diff Bison-Flex/CALC/Bison-Flex/calc-parser.cc @ 0:db40c85cad7a default tip

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author nobuyasu <dimolto@cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Mon, 09 May 2011 03:11:59 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Bison-Flex/CALC/Bison-Flex/calc-parser.cc	Mon May 09 03:11:59 2011 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3.  */
+/* Skeleton implementation for Bison LALR(1) parsers in C++
+   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+   any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
+/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+   part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+   under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+   parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+   as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+   the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+   special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+   Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+   License without this special exception.
+   This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+   version 2.2 of Bison.  */
+#include "calc-parser.hh"
+/* User implementation prologue.  */
+#line 27 "calc-parser.yy"
+#include "calc-driver.h"
+/* Line 317 of lalr1.cc.  */
+#line 46 "calc-parser.cc"
+#ifndef YY_
+#   include <libintl.h> /* FIXME: INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
+#   define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
+#  endif
+# endif
+# ifndef YY_
+#  define YY_(msgid) msgid
+# endif
+/* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.  */
+#define YYUSE(e) ((void) (e))
+/* A pseudo ostream that takes yydebug_ into account.  */
+# define YYCDEBUG							\
+  for (bool yydebugcond_ = yydebug_; yydebugcond_; yydebugcond_ = false)	\
+    (*yycdebug_)
+/* Enable debugging if requested.  */
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)	\
+do {							\
+  if (yydebug_)						\
+    {							\
+      *yycdebug_ << Title << ' ';			\
+      yy_symbol_print_ ((Type), (Value), (Location));	\
+      *yycdebug_ << std::endl;				\
+    }							\
+} while (false)
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)		\
+do {					\
+  if (yydebug_)				\
+    yy_reduce_print_ (Rule);		\
+} while (false)
+# define YY_STACK_PRINT()		\
+do {					\
+  if (yydebug_)				\
+    yystack_print_ ();			\
+} while (false)
+#else /* !YYDEBUG */
+# define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
+# define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
+# define YY_STACK_PRINT()
+#endif /* !YYDEBUG */
+#define YYACCEPT	goto yyacceptlab
+#define YYABORT		goto yyabortlab
+#define YYERROR		goto yyerrorlab
+namespace yy
+  /* Return YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary quotes and
+     backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror.  The heuristic is
+     that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string contains an
+     apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than backslash-backslash).
+     YYSTR is taken from yytname.  */
+  std::string
+  calc_parser::yytnamerr_ (const char *yystr)
+  {
+    if (*yystr == '"')
+      {
+        std::string yyr = "";
+        char const *yyp = yystr;
+        for (;;)
+          switch (*++yyp)
+            {
+            case '\'':
+            case ',':
+              goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+            case '\\':
+              if (*++yyp != '\\')
+                goto do_not_strip_quotes;
+              /* Fall through.  */
+            default:
+              yyr += *yyp;
+              break;
+            case '"':
+              return yyr;
+            }
+      do_not_strip_quotes: ;
+      }
+    return yystr;
+  }
+  /// Build a parser object.
+  calc_parser::calc_parser (calc_driver& driver_yyarg)
+    : yydebug_ (false),
+      yycdebug_ (&std::cerr),
+      driver (driver_yyarg)
+  {
+  }
+  calc_parser::~calc_parser ()
+  {
+  }
+  /*--------------------------------.
