comparison OpenSourceConference/ui/audio_support/soundmanager2.js @ 0:7451f481250b

add OSC presen
author Nobuyasu Oshiro <>
date Wed, 07 Sep 2011 21:43:27 +0900
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:7451f481250b
1 /*
2 SoundManager 2: Javascript Sound for the Web.
3 --------------------------------------------------
6 Copyright (c) 2007, Scott Schiller. All rights reserved.
7 Code licensed under the BSD License:
10 Beta V2.0b.20070118
11 */
13 function SoundManager(smURL,smID) {
14 var self = this;
15 this.enabled = false;
16 this.o = null;
17 this.url = (smURL||'ui/audio_support/soundmanager2.swf');
18 = (smID||'sm2movie');
19 this.oMC = null;
20 this.sounds = [];
21 this.soundIDs = [];
22 this.allowPolling = true; // allow flash to poll for status update (required for "while playing", "progress" etc. to work.)
23 this.isIE = (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE/));
24 this.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.match(/safari/i));
25 this._didAppend = false;
26 this._didInit = false;
27 this._disabled = false;
28 this.version = 'V2.0b.20070118';
30 this.defaultOptions = {
31 // -----------------
32 'debugMode': false, // enable debug/status messaging, handy for development/troubleshooting - will be written to a DIV with an ID of "soundmanager-debug", you can use CSS to make it pretty
33 'autoLoad': false, // enable automatic loading (otherwise .load() will be called on demand with .play(), the latter being nicer on bandwidth - if you want to .load yourself, you also can)
34 'stream': true, // allows playing before entire file has loaded (recommended)
35 'autoPlay': false, // enable playing of file as soon as possible (much faster if "stream" is true)
36 'onid3': null, // callback function for "ID3 data is added/available"
37 'onload': null, // callback function for "load finished"
38 'whileloading': null, // callback function for "download progress update" (X of Y bytes received)
39 'onplay': null, // callback for "play" start
40 'whileplaying': null, // callback during play (position update)
41 'onstop': null, // callback for "user stop"
42 'onfinish': null, // callback function for "sound finished playing"
43 'onbeforefinish': null, // callback for "before sound finished playing (at [time])"
44 'onbeforefinishtime': 2000, // offset (milliseconds) before end of sound to trigger beforefinish (eg. 1000 msec = 1 second)
45 'onbeforefinishcomplete':null, // function to call when said sound finishes playing
46 'onjustbeforefinish':null, // callback for [n] msec before end of current sound
47 'onjustbeforefinishtime':200, // [n] - if not using, set to 0 (or null handler) and event will not fire.
48 'multiShot': true, // let sounds "restart" or layer on top of each other when played multiple times, rather than one-shot/one at a time
49 'pan': 0, // "pan" settings, left-to-right, -100 to 100
50 'volume': 100, // self-explanatory. 0-100, the latter being the max.
51 // -----------------
52 'foo': 'bar' // you don't need to change this one - it's actually an intentional filler.
53 }
55 // --- public methods ---
57 this.getMovie = function(smID) {
58 // return self.isIE?window[smID]:document[smID];
59 return self.isIE?window[smID]:(self.isSafari?document[smID+'-embed']:document.getElementById(smID+'-embed'));
60 }
62 this.loadFromXML = function(sXmlUrl) {
63 try {
64 self.o._loadFromXML(sXmlUrl);
65 } catch(e) {
66 self._failSafely();
67 return true;
68 }
69 }
71 this.createSound = function(oOptions) {
72 if (!self._didInit) throw new Error('soundManager.createSound(): Not loaded yet - wait for soundManager.onload() before calling sound-related methods');
73 if (arguments.length==2) {
74 // function overloading in JS! :) ..assume simple createSound(id,url) use case
75 oOptions = {'id':arguments[0],'url':arguments[1]}
76 }
77 var thisOptions = self._mergeObjects(oOptions);
78 self._writeDebug('soundManager.createSound(): "<a href="#" onclick="\'''\');return false" title="play this sound">''</a>" ('+thisOptions.url+')');
79 if (self._idCheck(,true)) {
80 self._writeDebug('sound '' already defined - exiting');
81 return false;
82 }
83 self.sounds[] = new SMSound(self,thisOptions);
84 self.soundIDs[self.soundIDs.length] =;
85 try {
86 self.o._createSound(,thisOptions.onjustbeforefinishtime);
87 } catch(e) {
88 self._failSafely();
89 return true;
90 }
91 if (thisOptions.autoLoad || thisOptions.autoPlay) self.sounds[].load(thisOptions);
92 if (thisOptions.autoPlay) self.sounds[].playState = 1; // we can only assume this sound will be playing soon.
