view src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/ @ 17:e15b03204dc7

added a @NoJPFExecution annotation, which sets a NoJPFExec system attr on marked methods during class load time, which gets checked by ThreadInfo.enter(). Useful to flag methods which have to be intercepted/cut off when executing classes under JPF that can also be used outside. Especially useful to avoid the recursive JPF problem that can be caused by tests (which mix classpath and native_classpath). This currently throws a JPFException, but we could also turn this into a AssertionError in the SUT so that we get the SUT stack trace
author Peter Mehlitz <>
date Mon, 23 Mar 2015 12:54:20 -0700
parents cb7500a46eab
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (C) 2014, United States Government, as represented by the
 * Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Java Pathfinder core (jpf-core) platform is licensed under the
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
package gov.nasa.jpf.vm;

import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPFException;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.JPFLogger;
import gov.nasa.jpf.util.LocationSpec;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.ReturnInstruction;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

 * information associated with a method. Each method in JPF
 * is represented by a MethodInfo object
public class MethodInfo extends InfoObject implements GenericSignatureHolder  {

  static JPFLogger logger = JPF.getLogger("gov.nasa.jpf.vm.MethodInfo");
  static final int INIT_MTH_SIZE = 4096;
  protected static final ArrayList<MethodInfo> mthTable = new ArrayList<MethodInfo>(INIT_MTH_SIZE);
  // special globalIds
  static final int DIRECT_CALL = -1;

  static final LocalVarInfo[] EMPTY = new LocalVarInfo[0];
  static final int[] EMPTY_INT = new int[0];
   * Used to warn about local variable information.
  protected static boolean warnedLocalInfo = false;
  //--- various JPF method attributes
  static final int  EXEC_ATOMIC = 0x10000; // method executed atomically
  static final int  EXEC_HIDDEN = 0x20000; // method hidden from path
  static final int  FIREWALL    = 0x40000; // firewall any unhandled exceptionHandlers
                                           // (turn into UnhandledException throws)
  static final int  IS_CLINIT   = 0x80000;
  static final int  IS_INIT     = 0x100000;
  static final int  IS_REFLECTION = 0x200000; // this is a reflection direct call
  static final int  IS_DIRECT_CALL = 0x400000;
  /** a unique int assigned to this method */
  protected int globalId = -1;

   * this is a lazy evaluated mangled name consisting of the name and
   * arg type signature
  protected String uniqueName;

  /** Name of the method */
  protected String name;

  /** Signature of the method */
  protected String signature;

  /** Generic signature of the method */
  protected String genericSignature;

  /** Class the method belongs to */
  protected ClassInfo ci;

  /** Instructions associated with the method */
  protected Instruction[] code;

  /** JPFConfigException handlers */
  protected ExceptionHandler[] exceptionHandlers;

  /** classnames of checked exception thrown by the method */
  protected String[] thrownExceptionClassNames;

  /** Table used for line numbers 
   * this assigns a line number to every instruction index, instead of 
   * using an array of ranges. Assuming we have 2-3 insns per line on average,
   * this should still require less memory than a reference array with associated
   * range objects, and allows faster access of instruction line numbers, which
   * we might need for location specs
  protected int[] lineNumbers;
  /** Local variable information */
  protected LocalVarInfo localVars[] = null;

  /** Maximum number of local variables */
  protected int maxLocals;

  /** Maximum number of elements on the stack */
  protected int maxStack;

  /** null if we don't have any */
  AnnotationInfo[][] parameterAnnotations;

  //--- a batch of attributes
  /** the standard Java modifier attributes */
  protected int modifiers;
  /** a batch of execution related JPF attributes */
  protected int attributes;

  //--- all the stuff we need for native methods
  // <2do> pcm - turn this into a derived class

  /**  the number of stack slots for the arguments (incl. 'this'), lazy eval */
  protected int argSize = -1;

  /** number of arguments (excl. 'this'), lazy eval */
  protected int nArgs = -1;

