view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 2:b920e6b1be83

second part of the jpf-statechart motivated event interface overhaul, providing dynamic (context specific) expansion of EventTrees from within EventChoiceGenerators. This adds a EventContext mechanism that can replace events on-the-fly during advance() (e.g. expand wildcard patterns) this also included the refined 'vm.extend.transitions' property, which is now a list of TypeSpecs (glob notation plus bounds) for CG types that should be subject to transition extension. We also support CheckExtendTransition attrs for CGs, which can be used to dynamically mark CGs. Note that each matching CG is still tested for non-rescheduling single choices small Type/FeatureSpec extension to make it applicable to java.lang.Class instances. There is no reason why we can't make use of this for native types
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:19:08 -0800
parents f6886b2bda4a
children caa0924e093d
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.annotation.MJI;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.IntTable;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.JPFLogger;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.ObjectConverter;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.ObjectList;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.RunListener;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.RunRegistry;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.json.CGCall;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.json.JSONLexer;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.json.JSONObject;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.json.JSONParser;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.DoubleChoiceFromList;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.FloatChoiceFromList;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.IntChoiceFromSet;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.IntIntervalGenerator;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.LongChoiceFromList;

import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.List;

 * native peer class for programmatic JPF interface (that can be used inside
 * of apps to verify - if you are aware of the danger that comes with it)
 * this peer is a bit different in that it only uses static fields and methods because
 * its use is supposed to be JPF global (without classloader namespaces)
public class JPF_gov_nasa_jpf_vm_Verify extends NativePeer {
  static final int MAX_COUNTERS = 10;

  static boolean isInitialized;
  // those are used to store search global int values (e.g. from TestJPF derived classes)
  static int[] counter;
  static IntTable<String> map;

  static boolean supportIgnorePath;
  static boolean breakSingleChoice;
  static boolean enableAtomic;

  static Config config;  // we need to keep this around for CG creation

  // our const ChoiceGenerator ctor argtypes
  static Class[] cgArgTypes = { Config.class, String.class };
  // this is our cache for ChoiceGenerator ctor parameters
  static Object[] cgArgs = { null, null };

  static BitSet[] bitSets;
  static int nextBitSet;

  static PrintStream out;
  public static boolean init (Config conf) {

    if (!isInitialized){
      supportIgnorePath = conf.getBoolean("vm.verify.ignore_path");
      breakSingleChoice = conf.getBoolean("cg.break_single_choice");
      enableAtomic = conf.getBoolean("cg.enable_atomic", true);

      counter = null;
      map = null;
      config = conf;

      String outFile = conf.getString("vm.verify.output_file");
      if (outFile != null){
        try {
          out = new PrintStream(outFile);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException fnx){
          System.err.println("error: could not open verify output file " + outFile + ", using System.out");
          out = System.out;
      } else {
        out = System.out;
      Verify.setPeerClass( JPF_gov_nasa_jpf_vm_Verify.class);

      RunRegistry.getDefaultRegistry().addListener( new RunListener() {
		public void reset (RunRegistry reg){
          isInitialized = false;
    return true;

  public static final int NO_VALUE = -1;
  public static int getValue__Ljava_lang_String_2__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int keyRef) {
    if (map == null) {
      return NO_VALUE;
    } else {
      String key = env.getStringObject(keyRef);
      IntTable.Entry<String> e = map.get(key);
      if (e != null) {
        return e.val;
      } else {
        return NO_VALUE;
  public static void putValue__Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int keyRef, int val) {
    if (map == null) {
      map = new IntTable<String>();
    String key = env.getStringObject(keyRef);
    map.put(key, val);
  public static int getCounter__I__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int counterId) {
    if ((counter == null) || (counterId < 0) || (counterId >= counter.length)) {
      return 0;

    return counter[counterId];

