view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 7:b822e7665585

added a @JPFAttribute(TYPE_NAME,...) annotation for model classes (class, field and method target), which causes JPF to automatically set attribute objects that are instantiated from the provided type name args. Note that the respective attribute classes need to have a public default constructor. Added a JPFAttrAnnotationTest to show how to use it. This is the generic mechanism to use if we need to mark ClassInfos, MethodInfos and FieldInfos either from sources (using annotations), or from config files (type names/matchers used from listeners etc.) - base the processing on attributes, and set them from annotations via @JPFAttribute Refactored MethodInfo linking to happen from Initializer.setMethodDone() so that annotations are already parsed (setMethod() is too early since none of the classfile method attributes are parsed at this point)
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:28:55 -0800
parents 61d41facf527
children db918c531e6d
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.SystemAttribute;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.JPFLogger;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.SparseIntVector;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.StringSetMatcher;

 * @author Nastaran Shafiei <>
 * Represents the classloader construct in VM which is responsible for loading
 * classes.
public class ClassLoaderInfo 
     implements Iterable<ClassInfo>, Comparable<ClassLoaderInfo>, Cloneable, Restorable<ClassLoaderInfo> {

  static JPFLogger log = JPF.getLogger("class");

  // the model class field name where we store our id 
  protected static final String ID_FIELD = "nativeId";

  protected static Config config;

  // this is where we keep the global list of classloader ids
  protected static SparseIntVector globalCLids;
   * Map from class file URLs to first ClassInfo that was read from it. This search
   * global map is used to make sure we only read class files once
  protected static Map<String,ClassInfo> loadedClasses;
   * map from annotation class file URLs to AnnotationInfos, which have a separate JPF internal
   * representation. Again, using a global map ensures we only read the related class files once
  protected static Map<String,AnnotationInfo> loadedAnnotations;
  // Map that keeps the classes defined (directly loaded) by this loader and the
  // ones that are resolved from these defined classes
  protected Map<String,ClassInfo> resolvedClasses;

  // annotations directly loaded by this classloader
  protected Map<String,AnnotationInfo> resolvedAnnotations;
  // Represents the locations where this classloader can load classes form - has to be populated subclasses 
  protected ClassPath cp;

  // The type of the corresponding class loader object
  protected ClassInfo classInfo;

  // The area containing static fields and  classes
  protected Statics statics;

  protected boolean roundTripRequired = false;

  // Search global id, which is the basis for canonical order of classloaders
  protected int id;

  // The java.lang.ClassLoader object reference
  protected int objRef;

  protected ClassLoaderInfo parent;

  static class ClMemento implements Memento<ClassLoaderInfo> {
    // note that we don't have to store the invariants (gid, parent, isSystemClassLoader)
    ClassLoaderInfo cl;
    Memento<Statics> staticsMemento;
    Memento<ClassPath> cpMemento;
    Map<String, Boolean> classAssertionStatus;
    Map<String, Boolean> packageAssertionStatus;
    boolean defaultAssertionStatus;
    boolean isDefaultSet;

    ClMemento (ClassLoaderInfo cl){ = cl;
      staticsMemento = cl.statics.getMemento();
      cpMemento = cl.cp.getMemento();
      classAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(cl.classAssertionStatus);
      packageAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(cl.packageAssertionStatus);
      defaultAssertionStatus = cl.defaultAssertionStatus;
      isDefaultSet = cl.isDefaultSet;

	public ClassLoaderInfo restore(ClassLoaderInfo ignored) {
      cl.classAssertionStatus = this.classAssertionStatus;
      cl.packageAssertionStatus = this.packageAssertionStatus;
      cl.defaultAssertionStatus = this.defaultAssertionStatus;
      cl.isDefaultSet = this.isDefaultSet;
      return cl;