  /** what return type do we have (again, lazy evaluated) */
  protected byte returnType = -1;

  /** number of stack slots for return value */
  protected int retSize = -1;

  /** used for native method parameter conversion (lazy evaluated) */
  protected byte[] argTypes = null;
  static boolean init (Config config) {
    return true;

  public static MethodInfo getMethodInfo (int globalId){
    if (globalId >=0 && globalId <mthTable.size()){
      return mthTable.get(globalId);
    } else {
      return null;
  public static MethodInfo create (String name, String signature, int modifiers){
    return new MethodInfo( name, signature, modifiers);
  public static MethodInfo create (ClassInfo ci, String name, String signature, int modifiers){
    return new MethodInfo( ci, name, signature, modifiers);
  static MethodInfo create (ClassInfo ci, String name, String signature, int modifiers, int maxLocals, int maxStack){
    return new MethodInfo( ci, name, signature, modifiers, maxLocals, maxStack);

   * for direct call construction
   * Note: this is only a partial initialization, the code still has to be created/installed by the caller
  public MethodInfo (MethodInfo callee, int nLocals, int nOperands) {
    globalId = DIRECT_CALL;
    // we don't want direct call methods in the mthTable (would be a memory leak) so don't register
    ci =;
    name = "[" + + ']'; // it doesn't allocate anything, so we don't have to be unique
    signature = "()V";
    genericSignature = "";
    maxLocals = nLocals;
    maxStack = nOperands;  // <2do> cache for optimization
    localVars = EMPTY;
    lineNumbers = null;
    exceptionHandlers = null;
    thrownExceptionClassNames = null;
    uniqueName = name;
    // we need to preserve the ClassInfo so that class resolution for static method calls works
    ci =;
    attributes |= IS_DIRECT_CALL;
    modifiers = Modifier.STATIC;   // always treated as static
    // code still has to be installed by caller
   * This is used to create synthetic methods of function object types
  public MethodInfo(String name, String signature, int modifiers, int nLocals, int nOperands) {
    this( name, signature, modifiers);
    maxLocals = nLocals;
    maxStack = nOperands;
    localVars = EMPTY;
   * for NativeMethodInfo creation 
  public MethodInfo (MethodInfo mi) {
    globalId = mi.globalId;
    uniqueName = mi.uniqueName;
    name =;
    signature = mi.signature;
    genericSignature = mi.genericSignature;
    ci =;
    modifiers = mi.modifiers;
    attributes = mi.attributes;
    thrownExceptionClassNames = mi.thrownExceptionClassNames;
    parameterAnnotations = mi.parameterAnnotations;

    annotations = mi.annotations;
    localVars = null; // there are no StackFrame localVarInfos, this is native
    // code still has to be installed by caller
  // <2do> this is going away
  public MethodInfo (ClassInfo ci, String name, String signature, int modifiers, int maxLocals, int maxStack){ = ci; = name;
    this.signature = signature;
    this.uniqueName = getUniqueName(name, signature);
    this.genericSignature = "";
    this.maxLocals = maxLocals;
    this.maxStack = maxStack;
    this.modifiers = modifiers;

    this.lineNumbers = null;
    this.exceptionHandlers = null;
    this.thrownExceptionClassNames = null;

    // set attributes we can deduce from the name and the ClassInfo
    if (ci != null){
      if (name.equals("<init>")) {
        attributes |= IS_INIT;
      } else if (name.equals("<clinit>")) {
        this.modifiers |= Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
        attributes |= IS_CLINIT | FIREWALL;
      if (ci.isInterface()) { // all interface methods are public
        this.modifiers |= Modifier.PUBLIC;

    this.globalId = mthTable.size();

  public MethodInfo (String name, String signature, int modifiers){ = name;
    this.signature = signature;
    this.modifiers = modifiers;
    this.uniqueName = getUniqueName(name, signature);
    this.genericSignature = "";

