diff src/v09st.c @ 57:2088fd998865

sbc09 directry clean up
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Mon, 23 Jul 2018 16:07:12 +0900
parents v09st.c@9a224bd9b45f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/v09st.c	Mon Jul 23 16:07:12 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+/* 6809 Simulator V09,
+   By L.C. Benschop, Eidnhoven The Netherlands.
+   This program is in the public domain.
+   *** TURBO C VERSION ****   
+   This program simulates a 6809 processor.
+   System dependencies: short must be 16 bits.
+                        char  must be 8 bits.
+                        long must be more than 16 bits.
+                        arrays up to 65536 bytes must be supported.
+                        machine must be twos complement.
+   Most Unix machines will work. For MSODS you need long pointers
+   and you may have to malloc() the mem array of 65536 bytes.
+   Define BIG_ENDIAN if you have a big-endian machine (680x0 etc)
+   Define TRACE if you want an instruction trace on stderr.
+   Define TERM_CONTROL for raw, nonblocking IO.    
+   Special instructions:
+   SWI2 writes char to stdout from register B.
+   SWI3 reads char from stdout to register B, sets carry at EOF.
+               (or when no key available when using TERM Control).
+   SWI retains its normal function.
+   CWAI and SYNC stop simulator.
+   The program reads a binary image file at $100 and runs it from there.
+   The file name must be given on the command line.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <conio.h>
+typedef unsigned char Byte;
+typedef unsigned short Word;
+/* 6809 registers */
+Byte ccreg,dpreg;
+Word xreg,yreg,ureg,sreg,ureg,pcreg;
+Byte d_reg[2];
+Word *dreg=(Word *)d_reg;
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN /* This is a dirty aliasing trick, but fast! */
+ Byte *areg=d_reg;
+ Byte *breg=d_reg+1;
+ Byte *breg=d_reg;
+ Byte *areg=d_reg+1;
+/* 6809 memory space */
+Byte *mem;
+#define GETWORD(a) (mem[a]<<8|mem[(a)+1])
+#define SETWORD(a,n) {mem[a]=(n)>>8;mem[(a)+1]=n;}
+/* Two bytes of a word are fetched separately because of
+   the possible wrap-around at address $ffff and alignment
+int iflag; /* flag to indicate prebyte $10 or $11 */
+Byte ireg; /* Instruction register */
+#define IMMBYTE(b) b=mem[pcreg++];
+#define IMMWORD(w) {w=GETWORD(pcreg);pcreg+=2;}
+#define PUSHBYTE(b) mem[--sreg]=b;
+#define PUSHWORD(w) {sreg-=2;SETWORD(sreg,w)}
+#define PULLBYTE(b) b=mem[sreg++];
+#define PULLWORD(w) {w=GETWORD(sreg);sreg+=2;}
+#define SIGNED(b) ((Word)(b&0x80?b|0xff00:b))
+Word *ixregs[]={&xreg,&yreg,&ureg,&sreg};
+int index;
+/* Now follow the posbyte addressing modes. */
+Word illaddr() /* illegal addressing mode, defaults to zero */
+ return 0;
+Word ainc()
+ return (*ixregs[index])++;
+Word ainc2()
+ Word temp;
+ temp=(*ixregs[index]);
+ (*ixregs[index])+=2;
+ return(temp);
+Word adec()
+ return --(*ixregs[index]);
+Word adec2()
+ Word temp;
+ (*ixregs[index])-=2;
+ temp=(*ixregs[index]);
+ return(temp);
+Word plus0()
+ return(*ixregs[index]);
+Word plusa()
+ return(*ixregs[index])+SIGNED(*areg);
+Word plusb()
+ return(*ixregs[index])+SIGNED(*breg);
+Word plusn()
+ Byte b;
+ return(*ixregs[index])+SIGNED(b);
+Word plusnn()