  private static void ensureCounterCapacity (int counterId){
    if (counter == null) {
      counter = new int[(counterId >= MAX_COUNTERS) ? counterId+1 : MAX_COUNTERS];
    } else if (counterId >= counter.length) {
      int[] newCounter = new int[counterId+1];
      System.arraycopy(counter, 0, newCounter, 0, counter.length);
      counter = newCounter;
  public static void resetCounter__I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int counterId) {
    if ((counter == null) || (counterId < 0) || (counterId >= counter.length)) {
    counter[counterId] = 0;

  public static void setCounter__II__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int counterId, int val) {
    if (counterId < 0){
    counter[counterId] = val;
  public static int incrementCounter__I__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int counterId) {
    if (counterId < 0) {
      return 0;

    return ++counter[counterId];

  private static void checkBitSetId(int id) {
    if (bitSets == null) {
      bitSets = new BitSet[id + 1];
    } else if (id >= bitSets.length) {
      BitSet[] newBitSets = new BitSet[id + 1];
      System.arraycopy(bitSets, 0, newBitSets, 0, bitSets.length);
      bitSets = newBitSets;

    if (bitSets[id] == null) {
      bitSets[id] = new BitSet();

  public static void setBitInBitSet__IIZ__V(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int id, int bitNum, boolean value) {
    bitSets[id].set(bitNum, value);

  public static boolean getBitInBitSet__II__Z(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int id, int bitNum) {
    return bitSets[id].get(bitNum);

  public static long currentTimeMillis____J (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    return System.currentTimeMillis();

  public static String getType (int objRef, MJIEnv env) {
    return Types.getTypeName(env.getElementInfo(objRef).getType());

  public static void addComment__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int stringRef) {
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    String      cmt = env.getStringObject(stringRef);

  public static void assertTrue__Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean b) {
    if (!b) {
      env.throwException("java.lang.AssertionError", "assertTrue failed");

  // those are evil - use with extreme care. If something blocks inside of
  // an atomic section we have to raise an exception
  public static void beginAtomic____V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    if (enableAtomic){
      ThreadInfo tiAtomic = env.getThreadInfo();
      if (tiAtomic.getScheduler().setsBeginAtomicCG(tiAtomic)){

  public static void endAtomic____V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    if (enableAtomic){
      ThreadInfo tiAtomic = env.getThreadInfo();

      if (!tiAtomic.isFirstStepInsn()){
      if (tiAtomic.getScheduler().setsEndAtomicCG(tiAtomic)){

  public static void busyWait__J__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, long duration) {
    // nothing required here (we systematically explore scheduling
    // sequences anyway), but we need to intercept the call

  public static void ignoreIf__Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean cond) {
    if (supportIgnorePath) {

  public static void interesting__Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean cond) {

  public static void breakTransition__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int reasonRef){
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    String reason = env.getStringObject(reasonRef);

   * mostly for debugging purposes - this does not optimize away single choice CGs 
  public int breakTransition__Ljava_lang_String_2II__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int reasonRef, int min, int max) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    String reason = env.getStringObject(reasonRef);
    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      IntChoiceGenerator cg = new IntIntervalGenerator( reason, min,max);
      if (ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg)){
      return -1;
    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, reason, IntChoiceGenerator.class, Integer.class);

  public static boolean isCalledFromClass__Ljava_lang_String_2__Z (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef,
                                           int clsNameRef) {
    String refClassName = env.getStringObject(clsNameRef);
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();

    StackFrame caller = ti.getLastInvokedStackFrame();
    if (caller != null){
      ClassInfo ci = caller.getClassInfo();
      return ci.isInstanceOf(refClassName);

    return false;

  static <T extends ChoiceGenerator<?>> T createChoiceGenerator (Class<T> cgClass, SystemState ss, String id) {
    T gen = null;

    cgArgs[0] = config;
    cgArgs[1] = id; // good thing we are not multithreaded (other fields are const)

    String key = id + ".class";
    gen = config.getEssentialInstance(key, cgClass, cgArgTypes, cgArgs);

    return gen;

  static <T> T registerChoiceGenerator (MJIEnv env, SystemState ss, ThreadInfo ti, ChoiceGenerator<T> cg, T dummyVal){

    int n = cg.getTotalNumberOfChoices();
    if (n == 0) { // we need a CG
      ti.breakTransition( cg.getId());

