diff CoCoOS9/level2v3/MODULES/pipeman_named.asm @ 31:bd2b07db8917 cocoos9lv2v3

CoCoOS9 version
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sat, 14 Jul 2018 15:16:13 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CoCoOS9/level2v3/MODULES/pipeman_named.asm	Sat Jul 14 15:16:13 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1857 @@
+* PipeMan - OS-9 Level Two Named Pipe File Manager
+* $Id: pipeman_named.asm,v 2001/02/21 23:30:55 boisy Exp $
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*        Pipeman Modified to Include the SS.Ready       KDM 86/02/23
+*        I$GETSTT Call.
+*        Major Bug Corrected                            KDM 86/03/26
+*        Upgraded to Level II version                   KDM 88/06/29
+*        Added new labels and special defs
+*        Added code to detect EOF in SS.Ready
+*        Reformatted to make the module easier          CJB 88/11/11
+*        to understand during coding
+*        Added named pipes, etc for Level 2 upgrade     CJB 88/12/03
+*        Includes SS.SSig, SS.Relea, SS.Attr, SS.FD
+* 1      Release 1.0 for Tandy CoCo OS9                 CJB 88/12/26
+         nam   PipeMan
+         ttl   OS9 Level Two Named Pipe File Manager
+*   Copyright 1981, 1985, 1986, 1988 by Microware Systems Corporation
+*   All Rights Reserved
+*   Named pipe code by Burke & Burke.
+*   All rights assigned to Microware Systems Corporation.
+*   This file contains proprietary information of Microware Systems
+*   Corporation.  Persons accessing this file will be held strictly
+*   accountable for their use of the information herein.
+*   Pipe File Manager
+*   -------
+*   Opening an existing named pipe emulates IOMan's I$Close and
+*   I$Dup calls.  This file manager contains subroutines that
+*   mimic the current operation of IOMan.  Any changes to IOMan's
+*   FMEXEC, I$Close or I$Dup calls must also be made to this code.
+*   Device Driver Static Storage Layout
+*   -----------------------------------
+*   $00-$01 V.List  Pointer in system map to pipe buffer for 1st
+*                   pipe (16 bits).
+*   Pipe Buffer Data Structure
+*   --------------------------
+*   $00-$01 PP.PD   Pointer to shared path descriptor
+*   $02-$03 PP.Next Pointer to next pipe buffer in system map
+*   $04-$05 PP.Prev Pointer to previous pipe buffer in system map
+*   $06-$07 PP.Rsv2 Reserved
+*   $08     PP.Data Data buffer begins at this offset
+*   Path Descriptor Data Structure
+*   ------------------------------
+*   $00     PD.PD   Path number
+*   $01     PD.MOD  Access permissions
+*   $02     PD.CNT  Number of open images (e.g. I$DUP)
+*   $05     PD.CPR  Current process ID
+*   $06-$07 PD.RGS  Address of caller's register stack
+*   $08-$09 PD.BUF  System space pipe buffer base pointer
+*** PP.Read must have bit 4 clear; PP.Writ must be PP.Read XOR 4
+*  $0A      PD.Read No bytes -- offset only
+*   $0A     PD.RPID Process ID of reader waiting on signal
+*   $0B     PD.RCT  Number of blocked readers
+*   $0C     PD.RSIG Signal to send reader
+*   $0D     PD.REOR Read EOR character
+*  $0E      PD.Writ No bytes -- offset only
+*   $0E     PD.WPID Process ID of writer waiting on signal
+*   $0F     PD.WCT  Number of blocked writers
+*   $10     PD.WSIG Signal to send writer
+*   $11     PD.WEOR Write EOR character (dummy)
+*** End of special section
+*   $12-$13 PD.End  Pointer to end of pipe buffer
+*   $14-$15 PD.NxtI Next in pointer
+*   $16-$17 PD.NxtO Next out pointer
+*   $18     PD.RFlg "Ready" flag
+*   $19     PD.Wrtn "Written" flag
+*   $1A-$1B PD.BCnt # queue elements currently bufered
+*   $1C     PD.Own  Process ID of pipe original creator
+*   $1D     PD.Keep Non-zero if this pipe has been kept open artificially
+*   $1E-$1F PD.QSiz Max. size of queue (in elements)
+*   .
+*   .
+*   $20     PD.DTP  Device type $02 = PIPE
+*   $21     PD.ESiz Size of each queue element
+*   $22-$23 PD.ECnt Max. elements in queue
+*   $23-$3F PD.Name Pipe name (after moving PD.ECnt to PD.QSiz)
+         page  
+*   Global equates
+         ifp1  
+         use   defsfile
+         use   pipedefs.l2v3
+*         use   rbfdefs
+         endc  
+*   Local Equates
+XVER     equ   3          ;Version
+CR       equ   $0D
+NCARRY   equ   $00FE
+*   IOMAN special offsets.
+*   This constant is IOMAN release-dependent.
+*   It is the number of bytes between the entry stack
+*   pointer and the stacked PD pointer saved by *IOMAN*.
+*   Currently, the stack looks like this:
+*       A   PL
+*       9   PH  <IOMAN post-SOPEN return address>
+*       8   UL
+*       7   UH
+*       6   YL  +
+*       5   YH  <PD pointer saved by IOMAN>
+*       4   XL
+*       3   XH
+*       2   A
+*       1   PL
+* SP->  0   PH  <post OPEN/CREATE return address>
+*               <start of stack to be used by PIPEMAN>
+IOMAGIC  equ   5          ;5 bytes to PD pointer
+*   Local pipe buffer equates
+CInit    equ   %00100000  ;Set this bit to override PD queue parameters
+*   Conditional assembly
+ANON     set   0          ;Anonymous pipes only
+NAMED    set   1          ;Anonymous and named pipes
+MSGS     set   2          ;Both types of pipes, and message queues
+WIZBANG  set   NAMED      ;What features are we providing?
+NODIR    set   0          ;Don't allow DIR on pipe devices
+YESDIR   set   1          ;Allow DIR on pipe devices
+PIPEDIR  set   YESDIR     ;Does DIR work on pipes?
+SLOWPD   set   0          ;Slow PD location algorithm
+QUICKPD  set   1          ;Fast PD location algorithm
+PDALGO   set   QUICKPD    ;How to convert PD to system path #
+RECKLES  set   0          ;Don't check for certain errors
+CAREFUL  set   1          ;Check for certain errors
+         page  
+*   Module Header
+edition  set   1
+         mod   MODSIZE,MODNAM,FlMgr+Objct,ReEnt+XVER,JmpTbl,$0000
+*   Module Name
+MODNAM   fcs   "PipeMan"
+         fcb   edition
+*   Jump table
+JmpTbl   lbra  Create
+         lbra  Open
+         lbra  MakDir
+         lbra  ChgDir
+         lbra  Delete
+         lbra  Seek
+         lbra  Read
+         lbra  Write
+         lbra  ReadLn
+         lbra  WriteLn
+         lbra  GetStt
+         lbra  SetStt
+         lbra  Close
+         page  
+*   Create a named or anonymous pipe
+*   The size of the queue is determined by examining
+*   the path descriptor, since this information has
+*   been copied there from the device descriptor.