+ Word w;
+ return(*ixregs[index])+w;
+Word plusd()
+ return(*ixregs[index])+*dreg;
+Word npcr()
+ Byte b;
+ return pcreg+SIGNED(b);
+Word nnpcr()
+ Word w;
+ return pcreg+w;
+Word direct()
+ Word(w);
+ return w;
+Word zeropage()
+ Byte b;
+ return dpreg<<8|b;
+Word immediate()
+ return pcreg++;
+Word immediate2()
+ Word temp;
+ temp=pcreg;
+ pcreg+=2;
+ return temp;
+Word (*pbtable[])()={ ainc, ainc2, adec, adec2, 
+                      plus0, plusb, plusa, illaddr,
+                      plusn, plusnn, illaddr, plusd,
+                      npcr, nnpcr, illaddr, direct, };
+Word postbyte() 
+ Byte pb;
+ Word temp;
+ index=(pb & 0x60) >> 5;
+ if(pb & 0x80) {
+  temp=(*pbtable[pb & 0x0f])();
+  if( pb & 0x10) temp=GETWORD(temp);
+  return temp;
+ } else {
+  temp=pb & 0x1f;
+  if(temp & 0x10) temp|=0xfff0;
+  return (*ixregs[index])+temp;
+ }
+Byte * eaddr0() /* effective address for NEG..JMP as byte poitner */
+ switch( (ireg & 0x70) >> 4)
+ {
+  case 0: return mem+zeropage();
+  case 1:case 2:case 3: return 0; /*canthappen*/
+  case 4: return areg;
+  case 5: return breg;
+  case 6: return mem+postbyte();
+  case 7: return mem+direct(); 
+ }
+Word eaddr8()  /* effective address for 8-bits ops. */
+ switch( (ireg & 0x30) >> 4)
+ {
+  case 0: return immediate();
+  case 1: return zeropage();
+  case 2: return postbyte();
+  case 3: return direct();
+ }
+Word eaddr16() /* effective address for 16-bits ops. */
+ switch( (ireg & 0x30) >> 4)
+ {
+  case 0: return immediate2();
+  case 1: return zeropage();
+  case 2: return postbyte();
+  case 3: return direct();
+ }
+ill() /* illegal opcode==noop */ 
+/* macros to set status flags */
+#define SEC ccreg|=0x01;
+#define CLC ccreg&=0xfe;
+#define SEZ ccreg|=0x04;
+#define CLZ ccreg&=0xfb;
+#define SEN ccreg|=0x08;
+#define CLN ccreg&=0xf7;
+#define SEV ccreg|=0x02;
+#define CLV ccreg&=0xfd;
+#define SEH ccreg|=0x20;
+#define CLH ccreg&=0xdf;
+/* set N and Z flags depending on 8 or 16 bit result */
+#define SETNZ8(b) {if(b)CLZ else SEZ if(b&0x80)SEN else CLN}
+#define SETNZ16(b) {if(b)CLZ else SEZ if(b&0x8000)SEN else CLN}
+#define SETSTATUS(a,b,res) if((a^b^res)&0x10) SEH else CLH \
+                           if((a^b^res^(res>>1))&0x80)SEV else CLV \
+                           if(res&0x100)SEC else CLC SETNZ8((Byte)res) 
+ Word aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop+bop;
+ SETSTATUS(aop,bop,res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Word aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop-bop-(ccreg&0x01);
+ SETSTATUS(aop,bop,res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Word aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop-bop;
+ SETSTATUS(aop,bop,res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Word aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];
+ res=aop+bop+(ccreg&0x01);
+ SETSTATUS(aop,bop,res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Word aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop-bop;
+ SETSTATUS(aop,bop,res)
+ Byte aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop&bop;
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Byte aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop|bop;