    } else if (n == 1 && !breakSingleChoice) {
      // no choice -> no CG optimization
      return cg.getNextChoice();

    } else {
      if (ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg)){

    return dummyVal;

  static <T,C extends ChoiceGenerator<T>> T getNextChoice (SystemState ss, String id, Class<C> cgClass, Class<T> choiceClass){
    ChoiceGenerator<?> cg = ss.getCurrentChoiceGenerator(id, cgClass);

    assert (cg != null) : "no ChoiceGenerator of type " + cgClass.getName();
    return ((ChoiceGenerator<T>)cg).getNextChoice();

  public static boolean getBoolean____Z (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    ChoiceGenerator<?> cg;

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      cg = new BooleanChoiceGenerator(config, "verifyGetBoolean");
      if (ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg)){
      return true;  // not used if we repeat

    } else {  // this is what really returns results
      return getNextChoice(ss,"verifyGetBoolean", BooleanChoiceGenerator.class,Boolean.class);

  public static boolean getBoolean__Z__Z (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean falseFirst) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    ChoiceGenerator<?> cg;

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      cg = new BooleanChoiceGenerator( "verifyGetBoolean(Z)", falseFirst );
      if (ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(cg)){
      return true;  // not used if we repeat

    } else {  // this is what really returns results
      return getNextChoice(ss,"verifyGetBoolean(Z)", BooleanChoiceGenerator.class, Boolean.class);

  public static int getInt__II__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int min, int max) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around

      if (min > max){
        int t = max;
        max = min;
        min = t;

      IntChoiceGenerator cg = new IntIntervalGenerator( "verifyGetInt(II)", min,max);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg,0);

    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, "verifyGetInt(II)", IntChoiceGenerator.class, Integer.class);

  static int getIntFromList (MJIEnv env, int[] values){
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      ChoiceGenerator<Integer> cg = new IntChoiceFromSet( "verifyGetIntSet([I)", values);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg,0);

    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, "verifyGetIntSet([I)", IntChoiceGenerator.class, Integer.class);
  public static int getIntFromList___3I__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int valArrayRef){
    int[] values = env.getIntArrayObject(valArrayRef);
    return getIntFromList( env, values);

  public static int getInt__Ljava_lang_String_2__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int idRef) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      IntChoiceGenerator cg = createChoiceGenerator( IntChoiceGenerator.class, ss, id);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg, 0);

    } else {
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      return getNextChoice(ss, id, IntChoiceGenerator.class,Integer.class);

  static long getLongFromList (MJIEnv env, long[] values){
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      ChoiceGenerator<Long> cg = new LongChoiceFromList( "verifyLongList([J)", values);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg,0L);

    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, "verifyLongList([J)", LongChoiceGenerator.class, Long.class);
  public static long getLongFromList___3J__J (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int valArrayRef){
    long[] values = env.getLongArrayObject(valArrayRef);
    return getLongFromList( env, values);    
  public static int getObject__Ljava_lang_String_2__Ljava_lang_Object_2 (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int idRef) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      ReferenceChoiceGenerator cg = createChoiceGenerator( ReferenceChoiceGenerator.class, ss, id);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg, 0);

    } else {
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      return getNextChoice(ss, id, ReferenceChoiceGenerator.class,Integer.class);

  public static double getDouble__Ljava_lang_String_2__D (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int idRef) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      DoubleChoiceGenerator cg = createChoiceGenerator( DoubleChoiceGenerator.class, ss, id);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg, 0.0);

    } else {
      String id = env.getStringObject(idRef);
      return getNextChoice(ss, id, DoubleChoiceGenerator.class,Double.class);

  public static double getDoubleFromList (MJIEnv env, double[] values){
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      ChoiceGenerator<Double> cg = new DoubleChoiceFromList("verifyDoubleList([D)", values);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg, 0.0);

