view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 13:9d0c3f9df6e0

replaced ThreadInfo.yield() (which was bypassing SyncPolicy) with SyncPolicy.setsRescheduleCG(). The current use is only for the corner case where the last transition in the last non-daemon triggers a defect in a still runnable daemon, which we want to detect before the daemon is shut down. Added ChoiceGenerator.set/getStateId(), which is set on the nextCg once we broke a transition and performed state matching. This can be used to determine the states in the current path without having to maintain this as a separate structure that just mirrors the CG path. There is always a 1:1 relationship between the state that caused the CG and the respective CG instance.
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 13 Mar 2015 14:07:43 -0700
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFConfigException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.IntTable;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Misc;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Predicate;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.BreakGenerator;

import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.ThreadChoiceFromSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * A VM implementation that simulates running multiple applications within the same
 * JPF process (centralized model checking of distributed applications).
 * This is achieved by executing each application in a separate thread group,
 * using separate SystemClassLoader instances to ensure proper separation of types / static fields.
 * @author Nastaran Shafiei <>
 * To use this includes,
 *              vm.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.MultiProcessVM 
public class MultiProcessVM extends VM {

  static final int MAX_APP = 32;

  ApplicationContext[] appCtxs;
  MultiProcessPredicate runnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appTimedoutRunnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appDaemonRunnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appPredicate;
  protected Predicate<ThreadInfo> systemInUsePredicate;
  public MultiProcessVM (JPF jpf, Config conf) {
    super(jpf, conf);
    appCtxs = createApplicationContexts();
  void initializePredicates() {
    runnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (t.isRunnable() && this.appCtx == t.appCtx);
    appTimedoutRunnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx && t.isTimeoutRunnable());
    appDaemonRunnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx && t.isRunnable() && t.isDaemon());
    appPredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx);
    // this predicates collects those finalizers which are either runnable or
    // have some queued objects to process.
    systemInUsePredicate = new Predicate<ThreadInfo> () {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        boolean isTrue = false;
        if(t.isSystemThread()) {
          if(t.isRunnable()) {
            isTrue = true;
          } else {
            FinalizerThreadInfo finalizer = (FinalizerThreadInfo) t;
            isTrue = !finalizer.isIdle();
        return isTrue;

   * <2do> this should also handle command line specs such as "jpf ... tgt1 tgt1_arg ... -- tgt2 tgt2_arg ... 
  ApplicationContext[] createApplicationContexts(){
    String[] targets;

    int replicate = config.getInt("target.replicate", 0);
    if(replicate>0) {
      String target = config.getProperty("target");
      targets = new String[replicate];
      for(int i=0; i<replicate; i++) {
        targets[i] = target;
    } else {
      targets = config.getStringEnumeration("target", MAX_APP);

    if (targets == null){
      throw new JPFConfigException("no applications specified, check 'target.N' settings");
    ArrayList<ApplicationContext> list = new ArrayList<ApplicationContext>(targets.length);
    for (int i=0; i<targets.length; i++){
      if (targets[i] != null){ // there might be holes in the array
        String clsName = targets[i];
        if (!isValidClassName(clsName)) {
          throw new JPFConfigException("main class not a valid class name: " + clsName);
        String argsKey;
        String entryKey;
        String hostKey;
        if(replicate>0) {
          argsKey = "target.args";
          entryKey = "target.entry";
          hostKey = "";
        } else {
          argsKey = "target.args." + i;
          entryKey = "target.entry." + i;
          hostKey = "" + i;
        String[] args = config.getCompactStringArray(argsKey);
        if (args == null){
          args = EMPTY_ARGS;
        String mainEntry = config.getString(entryKey, "main([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
        String host = config.getString(hostKey, "localhost");
        SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCli = createSystemClassLoaderInfo(list.size());
        ApplicationContext appCtx = new ApplicationContext( i, clsName, mainEntry, args, host, sysCli);
        list.add( appCtx);
    return list.toArray(new ApplicationContext[list.size()]);

  public boolean initialize(){
    try {
      ThreadInfo tiFirst = null;
      for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
        ApplicationContext appCtx = appCtxs[i];
        // this has to happen before we load the startup classes during initializeMainThread
        scheduler.initialize(this, appCtx);
        ThreadInfo tiMain = initializeMainThread(appCtx, i);
        initializeFinalizerThread(appCtx, appCtxs.length+i);
        if (tiMain == null) {
          return false; // bail out
        if (tiFirst == null){
          tiFirst = tiMain;

      initialized = true;
      return true;
    } catch (JPFConfigException cfe){
      return false;
    } catch (ClassInfoException cie){
      return false;
    // all other exceptions are JPF errors that should cause stack traces

  public int getNumberOfApplications(){
    return appCtxs.length;
  public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext(int objRef) {
    VM vm = VM.getVM();

    ClassInfo ci = vm.getElementInfo(objRef).getClassInfo();
    while(!ci.isObjectClassInfo()) {
      ci = ci.getSuperClass();

