view src/peers/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 23:db918c531e6d

streamlined class init, which was a mixed case of registerClass()/initializeClass() and pushRequiredClinits(). Now it is a single initializeClass(ti) method which combines the previous initializeClass(), pushRequiredClinits() and pushClinit() methods. The reason for combining these is the forthcoming replacement of separately locked clinits from different DirectCallStackFrames with a single synthetic frame that calls clinits from nested synchronized blocks. This is required to model hotspot, which does cause deadlocks with concurrent init of classes that cause subclass init during their clinit executions.
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Wed, 15 Apr 2015 22:40:21 -0700
parents 61d41facf527
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.annotation.MJI;

import java.util.HashMap;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;

 * MJI NativePeer class for library abstraction
 * @author Owen O'Malley
public class JPF_java_io_RandomAccessFile extends NativePeer {

	// need to see whether the file is already in use
	// if so, then we'll update the file data and length in the original file
	// we do update the length in the local object, but not the data
	static HashMap<Integer, Integer> File2DataMap;
  public static boolean init (Config conf) {
    File2DataMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    return (File2DataMap != null);

	// get the mapped object if one exists
	private static int getMapping(MJIEnv env, int this_ptr) {
		int fn_ptr = env.getReferenceField(this_ptr,"filename");
		Object o = File2DataMap.get(new Integer(fn_ptr));
		if (o == null)
			return this_ptr;
		return ((Integer)o).intValue();
	// set the mapping during the constructor call
	public void setDataMap____V (MJIEnv env, int this_ptr) {
		int fn_ptr = env.getReferenceField(this_ptr,"filename");
		if (!File2DataMap.containsKey(new Integer(fn_ptr))) 
			File2DataMap.put(new Integer(fn_ptr),new Integer(this_ptr));
  static ClassInfo getDataRepresentationClassInfo (MJIEnv env) {
    ThreadInfo ti = env.getThreadInfo();
    Instruction insn = ti.getPC();
    ClassInfo ci = ClassLoaderInfo.getSystemResolvedClassInfo(DataRepresentation);
    if (ci.initializeClass(ti)){
      return null;
    return ci;

  public void writeByte__I__V (MJIEnv env, int this_ptr, int data) {
    long current_posn = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_position);
    long current_len = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_length);
    int chunk_size = env.getStaticIntField(RandomAccessFile, CHUNK_SIZE);
    int chunk = findDataChunk(env, this_ptr, current_posn,
    setDataValue(env, chunk, current_posn, (byte) data, chunk_size);
    current_posn += 1;
    env.setLongField(this_ptr, current_position, current_posn);
    if (current_posn >= current_len) {
      env.setLongField(this_ptr, current_length, current_posn + 1);
      // update length in the mapped object if it exists
      env.setLongField(getMapping(env,this_ptr), current_length, current_posn + 1);

   * This is a bit lame doing it this way, but it is easy.
  public void write___3BII__V (MJIEnv env, int this_ptr, int data_array,
                           int start, int len) {
    byte[] data_values = env.getByteArrayObject(data_array);
    for(int i=start; i < len; ++i) {
      writeByte__I__V(env, this_ptr, data_values[i]);

  public void setLength__J__V(MJIEnv env, int this_ptr, long len) {
    long current_posn = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_position);
    long current_len = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_length);
    if (current_posn >= len && len < current_len) {
      env.setLongField(this_ptr, current_position, len);
    env.setLongField(this_ptr, current_length, len);
    // update length in the mapped object if it exists
    env.setLongField(getMapping(env,this_ptr), current_length, current_posn + 1);

  public int read___3BII__I (MJIEnv env, int this_ptr, int data_array,
                         int start, int len) {
    int i = 0;
    long current_posn = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_position);
    long current_len = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_length);
    while (i < len && current_posn < current_len) {
      env.setByteArrayElement(data_array, start + i, readByte____B(env, this_ptr));
      i += 1;
      current_posn += 1;
    if (i == 0) {
      return -1;
    return i;

  public byte readByte____B (MJIEnv env, int this_ptr) {
    long current_posn = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_position);
    long current_len = env.getLongField(this_ptr, current_length);
    int chunk_size = env.getStaticIntField(RandomAccessFile, CHUNK_SIZE);
    if (current_posn >= current_len) {
    int chunk = findDataChunk(env, this_ptr, current_posn,
    byte result = getDataValue(env, chunk, current_posn, chunk_size);
    env.setLongField(this_ptr, current_position, current_posn + 1);
    return result;

  private static final int INT_SIZE = 4;
  private static final String data_root = "data_root";
  private static final String current_position = "currentPosition";
  private static final String current_length = "currentLength";
  private static final String CHUNK_SIZE = "CHUNK_SIZE";
  private static final String chunk_index = "chunk_index";
  private static final String next = "next";
  private static final String data = "data";
  private static final String EOFException = "";
  private static final String RandomAccessFile = "";
  private static final String DataRepresentation =
    RandomAccessFile + "$DataRepresentation";

  private static int findDataChunk(MJIEnv env, int this_ptr, long position,
                                   int chunk_size) {
    ClassInfo dataRep = getDataRepresentationClassInfo(env);
    if (dataRep == null) {
      // will be reexecuted
      return 0;
  	//check if the file data is mapped, use mapped this_ptr if it exists
  	this_ptr = getMapping(env,this_ptr);  	
    int prev_obj = MJIEnv.NULL;
    int cur_obj = env.getReferenceField(this_ptr, data_root);
    long chunk_idx = position/chunk_size;
    while (cur_obj != MJIEnv.NULL &&
           env.getLongField(cur_obj, chunk_index) < chunk_idx) {
      prev_obj = cur_obj;
      cur_obj = env.getReferenceField(cur_obj, next);
    if (cur_obj != MJIEnv.NULL &&
        env.getLongField(cur_obj, chunk_index) == chunk_idx) {
      return cur_obj;
    int result = env.newObject(dataRep);
    int int_array = env.newIntArray(chunk_size/INT_SIZE);
    env.setReferenceField(result, data, int_array);
    env.setLongField(result, chunk_index, chunk_idx);
    env.setReferenceField(result, next, cur_obj);
    if (prev_obj == MJIEnv.NULL) {
      env.setReferenceField(this_ptr, data_root, result);
    } else {
      env.setReferenceField(prev_obj, next, result);
    return result;

  private static void setDataValue(MJIEnv env, int chunk_obj, long position,
                                   byte data_value, int chunk_size) {
    int offset = (int) (position % chunk_size);
    int index = offset / INT_SIZE;
    int bit_shift = 8 * (offset % INT_SIZE);
    int int_array = env.getReferenceField(chunk_obj, data);
    int old_value = env.getIntArrayElement(int_array, index);
    env.setIntArrayElement(int_array, index,
                             (old_value & ~(0xff << bit_shift)) |
                             data_value << bit_shift);

  private static byte getDataValue(MJIEnv env, int chunk_obj, long position,
                                   int chunk_size) {
    int offset = (int) (position % chunk_size);
    int index = offset / INT_SIZE;
    int bit_shift = 8 * (offset % INT_SIZE);
    int int_array = env.getReferenceField(chunk_obj, data);
    return (byte) (env.getIntArrayElement(int_array, index) >> bit_shift);
