diff os9/level1/pty.asm @ 94:f20bf9874697

fix os9 dir
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Tue, 25 Dec 2018 15:57:05 +0900
parents src/os9/level1/pty.asm@2088fd998865
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/os9/level1/pty.asm	Tue Dec 25 15:57:05 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+* PTY
+*  Device Driver for emulated terminal
+* Emulates the 6850 UART seen in usim
+* Protocol:
+* V.port is the control port.
+* V.port+1 is the data port. It is bidirectional.
+*  bit 1: 1=data ready to read/0=no data
+*  bit 2: 1=ready for output
+         nam PTY
+         ttl Pseudo Terminal
+         ifp1
+         use defsfile
+         endc
+* Edition History
+* #   date     Comments
+* - -------- -------------------------------
+* 1 16.11.01  Driver first written. SMR
+Revision equ 1
+         org V.SCF
+PST      equ .
+         mod PEND,PNAM,Drivr+Objct,Reent+Revision,PENT,PST
+         fcb READ.+WRITE.
+PNAM     fcs /PTY/
+PENT     lbra INIT
+         lbra READ
+         lbra WRITE
+         lbra GETSTA
+         lbra PUTSTA
+         lbra TERM
+* Entry: U = Static storage
+*   Setup the PIA
+INIT     clrb
+         rts
+* Entry: U = Static Storage
+*        Y = Path Descriptor
+* Exit:  A = Character read
+*   Read a byte from Port B
+READ     ldx V.PORT,u      load port address
+readlp   ldb ,x
+         bitb #$01
+         bne readbyte
+         pshs x                sleep for a bit if not
+         ldx #1
+         os9 f$sleep
+         puls x
+         bra readlp
+readbyte lda 1,x        read byte
+         clrb
+         rts
+* Entry: U = Static storage
+*        Y = Path Descriptor
+*        A = Char to write
+*   Write a byte to Port B
+WRITE    ldx V.PORT,u   load port address
+write1   ldb ,x
+         bitb #$02
+         bne wrt
+         pshs x
+         ldx #1
+         os9 f$sleep
+         puls x
+         bra  write1
+wrt      sta  1,x              write byte
+ok       clrb
+         rts
+*   U = Static Storage
+*   Y = Path Descriptor
+GETSTA   ldx PD.Rgs,y     X=pointer to registers
+         lda R$B,x              A=contents of B reg.
+         cmpa #SS.Ready         check for ready code
+         bne gsta1              if not, check next
+         ldx V.Port,u           use the PIA to determine
+         ldb ,x                 if data is available
+         bitb #$01
+         bne ok
+         ldb #E$NotRdy
+         coma                   sets the carry flag
+         rts
+gsta1    cmpa #SS.EOF      check for eof code
+         beq ok                 which always returns ok
+         comb                   otherwise return
+         ldb #E$UnkSVC          unknown code error
+         rts
+*  Always return error 
+PUTSTA   ldx PD.Rgs,y     X=register stack
+         ldb R$B,x              B=contents of reg B
+         comb                   otherwise return error.
+         ldb #E$UnkSVC
+         rts
+*   Terminate Driver
+TERM     clrb
+         rts
+         emod
+PEND     equ *