view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/jvm/ @ 28:7be90179bb3b

Provided support for double colon operator used for lamabda expressions. Fixed a bug related to generating names for funcation object classes (by supporting double colon operator, a new stragety needed to generate unique names for function objects. To achive that the bootstrap ids are incorporated into names). Finally modified the method that retrieves the SAM from functional interfaces.
author nastaran <>
date Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:20:50 -0700
parents 6774e2e08d37
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.

package gov.nasa.jpf.jvm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Misc;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.StringSetMatcher;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

 * a ClassInfo that was created from a Java classfile
public class JVMClassInfo extends ClassInfo {

   * this is the inner class that does the actual ClassInfo initialization from ClassFile. It is an inner class so that
   * (a) it can set ClassInfo fields, (b) it can extend ClassFileReaderAdapter, and (c) we don't clutter JVMClassInfo with
   * fields that are only temporarily used during parsing
  class Initializer extends ClassFileReaderAdapter {
    protected ClassFile cf;
    protected JVMCodeBuilder cb;

    public Initializer (ClassFile cf, JVMCodeBuilder cb) throws ClassParseException { = cf;
      this.cb = cb;

    public void setClass (ClassFile cf, String clsName, String superClsName, int flags, int cpCount) throws ClassParseException {
      JVMClassInfo.this.setClass(clsName, superClsName, flags, cpCount);

    public void setClassAttribute (ClassFile cf, int attrIndex, String name, int attrLength) {
      if (name == ClassFile.SOURCE_FILE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseSourceFileAttr(this, null);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.SIGNATURE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseSignatureAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        //cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, ClassInfo.this);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseTypeAnnotationsAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.INNER_CLASSES_ATTR) {
        cf.parseInnerClassesAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.ENCLOSING_METHOD_ATTR) {
        cf.parseEnclosingMethodAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.BOOTSTRAP_METHOD_ATTR) {
        cf.parseBootstrapMethodAttr(this, JVMClassInfo.this);
    public void setBootstrapMethodCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int count) {
      bootstrapMethods = new BootstrapMethodInfo[count];
    public void setBootstrapMethod (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int idx, int refKind, String cls, String mth, String descriptor, int[] cpArgs) {    
      int lambdaRefKind = cf.mhRefTypeAt(cpArgs[1]);
      int mrefIdx = cf.mhMethodRefIndexAt(cpArgs[1]);
      String clsName = cf.methodClassNameAt(mrefIdx).replace('/', '.');
      ClassInfo eclosingLambdaCls;
      if(!clsName.equals(JVMClassInfo.this.getName())) {
        eclosingLambdaCls = ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentResolvedClassInfo(clsName);
      } else {
        eclosingLambdaCls = JVMClassInfo.this;
      assert (eclosingLambdaCls!=null);
      String mthName = cf.methodNameAt(mrefIdx);
      String signature = cf.methodDescriptorAt(mrefIdx);
      MethodInfo lambdaBody = eclosingLambdaCls.getMethod(mthName + signature, false);
      String samDescriptor = cf.methodTypeDescriptorAt(cpArgs[2]);
      if(lambdaBody!=null) {
        bootstrapMethods[idx] = new BootstrapMethodInfo(lambdaRefKind, JVMClassInfo.this, lambdaBody, samDescriptor);
   //--- inner/enclosing classes 
    public void setInnerClassCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int classCount) {
      innerClassNames = new String[classCount];

    public void setInnerClass (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int innerClsIndex,
            String outerName, String innerName, String innerSimpleName, int accessFlags) {
      // Ok, this is a total mess - some names are in dot notation, others use '/'
      // and to make it even more confusing, some InnerClass attributes refer NOT
      // to the currently parsed class, so we have to check if we are the outerName,
      // but then 'outerName' can also be null instead of our own name.
      // Oh, and there are also InnerClass attributes that have their own name as inner names
      // (see java/lang/String$CaseInsensitiveComparator or ...System and java/lang/System$1 for instance)
      if (outerName != null) {
        outerName = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(outerName);

      innerName = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(innerName);
      if (!innerName.equals(name)) {
        innerClassNames[innerClsIndex] = innerName;