+*   Reg-U points to stacked registers of user.
+*   Reg-Y points to path descriptor
+*   If success, carry clear and X points to pipe buffer
+*   Create function allows user to override both element
+*   count and element size.  Override is enabled if if bit
+*   5 of the access mode is set.  For override, if MS bit
+*   of Reg-Y is clear, just use Reg-Y as queue element
+*   count.  If MS bit of Reg-Y is set, use LS byte of
+*   Reg-Y as element size ($00 = no change) and bottom 7
+*   bits of MS byte of Reg-Y as element count ($00 = no change)
+Create   equ   *
+         lda   R$A,U      ;Get access mode
+         bita  #CInit
+         beq   Open
+*   Handle queue size override
+         ldd   R$Y,U      ;Get queue size initializer
+         bpl   SetCnt     ; (branch if just setting count)
+*   Set element size and count
+         tstb  
+         beq   Creat00    ; (branch if using default size)
+         stb   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Reg-B = size of each element
+Creat00  anda  #$7F
+         beq   Open       ; (branch if using default count)
+         tfr   a,B
+         clra  
+*   Set number of elements in queue from Reg-D
+SetCnt   std   PD.ECnt,Y  ;Reg-D = number of elements
+*   Enter here for normal OPEN
+Open     equ   *
+*   Move number of elements in queue to make room for name
+         ldd   PD.ECnt,Y
+         std   PD.QSiz,Y
+*   Parse pathname
+         clrb             ;Assume anonymous pipe
+         clra             ;Assume not 1st pipe
+         ldx   R$X,U      ;Point at file name in user's space
+         pshs  U,Y,X,D    ;Save file name, PD, reg. base, 1st & anon flag
+*       Caller's Regs Ptr
+*       PD Ptr
+*       Path name uptr
+*       Named flag
+*  SP-> First flag
+         os9   F$PrsNam   ;Error if driver name (e.g. /pipe) invalid
+         bcs   BadName
+*   See if named or anonymous pipe requested.
+         lbsr  GtNext     ;Return CC=MI if at end of path name
+         cmpa  #'/
+         beq   HasName
+*   /pipe____
+*    X   Y
+*   Pipe is anonymous -- set up dummy name in PD.
+*   Stack must match the named pipe setup
+NotName  tfr   Y,X        ;Skip any trailing blanks
+         os9   F$PrsNam   ; (should return carry set)
+         ldd   #1         ;Length of dummy name
+         pshs  Y,X,D
+         ldy   10,S       ;Get PD pointer
+         clr   PD.Name,Y  ; and set dummy name
+         bra   GoCheck
+*   /pipe/foo____
+*    X   Y
+*   Pipe is named -- check length and flag on stack
+HasName  tfr   Y,X
+         os9   F$PrsNam   ;Scan off the name
+         bcs   BadName
+         cmpb  #NameMax   ;Check length of name
+         bhi   BadName
+*   Length OK.  X points to start of name, Y to end of name,
+*   B has name length. 
+*   Save registers & length, and do final parse to skip white
+         com   1,S        ;Set "named" flag
+         clra  
+         pshs  Y,X,D
+         tfr   Y,X
+         os9   F$PrsNam   ;Error if trying for pipe subdirectory
+         bcc   BadNam2
+*   /pipe/foo____
+*            X   Y
+*   Need to get the pipe name into our address space
+*   Use the PD for a temporary buffer.
+NameOK   ldx   <D.Proc    ;Pointer to caller's PD
+         lda   P$Task,X   ; get caller's DAT image #
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc  ;Pointer to our PD
+         ldb   P$Task,X   ; get system's DAT image #
+         ldy   0,S        ;Byte count
+         ldx   2,S        ;Source address
+         ldu   10,S       ;Get PD pointer and convert to . . .
+         leau  PD.Name,U  ;Destination address
+         lbsr  MovSet     ;Move block, set MSB of last byte.
+*   Wow!  Everybody's in the same address space now.
+*   Since this is a named pipe, force mode to UPDATE.
+*   Also, do not permit DIR. access
+         ldx   10,S
+         lda   PD.MOD,X
+         bita  #DIR.
+         bne   BadNam2
+         ora   #(READ.+WRITE.)
+         sta   PD.MOD,X
+*   See if this is an existing pipe.  To do this, we
+*   must get the linked list head pointer from the
+*   device driver's static storage.
+*   Stack looks like this:
+*   C   2   Sysmap Reg Pointer
+*   A   2   Sysmap PD Pointer
+*   8   2   Usrmap Path name pointer
+*   7   1   Named pipe flag
+*   6   1   First pipe flag
+*   4   2   Usrmap Pipe name end pointer
+*   2   2   Usrmap Pipe name start pointer
+*   0   2   Name length
+*   sp->
+GoCheck  ldx   10,S       ;Get PD pointer
+         ldx   PD.DEV,X   ;Get device table pointer
+         ldu   V$Stat,X   ;Get static storage pointer
+         ldx   V.List,U   ;Get pointer to head of pipe bfr linked list
+         bne   Not1st     ; (reg-X = $0000 if no previous pipes)
+*   This is the 1st pipe for this descriptor.
+*   Reg-X = $0000
+*   Set flag and process as a new pipe.
+         com   6,S        ;This is the first pipe
+         bra   NewPipe    ;This is a new pipe
+*   No time like the present for some error handlers
+*   Generic error, cleaning stack
+BadXit2  leas  8,S
+         coma             ;Set carry
+         rts   
+*   Bad Pathname -- 2 versions, depending on
+*   how much junk is on the stack.
+BadNam2  leas  6,S        ;Clean stack
+BadName  ldb   #E$BPNam
+         bra   BadXit2
+*   Not Enough System RAM
+TooBig   ldb   #E$NoRAM
+BadExit  leas  6,S        ;Clean stack
+         bra   BadXit2
+*   Look up the pipe name, unless the pipe is anonymous.
+*   Reg-U points to driver static storage.
+*   Reg-X points to next pipe buffer to check.
+Not1st   tst   7,S        ;Unnamed pipes are always new
+         beq   NewPipe
+         ldy   10,S       ;point at PD
+         leay  PD.Name,Y  ; then point at name in PD
+*   Main loop.  Always at least 1 pipe buffer to check first time through.
+*   Reg-X points to buffer to check, or $0000 if none.
+*   Reg-Y points to desired pipe name.