93 }
95 this.load = function(sID,oOptions) {
96 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
97 self.sounds[sID].load(oOptions);
98 }
100 this.unload = function(sID) {
101 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
102 self.sounds[sID].unload();
103 }
105 = function(sID,oOptions) {
106 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) {
107 if (typeof oOptions != 'Object') oOptions = {url:oOptions}; // overloading use case: play('mySound','/path/to/some.mp3');
108 if (oOptions && oOptions.url) {
109 // overloading use case, creation + playing of sound: .play('someID',{url:'/path/to.mp3'});
110 self._writeDebug(' attempting to create "'+sID+'"');
111 = sID;
112 self.createSound(oOptions);
113 } else {
114 return false;
115 }
116 }
117 self.sounds[sID].play(oOptions);
118 }
120 this.start =; // just for convenience
122 this.setPosition = function(sID,nMsecOffset) {
123 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
124 self.sounds[sID].setPosition(nMsecOffset);
125 }
127 this.stop = function(sID) {
128 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
129 self._writeDebug('soundManager.stop('+sID+')');
130 self.sounds[sID].stop();
131 }
133 this.stopAll = function() {
134 for (var oSound in self.sounds) {
135 if (oSound instanceof SMSound) oSound.stop(); // apply only to sound objects
136 }
137 }
139 this.pause = function(sID) {
140 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
141 self.sounds[sID].pause();
142 }
144 this.resume = function(sID) {
145 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
146 self.sounds[sID].resume();
147 }
149 this.togglePause = function(sID) {
150 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
151 self.sounds[sID].togglePause();
152 }
154 this.setPan = function(sID,nPan) {
155 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
156 self.sounds[sID].setPan(nPan);
157 }
159 this.setVolume = function(sID,nVol) {
160 if (!self._idCheck(sID)) return false;
161 self.sounds[sID].setVolume(nVol);
162 }
164 this.setPolling = function(bPolling) {
165 if (!self.o || !self.allowPolling) return false;
166 self._writeDebug('soundManager.setPolling('+bPolling+')');
167 self.o._setPolling(bPolling);
168 }
170 this.disable = function() {
171 // destroy all functions
172 if (self._disabled) return false;
173 self._disabled = true;
174 self._writeDebug('soundManager.disable(): Disabling all functions - future calls will return false.');
175 for (var i=self.soundIDs.length; i--;) {
176 self._disableObject(self.sounds[self.soundIDs[i]]);
177 }
178 self.initComplete(); // fire "complete", despite fail
179 self._disableObject(self);
180 }
182 this.getSoundById = function(sID,suppressDebug) {
183 if (!sID) throw new Error('SoundManager.getSoundById(): sID is null/undefined');
184 var result = self.sounds[sID];
185 if (!result && !suppressDebug) {
186 self._writeDebug('"'+sID+'" is an invalid sound ID.');
187 // soundManager._writeDebug('trace: '+arguments.callee.caller);
188 }
189 return result;
190 }
192 this.onload = function() {
193 onloadSM2();
194 // window.onload() equivalent for SM2, ready to create sounds etc.
