view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 21:caa0924e093d

reshuffled Event hierarchy, introducing SystemEvent, with CheckEvent and ControlEvent being subclasses of SystemEvent added Loggable.setLogLevel changed old UserHeuristic to use a Verify.heuristicValue instead of a hardwired "Main" class with hardwired fields (which was just an outdated leftover). Call Verify.setHeuristicValue() to control state priorities from the SUT. This also fixes the bug that UserHeuristic was not properly checking for "Main" resolution.
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 10 Apr 2015 20:53:11 -0700
parents 61d41facf527
children 3517702bd768
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.BitSetN;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.BitSet1024;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.BitSet256;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.BitSet64;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.FixedBitSet;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.HashData;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.Misc;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.OATHash;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.ObjectList;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.PrintUtils;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.InvokeInstruction;

import java.util.Iterator;

 * Describes callerSlots stack frame.
 * Java methods always have bounded local and operand stack sizes, computed
 * at compile time, stored in the classfile, and checked at runtime by the
 * bytecode verifier. Consequently, we combine locals and operands in one
 * data structure with the following layout
 *   slot[0]                : 'this'
 *   ..                          .. local vars
 *   slot[stackBase-1]      : last local var
 *   slot[stackBase]        : first operand slot
 *   ..    ^
 *   ..    | operand stack range
 *   ..    v
 *   slot[top]              : highest used operand slot
public abstract class StackFrame implements Cloneable {
   * this StackFrame is not allowed to be modified anymore because it has been state stored.
   * Set during state storage and checked upon each modification, causing exceptions on attempts
   * to modify callerSlots frozen instance. The flag is reset in clones
  public static final int   ATTR_IS_FROZEN  = 0x100;  
  static final int ATTR_IS_REFLECTION = 0x1000;  
    * the previous StackFrame (usually the caller, null if first). To be set when
    * the frame is pushed on the ThreadInfo callstack
  protected StackFrame prev;

   * state management related attributes similar to ElementInfo. The lower 16 bits
   * are stored/restored, the upper 16 bits are for transient use
  protected int attributes;

  protected int top;                // top index of the operand stack (NOT size)
                                    // this points to the last pushed value

  protected int thisRef = MJIEnv.NULL;       // slots[0] can change, but we have to keep 'this'
  protected int stackBase;          // index where the operand stack begins

  protected int[] slots;            // the combined local and operand slots
  protected FixedBitSet isRef;      // which slots contain references

  protected Object frameAttr;       // optional user attrs for the whole frame
   * This array can be used to store attributes (e.g. variable names) for
   * operands. We don't do anything with this except of preserving it (across
   * dups etc.), so it's pretty much up to the VM listeners/peers what's stored
   * NOTE: attribute values are not restored upon backtracking per default, but
   * attribute references are. If you need restoration of values, use copy-on-write
   * in your clients
   * these are set on demand
  protected Object[] attrs = null;  // the combined user-defined callerSlots (set on demand)

  protected Instruction pc;         // the next insn to execute (program counter)
  protected MethodInfo mi;          // which method is executed in this frame

  static final int[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new int[0];
  static final FixedBitSet EMPTY_BITSET = new BitSet64();

  protected StackFrame (MethodInfo callee, int nLocals, int nOperands){
    mi = callee;
    pc = mi.getInstruction(0);

    stackBase = nLocals;
    top = nLocals-1;

    int nSlots = nLocals + nOperands;
    if (nSlots > 0){
      slots = new int[nLocals + nOperands];
      isRef = createReferenceMap(slots.length);
    } else {
      // NativeStackFrames don't use locals or operands, but we
      // don't want to add tests to all our methods
      slots = EMPTY_ARRAY;
      isRef = EMPTY_BITSET;
  public StackFrame (MethodInfo callee){
    this( callee, callee.getMaxLocals(), callee.getMaxStack());

   * Creates an empty stack frame. Used by clone.
  protected StackFrame () {

   * creates callerSlots dummy Stackframe for testing of operand/local operations
   * NOTE - TESTING ONLY! this does not have a MethodInfo
  protected StackFrame (int nLocals, int nOperands){
    stackBase = nLocals;
    slots = new int[nLocals + nOperands];
    isRef = createReferenceMap(slots.length);
    top = nLocals-1;  // index, not size!
   * re-execute method from the beginning - use with care
  public void reset() {
    pc = mi.getInstruction(0);

  protected FixedBitSet createReferenceMap (int nSlots){
    if (nSlots <= 64){
      return new BitSet64();
    } else if (nSlots <= 256){
      return new BitSet256();  
    } else if (nSlots <= 1024) {
      return new BitSet1024();
    } else {
      return new BitSetN(nSlots);

  public boolean isNative() {
    return false;
  public StackFrame getCallerFrame (){
    MethodInfo callee = mi;
    for (StackFrame frame = getPrevious(); frame != null; frame = frame.getPrevious()){
      Instruction insn = frame.getPC();
      if (insn instanceof InvokeInstruction){
        InvokeInstruction call = (InvokeInstruction)insn;
        if (call.getInvokedMethod() == callee){
          return frame;
    return null;
   * return the object reference for an instance method to be called (we are still in the
   * caller's frame). This only makes sense after all params have been pushed, before the
   * INVOKEx insn is executed
  public int getCalleeThis (MethodInfo mi) {
    return getCalleeThis(mi.getArgumentsSize());

   * return reference of called object in the context of the caller
   * (i.e. we are in the caller frame)
  public int getCalleeThis (int size) {
    // top is the topmost index
    int i = size-1;
    if (top < i) {
      return MJIEnv.NULL;

    return slots[top-i];

  public StackFrame getPrevious() {
    return prev;
   * to be set (by ThreadInfo) when the frame is pushed. Can also be used
   * for non-local gotos, but be warned - that's tricky
  public void setPrevious (StackFrame frame){
    prev = frame;

  public Object getLocalOrFieldValue (String id) {
    // try locals first
    LocalVarInfo lv = mi.getLocalVar(id, pc.getPosition());
    if (lv != null){
      return getLocalValueObject(lv);