+ChkLoop  pshs  X
+         ldx   PP.PD,X    ;Point at PD for this pipe buffer
+         leax  PD.Name,X  ; and then point at name stored in PD
+         lbsr  Compare
+         puls  X
+         lbeq  OldPipe    ; (got a match)
+         ldd   PP.Next,X  ;Don't fall off the edge
+         beq   NewPipe    ; (end of list)
+         tfr   D,X        ;Advance to next buffer
+         bra   ChkLoop
+*   Pipe name not found.  Create a new pipe.
+*   Reg-U points to driver static storage.
+*   Reg-X points to last pipe buffer checked ($0000 if 1st pipe)
+NewPipe  ldy   10,S       ;Get PD pointer
+         ifeq  (PIPEDIR-YESDIR)
+         lda   PD.MOD,Y   ;Check pipe attributes
+         bita  #DIR.
+         beq   NEWP1
+*   Initialize pipe characteristics for DIR. bit set
+         lbsr  SizDirP
+*         beq    XYZZY       ;Special if no pipes created
+         endc  
+*   Normal (non-dir) processing
+NewP1    ldd   PD.QSiz,Y  ;Get max element count
+         bne   DoNew      ; (graceful operation if no count)
+*   Default pipe parameters if none in PD.
+         ldd   #$0100     ;Assume 256 byte buffer, 1 byte element
+         sta   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Reg-A = 1
+         subd  #PP.Data   ;Compute elements for total size = 256
+         std   PD.QSiz,Y  Use parameters in PD
+DoNew    lbsr  ECtoBC     ;Convert element count to byte count in D
+         bcs   TooBig     ; (carry set if too big)
+*   Carry has exit status
+*   Reg-D = # bytes for queue, w/o overhead
+*   Reg-X = previous buffer
+*   Reg-U = driver static storage
+         tfr   U,Y        ;Save static storage pointer
+         addd  #PP.Data   ;Add in overhead
+         bcs   TooBig
+         pshs  D          ;Save buffer size
+         os9   F$SrqMem   ;Attempt to allocate buffer
+         puls  D          ;Recover size, clean stack, lose error msg
+         bcs   TooBig
+*   Found enough memory for pipe buffer.
+*   Pointer in Reg-U
+*   Size in Reg-D
+*   Previous buffer in Reg-X.
+*   Driver static storage in Reg-Y.
+*   Initialize the buffer
+         pshs  U,D        ;Save buffer pointer & size
+*   Clear pipe buffer header
+         ldb   #PP.Data   ;Size of header
+ClrBuf   clr   ,U+
+         decb  
+         bne   ClrBuf
+         puls  D,U
+*   Initialize path descriptor and other fields of pipe buffer
+*   for new pipe.
+*   Pointer in Reg-U
+*   Size in Reg-D
+*   Previous buffer in Reg-X.
+*   Driver static storage in Reg-Y.
+*   IOMan has already prefilled the PD to $00 and 
+*   has set PD.CNT for this path to 1.
+         pshs  Y,X        ;Save static storage pointer & prev.buff
+         ldy   (4+10),S   ;Get PD pointer to Reg-Y
+         sty   PP.PD,U    ;Save pointer to PD in pipe buffer
+         leax  D,U        ;Point to end of pipe.buff + 1
+         stx   PD.End,Y
+         leax  PP.Data,U  ;Initial Next in & Next out pointers
+         stx   PD.NxtI,Y
+         stx   PD.NxtO,Y
+         ldx   <D.Proc    ;Save ID of original creator
+         lda   P$ID,X
+         sta   PD.Own,Y
+         puls  Y,X        ;Recover static storage pointer and prev.buff
+         stx   PP.Prev,U  ;Save address of previous buffer ($0 if none)
+         bne   LinkIn     ; (branch if this isn't the 1st pipe)
+*   Special -- this is the first pipe.
+*   Set PP.Next to $0000 and store buffer address in device memory.
+*   Reg-U = pointer to new buffer.
+*   Reg-X = $0000.
+*   Reg-Y = static storage
+**  Zero prefill of PP header covers this
+**        stx     PP.Next,U       ;No next buffer
+**        stx     PP.Prev,U       ;No previous buffer
+         stu   V.List,Y   ;Point driver static at this buffer
+         bra   IsAsOld
+*   There are other named pipes.  Link this one in correctly
+*   after the last one checked.
+*   Reg-U = pointer to new buffer.
+*   Reg-X = Pointer to previous buffer.
+*   Reg-Y = static storage.
+LinkIn   ldd   PP.Next,X  ;Get old's next (could be $0000)
+         stu   PP.Next,X  ;Set old's next pointing at new
+         std   PP.Next,U  ;Set new's next where old's was
+         stx   PP.Prev,U  ;Set new's prev pointing at old
+         pshs  X,D
+         ldx   0,S        ;Point X at original old's next
+         beq   Link9      ; (branch if no next -- $0000 set already)
+         stu   PP.Prev,X  ;Set prev of old's original next to new
+Link9    puls  D,X
+*   Now we look pretty much like a new access to an old pipe.
+*   Fix up pointers to match "old pipe" code
+IsAsOld  tfr   U,X        ;Point Reg-X at pipe buffer
+         tfr   Y,U        ;Point Reg-U at driver static storage
+         ldy   10,S       ;Recover PD pointer
+         stx   PD.BUF,Y   ;Set up buffer pointer in PD
+         bra   OpnXit     ; (go to common trailer code)
+*   Pipe name found.  Set up to access an old pipe.
+*   Reg-U points to driver static storage.
+*   Reg-X points to matching pipe buffer.
+*   We need to make this look like a DUP call, so
+*   there's some nasty code here to give back the
+*   PD allocated by IOMan and go get the "original"
+*   PD for this named pipe.
+OldPipe  equ   *
+***                                                       ***
+*   WARNING -- This code emulates IOMan's I$Close and I$Dup *
+***                                                       ***
+*   Processing to give back the new path descriptor and use
+*   the original PD that the pipe was opened with.
+*       Fake close of PD passed by IOMan
+*       Fake dup of named pipe's "master" PD
+*       Fix PD pointer saved on IOMAN's stack
+*   All of the subroutines preserve all regs, except as noted
+*   This section MUST preserve Reg-X and Reg-U.  There must
+*   be exactly 14 bytes on the stack at this point.
+         ldy   10,S       ;Get IOMAN PD pointer (original Reg-Y)
+*   Detach the path.
+         pshs  U
+         ldu   PD.DEV,Y   ; Get device pointer
+         os9   I$Detach   ; Detach to compensate for IOMAN Attach
+         puls  U
+*   Decrement use count
+         dec   PD.CNT,Y   ;Decrement use count
+*   Give back unwanted PD
+*** This is the way I did it originally
+         pshs  X
+         lda   PD.PD,Y    ;Get system path number
+         ldx   <D.PthDBT  ;Point at path table index
+         os9   F$Ret64    ; and give back descriptor
+         puls  X
+*** This is the way the OSK named pipe manager does it.