    if (name.equals("<init>")) {
      attributes |= IS_INIT;
    } else if (name.equals("<clinit>")) {
      // for some reason clinits don't have the synchronized modifier, but they are synchronized
      // we keep it consistent so that we don't have to implement special lock acquisition/release for clinits
      this.modifiers |= Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
      attributes |= IS_CLINIT | FIREWALL;
    this.globalId = mthTable.size();

  public MethodInfo (ClassInfo ci, String name, String signature, int modifiers){
    this(name, signature, modifiers); = ci;
  //--- setters used during construction
  public void linkToClass (ClassInfo ci){ = ci;
    if (ci.isInterface()) { // all interface methods are public
      this.modifiers |= Modifier.PUBLIC;
  public void setMaxLocals(int maxLocals){
    this.maxLocals = maxLocals;

  public void setMaxStack(int maxStack){
    this.maxStack = maxStack;
  public void setCode (Instruction[] code){
    for (int i=0; i<code.length; i++){
    this.code = code;
  public boolean hasParameterAnnotations() {
    return (parameterAnnotations != null);

  // since some listeners might call this on every method invocation, we should do a little optimization
  static AnnotationInfo[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_0 = new AnnotationInfo[0][];
  static AnnotationInfo[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_1 = { new AnnotationInfo[0] };
  static AnnotationInfo[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_2 = { new AnnotationInfo[0], new AnnotationInfo[0] };
  static AnnotationInfo[][] NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_3 = { new AnnotationInfo[0], new AnnotationInfo[0], new AnnotationInfo[0] };  
  public AnnotationInfo[][] getParameterAnnotations() {
    if (parameterAnnotations == null){ // keep this similar to getAnnotations()
      int n = getNumberOfArguments();
      switch (n){
      case 0: return NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_0;
      case 1: return NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_1;
      case 2: return NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_2;
      case 3: return NO_PARAMETER_ANNOTATIONS_3;
        AnnotationInfo[][] pai = new AnnotationInfo[n][];
        for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
          pai[i] = new AnnotationInfo[0];
        return pai;
    } else {
      return parameterAnnotations;

   * return annotations for parameterIndex
  public AnnotationInfo[] getParameterAnnotations(int parameterIndex){
    if (parameterAnnotations == null){
      return null;
    } else {
      if (parameterIndex >= getNumberOfArguments()){
        return null;
      } else {
        return parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex];

  public static int getNumberOfLoadedMethods () {
    return mthTable.size();

  void setAtomic (boolean isAtomic) {
    if (isAtomic) {
      attributes |= EXEC_ATOMIC;
    } else {
      attributes &= ~EXEC_ATOMIC;
  public boolean isAtomic () {
    return ((attributes & EXEC_ATOMIC) != 0);
  void setHidden (boolean isHidden) {
    if (isHidden) {
      attributes |= EXEC_HIDDEN;
    } else {
      attributes &= ~EXEC_HIDDEN;
  public boolean isHidden () {
    return ((attributes & EXEC_HIDDEN) != 0);    
   * turn unhandled exceptionHandlers at the JPF execution level
   * into UnhandledException throws at the host VM level
   * this is useful to implement firewalls for direct calls
   * which should not let exceptionHandlers permeate into bytecode/
   * application code
  public void setFirewall (boolean isFirewalled) {
    if (isFirewalled) {
      attributes |= FIREWALL;
    } else {
      attributes &= ~FIREWALL;
  public boolean isFirewall () {
    return ((attributes & FIREWALL) != 0);    
  public Object clone() {
    try {
      return super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnx) {
      return null;
  public int getGlobalId() {
    return globalId;

  public DirectCallStackFrame createRunStartStackFrame (ThreadInfo ti){
    return ci.createRunStartStackFrame( ti, this);

  public DirectCallStackFrame createDirectCallStackFrame (ThreadInfo ti, int nLocals){
    return ci.createDirectCallStackFrame(ti, this, nLocals);

  public boolean isSyncRelevant () {
    return (name.charAt(0) != '<');
  public boolean isInitOrClinit (){
    return ((attributes & (IS_CLINIT | IS_INIT)) != 0);
  public boolean isClinit () {
    return ((attributes & IS_CLINIT) != 0);

