diff CoCoOS9/level2v3/MODULES/pipeman.asm @ 31:bd2b07db8917 cocoos9lv2v3

CoCoOS9 version
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sat, 14 Jul 2018 15:16:13 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CoCoOS9/level2v3/MODULES/pipeman.asm	Sat Jul 14 15:16:13 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+* PipeMan - Pipe file manager
+* $Id: pipeman.asm,v 2001/02/21 23:30:55 boisy Exp $
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 4      Original OS-9 L2 Tandy distribution
+*        Added comments from Curtis Boyle's code        BGP 98/10/22
+         nam   PipeMan
+         ttl   Pipe file manager
+         ifp1  
+         use   defsfile
+         use   pipedefs.l2v3
+         endc  
+rev      set   $01
+edition  set   4
+         mod   eom,Name,FlMgr+Objct,ReEnt+rev,Start,0
+Name     fcs   /PipeMan/
+         fcb   edition
+Start    lbra  Create     Create, same as open
+         lbra  Open       Open
+         lbra  UnkSvc     MakDir
+         lbra  UnkSvc     ChgDir
+         lbra  UnkSvc     Delete
+         lbra  L0040      Seek
+         lbra  PRead      PRead
+         lbra  PWrite     PWrite
+         lbra  L00AB      PRdLn
+         lbra  L0105      PWrLn
+         lbra  L0040      GetStat
+         lbra  L0040      SetStat
+         lbra  Close      Return to system
+UnkSvc   comb             Exit with Unknown Service error
+         ldb   #E$UnkSvc
+         rts   
+L0040    clrb             No error & return
+         rts   
+* Open or create a Pipe
+Open     ldu   PD.RGS,y   get Caller's register stack ptr
+         ldx   R$X,u      get pointer to pathname
+         pshs  y          preserve descriptor pointer
+         os9   F$PrsNam   is it legal?
+         bcs   L007B      no, exit with error
+         ldx   <D.Proc    get task #
+         ldb   P$Task,x
+         leax  -1,y       point to last character of pathname
+         os9   F$LDABX    get it
+         tsta             high bit terminated?
+         bmi   L0060      yes, go on
+         leax  ,y         point just past it
+         os9   F$PrsNam   parse it again
+         bcc   L007B      can't accept more data, return error
+L0060    sty   R$X,u      save updated path pointer to caller
+         puls  y          restore path dsc. ptr
+         ldd   #256       grab a page of memory for my buffer
+         os9   F$SRqMem
+         bcs   L007A      can't get memory, return error
+         stu   PD.BUF,y   save pointer to buffer
+         stu   <PD.NxtI,y save read pointer?
+         stu   <PD.NxtO,y save write pointer?
+         leau  d,u        point to end of buffer
+         stu   <PD.End,y  save the end pointer
+L007A    rts              return
+L007B    comb             Exit with Bad Pathname error
+         ldb   #E$BPNam
+         puls  y,pc
+* Close
+Close    lda   PD.CNT,y   any open images left?
+         bne   L008E      yes, go on
+         ldu   PD.BUF,y   No, get buffer pointer
+         ldd   #256       return it's memory to system
+         os9   F$SRtMem
+         bra   L00A9
+* Still stuff open to pipe
+* Check Read part of pipe
+L008E    cmpa  PD.RCT,y   Same as # images open to Read from pipe?
+         bne   L0096      No, go check Write images
+         leax  PD.RPID,y  Point to Read variables
+         bra   L009C      Send signal to reading process
+* Check Write part of pipe
+L0096    cmpa  PD.WCT,y   Same as # images open to Write to pipe?