+  | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT.  |
+  `--------------------------------*/
+  inline void
+  calc_parser::yy_symbol_value_print_ (int yytype,
+			   const semantic_type* yyvaluep, const location_type* yylocationp)
+  {
+    YYUSE (yylocationp);
+    YYUSE (yyvaluep);
+    switch (yytype)
+      {
+         default:
+	  break;
+      }
+  }
+  void
+  calc_parser::yy_symbol_print_ (int yytype,
+			   const semantic_type* yyvaluep, const location_type* yylocationp)
+  {
+    *yycdebug_ << (yytype < yyntokens_ ? "token" : "nterm")
+	       << ' ' << yytname_[yytype] << " ("
+	       << *yylocationp << ": ";
+    yy_symbol_value_print_ (yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+    *yycdebug_ << ')';
+  }
+#endif /* ! YYDEBUG */
+  void
+  calc_parser::yydestruct_ (const char* yymsg,
+			   int yytype, semantic_type* yyvaluep, location_type* yylocationp)
+  {
+    YYUSE (yylocationp);
+    YYUSE (yymsg);
+    YYUSE (yyvaluep);
+    YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
+    switch (yytype)
+      {
+        case 4: /* "\"identifier\"" */
+#line 39 "calc-parser.yy"
+	{ delete (yyvaluep->sval); };
+#line 206 "calc-parser.cc"
+	break;
+      case 19: /* "expr" */
+#line 40 "calc-parser.yy"
+	{ delete (yyvaluep->expr); };
+#line 211 "calc-parser.cc"
+	break;
+	default:
+	  break;
+      }
+  }
+  void
+  calc_parser::yypop_ (unsigned int n)
+  {
+    yystate_stack_.pop (n);
+    yysemantic_stack_.pop (n);
+    yylocation_stack_.pop (n);
+  }
+  std::ostream&
+  calc_parser::debug_stream () const
+  {
+    return *yycdebug_;
+  }
+  void
+  calc_parser::set_debug_stream (std::ostream& o)
+  {
+    yycdebug_ = &o;
+  }
+  calc_parser::debug_level_type
+  calc_parser::debug_level () const
+  {
+    return yydebug_;
+  }
+  void
+  calc_parser::set_debug_level (debug_level_type l)
+  {
+    yydebug_ = l;
+  }
+  int
+  calc_parser::parse ()
+  {
+    /// Look-ahead and look-ahead in internal form.
+    int yychar = yyempty_;
+    int yytoken = 0;
+    /* State.  */
+    int yyn;
+    int yylen = 0;
+    int yystate = 0;
+    /* Error handling.  */
+    int yynerrs_ = 0;
+    int yyerrstatus_ = 0;
+    /// Semantic value of the look-ahead.
+    semantic_type yylval;
+    /// Location of the look-ahead.
+    location_type yylloc;
+    /// The locations where the error started and ended.
+    location yyerror_range[2];
+    /// $$.
+    semantic_type yyval;
+    /// @$.
+    location_type yyloc;
+    int yyresult;
+    YYCDEBUG << "Starting parse" << std::endl;
+    /* Initialize the stacks.  The initial state will be pushed in
+       yynewstate, since the latter expects the semantical and the
+       location values to have been already stored, initialize these
+       stacks with a primary value.  */
+    yystate_stack_ = state_stack_type (0);
+    yysemantic_stack_ = semantic_stack_type (0);
+    yylocation_stack_ = location_stack_type (0);
+    yysemantic_stack_.push (yylval);
+    yylocation_stack_.push (yylloc);
+    /* New state.  */
+  yynewstate:
+    yystate_stack_.push (yystate);
+    YYCDEBUG << "Entering state " << yystate << std::endl;
+    goto yybackup;
+    /* Backup.  */
+  yybackup:
+    /* Try to take a decision without look-ahead.  */
+    yyn = yypact_[yystate];
+    if (yyn == yypact_ninf_)
+      goto yydefault;
+    /* Read a look-ahead token.  */
+    if (yychar == yyempty_)
+      {
+	YYCDEBUG << "Reading a token: ";
+	yychar = yylex (&yylval, driver);
+      }
+    /* Convert token to internal form.  */
+    if (yychar <= yyeof_)
+      {
+	yychar = yytoken = yyeof_;
+	YYCDEBUG << "Now at end of input." << std::endl;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	yytoken = yytranslate_ (yychar);
+	YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+      }
+    /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
+       detect an error, take that action.  */
+    yyn += yytoken;
+    if (yyn < 0 || yylast_ < yyn || yycheck_[yyn] != yytoken)
+      goto yydefault;
+    /* Reduce or error.  */
+    yyn = yytable_[yyn];
+    if (yyn <= 0)
+      {
+	if (yyn == 0 || yyn == yytable_ninf_)
+	goto yyerrlab;
+	yyn = -yyn;
+	goto yyreduce;
+      }
+    /* Accept?  */
+    if (yyn == yyfinal_)
+      goto yyacceptlab;
+    /* Shift the look-ahead token.  */
+    YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+    /* Discard the token being shifted unless it is eof.  */
+    if (yychar != yyeof_)
+      yychar = yyempty_;
+    yysemantic_stack_.push (yylval);
+    yylocation_stack_.push (yylloc);
+    /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
+       status.  */
+    if (yyerrstatus_)
+      --yyerrstatus_;
+    yystate = yyn;
+    goto yynewstate;
+  /*-----------------------------------------------------------.