    // then fields
    return getFieldValue(id);

  public Object getLocalValueObject (LocalVarInfo lv) {
    if (lv != null) { // might not have been compiled with debug info
      String sig = lv.getSignature();
      int slotIdx = lv.getSlotIndex();
      int v = slots[slotIdx];

      switch (sig.charAt(0)) {
        case 'Z':
          return Boolean.valueOf(v != 0);
        case 'B':
          return new Byte((byte) v);
        case 'C':
          return new Character((char) v);
        case 'S':
          return new Short((short) v);
        case 'I':
          return new Integer(v);
        case 'J':
          return new Long(Types.intsToLong(slots[slotIdx + 1], v)); // Java is big endian, Types expects low,high
        case 'F':
          return new Float(Float.intBitsToFloat(v));
        case 'D':
          return new Double(Double.longBitsToDouble(Types.intsToLong(slots[slotIdx + 1], v)));
        default:  // reference
          if (v >= 0) {
            return VM.getVM().getHeap().get(v);

    return null;

  public Object getFieldValue (String id) {
    // try instance fields first
    if (thisRef != MJIEnv.NULL) {  // it's an instance method
      ElementInfo ei = VM.getVM().getHeap().get(thisRef);
      Object v = ei.getFieldValueObject(id);
      if (v != null) {
        return v;

    // check static fields (in method class and its superclasses)
    return mi.getClassInfo().getStaticFieldValueObject(id);

  public ClassInfo getClassInfo () {
    return mi.getClassInfo();

  public String getClassName () {
    return mi.getClassInfo().getName();

  public String getSourceFile () {
    return mi.getClassInfo().getSourceFileName();

   * does any of the 'nTopSlots' hold callerSlots reference value of 'objRef'
   * 'nTopSlots' is usually obtained from MethodInfo.getNumberOfCallerStackSlots()
  public boolean includesReferenceOperand (int nTopSlots, int objRef){

    for (int i=0, j=top-nTopSlots+1; i<nTopSlots && j>=0; i++, j++) {
      if (isRef.get(j) && (slots[j] == objRef)){
        return true;

    return false;

   * does any of the operand slots hold callerSlots reference value of 'objRef'
  public boolean includesReferenceOperand (int objRef){

    for (int i=stackBase; i<=top; i++) {
      if (isRef.get(i) && (slots[i] == objRef)){
        return true;

    return false;

   * is this StackFrame modifying the KernelState
   * this is true unless this is callerSlots NativeStackFrame
  public boolean modifiesState() {
    return true;

  public boolean isDirectCallFrame () {
    return false;

  public boolean isSynthetic() {
    return false;

  // gets and sets some derived information
  public int getLine () {
    return mi.getLineNumber(pc);

   * generic visitor for reference arguments
  public void processRefArguments (MethodInfo miCallee, ReferenceProcessor visitor){
    int nArgSlots = miCallee.getArgumentsSize();

    for (int i=top-1; i>=top-nArgSlots; i--){
      if (isRef.get(i)){

  public int getSlot(int idx){
    return slots[idx];
  public boolean isReferenceSlot(int idx){
    return isRef.get(idx);

  public void setOperand (int offset, int v, boolean isRefValue){
    int i = top-offset;
    slots[i] = v;
    isRef.set(i, isRefValue);

  //----------------------------- various attribute accessors

  public boolean hasAttrs () {
    return attrs != null;

  public boolean hasFrameAttr(){
    return frameAttr != null;
  public boolean hasFrameAttr (Class<?> attrType){
    return ObjectList.containsType(frameAttr, attrType);
  public boolean hasFrameAttrValue (Object a){
    return ObjectList.contains(frameAttr, a);
  //--- the frame attr accessors 
   * this returns all of them - use either if you know there will be only
   * one attribute at callerSlots time, or check/process result with ObjectList
  public Object getFrameAttr(){
    return frameAttr;

   * this replaces all of them - use only if you know there are no 
   * SystemAttributes in the list (which would cause an exception)
  public void setFrameAttr (Object attr){
    frameAttr = ObjectList.set(frameAttr, attr);    

  public void addFrameAttr (Object attr){
    frameAttr = ObjectList.add(frameAttr, attr);

  public void removeFrameAttr (Object attr){
    frameAttr = ObjectList.remove(frameAttr, attr);

  public void replaceFrameAttr (Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    frameAttr = ObjectList.replace(frameAttr, oldAttr, newAttr);

   * this only returns the first attr of this type, there can be more
   * if you don't use client private types or the provided type is too general
  public <T> T getFrameAttr (Class<T> attrType) {
    return ObjectList.getFirst(frameAttr, attrType);
  public <T> T getAndResetFrameAttr (Class<T> attrType) {
    T attr = ObjectList.getFirst(frameAttr, attrType);
    if (attr != null){
      frameAttr = ObjectList.remove(frameAttr, attr);
    return attr;

  public <T> T getNextFrameAttr (Class<T> attrType, Object prev) {
    return ObjectList.getNext(frameAttr, attrType, prev);

  public ObjectList.Iterator frameAttrIterator(){
    return ObjectList.iterator(frameAttr);
  public <T> ObjectList.TypedIterator<T> frameAttrIterator(Class<T> attrType){
    return ObjectList.typedIterator(frameAttr, attrType);
  //--- the top single-slot operand attrs

  public boolean hasOperandAttr(){
    if ((top >= stackBase) && (attrs != null)){
      return (attrs[top] != null);
    return false;
  public boolean hasOperandAttr(Class<?> type){
    if ((top >= stackBase) && (attrs != null)){
      return ObjectList.containsType(attrs[top], type);
    return false;
   * this returns all of them - use either if you know there will be only
   * one attribute at callerSlots time, or check/process result with ObjectList
  public Object getOperandAttr () {
    if ((top >= stackBase) && (attrs != null)){
      return attrs[top];
    return null;