+         bne   L00A9      No, exit without error
+         leax  PD.WPID,y  Point to Write variables
+* Send signal
+L009C    lda   ,x         Get Process # to send signal to
+         beq   L00A9      None, exit without error
+         ldb   2,x        get the signal code to send
+         beq   L00A9      None, exit without error
+         clr   2,x        Clear out signal code
+         os9   F$Send     Send to process
+L00A9    clrb             No error & exit
+         rts   
+* ReadLn entry point
+* Entry: Y=Path dsc. ptr
+L00AB    ldb   #$0D       Flag for ReadLn
+         stb   PD.REOR,y  Save as Not raw flag in Read area
+         bra   L00B3      Go read
+* Read entry point
+PRead    clr   PD.REOR,y  Raw mode on
+L00B3    leax  PD.RPID,y  point to Pipe Read variables
+         lbsr  L0160      Go wait for pipe to be ready for us
+         bcs   L0100      Error, shut off our side & signal other end of pipe
+         ldd   R$Y,u      get # bytes requested to read
+         beq   L0100      None, shut off our side & signal other end of pipe
+         ldx   R$X,u      get pointer to callers destination
+         addd  R$X,u
+         pshs  b,a
+         pshs  x          preserve start pointer
+         bra   L00D5
+* Read Loop for both ReadLn (stops on CR) or Read (stops when size is done)
+L00C8    pshs  x          Preserve buffer start ptr
+         leax  PD.RPID,y  Point to Read vars
+         lbsr  L018B      Go wait for possible data
+         bcc   L00D5      May be some, continue
+         puls  x          Restore buffer start ptr
+         bra   L00F1      None expected, exit with what we have
+L00D5    ldx   <D.Proc    Get current process ptr
+         ldb   P$Task,x   Get task #
+         puls  x          Get Buffer start ptr
+* Read from pipe buffer
+L00DB    lbsr  L01F2
+         bcs   L00C8
+         os9   F$STABX    Got byte, save it to caller
+         leax  1,x        Bump buffer ptr up
+         tst   PD.REOR,y  Check Read/ReadLn flag
+         beq   L00ED      Raw, skip ahead
+         cmpa  PD.REOR,y  Was the byte received a CR?
+         beq   L00F1      Yes, done reading
+L00ED    cmpx  ,s         Hit end of buffer read requested yet?
+         bcs   L00DB      No, keep reading
+L00F1    tfr   x,d        Move ptr to D
+         subd  ,s++       Calculate actual size read
+         addd  R$Y,u      ??? Add to size previously read???
+         std   R$Y,u      Save total # bytes read to caller
+         bne   L00FF      If some read, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$EOF     Otherwise, exit with EOF error
+         bra   L0100
+L00FF    clrb             No error
+L0100    leax  PD.RPID,y  Point to pipe Read vars
+         lbra  L01BD
+L0105    ldb   #$0D       Flag for WritLn (and terminator for lines)
+         stb   <PD.WEOR,y
+         bra   L010F      Go do the write
+PWrite   clr   <PD.WEOR,y Flag for Raw Write
+L010F    leax  PD.WPID,y  Point to Write variables
+         lbsr  L0160      Go wait for pipe to be ready for us
+         bcs   L015C      Error, shut off our side & signal other end of pipe
+         ldd   R$Y,u      Get requested size to Write
+         beq   L015C      None, shut off our side & signal other end of pipe
+         ldx   R$X,u      Get ptr to data to write
+         addd  R$X,u      Calculate end of data ptr
+         pshs  b,a
+         pshs  x          Preserve start ptr
+         bra   L0131      Start writing
+L0124    pshs  x          Preserve current buffer ptr
+         leax  PD.WPID,y  Point to Write vars
+         lbsr  L018B      Go wait for data to be ready
+         bcc   L0131      Ready, go try writing again
+         puls  x          No more data, restore buffer ptr
+         bra   L0150      Go write out as much as we got
+L0131    ldx   <D.Proc    Get process dsc. ptr
+         ldb   P$Task,x   Get task #
+         puls  x          Get start ptr back
+L0137    os9   F$LDABX    Get byte from caller
+         lbsr  L01CC
+         bcs   L0124
+         leax  1,x
+         tst   <PD.WEOR,y
+         beq   L014B
+         cmpa  <PD.WEOR,y
+         beq   L0150
+L014B    cmpx  ,s         Hit end of buffer?
+         bcs   L0137      No, keep writing
+         clrb             Yes, no error
+L0150    pshs  b,cc       Preserve error status
+         tfr   x,d        Move buffer ptr to D
+         subd  2,s        Calculate size actually written
+         addd  R$Y,u      Add to size previously written
+         std   R$Y,u      Save for caller
+         puls  x,b,cc     Restore error status
+L015C    leax  PD.WPID,y  Point to Write vars
+         bra   L01BD      Shut off Write part, send signal to Read part
+* Make current process the process to Read or Write from Pipe, or wait in line
+*  until pipe is ready to for our process
+* Entry: Y=Path dsc. ptr
+*        X=Ptr to either Pipe Read or Pipe Write variables
+L0160    lda   ,x         Get process # that is reading or writing to pipe
+         beq   L0185      If none, make the current process the one
+         cmpa  PD.CPR,y   Same as current process using this path?
