log src/main/gov/nasa/jpf/vm/SystemState.java @ 13:9d0c3f9df6e0

age author description
Fri, 13 Mar 2015 14:07:43 -0700 Peter Mehlitz replaced ThreadInfo.yield() (which was bypassing SyncPolicy) with SyncPolicy.setsRescheduleCG(). The current use is only for the corner case where the last transition in the last non-daemon triggers a defect in a still runnable daemon, which we want to detect before the daemon is shut down.
Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:19:08 -0800 Peter Mehlitz second part of the jpf-statechart motivated event interface overhaul, providing dynamic (context specific) expansion of EventTrees from within EventChoiceGenerators. This adds a EventContext mechanism that can replace events on-the-fly during advance() (e.g. expand wildcard patterns)
Fri, 23 Jan 2015 11:08:46 -0800 Peter Mehlitz first set of post v7 patches
Fri, 23 Jan 2015 10:14:01 -0800 Peter Mehlitz initial v8 import (history reset)