view src/tests/gov/nasa/jpf/test/mc/data/ @ 0:61d41facf527

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author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:14:01 -0800
children 6774e2e08d37
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line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.


import gov.nasa.jpf.util.test.TestJPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify;

import org.junit.Test;

 * JPF regression test for JSON test object creation
 * @author Ivan Mushketik
public class JSONTest extends TestJPF {
  class MySup {
    int j;

  public void testFillFromJSONSingleClass() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      MySup sup = Verify.createFromJSON(MySup.class, "{'j' : 123 }");

      assert sup.j == 123;

  class MyClass extends MySup {
    int i;

  public void testFillFromJSONInheritance() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      MyClass sup = Verify.createFromJSON(MyClass.class, "{'j':123, 'i':321 }");

      assert sup.j == 123;
      assert sup.i == 321;

  class Primitives {
    boolean z;
    byte b;
    short s;
    int i;
    long l;
    float f;
    double d;

  public void testFillPrivimitivesFromJSON() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{'z': true,'b': 10,'s': 1000,'i': 321, 'l': 123456,'f': 12.34,'d': 23.45}";
      Primitives p = Verify.createFromJSON( Primitives.class, json);

      assert p.z == true;
      assert p.b == 10;
      assert p.s == 1000;
      assert p.i == 321;
      assert p.l == 123456;
      assertEquals(12.34, p.f, 0.001);
      assertEquals(23.45, p.d, 0.001);

  class IntArr {
    int ints[];

  public void testFillIntArrayFromJSON() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      IntArr ia = Verify.createFromJSON( IntArr.class, "{'ints': [1, 2, 3]}");

      assert ia.ints[0] == 1;
      assert ia.ints[1] == 2;
      assert ia.ints[2] == 3;

  class Boxed {
    Boolean t;
    Boolean f;
    Byte b;
    Short s;
    Integer i;
    Long l;
    Float fl;
    Double d;

  public void testFillBoxedPrimitivesFromJSON() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{'t':true, 'f':false, 'b':10, 's':1000,'i':321, 'l':123456, 'fl':12.34, 'd':23.45 }";
      Boxed b = Verify.createFromJSON( Boxed.class, json);

      assert b.t == true;
      assert b.f == false;
      assert b.b == 10;
      assert b.s == 1000;
      assert b.i == 321;
      assert b.l == 123456;
      assertEquals(12.34, b.fl, 0.001);
      assertEquals(23.45, b.d, 0.001);

  class PrimitiveArrays {
    boolean bools[];
    byte bytes[];
    short shorts[];
    int ints[];
    long longs[];
    float floats[];
    double doubles[];

  public void testFillPrimitiveArrays() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"bools\" : [true, false, true],"
              + "\"bytes\" : [-40, -30, -20],"
              + "\"shorts\" : [2, 3, 4],"
              + "\"ints\" : [1, 2, 3],"
              + "\"longs\" : [1000, 2000, 3000],"
              + "\"floats\" : [12.34, 23.45, 34.56],"
              + "\"doubles\" : [-12.34, -23.45, -34.56]"
              + "}";
      PrimitiveArrays pa = Verify.createFromJSON( PrimitiveArrays.class, json);

      assert pa.bools[0] == true;
      assert pa.bools[1] == false;
      assert pa.bools[2] == true;

      assert pa.bytes[0] == -40;
      assert pa.bytes[1] == -30;
      assert pa.bytes[2] == -20;

      assert pa.shorts[0] == 2;
      assert pa.shorts[1] == 3;
      assert pa.shorts[2] == 4;

      assert pa.ints[0] == 1;
      assert pa.ints[1] == 2;
      assert pa.ints[2] == 3;

      assert pa.longs[0] == 1000;
      assert pa.longs[1] == 2000;
      assert pa.longs[2] == 3000;

      assertEquals(12.34, pa.floats[0], 0.0001);
      assertEquals(23.45, pa.floats[1], 0.0001);
      assertEquals(34.56, pa.floats[2], 0.0001);

      assertEquals(-12.34, pa.doubles[0], 0.0001);
      assertEquals(-23.45, pa.doubles[1], 0.0001);
      assertEquals(-34.56, pa.doubles[2], 0.0001);

  class InnerClass {
    int i;

  class OuterClass {
    long l;
    InnerClass ic;

  public void testInnerClassFilling() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json =
              +   "'l' : 1234,"
              +   "'ic' : {"
              +      "'i' : 4321"
              +   "}"
              + "}";

