package myVncProxy; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.junit.Test; import myVncProxy.MulticastQueue.Client; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import; import; import; public class MyRfbProto extends RfbProto { final static String versionMsg_3_855 = "RFB 003.855\n"; /** * CheckMillis is one of new msgType for RFB 3.855. */ final static byte SpeedCheckMillis = 4; // Secyrity type of OS X final static int SecTypeReqAccess = 32; // Supported authentication types final static int AuthAccess = 32; private static final int INFLATE_BUFSIZE = 1024*100; boolean printStatusFlag = false; long startCheckTime; private int messageType; private int rectangles; private int rectX; private int rectY; private int rectW; private int rectH; private int encoding; private int zLen; private boolean clicomp = false; private ServerSocket servSock; protected int acceptPort; private byte initData[]; private LinkedList cliListTmp; private LinkedList cliList; boolean createBimgFlag; boolean proxyFlag = true; ExecutorService executor; byte[] pngBytes; // private MulticastQueue> multicastqueue = new MostRecentMultiCast>(10); private MulticastQueue> multicastqueue = new MulticastQueue>(); private int clients = 0; private Inflater inflater = new Inflater(); private Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); private CreateThread geth; // private Thread requestThread; private RequestScreenThread rThread; private Thread requestThread; public MyRfbProto() throws IOException { } MyRfbProto(String h, int p, VncViewer v) throws IOException { super(h, p, v); rThread = new RequestScreenThread(this); requestThread = new Thread(rThread); // requestThread = new Thread(new RequestScreenThread(this)); } MyRfbProto(String h, int p, CreateThread geth) throws IOException { super(h, p); this.geth = geth; proxyFlag = true; rThread = new RequestScreenThread(this); requestThread = new Thread(rThread); // requestThread = new Thread(new RequestScreenThread(this)); } MyRfbProto(String h, int p) throws IOException { super(h, p); rThread = new RequestScreenThread(this); requestThread = new Thread(rThread); // requestThread = new Thread(new RequestScreenThread(this)); } // over write void writeVersionMsg() throws IOException { clientMajor = 3; if (serverMinor == 855) { clientMinor = 855; os.write(versionMsg_3_855.getBytes()); } else if (serverMajor > 3 || serverMinor >= 8) { clientMinor = 8; os.write(versionMsg_3_8.getBytes()); } else if (serverMinor >= 7) { clientMinor = 7; os.write(versionMsg_3_7.getBytes()); } else { clientMinor = 3; os.write(versionMsg_3_3.getBytes()); } protocolTightVNC = false; initCapabilities(); } void initServSock(int port) throws IOException { servSock = new ServerSocket(port); acceptPort = port; } void authenticationRequestAccess() throws IOException { byte[] headBuf = new byte[2];; if(headBuf[1] == 2) { byte[] b = new byte[258];; <<<<<<< local byte[] outBuf = new byte[192]; os.write(outBuf); os.flush(); ======= byte[] outBuf = new byte[256]; os.write(outBuf); os.flush(); }else if(headBuf[1] == 23) { byte[] b = new byte[130];; byte[] outBuf = new byte[192]; os.write(outBuf); os.flush(); } >>>>>>> other int result = readU32(); if(result != 0) { System.out.println("faild authentication "); throw new IOException(); } } /* * default port number is 5999. */ void selectPort(int p) { if(servSock != null ) return ; int port = p; while (true) { try { initServSock(port); break; } catch (BindException e) { port++; continue; } catch (IOException e) { } } System.out.println("accept port = " + port); } int getAcceptPort() { return acceptPort; } void setSoTimeout(int num) throws IOException { servSock.setSoTimeout(num); } Socket accept() throws IOException { return servSock.accept(); } void addSock(Socket sock) { cliList.add(sock); } void addSockTmp(Socket sock) { System.out.println("connected " + sock.getInetAddress()); cliListTmp.add(sock); } boolean markSupported() { return is.markSupported(); } void readServerInit() throws IOException { is.mark(255); skipBytes(20); int nlen = readU32(); int blen = 20 + 4 + nlen; initData = new byte[blen]; is.reset(); is.mark(blen); readFully(initData); is.reset(); framebufferWidth = readU16(); framebufferHeight = readU16(); bitsPerPixel = readU8(); depth = readU8(); bigEndian = (readU8() != 0); trueColour = (readU8() != 0); redMax = readU16(); greenMax = readU16(); blueMax = readU16(); redShift = readU8(); greenShift = readU8(); blueShift = readU8(); byte[] pad = new byte[3]; readFully(pad); int nameLength = readU32(); byte[] name = new byte[nameLength]; readFully(name); desktopName = new String(name); // Read interaction capabilities (TightVNC protocol extensions) if (protocolTightVNC) { int nServerMessageTypes = readU16(); int nClientMessageTypes = readU16(); int nEncodingTypes = readU16(); readU16(); readCapabilityList(serverMsgCaps, nServerMessageTypes); readCapabilityList(clientMsgCaps, nClientMessageTypes); readCapabilityList(encodingCaps, nEncodingTypes); } inNormalProtocol = true; } void sendRfbVersion(OutputStream os) throws IOException { // os.write(versionMsg_3_8.getBytes()); os.write(versionMsg_3_855.getBytes()); } int readVersionMsg(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[12];; if ((b[0] != 'R') || (b[1] != 'F') || (b[2] != 'B') || (b[3] != ' ') || (b[4] < '0') || (b[4] > '9') || (b[5] < '0') || (b[5] > '9') || (b[6] < '0') || (b[6] > '9') || (b[7] != '.') || (b[8] < '0') || (b[8] > '9') || (b[9] < '0') || (b[9] > '9') || (b[10] < '0') || (b[10] > '9') || (b[11] != '\n')) { throw new IOException("Host " + host + " port " + port + " is not an RFB server"); } int rfbMajor = (b[4] - '0') * 100 + (b[5] - '0') * 10 + (b[6] - '0'); int rfbMinor = (b[8] - '0') * 100 + (b[9] - '0') * 10 + (b[10] - '0'); if (rfbMajor < 3) { throw new IOException( "RFB server does not support protocol version 3"); } if (rfbMinor == 855) { sendProxyFlag(os); if(proxyFlag)sendPortNumber(os); } return rfbMinor; } void sendProxyFlag(OutputStream os) throws IOException { if(proxyFlag) os.write(1); else os.write(0); } boolean readProxyFlag() throws IOException{ int flag = readU8(); if(flag == 1) return true; else return false; } void sendPortNumber(OutputStream os) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[4]; b = castIntByte(geth.port); os.write(b); } void sendSecurityType(OutputStream os) throws IOException { // number-of-security-types os.write(1); // security-types // 1:None os.write(1); /* os.write(4); os.write(30); os.write(31); os.write(32); os.write(35); os.flush(); */ } void readSecType(InputStream is) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[1];; } void readSecType(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[1];; int count = 260; int[] data = {0, 2, 0, -128, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -55, 15, -38, -94, 33, 104, -62, 52, -60, -58, 98, -117, -128, -36, 28, -47, 41, 2, 78, 8, -118, 103, -52, 116, 2, 11, -66, -90, 59, 19, -101, 34, 81, 74, 8, 121, -114, 52, 4, -35, -17, -107, 25, -77, -51, 58, 67, 27, 48, 43, 10, 109, -14, 95, 20, 55, 79, -31, 53, 109, 109, 81, -62, 69, -28, -123, -75, 118, 98, 94, 126, -58, -12, 76, 66, -23, -90, 55, -19, 107, 11, -1, 92, -74, -12, 6, -73, -19, -18, 56, 107, -5, 90, -119, -97, -91, -82, -97, 36, 17, 124, 75, 31, -26, 73, 40, 102, 81, -20, -26, 83, -127, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -111, 73, -29, 30, 57, -67, -75, -77, -49, -50, -99, -76, -80, -80, 14, 65, 57, -105, -103, -54, -102, 3, 39, -44, 39, 35, 118, -84, -64, 37, -117, -21, 89, -31, -68, 70, 5, 122, -92, -119, 9, 121, 63, -112, -60, 122, -46, -69, -36, 92, -103, -92, 74, 92, -73, 87, 120, -8, 116, -47, 111, 20, -41, 110, 122, -3, -94, 14, 42, -51, -59, 48, -54, -125, 117, 60, 77, -52, -31, 98, 32, -2, -102, -15, -29, 58, -14, -106, -116, -32, -86, 50, -32, -16, -3, -123, 87, 88, -118, 10, 120, -107, -37, 125, -110, 59, 87, 93, -24, 124, -99, 18, 78, -13, -49, -34, -24, -27, 1, 114, -67, -98, -56, -3, 85, -67, -126, 77}; for(int i=0; i>> 24) & 0xFF); b[1] = (byte) ((len >>> 16) & 0xFF); b[2] = (byte) ((len >>> 8) & 0xFF); b[3] = (byte) ((len >>> 0) & 0xFF); return b; } BufferedImage createBimg() throws IOException { BufferedImage bimg = ByteArrayInputStream(pngBytes)); return bimg; } void printFramebufferUpdate() { System.out.println("messageType=" + messageType); System.out.println("rectangles=" + rectangles); System.out.println("encoding=" + encoding); System.out.println("rectX = "+rectX+": rectY = "+rectY); System.out.println("rectW = "+rectW+": rectH = "+rectH); switch (encoding) { case