  public boolean isClinit (ClassInfo ci) {
    return (((attributes & IS_CLINIT) != 0) && ( == ci));

  public boolean isInit() {
    return ((attributes & IS_INIT) != 0);
  public boolean isDirectCallStub(){
    return ((attributes & IS_DIRECT_CALL) != 0);    
   * yet another name - this time with a non-mangled, but abbreviated signature
   * and without return type (e.g. like "main(String[])"
  public String getLongName () {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String[] argTypeNames = getArgumentTypeNames();
    for (int i=0; i<argTypeNames.length; i++) {
      String a = argTypeNames[i];
      int idx = a.lastIndexOf('.');
      if (idx > 0) {
        a = a.substring(idx+1);
      if (i>0) {
    return sb.toString();
   * return the minimal name that has to be unique for overloading
   * used as a lookup key
   * NOTE: with the silent introduction of covariant return types
   * in Java 5.0, we have to use the full signature to be unique
  public static String getUniqueName (String mname, String signature) {
    return (mname + signature);

  public String getStackTraceSource() {
    return getSourceFileName();

  public byte[] getArgumentTypes () {
    if (argTypes == null) {
      argTypes = Types.getArgumentTypes(signature);
      nArgs = argTypes.length;

    return argTypes;

  public String[] getArgumentTypeNames () {
    return Types.getArgumentTypeNames(signature);
  public int getArgumentsSize () {
    if (argSize < 0) {
      argSize = Types.getArgumentsSize(signature);

      if (!isStatic()) {

    return argSize;
   * return only the LocalVarInfos for arguments, in order of definition
   * or null if there are no localVarInfos.
   * throw a JPFException if there are more immediately in scope vars than args
   * NOTE - it is perfectly legal for a method to have arguments but no LocalVarInfos,
   * which are code attributes, clients have to check for a non-null return value
   * even if the method has arguments.
   * Note also that abstract / interface methods don't have code and hence no
   * LocalVarInfos
  public LocalVarInfo[] getArgumentLocalVars(){
    if (localVars == null){ // shortcut in case we don't have args or localVars;
      return null;
    int nArgs = getNumberOfStackArguments(); // we want 'this'
    if (nArgs == 0){
      return new LocalVarInfo[0]; // rare enough so that we don't use a static

    LocalVarInfo[] argLvis = new LocalVarInfo[nArgs];
    int n = 0; // how many args we've got so far
    for (LocalVarInfo lvi : localVars){
      // arguments are the only ones that are immediately in scope
      if (lvi.getStartPC() == 0){
        if (n == nArgs){ // ARGH - more in-scope vars than args
          throw new JPFException("inconsistent localVar table for method " + getFullName());
        // order with respect to slot index - since this might get called
        // frequently, we don't use java.util.Arrays.sort() but sort in
        // on-the-fly. Note that we can have several localVar entries for the
        // same name, but only one can be immediately in scope
        int slotIdx = lvi.getSlotIndex();

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          if (slotIdx < argLvis[i].getSlotIndex()) {
            for (int j=n; j>i; j--){
              argLvis[j] = argLvis[j-1];
            argLvis[i] = lvi;
        if (i == n) { // append
          argLvis[n++] = lvi;
    return argLvis;
  public String getReturnType () {
    return Types.getReturnTypeSignature(signature);

  public String getReturnTypeName () {
    return Types.getReturnTypeName(signature);
  public String getSourceFileName () {
    if (ci != null) {
      return ci.getSourceFileName();
    } else {
      return "[VM]";

  public String getClassName () {
    if (ci != null) {
      return ci.getName();
    } else {
      return "[VM]";
   * Returns the class the method belongs to.
  public ClassInfo getClassInfo () {
    return ci;

   * @deprecated - use getFullName
public String getCompleteName () {
    return getFullName();