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Byte aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop^bop;
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Byte aop,bop,res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ aop=*aaop;
+ bop=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ res=aop&bop;
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ Byte res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ res=mem[eaddr8()];                           
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ *aaop=res;
+ Byte res;
+ Byte* aaop;
+ aaop=(ireg&0x40)?breg:areg;
+ res=*aaop;
+ mem[eaddr8()]=res;                           
+ SETNZ8(res)
+ Word w;
+ w=eaddr8();
+ PUSHWORD(pcreg)
+ pcreg=w;
+ Byte b;
+ PUSHWORD(pcreg)
+ pcreg+=SIGNED(b); 
+ Byte *ea;
+ Word a,r;
+ a=0;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ a=*ea;
+ r=-a;
+ SETSTATUS(0,a,r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=0^*ea;
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ if(r&0x01)SEC else CLC
+ r>>=1;
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r,c;
+ c=(ccreg&0x01)<<7;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ if(r&0x01)SEC else CLC
+ r=(r>>1)+c;
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ if(r&0x01)SEC else CLC
+ r>>=1;
+ if(r&0x40)r|=0x80;
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Word a,r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ a=*ea;
+ r=a<<1;
+ SETSTATUS(a,a,r) 
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r,c;
+ c=(ccreg&0x01);
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ if(r&0x80)SEC else CLC 
+ r=(r<<1)+c; 
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ r++;
+ if(r==0x80)SEV else CLV
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte *ea;
+ Byte r;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ r=*ea;
+ r--;
+ if(r==0x7f)SEV else CLV
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ *ea=r;
+ Byte r;
+ r=*eaddr0();
+ SETNZ8(r)
+ Byte *ea;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+ pcreg=ea-mem;
+ Byte *ea;
+ ea=eaddr0();
+extern (*instrtable[])();
+ if(iflag) /* in case flag already set by previous flag instr don't recurse */
+ {
+  pcreg--;
+  return; 
+ }
+ iflag=1;
+ ireg=mem[pcreg++];
+ (*instrtable[ireg])();
+ iflag=0;
+ if(iflag) /* in case flag already set by previous flag instr don't recurse */
+ {
+  pcreg--;
+  return; 
+ }
+ iflag=2;
+ ireg=mem[pcreg++];
+ (*instrtable[ireg])();
+ iflag=0;
+ exit(0);
+ sync();
+ Word w;
+ pcreg+=w;
+ Word w;
+ PUSHWORD(pcreg)
+ pcreg+=w;
+ Word a;
+ a=*areg;
+ if(ccreg&0x20)a+=6;
+ if((a&0x0f)>9)a+=6;
+ if(ccreg&0x01)a+=0x60;
+ if((a&0xf0)>0x90)a+=0x60;
+ if(a&0x100)SEC else CLC
+ *areg=a;
+ Byte b; 
+ ccreg|=b;
+ Byte b; 
+ ccreg&=b;
+ Word w;
+ w=*areg * *breg;
+ if(w)CLZ else SEZ
+ if(w&0xff00) SEC else CLC
+ *dreg=w;
+ Word w;
+ w=SIGNED(*breg);
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ *dreg=w;
+ xreg += *breg;
+ PULLWORD(pcreg)
+ Byte x;
+ x=ccreg&0x80;
+ PULLBYTE(ccreg)
+ if(x)
+ {
+  PULLBYTE(*areg)
+  PULLBYTE(*breg)
+  PULLBYTE(dpreg)
+  PULLWORD(xreg)
+  PULLWORD(yreg)
+  PULLWORD(ureg)
+ } 
+ PULLWORD(pcreg)
+ int w;
+ switch(iflag)
+ {
+  case 0: 
+   PUSHWORD(pcreg)
+   PUSHWORD(ureg)
+   PUSHWORD(yreg)