195 // this is a stub - you can override this in your own external script, eg. soundManager.onload = function() {}
196 // soundManager._writeDebug('<em>Warning</em>: soundManager.onload() is undefined.');
197 }
199 this.onerror = function() {
200 onerrorSM2();
201 // stub for user handler, called when SM2 fails to load/init
202 }
204 // --- "private" methods ---
206 this._idCheck = this.getSoundById;
208 this._disableObject = function(o) {
209 for (var oProp in o) {
210 if (typeof o[oProp] == 'function') o[oProp] = function(){return false;}
211 }
212 oProp = null;
213 }
215 this._failSafely = function() {
216 // exception handler for "object doesn't support this property or method"
217 var flashCPLink = '';
218 var fpgssTitle = 'You may need to whitelist this location/domain eg. file://C:/ or C:/ or, or set ALWAYS ALLOW under the Flash Player Global Security Settings page. Note that this seems to apply only to file system viewing.';
219 var flashCPL = '<a href="'+flashCPLink+'" title="'+fpgssTitle+'">view/edit</a>';
220 var FPGSS = '<a href="'+flashCPLink+'" title="Flash Player Global Security Settings">FPGSS</a>';
221 if (!self._disabled) {
222 self._writeDebug('soundManager: JS-&gt;Flash communication failed. Possible causes: flash/browser security restrictions ('+flashCPL+'), insufficient browser/plugin support, or .swf not found');
223 self._writeDebug('Verify that the movie path of <em>'+self.url+'</em> is correct (<a href="'+self.url+'" title="If you get a 404/not found, fix it!">test link</a>)');
224 if (self._didAppend) {
225 if (!document.domain) {
226 self._writeDebug('Loading from local file system? (document.domain appears to be null, this location may need whitelisting by '+FPGSS+')');
227 self._writeDebug('Possible security/domain restrictions ('+flashCPL+'), should work when served by http on same domain');
228 }
229 // self._writeDebug('Note: Movie added via JS method, static object/embed in-page markup method may work instead.');
230 }
231 self.disable();
232 }
233 }
235 this._createMovie = function(smID,smURL) {
236 var useDOM = !self.isIE; // IE needs document.write() to work, long story short - lame
237 if (window.location.href.indexOf('debug=1')+1) self.defaultOptions.debugMode = true; // allow force of debug mode via URL
238 var html = ['<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="16" height="16" id="'+smID+'"><param name="movie" value="'+smURL+'"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /></object>','<embed name="'+smID+'-embed" id="'+smID+'-embed" src="'+smURL+'" width="1" height="1" quality="high" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>'];
239 var debugID = 'soundmanager-debug';
240 var debugHTML = '<div id="'+debugID+'" style="display:'+(self.defaultOptions.debugMode?'block':'none')+'"></div>';
241 if (useDOM) {
242 self.oMC = document.createElement('div');
243 self.oMC.className = 'movieContainer';
244 // "hide" flash movie
245 = 'absolute';
246 = '-256px';
247 = '1px';
248 = '1px';
249 self.oMC.innerHTML = html[self.isIE?0:1];
250 var oTarget = (!self.isIE && document.body?document.body:document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0]);
251 oTarget.appendChild(self.oMC); // append to body here can throw "operation aborted" under IE
252 if (!document.getElementById(debugID)) {
253 var oDebug = document.createElement('div');
254 = debugID;
255 = (self.defaultOptions.debugMode?'block':'none');
256 oTarget.appendChild(oDebug);
257 }
258 oTarget = null;
259 } else {
260 // IE method - local file system, may cause strange JS error at line 53?
261 // I hate this method, but it appears to be the only one that will work (createElement works, but JS->Flash communication oddly fails when viewing locally.)
262 // Finally, IE doesn't do application/xhtml+xml yet (thus document.write() is still minimally acceptable here.)