      OuterClass oc = Verify.createFromJSON( OuterClass.class, json);

      assert oc.l == 1234;
      assert oc.ic.i == 4321;

  public void testFillingWhenInnerClassIsNull() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"l\" : 1234,"
              + "\"ic\" : null"
              + "}";

      OuterClass oc = Verify.createFromJSON( OuterClass.class, json);

      assert oc.l == 1234;
      assert oc.ic == null;

  class MultiArray {
    int intsInts[][];

  public void testMultiArrayFilling() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"intsInts\" : [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]"
              + "}";

      MultiArray ma = Verify.createFromJSON( MultiArray.class, json);

      assert ma.intsInts[0][0] == 1;
      assert ma.intsInts[0][1] == 2;
      assert ma.intsInts[0][2] == 3;

      assert ma.intsInts[1][0] == 4;
      assert ma.intsInts[1][1] == 5;
      assert ma.intsInts[1][2] == 6;

  class BoxIntsArr {
    Integer ints[];

  public void testBoxedTypesArrayFilling() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"ints\" : [1, 2, 3]"
              + "}";

      BoxIntsArr bia = Verify.createFromJSON( BoxIntsArr.class, json);

      assert bia.ints[0] == 1;
      assert bia.ints[1] == 2;
      assert bia.ints[2] == 3;

  class IC {
    int i;

  class ArrayOfObjects {
    IC cls[];

  public void testArrayOfObjectsFilling() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"cls\" : [{\"i\" : 1}, {\"i\" : 2}, {\"i\" : 3}]"
              + "}";

      ArrayOfObjects aoo = Verify.createFromJSON( ArrayOfObjects.class, json);

      assert aoo.cls[0].i == 1;
      assert aoo.cls[1].i == 2;
      assert aoo.cls[2].i == 3;

  class MultObjectsArr {
    IC cls[][];

  public void testFillingMultArrayOfObjects() {
      if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"cls\" : ["
              + "[{\"i\" : 1}, {\"i\" : 2}, {\"i\" : 3}],"
              + "[{\"i\" : 4}, {\"i\" : 5}, {\"i\" : 6}],"
              + "[{\"i\" : 7}, {\"i\" : 8}, {\"i\" : 9}]"
              + "]"
              + "}";

      MultObjectsArr moa = Verify.createFromJSON( MultObjectsArr.class, json);

      assert moa.cls[0][0].i == 1;
      assert moa.cls[0][1].i == 2;
      assert moa.cls[0][2].i == 3;

      assert moa.cls[1][0].i == 4;
      assert moa.cls[1][1].i == 5;
      assert moa.cls[1][2].i == 6;

      assert moa.cls[2][0].i == 7;
      assert moa.cls[2][1].i == 8;
      assert moa.cls[2][2].i == 9;

  class ClassWithString {
    String s1;
    String s2;

  public void testFillStringValue() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "\"s1\" : \"val\","
              + "\"s2\" : null"
              + "}";

      ClassWithString cws = Verify.createFromJSON( ClassWithString.class, json);

      assert cws.s1.equals("val") == true;
      assert cws.s2 == null;

  // --- CG Tests

  class Bool {
    Bool(boolean b) {this.b = b;}
    boolean b;

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
      Bool bool = (Bool) o;
      return this.b == bool.b;

  static void checkValue(Object[] expected, Object curVal) {
    for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
      if (curVal.equals(expected[i])) {
        Verify.setBitInBitSet(0, i, true);


    if (Verify.getCounter(0) == expected.length) {
      for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
        assert Verify.getBitInBitSet(0, i) == true;

  public void testSetBoolFromCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {      
      String json = "{"
              + "'b' : TrueFalse()"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new Bool(true),
        new Bool(false)
      Bool bb = Verify.createFromJSON(Bool.class, json);      
      checkValue(expected, bb);

  class ByteShortIntLong {

    public ByteShortIntLong(int b, int s, int i, long l) {
      this.b = (byte) b; this.s = (short) s; this.i = i; this.l = l;

    byte b; short s; int i; long l;

