view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 21:caa0924e093d

reshuffled Event hierarchy, introducing SystemEvent, with CheckEvent and ControlEvent being subclasses of SystemEvent added Loggable.setLogLevel changed old UserHeuristic to use a Verify.heuristicValue instead of a hardwired "Main" class with hardwired fields (which was just an outdated leftover). Call Verify.setHeuristicValue() to control state priorities from the SUT. This also fixes the bug that UserHeuristic was not properly checking for "Main" resolution.
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 10 Apr 2015 20:53:11 -0700
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.BreakGenerator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * @author Nastaran Shafiei <>
 * This class represents the finalizer thread in VM which is responsible for
 * executing finalize() methods upon garbage collection of finalizable objects.
 * By a finalizable object, we mean an object, the class of which overrides the
 * Object.finalize() method. By default, we do not allow for processing finalizers, 
 * to enforce that one needs to set the property "vm.process_finalizers" to true.
 * If "vm.process_finalizers" is set to true, during vm initialization we create
 * a FinalizerThreadInfo object per process. ApplicationContext keeps a reference
 * to FinalizerThreadInfo of the process. This thread is alive during the entire
 * process execution. The finalizer thread is "always" waiting on an internal
 * private lock. The JPF Thread object corresponding to the FinalizerThreadInfo 
 * is encapsulated by the model class gov.nasa.jpf.FinalizerThread. The thread 
 * encapsulated by FinalizerThread has a queue of objects called "finalizeQueue"
 * which is kept at the SUT level. This queue is initially empty, and it is 
 * populated during the sweep() phase of the garbage collection. During sweep(), 
 * before removing unmark objects from the heap, any unmark finalizable object is 
 * marked and added to finalizeQueue. 
 * In VM.forward(), after each garbage collection, VM checks if finalizeQueue of 
 * the current process finalizer thread is not empty. If so, VM schedules the
 * finalizer thread to execute next, i.e. finalizer thread stops waiting and its 
 * state becomes runnable. To accomplish that, VM replaces the next choiceGenerator 
 * with a new choice generator from which only finalizer thread can proceed.
 * After finalizer thread processes the finalize() methods of all objects in
 * finalizeQueue, the queue becomes empty and the thread waits on its internal lock
 * again. After the process terminates, we still keep the finalizer thread to be 
 * processed after the last garbage collection involving the process. The runnable
 * finalizer thread terminates itself when it has processed its finalizeQueue and 
 * there is no other alive thread in the process.
public class FinalizerThreadInfo extends ThreadInfo {
  static final String FINALIZER_NAME = "finalizer";
  ChoiceGenerator<?> replacedCG;
  protected FinalizerThreadInfo (VM vm, ApplicationContext appCtx, int id) {
    super(vm, id, appCtx);
    ci = appCtx.getSystemClassLoader().getResolvedClassInfo("gov.nasa.jpf.FinalizerThread"); = FINALIZER_NAME;
    tempFinalizeQueue = new ArrayList<ElementInfo>();
  protected void createFinalizerThreadObject (SystemClassLoaderInfo sysCl){
    Heap heap = getHeap();

    ElementInfo eiThread = heap.newObject( ci, this);
    objRef = eiThread.getObjectRef();
    ElementInfo eiName = heap.newString(FINALIZER_NAME, this);
    int nameRef = eiName.getObjectRef();
    eiThread.setReferenceField("name", nameRef);
    // Since we create FinalizerThread upon VM initialization, they are assigned to the
    // same group as the main thread
    int grpRef = ThreadInfo.getCurrentThread().getThreadGroupRef();
    eiThread.setReferenceField("group", grpRef);
    eiThread.setIntField("priority", Thread.MAX_PRIORITY-2);

    ClassInfo ciPermit = sysCl.getResolvedClassInfo("java.lang.Thread$Permit");
    ElementInfo eiPermit = heap.newObject( ciPermit, this);
    eiPermit.setBooleanField("blockPark", true);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("permit", eiPermit.getObjectRef());

    addId( objRef, id); = FINALIZER_NAME;