      } else {
        // this refers to ourself, and can be a force fight with setEnclosingMethod
        if (outerName != null) { // only set if this is a direct member, otherwise taken from setEnclosingMethod

    public void setEnclosingMethod (ClassFile cf, Object tag, String enclosingClassName, String enclosingMethodName, String descriptor) {

      if (enclosingMethodName != null) {
        JVMClassInfo.this.setEnclosingMethod(enclosingMethodName + descriptor);

    public void setInnerClassesDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
      // we have to check if we allocated too many - see the mess above
      for (int i = 0; i < innerClassNames.length; i++) {
        innerClassNames = Misc.stripNullElements(innerClassNames);

    //--- source file
    public void setSourceFile (ClassFile cf, Object tag, String fileName) {
    //--- interfaces
    public void setInterfaceCount (ClassFile cf, int ifcCount) {
      interfaceNames = new String[ifcCount];

    public void setInterface (ClassFile cf, int ifcIndex, String ifcName) {
      interfaceNames[ifcIndex] = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(ifcName);

    //--- fields
    // unfortunately they are stored together in the ClassFile, i.e. we 
    // have to split them up once we are done
    protected FieldInfo[] fields;
    protected FieldInfo curFi; // need to cache for attributes

    public void setFieldCount (ClassFile cf, int fieldCount) {
      if (fieldCount > 0){
        fields = new FieldInfo[fieldCount];
      } else {
        fields = null;

    public void setField (ClassFile cf, int fieldIndex, int accessFlags, String name, String descriptor) {
      FieldInfo fi = FieldInfo.create(name, descriptor, accessFlags);
      fields[fieldIndex] = fi;
      curFi = fi; // for attributes

    public void setFieldAttribute (ClassFile cf, int fieldIndex, int attrIndex, String name, int attrLength) {
      if (name == ClassFile.SIGNATURE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseSignatureAttr(this, curFi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.CONST_VALUE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseConstValueAttr(this, curFi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, curFi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseTypeAnnotationsAttr(this, curFi);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        //cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, curFi);

    public void setConstantValue (ClassFile cf, Object tag, Object constVal) {

    public void setFieldsDone (ClassFile cf) {
  //--- declaredMethods
    protected MethodInfo curMi;

    public void setMethodCount (ClassFile cf, int methodCount) {
      methods = new LinkedHashMap<String, MethodInfo>();

    public void setMethod (ClassFile cf, int methodIndex, int accessFlags, String name, String signature) {
      MethodInfo mi = MethodInfo.create(name, signature, accessFlags);
      curMi = mi;
    public void setMethodDone (ClassFile cf, int methodIndex){


    public void setMethodAttribute (ClassFile cf, int methodIndex, int attrIndex, String name, int attrLength) {
      if (name == ClassFile.CODE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseCodeAttr(this, curMi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.SIGNATURE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseSignatureAttr(this, curMi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.EXCEPTIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseExceptionAttr(this, curMi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, curMi);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_INVISIBLE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        //cf.parseAnnotationsAttr(this, curMi);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseParameterAnnotationsAttr(this, curMi);

        //cf.parseParameterAnnotationsAttr(this, curMi);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR) {
        cf.parseTypeAnnotationsAttr(this, curMi);

    //--- current methods throws list
    protected String[] exceptions;

    public void setExceptionCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int exceptionCount) {
      exceptions = new String[exceptionCount];

    public void setException (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int exceptionIndex, String exceptionType) {
      exceptions[exceptionIndex] = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(exceptionType);

    public void setExceptionsDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {

    //--- current method exception handlers
    protected ExceptionHandler[] handlers;

    public void setExceptionHandlerTableCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int exceptionTableCount) {
      handlers = new ExceptionHandler[exceptionTableCount];

    public void setExceptionHandler (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int handlerIndex,
            int startPc, int endPc, int handlerPc, String catchType) {
      ExceptionHandler xh = new ExceptionHandler(catchType, startPc, endPc, handlerPc);
      handlers[handlerIndex] = xh;

    public void setExceptionHandlerTableDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {

    //--- current method code  
    public void setCode (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int maxStack, int maxLocals, int codeLength) {

      cb.reset(cf, curMi);

      cf.parseBytecode(cb, tag, codeLength);

    public void setCodeAttribute (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int attrIndex, String name, int attrLength) {
      if (name == ClassFile.LINE_NUMBER_TABLE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseLineNumberTableAttr(this, tag);

      } else if (name == ClassFile.LOCAL_VAR_TABLE_ATTR) {
        cf.parseLocalVarTableAttr(this, tag);
      } else if (name == ClassFile.RUNTIME_VISIBLE_TYPE_ANNOTATIONS_ATTR){
        cf.parseTypeAnnotationsAttr(this, tag);

    //--- current method line numbers
    protected int[] lines, startPcs;

    public void setLineNumberTableCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int lineNumberCount) {
      lines = new int[lineNumberCount];
      startPcs = new int[lineNumberCount];

    public void setLineNumber (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int lineIndex, int lineNumber, int startPc) {
      lines[lineIndex] = lineNumber;
      startPcs[lineIndex] = startPc;

    public void setLineNumberTableDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
      curMi.setLineNumbers(lines, startPcs);
    //--- current method local variables
    protected LocalVarInfo[] localVars;

    public void setLocalVarTableCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int localVarCount) {
      localVars = new LocalVarInfo[localVarCount];

    public void setLocalVar (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int localVarIndex,
            String varName, String descriptor, int scopeStartPc, int scopeEndPc, int slotIndex) {
      LocalVarInfo lvi = new LocalVarInfo(varName, descriptor, "", scopeStartPc, scopeEndPc, slotIndex);
      localVars[localVarIndex] = lvi;

    public void setLocalVarTableDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
    //--- annotations
    protected AnnotationInfo[] annotations;
    protected AnnotationInfo curAi;
    protected AnnotationInfo[][] parameterAnnotations;
    protected Object[] values;

    //--- declaration annotations
    public void setAnnotationCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationCount) {
      annotations = new AnnotationInfo[annotationCount];

    public void setAnnotation (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, String annotationType) {
      if (tag instanceof InfoObject) {
        curAi = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
        annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setAnnotationsDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
      if (tag instanceof InfoObject) {
        ((InfoObject) tag).addAnnotations(annotations);

    public void setParameterCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int parameterCount) {
      parameterAnnotations = new AnnotationInfo[parameterCount][];

    public void setParameterAnnotationCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int paramIndex, int annotationCount) {
      annotations = new AnnotationInfo[annotationCount];
      parameterAnnotations[paramIndex] = annotations;

    public void setParameterAnnotation (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, String annotationType) {
      curAi = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;

    public void setParametersDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
    //--- Java 8 type annotations    
    public void setTypeAnnotationCount(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationCount){
      annotations = new AnnotationInfo[annotationCount];

    public void setTypeParameterAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                           int typeIndex, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new TypeParameterAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, typeIndex);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setSuperTypeAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                       int superTypeIdx, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new SuperTypeAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, superTypeIdx);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setTypeParameterBoundAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType,
                                       int typeIndex, int boundIndex, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new TypeParameterBoundAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, typeIndex, boundIndex);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setTypeAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType,
                                  short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new TypeAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setFormalParameterAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                             int paramIndex, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new FormalParameterAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, paramIndex);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setThrowsAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                    int throwsTypeIdx, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new ThrowsAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, throwsTypeIdx);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setVariableAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                      long[] scopeEntries, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      VariableAnnotationInfo vai = new VariableAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, scopeEntries);
      curAi = vai;
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setExceptionParameterAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                                int exceptionIndex, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi= new ExceptionParameterAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, exceptionIndex);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setBytecodeAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                      int offset, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new BytecodeAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, offset);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setBytecodeTypeParameterAnnotation(ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int targetType, 
                                             int offset, int typeArgIdx, short[] typePath, String annotationType){
      AnnotationInfo base = getResolvedAnnotationInfo(Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(annotationType));
      curAi = new BytecodeTypeParameterAnnotationInfo(base, targetType, typePath, offset, typeArgIdx);
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;

    public void setTypeAnnotationsDone(ClassFile cf, Object tag) {
      if (tag instanceof InfoObject) {
        int len = annotations.length;
        AbstractTypeAnnotationInfo[] tais = new AbstractTypeAnnotationInfo[annotations.length];
        for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
          tais[i] = (AbstractTypeAnnotationInfo)annotations[i];
        // we can get them in batches (e.g. VariableTypeAnnos from code attrs and ReturnTypeAnnos from method attrs
        ((InfoObject) tag).addTypeAnnotations( tais);