   * this replaces all of them - use only if you know 
   *  - there will be only one attribute at callerSlots time
   *  - you obtained the value you set by callerSlots previous getXAttr()
   *  - you constructed callerSlots multi value list with ObjectList.createList()
  public void setOperandAttr (Object a){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    if (attrs == null) {
      if (a == null) return;
      attrs = new Object[slots.length];
    attrs[top] = a;

   * this only returns the first attr of this type, there can be more
   * if you don't use client private types or the provided type is too general
  public <T> T getOperandAttr (Class<T> attrType){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    if ((attrs != null)){
      return ObjectList.getFirst( attrs[top], attrType);
    return null;
  public <T> T getNextOperandAttr (Class<T> attrType, Object prev){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getNext( attrs[top], attrType, prev);
    return null;
  public Iterator operandAttrIterator(){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[top] : null;
    return ObjectList.iterator(a);
  public <T> Iterator<T> operandAttrIterator(Class<T> attrType){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[top] : null;
    return ObjectList.typedIterator(a, attrType);

  public void addOperandAttr (Object a){
    assert (top >= stackBase);
    if (a != null){
      if (attrs == null) {
        attrs = new Object[slots.length];

      attrs[top] = ObjectList.add(attrs[top], a);
  public void removeOperandAttr (Object a){
    assert (top >= stackBase) && (a != null);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[top] = ObjectList.remove(attrs[top], a);
  public void replaceOperandAttr (Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    assert (top >= stackBase) && (oldAttr != null) && (newAttr != null);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[top] = ObjectList.replace(attrs[top], oldAttr, newAttr);
  //--- offset operand attrs

  public boolean hasOperandAttr(int offset){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null){
      return (attrs[i] != null);
    return false;
  public boolean hasOperandAttr(int offset, Class<?> type){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.containsType(attrs[i], type);
    return false;
   * this returns all of them - use either if you know there will be only
   * one attribute at callerSlots time, or check/process result with ObjectList
  public Object getOperandAttr (int offset) {
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null) {
      return attrs[i];
    return null;

   * this replaces all of them - use only if you know 
   *  - there will be only one attribute at callerSlots time
   *  - you obtained the value you set by callerSlots previous getXAttr()
   *  - you constructed callerSlots multi value list with ObjectList.createList()
  public void setOperandAttr (int offset, Object a){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);

    if (attrs == null) {
      if (a == null) return;
      attrs = new Object[slots.length];
    attrs[i] = a;

   * this only returns the first attr of this type, there can be more
   * if you don't use client private types or the provided type is too general
  public <T> T getOperandAttr (int offset, Class<T> attrType){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getFirst( attrs[i], attrType);
    return null;
  public <T> T getNextOperandAttr (int offset, Class<T> attrType, Object prev){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getNext( attrs[i], attrType, prev);
    return null;
  public ObjectList.Iterator operandAttrIterator(int offset){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[i] : null;
    return ObjectList.iterator(a);
  public <T> ObjectList.TypedIterator<T> operandAttrIterator(int offset, Class<T> attrType){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[i] : null;
    return ObjectList.typedIterator(a, attrType);

  public void addOperandAttr (int offset, Object a){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase);

    if (a != null){
      if (attrs == null) {
        attrs = new Object[slots.length];
      attrs[i] = ObjectList.add(attrs[i],a);

  public void removeOperandAttr (int offset, Object a){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase) && (a != null);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[i] = ObjectList.remove(attrs[i], a);
  public void replaceOperandAttr (int offset, Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    int i = top-offset;
    assert (i >= stackBase) && (oldAttr != null) && (newAttr != null);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[i] = ObjectList.replace(attrs[i], oldAttr, newAttr);
  //--- top double-slot operand attrs
  // we store attributes for double slot values at the local var index,
  // which is the lower one. The ..LongOperand.. APIs are handling this offset
  public boolean hasLongOperandAttr(){
    return hasOperandAttr(1);
  public boolean hasLongOperandAttr(Class<?> type){
    return hasOperandAttr(1, type);
   * this returns all of them - use either if you know there will be only
   * one attribute at callerSlots time, or check/process result with ObjectList
  public Object getLongOperandAttr () {
    return getOperandAttr(1);

   * this replaces all of them - use only if you know 
   *  - there will be only one attribute at callerSlots time
   *  - you obtained the value you set by callerSlots previous getXAttr()
   *  - you constructed callerSlots multi value list with ObjectList.createList()
  public void setLongOperandAttr (Object a){
    setOperandAttr(1, a);
   * this only returns the first attr of this type, there can be more
   * if you don't use client private types or the provided type is too general
  public <T> T getLongOperandAttr (Class<T> attrType) {
    return getOperandAttr(1, attrType);
  public <T> T getNextLongOperandAttr (Class<T> attrType, Object prev) {
    return getNextOperandAttr(1, attrType, prev);
  public ObjectList.Iterator longOperandAttrIterator(){
    return operandAttrIterator(1);
  public <T> ObjectList.TypedIterator<T> longOperandAttrIterator(Class<T> attrType){
    return operandAttrIterator(1, attrType);
  public void addLongOperandAttr (Object a){
    addOperandAttr(1, a);

  public void removeLongOperandAttr (Object a){
    removeOperandAttr(1, a);

  public void replaceLongOperandAttr (Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    replaceOperandAttr(1, oldAttr, newAttr);

  //--- local attrs
  // single- or double-slot - you have to provide the var index anyways)
  public boolean hasLocalAttr(int index){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs != null){
      return (attrs[index] != null);
    return false;
  public boolean hasLocalAttr(int index, Class<?> type){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.containsType(attrs[index], type);
    return false;

