view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 2:b920e6b1be83

second part of the jpf-statechart motivated event interface overhaul, providing dynamic (context specific) expansion of EventTrees from within EventChoiceGenerators. This adds a EventContext mechanism that can replace events on-the-fly during advance() (e.g. expand wildcard patterns) this also included the refined 'vm.extend.transitions' property, which is now a list of TypeSpecs (glob notation plus bounds) for CG types that should be subject to transition extension. We also support CheckExtendTransition attrs for CGs, which can be used to dynamically mark CGs. Note that each matching CG is still tested for non-rescheduling single choices small Type/FeatureSpec extension to make it applicable to java.lang.Class instances. There is no reason why we can't make use of this for native types
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:19:08 -0800
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFConfigException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.IntTable;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Misc;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Predicate;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.BreakGenerator;

import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.ThreadChoiceFromSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * A VM implementation that simulates running multiple applications within the same
 * JPF process (centralized model checking of distributed applications).
 * This is achieved by executing each application in a separate thread group,
 * using separate SystemClassLoader instances to ensure proper separation of types / static fields.
 * @author Nastaran Shafiei <>
 * To use this includes,
 *              vm.class = gov.nasa.jpf.vm.MultiProcessVM 
public class MultiProcessVM extends VM {

  static final int MAX_APP = 32;

  ApplicationContext[] appCtxs;
  MultiProcessPredicate runnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appTimedoutRunnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appDaemonRunnablePredicate;
  MultiProcessPredicate appPredicate;
  protected Predicate<ThreadInfo> systemInUsePredicate;
  public MultiProcessVM (JPF jpf, Config conf) {
    super(jpf, conf);
    appCtxs = createApplicationContexts();
  void initializePredicates() {
    runnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (t.isRunnable() && this.appCtx == t.appCtx);
    appTimedoutRunnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx && t.isTimeoutRunnable());
    appDaemonRunnablePredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx && t.isRunnable() && t.isDaemon());
    appPredicate = new MultiProcessPredicate() {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        return (this.appCtx == t.appCtx);
    // this predicates collects those finalizers which are either runnable or
    // have some queued objects to process.
    systemInUsePredicate = new Predicate<ThreadInfo> () {
	public boolean isTrue (ThreadInfo t){
        boolean isTrue = false;
        if(t.isSystemThread()) {
          if(t.isRunnable()) {
            isTrue = true;
          } else {
            FinalizerThreadInfo finalizer = (FinalizerThreadInfo) t;
            isTrue = !finalizer.isIdle();
        return isTrue;

   * <2do> this should also handle command line specs such as "jpf ... tgt1 tgt1_arg ... -- tgt2 tgt2_arg ... 
  ApplicationContext[] createApplicationContexts(){
    String[] targets;

    int replicate = config.getInt("target.replicate", 0);
    if(replicate>0) {
      String target = config.getProperty("target");
      targets = new String[replicate];
      for(int i=0; i<replicate; i++) {
        targets[i] = target;
    } else {
      targets = config.getStringEnumeration("target", MAX_APP);

    if (targets == null){
      throw new JPFConfigException("no applications specified, check 'target.N' settings");
    ArrayList<ApplicationContext> list = new ArrayList<ApplicationContext>(targets.length);
    for (int i=0; i<targets.length; i++){
      if (targets[i] != null){ // there might be holes in the array
        String clsName = targets[i];
        if (!isValidClassName(clsName)) {
          throw new JPFConfigException("main class not a valid class name: " + clsName);
        String argsKey;
        String entryKey;
        String hostKey;
        if(replicate>0) {
          argsKey = "target.args";
          entryKey = "target.entry";
          hostKey = "";
        } else {
          argsKey = "target.args." + i;
          entryKey = "target.entry." + i;
          hostKey = "" + i;
        String[] args = config.getCompactStringArray(argsKey);
        if (args == null){
          args = EMPTY_ARGS;
        String mainEntry = config.getString(entryKey, "main([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
        String host = config.getString(hostKey, "localhost");
        SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCli = createSystemClassLoaderInfo(list.size());
        ApplicationContext appCtx = new ApplicationContext( i, clsName, mainEntry, args, host, sysCli);
        list.add( appCtx);
    return list.toArray(new ApplicationContext[list.size()]);

  public boolean initialize(){
    try {
      ThreadInfo tiFirst = null;
      for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
        ApplicationContext appCtx = appCtxs[i];
        // this has to happen before we load the startup classes during initializeMainThread
        scheduler.initialize(this, appCtx);
        ThreadInfo tiMain = initializeMainThread(appCtx, i);
        initializeFinalizerThread(appCtx, appCtxs.length+i);
        if (tiMain == null) {
          return false; // bail out
        if (tiFirst == null){
          tiFirst = tiMain;

      initialized = true;
      return true;
    } catch (JPFConfigException cfe){
      return false;
    } catch (ClassInfoException cie){
      return false;
    // all other exceptions are JPF errors that should cause stack traces

  public int getNumberOfApplications(){
    return appCtxs.length;
  public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext(int objRef) {
    VM vm = VM.getVM();

    ClassInfo ci = vm.getElementInfo(objRef).getClassInfo();
    while(!ci.isObjectClassInfo()) {
      ci = ci.getSuperClass();