   * return (but w/o signature)
  public String getBaseName() {
    return getClassName() + '.' + name;
  public boolean isCtor () {
    return (name.equals("<init>"));
  public boolean isInternalMethod () {
    // <2do> pcm - should turn this into an attribute for efficiency reasons
    return (name.equals("<clinit>") || uniqueName.equals("finalize()V"));
  public boolean isThreadEntry (ThreadInfo ti) {
    return (uniqueName.equals("run()V") && (ti.countStackFrames() == 1));
   * Returns the full classname (if any) + name + signature.
  public String getFullName () {
    if (ci != null) {
      return ci.getName() + '.' + getUniqueName();
    } else {
      return getUniqueName();

   * returns stack trace name: classname (if any) + name
  public String getStackTraceName(){
    if (ci != null) {
      return ci.getName() + '.' + name;
    } else {
      return name;
   * return number of instructions
  public int getNumberOfInstructions() {
    if (code == null){
      return 0;
    return code.length;
   * Returns a specific instruction.
  public Instruction getInstruction (int i) {
    if (code == null) {
      return null;

    if ((i < 0) || (i >= code.length)) {
      return null;

    return code[i];

   * Returns the instruction at a certain position.
  public Instruction getInstructionAt (int position) {
    if (code == null) {
      return null;

    for (int i = 0, l = code.length; i < l; i++) {
      if ((code[i] != null) && (code[i].getPosition() == position)) {
        return code[i];

    throw new JPFException("instruction not found");

   * Returns the instructions of the method.
  public Instruction[] getInstructions () {
    return code;
  public boolean includesLine (int line){
    int len = code.length;
    return (code[0].getLineNumber() <= line) && (code[len].getLineNumber() >= line);

  public Instruction[] getInstructionsForLine (int line){
    return getInstructionsForLineInterval(line,line);

  public Instruction[] getInstructionsForLineInterval (int l1, int l2){
    Instruction[] c = code;
    // instruction line numbers don't have to be monotonic (they can decrease for loops)
    // hence we cannot easily check for overlapping ranges
    if (c != null){
       ArrayList<Instruction> matchingInsns = null;
       for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        Instruction insn = c[i];
        int line = insn.getLineNumber();
        if (line == l1 || line == l2 || (line > l1 && line < l2)) {
          if (matchingInsns == null) {
            matchingInsns = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
      if (matchingInsns == null) {
        return null;
      } else {
        return matchingInsns.toArray(new Instruction[matchingInsns.size()]);
    } else {
      return null;

  public Instruction[] getMatchingInstructions (LocationSpec lspec){
    return getInstructionsForLineInterval(lspec.getFromLine(), lspec.getToLine());

   * Returns the line number for a given position.
  public int getLineNumber (Instruction pc) {
    if (lineNumbers == null) {
      if (pc == null)
        return -1;
        return pc.getPosition();

    if (pc != null) {
      int idx = pc.getInstructionIndex();
      if (idx < 0) idx = 0;
      return lineNumbers[idx];
    } else {
      return -1;

   * Returns a table to translate positions into line numbers.
  public int[] getLineNumbers () {
    return lineNumbers;

  public boolean containsLineNumber (int n){
    if (lineNumbers != null){
      return (lineNumbers[0] <= n) && (lineNumbers[lineNumbers.length-1] <= n);
    return false;
  public boolean intersectsLineNumbers( int first, int last){
    if (lineNumbers != null){
      if ((last < lineNumbers[0]) || (first > lineNumbers[lineNumbers.length-1])){
        return false;
      return true;
    return false;
  public ExceptionHandler getHandlerFor (ClassInfo ciException, Instruction insn){
    if (exceptionHandlers != null){
      int position = insn.getPosition();
      for (int i=0; i<exceptionHandlers.length; i++){
        ExceptionHandler handler = exceptionHandlers[i];
        if ((position >= handler.getBegin()) && (position < handler.getEnd())) {
          // checks if this type of exception is caught here (null means 'any')
          String handledType = handler.getName();
          if ((handledType == null)   // a catch-all handler
                  || ciException.isInstanceOf(handledType)) {
            return handler;
    return null;
  public boolean isMJI () {
    return false;

