;
  protected Chunk head;   // linked list for traversal
  protected int   nSet; // number of set elements;

  protected boolean trackChanges = false;
  protected Entry changes; // on demand change (LIFO) queue

  //------------------------------------ public types
  public static class Snapshot<T,E> {
    Object[] values;
    int[] indices;

    public Snapshot (int size){
      values = new Object[size];
      indices = new int[size];

    public int size() {
      return indices.length;
    public T getValue(int i){
      return (T) values[i];
    public int getIndex(int i){
      return indices[i];

  public static class Entry<E> {  // queued element
    int index;
    E value;

    Entry<E> next;

    Entry (int index, E value){
      this.index = index;
      this.value = value;

  //------------------------------------ internal types

  //--- how we keep our data - index based trie
  protected static class Root {
    public Node[] seg = new Node[N_SEG];

   * this corresponds to a toplevel cluster (e.g. thread heap)
  protected static class Node  {
    public ChunkNode[] seg = new ChunkNode[N_SEG];
    //int minNextFree; // where to start looking for free elements, also used to determine if Node is full

  protected static class ChunkNode  {
    public Chunk[] seg  = new Chunk[N_SEG];
    //int minNextFree; // where to start looking for free elements, also used to determine if ChunkNode is full

  protected static class Chunk implements Cloneable { // with some extra info to optimize in-chunk access
    public int base, top;
    public Chunk next;
    public Object[] elements;  // it's actually E[], but of course we can't create arrays of a generic type
    public long[] bitmap;

    //int minNextFree; // where to start looking for free elements, also used to determine if Chunk is full

    protected Chunk() {}

    protected Chunk(int base){
      this.base = base; = base + N_ELEM;

      elements = new Object[N_ELEM];
      bitmap = new long[BM_ENTRIES];

	public String toString() {
      return "Chunk [base=" + base + ",top=" + top + ']';

    public <E> Chunk deepCopy( Cloner<E> cloner) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
      Chunk nc = (Chunk) super.clone();

      E[] elem = (E[])elements;   // bad, but we have to cope with type erasure
      Object[] e = new Object[N_ELEM];

      for (int i=nextSetBit(0); i>=0; i=nextSetBit(i+1)) {
        e[i] = cloner.clone(elem[i]);

      nc.elements = e;
      nc.bitmap = bitmap.clone();

      return nc;

    protected int nextSetBit (int iStart) {
      if (iStart < CHUNK_SIZE){
        long[] bm = bitmap;
        int j = (iStart >> 6); // bm word : iStart/64
        long l = bm[j] & (0xffffffffffffffffL << iStart);

        while (true) {
          if (l != 0) {
            return Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(l) + (j << 6);
          } else {
            if (++j < BM_ENTRIES) {
              l = bm[j];
            } else {
              return -1;
      } else {
        return -1;

    protected int nextClearBit (int iStart) {
      if (iStart < CHUNK_SIZE){
        long[] bm = bitmap;
        int j = (iStart >> 6); // bm word : iStart/64
        long l = ~bm[j] & (0xffffffffffffffffL << iStart);

        while (true) {
          if (l != 0) {
            return Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(l) + (j << 6);
          } else {
            if (++j < BM_ENTRIES) {
              l = ~bm[j];
            } else {
              return -1;
      } else {
        return -1;

    public boolean isEmpty() {
      long[] bm = bitmap;

      for (int i=0; i<BM_ENTRIES; i++){
        if (bm[i] != 0) return false;

      return true;

  //--- iteration over set elements

  protected class ElementIterator<T>  implements Iterator<T>, Iterable<T> {
    int idx;    // next chunk index
    Chunk cur;  // next chunk

    public ElementIterator () {
      for (Chunk c = head; c != null; c ={
        int i = c.nextSetBit(0);
        if (i>=0){
          cur = c;
          idx = i;

	public boolean hasNext() {
      return (cur != null);

    public T next() {
      Chunk c = cur;
      int i = idx;

      if (i < 0 || c == null){
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

      Object ret = c.elements[i];
      cur = null;

      while (c!=null){
        i = c.nextSetBit(i+1);
        if (i>= 0){
          idx = i;
          cur = c;

          if (ret == null){
            // try to recover from a concurrent modification, maybe there is one left
            ret = c.elements[i];
          } else {
        } else {
          i = -1;
        c =;

      if (ret == null){
        // somebody pulled the rug under our feet
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
      return (T)ret;

	public void remove() {
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

	public Iterator<T> iterator() {
      return this;

  protected class ElementIndexIterator implements IndexIterator {
    int idx;
    Chunk cur;

    public ElementIndexIterator () {
      for (Chunk c = head; c != null; c ={
        int i = c.nextSetBit(0);
        if (i>=0){
          cur = c;
          idx = i;

    public ElementIndexIterator (int startIdx){
      // locate the start chunk (they are sorted)
      Chunk c;
      int i;