263 if (document.getElementById(debugID)) debugHTML = ''; // avoid overwriting
264 document.write('<div style="position:absolute;left:-256px;top:-256px;width:1px;height:1px" class="movieContainer">'+html[self.isIE?0:1]+'</div>'+debugHTML);
265 }
266 self._didAppend = true;
267 self._writeDebug('-- SoundManager 2 Version '+self.version.substr(1)+' --');
268 self._writeDebug('soundManager._createMovie(): trying to load <a href="'+smURL+'" title="Test this link (404=bad)">'+smURL+'</a>');
269 }
271 this._writeDebug = function(sText) {
272 if (!self.defaultOptions.debugMode) return false;
273 var sDID = 'soundmanager-debug';
274 try {
275 var o = document.getElementById(sDID);
276 if (!o) {
277 // attempt to create soundManager debug element
278 var oNew = document.createElement('div');
279 = sDID;
280 // o = document.body.appendChild(oNew);
281 o = null;
282 if (!o) return false;
283 }
284 var p = document.createElement('div');
285 p.innerHTML = sText;
286 // o.appendChild(p); // top-to-bottom
287 o.insertBefore(p,o.firstChild); // bottom-to-top
288 } catch(e) {
289 // oh well
290 }
291 o = null;
292 }
294 this._debug = function() {
295 self._writeDebug('soundManager._debug(): sounds by id/url:');
296 for (var i=0,j=self.soundIDs.length; i<j; i++) {
297 self._writeDebug(self.sounds[self.soundIDs[i]].sID+' | '+self.sounds[self.soundIDs[i]].url);
298 }
299 }
301 this._mergeObjects = function(oMain,oAdd) {
302 // non-destructive merge
303 var o1 = oMain;
304 var o2 = (typeof oAdd == 'undefined'?self.defaultOptions:oAdd);
305 for (var o in o2) {
306 if (typeof o1[o] == 'undefined') o1[o] = o2[o];
307 }
308 return o1;
309 }
311 this.createMovie = function(sURL) {
312 self._writeDebug('soundManager.createMovie('+(sURL||'')+')');
313 if (sURL) self.url = sURL;
314 self._initMovie();
315 }
317 this._initMovie = function() {
318 // attempt to get, or create, movie
319 if (self.o) return false; // pre-init may have fired this function before window.onload(), may already exist
320 self.o = self.getMovie(; // try to get flash movie (inline markup)
321 if (!self.o) {
322 // try to create
323 self._createMovie(,self.url);
324 self.o = self.getMovie(;
325 }
326 if (!self.o) {
327 self._writeDebug('SoundManager(): Could not find object/embed element. Sound will be disabled.');
328 self.disable();
329 } else {
330 self._writeDebug('SoundManager(): Got '+self.o.nodeName+' element ('+(self._didAppend?'created via JS':'static HTML')+')');
331 }
332 }
334 this.initComplete = function() {
335 if (self._didInit) return false;
336 self._didInit = true;
337 self._writeDebug('-- SoundManager 2 '+(self._disabled?'failed to load':'loaded')+' ('+(self._disabled?'security/load error':'OK')+') --');
338 if (self._disabled) {
339 self._writeDebug('soundManager.initComplete(): calling soundManager.onerror()');
340 self.onerror.apply(window);
341 return false;
342 }
343 self._writeDebug('soundManager.initComplete(): calling soundManager.onload()');
344 try {
345 // call user-defined "onload", scoped to window
346 self.onload.apply(window);
347 } catch(e) {
348 // something broke (likely JS error in user function)
349 self._writeDebug('soundManager.onload() threw an exception: '+e.message);
350 throw e; // (so browser/console gets message)
351 }
352 self._writeDebug('soundManager.onload() complete');
353 }
355 this.init = function() {
356 // called after onload()
357 self._initMovie();
358 // event cleanup
359 if (window.removeEventListener) {
360 window.removeEventListener('load',self.beginInit,false);
361 } else if (window.detachEvent) {
362 window.detachEvent('onload',self.beginInit);
363 }
364 try {
365 self.o._externalInterfaceTest(); // attempt to talk to Flash
366 self._writeDebug('Flash ExternalInterface call (JS -&gt; Flash) succeeded.');
367 if (!self.allowPolling) self._writeDebug('Polling (whileloading/whileplaying support) is disabled.');
368 self.setPolling(true);
369 self.enabled = true;
370 } catch(e) {
371 self._failSafely();
372 self.initComplete();
373 return false;
374 }
375 self.initComplete();
376 }
378 this.beginInit = function() {
379 self._initMovie();
380 setTimeout(self.init,1000); // some delay required, otherwise JS<->Flash/ExternalInterface communication fails under non-IE (?!)