    //--- AnnotationInfo values entries
    public void setAnnotationValueCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int nValuePairs) {
      // if we have values, we need to clone the defined annotation so that we can overwrite entries
      curAi = curAi.cloneForOverriddenValues();
      annotations[annotationIndex] = curAi;
    public void setPrimitiveAnnotationValue (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex,
            String elementName, int arrayIndex, Object val) {
      if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
        values[arrayIndex] = val;
      } else {
        curAi.setClonedEntryValue(elementName, val);

    public void setStringAnnotationValue (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex,
            String elementName, int arrayIndex, String val) {
      if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
        values[arrayIndex] = val;
      } else {
        curAi.setClonedEntryValue(elementName, val);

    public void setClassAnnotationValue (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex, String elementName,
            int arrayIndex, String typeName) {
      Object val = AnnotationInfo.getClassValue(typeName);
      if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
        values[arrayIndex] = val;
      } else {
        curAi.setClonedEntryValue(elementName, val);

    public void setEnumAnnotationValue (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex,
            String elementName, int arrayIndex, String enumType, String enumValue) {
      Object val = AnnotationInfo.getEnumValue(enumType, enumValue);
      if (arrayIndex >= 0) {
        values[arrayIndex] = val;
      } else {
        curAi.setClonedEntryValue(elementName, val);

    public void setAnnotationValueElementCount (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex,
            String elementName, int elementCount) {
      values = new Object[elementCount];

    public void setAnnotationValueElementsDone (ClassFile cf, Object tag, int annotationIndex, int valueIndex, String elementName) {
      curAi.setClonedEntryValue(elementName, values);

    //--- common attrs
    public void setSignature (ClassFile cf, Object tag, String signature) {
      if (tag instanceof GenericSignatureHolder) {
        ((GenericSignatureHolder) tag).setGenericSignature(signature);

  // since nested class init locking can explode the state space, we make it optional and controllable
  protected static boolean nestedInit;
  protected static StringSetMatcher includeNestedInit;
  protected static StringSetMatcher excludeNestedInit;

  protected static boolean init (Config config){
    nestedInit = config.getBoolean("jvm.nested_init", false);
    if (nestedInit){
      includeNestedInit =  StringSetMatcher.getNonEmpty(config.getStringArray("jvm.nested_init.include"));
      excludeNestedInit = StringSetMatcher.getNonEmpty(config.getStringArray("jvm.nested_init.exclude"));

    return true;

  JVMClassInfo (String name, ClassLoaderInfo cli, ClassFile cf, String srcUrl, JVMCodeBuilder cb) throws ClassParseException {
    super( name, cli, srcUrl);
    new Initializer( cf, cb); // we just need the ctor
  //--- for annotation classinfos
  // called on the annotation classinfo
  protected ClassInfo createAnnotationProxy (String proxyName){
    return new JVMClassInfo (this, proxyName, classLoader, null);
  // concrete proxy ctor
  protected JVMClassInfo (ClassInfo ciAnnotation, String proxyName, ClassLoaderInfo cli, String url) {
    super( ciAnnotation, proxyName, cli, url);

   * This is called on the functional interface type. It creates a synthetic type which 
   * implements the functional interface and contains a method capturing the behavior 
   * of the lambda expression.
  protected ClassInfo createFuncObjClassInfo (BootstrapMethodInfo bootstrapMethod, String name, String samUniqueName, String[] fieldTypesName) {
    return new JVMClassInfo(this, bootstrapMethod, name, samUniqueName, fieldTypesName);
  protected JVMClassInfo (ClassInfo funcInterface, BootstrapMethodInfo bootstrapMethod, String name, String samUniqueName, String[] fieldTypesName) {
    super(funcInterface, bootstrapMethod, name, fieldTypesName);
    // creating a method corresponding to the single abstract method of the functional interface
    methods = new HashMap<String, MethodInfo>();
    MethodInfo fiMethod = funcInterface.getInterfaceAbstractMethod();
    int modifiers = fiMethod.getModifiers() & (~Modifier.ABSTRACT);
    int nLocals = fiMethod.getArgumentsSize();
    int nOperands = this.nInstanceFields + nLocals;

    MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo(fiMethod.getName(), fiMethod.getSignature(), modifiers, nLocals, nOperands);
    methods.put(mi.getUniqueName(), mi);
    setLambdaDirectCallCode(mi, bootstrapMethod);
    try {
    } catch (ClassParseException e) {
      // we do not even get here - this a synthetic class, and at this point
      // the interfaces are already loaded.

   * perform initialization of this class and its not-yet-initialized superclasses (top down),
   * which includes calling clinit() methods
   * This is overridden here to model a questionable yet consequential behavior of hotspot, which
   * is holding derived class locks when initializing base classes. The generic implementation in
   * ClassInfo uses non-nested locks (i.e. A.clinit() only synchronizes on A.class) and hence cannot
   * produce the same static init deadlocks as hotspot. In order to catch such defects we implement
   * nested locking here.
   * The main difference is that the generic implementation only pushes DCSFs for required clinits
   * and otherwise doesn't lock anything. Here, we create one static init specific DCSF which wraps
   * all clinits in nested monitorenter/exits. We create this even if there is no clinit so that we
   * mimic hotspot locking.
   * Note this scheme also enables us to get rid of the automatic clinit sync (they don't have
   * a 0x20 sync modifier in classfiles)
   * @return true if client needs to re-execute because we pushed DirectCallStackFrames
  public boolean initializeClass(ThreadInfo ti) {
    if (needsInitialization(ti)) {
      if (nestedInit && StringSetMatcher.isMatch(name, includeNestedInit, excludeNestedInit)) {
        registerClass(ti); // this is recursively upwards
        int nOps = 2 * (getNumberOfSuperClasses() + 1); // this is just an upper bound for the number of operands we need

        MethodInfo miInitialize = new MethodInfo("[initializeClass]", "()V", Modifier.STATIC, 0, nOps);
        JVMDirectCallStackFrame frame = new JVMDirectCallStackFrame(miInitialize, null);
        JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, miInitialize);

        addClassInit(ti, frame, cb); // this is recursively upwards until we hit a initialized superclass

        // this is normally initialized in the ctor, but at that point we don't have the code yet

        return true; // client has to re-execute, we pushed a stackframe

      } else { // use generic initialization without nested locks (directly calling clinits)
        return super.initializeClass(ti);

    } else {
      return false; // nothing to do

  protected void addClassInit (ThreadInfo ti, JVMDirectCallStackFrame frame, JVMCodeBuilder cb){
    int clsObjRef = getClassObjectRef();


    if (superClass != null && superClass.needsInitialization(ti)) {
      ((JVMClassInfo) superClass).addClassInit(ti, frame, cb);      // go recursive

    if (getMethod("<clinit>()V", false) != null) { // do we have a clinit
    } else {
      // we can't just do call ci.setInitialized() since that has to be deferred


  //--- call processing
  protected JVMCodeBuilder getSystemCodeBuilder (ClassFile cf, MethodInfo mi){
    JVMSystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl = (JVMSystemClassLoaderInfo) ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentSystemClassLoader();
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = sysCl.getSystemCodeBuilder(cf, mi);
    return cb;
   * to be called from super proxy ctor
   * this needs to be in the VM specific ClassInfo because we need to create code
  protected void setAnnotationValueGetterCode (MethodInfo pmi, FieldInfo fi){
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, pmi);

    cb.getfield( pmi.getName(), name, pmi.getReturnType());
    if (fi.isReference()) {
    } else {
      if (fi.getStorageSize() == 1) {
      } else {

  protected void setDirectCallCode (MethodInfo miDirectCall, MethodInfo miCallee){
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, miDirectCall);
    String calleeName = miCallee.getName();
    String calleeSig = miCallee.getSignature();