   * this returns all of them - use either if you know there will be only
   * one attribute at callerSlots time, or check/process result with ObjectList
  public Object getLocalAttr (int index){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs != null){
      return attrs[index];
    return null;
  public Object getLongLocalAttr (int index){
    return getLocalAttr( index);
   * this replaces all of them - use only if you know 
   *  - there will be only one attribute at callerSlots time
   *  - you obtained the value you set by callerSlots previous getXAttr()
   *  - you constructed callerSlots multi value list with ObjectList.createList()
  public void setLocalAttr (int index, Object a) {
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs == null){
      if (a == null) return;
      attrs = new Object[slots.length];
    attrs[index] = a;

  public void setLongLocalAttr (int index, Object a){
    setLocalAttr( index, a);
  public void addLongLocalAttr (int index, Object a){
    addLocalAttr( index, a);
   * this only returns the first attr of this type, there can be more
   * if you don't use client private types or the provided type is too general
  public <T> T getLocalAttr (int index, Class<T> attrType){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getFirst( attrs[index], attrType);
    return null;
  public <T> T getNextLocalAttr (int index, Class<T> attrType, Object prev){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getNext( attrs[index], attrType, prev);
    return null;
  public ObjectList.Iterator localAttrIterator(int index){
    assert index < stackBase;
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[index] : null;
    return ObjectList.iterator(a);
  public <T> ObjectList.TypedIterator<T> localAttrIterator(int index, Class<T> attrType){
    assert index < stackBase;
    Object a = (attrs != null) ? attrs[index] : null;
    return ObjectList.typedIterator(a, attrType);

  public void addLocalAttr (int index, Object attr){
    assert index < stackBase;
    if (attrs == null){
      if (attr == null) return;
      attrs = new Object[slots.length];
    attrs[index] = ObjectList.add(attrs[index], attr);
  public void removeLocalAttr (int index, Object attr){
    assert index < stackBase && attr != null;
    if (attr != null){
      attrs[index] = ObjectList.remove(attrs[index], attr);    

  public void replaceLocalAttr (int index, Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    assert index < stackBase && oldAttr != null && newAttr != null;
    if (attrs == null){
      attrs[index] = ObjectList.replace(attrs[index], oldAttr, newAttr);    
  //--- various special attr accessors

   * helper to quickly find out if any of the locals slots holds
   * an attribute of the provided type
   * @param attrType type of attribute to look for
   * @param startIdx local index to start from
   * @return index of local slot with attribute, -1 if none found
  public int getLocalAttrIndex (Class<?> attrType, int startIdx){
    if (attrs != null){
      for (int i=startIdx; i<stackBase; i++){
        Object a = attrs[i];
        if (ObjectList.containsType(a, attrType)){
          return i;

    return -1;
  // <2do> this is machine dependent since it uses the operand stack. Only here because there
  // is no suitable place to factor this out between xStackFrame, xNativeStackFrame and xDirectCallStackFrame
  // (another example of missing multiple inheritance)
  // Needs to be overridden for Dalvik
   * this retrieves the argument values from the caller, i.e. the previous stackframe 
   * references are returned as ElementInfos or null
   * primitive values are returned as box objects (e.g. int -> Integer)
  public Object[] getArgumentValues (ThreadInfo ti){
    StackFrame callerFrame = getCallerFrame();
    if (callerFrame != null){
      return callerFrame.getCallArguments(ti);
    } else {
      // <2do> what about main(String[] args) ?
    return null;
   * get the arguments of the executed call
   * Note - this throws an exception if the StackFrame pc is not an InvokeInstruction
  public Object[] getCallArguments (ThreadInfo ti){
    if (pc == null || !(pc instanceof InvokeInstruction)){
      throw new JPFException("stackframe not executing invoke: " + pc);
    InvokeInstruction call = (InvokeInstruction) pc;    
    MethodInfo callee = call.getInvokedMethod();

    byte[] argTypes = callee.getArgumentTypes();

    return getArgumentsValues(ti, argTypes);

  public Object[] getArgumentsValues (ThreadInfo ti, byte[] argTypes){
    int n = argTypes.length;
    Object[] args = new Object[n];

    for (int i=n-1, off=0; i>=0; i--) {
      switch (argTypes[i]) {
      case Types.T_ARRAY:
      //case Types.T_OBJECT:
      case Types.T_REFERENCE:
        int ref = peek(off);
        if (ref != MJIEnv.NULL) {
          args[i] = ti.getElementInfo(ref);
        } else {
          args[i] = null;

      case Types.T_LONG:
        args[i] = new Long(peekLong(off));
      case Types.T_DOUBLE:
        args[i] = new Double(Types.longToDouble(peekLong(off)));

      case Types.T_BOOLEAN:
        args[i] = new Boolean(peek(off) != 0);
      case Types.T_BYTE:
        args[i] = new Byte((byte)peek(off));
      case Types.T_CHAR:
        args[i] = new Character((char)peek(off));
      case Types.T_SHORT:
        args[i] = new Short((short)peek(off));
      case Types.T_INT:
        args[i] = new Integer(peek(off));
      case Types.T_FLOAT:
        args[i] = new Float(Types.intToFloat(peek(off)));
        // error, unknown argument type
    return args;
   * return an array of all argument attrs, which in turn can be lists. If
   * you have to retrieve values, use the ObjectList APIs
   * this is here (and not in ThreadInfo) because we might call it
   * on callerSlots cached/cloned StackFrame (caller stack might be already
   * modified, e.g. for callerSlots native method).
   * to be used from listeners.
  public Object[] getArgumentAttrs (MethodInfo miCallee) {
    if (attrs != null) {
      int nArgs = miCallee.getNumberOfArguments();
      byte[] at = miCallee.getArgumentTypes();
      Object[] a;

      if (!miCallee.isStatic()) {
        a = new Object[nArgs+1];
        a[0] = getOperandAttr(miCallee.getArgumentsSize()-1);
      } else {
        a = new Object[nArgs];

      for (int i=nArgs-1, off=0, j=a.length-1; i>=0; i--, j--) {
        byte argType = at[i];
        if (argType == Types.T_LONG || argType == Types.T_DOUBLE) {
          a[j] = getOperandAttr(off+1);
          off +=2;
        } else {
          a[j] = getOperandAttr(off);

      return a;