381 }
383 this.destruct = function() {
384 if (self.isSafari) {
385 /* --
386 Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6)/OSX 10.3.9 and perhaps newer will crash if a sound is actively loading when user exits/refreshes/leaves page
387 (Apparently related to ExternalInterface making calls to an unloading/unloaded page?)
388 Unloading sounds (detaching handlers and so on) may help to prevent this
389 -- */
390 for (var i=self.soundIDs.length; i--;) {
391 if (self.sounds[self.soundIDs[i]].readyState == 1) self.sounds[self.soundIDs[i]].unload();
392 }
393 }
394 self.disable();
395 // self.o = null;
396 // self.oMC = null;
397 }
399 }
401 function SMSound(oSM,oOptions) {
402 var self = this;
403 var sm = oSM;
404 this.sID =;
405 this.url = oOptions.url;
406 this.options = sm._mergeObjects(oOptions);
407 this.id3 = {
408 /*
409 Name/value pairs set via Flash when available - see reference for names:
411 (eg., this.id3.songname or this.id3['songname'])
412 */
413 }
415 self.resetProperties = function(bLoaded) {
416 self.bytesLoaded = null;
417 self.bytesTotal = null;
418 self.position = null;
419 self.duration = null;
420 self.durationEstimate = null;
421 self.loaded = false;
422 self.loadSuccess = null;
423 self.playState = 0;
424 self.paused = false;
425 self.readyState = 0; // 0 = uninitialised, 1 = loading, 2 = failed/error, 3 = loaded/success
426 self.didBeforeFinish = false;
427 self.didJustBeforeFinish = false;
428 }
430 self.resetProperties();
432 // --- public methods ---
434 this.load = function(oOptions) {
435 self.loaded = false;
436 self.loadSuccess = null;
437 self.readyState = 1;
438 self.playState = (oOptions.autoPlay||false); // if autoPlay, assume "playing" is true (no way to detect when it actually starts in Flash unless onPlay is watched?)
439 var thisOptions = sm._mergeObjects(oOptions);
440 if (typeof thisOptions.url == 'undefined') thisOptions.url = self.url;
441 try {
442 sm._writeDebug('loading '+thisOptions.url);
443 sm.o._load(self.sID,thisOptions.url,,thisOptions.autoPlay,thisOptions.whileloading?1:0);
444 } catch(e) {
445 sm._writeDebug('SMSound().load(): JS-&gt;Flash communication failed.');
446 }
447 }
449 this.unload = function() {
450 // Flash 8/AS2 can't "close" a stream - fake it by loading an empty MP3
451 sm._writeDebug('SMSound().unload()');
452 self.setPosition(0); // reset current sound positioning
453 sm.o._unload(self.sID,'ui/audio_support/null.mp3');
454 // reset load/status flags
455 self.resetProperties();
456 }
458 = function(oOptions) {
459 if (!oOptions) oOptions = {};
461 // --- TODO: make event handlers specified via oOptions only apply to this instance of play() (eg. onfinish applies but will reset to default on finish)
462 if (oOptions.onfinish) self.options.onfinish = oOptions.onfinish;
463 if (oOptions.onbeforefinish) self.options.onbeforefinish = oOptions.onbeforefinish;
464 if (oOptions.onjustbeforefinish) self.options.onjustbeforefinish = oOptions.onjustbeforefinish;
465 // ---
467 var thisOptions = sm._mergeObjects(oOptions);
468 if (self.playState == 1) {
469 // var allowMulti = typeof oOptions.multiShot!='undefined'?oOptions.multiShot:sm.defaultOptions.multiShot;
470 var allowMulti = thisOptions.multiShot;
471 if (!allowMulti) {
472 sm._writeDebug(' "'+self.sID+'" already playing? (one-shot)');