    // start the thread by pushing
    eiThread.setBooleanField("done", false);
    ElementInfo finalizeQueue = getHeap().newArray("Ljava/lang/Object;", 0, this);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("finalizeQueue", finalizeQueue.getObjectRef());
    // create an internal private lock used for lock-free wait
    ElementInfo lock = getHeap().newObject(appCtx.getSystemClassLoader().objectClassInfo, this);
    eiThread.setReferenceField("semaphore", lock.getObjectRef());
    // make it wait on the internal private lock until its finalizeQueue is populated. This way,
    // we avoid scheduling points from including FinalizerThreads

    assert this.isWaiting();
   * Pushes a frame corresponding to into the finalizer thread stack to
   * start the thread.
  protected void startFinalizerThread() {
    MethodInfo mi = ci.getMethod("run()V", false);
    DirectCallStackFrame frame = mi.createDirectCallStackFrame(this, 0);
    frame.setReferenceArgument(0, objRef, frame);
  public boolean hasQueuedFinalizers() {
    ElementInfo queue = getFinalizeQueue();
    return (queue!=null && queue.asReferenceArray().length>0);
  public ElementInfo getFinalizeQueue() {
    ElementInfo ei = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(objRef);
    ElementInfo queue = null;
    if(ei!=null) {
      int queueRef = ei.getReferenceField("finalizeQueue");
      queue = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(queueRef);
      return queue;
    return queue;
  // all finalizable objects collected during garbage collection are temporarily added to this list
  // when VM schedule the finalizer thread, it add all elements to FinalizerThread.finalizeQueue at
  // the SUT level.
  List<ElementInfo> tempFinalizeQueue;
   * This method is invoked by the sweep() phase of the garbage collection process (GenericHeap.sweep()).
   * It adds a given finalizable object to the finalizeQueue array of gov.nasa.jpf.FinalizerThread.
   * NOTE: this might return a new ElementInfo since we have to modify it (setting the finalized flag)
  public ElementInfo getFinalizerQueuedInstance(ElementInfo ei) {
    ei = ei.getModifiableInstance();
    // make sure we process this object finalizer only once
    return ei;
   * This method adds all finalizable objects observed during the last garbage collection
   * to finalizeQueue of FinalizerThread corresponding to this thread
  void processNewFinalizables() {
    if(!tempFinalizeQueue.isEmpty()) {
      ElementInfo oldQueue = getFinalizeQueue();
      int[] oldValues = oldQueue.asReferenceArray();    
      int len = oldValues.length;
      int n = tempFinalizeQueue.size();
      ElementInfo newQueue = getHeap().newArray("Ljava/lang/Object;", len+n, this);
      int[] newValues = newQueue.asReferenceArray();
      System.arraycopy(oldValues, 0, newValues, 0, len);
      for(ElementInfo ei: tempFinalizeQueue) {
        newValues[len++] = ei.getObjectRef();
      vm.getModifiableElementInfo(objRef).setReferenceField("finalizeQueue", newQueue.getObjectRef());
      assert hasQueuedFinalizers();
  public boolean scheduleFinalizer() {
    if(hasQueuedFinalizers() && !isRunnable()) {
      SystemState ss = vm.getSystemState();
      replacedCG = ss.getNextChoiceGenerator();
      // NOTE - before we get here we have already made sure that nextCg is not Cascaded. 
      // we have to set nextCg to null before setting the nextCG, otherwise, the new CG is 
      // mistakenly considered as "Cascaded"
      ss.nextCg = null;
      // this doesn't have any choice (we need to run the finalizer), and since we don't have
      // anything to re-execute (this is called from VM.forward()), we need to be in control of 
      // type and registration of the CG, hence this doesn't go through the Scheduler/SyncPolicy
      ss.setNextChoiceGenerator(new BreakGenerator("finalize", this, false));
      checkNextChoiceGeneratorSet("no transition break prior to finalize");
      // stop waiting and process finalizers
      assert this.isRunnable();
      return true;
    return false;
  protected void waitOnSemaphore() {
    int lockRef = vm.getElementInfo(objRef).getReferenceField("semaphore");
    ElementInfo lock = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(lockRef);
    lock.wait(this, 0, false);
  protected void notifyOnSemaphore() {
    int lockRef = vm.getElementInfo(objRef).getReferenceField("semaphore");
    ElementInfo lock = vm.getModifiableElementInfo(lockRef);
    lock.notifies(vm.getSystemState(), this, false);
  // It returns true if the finalizer thread is waiting and do not have any object to
  // process
  protected boolean isIdle() {
    if(this.isWaiting()) {
      if(this.lockRef == vm.getElementInfo(objRef).getReferenceField("semaphore")) {
        return true;
    return false;
  public boolean isSystemThread() {
    return true;