+*** I had to translate, of course, but the translated
+*** version doesn't work right.
+*        pshs    U,X
+*        lda     PD.PD,Y         ;Get system path #
+*        ldx     <D.PthDBT       ;Point at path table index
+*        ldu     <D.SysDis       ;Point at system SVC dispatch table
+*        jsr     [(F$Ret64*2),U] ;Do a RET64
+*        puls    X,U
+*   Stack clean.
+*   Update IOMAN variables.
+*   Reg-Y = where IOMAN thinks the PD is.
+         ifeq  (CAUTION-CAREFUL)
+         cmpy  (14+IOMAGIC),S ;Make sure the stack looks right (PD matches)
+         beq   OKMagic
+*   Stack is wrong; declare bad magic!
+         comb  
+         ldb   #E$Bug
+         leas  14,S
+         rts   
+         endc  
+*   Stack is right; go fix PD pointers
+OKMagic  ldy   PP.PD,X    ;Get PD pointer of existing named pipe PD.
+         sty   10,S       ;Point PD pointer at existing PD
+         sty   (14+IOMAGIC),S ;Save new IOMAN PD pointer in IOMAN stack
+         inc   PD.CNT,Y   ;Increment use count
+*   End of dangerous code
+*   This section MUST have preserved Reg-X and Reg-U
+*   Exit code.
+*   Reg-U points to driver static storage.
+*   Reg-Y points to PD.
+*   Reg-X points to matching pipe buffer.
+*   Advance caller's path name pointer
+OpnXit   equ   *
+*   Fix use count based on PD.Keep
+         lda   PD.CNT,Y
+         suba  PD.Keep,Y
+         sta   PD.CNT,Y   ;Get rid of any artificial openings
+         clr   PD.Keep,Y
+         ifeq  (PIPEDIR-YESDIR)
+*   Handle prefill of pipe directory buffer
+         lda   PD.Mod,Y   ;Is this a DIR. open?
+         bita  #DIR.
+         beq   OpnXt2
+         lbsr  FilDirP    ;Send directory info to pipe
+         endc  
+OpnXt2   ldu   12,S       ;Point at caller's registers
+         ldd   4,S        ;Get revised path name pointer
+         std   R$X,U
+         leas  14,S       ;Clean the stack
+*   Successful exit.  Reg-X points to pipe buffer.
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   Compare pipe names.
+*   Can't use F$CmpNam here because the strings
+*   are in system space.
+*   Path names are pointed to by Reg-X and Reg-Y.
+*   Case is ignored.  Returns NE if not equal, else
+*   EQ.
+Compare  pshs  Y,X,A      ;Reg-A is temp. storage
+*   Main comparison loop
+Cmp001   lda   ,X+
+         anda  #%11011111 ;Cheap and fast TOUPPER
+         sta   0,S
+         lda   ,Y+
+         anda  #%11011111 ;Cheap and fast TOUPPER
+         bmi   Cmp.Y      ; (exit if we find end of Y-string)
+         cmpa  0,S
+         beq   Cmp001
+*   Names don't match.  Return CC=NE
+         puls  A,X,Y,PC
+*   End of "Y" string.  "X" character either matches or
+*   it doesn't.  Return CC accordingly.
+Cmp.Y    cmpa  0,S
+         puls  A,X,Y,PC
+*   Convert element count in D to byte count in D.
+*   Return carry set if too big.
+*   Reg-Y = PD pointer
+*   Reg-D = Element count
+ECtoBC   pshs  D
+         lda   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Get size of each element
+         ldb   0,S        ;Get MSB of element count
+         mul   
+         pshs  D
+         lda   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Get size of each element
+         ldb   (2+1),S    ;Get LSB of element count
+         mul   
+         adda  1,S        ;C-bit set if too big
+         tst   ,S++       ;Z-bit clear if too big, C-bit OK
+         leas  2,S
+         bcs   EB.err
+         bne   EB.err
+*   OK exit
+         andcc  #$FE
+         rts   
+*   Error exit
+EB.err   orcc  #$01
+         rts   
+*   Get next character of path name.
+*   Reg-Y set up as if just did a PRSNAM.
+GtNext   ldx   <D.Proc
+         ldb   P$Task,X
+         tfr   Y,X
+         os9   F$LDABX
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   Error hook
+MAKDIR   equ   *
+CHGDIR   equ   *
+UNKNOWN  comb  
+         ldb   #E$UNKSVC
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   Close a pipe
+*   If there are any other pipe users, leave the pipe
+*   around.  Also, if the pipe is named and contains
+*   any data, leave the pipe around even if there are
+*   no remaining pipe users.
+*   PD.Keep will be non-zero if the pipe has been kept
+*   open artificially.
+*   This routine is called each time a path to the pipe
+*   is closed.
+CLOSE    equ   *
+*   Account for extra use count if pipe artificially kept open.
+*   Then see if this is the last user of the pipe
+         lda   PD.Keep,Y  ;Account for extra pipe images
+         nega  
+         clr   PD.Keep,Y
+         adda  PD.CNT,Y
+         sta   PD.CNT,Y   ;Set correct PD.CNT value
+         bne   READERS    ; and branch if any users left
+*   No open paths to this pipe.
+*   If it's named and not empty, leave it around anyway.
+         tst   PD.Name,Y  ;Named pipe?
+         beq   CLOSE2
+         ldd   PD.BCnt,Y  ;How many elements buffered on named pipe?
+         beq   CLOSE2
+*   Leave this named pipe around for a while
+         inc   PD.CNT,Y   ;Create an extra image
+         inc   PD.Keep,Y  ; and remember that we did it
+         bra   CLOXIT
+*   Delete the pipe.
+*   Y = PD pointer.
+CLOSE2   bsr   ZapPipe
+         bra   CloXit     ;No error
+*   Open paths left.  What kind?
+READERS  cmpa  PD.RCT,Y   ;Are all open paths readers?
+         bne   WRITERS
+*   All other open paths are readers.
+*   Send signal to next reader (let him read a bit)
+         leax  PD.Read,Y
+         bra   SENDSIG
+*   Not all readers.  What kind?
+WRITERS  cmpa  PD.WCT,Y   ;Are all open paths writers?
+         bne   CloXit
+*   All other open paths are writers.
+*   Send signal to next writer (let him write a bit)
+         leax  PD.Writ,Y
+*   Send signal to next reader or writer
+SENDSIG  lda   PM.CPR,X   ;Process ID to signal
+         beq   CLOXIT
+         ldb   PM.SIG,X   ;Signal code to send
+         beq   CLOXIT
+*   Committed to send signal:  clear the flag and send it
+         clr   PM.SIG,X   ;Force no pending signal
+         os9   F$SEND
+*   Done with close
+CLOXIT   clrb  
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   Delete a named pipe.