    } else {
      return null;

   * check if there is any argument attr of the provided type on the operand stack
   * this is far more efficient than retrieving attribute values (we don't
   * care for argument types)
  public boolean hasArgumentAttr (MethodInfo miCallee, Class<?> attrType){
    if (attrs != null) {
      int nArgSlots = miCallee.getArgumentsSize();

      for (int i=0; i<nArgSlots; i++){
        Object a = getOperandAttr(i);
        if (ObjectList.containsType(a, attrType)){
          return true;

    return false;

  public boolean hasArgumentObjectAttr (ThreadInfo ti, MethodInfo miCallee, Class<?> type){
    int nArgSlots = miCallee.getArgumentsSize();
    for (int i=0; i<nArgSlots; i++){
      if (isOperandRef(i)){
        int objRef = peek(i);
        if (objRef != MJIEnv.NULL){
          ElementInfo ei = ti.getElementInfo(objRef);
          if (ei.getObjectAttr(type) != null) {
            return true;

    return false;
  // -- end attrs --
  public void setLocalReferenceVariable (int index, int ref){
    if (slots[index] != MJIEnv.NULL){
    slots[index] = ref;

  public void setLocalVariable (int index, int v){
    // Hmm, should we treat this an error?
    if (isRef.get(index) && slots[index] != MJIEnv.NULL){
    slots[index] = v;
  public void setFloatLocalVariable (int index, float f){
    setLocalVariable( index, Float.floatToIntBits(f));

  public void setDoubleLocalVariable (int index, double f){
    setLongLocalVariable( index, Double.doubleToLongBits(f));

  // <2do> replace with non-ref version
  public void setLocalVariable (int index, int v, boolean ref) {
    // <2do> activateGc should be replaced by local refChanged
    boolean activateGc = ref || (isRef.get(index) && (slots[index] != MJIEnv.NULL));

    slots[index] = v;

    if (activateGc) {

  public int getLocalVariable (int i) {
    return slots[i];

  public int getLocalVariable (String name) {
    int idx = getLocalVariableSlotIndex(name);
    if (idx >= 0) {
      return getLocalVariable(idx);
    } else {
      throw new JPFException("local variable not found: " + name);

  public int getLocalVariableCount() {
    return stackBase;

   * <2do> - this should return only LocalVarInfo for the current pc
  public LocalVarInfo[] getLocalVars () {
    return mi.getLocalVars();

  public boolean isLocalVariableRef (int idx) {
    return isRef.get(idx);

  public String getLocalVariableType (String name) {
    LocalVarInfo lv = mi.getLocalVar(name, pc.getPosition()+pc.getLength());
    if (lv != null){
      return lv.getType();

    return null;

  public String getLocalVariableType (int idx){
    LocalVarInfo lv = mi.getLocalVar(idx, pc.getPosition()+pc.getLength());
    if (lv != null){
      return lv.getType();

    return null;

  public LocalVarInfo getLocalVarInfo (String name){
    return mi.getLocalVar(name, pc.getPosition()+pc.getLength());

  public LocalVarInfo getLocalVarInfo (int idx){
    return mi.getLocalVar(idx, pc.getPosition()+pc.getLength());

  public void setThis (int objRef){
    thisRef = objRef;
  public FixedBitSet getReferenceMap(){
    return isRef;

  //--- direct slot access - provided for machine-independent clients
  public int[] getSlots () {
    return slots; // we should probably clone
  public Object[] getSlotAttrs(){
    return attrs;
  public Object getSlotAttr (int i){
    if (attrs != null){
      return attrs[i];
    return null;
  public <T> T getSlotAttr (int i, Class<T> attrType){
    if (attrs != null){
      return ObjectList.getFirst( attrs[i], attrType);
    return null;
  public void setSlotAttr (int i, Object a){
    if (attrs == null){
      attrs = new Object[slots.length];
    attrs[i] = a;
  public void addSlotAttr (int i, Object a){
    if (a != null){
      if (attrs == null) {
        attrs = new Object[slots.length];

      attrs[i] = ObjectList.add(attrs[i], a);
  public void replaceSlotAttr (int i, Object oldAttr, Object newAttr){
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[i] = ObjectList.replace(attrs[i], oldAttr, newAttr);
  public void visitReferenceSlots (ReferenceProcessor visitor){
    for (int i=isRef.nextSetBit(0); i>=0 && i<=top; i=isRef.nextSetBit(i+1)){

  public void setLongLocalVariable (int index, long v) {
    // WATCH OUT: apparently, slots can change type, so we have to
    // reset the reference flag (happened in JavaSeq)

    slots[index] = Types.hiLong(v);

    slots[index] = Types.loLong(v);

  public long getLongLocalVariable (int idx) {
    return Types.intsToLong(slots[idx + 1], slots[idx]);
  public double getDoubleLocalVariable (int idx) {
    return Types.intsToDouble(slots[idx + 1], slots[idx]);

  public float getFloatLocalVariable (int idx) {
    int bits = slots[idx];
    return Float.intBitsToFloat(bits);

  public double getDoubleLocalVariable (String name) {
    int idx = getLocalVariableSlotIndex(name);
    if (idx >= 0) {
      return getDoubleLocalVariable(idx);
    } else {
      throw new JPFException("long local variable not found: " + name);
  public long getLongLocalVariable (String name) {
    int idx = getLocalVariableSlotIndex(name);

    if (idx >= 0) {
      return getLongLocalVariable(idx);
    } else {
      throw new JPFException("long local variable not found: " + name);

  public MethodInfo getMethodInfo () {
    return mi;

  public String getMethodName () {
    return mi.getName();

  public boolean isOperandRef (int offset) {
    return isRef.get(top-offset);

  public boolean isOperandRef () {
    return isRef.get(top);