RfbProto.EncodingRaw: System.out.println("rectW * rectH * 4 + 16 =" + rectW * rectH * 4 + 16); break; default: } } int returnMsgtype() { return messageType; } void readSpeedCheck() throws IOException { byte[] b = new byte[1]; readFully(b); } void startSpeedCheck() { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); b.put((byte)SpeedCheckMillis); b.flip(); startCheckTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("startChckTime = "+ startCheckTime); LinkedListbufs = new LinkedList(); bufs.add(b); multicastqueue.put(bufs); } void endSpeedCheck() { long accTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = accTime - startCheckTime; System.out.println("checkMillis: " + time); } synchronized void changeStatusFlag() { printStatusFlag = true; } void printMills() { if(printStatusFlag) { changeStatusFlag(); } else { changeStatusFlag(); } } void speedCheckMillis() { Runnable stdin = new Runnable() { public void run() { int c; try { while( (c = != -1 ) { switch(c) { case 's': break; default: startSpeedCheck(); break; } } }catch(IOException e){ System.out.println(e); } } }; new Thread(stdin).start(); } void requestThreadStart() { requestThread.start(); } public synchronized void requestThreadNotify() { rThread.reStart(); } /** * gzip byte arrays * @param deflater * @param inputs * byte data[] * @param inputIndex * @param outputs * byte data[] * @return byte length in last byte array * @throws IOException */ public int zip(Deflater deflater,LinkedList inputs, int inputIndex, LinkedList outputs) throws IOException { int len = 0; ByteBuffer c1= ByteBuffer.allocate(INFLATE_BUFSIZE); while(inputIndex < inputs.size() ) { ByteBuffer b1 = inputs.get(inputIndex++); deflater.setInput(b1.array(),b1.position(),b1.remaining()); /** * If we finish() stream and reset() it, Deflater start new gzip stream, this makes continuous zlib reader unhappy. * if we remove finish(), Deflater.deflate() never flushes its output. The original zlib deflate has flush flag. I'm pretty * sure this a kind of bug of Java library. */ if (inputIndex==inputs.size()) deflater.finish(); int len1 = 0; do { len1 = deflater.deflate(c1.array(),c1.position(),c1.remaining()); if (len1>0) { len += len1; c1.position(c1.position()+len1); if (c1.remaining()==0) { c1.flip(); outputs.addLast(c1); c1 = ByteBuffer.allocate(INFLATE_BUFSIZE); } } } while (len1 >0 || !deflater.needsInput()); // &&!deflater.finished()); } if (c1.position()!=0) { c1.flip(); outputs.addLast(c1); } deflater.reset(); return len; } /** * gunzip byte arrays * @param inflater * @param inputs * byte data[] * @param outputs * byte data[] *@return number of total bytes * @throws IOException */ public int unzip(Inflater inflater, LinkedList inputs, int inputIndex, LinkedList outputs,int bufSize) throws DataFormatException { int len=0; ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize); while (inputIndex < inputs.size()) { ByteBuffer input = inputs.get(inputIndex++); inflater.setInput(input.array(),input.position(),input.limit()); // if (inputIndex==inputs.size()) if inflater/deflater has symmetry, we need this // inflater.end(); but this won't work do { int len0 = inflater.inflate(buf.array(),buf.position(),buf.remaining()); if (len0>0) { buf.position(buf.position()+len0); len += len0; if (buf.remaining()==0) { buf.flip(); outputs.addLast(buf); buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufSize); } } } while (!inflater.needsInput()); } if (buf.position()!=0) { buf.flip(); outputs.addLast(buf); } return len; } float maxMag = 1; /** * send data to clients * @param dataLen * @throws IOException * @throws DataFormatException * * Zlibed packet is compressed in context dependent way, that is, it have to send from the beginning. But this is * impossible. So we have to compress it again for each clients. Separate deflater for each clients is necessary. * * Java's deflater does not support flush. This means to get the result, we have to finish the compression. Reseting * start new compression, but it is not accepted well in zlib continuous reading. So we need new Encoding ZRLEE * which reset decoder for each packet. ZRLEE can be invisible from user, but it have to be implemented in the clients. * ZRLEE compression is not context dependent, so no recompression is necessary. */ void