   * This is invoked by VM.initSubsystems()
  static void init (Config config) {
    ClassLoaderInfo.config = config;

    globalCLids = new SparseIntVector();
    loadedClasses = new HashMap<String,ClassInfo>(); // not sure we actually want this for multiple runs (unless we check file stamps)
    loadedAnnotations = new HashMap<String,AnnotationInfo>();
    enabledAssertionPatterns = StringSetMatcher.getNonEmpty(config.getStringArray("vm.enable_assertions"));
    disabledAssertionPatterns = StringSetMatcher.getNonEmpty(config.getStringArray("vm.disable_assertions"));
  public static int getNumberOfLoadedClasses (){
    return loadedClasses.size();
  public static ClassInfo getCurrentResolvedClassInfo (String clsName){
    ClassLoaderInfo cl = getCurrentClassLoader();
    return cl.getResolvedClassInfo(clsName);

  public static ClassInfo getSystemResolvedClassInfo (String clsName){
    ClassLoaderInfo cl = getCurrentSystemClassLoader();
    return cl.getResolvedClassInfo(clsName);
   * for use from SystemClassLoaderInfo ctor, which doesn't have a ClassLoader object
   * yet and has to set cp and id itself
  protected ClassLoaderInfo (VM vm){
    resolvedClasses = new HashMap<String,ClassInfo>();
    resolvedAnnotations = new HashMap<String,AnnotationInfo>();
    this.statics = createStatics(vm);

    cp = new ClassPath();
    // registration has to happen from SystemClassLoaderInfo ctor since we are
    // only partially initialized at this point
   * for all other classloaders, which require an already instantiated ClassLoader object 
  protected ClassLoaderInfo (VM vm, int objRef, ClassPath cp, ClassLoaderInfo parent) {
    resolvedClasses = new HashMap<String,ClassInfo>();
    resolvedAnnotations = new HashMap<String,AnnotationInfo>();

    this.parent = parent;
    this.objRef = objRef;
    this.cp = cp;
    this.statics = createStatics(vm); = computeId(objRef);
    ElementInfo ei = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);

    ei.setIntField(ID_FIELD, id);
    if (parent != null) {
      ei.setReferenceField("parent", parent.objRef);
    classInfo = ei.getClassInfo();
    roundTripRequired = isRoundTripRequired();

  public Memento<ClassLoaderInfo> getMemento (MementoFactory factory) {
    return factory.getMemento(this);

  public Memento<ClassLoaderInfo> getMemento(){
    return new ClMemento(this);

  protected Statics createStatics (VM vm){
    Class<?>[] argTypes = { Config.class, KernelState.class };
    Object[] args = { config, vm.getKernelState() };
    return config.getEssentialInstance("vm.statics.class", Statics.class, argTypes, args);
   * this is our internal, search global id that is used for the
   * canonical root set
  public int getId() {
    return id;

   * Returns the type of the corresponding class loader object
  public ClassInfo getClassInfo () {
    return classInfo;

   * Returns the object reference.
  public int getClassLoaderObjectRef () {
    return objRef;

  protected int computeId (int objRef) {
    int id = globalCLids.get(objRef);
    if (id == 0) {
      id = globalCLids.size() + 1; // the first systemClassLoader is not in globalCLids and always has id '0'
      globalCLids.set(objRef, id);
    return id;

   * For optimizing the class loading mechanism, if the class loader class and the 
   * classes of the whole parents hierarchy are descendant of URLClassLoader and 
   * do not override the ClassLoader.loadClass() & URLClassLoader.findClass, resolving 
   * the class is done natively within JPF
  protected boolean isRoundTripRequired() {
    return (parent!=null? parent.roundTripRequired: true)  || !hasOriginalLoadingImp();

  private boolean hasOriginalLoadingImp() {
    String signature = "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;";
    MethodInfo loadClass = classInfo.getMethod("loadClass" + signature, true);
    MethodInfo findClass = classInfo.getMethod("findClass" + signature, true);
    return (loadClass.getClassName().equals("java.lang.ClassLoader") &&

  public boolean isSystemClassLoader() {
    return false;
  public static ClassLoaderInfo getCurrentClassLoader() {
    return getCurrentClassLoader( ThreadInfo.getCurrentThread());

  public static ClassLoaderInfo getCurrentClassLoader (ThreadInfo ti) {
    for (StackFrame frame = ti.getTopFrame(); frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      MethodInfo miFrame = frame.getMethodInfo();
      ClassInfo ciFrame =  miFrame.getClassInfo();
      if (ciFrame != null){
        return ciFrame.getClassLoaderInfo();