    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, "verifyDoubleList([D)", DoubleChoiceFromList.class,Double.class);
  public static double getDoubleFromList___3D__D (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int valArrayRef){
    double[] values = env.getDoubleArrayObject(valArrayRef);
    return getDoubleFromList( env, values);

  public static float getFloatFromList (MJIEnv env, float[] values){
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();

    if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) { // first time around
      ChoiceGenerator<Float> cg = new FloatChoiceFromList("verifyFloatList([F)", values);
      return registerChoiceGenerator(env,ss,ti,cg, 0.0f);

    } else {
      return getNextChoice(ss, "verifyFloatList([F)", FloatChoiceFromList.class, Float.class);
  public static float getFloatFromList___3F__F (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int valArrayRef){
    float[] values = env.getFloatArrayObject(valArrayRef);
    return getFloatFromList( env, values);

  public static void threadPrint__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef){
    String s = env.getStringObject(sRef);
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
  public static void print__Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef, int val){
    String s = env.getStringObject(sRef);
    System.out.print(s + " : " + val);

  public static void print__Ljava_lang_String_2Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef, boolean val){
    String s = env.getStringObject(sRef);
    System.out.print(s + " : " + val);

  public static void print___3Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int argsRef){
    int n = env.getArrayLength(argsRef);
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
      int aref = env.getReferenceArrayElement(argsRef, i);
      String s = env.getStringObject(aref);
  public static void print__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef){
    String s = env.getStringObject(sRef);

  public static void println__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef){
    String s = env.getStringObject(sRef);

  public static void threadPrintln__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int sRef){
    threadPrint__Ljava_lang_String_2__V(env, clsRef, sRef);

  public static void println____V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef){
  //--- various attribute test methods
  private static int getAttribute (MJIEnv env, Object a){
    if (a != null) {
      if (a instanceof Integer) {
        return ((Integer) a).intValue();
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "element attribute not an Integer: " + a);

    return 0;
  private static int getAttributeList (MJIEnv env, Object a){
    if (a != null) {
      int l = ObjectList.size(a);
      int[] attrs = new int[l];
      int i = 0;
      for (Integer v : ObjectList.typedIterator(a, Integer.class)) {
        attrs[i++] = v;
      if (i != l) {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "found non-Integer attributes");
        return 0;

      return env.newIntArray(attrs);
    } else {
      return MJIEnv.NULL;
  public static void setObjectAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int oRef, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
  public static int getObjectAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2__I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int oRef){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      return getAttribute( env, ei.getObjectAttr());

    return 0;
  public static void addObjectAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int oRef, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
  public static int getObjectAttributes__Ljava_lang_Object_2___3I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int oRef){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      return getAttributeList( env, ei.getObjectAttr());

    return MJIEnv.NULL;
  public static void setFieldAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                                    int oRef, int fnRef, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      if (ei != null){
        String fname = env.getStringObject(fnRef);
        FieldInfo fi = ei.getFieldInfo(fname);

        if (fi != null) {
          ei.setFieldAttr(fi, Integer.valueOf(attr));
        } else {
                  ei.getClassInfo().getName() + '.' + fname);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);
  public static int getFieldAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_String_2__I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                                    int oRef, int fnRef){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      if (ei != null){
        String fname = env.getStringObject(fnRef);
        FieldInfo fi = ei.getFieldInfo(fname);

        if (fi != null) {
          return getAttribute( env, ei.getFieldAttr(fi));
        } else {
                  ei.toString() + '.' + fname);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

    return 0;
  public static void addFieldAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                                    int oRef, int fnRef, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      if (ei != null){
        String fname = env.getStringObject(fnRef);
        FieldInfo fi = ei.getFieldInfo(fname);

        if (fi != null) {
          ei.addFieldAttr(fi, Integer.valueOf(attr));
        } else {
                  ei.getClassInfo().getName() + '.' + fname);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

  public static int getFieldAttributes__Ljava_lang_Object_2Ljava_lang_String_2___3I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                                    int oRef, int fnRef){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      if (ei != null){
        String fname = env.getStringObject(fnRef);
        FieldInfo fi = ei.getFieldInfo(fname);

