view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 21:caa0924e093d

reshuffled Event hierarchy, introducing SystemEvent, with CheckEvent and ControlEvent being subclasses of SystemEvent added Loggable.setLogLevel changed old UserHeuristic to use a Verify.heuristicValue instead of a hardwired "Main" class with hardwired fields (which was just an outdated leftover). Call Verify.setHeuristicValue() to control state priorities from the SUT. This also fixes the bug that UserHeuristic was not properly checking for "Main" resolution.
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Fri, 10 Apr 2015 20:53:11 -0700
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.

package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

 * a policy interface related to locking, blocking and thread lifetime
 * events.
 * As opposed to field access and SharednessPolicy, most of these events
 * are of mandatory nature, but we want to support varying order and degrees of
 * precision with respect to scheduling candidates
 * NOTE - this interface is part of dividing the old SchedulerFactory (which was
 * mostly concerned about scheduling order) into separate policy interfaces
 * that allow control over
 *  - CG type
 *  - choice values
 *  - choice order
 * based on operation (instruction type, MJI methods), which might require
 * additional, policy related state (e.g. threads competing for the same object).
 * Since the policies are interfaces kept at the same level, and are only
 * accessed through ThreadInfo facades, they can be implemented by a single
 * class/object
public interface SyncPolicy {

  //--- system scheduling points
  public static String ROOT = "ROOT";
  public static String POST_FINALIZE = "POST_FINALIZE";
  //--- thread sync and lifetime
  public static String START = "START";
  public static String BLOCK = "BLOCK";
  public static String LOCK = "LOCK";
  public static String RELEASE = "RELEASE";
  public static String WAIT = "WAIT";
  public static String JOIN = "JOIN";
  public static String NOTIFY = "NOTIFY";
  public static String NOTIFYALL = "NOTIFYALL";
  public static String SLEEP = "SLEEP";
  public static String YIELD = "YIELD";
  public static String PRIORITY = "PRIORITY";
  public static String INTERRUPT = "INTERRUPT";
  public static String SUSPEND = "SUSPEND";
  public static String RESUME = "RESUME";
  public static String STOP = "STOP";
  public static String PARK = "PARK";
  public static String UNPARK = "UNPARK";
  public static String BEGIN_ATOMIC = "BEGIN_ATOMIC";
  public static String END_ATOMIC = "END_ATOMIC";
  public static String RESCHEDULE = "SCHEDULE";
  public static String TERMINATE = "TERMINATE";

   * called once per application, after the VM is fully initialized 
  void initializeSyncPolicy (VM vm, ApplicationContext appCtx);
   * called during ThreadInfo initialization, before Thread.start()
  void initializeThreadSync (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiNew);
   * set the very first CG, which is not optional
  void setRootCG ();
  //--- locks
  boolean setsBlockedThreadCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei);
  boolean setsLockAcquisitionCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei);
  boolean setsLockReleaseCG (ThreadInfo ti, ElementInfo ei, boolean didUnblock);

  //--- thread termination
  boolean setsTerminationCG (ThreadInfo ti);
  //--- java.lang.Object APIs
  boolean setsWaitCG (ThreadInfo ti, long timeout);
  boolean setsNotifyCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean didNotify);
  boolean setsNotifyAllCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean didNotify);
  //--- the java.lang.Thread APIs
  boolean setsStartCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiStarted);
  boolean setsYieldCG (ThreadInfo ti);
  boolean setsPriorityCG (ThreadInfo ti);
  boolean setsSleepCG (ThreadInfo ti, long millis, int nanos);
  boolean setsSuspendCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiSuspended);
  boolean setsResumeCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiResumed);
  boolean setsJoinCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiJoin, long timeout);
  boolean setsStopCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiStopped);
  boolean setsInterruptCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiInterrupted);
  //--- sun.misc.Unsafe
  boolean setsParkCG (ThreadInfo ti, boolean isAbsTime, long timeout);
  boolean setsUnparkCG (ThreadInfo tiCurrent, ThreadInfo tiUnparked);
  //--- gov.nasa.jpf.vm.Verify
  boolean setsBeginAtomicCG (ThreadInfo ti);
  boolean setsEndAtomicCG (ThreadInfo ti);
  //--- ThreadInfo reschedule request
  boolean setsRescheduleCG (ThreadInfo ti, String reason);
  //--- FinalizerThread
  boolean setsPostFinalizeCG (ThreadInfo tiFinalizer);