+  | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state.  |
+  `-----------------------------------------------------------*/
+  yydefault:
+    yyn = yydefact_[yystate];
+    if (yyn == 0)
+      goto yyerrlab;
+    goto yyreduce;
+  /*-----------------------------.
+  | yyreduce -- Do a reduction.  |
+  `-----------------------------*/
+  yyreduce:
+    yylen = yyr2_[yyn];
+    /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
+       `$$ = $1'.  Otherwise, use the top of the stack.
+       Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage.
+       This behavior is undocumented and Bison
+       users should not rely upon it.  */
+    if (yylen)
+      yyval = yysemantic_stack_[yylen - 1];
+    else
+      yyval = yysemantic_stack_[0];
+    {
+      slice<location_type, location_stack_type> slice (yylocation_stack_, yylen);
+      YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, slice, yylen);
+    }
+    YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn);
+    switch (yyn)
+      {
+	  case 4:
+#line 52 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { driver.assign((yysemantic_stack_[(4) - (1)].sval), (yysemantic_stack_[(4) - (3)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 5:
+#line 53 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { driver.print((yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (2)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 6:
+#line 54 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { driver.list(); ;}
+    break;
+  case 7:
+#line 57 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_MINUS, (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (1)].expr), (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (3)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 8:
+#line 58 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_PLUS, (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (1)].expr), (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (3)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 9:
+#line 59 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_TIMES, (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (1)].expr), (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (3)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 10:
+#line 60 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_DIVIDE, (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (1)].expr), (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (3)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 11:
+#line 61 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_NEG, (yysemantic_stack_[(2) - (2)].expr)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 12:
+#line 62 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = (yysemantic_stack_[(3) - (2)].expr); ;}
+    break;
+  case 13:
+#line 63 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_VALUE, (yysemantic_stack_[(1) - (1)].sval)); ;}
+    break;
+  case 14:
+#line 64 "calc-parser.yy"
+    { (yyval.expr) = new cnode(OP_CONST, (yysemantic_stack_[(1) - (1)].ival)); ;}
+    break;
+    /* Line 675 of lalr1.cc.  */
+#line 457 "calc-parser.cc"
+	default: break;
+      }
+    YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1_[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc);
+    yypop_ (yylen);
+    yylen = 0;
+    yysemantic_stack_.push (yyval);
+    yylocation_stack_.push (yyloc);
+    /* Shift the result of the reduction.  */
+    yyn = yyr1_[yyn];
+    yystate = yypgoto_[yyn - yyntokens_] + yystate_stack_[0];
+    if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= yylast_
+	&& yycheck_[yystate] == yystate_stack_[0])
+      yystate = yytable_[yystate];
+    else
+      yystate = yydefgoto_[yyn - yyntokens_];
+    goto yynewstate;
+  /*------------------------------------.