        if (fi != null) {
          return getAttributeList( env, ei.getFieldAttr(fi));          
        } else {
                  ei.toString() + '.' + fname);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

    return MJIEnv.NULL;

  public static void setLocalAttribute__Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int varRef, int attr) {
    String slotName = env.getStringObject(varRef);
    StackFrame frame = env.getModifiableCallerStackFrame(); // we are executing in a NativeStackFrame

    if (!frame.getMethodInfo().isStatic() &&  slotName.equals("this")) {
      frame.setLocalAttr(0, Integer.valueOf(attr)); // only for instance methods of course

    } else {
      int slotIdx = frame.getLocalVariableSlotIndex(slotName);
      if (slotIdx >= 0) {
        frame.setLocalAttr(slotIdx, Integer.valueOf(attr));
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "local variable not found: " + slotName);

  public static int getLocalAttribute__Ljava_lang_String_2__I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int varRef) {
    String slotName = env.getStringObject(varRef);
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    StackFrame frame = env.getCallerStackFrame();

    int slotIdx = frame.getLocalVariableSlotIndex(slotName);
    if (slotIdx >= 0) {
      return getAttribute( env, frame.getLocalAttr(slotIdx));
    } else {
      env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "local variable not found: " + slotName);
      return 0;

  public static void addLocalAttribute__Ljava_lang_String_2I__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int varRef, int attr) {
    String slotName = env.getStringObject(varRef);
    StackFrame frame = env.getModifiableCallerStackFrame(); // we are executing in a NativeStackFrame

    if (!frame.getMethodInfo().isStatic() &&  slotName.equals("this")) {
      frame.addLocalAttr(0, Integer.valueOf(attr)); // only for instance methods of course

    } else {
      int slotIdx = frame.getLocalVariableSlotIndex(slotName);
      if (slotIdx >= 0) {
        frame.addLocalAttr(slotIdx, Integer.valueOf(attr));
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "local variable not found: " + slotName);
  public static int getLocalAttributes__Ljava_lang_String_2___3I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef, int varRef) {
    String slotName = env.getStringObject(varRef);
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    StackFrame frame = env.getCallerStackFrame();

    int slotIdx = frame.getLocalVariableSlotIndex(slotName);
    if (slotIdx >= 0) {
      return getAttributeList( env, frame.getLocalAttr(slotIdx));
    } else {
      env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "local variable not found: " + slotName);
    return MJIEnv.NULL;
  public static void setElementAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2II__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                    int oRef, int idx, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);

      if (ei != null){
        if (ei.isArray()) {
          if (idx < ei.arrayLength()) {
            ei.setElementAttr(idx, Integer.valueOf(attr));
          } else {
        } else {
                  "not an array: " + ei);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

  public static int getElementAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2I__I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                  int oRef, int idx){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);

      if (ei != null) {
        if (ei.isArray()) {
          if (idx < ei.arrayLength()) {
            return getAttribute( env, ei.getElementAttr( idx));
          } else {
        } else {
                  "not an array: " + ei);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

    return 0;

  public static void addElementAttribute__Ljava_lang_Object_2II__V (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                    int oRef, int idx, int attr){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);

      if (ei != null){
        if (ei.isArray()) {
          if (idx < ei.arrayLength()) {
            ei.addElementAttr(idx, Integer.valueOf(attr));
          } else {
        } else {
                  "not an array: " + ei);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

  public static int getElementAttributes__Ljava_lang_Object_2I___3I (MJIEnv env, int clsRef,
                                                                        int oRef, int idx){
    if (oRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(oRef);
      if (ei != null) {
        if (ei.isArray()) {
          if (idx < ei.arrayLength()) {
            return getAttributeList( env, ei.getElementAttr( idx));
          } else {
        } else {
                  "not an array: " + ei);
      } else {
        env.throwException("java.lang.RuntimeException", "illegal reference value: " + oRef);

    return MJIEnv.NULL;