  //--- direct pc modification
  // NOTE: this is dangerous, caller has to guarantee stack consistency
  public void setPC (Instruction newpc) {
    pc = newpc;

  public Instruction getPC () {
    return pc;

  public void advancePC() {
    int i = pc.getInstructionIndex() + 1;
    if (i < mi.getNumberOfInstructions()) {
      pc = mi.getInstruction(i);
    } else {
      pc = null;

  public int getTopPos() {
    return top;

  ExceptionHandler getHandlerFor (ClassInfo ciException){
    return mi.getHandlerFor (ciException, pc);
  public boolean isFirewall (){
    return mi.isFirewall();
  public String getStackTraceInfo () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);

    if(!mi.isJPFInternal()) {
    	if(pc != null) {
            sb.append( pc.getFilePos());
    } else {
    	if(mi.isMJI()) {
    	} else {

    return sb.toString();

   * if this is an instance method, return the reference of the corresponding object
   * (note this only has to be in slot 0 upon entry)
  public int getThis () {
    return thisRef;

  // stack operations
  public void clearOperandStack () {
    if (attrs != null){
      for (int i=stackBase; i<= top; i++){
        attrs[i] = null;
    top = stackBase-1;
  // this is callerSlots deep copy
  public StackFrame clone () {
    try {
      StackFrame sf = (StackFrame) super.clone();

      sf.slots = slots.clone();
      sf.isRef = isRef.clone();

      if (attrs != null){
        sf.attrs = attrs.clone();

      // frameAttr is not cloned to allow search global use 

      return sf;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnsx) {
      throw new JPFException(cnsx);
  //--- change management
  protected void checkIsModifiable() {
    if ((attributes & ATTR_IS_FROZEN) != 0) {
      throw new JPFException("attempt to modify frozen stackframe: " + this);
  public void freeze() {
    attributes |= ATTR_IS_FROZEN;

  public void defreeze() {
    attributes &= ~ATTR_IS_FROZEN;
  public boolean isFrozen() {
    return ((attributes & ATTR_IS_FROZEN) != 0);    
  public void setReflection(){
    attributes |= ATTR_IS_REFLECTION;
  public boolean isReflection(){
    return ((attributes & ATTR_IS_REFLECTION) != 0);

  // all the dupses don't have any GC side effect (everything is already
  // on the stack), so skip the GC requests associated with push()/pop()

  public void dup () {
    // .. A     =>
    // .. A A
    //    ^

    int t= top;

    int td=t+1;
    slots[td] = slots[t];
    isRef.set(td, isRef.get(t));

    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[t];

    top = td;

  public void dup2 () {
    // .. A B        =>
    // .. A B A B
    //      ^

    int ts, td;
    int t=top;

    // duplicate A
    td = t+1; ts = t-1;
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set(td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // duplicate B
    td++; ts=t;
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set(td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    top = td;

  public void dup2_x1 () {
    // .. A B C       =>
    // .. B C A B C
    //        ^

    int b, c;
    boolean bRef, cRef;
    Object bAnn = null, cAnn = null;
    int ts, td;
    int t = top;

    // duplicate C
    ts=t; td = t+2;                              // ts=top, td=top+2
    slots[td] = c = slots[ts];
    cRef = isRef.get(ts);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn = attrs[ts];

    // duplicate B
    ts--; td--;                                  // ts=top-1, td=top+1
    slots[td] = b = slots[ts];
    bRef = isRef.get(ts);
    isRef.set(td, bRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = bAnn = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle A
    ts=t-2; td=t;                                // ts=top-2, td=top
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set(td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle B
    td = ts;                                     // td=top-2
    slots[td] = b;
    isRef.set(td, bRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = bAnn;

    // shuffle C
    td++;                                        // td=top-1
    slots[td] = c;
    isRef.set(td, cRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn;

    top += 2;

  public void dup2_x2 () {
    // .. A B C D       =>
    // .. C D A B C D
    //          ^

    int c, d;
    boolean cRef, dRef;
    Object cAnn = null, dAnn = null;
    int ts, td;
    int t = top;

    // duplicate C
    ts = t-1; td = t+1;                          // ts=top-1, td=top+1
    slots[td] = c = slots[ts];
    cRef = isRef.get(ts);
    isRef.set(td, cRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn = attrs[ts];

    // duplicate D
    ts=t; td++;                                  // ts=top, td=top+2
    slots[td] = d = slots[ts];
    dRef = isRef.get(ts);
    isRef.set(td, dRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = dAnn = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle A
    ts = t-3; td = t-1;                          // ts=top-3, td=top-1
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set( td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle B
    ts++; td = t;                                // ts = top-2
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set( td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle D
    td = ts;                                     // td = top-2
    slots[td] = d;
    isRef.set( td, dRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = dAnn;

    // shuffle C
    td--;                                        // td = top-3
    slots[td] = c;
    isRef.set(td, cRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn;

    top += 2;

  public void dup_x1 () {
    // .. A B     =>
    // .. B A B
    //      ^

    int b;
    boolean bRef;
    Object bAnn = null;
    int ts, td;
    int t = top;

    // duplicate B
    ts = t; td = t+1;
    slots[td] = b = slots[ts];
    bRef = isRef.get(ts);
    isRef.set(td, bRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = bAnn = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle A
    ts--; td = t;       // ts=top-1, td = top
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set( td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle B
    td = ts;            // td=top-1
    slots[td] = b;
    isRef.set( td, bRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = bAnn;


  public void dup_x2 () {
    // .. A B C     =>
    // .. C A B C
    //        ^

    int c;
    boolean cRef;
    Object cAnn = null;
    int ts, td;
    int t = top;