473 return false;
474 } else {
475 sm._writeDebug(' "'+self.sID+'" already playing (multi-shot)');
476 }
477 }
478 if (!self.loaded) {
479 if (self.readyState == 0) {
480 sm._writeDebug(' .play() before load request. Attempting to load "'+self.sID+'"');
481 // try to get this sound playing ASAP
482 = true;
483 thisOptions.autoPlay = true;
484 // TODO: need to investigate when false, double-playing
485 // if (typeof oOptions.autoPlay=='undefined') thisOptions.autoPlay = true; // only set autoPlay if unspecified here
486 self.load(thisOptions); // try to get this sound playing ASAP
487 } else if (self.readyState == 2) {
488 sm._writeDebug(' Could not load "'+self.sID+'" - exiting');
489 return false;
490 } else {
491 sm._writeDebug(' "'+self.sID+'" is loading - attempting to play..');
492 }
493 } else {
494 sm._writeDebug(' "'+self.sID+'"');
495 }
496 if (self.paused) {
497 self.resume();
498 } else {
499 self.playState = 1;
500 self.position = (thisOptions.offset||0);
501 if (thisOptions.onplay) thisOptions.onplay.apply(self);
502 self.setVolume(thisOptions.volume);
503 self.setPan(thisOptions.pan);
504 if (!thisOptions.autoPlay) {
505 sm._writeDebug('starting sound '+self.sID);
506 sm.o._start(self.sID,thisOptions.loop||1,self.position); // TODO: verify !autoPlay doesn't cause issue
507 }
508 }
509 }
511 this.start =; // just for convenience
513 this.stop = function(bAll) {
514 if (self.playState == 1) {
515 self.playState = 0;
516 self.paused = false;
517 if (sm.defaultOptions.onstop) sm.defaultOptions.onstop.apply(self);
518 sm.o._stop(self.sID);
519 }
520 }
522 this.setPosition = function(nMsecOffset) {
523 // sm._writeDebug('setPosition('+nMsecOffset+')');
524 sm.o._setPosition(self.sID,nMsecOffset/1000,self.paused||!self.playState); // if paused or not playing, will not resume (by playing)
525 }
527 this.pause = function() {
528 if (self.paused) return false;
529 sm._writeDebug('SMSound.pause()');
530 self.paused = true;
531 sm.o._pause(self.sID);
532 }
534 this.resume = function() {
535 if (!self.paused) return false;
536 sm._writeDebug('SMSound.resume()');
537 self.paused = false;
538 sm.o._pause(self.sID); // flash method is toggle-based (pause/resume)
539 }
541 this.togglePause = function() {
542 // if playing, pauses - if paused, resumes playing.
543 sm._writeDebug('SMSound.togglePause()');
544 if (!self.playState) {
545 // self.setPosition();
547 return false;
548 }
549 if (self.paused) {
550 sm._writeDebug('SMSound.togglePause(): resuming..');
551 self.resume();
552 } else {
553 sm._writeDebug('SMSound.togglePause(): pausing..');
554 self.pause();
555 }
556 }
558 this.setPan = function(nPan) {
559 if (typeof nPan == 'undefined') nPan = 0;
560 sm.o._setPan(self.sID,nPan);
561 self.options.pan = nPan;
562 }
564 this.setVolume = function(nVol) {
565 if (typeof nVol == 'undefined') nVol = 100;
566 sm.o._setVolume(self.sID,nVol);
567 self.options.volume = nVol;
568 }
570 // --- "private" methods called by Flash ---
572 this._whileloading = function(nBytesLoaded,nBytesTotal,nDuration) {
573 self.bytesLoaded = nBytesLoaded;
574 self.bytesTotal = nBytesTotal;
575 self.duration = nDuration;
576 self.durationEstimate = parseInt((self.bytesTotal/self.bytesLoaded)*self.duration); // estimate total time (will only be accurate with CBR MP3s.)