    ClassLoaderInfo sysLoader = ci.getClassLoaderInfo();
    ApplicationContext[] appContext = vm.getApplicationContexts();
    for(int i=0; i<appContext.length; i++) {
      if(appContext[i].getSystemClassLoader() == sysLoader) {
        return appContext[i];
    return null;
  public ApplicationContext[] getApplicationContexts(){
    return appCtxs;

  public ApplicationContext getCurrentApplicationContext(){
    ThreadInfo ti = ThreadInfo.getCurrentThread();
    if (ti != null){
      return ti.getApplicationContext();
    } else {
      // return the last defined one
      return appCtxs[appCtxs.length-1];

  public String getSUTName() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
      if (i>0){
    return sb.toString();

  public String getSUTDescription(){
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i=0; i<appCtxs.length; i++){
      if (i>0){
        sb.append('+'); // "||" would be more fitting, but would screw up filenames

      ApplicationContext appCtx = appCtxs[i];
      sb.append(Misc.upToFirst(appCtx.mainEntry, '('));

      String[] args = appCtx.args;
      for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) {
        if (j > 0) {
    return sb.toString();

  public boolean isSingleProcess() {
    return false;

  public boolean isEndState () {
    boolean hasNonTerminatedDaemon = getThreadList().hasAnyMatching(getUserLiveNonDaemonPredicate());
    boolean hasRunnable = getThreadList().hasAnyMatching(getUserTimedoutRunnablePredicate());
    boolean isEndState = !(hasNonTerminatedDaemon && hasRunnable);
    if(processFinalizers) {
      if(isEndState) {
        int n = getThreadList().getMatchingCount(systemInUsePredicate);
        if(n>0) {
          return false;
    return isEndState;

  // Note - for now we just check for global deadlocks not the local ones which occur within a
  // scope of a single progress
  public boolean isDeadlocked () { 
    boolean hasNonDaemons = false;
    boolean hasBlockedThreads = false;

    if (ss.isBlockedInAtomicSection()) {
      return true; // blocked in atomic section

    ThreadInfo[] threads = getThreadList().getThreads();
    int len = threads.length;

    boolean hasUserThreads = false;
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
      ThreadInfo ti = threads[i];
      if (ti.isAlive()) {
        hasNonDaemons |= !ti.isDaemon();

        // shortcut - if there is at least one runnable, we are not deadlocked
        if (ti.isTimeoutRunnable()) { // willBeRunnable() ?
          return false;
        if(!ti.isSystemThread()) {
          hasUserThreads = true;

        // means it is not NEW or TERMINATED, i.e. live & blocked
        hasBlockedThreads = true;

    boolean isDeadlock = hasNonDaemons && hasBlockedThreads;
    if(processFinalizers && isDeadlock && !hasUserThreads) {
      // all threads are blocked, system threads. If at least one of them 
      // is in-use, then this is a deadlocked state.
      return (getThreadList().getMatchingCount(systemInUsePredicate)>0);
    return isDeadlock;
  public void terminateProcess (ThreadInfo ti) {
    SystemState ss = getSystemState();
    ThreadInfo[] appThreads = getThreadList().getAllMatching(getAppPredicate(ti));
    ThreadInfo finalizerTi = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < appThreads.length; i++) {
      ThreadInfo t = appThreads[i];
      // if finalizers have to be processed, FinalizerThread is not killed at this 
      // point. We need to keep it around in case fianlizable objects are GCed after 
      // System.exit() returns.
      if(processFinalizers && t.isSystemThread()) {
        finalizerTi = t;
      } else {
        // keep the stack frames around, so that we can inspect the snapshot
    ThreadList tl = getThreadList();
    ChoiceGenerator<ThreadInfo> cg;
    if (tl.hasAnyMatching(getAlivePredicate())) {
      ThreadInfo[] runnables = getThreadList().getAllMatching(getTimedoutRunnablePredicate());
      cg = new ThreadChoiceFromSet( "PROCESS_TERMINATE", runnables, true);
    } else {
      cg = new BreakGenerator("exit", ti, true);
    ss.setMandatoryNextChoiceGenerator(cg, "exit without break CG");
    // if there is a finalizer thread, we have to run the last GC, to queue finalizable objects, if any
    if(finalizerTi != null) {
      assert finalizerTi.isAlive();
  public Map<Integer,IntTable<String>> getInitialInternStringsMap() {
    Map<Integer,IntTable<String>> interns = new HashMap<Integer,IntTable<String>>();
    for(ApplicationContext appCtx:getApplicationContexts()) {
      interns.put(appCtx.getId(), appCtx.getInternStrings());
    return interns;
  //---------- Predicates used to query threads from ThreadList ----------//
  abstract class MultiProcessPredicate implements Predicate<ThreadInfo> {
    ApplicationContext appCtx;

    public void setAppCtx (ApplicationContext appCtx) { 
      this.appCtx = appCtx; 
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getRunnablePredicate() {
    return runnablePredicate;
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getAppTimedoutRunnablePredicate() {
    return appTimedoutRunnablePredicate;
  public Predicate<ThreadInfo> getDaemonRunnablePredicate() {
    return appDaemonRunnablePredicate;
   * Returns a predicate used to obtain all the threads that belong to the same application as ti
  Predicate<ThreadInfo> getAppPredicate (final ThreadInfo ti){
    return appPredicate;
  // ---------- Methods for handling finalizers ---------- //

  void updateFinalizerQueues () {
    for(ApplicationContext appCtx: appCtxs) {