+*   Reg-Y = PD
+*   Reg-U = caller's registers
+*   Reg-X = path name
+Delete   lda   #Read.
+         sta   PD.MOD,Y   ;Need only READ permission
+         pshs  U,Y,X,A    ;***Match stack set up by IOMAN
+         lbsr  Open       ;Try to open the pipe
+         puls  U,Y,X,A    ;***Clean up special stack
+         bcs   BadDel
+*   Disconnect from pipe, but keep pointer.
+*   Then check to see if we're the only user.
+*   Note -- The call to OPEN updated PD.CNT
+*   and cleared PD.Keep.
+         dec   PD.CNT,Y   ;Don't count ourselves
+         beq   DoDel      ;If count is zero, OK to delete
+*   Pipe is in use.  Return E$FNA
+FNAXIT   comb  
+         ldb   #E$FNA
+*   Exit w/ carry set and error code in B
+BadDel   rts   
+*   Perform the delete.
+DoDel    bsr   ZapPipe
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+*   Return all memory for the pipe buffer specified
+*   in the path descriptor, and remove it from the linked list.
+*   Reg-Y = PD pointer
+*   Pipe buffer pointer is at PD.BUF,Y
+ZapPipe  ldu   PD.DEV,Y   ;Get device table pointer
+         ldu   V$Stat,U   ;Get static storage pointer
+         ldx   PD.BUF,Y   ;Point to pipe's buffer
+         ldd   PP.Next,X  ;Save pointer to current and next in list
+         pshs  D
+         ldd   PP.Prev,X  ;Save pointer to previous in list
+         pshs  D
+*   Reg-D has pointer to previous.  If zero, we're zapping head of list.
+*   Z-bit is already set accordingly
+         bne   OldHead
+*   New head of list.
+*   Reg-X still points to buffer to be deleted
+         ldd   2,S        ;Get pointer to next (may be $0000)
+         std   V.List,U   ; and set as new head
+         pshs  X,D
+         ldx   0,S        ;Point Reg-X at next, set CC
+         beq   Zap9
+         clr   (PP.Prev+0),X ; and set no prev for next
+         clr   (PP.Prev+1),X
+Zap9     puls  D,X        ;Point back at pipe to delete
+         bra   ZapIt
+*   No new head of list.  Just delete from linked list.
+*   We know there is a previous buffer.
+*   Reg-X points to buffer to be deleted.
+*   Reg-D points to previous buffer.
+OldHead  ldu   PP.Next,X  ;Get U pointing at our next (may be $0000)
+         exg   D,X        ;Point X at our prev, D at us
+         stu   PP.Next,X  ;Save new next for out prev
+         beq   Zap8
+         stx   PP.Prev,U  ;Point our next's prev at our original prev
+Zap8     exg   D,X
+*   All cleaned up. Give back the buffer
+*   Reg-X points to buffer, Reg-Y points to PD.
+ZapIt    ldd   PD.End,Y
+         pshs  X
+         subd  0,S        ;Get total bytes to Reg-D
+         puls  U          ;Point at buffer, clean stack
+         os9   F$SRtMem
+*   Exit with whatever error F$SRtMem produces
+         leas  4,S        ;Clean stack
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   Dummy hook
+SEEK     equ   *
+Dummy    clrb  
+         rts   
+         page  
+*   GETSTT processing
+*   Supports the following codes:
+*   SS.Opt          Option section
+*   SS.Ready        # bytes in queue
+*   SS.Siz          Size of queue
+*   SS.EOF          Queue empty
+*   SS.FD           Bogus file descriptor   (WIZBANG==MSGS)
+*   SS.ScSiz        Screen Size
+*   SS.Opt handled in IOMAN, etc.
+*   SS.Ready code by Kent Meyers, modified by Chris Burke
+*   SS.Siz, SS.EOF, SS.FD, SS.ScSiz by Chris Burke
+GETSTT   lda   R$B,U      Get User B Register ++
+         cmpa  #SS.READY  Test for Ready Call ++
+         bne   NotSSRDY
+*   Process SS.Rdy -- return # elements in queue
+*   If more than 255, return 255.
+G.Rdy    ldb   #255
+         tst   (PD.BCnt+0),Y
+         bne   G.Rdy0     ;Accomodate large queues (256 or more bytes)
+         ldb   (PD.BCnt+1),X ;Get element count LSB
+*   Reg-B has LSB of element count, CC set based on value
+         beq   RDNRDY     ;Not Ready if no characters
+G.Rdy0   stb   R$B,U      ;Return count in B
+SST.OK   equ   *
+SST.Ign  equ   *
+G.OK     clrb             No Error ++
+         tfr   CC,A
+         sta   R$CC,U
+         rts              Return ++
+*   No characters for SS.Ready
+RDNRDY   tst   PD.Wrtn,Y  Anybody writing to pipe?
+         bne   NOTEOF     (not OK if so)
+*   No writer
+         ldb   PD.CNT,Y   Exactly one path open to pipe?
+         decb  
+         bne   NOTEOF     (OK if no, e.g. nobody or > 1)
+*   Internal error
+IntErr   comb  
+         ldb   #255
+         rts   
+NOTEOF   comb             Set Error Flag ++
+         ldb   #E$NOTRDY  Get Error Code ++
+         rts              Return ++
+*   Not SS.Ready.  Check for SS.Siz
+NotSSRdy cmpa  #SS.Size   Test for Size call
+         bne   NotSSSiz
+*   Process SS.Siz -- return size of queue in ELEMENTS.
+G.Siz    ldd   PD.QSiz,Y  ;Get max. # of queue elements
+         std   R$U,U
+         clr   (R$X+0),U  Set 16 MSB's to $0000
+         clr   (R$X+1),U
+GOK001   bra   G.OK
+*   Not SS.Siz.  Check for SS.EOF
+NotSSSiz cmpa  #SS.EOF
+         bne   NotSSEOF
+*   Process SS.EOF
+*   Handle like SS.Rdy, but preserve Reg-B
+G.EOF    bsr   G.Siz
+         ldb   #0         ;NOT clrb -- preserve carry
+         stb   R$B,U
+         bcc   G.OK       ;No error if ready
+         ldb   #E$EOF     ;Carry is already set
+         rts   
+*   Not SS.EOF.  Check for SS.FD
+         ifeq  (PIPEDIR-YESDIR)
+NotSSEOF cmpa  #SS.FD
+         bne   NotSSFD
+*   Process SS.FD
+         lbsr  DoSSFD
+         bra   G.OK       ;Successful always
+         else  
+NotSSEOF equ   *
+         endc  
+*   Not SS.FD.  Check for SS.ScSiz
+NotSSFD  cmpa  #SS.ScSiz  ;Force UNKNOWN here
+         lbeq  UnKnown
+NotSCSZ  equ   *
+NotSSAT  equ   *
+*   Process unknown GETSTT
+*        lbra    UNKNOWN
+         bra   G.OK
+*        bra     NotEOF
+         page  
+*   SETSTT processing
+*   Supports the following codes:
+*   SS.Opt          Option section
+*   SS.Siz          No effect unless size=0; then clears pipe buffer
+*   SS.FD           No effect
+*   SS.SSig         Set signal on data available
+*   SS.Relea        Release signal
+*   SS.Opt handled in IOMAN, etc.