   *  deprecated, use getBoolean()
  public static boolean randomBool (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    //SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    //return (ss.random(2) != 0);

    return getBoolean____Z(env, clsObjRef);

   * deprecated, use getInt
  public static int random__I__I (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int x) {
   return getInt__II__I( env, clsObjRef, 0, x);

  static void boring__Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean b) {

  public static boolean isRunningInJPF____Z(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    return true;

  public static boolean vmIsMatchingStates____Z(MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    return env.getVM().getStateSet() != null;

  public static void storeTrace__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef,
                                      int filenameRef, int commentRef) {
    String fileName = env.getStringObject(filenameRef);
    String comment = env.getStringObject(commentRef);
    env.getVM().storeTrace(fileName, comment, config.getBoolean("trace.verbose", false));

  public static void terminateSearch____V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    JPF jpf = env.getVM().getJPF();

  public static boolean isTraceReplay____Z (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef) {
    return env.getVM().isTraceReplay();

  public static boolean isShared__Ljava_lang_Object_2__Z (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int objRef){
    if (objRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(objRef);
      if (ei != null){
        return ei.isShared();
    return false;
  public static void setShared__Ljava_lang_Object_2Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int objRef, boolean isShared) {
    if (objRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(objRef);
      if (ei != null){
        if (ei.getClassInfo() == ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentSystemClassLoader().getClassClassInfo()) {
          // it's a class object, set static fields shared
          ei = env.getStaticElementInfo(objRef);
        if (ei.isShared() != isShared) {
          ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
          ei.setShared( env.getThreadInfo(), isShared);

  public static void freezeSharedness__Ljava_lang_Object_2Z__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int objRef, boolean freeze) {
    if (objRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      ElementInfo ei = env.getElementInfo(objRef);
      if (ei != null) {
        if (ei.getClassInfo() == ClassLoaderInfo.getCurrentSystemClassLoader().getClassClassInfo()) { 
          // it's a class object, freeze sharedness of static fields
          ei = env.getStaticElementInfo(objRef);

        if (ei.isSharednessFrozen() != freeze) {
          ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();

  public static void setProperties___3Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int argRef) {
    if (argRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
      Config conf = env.getConfig();

      int n = env.getArrayLength(argRef);
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        int pRef = env.getReferenceArrayElement(argRef, i);
        if (pRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {
          String p = env.getStringObject(pRef);

  public static int getProperty__Ljava_lang_String_2__Ljava_lang_String_2 (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int keyRef) {
    if (keyRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      Config conf = env.getConfig();

      String key = env.getStringObject(keyRef);
      String val = config.getString(key);

      if (val != null){
        return env.newString(val);
      } else {
        return MJIEnv.NULL;

    } else {
      return MJIEnv.NULL;

  public static void printPathOutput__ZLjava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, boolean cond, int msgRef){
    if (cond){

  public static void printPathOutput__Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int msgRef){
    VM vm = env.getVM();

    if (msgRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
      String msg = env.getStringObject(msgRef);
      System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin program output at: " + msg);
    } else {
      System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ begin path output");

    for (Transition t : vm.getPath()) {
      String s = t.getOutput();
      if (s != null) {

    // we might be in the middle of a transition that isn't stored yet in the path
    String s = vm.getPendingOutput();
    if (s != null) {

    System.out.println("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ end path output");

  // the JSON object initialization
  public static int createFromJSON__Ljava_lang_Class_2Ljava_lang_String_2__Ljava_lang_Object_2(
          MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int newObjClsRef, int jsonStringRef) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    SystemState ss = env.getSystemState();
    String jsonString = env.getStringObject(jsonStringRef);    
    JSONLexer lexer = new JSONLexer(jsonString);
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(lexer);
    JSONObject jsonObject = parser.parse();
    if (jsonObject != null) {
      ClassInfo ci = env.getReferredClassInfo( newObjClsRef);
      // check if we need any class init (and hence reexecution) before creating any CGs
      if (jsonObject.requiresClinitExecution(ci,ti)){
        return MJIEnv.NULL;