577 if (self.readyState != 3 && self.options.whileloading) self.options.whileloading.apply(self);
578 // soundManager._writeDebug('duration/durationEst: '+self.duration+' / '+self.durationEstimate);
579 }
581 this._onid3 = function(oID3PropNames,oID3Data) {
582 // oID3PropNames: string array (names)
583 // ID3Data: string array (data)
584 sm._writeDebug('SMSound()._onid3(): "'+this.sID+'" ID3 data received.');
585 var oData = [];
586 for (var i=0,j=oID3PropNames.length; i<j; i++) {
587 oData[oID3PropNames[i]] = oID3Data[i];
588 // sm._writeDebug(oID3PropNames[i]+': '+oID3Data[i]);
589 }
590 self.id3 = sm._mergeObjects(self.id3,oData);
591 if (self.options.onid3) self.options.onid3.apply(self);
592 }
594 this._whileplaying = function(nPosition) {
595 if (isNaN(nPosition) || nPosition == null) return false; // Flash may return NaN at times
596 self.position = nPosition;
597 if (self.playState == 1) {
598 if (self.options.whileplaying) self.options.whileplaying.apply(self); // flash may call after actual finish
599 if (self.loaded && self.options.onbeforefinish && self.options.onbeforefinishtime && !self.didBeforeFinish && self.duration-self.position <= self.options.onbeforefinishtime) {
600 sm._writeDebug('duration-position &lt;= onbeforefinishtime: '+self.duration+' - '+self.position+' &lt= '+self.options.onbeforefinishtime+' ('+(self.duration-self.position)+')');
601 self._onbeforefinish();
602 }
603 }
604 }
606 this._onload = function(bSuccess) {
607 bSuccess = (bSuccess==1?true:false);
608 sm._writeDebug('SMSound._onload(): "'+self.sID+'"'+(bSuccess?' loaded.':' failed to load (or loaded from cache - weird bug) - [<a href="'+self.url+'">test URL</a>]'));
609 self.loaded = bSuccess;
610 self.loadSuccess = bSuccess;
611 self.readyState = bSuccess?3:2;
612 if (self.options.onload) self.options.onload.apply(self);
613 }
615 this._onbeforefinish = function() {
616 if (!self.didBeforeFinish) {
617 self.didBeforeFinish = true;
618 if (self.options.onbeforefinish) self.options.onbeforefinish.apply(self);
619 }
620 }
622 this._onjustbeforefinish = function(msOffset) {
623 // msOffset: "end of sound" delay actual value (eg. 200 msec, value at event fire time was 187)
624 if (!self.didJustBeforeFinish) {
625 self.didJustBeforeFinish = true;
626 soundManager._writeDebug('SMSound._onjustbeforefinish()');
627 if (self.options.onjustbeforefinish) self.options.onjustbeforefinish.apply(self);;
628 }
629 }
631 this._onfinish = function() {
632 // sound has finished playing
633 sm._writeDebug('SMSound._onfinish(): "'+self.sID+'" finished playing');
634 self.playState = 0;
635 self.paused = false;
636 if (self.options.onfinish) self.options.onfinish.apply(self);
637 if (self.options.onbeforefinishcomplete) self.options.onbeforefinishcomplete.apply(self);
638 // reset some state items
639 self.setPosition(0);
640 self.didBeforeFinish = false;
641 self.didJustBeforeFinish = false;
642 }
644 }
646 var soundManager = new SoundManager();
648 // attach onload handler
649 if (window.addEventListener) {
650 window.addEventListener('load',soundManager.beginInit,false);
651 window.addEventListener('beforeunload',soundManager.destruct,false);
652 } else if (window.attachEvent) {
653 window.attachEvent('onload',soundManager.beginInit);
654 window.attachEvent('beforeunload',soundManager.destruct);
655 } else {
656 // no add/attachevent support - safe to assume no JS->Flash either.
657 soundManager.disable();
658 }