+         beq   L0189      Yes, no error & exit
+* A read or write request from the pipe was made from a process that is not
+* listed in the PD.??? pipe vars
+         inc   1,x        New process using pipe, update # processes using
+         ldb   1,x        Get new # of process reading or writing
+         cmpb  PD.CNT,y   Same as total # of processes using pipe? 
+         bne   L0173      No, skip ahead
+         lbsr  L009C      Yes, send signal from 2,x to process using pipe
+* New process is put in line to read/write to/from pipe
+L0173    os9   F$IOQu     Stick waiting process (A) into I/O Queue
+         dec   1,x        Dec # images in pipe down again
+         pshs  x          Preserve ptr
+         ldx   <D.Proc    Get current process dsc. ptr
+         ldb   <P$Signal,x Get last signal code from current process
+         puls  x          Get ptr back
+         beq   L0160      If it didn't receive the signal, try again
+         coma             Set carry & exit
+         rts   
+L0185    ldb   PD.CPR,y   Get Current process #
+         stb   ,x         Save as process # that is reading/writing to pipe
+L0189    clrb             No error & exit
+         rts   
+L018B    ldb   1,x        Get # images [reading or writing] from pipe?
+         incb             Base 1
+         cmpb  PD.CNT,y   Same as # of open images?
+         beq   L01B9      Yes, Exit with Write Error
+         stb   1,x        Save updated # images
+         ldb   #$01       Wakeup signal
+         stb   2,x        Save as signal to send to process
+         clr   PD.CPR,y   Clear out current process # using pipe
+         pshs  x          Preserve read/write offset ptr
+         tfr   x,d        Move to D
+         eorb  #$04       Flip between read/write vars
+         tfr   d,x        Move to X
+         lbsr  L009C      Go send signal to process on other end of pipe
+         ldx   #$0000     Shut off process until signal received
+         os9   F$Sleep
+         ldx   <D.Proc    Get current process
+         ldb   <P$Signal,x Get last signal code received
+         puls  x          Restore read/write offset ptr
+         dec   1,x        Dec # open images
+         tstb             Was there a signal receieved?
+         bne   L01BB      Yes, exit with carry set
+         clrb             No error & exit
+         rts   
+L01B9    ldb   #E$Write   Write error
+L01BB    coma  
+         rts   
+* Shut off Read part, send signal to Write part
+* Shut down our side of pipe & send signal to other half of pipe
+L01BD    pshs  u,b,cc     Preserve U, error code & status
+         clr   ,x         Clear out process # using part of pipe
+         tfr   x,d        Move ptr to D
+         eorb  #$04       Flip between read/write vars
+         tfr   d,x        Move to X
+         lbsr  L009C      Send Signal to process on other end of pipe
+         puls  pc,u,b,cc  Restore error status & return
+* Entry: X=Ptr within caller's area we are writing from
+* A=Char to write
+* B=Task # of caller
+L01CC    pshs  x,b        Preserve ptr & Task #
+         ldx   <PD.NxtI,y Get ptr to next char in pipe buffer
+         ldb   <PD.RFlg,y Get data ready in pipe buffer flag
+         beq   L01DE      No data ready, skip ahead
+         cmpx  <PD.NxtO,y Meeting write buffer ptr?
+         bne   L01E3      No, continue
+         comb  
+         puls  pc,x,b
+* Put char into pipe buffer & Set flag that data is ready
+* Entry: Y=Path dsc. ptr
+*        A=Char to put in buffer
+L01DE    ldb   #1         Set flag
+         stb   <PD.RFlg,y Save it
+L01E3    sta   ,x+        Save char in pipe buffer
+         cmpx  <PD.End,y  Hit end of buffer?
+         bcs   L01EC      No, continue
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y   Yes, wrap to beginning
+L01EC    stx   <PD.NxtI,y Save current position in buffer
+         clrb  
+         puls  pc,x,b     Restore regs
+L01F2    lda   <Pd.RFlg,y
+         bne   L01F9
+         comb  
+         rts   
+L01F9    pshs  x
+         ldx   <PD.NxtO,y
+         lda   ,x+
+         cmpx  <PD.END,y
+         bcs   L0207
+         ldx   PD.BUF,y
+L0207    stx   <PD.NxtO,y
+         cmpx  <PD.NxtI,y
+         bne   L0212
+         clr   <Pd.RFlg,y
+L0212    andcc  #^Carry
+         puls  pc,x
+         emod  
+eom      equ   *
+         end   