    if (miCallee.isStatic()){
      if (miCallee.isClinit()) {
      } else {
        cb.invokestatic( name, calleeName, calleeSig);
    } else if (name.equals("<init>") || miCallee.isPrivate()){
      cb.invokespecial( name, calleeName, calleeSig);
    } else {
      cb.invokevirtual( name, calleeName, calleeSig);

  protected void setNativeCallCode (NativeMethodInfo miNative){
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, miNative);
  protected void setRunStartCode (MethodInfo miStub, MethodInfo miRun){
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, miStub);
    cb.runStart( miStub);
    cb.invokevirtual( name, miRun.getName(), miRun.getSignature());
   * This method creates the body of the function object method that captures the 
   * lambda behavior.
  protected void setLambdaDirectCallCode (MethodInfo miDirectCall, BootstrapMethodInfo bootstrapMethod) {
    MethodInfo miCallee = bootstrapMethod.getLambdaBody();
    String samSignature = bootstrapMethod.getSamDescriptor();
    JVMCodeBuilder cb = getSystemCodeBuilder(null, miDirectCall);
    String calleeName = miCallee.getName();
    String calleeSig = miCallee.getSignature();
    ClassInfo callerCi = miDirectCall.getClassInfo();
    // loading free variables, which are used in the body of the lambda 
    // expression and captured by the lexical scope. These variables  
    // are stored by the fields of the synthetic function object class
    int n = callerCi.getNumberOfInstanceFields();
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      FieldInfo fi = callerCi.getInstanceField(i);
      cb.getfield(fi.getName(), callerCi.getName(), Types.getTypeSignature(fi.getSignature(), false));

    // adding bytecode instructions to load input parameters of the lambda expression
    n = miDirectCall.getArgumentsSize();
    for(int i=1; i<n; i++) {
    String calleeClass = miCallee.getClassName(); 
    // adding the bytecode instruction to invoke lambda method
    switch (bootstrapMethod.getLambdaRefKind()) {
    case ClassFile.REF_INVOKESTATIC:
      cb.invokestatic(calleeClass, calleeName, calleeSig);
      cb.invokeinterface(calleeClass, calleeName, calleeSig);
    case ClassFile.REF_INVOKEVIRTUAL:
      cb.invokevirtual(calleeClass, calleeName, calleeSig);
      cb.invokespecial(calleeClass, calleeName, calleeSig);
    case ClassFile.REF_INVOKESPECIAL:
      cb.invokespecial(calleeClass, calleeName, calleeSig);
    String returnType = Types.getReturnTypeSignature(samSignature);
    int  len = returnType.length();
    char c = returnType.charAt(0);

    // adding a return statement for function object method
    if (len == 1) {
      switch (c) {
      case 'B':
      case 'I':
      case 'C':
      case 'Z':
      case 'S':
      case 'D':
      case 'J':
      case 'F':
      case 'V':
    } else {
  // create a stack frame that has properly initialized arguments
  public StackFrame createStackFrame (ThreadInfo ti, MethodInfo callee){
    if (callee.isMJI()){
      NativeMethodInfo nativeCallee = (NativeMethodInfo) callee;
      JVMNativeStackFrame calleeFrame = new JVMNativeStackFrame( nativeCallee);
      calleeFrame.setArguments( ti);
      return calleeFrame; 
    } else {
      JVMStackFrame calleeFrame = new JVMStackFrame( callee);
      calleeFrame.setCallArguments( ti);
      return calleeFrame;      
  public DirectCallStackFrame createDirectCallStackFrame (ThreadInfo ti, MethodInfo miCallee, int nLocals){
    int nOperands = miCallee.getNumberOfCallerStackSlots();
    MethodInfo miDirect = new MethodInfo(miCallee, nLocals, nOperands);
    setDirectCallCode( miDirect, miCallee);
    return new JVMDirectCallStackFrame( miDirect, miCallee);
   * while this is a normal DirectCallStackFrame, it has different code which has to be created here 
  public DirectCallStackFrame createRunStartStackFrame (ThreadInfo ti, MethodInfo miRun){
    MethodInfo miDirect = new MethodInfo( miRun, 0, 1);
    setRunStartCode( miDirect, miRun);
    return new JVMDirectCallStackFrame( miDirect, miRun);