    return ti.getSystemClassLoaderInfo();
  public static SystemClassLoaderInfo getCurrentSystemClassLoader() {
    ThreadInfo ti = ThreadInfo.getCurrentThread();
    if (ti != null){
      return ti.getSystemClassLoaderInfo();
    } else {
      // this is kind of a hack - we just use the latest SystemClassLoaderInfo instance
      // this might happen if the SystemClassLoader preloads classes before we have a main thread
      return SystemClassLoaderInfo.lastInstance;

  public SystemClassLoaderInfo getSystemClassLoader() {
    return getCurrentSystemClassLoader();
  protected ClassInfo loadSystemClass (String clsName){
    return getCurrentSystemClassLoader().loadSystemClass(clsName);

  protected ClassInfo createClassInfo (String typeName, ClassFileMatch match, ClassLoaderInfo definingLoader) throws ClassParseException {
    return getCurrentSystemClassLoader().createClassInfo( typeName, match, definingLoader);
  protected ClassInfo createClassInfo (String typeName, String url, byte[] data, ClassLoaderInfo definingLoader) throws ClassParseException {
    return getCurrentSystemClassLoader().createClassInfo( typeName, url, data, definingLoader);

  protected void setAttributes (ClassInfo ci){
   * obtain ClassInfo object for given class name
   * if the requested class or any of its superclasses and interfaces
   * is not found this method will throw a ClassInfoException. Loading
   * of respective superclasses and interfaces happens recursively from here.
   * Returned ClassInfo objects are not registered yet, i.e. still have to
   * be added to the ClassLoaderInfo's statics, and don't have associated java.lang.Class
   * objects until registerClass(ti) is called.
   * Before any field or method access, the class also has to be initialized,
   * which can include overlayed execution of &lt;clinit&gt; declaredMethods, which is done
   * by calling initializeClass(ti,insn)
   * this is for loading classes from the file system 
  public ClassInfo getResolvedClassInfo (String className) throws ClassInfoException {
    String typeName = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName( className);
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get( typeName);
    if (ci == null) {
      if (ClassInfo.isBuiltinClass( typeName)){
        ci = loadSystemClass( typeName);

      } else {
        ClassFileMatch match = getMatch( typeName);
        if (match != null){
          String url = match.getClassURL();
          ci = loadedClasses.get( url); // have we loaded the class from this source before
          if (ci != null){
            if (ci.getClassLoaderInfo() != this){ // might have been loaded by another classloader
              ci = ci.cloneFor(this);
          } else {
            try {
    "loading class ", typeName, " from ",  url);
              ci = match.createClassInfo(this);
            } catch (ClassParseException cpx){
              throw new ClassInfoException( "error parsing class", this, "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", typeName, cpx);
            loadedClasses.put( url, ci);
        } else { // no match found
          throw new ClassInfoException("class not found: " + typeName, this, "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException", typeName);
      resolvedClasses.put(typeName, ci);
    return ci;
   * this is for user defined ClassLoaders that explicitly provide the class file data
  public ClassInfo getResolvedClassInfo (String className, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws ClassInfoException {
    String typeName = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName( className);
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get( typeName);    
    if (ci == null) {        
      try {
        // it can't be a builtin class since we have classfile contents
        String url = typeName; // three isn't really a URL for it, just choose somehting
        SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl = getCurrentSystemClassLoader();
        ci = sysCl.createClassInfo(typeName, url, data, this);

        // no use to store it in loadedClasses since the data might be dynamically generated