  public int getMaxLocals () {
    return maxLocals;

  public int getMaxStack () {
    return maxStack;

  public ExceptionHandler[] getExceptions () {
    return exceptionHandlers;

  public String[] getThrownExceptionClassNames () {
    return thrownExceptionClassNames;

  public LocalVarInfo getLocalVar(String name, int pc){
    LocalVarInfo[] vars = localVars;
    if (vars != null){
      for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
        LocalVarInfo lv = vars[i];
        if (lv.matches(name, pc)) {
          return lv;

    return null;


  public LocalVarInfo getLocalVar (int slotIdx, int pc){
    LocalVarInfo[] vars = localVars;

    if (vars != null){
      for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
        LocalVarInfo lv = vars[i];
        if (lv.matches(slotIdx, pc)) {
          return lv;

    return null;

  public LocalVarInfo[] getLocalVars() {
    return localVars; 

   * note that this might contain duplicates for variables with multiple
   * scope entries
  public String[] getLocalVariableNames() {
    String[] names = new String[localVars.length];

    for (int i=0; i<localVars.length; i++){
      names[i] = localVars[i].getName();

    return names;

  public MethodInfo getOverriddenMethodInfo(){
    MethodInfo smi = null;
    if (ci != null) {
      ClassInfo sci = ci.getSuperClass();
      if (sci != null){
        smi = sci.getMethod(getUniqueName(), true);
    return smi;
   * Returns the name of the method.
  public String getName () {
    return name;

  public String getJNIName () {
    return Types.getJNIMangledMethodName(null, name, signature);
  public int getModifiers () {
    return modifiers;
   * Returns true if the method is native
  public boolean isNative () {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.NATIVE) != 0);

  public boolean isAbstract () {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0);
  // overridden by NativeMethodInfo
  public boolean isUnresolvedNativeMethod(){
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.NATIVE) != 0);

  // overridden by NativeMethodInfo
  public boolean isJPFExecutable (){
    return !hasAttr(NoJPFExec.class);

  public int getNumberOfArguments () {
    if (nArgs < 0) {
      nArgs = Types.getNumberOfArguments(signature);

    return nArgs;

   * Returns the size of the arguments.
   * This returns the number of parameters passed on the stack, incl. 'this'
  public int getNumberOfStackArguments () {
    int n = getNumberOfArguments();

    return isStatic() ? n : n + 1;

  public int getNumberOfCallerStackSlots () {
    return Types.getNumberOfStackSlots(signature, isStatic()); // includes return type

  public Instruction getFirstInsn(){
    if (code != null){
      return code[0];
    return null;    
  public Instruction getLastInsn() {
    if (code != null){
      return code[code.length-1];
    return null;

   * do we return Object references?
  public boolean isReferenceReturnType () {
    int r = getReturnTypeCode();

    return ((r == Types.T_REFERENCE) || (r == Types.T_ARRAY));

  public byte getReturnTypeCode () {
    if (returnType < 0) {
      returnType = Types.getReturnBuiltinType(signature);

    return returnType;

   * what is the slot size of the return value
  public int getReturnSize() {
    if (retSize == -1){
      switch (getReturnTypeCode()) {
        case Types.T_VOID:
          retSize = 0;

        case Types.T_LONG:
        case Types.T_DOUBLE:
          retSize = 2;

          retSize = 1;

    return retSize;

  public Class<? extends ChoiceGenerator<?>> getReturnChoiceGeneratorType (){
    switch (getReturnTypeCode()){
      case Types.T_BOOLEAN:
        return BooleanChoiceGenerator.class;

      case Types.T_BYTE:
      case Types.T_CHAR:
      case Types.T_SHORT:
      case Types.T_INT:
        return IntChoiceGenerator.class;

      case Types.T_LONG:
        return LongChoiceGenerator.class;

      case Types.T_FLOAT:
        return FloatChoiceGenerator.class;

      case Types.T_DOUBLE:
        return DoubleChoiceGenerator.class;

      case Types.T_ARRAY:
      case Types.T_REFERENCE:
      case Types.T_VOID:
        return ReferenceChoiceGenerator.class;

    return null;