      // get the first chunk at or above the startIdx
      for (c=head; c!= null; {
        if ( > startIdx) {
          cur = c;

      if (c.base < startIdx){
        i = startIdx & ELEM_MASK;
      } else {
        i = 0;

      for (; c != null; c ={
        i = c.nextSetBit(i);
        if (i>=0){
          cur = c;
          idx = i;
        } else {
          i = 0;

	public int next () {
      Chunk c = cur;
      int i = idx;

      if (i < 0 || c == null){
        return -1;

      int iRet = (c.elements[i] != null) ? c.base + i : -1;
      cur = null;

      while (c!=null){
        i = c.nextSetBit(i+1);
        if (i>= 0){
          idx = i;
          cur = c;

          if (iRet < 0){
            // try to recover from a concurrent modification, maybe there is one left
            iRet = c.base + i;
          } else {
        } else {
          i = -1;
        c =;

      if (iRet < 0){
        // somebody pulled the rug under our feet
        throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
      return iRet;


  //------------------------------------ internal methods

  void sortInChunk (Chunk newChunk) {
    if (head == null) {
      head = newChunk;
    } else {
      int base = newChunk.base;
      if (base < head.base) { = head;
        head = newChunk;
      } else {
        Chunk cprev, c;
        for (cprev=head,; c != null; cprev=c, {
          if (base < c.base) {
   = c;
        } = newChunk;

  //------------------------------------ public API

  public SparseClusterArray (){
    root = new Root();

   * be careful, this should only be used to get old stored elements during
   * a Snapshot restore
  protected SparseClusterArray (SparseClusterArray base){
    root = base.root;
    nSet = base.nSet;
    head = base.head;

  public E get (int i) {
    Node l1;
    ChunkNode l2;
    Chunk l3 = lastChunk;

    if (i < 0){
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    if (l3 != null && (l3.base == (i & CHUNK_BASEMASK))) {  // cache optimization for in-cluster access
      return (E) l3.elements[i & ELEM_MASK];

    int  j = i >>>  S1;
    if ((l1 = root.seg[j]) != null) {           // L1
      j = (i >>> S2) & SEG_MASK;
      if ((l2 = l1.seg[j]) != null) {           // L2
        j = (i >>> S3) & SEG_MASK;
        if ((l3 = l2.seg[j]) != null) {         // L3
          // too bad we can't get rid of this cast
          lastChunk = l3;
          return  (E) l3.elements[i & ELEM_MASK];

    lastChunk = null;
    return null;

  public void set (int i, E e) {
    Node l1;
    ChunkNode l2;
    Chunk l3 = lastChunk;
    int j;

    if (i < 0){
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

    if (l3 == null || (l3.base != (i & CHUNK_BASEMASK))) { // cache optimization for in-cluster access
      j = i >>>  S1;
      if ((l1 = root.seg[j]) == null) {         // new L1 -> new L2,L3
        l1 = new Node();
        root.seg[j] = l1;

        j = (i >>> S2) & SEG_MASK;
        l2 = new ChunkNode();
        l1.seg[j] = l2;

        j = (i >>> S3) & SEG_MASK;
        l3 = new Chunk(i & ~ELEM_MASK);
        l2.seg[j] = l3;

      } else {                                  // had L1
        j = (i >>> S2) & SEG_MASK;
        if ((l2 = l1.seg[j]) == null) {         // new L2 -> new L3
          l2 = new ChunkNode();
          l1.seg[j] = l2;

          j = (i >>> S3) & SEG_MASK;
          l3 = new Chunk(i & ~ELEM_MASK);
          l2.seg[j] = l3;

        } else {                                // had L2
          j = (i >>> S3) & SEG_MASK;
          if ((l3 = l2.seg[j]) == null) {       // new L3
            l3 = new Chunk(i & ~ELEM_MASK);
            l2.seg[j] = l3;

      lastChunk = l3;

    j = i & ELEM_MASK;

    long[] bm = l3.bitmap;
    int u = (j >> 6);    // j / 64 (64 bits per bm entry)
    int v = (i & 0x7f);  // index into bm[u] bitset
    boolean isSet = ((bm[u] >> v) & 0x1) > 0;

    if (trackChanges) {
      Entry entry = new Entry(i,l3.elements[j]); = changes;
      changes = entry;

    if (e != null) {
      if (!isSet) {
        l3.elements[j] = e;
        bm[u] |= (1L<<v);

    } else {
      if (isSet) {
        l3.elements[j] = null;
        bm[u] &= ~(1L<<v);
        // <2do> discard upwards if chunk is empty ? (maybe as an option)

   * find first null element within given range [i, i+length[
   * @return -1 if there is none
  public int firstNullIndex (int i, int length) {
    Node l1;
    ChunkNode l2;
    Chunk l3 = lastChunk;
    int j;
    int iMax = i + length;

    if (l3 == null || (l3.base != (i & CHUNK_BASEMASK))) { // cache optimization for in-cluster access
      j = i >>>  S1;
      if ((l1 = root.seg[j]) != null) {         // new L1 -> new L2,L3
        j = (i >>> S2) & SEG_MASK;
        if ((l2 = l1.seg[j]) != null) {         // new L2 -> new L3
          j = (i >>> S3) & SEG_MASK;
          if ((l3 = l2.seg[j]) == null){
            return i; // no such l3 segment -> index is free
        } else {
          return i; // no such l2 segment yet -> index is free
      } else { // we don't have that root segment yet -> index is free
        return i;

    int k = i & SEG_MASK;
    while (l3 != null) {
      k = l3.nextClearBit(k);

      if (k >= 0) {             // Ok, got one in the chunk
        lastChunk = l3;
        i = l3.base + k;
        return (i < iMax) ? i : -1;

