diff os9/level1/rbfdefs @ 31:bd2b07db8917 cocoos9lv2v3

CoCoOS9 version
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sat, 14 Jul 2018 15:16:13 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/os9/level1/rbfdefs	Sat Jul 14 15:16:13 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ opt -l
+ ttl Random Block File Manager Definitions
+* Modification History
+* 82/07/13   PD.Exten added to path descriptor by RFD.
+* 82/07/13   PE entries defined                by RFD.
+* 82/07/15   V.FileHd inserted in drive static by RFD.
+* 82/09/10   Level One/ Level two cond added   by WGP.
+* 82/09/17   Record Lock cond added            by WGP.
+* 82/09/17   PD.SLE renamed to PD.Creat        by RFD.
+* 82/09/17   V.DiskID, V.BMapSz, V.MapSct added for smart
+*               multi-sector bitmap searching by RFD.
+* 82/09/20   reserved areas added in static storage.
+ pag
+*  Random Block Path Descriptor Format
+ org PD.FST
+PD.SMF rmb 1 State flags
+PD.CP rmb 4 Current logical byte position
+PD.SIZ rmb 4 File size
+PD.SBL rmb 3 Segment beginning lsn
+PD.SBP rmb 3 Segment beginning psn
+PD.SSZ rmb 3 Segment size
+PD.DSK rmb 2 Disk id
+PD.DTB rmb 2 Drive table ptr
+ org PD.OPT
+ rmb 1 Device type
+PD.DRV rmb 1 Drive number
+PD.STP rmb 1 Step rate
+PD.TYP rmb 1 Disk device type (5" 8" other)
+PD.DNS rmb 1 Density capability
+PD.CYL rmb 2 Number of cylinders
+PD.SID rmb 1 Number of surfaces
+PD.VFY rmb 1 0=verify disk writes
+PD.SCT rmb 2 Default sectors/track
+PD.T0S rmb 2 Default sectors/track tr00,s0
+PD.ILV rmb 1 Sector interleave offset
+PD.SAS rmb 1 Segment allocation size
+PD.TFM rmb 1 DMA Transfer Mode
+PD.Exten rmb 2 Path Extension (PE) for record locking
+ rmb PDSIZE-.-13
+PD.ATT rmb 1 File attributes
+PD.FD rmb 3 File descriptor psn
+PD.DFD rmb 3 Directory file descriptor psn
+PD.DCP rmb 4 File directory entry ptr
+PD.DVT rmb 2 User readable dev tbl ptr
+* State Flags
+BUFMOD equ 1 Buffer modified
+SINBUF equ 2 Sector in buffer
+FDBUF equ 4 File descriptor in buffer
+EOFSEC equ 8 End of file sector
+EOF equ 16 End of file
+ ifne LEVEL-1
+* Random Block Path Extension Format
+ org 0
+PE.PE rmb 1 PE path number
+PE.PDptr rmb 2 back ptr to this PE's Path Descriptor
+PE.NxFil rmb 2 Drive Open-File list ptr
+PE.Confl rmb 2 circular File Conflict list
+PE.Lock rmb 1 Path lockout status
+PE.LoLck rmb 4 Low  Locked Logical addr
+PE.HiLck rmb 4 High Locked Logical addr
+PE.Wait rmb 2 PE ptr to (next) locked-out PE
+PE.TmOut rmb 2 Max ticks to wait for locked segment
+PE.Owner rmb 1 Process ID of owner of locked segment
+* PE.Lock status codes
+Unlocked equ 0 no portion of file is locked
+RcdLock  equ 1 record from LoLck to HiLck locked
+FileLock equ 2 entire file locked
+EofLock equ 4 End of file is locked
+ endc
+* Device Descriptor Format
+ org 0
+DD.TOT rmb 3 Total number of sectors
+DD.TKS rmb 1 Track size in sectors
+DD.MAP rmb 2 Number of bytes in allocation bit map
+DD.BIT rmb 2 Number of sectors/bit
+DD.DIR rmb 3 Address of root directory fd
+DD.OWN rmb 2 Owner
+DD.ATT rmb 1 Attributes
+DD.DSK rmb 2 Disk id
+DD.FMT rmb 1 Disk format; density/sides
+DD.SPT rmb 2 Sectors/track
+DD.RES rmb 2 Reserved for future use
+DD.SIZ equ . Device descriptor minimum size
+DD.BT rmb 3 System bootstrap sector
+DD.BSZ rmb 2 Size of system bootstrap
+DD.DAT rmb 5 Creation date
+DD.NAM rmb 32 Volume name
+DD.OPT rmb 32 option area
+* File Descriptor Format
+ org 0
+FD.ATT rmb 1 Attributes
+FD.OWN rmb 2 Owner
+FD.DAT rmb 5 Date last modified
+FD.LNK rmb 1 Link count
+FD.SIZ rmb 4 File size
+FD.Creat rmb 3 Segment list extension
+FD.SEG equ . Beginning of segment list
+* Segment List Entry Format
+ org 0
+FDSL.A rmb 3 Segment beginning physical sector number
+FDSL.B rmb 2 Segment size
+FDSL.S equ . Segment list entry size
+FD.LS1 equ FD.SEG+((256-FD.SEG)/FDSL.S-1)*FDSL.S
+FD.LS2 equ (256/FDSL.S-1)*FDSL.S
+MINSEC set 16
+* Directory Entry Format
+ org 0
+DIR.NM rmb 29 File name
+DIR.FD rmb 3 File descriptor physical sector number
+DIR.SZ equ . Diectory record size
+*  Static Storage
+* Overall Disk Static Storage
+*  Note:  This does Not reserve Any memory for Drive Tables
+*         Each Driver is responsible for reserving sufficient
+*         memory for the appropriate number of tables.
+ org V.USER Reserve required
+V.NDRV rmb 1 Number of drives
+ rmb 8 reserved
+DRVBEG equ . Beginning of drive tables
+* Global Storage For Disk Drive Tables
+* Each Table Contains The First 'DD.Siz' Bytes
+* From Sector 0, And The Current Track, Stepping Rate,
+* Bit-Map Use Flag, And Disk Type
+ org 0
+ rmb DD.SIZ Device descriptor, sector 0
+V.TRAK rmb 2 Current track
+V.BMB rmb 1 Bit-map use flag
+V.FileHd rmb 2 open file list for this drive
+V.DiskID rmb 2 Disk ID
+V.BMapSz rmb 1 Bitmap Size
+V.MapSct rmb 1 lowest reasonable bitmap sector
+ rmb 8 reserved
+DRVMEM equ .
+ opt l