+   PUSHWORD(xreg)
+   PUSHBYTE(dpreg)
+   PUSHBYTE(*breg)
+   PUSHBYTE(*areg)
+   PUSHBYTE(ccreg)
+   ccreg|=0xd0;
+   pcreg=GETWORD(0xfffa);
+   break;
+  case 1:
+   putchar(*breg);
+   fflush(stdout);
+   break;
+  case 2:
+#ifndef TERM_CONTROL  
+   w=getchar();
+   if(w==EOF)SEC else CLC
+   if(kbhit()) {
+     w=getch();
+     CLC
+   } else {
+     w=255;
+     SEC
+   }
+   *breg=w;
+ }
+Word *wordregs[]={(Word*)d_reg,&xreg,&yreg,&ureg,&sreg,&pcreg,&sreg,&pcreg};
+#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN
+Byte *byteregs[]={d_reg,d_reg+1,&ccreg,&dpreg};
+Byte *byteregs[]={d_reg+1,d_reg,&ccreg,&dpreg};
+ Byte b;
+ if(b&0x80) { 
+  *byteregs[b&0x03]=*byteregs[(b&0x30)>>4];
+ } else {
+  *wordregs[b&0x07]=*wordregs[(b&0x70)>>4];
+ }
+ Byte b;
+ Word w;
+ if(b&0x80) {
+  w=*byteregs[b&0x03]; 
+  *byteregs[b&0x03]=*byteregs[(b&0x30)>>4];
+  *byteregs[(b&0x30)>>4]=w;
+ } else {
+  w=*wordregs[b&0x07];
+  *wordregs[b&0x07]=*wordregs[(b&0x70)>>4];
+  *wordregs[(b&0x70)>>4]=w;
+ } 
+br(int f)
+ Byte b;
+ Word w;
+ if(!iflag) {
+  if(f) pcreg+=SIGNED(b);
+ } else {
+  if(f) pcreg+=w;
+ }
+#define NXORV  ((ccreg&0x08)^(ccreg&0x02))
+ br(1);
+ br(0);
+ br(!(ccreg&0x05));
+ br(ccreg&0x05);
+ br(!(ccreg&0x01));
+ br(ccreg&0x01);
+ br(!(ccreg&0x04));
+ br(ccreg&0x04);
+ br(!(ccreg&0x02));
+ br(ccreg&0x02);
+ br(!(ccreg&0x08));
+ br(ccreg&0x08);
+ br(!NXORV);
+ br(NXORV);
+ br(!(NXORV||ccreg&0x04));
+ br(NXORV||ccreg&0x04);
+ Word w;
+ w=postbyte();
+ if(w) CLZ else SEZ
+ xreg=w;
+ Word w;
+ w=postbyte();
+ if(w) CLZ else SEZ
+ yreg=w;
+ ureg=postbyte();
+ sreg=postbyte();
+#define SWAPUS {temp=sreg;sreg=ureg;ureg=temp;}
+ Byte b;
+ if(b&0x80)PUSHWORD(pcreg)
+ if(b&0x40)PUSHWORD(ureg)
+ if(b&0x20)PUSHWORD(yreg)
+ if(b&0x10)PUSHWORD(xreg)
+ if(b&0x08)PUSHBYTE(dpreg)
+ if(b&0x04)PUSHBYTE(*breg)
+ if(b&0x02)PUSHBYTE(*areg)
+ if(b&0x01)PUSHBYTE(ccreg)
+ Byte b;
+ if(b&0x01)PULLBYTE(ccreg)
+ if(b&0x02)PULLBYTE(*areg)
+ if(b&0x04)PULLBYTE(*breg)
+ if(b&0x08)PULLBYTE(dpreg)
+ if(b&0x10)PULLWORD(xreg)
+ if(b&0x20)PULLWORD(yreg)
+ if(b&0x40)PULLWORD(ureg)
+ if(b&0x80)PULLWORD(pcreg)
+ Word temp;
+ pshs();
+ Word temp;
+ puls();
+#define SETSTATUSD(a,b,res) {if((res&0x10000l)!=0) SEC else CLC \
+                            if((((res>>1)^a^b^res)&0x8000l)!=0) SEV else CLV \
+                            SETNZ16((Word)res)}
+ unsigned long aop,bop,res;
+ Word ea;
+ aop=*dreg&0xffff;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ bop=GETWORD(ea)&0xffff;
+ res=aop+bop;
+ SETSTATUSD(aop,bop,res)
+ *dreg=res;
+ unsigned long aop,bop,res;
+ Word ea;
+ if(iflag==2)aop=ureg; else aop=*dreg;
+ aop&=0xffff;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ bop=GETWORD(ea)&0xffff;
+ res=aop-bop;
+ SETSTATUSD(aop,bop,res)
+ if(iflag==0) *dreg=res; 
+ unsigned long aop,bop,res;
+ Word ea;
+ switch(iflag) {
+  case 0: aop=xreg;break;
+  case 1: aop=yreg;break;
+  case 2: aop=sreg;
+ }
+ aop&=0xffff;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ bop=GETWORD(ea)&0xffff;
+ res=aop-bop;
+ SETSTATUSD(aop,bop,res)
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ w=GETWORD(ea);
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ *dreg=w;
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ w=GETWORD(ea);
