view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 0:61d41facf527

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author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:14:01 -0800
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 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * a FieldLockInfo implementation with the following strategy:
 *   - at each check, store the intersection of the current threads lock set
 *     with the previous field lock set
 *   - if the access was checked less than CHECK_THRESHOLD times, report the
 *     field as unprotected
 *   - if the field lock set doesn't become empty after CHECK_THRESHOLD, report
 *     the field as protected
 *   - as an optimization, raise the check level above the threshold if we
 *     have a good probability that a current lock is a protection lock for this
 *     field
 *   - continue to check even after reaching the threshold, so that we
 *     can at least report a violated assumption
 *  NOTE there is a subtle problem: if we ever falsely assume lock protection
 *  in a path that subsequently recycles the shared object (e.g. by leading
 *  into an end state), we loose the assumption. If this is followed by
 *  a backtrack and execution of a path that uses a conflicting assumption
 *  (different or no lock), we will NOT detect potential races unless
 *  vm.por.sync_detection.pindown is set (which has some runtime costs)

public class StatisticFieldLockInfoFactory implements FieldLockInfoFactory {

  static Logger log = JPF.getLogger("gov.nasa.jpf.vm.FieldLockInfo");
   * the number of checks after which we decide if a non-empty lock set
   * means this field is protected
  static int CHECK_THRESHOLD = 5;
   * do we want objects with final field lock assumptions to be pinned
   * down (not garbage collected), to make sure we don't loose these
   * assumptions and subsequently fail to detect an assumption violation
   * after backtracking (see above)
  static boolean PINDOWN = false;

   * do we look for strong locking candidates (i.e. assume protection
   * if there is a lock related to the object).
   * NOTE this can lead to undetected race conditions if the assumption
   * subsequently fails
  static boolean AGRESSIVE = false;
  public StatisticFieldLockInfoFactory (Config conf) {
    CHECK_THRESHOLD = conf.getInt("vm.por.sync_detection.threshold", CHECK_THRESHOLD);
    PINDOWN = conf.getBoolean("vm.por.sync_detection.pindown", PINDOWN);
    AGRESSIVE = conf.getBoolean("vm.por.sync_detection.agressive",AGRESSIVE);    
  public FieldLockInfo createFieldLockInfo (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
    int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();
    int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;

    if (nLocks == 0) {
      return FieldLockInfo.empty; // not protected, never will
    } else {
      if (AGRESSIVE) {
        int lockCandidateRef = strongProtectionCandidate(ei,fi,currentLockRefs);
        if (lockCandidateRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
          // NOTE we raise the checklevel
          return new SingleLockFli( ti, lockCandidateRef, CHECK_THRESHOLD);
      if (nLocks == 1) { // most common case
        return new SingleLockFli( ti, currentLockRefs[0], 0);
      } else {
        return new MultiLockFli( ti, fi, currentLockRefs);

   * check if the current thread lockset contains a lock with a high probability
   * that it is a protection lock for this field. We need this to avoid
   * state explosion due to the number of fields to check. Note that we don't
   * necessarily have to answer/decide which one is the best match in case of
   * several candidates (if we don't use this to reduce to StatisticFieldLockInfo1)
   * For instance fields, this would be a lock with a distance <= 1.
   * For static fields, the corresponding class object is a good candidate.
  int strongProtectionCandidate (ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi, int[] currentLockRefs) {
    int n = currentLockRefs.length;
    Heap heap = VM.getVM().getHeap();

    if (fi.isStatic()) { // static field, check for class object locking
      ClassInfo ci = fi.getClassInfo();
      int cref = ci.getClassObjectRef();

      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        if (currentLockRefs[i] == cref) {
          ElementInfo e = heap.get(cref);
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on class object: @" + e);
          return cref;

    } else { // instance field, use lock distance as a heuristic
      int objRef = ei.getObjectRef();
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        int eidx = currentLockRefs[i];

        // case 1: synchronization on field owner itself
        if (eidx == objRef) {
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on itself");
          return objRef;

        ElementInfo e = heap.get(eidx);
        // case 2: synchronization on sibling field that is a private lock object
        if (ei.hasRefField(eidx)) {
"sync-detection: "+ ei + " assumed to be synced on sibling: " + e);
          return eidx;
        // case 3: synchronization on owner of object holding field (sync wrapper)
        if (e.hasRefField(objRef)) {
"sync-detection: " + ei + " assumed to be synced on object wrapper: " + e);
          return eidx;

    return -1;