      if (!ti.isFirstStepInsn()) {
        // Top half - get and register CGs we need to set to fill object from JSON
        List<ChoiceGenerator<?>> cgList = CGCall.createCGList(jsonObject);
        if (cgList.isEmpty()){
          return jsonObject.fillObject(env, ci, null, "");
        } else {
          for (ChoiceGenerator<?> cg : cgList) {

          return MJIEnv.NULL;
      } else {
        // Bottom half - fill object with JSON and current values of CGs
        ChoiceGenerator<?>[] cgs = ss.getChoiceGenerators();

        return jsonObject.fillObject(env, ci, cgs, "");

    } else {
      return MJIEnv.NULL;
  public static int readObjectFromFile__Ljava_lang_Class_2Ljava_lang_String_2__Ljava_lang_Object_2(
          MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef, int newObjClsRef, int fileNameRef) {
    int typeNameRef = env.getReferenceField(newObjClsRef, "name");
    String typeName = env.getStringObject(typeNameRef);
    String fileName = env.getStringObject(fileNameRef);

    try {

      FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName);
      ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
      Object javaObject = ois.readObject();
      String readObjectTypeName = javaObject.getClass().getCanonicalName();
      int readObjRef = ObjectConverter.JPFObjectFromJavaObject(env, javaObject);

      return readObjRef;
    } catch (ClinitRequired clix){
      return MJIEnv.NULL;
    } catch (IOException iox){
      throw new JPFException("failure reading object from file: " + fileName, iox);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx){
      throw new JPFException("failure reading object from file: " + fileName, cnfx);      
  //--- those need to be kept in sync with the model side
  public static final int SEVERE = 1;
  public static final int WARNING = 2;
  public static final int INFO = 3;
  public static final int FINE = 4;
  public static final int FINER = 5;
  public static final int FINEST = 6;

  private static void log (JPFLogger logger, int logLevel, String msg){
    switch (logLevel){
    case SEVERE:
      logger.severe( msg);
    case WARNING:
      logger.warning( msg);
    case INFO: msg);
    case FINE:
      logger.fine( msg);
    case FINER:
      logger.finer( msg);
    case FINEST:
      logger.finest( msg);
      throw new JPFException("unknown log level " + logLevel + " for logger " + logger.getName());
  public static void log__Ljava_lang_String_2ILjava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef,
      int loggerIdRef, int logLevel, int msgRef){
    String loggerId = env.getStringObject(loggerIdRef);
    String msg = env.getStringObject(msgRef);
    JPFLogger logger = JPF.getLogger(loggerId);
    log( logger, logLevel, msg);

  public static void log__Ljava_lang_String_2ILjava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef,
      int loggerIdRef, int logLevel, int arg1Ref, int arg2Ref){
    String loggerId = env.getStringObject(loggerIdRef);
    String msg = env.getStringObject(arg1Ref) + env.getStringObject(arg2Ref);
    JPFLogger logger = JPF.getLogger(loggerId);
    log( logger, logLevel, msg);

  public static void log__Ljava_lang_String_2ILjava_lang_String_2_3Ljava_lang_Object_2__V (MJIEnv env, int clsObjRef,
      int loggerIdRef, int logLevel, int fmtRef, int argsRef){
    String loggerId = env.getStringObject(loggerIdRef);
    String fmt = env.getStringObject(fmtRef);
    JPFLogger logger = JPF.getLogger(loggerId);

    int[] argRefs = env.getReferenceArrayObject( argsRef);
    Object[] args = new Object[argRefs.length];
    for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++){
      ElementInfo eiArg = env.getElementInfo(argRefs[i]);
      if (eiArg.isStringObject()){
        args[i] = env.getStringObject(argRefs[i]);
      } else if (eiArg.isBoxObject()){
        args[i] = eiArg.asBoxObject(); 
      } else {
        args[i] = eiArg.toString();
    String msg = String.format(fmt, args);
    log( logger, logLevel, msg);