    ClassLoaderInfo sysLoader = ci.getClassLoaderInfo();
    ApplicationContext[] appContext = vm.getApplicationContexts();
    for(int i=0; i<appContext.length; i++) {
      if(appContext[i].getSystemClassLoader() == sysLoader) {
        return appContext[i];
    return null;
  public ApplicationContext[] getApplicationContexts(){
    return appCtxs;

  public ApplicationContext getCurrentApplicationContext(){
    ThreadInfo ti = ThreadInfo.getCurrentThread();
    if (ti != null){
      return ti.getApplicationContext();
    } else {
      // return the last defined one
      return appCtxs[appCtxs.length-1];

  public String getSUTName() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
      if (i>0){
    return sb.toString();

  public String getSUTDescription(){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
      if (i>0){
        sb.append('+'); // "||" would be more fitting, but would screw up filenames

      ApplicationContext appCtx = appCtxs[i];
      sb.append(Misc.upToFirst(appCtx.mainEntry, '('));

      String[] args = appCtx.args;
      for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) {
        if (j > 0) {
    return sb.toString();

  public boolean isSingleProcess() {
    return false;

  public boolean isEndState () {
    boolean hasNonTerminatedDaemon = getThreadList().hasAnyMatching(getUserLiveNonDaemonPredicate());
    boolean hasRunnable = getThreadList().hasAnyMatching(getUserTimedoutRunnablePredicate());
    boolean isEndState = !(hasNonTerminatedDaemon && hasRunnable);
    if(processFinalizers) {
      if(isEndState) {
        int n = getThreadList().getMatchingCount(systemInUsePredicate);
        if(n>0) {
          return false;
    return isEndState;

  // Note - for now we just check for global deadlocks not the local ones which occur within a
  // scope of a single progress
  public boolean isDeadlocked () { 
    boolean hasNonDaemons = false;
    boolean hasBlockedThreads = false;

    if (ss.isBlockedInAtomicSection()) {
      return true; // blocked in atomic section

    ThreadInfo[] threads = getThreadList().getThreads();
    int len = threads.length;

    boolean hasUserThreads = false;
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
      ThreadInfo ti = threads[i];
      if (ti.isAlive()) {
        hasNonDaemons |= !ti.isDaemon();

        // shortcut - if there is at least one runnable, we are not deadlocked
        if (ti.isTimeoutRunnable()) { // willBeRunnable() ?
          return false;
        if(!ti.isSystemThread()) {
          hasUserThreads = true;

        // means it is not NEW or TERMINATED, i.e. live & blocked
        hasBlockedThreads = true;

    boolean isDeadlock = hasNonDaemons && hasBlockedThreads;
    if(processFinalizers && isDeadlock && !hasUserThreads) {
      // all threads are blocked, system threads. If at least one of them 
      // is in-use, then this is a deadlocked state.
      return (getThreadList().getMatchingCount(systemInUsePredicate)>0);
    return isDeadlock;
  public void terminateProcess (ThreadInfo ti) {
    SystemState ss = getSystemState();
    ThreadInfo[] appThreads = getThreadList().getAllMatching(getAppPredicate(ti));
    ThreadInfo finalizerTi = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < appThreads.length; i++) {
      ThreadInfo t = appThreads[i];
      // if finalizers have to be processed, FinalizerThread is not killed at this 
      // point. We need to keep it around in case fianlizable objects are GCed after 
      // System.exit() returns.
      if(processFinalizers && t.isSystemThread()) {
        finalizerTi = t;
      } else {
        // keep the stack frames around, so that we can inspect the snapshot
    ThreadList tl = getThreadList();
    ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg;
    if (tl.hasAnyMatching(getAlivePredicate())) {
      ThreadInfo[] runnables = getThreadList().getAllMatching(getTimedoutRunnablePredicate());
      cg = new ThreadChoiceFromSet( "PROCESS_TERMINATE", runnables, true);
    } else {
      cg = new BreakGenerator("exit", ti, true);
    ss.setMandatoryNextChoiceGenerator(cg, "exit without break CG");
    // if there is a finalizer thread, we have to run the last GC, to queue finalizable objects, if any
    if(finalizerTi != null) {
      assert finalizerTi.isAlive();
  public Map<Integer,IntTable<String>> getInitialInternStringsMap() {
    Map<Integer,IntTable<String>> interns = new HashMap<Integer,IntTable<String>>();
    for(ApplicationContext appCtx:getApplicationContexts()) {
      interns.put(appCtx.getId(), appCtx.getInternStrings());
    return interns;
  //---------- Predicates used to query threads from ThreadList ----------//
  abstract class MultiProcessPredicate implements Predicate<ThreadInfo> {
    ApplicationContext appCtx;

    public void setAppCtx (ApplicationContext appCtx) { 
      this.appCtx = appCtx; 
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getRunnablePredicate() {
    return runnablePredicate;
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getAppTimedoutRunnablePredicate() {
    return appTimedoutRunnablePredicate;
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getDaemonRunnablePredicate() {
    return appDaemonRunnablePredicate;
   * Returns a predicate used to obtain all the threads that belong to the same application as ti
  Predicate<ThreadInfo> getAppPredicate (final ThreadInfo ti){
    return appPredicate;
  // ---------- Methods for handling finalizers ---------- //

  void updateFinalizerQueues () {
    for(ApplicationContext appCtx: appCtxs) {