   * Returns the signature of the method.
  public String getSignature () {
    return signature;

  public String getGenericSignature() {
    return genericSignature;

  public void setGenericSignature(String sig){
    genericSignature = sig;

   * Returns true if the method is static.
  public boolean isStatic () {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.STATIC) != 0);

   * is this a public method
  public boolean isPublic() {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.PUBLIC) != 0);
  public boolean isPrivate() {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0);
  public boolean isProtected() {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.PROTECTED) != 0);

   * Returns true if the method is synchronized.
  public boolean isSynchronized () {
    return ((modifiers & Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED) != 0);

  // <2do> these modifiers are still java.lang.reflect internal and not
  // supported by public Modifier methods, but since we want to keep this 
  // similar to the Method reflection and we get the modifiers from the
  // classfile we implement this with explicit values
  public boolean isSynthetic(){
    return ((modifiers & 0x00001000) != 0);    
  public boolean isVarargs(){
    return ((modifiers & 0x00000080) != 0);        
   * is this from a classfile or was it created by JPF (and hence should not
   * be visible in stacktraces etc)
  public boolean isJPFInternal(){
    // note this has a different meaning than Method.isSynthetic(), which
    // is defined in VM spec 4.7.8. What we mean here is that this MethodInfo
    // is not associated with any class (such as direct call MethodInfos), but
    // there might be more in the future
    return (ci == null);
  public String getUniqueName () {
    return uniqueName;
  public boolean hasCode(){
    return (code != null);
  public boolean hasEmptyBody (){
    // only instruction is a return
    return (code.length == 1 && (code[0] instanceof ReturnInstruction));

  //--- parameter annotations
  //<2do> these are going away
  protected void startParameterAnnotations(int annotationCount){
    parameterAnnotations = new AnnotationInfo[annotationCount][];
  protected void setParameterAnnotations(int index, AnnotationInfo[] ai){
    parameterAnnotations[index] = ai;
  protected void finishParameterAnnotations(){
    // nothing

  public void setParameterAnnotations (AnnotationInfo[][] parameterAnnotations){
    this.parameterAnnotations = parameterAnnotations;
  //--- thrown exceptions
  //<2do> these are going away
  protected void startTrownExceptions (int exceptionCount){
    thrownExceptionClassNames = new String[exceptionCount];
  protected void setException (int index, String exceptionType){
    thrownExceptionClassNames[index] = Types.getClassNameFromTypeName(exceptionType);
  protected void finishThrownExceptions(){
    // nothing

  public void setThrownExceptions (String[] exceptions){
    thrownExceptionClassNames = exceptions;

  //--- exception handler table initialization
  //<2do> these are going away
  protected void startExceptionHandlerTable (int handlerCount){
    exceptionHandlers = new ExceptionHandler[handlerCount];
  protected void setExceptionHandler (int index, int startPc, int endPc, int handlerPc, String catchType){
    exceptionHandlers[index] = new ExceptionHandler(catchType, startPc, endPc, handlerPc);
  protected void finishExceptionHandlerTable(){
    // nothing

  public void setExceptionHandlers (ExceptionHandler[] handlers){
    exceptionHandlers = handlers;
  //--- local var table initialization
  // <2do> these are going away
  protected void startLocalVarTable (int localVarCount){
    localVars = new LocalVarInfo[localVarCount];
  protected void setLocalVar(int index, String varName, String descriptor, int scopeStartPc, int scopeEndPc, int slotIndex){
    localVars[index] = new LocalVarInfo(varName, descriptor, "", scopeStartPc, scopeEndPc, slotIndex);
  protected void finishLocalVarTable(){
    // nothing to do