+  | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
+  `------------------------------------*/
+  yyerrlab:
+    /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error.  */
+    if (!yyerrstatus_)
+      {
+	++yynerrs_;
+	error (yylloc, yysyntax_error_ (yystate, yytoken));
+      }
+    yyerror_range[0] = yylloc;
+    if (yyerrstatus_ == 3)
+      {
+	/* If just tried and failed to reuse look-ahead token after an
+	 error, discard it.  */
+	if (yychar <= yyeof_)
+	  {
+	  /* Return failure if at end of input.  */
+	  if (yychar == yyeof_)
+	    YYABORT;
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    yydestruct_ ("Error: discarding", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+	    yychar = yyempty_;
+	  }
+      }
+    /* Else will try to reuse look-ahead token after shifting the error
+       token.  */
+    goto yyerrlab1;
+  /*---------------------------------------------------.
+  | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR.  |
+  `---------------------------------------------------*/
+  yyerrorlab:
+    /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes
+       YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user
+       code.  */
+    if (false)
+      goto yyerrorlab;
+    yyerror_range[0] = yylocation_stack_[yylen - 1];
+    /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
+       this YYERROR.  */
+    yypop_ (yylen);
+    yylen = 0;
+    yystate = yystate_stack_[0];
+    goto yyerrlab1;
+  /*-------------------------------------------------------------.
+  | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR.  |
+  `-------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  yyerrlab1:
+    yyerrstatus_ = 3;	/* Each real token shifted decrements this.  */
+    for (;;)
+      {
+	yyn = yypact_[yystate];
+	if (yyn != yypact_ninf_)
+	{
+	  yyn += yyterror_;
+	  if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= yylast_ && yycheck_[yyn] == yyterror_)
+	    {
+	      yyn = yytable_[yyn];
+	      if (0 < yyn)
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token.  */
+	if (yystate_stack_.height () == 1)
+	yyerror_range[0] = yylocation_stack_[0];
+	yydestruct_ ("Error: popping",
+		     yystos_[yystate],
+		     &yysemantic_stack_[0], &yylocation_stack_[0]);
+	yypop_ ();
+	yystate = yystate_stack_[0];
+      }
+    if (yyn == yyfinal_)
+      goto yyacceptlab;
+    yyerror_range[1] = yylloc;
+    // Using YYLLOC is tempting, but would change the location of
+    // the look-ahead.  YYLOC is available though.
+    YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, (yyerror_range - 1), 2);
+    yysemantic_stack_.push (yylval);
+    yylocation_stack_.push (yyloc);
+    /* Shift the error token.  */
+    YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos_[yyn],
+		   &yysemantic_stack_[0], &yylocation_stack_[0]);
+    yystate = yyn;
+    goto yynewstate;
+    /* Accept.  */
+  yyacceptlab:
+    yyresult = 0;
+    goto yyreturn;
+    /* Abort.  */
+  yyabortlab:
+    yyresult = 1;
+    goto yyreturn;
+  yyreturn:
+    if (yychar != yyeof_ && yychar != yyempty_)
+      yydestruct_ ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
+    /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
+       this YYABORT or YYACCEPT.  */
+    yypop_ (yylen);
+    while (yystate_stack_.height () != 1)
+      {
+	yydestruct_ ("Cleanup: popping",
+		   yystos_[yystate_stack_[0]],
+		   &yysemantic_stack_[0],
+		   &yylocation_stack_[0]);
+	yypop_ ();
+      }
+    return yyresult;
+  }
+  // Generate an error message.
+  std::string
+  calc_parser::yysyntax_error_ (int yystate, int tok)
+  {
+    std::string res;
+    YYUSE (yystate);
+    int yyn = yypact_[yystate];
+    if (yypact_ninf_ < yyn && yyn <= yylast_)
+      {
+	/* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
+	   YYCHECK.  */
+	int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
+	/* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname.  */
+	int yychecklim = yylast_ - yyn + 1;
+	int yyxend = yychecklim < yyntokens_ ? yychecklim : yyntokens_;
+	int count = 0;
+	for (int x = yyxbegin; x < yyxend; ++x)
+	  if (yycheck_[x + yyn] == x && x != yyterror_)
+	    ++count;
+	// FIXME: This method of building the message is not compatible
+	// with internationalization.  It should work like yacc.c does it.