    // duplicate C
    ts = t; td = t+1;
    slots[td] = c = slots[ts];
    cRef = isRef.get(ts);
    isRef.set( td, cRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle B
    td = ts; ts--;               // td=top, ts=top-1
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set( td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle A
    td=ts; ts--;                 // td=top-1, ts=top-2
    slots[td] = slots[ts];
    isRef.set( td, isRef.get(ts));
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = attrs[ts];

    // shuffle C
    td = ts;                     // td = top-2
    slots[td] = c;
    isRef.set(td, cRef);
    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[td] = cAnn;


   * to be used to check if a StackFrame got cloned due to its execution
   * changing attributes and/or slots, but otherwise represents the same
   * execution
  public boolean originatesFrom (StackFrame other){
    if (other == this){
      return true;
    } else {
      return ((mi == other.mi) &&
              (prev == other.prev) &&
              (top == &&
              (getClass() == other.getClass()));
  // <2do> pcm - I assume this compares snapshots, not types. Otherwise it
  // would be pointless to equals stack/local values
  public boolean equals (Object o) {
    if (o instanceof StackFrame){
      StackFrame other = (StackFrame)o;

      if (prev != other.prev) {
        return false;
      if (pc != other.pc) {
        return false;
      if (mi != other.mi) {
        return false;
      if (top !={
        return false;

      int[] otherSlots = other.slots;
      FixedBitSet otherIsRef = other.isRef;
      for (int i=0; i<=top; i++){
        if ( slots[i] != otherSlots[i]){
          return false;
        if ( isRef.get(i) != otherIsRef.get(i)){
          return false;

      if (!,attrs,other.attrs)){
        return false;
      if (!ObjectList.equals(frameAttr, other.frameAttr)){
        return false;

      return true;

    return false;
  public boolean hasAnyRef () {
    return isRef.cardinality() > 0;
  public int mixinExecutionStateHash (int h) {
    h = OATHash.hashMixin( h, mi.getGlobalId());
    if (pc != null){
      h = OATHash.hashMixin(h, pc.getInstructionIndex());
      // we don't need the bytecode since there can only be one insn with this index in this method
    for (int i=0; i<top; i++) {
      h = OATHash.hashMixin(h, slots[i]);
    return h;

  protected void hash (HashData hd) {
    if (prev != null){

    if (pc != null){

    for (int i=0; i<=top; i++){


    // it's debatable if we add the attributes to the state, but whatever it
    // is, it should be kept consistent with the Fields.hash()
    if (attrs != null){
      for (int i=0; i<=top; i++){
        ObjectList.hash( attrs[i], hd);
    if (frameAttr != null){
      ObjectList.hash(frameAttr, hd);

  // computes an hash code for the hash table
  // the default hash code is different for each object
  // we need to redifine it to make the hash table work
  public int hashCode () {
    HashData hd = new HashData();
    return hd.getValue();

   * mark all objects reachable from local or operand stack positions containing
   * references. Done during phase1 marking of threads (the stack is one of the
   * Thread gc roots)
  public void markThreadRoots (Heap heap, int tid) {

    for (int i = isRef.nextSetBit(0); i>=0 && i<=top; i = isRef.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
      int objref = slots[i];
      if (objref != MJIEnv.NULL) {
        heap.markThreadRoot(objref, tid);
    for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
      if (isRef.get(i)) {
        int objref = slots[i];
        if (objref != MJIEnv.NULL) {
          heap.markThreadRoot(objref, tid);

  //--- debugging methods

  public void printOperands (PrintStream pw){
    pw.print("operands = [");
    for (int i=stackBase; i<=top; i++){
      if (i>0){
      if (isOperandRef(i)){
      Object a = getOperandAttr(top-i);
      if (a != null){
        pw.print(" {");

   * this includes locals and pc
  public void printStackContent () {
    PrintStream pw = System.out;

    pw.print( "\tat ");
    pw.print( mi.getFullName());

    if (pc != null) {
      pw.println( ":" + pc.getPosition());
    } else {

    pw.print("\t slots: ");
    for (int i=0; i<=top; i++){
      if (i == stackBase){
        pw.println("\t      ----------- operand stack");

      pw.print( "\t    [");
      pw.print("] ");
      if (isRef.get(i)) {
        pw.print( "@");
      pw.print( slots[i]);

      if (attrs != null){
        pw.print("  attr=");


  public void printStackTrace () {
    System.out.println( getStackTraceInfo());

  public void swap () {
    int t = top-1;

    int v = slots[top];
    boolean isTopRef = isRef.get(top);

    slots[top] = slots[t];
    isRef.set( top, isRef.get(t));

    slots[t] = v;
    isRef.set( t, isTopRef);

    if (attrs != null){
      Object a = attrs[top];
      attrs[top] = attrs[t];
      attrs[t] = a;

  protected void printContentsOn(PrintWriter pw){
    pw.print( mi != null ? mi.getUniqueName() : "null");
    pw.print(",top="); pw.print(top);

    for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
      if (i == stackBase){
      } else {
        if (i != 0) {

      if (isRef.get(i)){

      if (attrs != null && attrs[i] != null) {

    pw.print(pc != null ? pc.getPosition() : "null");