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
      ByteShortIntLong bs = (ByteShortIntLong) o;

      return bs.b == b && bs.s == s && bs.i == i && bs.l == l;

  public void testSetByteShortIntFromCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'b' : IntSet(1, 2),"
              + "'s' : 2,"
              + "'i' : IntSet(3, 4, 5),"
              + "'l' : IntSet(8)"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 3, 8), new ByteShortIntLong(2, 2, 3, 8),
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 4, 8), new ByteShortIntLong(2, 2, 4, 8),
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 5, 8), new ByteShortIntLong(2, 2, 5, 8),
      ByteShortIntLong bsil = Verify.createFromJSON(ByteShortIntLong.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, bsil);

  public void testFillWithIntevalCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'b' : 1,"
              + "'s' : IntInterval(1, 3),"
              + "'i' : 1,"
              + "'l' : IntInterval(8, 10)"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 1, 1, 8), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 1, 8), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 3, 1, 8),
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 1, 1, 9), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 1, 9), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 3, 1, 9),
        new ByteShortIntLong(1, 1, 1, 10), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 2, 1, 10), new ByteShortIntLong(1, 3, 1, 10),};
      ByteShortIntLong bsil = Verify.createFromJSON(ByteShortIntLong.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, bsil);

  class I {
    int i;

  class O {
    I inner;
    public O(int i) {
      inner = new I();
      inner.i = i;

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
      O outer = (O) o;

      return outer.inner.i == this.inner.i;

  public void testFillInnerClassCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'inner' : {"
                + "'i' : IntSet(3, 4, 5)"
                + "}"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new O(3), new O(4), new O(5),
      O bsil = Verify.createFromJSON(O.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, bsil);

  class ArrI {
    I[] arr;

    ArrI(int... ints) {
      arr = new I[ints.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) {arr[i] = new I(); arr[i].i = ints[i];}

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
      ArrI other = (ArrI) o;

      if (other.arr.length != this.arr.length) {
        return false;
      for (int i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++) {
        if (this.arr[i].i != other.arr[i].i) {
          return false;
      return true;

  public void testFillingObjectInArrayWithCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'arr' : [ {'i' : IntSet(1, 2, 3)}, {'i' : IntSet(4, 5, 6)}]"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new ArrI(1, 4), new ArrI(2, 4), new ArrI(3, 4),
        new ArrI(1, 5), new ArrI(2, 5), new ArrI(3, 5),
        new ArrI(1, 6), new ArrI(2, 6), new ArrI(3, 6),
      ArrI arri = Verify.createFromJSON(ArrI.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, arri);

  class BoxedInteger {
    Integer bi;

    BoxedInteger(Integer newI) {
      bi = newI;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
      BoxedInteger bic = (BoxedInteger) obj;

  public void testObjectFromCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'bi' : IntSet(1, 2, 3)"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new BoxedInteger(1), new BoxedInteger(2), new BoxedInteger(3),
      BoxedInteger bi = Verify.createFromJSON(BoxedInteger.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, bi);

  class BoxedDouble {
    Double d;

    public BoxedDouble(Double d) {
      this.d = d;

	public boolean equals(Object o) {
      BoxedDouble bd = (BoxedDouble) o;

      return doublesEqual(bd.d, this.d);

    boolean doublesEqual(double d1, double d2) {
      double diff = 0.001;

      return Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= diff;

  public void testBoxedDoubleFromCG() {
    if (verifyNoPropertyViolation()) {
      String json = "{"
              + "'d' : DoubleSet(1.1, 2.2, 3.3)"
              + "}";

      Object[] expected = {
        new BoxedDouble(1.1), new BoxedDouble(2.2), new BoxedDouble(3.3),
      BoxedDouble bd = Verify.createFromJSON(BoxedDouble.class, json);
      checkValue(expected, bd);