+	// That is, first build a string that looks like this:
+	// "syntax error, unexpected %s or %s or %s"
+	// Then, invoke YY_ on this string.
+	// Finally, use the string as a format to output
+	// yytname_[tok], etc.
+	// Until this gets fixed, this message appears in English only.
+	res = "syntax error, unexpected ";
+	res += yytnamerr_ (yytname_[tok]);
+	if (count < 5)
+	  {
+	    count = 0;
+	    for (int x = yyxbegin; x < yyxend; ++x)
+	      if (yycheck_[x + yyn] == x && x != yyterror_)
+		{
+		  res += (!count++) ? ", expecting " : " or ";
+		  res += yytnamerr_ (yytname_[x]);
+		}
+	  }
+      }
+    else
+      res = YY_("syntax error");
+    return res;
+  }
+  /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
+     STATE-NUM.  */
+  const signed char calc_parser::yypact_ninf_ = -9;
+  const signed char
+  calc_parser::yypact_[] =
+  {
+         3,    -1,     2,    13,    32,    -9,     2,    -9,    -9,     2,
+       2,    14,    -9,    -9,    -9,    21,    -9,    10,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,    -9,    -9,    -9,    -8,    -8,    -9,    -9
+  };
+  /* YYDEFACT[S] -- default rule to reduce with in state S when YYTABLE
+     doesn't specify something else to do.  Zero means the default is an
+     error.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yydefact_[] =
+  {
+         0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     2,     0,    14,    13,     0,
+       0,     0,     6,     1,     3,     0,    11,     0,     0,     0,
+       0,     0,     5,     4,    12,     8,     7,     9,    10
+  };
+  const signed char
+  calc_parser::yypgoto_[] =
+  {
+        -9,    -9,    29,    -6
+  };
+  const signed char
+  calc_parser::yydefgoto_[] =
+  {
+        -1,     4,     5,    11
+  };
+  /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]].  What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
+     positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule which
+     number is the opposite.  If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.  */
+  const signed char calc_parser::yytable_ninf_ = -1;
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yytable_[] =
+  {
+        15,    20,    21,    16,    17,     7,     8,     1,     2,     3,
+       9,     6,    25,    26,    27,    28,    10,    18,    19,    20,
+      21,    18,    19,    20,    21,    24,    12,    22,    18,    19,
+      20,    21,    13,    14,    23,     0,     1,     2,     3
+  };
+  /* YYCHECK.  */
+  const signed char
+  calc_parser::yycheck_[] =
+  {
+         6,     9,    10,     9,    10,     3,     4,     4,     5,     6,
+       8,    12,    18,    19,    20,    21,    14,     7,     8,     9,
+      10,     7,     8,     9,    10,    15,    13,    13,     7,     8,
+       9,    10,     0,     4,    13,    -1,     4,     5,     6
+  };
+  /* STOS_[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
+     symbol of state STATE-NUM.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yystos_[] =
+  {
+         0,     4,     5,     6,    17,    18,    12,     3,     4,     8,
+      14,    19,    13,     0,    18,    19,    19,    19,     7,     8,
+       9,    10,    13,    13,    15,    19,    19,    19,    19
+  };
+  /* TOKEN_NUMBER_[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal symbol number corresponding
+     to YYLEX-NUM.  */
+  const unsigned short int
+  calc_parser::yytoken_number_[] =
+  {
+         0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,    43,    45,    42,
+      47,   262,    61,    10,    40,    41
+  };
+  /* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yyr1_[] =
+  {
+         0,    16,    17,    17,    18,    18,    18,    19,    19,    19,
+      19,    19,    19,    19,    19
+  };
+  /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yyr2_[] =
+  {
+         0,     2,     1,     2,     4,     3,     2,     3,     3,     3,