      } else {                  // chunk full
        Chunk l3Next =;
        int nextBase = l3.base + CHUNK_SIZE;
        if ((l3Next != null) && (l3Next.base == nextBase)) {
          if (nextBase < iMax) {
            l3 = l3Next;
          } else {
            return -1;
        } else {
          lastChunk = null;
          return (nextBase < iMax) ? nextBase : -1;

    // no allocated chunk for 'i'
    lastChunk = null;
    return i;

   * deep copy
   * we need to do this depth first, right-to-left, to maintain the
   * Chunk list ordering. We also compact during cloning, i.e. remove
   * empty chunks and ChunkNodes/Nodes w/o descendants
  public SparseClusterArray<E> deepCopy (Cloner<E> elementCloner) {
    SparseClusterArray<E> a = new SparseClusterArray<E>();
    a.nSet = nSet;

    Node[] newNodeList = a.root.seg;

    Node newNode = null;
    ChunkNode newChunkNode = null;
    Chunk newChunk = null, lastChunk = null;

    Node[] nList = root.seg;

    try {
      for (int i=0, i1=0; i<nList.length; i++) {
        Node n = nList[i];
        if (n != null) {
          ChunkNode[] cnList = n.seg;

          for (int j=0, j1=0; j<cnList.length; j++) {
            ChunkNode cn = cnList[j];
            if (cn != null) {
              Chunk[] cList = cn.seg;

              for (int k=0, k1=0; k<cList.length; k++) {
                Chunk c = cList[k];

                if (c != null && !c.isEmpty()) {
                  newChunk = c.deepCopy(elementCloner);
                  if (lastChunk == null) {
                    a.head = lastChunk = newChunk;
                  } else {
           = newChunk;
                    lastChunk = newChunk;

                  // create the required ChunkNode/Node instances
                  if (newNode == null) {
                    newNode = new Node();
                    j1 = k1 = 0;
                    newNodeList[i1++] = newNode;

                  if (newChunkNode == null) {
                    newChunkNode = new ChunkNode();
                    newNode.seg[j1++] = newChunkNode;

                  newChunkNode.seg[k1++] = newChunk;
            newChunkNode = null;
        newNode = null;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnsx) {
      return null; // maybe we should re-raise

    return a;

   * create a snapshot that can be used to restore a certain state of our array
   * This is more suitable than cloning in case the array is very sparse, or
   * the elements contain a lot of transient data we don't want to store
  public <T> Snapshot<E,T> getSnapshot (Transformer<E,T> transformer){
    Snapshot<E,T> snap = new Snapshot<E,T>(nSet);
    populateSnapshot(snap, transformer);

    return snap;

  protected <T> void populateSnapshot (Snapshot<E,T> snap, Transformer<E,T> transformer){
    int n = nSet;

    Object[] values = snap.values;
    int[] indices = snap.indices;

    int j=0;
    for (Chunk c = head; c != null; c = {
      int base = c.base;
      int i=-1;
      while ((i=c.nextSetBit(i+1)) >= 0) {
        Object val = transformer.transform((E)c.elements[i]);
        values[j] = val;
        indices[j] = base + i;

        if (++j >= n) {

  public <T> void restore (Snapshot<E,T> snap, Transformer<T,E> transformer) {
    // <2do> - there are more efficient ways to restore small changes,
    // but since snapshot elements are ordered it should be reasonably fast

    T[] values = (T[])snap.values;
    int[] indices = snap.indices;
    int len = indices.length;

    for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
      E obj = transformer.transform(values[i]);
      int index = indices[i];


  public void clear() {
    lastChunk = null;
    head = null;
    root = new Root();
    nSet = 0;

    changes = null;

  public void trackChanges () {
    trackChanges = true;

  public void stopTrackingChanges() {
    trackChanges = false;

  public boolean isTrackingChanges() {
    return trackChanges;

  public Entry<E> getChanges() {
    return changes;

  public void resetChanges() {
    changes = null;

  public void revertChanges (Entry<E> changes) {
    for (Entry<E> e = changes; e != null; e = {
      set(e.index, e.value);

  public String toString() {
    return "SparseClusterArray [nSet=" + nSet + ']';

  public int numberOfElements() {
    return nSet;
  public int numberOfChunks() {
    // that's only for debugging purposes, we should probably cache
    int n = 0;
    for (Chunk c = head; c != null; c = {
    return n;

  //--- iteration over set elements

  public IndexIterator getElementIndexIterator () {
    return new ElementIndexIterator();

  public IndexIterator getElementIndexIterator (int fromIndex) {
    return new ElementIndexIterator(fromIndex);
  public Iterator<E> iterator() {
    return new ElementIterator<E>();

  public int cardinality () {
    return nSet;