xv6_rpi2_port is based on MIT xv6 (http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2012/v6.html). It is ported from x86 to armv6 and then to armv7 in Raspberry Pi (RPI2/3). The rpi port follows the coding style of xv6 as much as possible to hide the architectural differences between x86 and armv6/armv7. The port is not for multiprocessor yet though RPI2/3 has four cores. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS xv6_rpi2_port is inspired by MIT xv6 and Alex Chadwick's Baking Pi Tutorials (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/projects/raspberrypi/tutorials/os/). Most architecture-independent code is directly from MIT xv6 though sometimes minor adjustments were done to explicitly initialize data structures. Some C code such as the GPU driver is based on the understanding of Alex Chadwick's assembly code. Some code for mmu and trap handling is based on the understanding of the Plan 9 bcm port (http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources/plan9/sys/src/9/bcm/), though the assembly code was completely rewritten. David Welch's RPI code (https://github.com/dwelch67/raspberrypi) is also inspiring for trap handling and uart driver. Mahdi Amiri Kordestany (mahdi@cs.otago.ac.nz) ported xv6 from RPI1 to RPI2/3. If you spot errors or suggest improvements, please send email to Zhiyi Huang (hzy@cs.otago.ac.nz). Building xv6_rpi2_port: Suppose you have checked out the source with: $ git clone https://github.com/zhiyihuang/xv6_rpi2_port.git On an RPI2/3 installed with Raspbian, type 'make loader' to make 'kernel7.img'. Copy 'kernel7.img' to /boot with a different name: # cp kernel7.img /boot/kernel-xv6.img Comment out the old entry 'kernel=' and add a new entry 'kernel=kernel-xv6.img' to /boot/config.txt. Add the following into /boot/config.txt: kernel_old=1 disable_commandline_tags=1 enable_uart=1 Reboot the machine. The USB keyboard is not working yet. The only way to input into the console is to use the mini UART (serial port). You can use a USB to TTL Serial Cable to connect the mini UART to a virtual terminal. You may use minicom or CoolTerm to create the virtual terminal. You have to open the lid to connect the cable to the GPIO pins (14 and 15) of the Pi. Building xv6 user programs and FS (You don't need this step if you don't change the user programs): cd uprogs make copy 'initcode' and 'fs.img' to the directory 'source'