+*   SS.Siz, SS.SSig, SS.Relea by Chris Burke, modified
+*   from OSK.
+SetStt   lda   R$B,U      Get User B Register ++
+         cmpa  #SS.Opt
+         beq   SST.Ign    ; (ignore)
+         cmpa  #SS.FD
+         beq   SST.Ign
+*   Check for SS.SIZ
+         cmpa  #SS.Size
+         bne   NoS.Siz
+         ldd   R$U,U      ;Get caller's size
+         bne   SST.Ign
+*   Clear the pipe
+         ldx   PD.Buf,Y
+         leau  PP.Data,X
+         stu   PD.NxtI,Y
+         stu   PD.NxtO,Y
+         clr   (PD.BCnt+0),Y
+         clr   (PD.BCnt+1),Y
+         clr   PD.RFlg,Y
+         clr   PD.Wrtn,Y
+QST.OK   bra   SST.OK
+*   Check for SS.SSig
+NoS.Siz  cmpa  #SS.SSig
+         bne   NoS.Sig
+         leax  PD.Read,Y  ;Point at read packet
+         tst   PM.Cpr,X   ;Error if already somebody waiting
+         bne   NOTEOF
+*   Set signal trap
+         lda   PD.CPR,Y   ;Set process ID
+         sta   PM.CPR,X
+         lda   (R$X+1),U  ;Get signal code
+         sta   PM.Sig,X
+         tst   PD.BCnt,Y  ;Immediate signal if
+         lbne  SendSig
+         bra   QST.OK
+*   Check for release of signal
+NoS.Sig  cmpa  #SS.Relea
+         bne   NoS.Rel
+         leax  PD.Read,Y  ;Point at read packet
+         lda   PM.CPR,X
+         cmpa  PD.CPR,Y   ;Our process set it?
+         bne   QST.OK
+*   Release signal trap
+         clrb  
+         lbra  Switch
+*   Not SS.Relea.  Check for SS.Attr
+NoS.Rel  cmpa  #SS.Attr
+         bne   NoS.Atr
+*   Change attributes if allowed
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         lda   P$ID,X     ;Are we superuser?
+         beq   SAT.OK
+         tst   PD.Own,Y   ;Is creator still attached?
+         bne   SAT.XX
+         sta   PD.Own,Y   ;Inherit pipe if owner abandoned it
+SAT.XX   cmpa  PD.Own,Y
+         lbne  FNAXit     ;If can't match PID, E$FNA error
+*   Change attributes.
+*   Reg-U points at caller's registers
+SAT.OK   lda   R$A,U
+         ora   #(READ.+WRITE.) ;We insist . . .
+         sta   PD.MOD,Y
+         bra   QST.OK
+*   Unknown SETSTT
+NoS.Atr  lbra  Unknown
+         page  
+*   Read CR-terminated line or element count from
+*   pipe with no editing.  Note that this call is
+*   not well defined for element sizes other than
+*   1 byte.
+READLN   ldb   PD.ESiz,Y
+         decb  
+         bne   RddEOF     ;EOF error if more than 1 byte per element
+         ldb   #CR
+         stb   PD.REOR,Y
+         bra   READ001
+*   Read element count from pipe with no editing.
+*   Note that if there are fewer elements in the pipe
+*   than the user wants to read, and there are no writers
+*   for the pipe, we return all elements followed by E$EOF.
+READ     clr   PD.REOR,Y
+*   Generic read.  PD.REOR = terminator if non-null
+READ001  leax  PD.Read,Y  ;Get PID of reader (us)
+         lbsr  GETFREE
+         bcs   RddRTS
+         ldd   R$Y,U      ;Desired element count
+         beq   RddXit
+*   Set up for outer loop -- push zero element count
+*   and space for buffer pointers on stack.
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         pshs  D          ;Initial count of elements read
+         leas  -4,S
+         ldx   R$X,U      ;Initial buffer start address
+         bra   RddNext
+*   Enter here to block on read.  If there are no writers,
+*   return E$EOF.
+CantRdd  pshs  X          ;Save buffer pointer
+         leax  PD.Read,Y
+         lbsr  SigSlp
+         lbcs  RddDone
+*   Inner loop to read bytes.
+*   Here for initial attempt to read,
+*   or to retry after blocking
+READOK   ldx   <D.PROC    ;Point to our task descriptor
+         ldb   P$TASK,X   ++LII
+         puls  X          ++LII Recover current buffer pointer
+*   Inner read loop.  Read one element.
+*   Note that we could use F$Move for elements larger
+*   than 1 byte, because queue size is always an even
+*   multiple of element size.
+RddMore  lbsr  DOREAD     ;Get byte to A, or CS
+         bcs   CantRdd
+         os9   F$STABX    ;Put byte in caller's buffer
+         leax  1,X
+         tst   PD.REOR,Y  ;Is there an EOR character?
+         beq   NotRdLn
+         cmpa  PD.REOR,Y  ;Did we match it?
+         beq   RddEOL
+NotRdLn  cmpx  0,S        ;Compare current addr. to end addr
+         blo   RddMore    ; and loop until done
+*   Done with element.  Check for next.
+         pshs  X          ;Save buffer pointer
+         bsr   CntDn      ;Update queue count, etc
+         cmpd  R$Y,U      ;Got all elements?
+         bhs   RddTail
+*   Outer loop -- read one element at a time.