  // <2do> there are way too many different print/debug methods here
  public void printSlots (PrintStream ps){
    for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
      if (i == stackBase){
      } else {
        if (i != 0) {

      if (isRef.get(i)){
        PrintUtils.printReference(ps, slots[i]);
      } else {

  public int getDepth(){
    int depth = 0;
    for (StackFrame frame = prev; frame != null; frame = frame.prev){
    return depth;
  protected int objectHashCode() {
    return super.hashCode();

  public String toString () {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(128);
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);

    pw.print(getClass().getSimpleName() + '{');

    return sw.toString();

  public float peekFloat() {
    return Float.intBitsToFloat(slots[top]);

  public float peekFloat (int offset){
    return Float.intBitsToFloat(slots[top-offset]);    
  public double peekDouble() {
    int i = top;
    return Types.intsToDouble( slots[i], slots[i-1]);
  public double peekDouble (int offset){
    int i = top-offset;
    return Types.intsToDouble( slots[i], slots[i-1]);
  public long peekLong () {
    int i = top;
    return Types.intsToLong( slots[i], slots[i-1]);

  public long peekLong (int offset) {
    int i = top - offset;
    return Types.intsToLong( slots[i], slots[i-1]);

  public void pushLong (long v) {
    push( (int) (v>>32));
    push( (int) v);

  public void pushDouble (double v) {
    long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(v);
    push( (int) (l>>32));
    push( (int) l);

  public void pushFloat (float v) {
    push( Float.floatToIntBits(v));
  public double popDouble () {
    int i = top;

    int lo = slots[i--];
    int hi = slots[i--];

    if (attrs != null){
      i = top;
      attrs[i--] = null; // not really required
      attrs[i--] = null; // that's where the attribute should be

    top = i;
    return Types.intsToDouble(lo, hi);

  public long popLong () {
    int i = top;

    int lo = slots[i--];
    int hi = slots[i--];

    if (attrs != null){
      i = top;
      attrs[i--] = null; // not really required
      attrs[i--] = null; // that's where the attribute should be

    top = i;
    return Types.intsToLong(lo, hi);

  public int peek () {
    return slots[top];

  public int peek (int offset) {
    return slots[top-offset];

  public void removeArguments (MethodInfo mi) {
    int i = mi.getArgumentsSize();

    if (i != 0) {
  public void pop (int n) {
    //assert (top >= stackBase) : "stack empty";

    int t = top - n;

    // <2do> get rid of this !
    for (int i=top; i>t; i--) {
      if (isRef.get(i) && (slots[i] != MJIEnv.NULL)) {

    if (attrs != null){  // just to avoid memory leaks
      for (int i=top; i>t; i--){
        attrs[i] = null;

    top = t;

  public float popFloat() {    
    int v = slots[top];

    if (attrs != null){ // just to avoid memory leaks
      attrs[top] = null;


    return Float.intBitsToFloat(v);
  public int pop () {
    //assert (top >= stackBase) : "stack empty";
    int v = slots[top];

    // <2do> get rid of this
    if (isRef.get(top)) {
      if (v != MJIEnv.NULL) {

    if (attrs != null){ // just to avoid memory leaks
      attrs[top] = null;


    // note that we don't reset the operands or oRefs values, so that
    // we can still access them after the insn doing the pop got executed
    // (e.g. useful for listeners)

    return v;
  public void pushLocal (int index) {
    slots[top] = slots[index];
    isRef.set(top, isRef.get(index));

    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[top] = attrs[index];

  public void pushLongLocal (int index){
    int t = top;

    slots[++t] = slots[index];
    slots[++t] = slots[index+1];

    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[t-1] = attrs[index];
      attrs[t] = null;

    top = t;

  public void storeOperand (int index){
    slots[index] = slots[top];
    isRef.set( index, isRef.get(top));

    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[index] = attrs[top];
      attrs[top] = null;


  public void storeLongOperand (int index){
    int t = top-1;
    int i = index;

    slots[i] = slots[t];

    slots[++i] = slots[t+1];

    if (attrs != null){
      attrs[index] = attrs[t]; // its in the lower word
      attrs[i] = null;

      attrs[t] = null;
      attrs[t+1] = null;

    top -=2;

  public void push (int v){
    slots[top] = v;

    //if (attrs != null){ // done on pop
    //  attrs[top] = null;

  public void pushRef (int ref){
    slots[top] = ref;

    //if (attrs != null){ // done on pop
    //  attrs[top] = null;

    if (ref != MJIEnv.NULL) {

  public void push (int v, boolean ref) {
    slots[top] = v;
    isRef.set(top, ref);

    //if (attrs != null){ // done on pop
    //  attrs[top] = null;

    if (ref && (v != MJIEnv.NULL)) {

  // return the value of callerSlots variable given the name
  public int getLocalVariableSlotIndex (String name) {
    LocalVarInfo lv = mi.getLocalVar(name, pc.getPosition());

    if (lv != null){
      return lv.getSlotIndex();

    return -1;

  //--- abstract argument & return passing that can have VM dependend implementation
  public void setReferenceResult (int ref, Object attr){
    if (attr != null){
  public void setResult (int r, Object attr){
    if (attr != null){
  public void setResult (long r, Object attr){
    if (attr != null){
  public int getResult(){
    return pop();
  public long getLongResult(){
    return popLong();

  public int getReferenceResult () {
    return pop();
  public Object getResultAttr () {
    return getOperandAttr();

  public Object getLongResultAttr () {
    return getLongOperandAttr();
  public float getFloatResult(){
    return Float.intBitsToFloat(getResult());    
  public double getDoubleResult(){
    return Double.longBitsToDouble(getLongResult());
  public Object getFloatResultAttr(){
    return getResultAttr();
  public Object getDoubleResultAttr(){
    return getLongResultAttr();

  //--- VM independent exception handler setup
  public void setExceptionReference (int exRef){
  public int getExceptionReference (){
    return pop();
  public void setExceptionReferenceAttribute (Object attr){
  public Object getExceptionReferenceAttribute (){
    return getOperandAttr();
  // those set the local vars that are normally initialized from call arguments
  public abstract void setArgumentLocal (int idx, int value, Object attr);
  public abstract void setLongArgumentLocal (int idx, long value, Object attr);
  public abstract void setReferenceArgumentLocal (int idx, int ref, Object attr);

  public void setFloatArgumentLocal (int idx, float value, Object attr){
    setArgumentLocal( idx, Float.floatToIntBits(value), attr);
  public void setDoubleArgumentLocal (int idx, double value, Object attr){
    setLongArgumentLocal( idx, Double.doubleToLongBits(value), attr);