      } catch (ClassParseException cpx) {
        throw new ClassInfoException("error parsing class", this, "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", typeName, cpx);

      resolvedClasses.put( typeName, ci);
    return ci;
  public AnnotationInfo getResolvedAnnotationInfo (String typeName) throws ClassInfoException {
    AnnotationInfo ai = resolvedAnnotations.get(typeName);
    if (ai == null){
      ClassFileMatch match = getMatch( typeName);
      if (match != null){
        String url = match.getClassURL();
        ai = loadedAnnotations.get(url); // have we loaded the class from this source before
        if (ai != null) {
          if (ai.getClassLoaderInfo() != this) { // might have been loaded by another classloader
            ai = ai.cloneFor(this);
        } else {
          try {
            ai = match.createAnnotationInfo(this);
          } catch (ClassParseException cpx) {
            throw new ClassInfoException("error parsing class", this, "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", typeName, cpx);
          loadedAnnotations.put( url, ai);
      } else { // no match found
        throw new ClassInfoException("class not found: " + typeName, this, "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException", typeName);
      resolvedAnnotations.put( typeName, ai);
    return ai;
  public ClassInfo getResolvedAnnotationProxy (ClassInfo ciAnnotation){
    String typeName = ciAnnotation.getName() + "$Proxy";
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get( typeName);
    if (ci == null) {
      ci = ciAnnotation.createAnnotationProxy(typeName);      
      resolvedClasses.put( typeName, ci);

    return ci;

   * This method returns a type which implements the given functional interface 
   * and contains a method that captures the behavior of the lambda expression.
  public ClassInfo getResolvedFuncObjType (ClassInfo fiClassInfo, String samUniqueName, BootstrapMethodInfo bmi, String[] freeVariableTypeNames) {
    String typeName = bmi.enclosingClass.getName() + "$$" + bmi.lambdaBody.getName();
    ClassInfo funcObjType = resolvedClasses.get( typeName);
    if (funcObjType == null) {
      funcObjType = fiClassInfo.createFuncObjClassInfo(bmi, typeName, samUniqueName, freeVariableTypeNames);
      resolvedClasses.put( typeName, funcObjType);
    return funcObjType;
  protected ClassInfo getAlreadyResolvedClassInfo(String cname) {
    return resolvedClasses.get(cname);

  protected void addResolvedClass(ClassInfo ci) {
    resolvedClasses.put(ci.getName(), ci);

  protected boolean hasResolved(String cname) {
    return (resolvedClasses.get(cname)!=null);

   * this one is for clients that need to synchronously get an initialized classinfo.
   * NOTE: we don't handle clinits here. If there is one, this will throw
  public ClassInfo getInitializedClassInfo (String clsName, ThreadInfo ti){
    ClassInfo ci = getResolvedClassInfo(clsName);

    ci.registerClass(ti); // this is safe to call on already loaded classes

    if (ci.initializeClass(ti)) {
      throw new ClinitRequired(ci);

    return ci;

   * obtain ClassInfo from context that does not care about resolution, i.e.
   * does not check for NoClassInfoExceptions
   * @param className fully qualified classname to get a ClassInfo for
   * @return null if class was not found
  public ClassInfo tryGetResolvedClassInfo (String className){
    try {
      return getResolvedClassInfo(className);
    } catch (ClassInfoException cx){
      return null;

  public ClassInfo getClassInfo (int id) {
    ElementInfo ei = statics.get(id);
    if (ei != null) {
      return ei.getClassInfo();
    } else {
      return null;

  // it acquires the resolvedClassInfo by executing the class loader loadClass() method
  public ClassInfo loadClass(String cname) {
    ClassInfo ci = null;
    if(roundTripRequired) {
      // loadClass bytecode needs to be executed by the JPF vm
      ci = loadClassOnJPF(cname);
    } else {
      // This class loader and the whole parent hierarchy use the standard class loading
      // mechanism, therefore the class is loaded natively
      ci = loadClassOnJVM(cname);

    return ci;

  protected ClassInfo loadClassOnJVM(String cname) {
    String className = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(cname);
    // Check if the given class is already resolved by this loader
    ClassInfo ci = getAlreadyResolvedClassInfo(className);

    if (ci == null) {
      try {
        if(parent != null) {
          ci = parent.loadClassOnJVM(cname);
        } else {
          ClassLoaderInfo systemClassLoader = getCurrentSystemClassLoader();
          ci = systemClassLoader.getResolvedClassInfo(cname);
      } catch(ClassInfoException cie) {
        if(cie.getExceptionClass().equals("java.lang.ClassNotFoundException")) {
          ci = getResolvedClassInfo(cname);
        } else {
          throw cie;

    return ci;