  public void setLocalVarTable (LocalVarInfo[] locals){
    localVars = locals;
  public void setLocalVarAnnotations (){
    if (localVars != null){
      for (VariableAnnotationInfo ai : getTargetTypeAnnotations(VariableAnnotationInfo.class)){
        for (int i = 0; i < ai.getNumberOfScopeEntries(); i++) {
          for (LocalVarInfo lv : localVars) {
            if (lv.getStartPC() == ai.getStartPC(i) && lv.getSlotIndex() == ai.getSlotIndex(i)) {
  public boolean hasTypeAnnotatedLocalVars (){
    if (localVars != null){
      for (LocalVarInfo lv : localVars){
        if (lv.hasTypeAnnotations()){
          return true;
    return false;
  public List<LocalVarInfo> getTypeAnnotatedLocalVars (){
    List<LocalVarInfo> list = null;
    if (localVars != null){
      for (LocalVarInfo lv : localVars){
        if (lv.hasTypeAnnotations()){
          if (list == null){
            list = new ArrayList<LocalVarInfo>();
    if (list == null){
      list = Collections.emptyList();
    return list;
  public List<LocalVarInfo> getTypeAnnotatedLocalVars (String annotationClsName){
    List<LocalVarInfo> list = null;
    if (localVars != null){
      for (LocalVarInfo lv : localVars){
        AbstractTypeAnnotationInfo tai = lv.getTypeAnnotation(annotationClsName);
        if (tai != null){
          if (list == null){
            list = new ArrayList<LocalVarInfo>();
    if (list == null){
      list = Collections.emptyList();
    return list;
  //--- line number table initialization
  // <2do> these are going away
  protected void startLineNumberTable(int lineNumberCount){
    int len = code.length;
    int[] ln = new int[len];

    lineNumbers = ln;
  protected void setLineNumber(int index, int lineNumber, int startPc){
    int len = code.length;
    int[] ln = lineNumbers;

    for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
      Instruction insn = code[i];
      int pc = insn.getPosition();

      if (pc == startPc){ // this is the first insn with this line number
        ln[i] = lineNumber;
  protected void finishLineNumberTable (){
    int len = code.length;
    int[] ln = lineNumbers;
    int lastLine = ln[0];

    for (int i=1; i<len; i++){
      if (ln[i] == 0){
        ln[i] = lastLine;
      } else {
        lastLine = ln[i];

   * note - this depends on that we already have a code array
   * and that the lines/startPcs are sorted (monotonic increasing)
  public void setLineNumbers (int[] lines, int[] startPcs){
    int j=0;
    int lastLine = -1;
    int len = code.length;
    int[] ln = new int[len];

    for (int i=0; i<len; i++){
      Instruction insn = code[i];
      int pc = insn.getPosition();
      if ((j < startPcs.length) && pc == startPcs[j]){
        lastLine = lines[j];
      ln[i] = lastLine;
    lineNumbers = ln;

   * this version takes an already expanded line number array which has to be of
   * the same size as the code array
  public void setLineNumbers (int[] lines){
    if (lines.length != code.length){
      throw new JPFException("inconsitent code/line number size");
    lineNumbers = lines;
  public String toString() {
    return "MethodInfo[" + getFullName() + ']';
  // for debugging purposes
  public void dump(){
    System.out.println("--- " + this);
    for (int i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
      System.out.printf("%2d [%d]: %s\n", i, code[i].getPosition(), code[i].toString());

   * Creates a method for a given class, by cloning this MethodInfo
   * and all the instructions belong to the method
  public MethodInfo getInstanceFor(ClassInfo ci) {
    MethodInfo clone;

    try {
      clone = (MethodInfo)super.clone(); = ci;

      clone.globalId = mthTable.size();

      if(code == null) {
        clone.code = null;
      } else {
        clone.code = new Instruction[code.length];

        for(int i=0; i<code.length; i++) {
          clone.code[i] = code[i].typeSafeClone(clone);

    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnsx){
      return null;

    return clone;