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ if (iflag==0) xreg=w; else yreg=w;
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ w=GETWORD(ea);
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ if (iflag==0) ureg=w; else sreg=w;
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ w=*dreg;
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ SETWORD(ea,w)
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ if (iflag==0) w=xreg; else w=yreg;
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ SETWORD(ea,w)
+ Word ea,w;
+ ea=eaddr16();
+ if (iflag==0) w=ureg; else w=sreg;
+ SETNZ16(w)
+ SETWORD(ea,w)
+int (*instrtable[])() = {
+ neg , ill , ill , com , lsr , ill , ror , asr ,
+ asl , rol , dec , ill , inc , tst , jmp , clr ,
+ flag0 , flag1 , nop , sync , ill , ill , lbra , lbsr ,
+ ill , daa , orcc , ill , andcc , sex , exg , tfr ,
+ bra , brn , bhi , bls , bcc , bcs , bne , beq ,
+ bvc , bvs , bpl , bmi , bge , blt , bgt , ble ,
+ leax , leay , leas , leau , pshs , puls , pshu , pulu ,
+ ill , rts , abx , rti , cwai , mul , ill , swi ,
+ neg , ill , ill , com , lsr , ill , ror , asr ,
+ asl , rol , dec , ill , inc , tst , ill , clr ,
+ neg , ill , ill , com , lsr , ill , ror , asr ,
+ asl , rol , dec , ill , inc , tst , ill , clr ,
+ neg , ill , ill , com , lsr , ill , ror , asr ,
+ asl , rol , dec , ill , inc , tst , jmp , clr ,
+ neg , ill , ill , com , lsr , ill , ror , asr ,
+ asl , rol , dec , ill , inc , tst , jmp , clr ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , subd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , cmpx , bsr , ldx , stx ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , subd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , cmpx , jsr , ldx , stx ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , subd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , cmpx , jsr , ldx , stx ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , subd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , cmpx , jsr , ldx , stx ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , addd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , ldd , std , ldu , stu ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , addd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , ldd , std , ldu , stu ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , addd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , ldd , std , ldu , stu ,
+sub , cmp , sbc , addd , and , bit , ld , st ,
+eor , adc ,  or , add , ldd , std , ldu , stu ,
+read_image(char* name)
+ FILE *image;
+ if((image=fopen(name,"rb"))!=NULL) {
+  fread(mem+0x100,0xff00,1,image);
+  fclose(image);
+ }
+main(int argc,char *argv[])
+ mem=farmalloc(65536);
+ read_image(argv[1]);
+ pcreg=0x100;
+ sreg=0;
+ dpreg=0;
+ iflag=0;
+ for(;;){
+  #ifdef TRACE
+   fprintf(stderr,"pc=%04x ",pcreg);
+  #endif
+  ireg=mem[pcreg++];
+  #ifdef TRACE
+   fprintf(stderr,"i=%02x ",ireg);
+   if((ireg&0xfe)==0x10)
+    fprintf(stderr,"%02x ",mem[pcreg]);else fprintf(stderr,"   ");
+     fprintf(stderr,"x=%04x y=%04x u=%04x s=%04x a=%02x b=%02x cc=%02x\n",
+                   xreg,yreg,ureg,sreg,*areg,*breg,ccreg);
+  #endif
+  (*instrtable[ireg])();
+ }