+*   X = next data pointer
+*   Y = PD pointer
+RddNext  stx   0,S        ;Set new start address
+         ldb   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Size of one element
+         clra  
+         addd  0,S        ;Compute end address of current element bfr
+         std   2,S
+         bra   READOK     ;Go to element reading loop
+*   Read an EOL.  Advance element count
+RddEOL   pshs  X          ;Save buffer pointer
+         bsr   CntDn
+*   Read everything, or aborting
+RddDone  ldd   4,S        ;Get element count
+*   Tail end of read
+RddTail  std   R$Y,U
+         leas  6,S        ;Clean stack
+         bne   RddSome    ;Success if read more than 0 elements
+*   EOF error if no bytes read
+RddEOF   comb  
+         ldb   #E$EOF
+         bra   RddXit
+*   Successful exit
+RddSome  clrb  
+RddXit   leax  PD.Read,Y
+         lbra  SWITCH
+*   Decrement queued count, inc read count
+CntDn    ldd   #-1
+         bra   CUpDn
+*   Increment queued count, inc written count
+CntUp    ldd   #1
+CUpDn    addd  PD.BCnt,Y  ;Modify count of elements queued
+         std   PD.BCnt,Y
+*   Bump I/O count
+IOCnt    ldd   (2+4),S    ;Bump count of elements read/written
+         addd  #1
+         std   (2+4),S
+RDDRTS   rts   
+         page  
+*   Write CR-terminated line or element count to
+*   pipe with no editing
+WRITELN  ldb   PD.ESiz,Y
+         decb  
+         bne   RddEOF     ;EOF error if more than 1 byte per element
+         ldb   #CR
+         stb   PD.WEOR,Y
+         bra   Wrt001
+*   Write byte count to pipe with no editing.
+WRITE    clr   PD.WEOR,Y
+*   Generic entry point
+Wrt001   leax  PD.Writ,Y
+         lbsr  GETFREE    ;Check I/O queue
+         bcs   WrtXit
+         ldd   R$Y,U      ;Element count
+         beq   WrtXit
+*   Set up for outer loop -- push zero element count
+*   and space for buffer pointers on stack.
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         pshs  D          ;Initial count of elements read
+         leas  -4,S
+         ldx   R$X,U      ;Initial buffer start address
+         bra   WrtNext
+*   Enter here to block on write
+CantWrt  pshs  X
+         leax  PD.Writ,Y
+         lbsr  SigSlp
+         bcs   WrtErr
+*   Begin (or resume) write
+WRITOK   ldx   <D.PROC    ++LII
+         ldb   P$TASK,X   ;Get our DAT image #
+         puls  X          ++LII
+*   Main write loop
+WrtMore  os9   F$LDABX    ;Get a byte from caller's buffer
+         lbsr  DOWRITE
+         bcs   CantWrt
+         leax  1,X
+         tst   PD.WEOR,Y  ;EOL character defined?
+         beq   NotWrLn
+         cmpa  PD.WEOR,Y
+         beq   WrtEOL
+*   See if at end of buffer
+NotWrLn  cmpx  0,S
+         blo   WrtMore
+*   Done with element.  Check for next.
+         pshs  X          ;Save buffer pointer
+         bsr   CntUp
+         cmpd  R$Y,U      ;Put all elements?
+         bhs   WrtTail
+*   Outer loop -- write one element at a time.
+WrtNext  stx   0,S        ;Set new start address
+         ldb   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Size of one element
+         clra  
+         addd  0,S        ;Compute end address of current element bfr
+         std   2,S
+         bra   WRITOK     ;Go to element reading loop
+*   Wrote an EOL.  Advance element count
+WrtEOL   pshs  X          ;Save buffer pointer
+         bsr   CntUp
+*   Wrote everything, or aborting
+WrtDone  ldd   4,S        ;Get element count
+*   Tail end of write
+WrtTail  std   R$Y,U
+         leas  6,S        ;Clean stack
+*   Successful exit
+WrtSome  clrb  
+WrtXit   leax  PD.Writ,Y
+         bra   SWITCH
+*   Error exit
+WrtErr   pshs  B
+         ldd   (4+1),S
+         std   R$Y,U
+         puls  B
+         leas  6,S
+         bra   WrtXit
+         page  
+*   I/O queue manipulation routines
+GETFREE  lda   PM.CPR,X   ;Is any process using this resource?
+         beq   SETPMCPR   ; (branch if not)
+         cmpa  PD.CPR,Y   ;Does caller control this resource?
+         beq   OURDEVIC   ; (branch if so)
+         inc   PM.CNT,X   ;Bump # of active r/w images
+         ldb   PM.CNT,X
+         cmpb  PD.CNT,Y   ;See if equal to # of open images
+         bne   SETQUEUE   ; (if not, run everybody else to free it)
+         lbsr  SENDSIG    ;Yes -- wake up next process
+*   Process number in Reg-A
+*   Put the process into the I/O queue and
+*   sleep until a signal wakes us up
+         dec   PM.CNT,X   ;Caller is asleep, so 1 less active
+         pshs  X
+         ldx   <D.PROC
+         ldb   P$SIGNAL,X ;Get caller's signal
+         puls  X
+         beq   GETFREE    ;Loop until there's a signal
+         coma             ;Error if caller is waiting
+         rts   
+*   Nobody using the resource.  Grab it.
+         stb   PM.CPR,X   ;Make caller "owner"
+*   Exit -- caller owns the pipe
+OURDEVIC clrb  
+         rts   
+*   Set a wakeup signal for the calling process
+SigSlp   ldb   PM.CNT,X   ;Active image count
+         incb  
+         cmpb  PD.CNT,Y   ;Everybody active?
+         bne   SgSlp01    ; (if not, try sending signals)
+*   Nobody on the other end to signal.
+*   Error if anonymous, else hang out a bit.
+         tst   PD.Name,Y  ;If anonymous pipe & nobody left, error
+         beq   WRITEROR
+*   Named pipe and nobody to signal.  Not an error if data in pipe.
+         tst   PD.BCnt,Y  ;Number of items in pipe
+         beq   WRITEROR
+*   Send signal to other end of pipe (may not be one, though)
+SgSlp01  stb   PM.CNT,X
+         ldb   #S$WAKE
+         stb   PM.SIG,X   ;Force caller's signal to "wakeup"
+         clr   PD.CPR,Y
+         pshs  X
+         tfr   X,D        ;Switch from reader to writer or vis-a-vis
+         eorb  #4
+         tfr   D,X
+         lbsr  SENDSIG    ;Send signal to opposite end of pipe
+         ldx   #0
+         os9   F$SLEEP    ;Caller sleeps until signaled
+         ldx   <D.PROC
+         ldb   P$SIGNAL,X
+         puls  X
+         dec   PM.CNT,X   ;Caller is asleep, so 1 less active
+         tstb  
+         bne   GOTSIGNL   ;Error if opposite end set no signal
+         clrb  
+         rts   
+*   WRITE ERROR hook
+*   Generic error hook
+GOTSIGNL coma  
+         rts   
+*   Release this end of the pipe, and
+*   send a signal to the other end.
+*   Enter pointing to variables for
+*   this end; exit pointing to variables
+*   for opposite end.
+SWITCH   pshs  CC,B,U
+         clr   PM.CPR,X   ;No process controlling current end
+         tfr   X,D
+         eorb  #4         ;Switch to other end (MAGIC)
+         tfr   D,X
+         lbsr  SENDSIG    ;Awaken other end
+         puls  CC,B,U,PC
+*   Write one byte to queue described in path
+*   descriptor.  Return CS if queue full.