  //--- root for our concrete FieldLockInfo classes
  static abstract class StatisticFieldLockInfo extends FieldLockInfo {
    int checkLevel;

	public boolean isProtected () {
      return (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD);

	public boolean needsPindown (ElementInfo ei) {
      return PINDOWN && (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD);

    protected void checkFailedLockAssumption(ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      if (checkLevel >= CHECK_THRESHOLD) {
  //--- Fli for a single lock
  static class SingleLockFli extends StatisticFieldLockInfo {
    int lockRef;
    SingleLockFli (ThreadInfo ti, int lockRef, int nChecks) {
      tiLastCheck = ti;

      this.lockRef = lockRef;
      checkLevel = nChecks;

	protected int[] getCandidateLockSet() {
      int[] set = { lockRef };
      return set;

	public FieldLockInfo checkProtection (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();
      int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;
      for (int i=0; i<nLocks; i++) {
        if (currentLockRefs[i] == lockRef) {
          return this;
      checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
      return empty;

     * only called at the end of the gc on all live objects. The recycled ones
     * are either already nulled in the heap, or are not marked as live
	public FieldLockInfo cleanUp (Heap heap) {
      ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockRef);
      if (!heap.isAlive(ei)) {
        return FieldLockInfo.empty;
      } else {
        return this;

	public String toString() {
      return ("SingleLockFli {checkLevel="+checkLevel+",lock="+lockRef + '}');
  //--- StatisticFieldLockInfo for lock sets
  static class MultiLockFli extends StatisticFieldLockInfo {

    int[] lockRefSet;
    // this is only used once during prototype generation
    public MultiLockFli (ThreadInfo ti, FieldInfo fi, int[] currentLockRefs) {
      lockRefSet = currentLockRefs;
	protected int[] getCandidateLockSet() {
      return lockRefSet;

	public FieldLockInfo checkProtection (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, FieldInfo fi) {
      int[] currentLockRefs = ti.getLockedObjectReferences();      
      int nLocks = currentLockRefs.length;

      if (nLocks == 0) { // no current locks, so intersection is empty
        checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
        return empty;

      } else { // we had a lock set, and there currently is at least one lock held
        int l =0;
        int[] newLset = new int[lockRefSet.length];

        for (int i=0; i<nLocks; i++) { // get the set intersection
          int leidx = currentLockRefs[i];

          for (int j=0; j<lockRefSet.length; j++) {
            if (lockRefSet[j] == leidx) {
              newLset[l++] = leidx;
              break; // sets don't contain duplicates

        if (l == 0) { // intersection empty
          checkFailedLockAssumption(ti, ei, fi);
          return empty;
        } else if (l == 1) { // only one candidate left 
          return new SingleLockFli( ti, newLset[0], checkLevel);
        } else if (l < newLset.length) { // candidate set did shrink
          lockRefSet = new int[l];
          System.arraycopy(newLset, 0, lockRefSet, 0, l);
        } else {
          // no change

      tiLastCheck = ti;
      return this;

     * only called at the end of the gc on all live objects. The recycled ones
     * are either already nulled in the heap, or are not marked as live
	public FieldLockInfo cleanUp (Heap heap) {
      int[] newSet = null;
      int l = 0;

      if (lockRefSet != null) {
        for (int i=0; i<lockRefSet.length; i++) {
          ElementInfo ei = heap.get(lockRefSet[i]);

          if (!heap.isAlive(ei)) { // we got a stale one, so we have to change us
            if (newSet == null) { // first one, copy everything up to it
              newSet = new int[lockRefSet.length-1];
              if (i > 0) {
                System.arraycopy(lockRefSet, 0, newSet, 0, i);
                l = i;

          } else {
            if (newSet != null) { // we already had a dangling ref, now copy the live ones
              newSet[l++] = lockRefSet[i];

      if (l == 1) {
          assert (newSet != null);
          return new SingleLockFli(tiLastCheck, newSet[0], checkLevel);
      } else {
        if (newSet != null) {
          if (l == newSet.length) { // we just had one stale ref
            lockRefSet = newSet;
          } else { // several stales - make a new copy
            if (l == 0) {
              return empty;
            } else {
              lockRefSet = new int[l];
              System.arraycopy(newSet, 0, lockRefSet, 0, l);
        return this;

	public String toString() {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      sb.append("MultiLockFli {");
      if (lockRefSet != null) {
        for (int i=0; i<lockRefSet.length; i++) {
          if (i>0) {

      return sb.toString();