view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 28:7be90179bb3b

Provided support for double colon operator used for lamabda expressions. Fixed a bug related to generating names for funcation object classes (by supporting double colon operator, a new stragety needed to generate unique names for function objects. To achive that the bootstrap ids are incorporated into names). Finally modified the method that retrieves the SAM from functional interfaces.
author nastaran <>
date Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:20:50 -0700
parents 87e9c7544a06
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.

package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.ThreadChoiceFromSet;

 * a Scheduler implementation base class that allows filtering of runnable threads and
 * implements SyncPolicy without backtracking or empty transitions, i.e. choice sets that
 * include all runnable threads
public class AllRunnablesSyncPolicy implements SyncPolicy {

  protected VM vm;
  protected boolean breakSingleChoice;
  protected boolean breakLockRelease;
  protected boolean breakNotify;
  protected boolean breakSleep;
  protected boolean breakYield;
  protected boolean breakPriority;
  public AllRunnablesSyncPolicy (Config config){
    breakSingleChoice = config.getBoolean("cg.break_single_choice", false);    
    breakLockRelease = config.getBoolean("cg.break_lock_release", true);
    breakNotify = config.getBoolean("cg.break_notify", true);
    breakSleep = config.getBoolean("cg.break_sleep", true);
    breakYield = config.getBoolean("cg.break_yield", true);
    breakPriority = config.getBoolean("cg.break_priority", true);
  //--- internal methods

   * this is the main policy method that can be overridden by subclasses, e.g. by filtering
   * out the highest priority runnables, or by ordering according to priority
   * Default behavior is to first try to find runnables within the provided ApplicationContext,
   * and fall back to any runnable if there are none in this context
   * this includes threads that are in operations that can timeout
  protected ThreadInfo[] getTimeoutRunnables (ApplicationContext appCtx){
    ThreadList tlist = vm.getThreadList();
    if (tlist.hasProcessTimeoutRunnables(appCtx)){
      return tlist.getProcessTimeoutRunnables(appCtx);
    } else {
      return tlist.getTimeoutRunnables();