+*   Doesn't update count of ELEMENTS queued.
+DOWRITE  pshs  B,X
+         ldx   PD.NxtI,Y
+         ldb   PD.RFlg,Y
+         beq   SETREADY   ;(say data available)
+         cmpx  PD.NxtO,Y
+         bne   STORDATA   ;(branch if queue not full)
+*   Error -- queue is full
+         comb  
+         puls  B,X,PC
+*   Mark data available in queue
+SETREADY ldb   #1
+         stb   PD.RFlg,Y
+*   Put data in Reg-A into queue, and advance
+*   pointer to next in w/ wrap
+STORDATA sta   ,X+
+         cmpx  PD.End,Y
+         blo   WTNOWRAP
+         ldx   PD.BUF,Y
+         leax  PP.Data,X
+* Don't step Character Input Counter.
+         clr   PD.Wrtn,Y
+         puls  B,X,PC
+*   Read one byte from queue described in path
+*   descriptor.  Return CS if none available.
+*   Doesn't update count of ELEMENTS queued.
+DOREAD   lda   PD.RFlg,Y  ;Any data?
+         bne   DATAREDY
+*   No data -- return CS
+         comb  
+         rts   
+*   Get data from queue
+         ldx   PD.NxtO,Y  ;Get next out pointer
+         lda   ,X+
+         cmpx  PD.End,Y
+         blo   RDNOWRAP
+         ldx   PD.BUF,Y
+         leax  PP.Data,X
+*   Save updated next out pointer
+         cmpx  PD.NxtI,Y
+         bne   NOTEMPTY
+         clr   PD.RFlg,Y  ;Mark queue empty
+*   Don't decrement Character Input Counter.
+NOTEMPTY equ   *
+*   Exit with character in Reg-A
+         andcc  #NCARRY    ;Clear carry
+         puls  X,PC
+         page  
+*   Utility placed here to not make assembly listing obsolete.
+MovSet   os9   F$Move     ;Do inter-process block move
+*   Force set MSB at end of name
+         tfr   Y,D        ;Byte count to D
+         decb  
+         lda   B,U        ;Get last byte of name
+         ora   #%10000000
+         sta   B,U
+         rts   
+         ifeq  (PIPEDIR-YESDIR)
+*   Find out how many pipes there are for the
+*   current device, and set up device descriptor
+*   so that pipe buffer will hold 32 bytes of
+*   data for each.
+*   Reg-Y = PD pointer
+*   Exit with size set up in PD.
+*   CC=EQ if no pipes.
+SizDirP  pshs  X,D
+         clrb             ;Clear count of pipes
+         ldx   PD.Dev,Y
+         ldx   V$Stat,X   ;Point at static storage
+         ldx   V.List,X   ;Get head of linked list
+         beq   GotCnt
+*   There are some pipes.  Count them.
+PCount   incb  
+         ldx   PP.Next,X  ;Track down linked list
+         bne   PCount
+*   Now Reg-B = pipe count.  Need 32 bytes per pipe.
+GotCnt   incb             ;Add one for us!
+         lda   #32
+         mul   
+         std   PD.QSiz,Y  ;Set element count for this pipe
+         lda   #1
+         sta   PD.ESiz,Y  ;Set element size to 1 byte
+         puls  D,X,PC
+*   Fill pipe buffer with directory data.
+*   The data is organized like an RBF directory:
+*   Offset      Data
+*   --------    --------------------------------
+*   $00-$1C     Pipe name
+*   $1D         DAT task number of pipe buffer
+*   $1E-$1F     Address of pipe buffer in task
+FilDirP  pshs  U,X,D
+         ldx   PD.Dev,Y
+         ldx   V$Stat,X   ;Point at static storage
+         ldx   V.List,X   ;Get head of linked list
+         beq   GotFil
+*   Write data for pipe buffer @X to pipe with PD @Y
+FD000    ldu   PP.PD,X    ;Point at PD for pipe to be dumped
+         leau  PD.Name,u
+         ldb   #NameMax
+FD001    lda   ,u+        ;Write pipe name
+         bsr   QWrite
+         decb  
+         bne   FD001
+         ldu   <D.SysPrc  ;Get system DAT image number
+         lda   P$Task,u
+         bsr   QWrite
+         pshs  X          ;Get pipe buffer pointer
+         lda   ,S+
+         bsr   QWrite
+         lda   ,S+
+         bsr   QWrite
+*   Advance to next pipe buffer
+         ldx   PP.Next,X
+         bne   FD000
+*   All done.  Restore regs & exit
+GotFil   puls  D,X,U,PC
+*   Byte saver
+QWrite   lbra  DoWrite
+*   Immortal entry point
+Immort   coma  
+         sbcb  #38
+         lsrb  
+         fcb   $42        ;SBCB op-code
+*   Fall through to SS.FD processing
+*   Routine to process SS.FD call on an open pipe.
+*   Creates a pseudo-FD in the user's buffer (@R$X).
+*   Desired byte count in R$Y.
+*   The pseudo-file descriptor sector includes the following:
+*   Offset      Description
+*   --------    --------------------------------------
+*   $00         Attributes
+*   $01-$02     Owner's *PROCESS* ID
+*   $03-$07     Zeros (date of last access)
+*   $08         Use count
+*   $09-$0C     Number of items queued
+*   $0D-$0F     Zeros (creation date)
+*   $10-$FF     Zeros (segment list -- at least 5 zeros needed)
+DoSSFD   pshs  D,X,Y,U
+         ldb   #(16+5)    ;Clear data on stack
+SSFD01   clr   ,-S
+         decb  
+         bne   SSFD01
+*   Set attributes
+         lda   PD.Mod,Y
+         sta   FD.ATT,S
+*   Set owner's process ID
+         lda   PD.Own,Y
+         sta   (FD.OWN+1),S
+*   Set use count
+         lda   PD.CNT,Y
+         sta   FD.LNK,S
+*   Set queue count
+         ldd   PD.BCNT,Y
+         std   (FD.SIZ+2),S
+*   Now copy the data into the caller's buffer
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc  ;Pointer to our PD
+         lda   P$Task,X   ; get system's DAT image # (source)
+         ldx   <D.Proc    ;Pointer to caller's PD
+         ldb   P$Task,X   ; get caller's DAT image # (dest)
+         ldy   R$Y,U      ;Byte count
+         leax  0,S        ;Source address
+         ldu   R$X,U      ;Destination address
+         os9   F$Move     ;Do the move
+*   All done.
+         leas  (16+5),S
+         puls  U,X,Y,D,PC
+         endc  
+         emod  
+MODSIZE  equ   *
+         end   