  // we need a system attribute to 
  class LoadClassRequest implements SystemAttribute {
    String typeName;
    LoadClassRequest (String typeName){
      this.typeName = typeName;
    boolean isRequestFor( String typeName){
      return this.typeName.equals( typeName);
  protected ClassInfo loadClassOnJPF (String typeName) {
    String className = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(typeName);
    // Check if the given class is already resolved by this loader
    ClassInfo ci = getAlreadyResolvedClassInfo(className);

    if(ci != null) { // class already resolved
      return ci;
    } else {   // class is not yet resolved, do a roundtrip for the respective loadClass() method
      ThreadInfo ti = VM.getVM().getCurrentThread();  
      StackFrame frame = ti.getReturnedDirectCall();
      if (frame != null){ // there was a roundtrip, but make sure it wasn't a recursive one
        LoadClassRequest a = frame.getFrameAttr(LoadClassRequest.class);
        if (a != null && a.isRequestFor(typeName)){ // the roundtrip is completed
          int clsObjRef = frame.pop();

          if (clsObjRef == MJIEnv.NULL) {
            throw new ClassInfoException("class not found: " + typeName, this, "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", typeName);
          } else {
            return ti.getEnv().getReferredClassInfo(clsObjRef);
      // initiate the roundtrip & bail out
      throw new LoadOnJPFRequired(typeName);

  protected void pushloadClassFrame (String typeName) {
    ThreadInfo ti = VM.getVM().getCurrentThread();

    // obtain the class of this ClassLoader
    ClassInfo clClass = VM.getVM().getClassInfo(objRef);

    // retrieve the loadClass() method of this ClassLoader class
    MethodInfo miLoadClass = clClass.getMethod("loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;", true);

    // create a frame representing loadClass() & push it to the stack of the  current thread 
    DirectCallStackFrame frame = miLoadClass.createDirectCallStackFrame( ti, 0);

    String clsName = typeName.replace('/', '.');
    int sRef = ti.getEnv().newString( clsName);
    int argOffset = frame.setReferenceArgument( 0, objRef, null);
    frame.setReferenceArgument( argOffset, sRef, null);

    frame.setFrameAttr( new LoadClassRequest(typeName));

  protected ClassInfo getDefinedClassInfo(String typeName){
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get(typeName);
    if(ci != null && ci.classLoader == this) {
      return ci;
    } else {
      return null;
  public ElementInfo getElementInfo (String typeName) {
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get(typeName);
    if (ci != null) {
      ClassLoaderInfo cli = ci.classLoader;
      Statics st = cli.statics;
      return st.get(ci.getId());
    } else {
      return null; // not resolved

  public ElementInfo getModifiableElementInfo (String typeName) {
    ClassInfo ci = resolvedClasses.get(typeName);
    if (ci != null) {
      ClassLoaderInfo cli = ci.classLoader;
      Statics st = cli.statics;
      return st.getModifiable(ci.getId());
    } else {
      return null; // not resolved

  protected ClassFileMatch getMatch(String typeName) {
    if(ClassInfo.isBuiltinClass(typeName)) {
      return null;

    ClassFileMatch match;
    try {
      match = cp.findMatch(typeName); 
    } catch (ClassParseException cfx){
      throw new JPFException("error reading class " + typeName, cfx);

    return match;

   * Finds the first Resource in the classpath which has the specified name. 
   * Returns null if no Resource is found.
  public String findResource (String resourceName){
    for (String cpe : getClassPathElements()) {
      String URL = getResourceURL(cpe, resourceName);
      if(URL != null) {
        return URL;
    return null;