  protected ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> getRunnableCG (String id, ThreadInfo tiCurrent){
    ApplicationContext appCtx = tiCurrent.getApplicationContext();
    ThreadInfo[] choices = getTimeoutRunnables(appCtx);
    if (choices.length == 0){
      return null;
    if ((choices.length == 1) && (choices[0] == tiCurrent) && !tiCurrent.isTimeoutWaiting()){ // no context switch
      if (!breakSingleChoice){
        return null;
    ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg = new ThreadChoiceFromSet( id, choices, true);
    if(!vm.getThreadList().hasProcessTimeoutRunnables(appCtx)) {
    return cg;
  protected boolean setNextChoiceGenerator (ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg){
    if (cg != null){
      return vm.getSystemState().setNextChoiceGenerator(cg); // listeners could still remove CGs
    } else {
      return false;
   * set a runnable CG that is optional if we are in a atomic section 
  protected boolean setNonBlockingCG (String id, ThreadInfo tiCurrent){
    if (!tiCurrent.isFirstStepInsn() || tiCurrent.isEmptyTransitionEnabled()) {
      if (vm.getSystemState().isAtomic()) {
        return false;
      } else {
        return setNextChoiceGenerator(getRunnableCG(id, tiCurrent));
    } else {
      return false;  // no empty transitions
  protected static ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> blockedWithoutChoice = 
          new ThreadChoiceFromSet("BLOCKED_NO_CHOICE", new ThreadInfo[0], true);
   * set a runnable CG that would break a atomic section because it requires
   * a context switch
  protected boolean setBlockingCG (String id, ThreadInfo tiCurrent){
    if (!tiCurrent.isFirstStepInsn() || tiCurrent.isEmptyTransitionEnabled()) {
      if (vm.getSystemState().isAtomic()) {
      ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg = getRunnableCG(id, tiCurrent);
      if (cg == null){ // make sure we don't mask a deadlock
        if (vm.getThreadList().hasLiveThreads()){
          cg = blockedWithoutChoice;
      return setNextChoiceGenerator(cg);
    } else {
      return false;  // no empty transitions
   * set a runnable CG that only breaks a atomic section if the blocking thread
   * is the currently executing one
  protected boolean setMaybeBlockingCG (String id, ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiBlock){
    if (tiCurrent == tiBlock){
      return setBlockingCG( id, tiCurrent);
    } else {
      return setNonBlockingCG( id, tiCurrent);
  //--- SyncPolicy interface
  //--- initialization
  public void initializeSyncPolicy (VM vm, ApplicationContext appCtx){
    this.vm  = vm;
  public void initializeThreadSync (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiNew){
  //--- locks
  public boolean setsBlockedThreadCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei){
    return setBlockingCG( BLOCK, ti);
  public boolean setsLockAcquisitionCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei){
    return setNonBlockingCG( LOCK, ti);
  public boolean setsLockReleaseCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, boolean didUnblock){
    if (breakLockRelease){
      if (didUnblock){
        return setNonBlockingCG( RELEASE, ti);
    return false;
  //--- thread termination
  public boolean setsTerminationCG (ThreadInfo ti){
    return setBlockingCG( TERMINATE, ti);
  //--- java.lang.Object APIs
  public boolean setsWaitCG (ThreadInfo ti, long timeout){
    return setBlockingCG( WAIT, ti);
  public boolean setsNotifyCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean didNotify){
    if (breakNotify){
      if (didNotify){
        return setNonBlockingCG( NOTIFY, ti);
    return false;
  public boolean setsNotifyAllCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean didNotify){
    if (breakNotify){
      if (didNotify){
        return setNonBlockingCG( NOTIFYALL, ti);
    return false;
  //--- the java.lang.Thread APIs
  public boolean setsStartCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiStarted){
    return setNonBlockingCG( START, tiCurrent);
  public boolean setsYieldCG (ThreadInfo ti){
    if (breakYield){
      return setNonBlockingCG( YIELD, ti);
    } else {
      return false;
  public boolean setsPriorityCG (ThreadInfo ti){
    if (breakPriority){
      return setNonBlockingCG( PRIORITY, ti);    
    } else {
      return false;
  public boolean setsSleepCG (ThreadInfo ti, long millis, int nanos){
    if (breakSleep){
      return setNonBlockingCG( SLEEP, ti);
    } else {
      return false;
  public boolean setsSuspendCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiSuspended){
    return setMaybeBlockingCG( SUSPEND, tiCurrent, tiSuspended);      
  public boolean setsResumeCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiResumed){
    return setNonBlockingCG( RESUME, tiCurrent);
  public boolean setsJoinCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiJoin, long timeout){
    return setBlockingCG( JOIN, tiCurrent);      
  public boolean setsStopCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiStopped){
    return setMaybeBlockingCG( STOP, tiCurrent, tiStopped);
  public boolean setsInterruptCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiInterrupted){
    if (tiInterrupted.isWaiting()){
      return setNonBlockingCG( INTERRUPT, tiCurrent);
    } else {
      return false;
  //--- sun.misc.Unsafe
  public boolean setsParkCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean isAbsTime, long timeout){
    return setBlockingCG( PARK, ti);
  public boolean setsUnparkCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiUnparked){
    // if the unparked thread is not blocked there is no point
    if (tiUnparked.isBlocked()){
      return setNonBlockingCG( UNPARK, tiCurrent);
    } else {
      return false;

  //--- system scheduling events
   * this one has to be guaranteed to set a CG
  public void setRootCG (){
    ThreadInfo[] runnables = vm.getThreadList().getTimeoutRunnables();
    ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg = new ThreadChoiceFromSet( ROOT, runnables, true);
    vm.getSystemState().setMandatoryNextChoiceGenerator( cg, "no ROOT choice generator");
  //--- gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
  public boolean setsBeginAtomicCG (ThreadInfo ti){
    return setNonBlockingCG( BEGIN_ATOMIC, ti);
  public boolean setsEndAtomicCG (ThreadInfo ti){
    return setNonBlockingCG( END_ATOMIC, ti);
  //--- ThreadInfo reschedule request
  public boolean setsRescheduleCG (ThreadInfo ti, String reason){
    return setNonBlockingCG( reason, ti);
  //--- FinalizerThread
  public boolean setsPostFinalizeCG (ThreadInfo tiFinalizer){
    // the finalizer is already waiting at this point, i.e. it's not runnable anymore
    return setBlockingCG( POST_FINALIZE, tiFinalizer);