+       3,     2,     3,     1,     1
+  };
+  /* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
+     First, the terminals, then, starting at \a yyntokens_, nonterminals.  */
+  const char*
+  const calc_parser::yytname_[] =
+  {
+    "\"end of file\"", "error", "$undefined", "\"ival\"", "\"identifier\"",
+  "\"print\"", "\"list\"", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "NEG", "'='",
+  "'\\n'", "'('", "')'", "$accept", "unit", "state", "expr", 0
+  };
+  /* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS.  */
+  const calc_parser::rhs_number_type
+  calc_parser::yyrhs_[] =
+  {
+        17,     0,    -1,    18,    -1,    17,    18,    -1,     4,    12,
+      19,    13,    -1,     5,    19,    13,    -1,     6,    13,    -1,
+      19,     8,    19,    -1,    19,     7,    19,    -1,    19,     9,
+      19,    -1,    19,    10,    19,    -1,     8,    19,    -1,    14,
+      19,    15,    -1,     4,    -1,     3,    -1
+  };
+  /* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
+     YYRHS.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yyprhs_[] =
+  {
+         0,     0,     3,     5,     8,    13,    17,    20,    24,    28,
+      32,    36,    39,    43,    45
+  };
+  /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- Source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
+  const unsigned char
+  calc_parser::yyrline_[] =
+  {
+         0,    48,    48,    49,    52,    53,    54,    57,    58,    59,
+      60,    61,    62,    63,    64
+  };
+  // Print the state stack on the debug stream.
+  void
+  calc_parser::yystack_print_ ()
+  {
+    *yycdebug_ << "Stack now";
+    for (state_stack_type::const_iterator i = yystate_stack_.begin ();
+	 i != yystate_stack_.end (); ++i)
+      *yycdebug_ << ' ' << *i;
+    *yycdebug_ << std::endl;
+  }
+  // Report on the debug stream that the rule \a yyrule is going to be reduced.
+  void
+  calc_parser::yy_reduce_print_ (int yyrule)
+  {
+    unsigned int yylno = yyrline_[yyrule];
+    int yynrhs = yyr2_[yyrule];
+    /* Print the symbols being reduced, and their result.  */
+    *yycdebug_ << "Reducing stack by rule " << yyrule - 1
+	       << " (line " << yylno << "), ";
+    /* The symbols being reduced.  */
+    for (int yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
+      YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("   $" << yyi + 1 << " =",
+		       yyrhs_[yyprhs_[yyrule] + yyi],
+		       &(yysemantic_stack_[(yynrhs) - (yyi + 1)]),
+		       &(yylocation_stack_[(yynrhs) - (yyi + 1)]));
+  }
+#endif // YYDEBUG
+  /* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
+  calc_parser::token_number_type
+  calc_parser::yytranslate_ (int t)
+  {
+    static
+    const token_number_type
+    translate_table[] =
+    {
+           0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+      13,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+      14,    15,     9,     7,     2,     8,     2,    10,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,    12,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
+       2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     4,
+       5,     6,    11
+    };
+    if ((unsigned int) t <= yyuser_token_number_max_)
+      return translate_table[t];
+    else
+      return yyundef_token_;
+  }
+  const int calc_parser::yyeof_ = 0;
+  const int calc_parser::yylast_ = 38;
+  const int calc_parser::yynnts_ = 4;
+  const int calc_parser::yyempty_ = -2;
+  const int calc_parser::yyfinal_ = 13;
+  const int calc_parser::yyterror_ = 1;
+  const int calc_parser::yyerrcode_ = 256;
+  const int calc_parser::yyntokens_ = 16;
+  const unsigned int calc_parser::yyuser_token_number_max_ = 262;
+  const calc_parser::token_number_type calc_parser::yyundef_token_ = 2;
+} // namespace yy
+#line 67 "calc-parser.yy"
+void yy::calc_parser::error(const yy::calc_parser::location_type&, const std::string& m)
+	driver.error(m);