   * Finds all resources in the classpath with the given name. Returns an 
   * enumeration of the URL objects.
  public String[] findResources (String resourceName){
    ArrayList<String> resources = new ArrayList(0);
    for (String cpe : getClassPathElements()) {
      String URL = getResourceURL(cpe, resourceName);
      if(URL != null) {
        if(!resources.contains(URL)) {
    return resources.toArray(new String[resources.size()]);
  protected String getResourceURL(String path, String resource) {
    if(resource != null) {
      try {
        if (path.endsWith(".jar")){
          JarFile jar = new JarFile(path);
          JarEntry e = jar.getJarEntry(resource);
          if (e != null){
            File f = new File(path);
            return "jar:" + f.toURI().toURL().toString() + "!/" + resource;
        } else {
          File f = new File(path, resource);
          if (f.exists()){
            return f.toURI().toURL().toString();
      } catch (MalformedURLException mfx){
        return null;
      } catch (IOException iox){
        return null;

    return null;

  public Statics getStatics() {
    return statics;

  public ClassPath getClassPath() {
    return cp;

  public String[] getClassPathElements() {
    return cp.getPathNames();

  protected ClassFileContainer createClassFileContainer (String path){
    return getCurrentSystemClassLoader().createClassFileContainer(path);
  public void addClassPathElement (String path){
    ClassFileContainer cfc = createClassFileContainer(path);
    if (cfc != null){
    } else {
      log.warning("unknown classpath element: ", path);
   * Comparison for sorting based on index.
  public int compareTo (ClassLoaderInfo that) {
    return -;

   * Returns an iterator over the classes that are defined (directly loaded) by this classloader. 
  public Iterator<ClassInfo> iterator () {
    return resolvedClasses.values().iterator();

   * For now, this always returns true, and it used while the classloader is being
   * serialized. That is going to be changed if we ever consider unloading the
   * classes. For now, it is just added in analogy to ThreadInfo
  public boolean isAlive () {
    return true;

  public Map<String, ClassLoaderInfo> getPackages() {
    Map<String, ClassLoaderInfo> pkgs = new HashMap<String, ClassLoaderInfo>();
    for(String cname: resolvedClasses.keySet()) {
      if(!ClassInfo.isBuiltinClass(cname) && cname.indexOf('.')!=-1) {
        pkgs.put(cname.substring(0, cname.lastIndexOf('.')), this);

    Map<String, ClassLoaderInfo> parentPkgs = null;
    if(parent!=null) {
      parentPkgs = parent.getPackages();

    if (parentPkgs != null) {
      for (String pName: parentPkgs.keySet()) {
        if (pkgs.get(pName) == null) {
          pkgs.put(pName, parentPkgs.get(pName));
    return pkgs;

  //-------- assertion management --------
  // set in the file
  static StringSetMatcher enabledAssertionPatterns;
  static StringSetMatcher disabledAssertionPatterns;

  protected Map<String, Boolean> classAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
  protected Map<String, Boolean> packageAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
  protected boolean defaultAssertionStatus = false;
  protected boolean isDefaultSet = false;

  protected boolean desiredAssertionStatus(String cname) {
    // class level assertion can override all their assertion settings
    Boolean result = classAssertionStatus.get(cname);
    if (result != null) {
      return result.booleanValue();

    // package level assertion can override the default assertion settings
    int dotIndex = cname.lastIndexOf(".");
    if (dotIndex < 0) { // check for default package
      result = packageAssertionStatus.get(null);
      if (result != null) {
        return result.booleanValue();

    if(dotIndex > 0) {
      String pkgName = cname;
      while(dotIndex > 0) { // check for the class package and its upper level packages 
        pkgName = pkgName.substring(0, dotIndex);
        result = packageAssertionStatus.get(pkgName);
        if (result != null) {
          return result.booleanValue();
        dotIndex = pkgName.lastIndexOf(".", dotIndex-1);

    // class loader default, if it has been set, can override the settings
    // specified by VM arguments
    if(isDefaultSet) {
      return defaultAssertionStatus;
    } else {
      return StringSetMatcher.isMatch(cname, enabledAssertionPatterns, disabledAssertionPatterns);

  public void setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean enabled) {
    isDefaultSet = true;
    defaultAssertionStatus = enabled;

  public void setClassAssertionStatus(String cname, boolean enabled) {
    classAssertionStatus.put(cname, enabled);

  public void setPackageAssertionStatus(String pname, boolean enabled) {
    packageAssertionStatus.put(pname, enabled);

  public void clearAssertionStatus() {
    classAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
    packageAssertionStatus = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
    defaultAssertionStatus = false;