readSendData(int dataLen) throws IOException, DataFormatException { LinkedListbufs = new LinkedList(); ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); readFully(header.array(),0,16); header.limit(16); if (header.get(0)==RfbProto.FramebufferUpdate) { int encoding = header.getInt(12); if (encoding==RfbProto.EncodingZRLE||encoding==RfbProto.EncodingZlib) { // ZRLEE is already recompressed ByteBuffer len = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); readFully(len.array(),0,4); len.limit(4); ByteBuffer inputData = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataLen-20); startTiming(); readFully(inputData.array(),0,inputData.capacity()); inputData.limit(dataLen-20); stopTiming(); LinkedListinputs = new LinkedList(); inputs.add(inputData); header.putInt(12, RfbProto.EncodingZRLEE); // means recompress every time // using new Deflecter every time is incompatible with the protocol, clients have to be modified. Deflater nDeflater = deflater; // new Deflater(); LinkedList out = new LinkedList(); unzip(inflater, inputs, 0 , out, INFLATE_BUFSIZE); // dump32(inputs); int len2 = zip(nDeflater, out, 0, bufs); ByteBuffer blen = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); blen.putInt(len2); blen.flip(); bufs.addFirst(blen); bufs.addFirst(header); multicastqueue.put(bufs); // is.reset(); /* System.out.println("ZRLE = "+dataLen); System.out.println("ZRLEE = "+(len2+20)); float mag = (float)dataLen / (float)(len2 + 20); System.out.println("ZRLE / ZRLEE = "+ mag); if(mag > maxMag) maxMag = mag; System.out.println("maxMag = "+maxMag); */ return ; } bufs.add(header); if (dataLen>16) { ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataLen-16); startTiming(); readFully(b.array(),0,dataLen-16); b.limit(dataLen-16); stopTiming(); bufs.add(b); } multicastqueue.put(bufs); // is.reset(); return ; } is.reset(); // It may be compressed. We can inflate here to avoid repeating clients decompressing here, // but it may generate too many large data. It is better to do it in each client. // But we have do inflation for all input data, so we have to do it here. } void newClient(AcceptThread acceptThread, final Socket newCli, final OutputStream os, final InputStream is) throws IOException { // createBimgFlag = true; // rfb.addSockTmp(newCli); // addSock(newCli); final int myId = clients; final Client > c = multicastqueue.newClient(); final AtomicInteger writerRunning = new AtomicInteger(); writerRunning.set(1); /** * Timeout thread. If a client is suspended, it has top of queue indefinitely, which caused memory * overflow. After the timeout, we poll the queue and discard it. Start long wait if writer is running. */ final Runnable timer = new Runnable() { public void run() { int count = 0; for(;;) { long timeout = 30000/8; try { synchronized(this) { int state,flag; writerRunning.set(0); wait(timeout); flag = 0; while((state=writerRunning.get())==0) { c.poll(); // discard, should be timeout count++; if (flag==0) { System.out.println("Discarding "+myId + " count="+ count); flag = 1; } wait(10); // if this is too short, writer cannot take the poll, if this is too long, memory will overflow... } if (flag==1) System.out.println("Resuming "+myId + " count="+count); if (state!=1) { System.out.println("Client died "+myId); break; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } }; new Thread(timer).start(); /** * discard all incoming from clients */ final Runnable reader = new Runnable() { public void run() { byte b[] = new byte[4096]; for(;;) { try { int c =; if (c<=0) throw new IOException(); // System.out.println("client read "+c); } catch (IOException e) { try { writerRunning.set(2); os.close(); is.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } return; } } } }; /** * send packets to a client */ Runnable sender = new Runnable() { public void run() { writerRunning.set(1); try { requestThreadNotify(); /** * initial connection of RFB protocol */ sendRfbVersion(os); // readVersionMsg(is); int rfbMinor = readVersionMsg(is,os); sendSecurityType(os); readSecType(is); sendSecResult(os); readClientInit(is); sendInitData(os); new Thread(reader).start(); // discard incoming packet here after. // writeFramebufferUpdateRequest(0,0, framebufferWidth, framebufferHeight, false ); for (;;) { LinkedList bufs = c.poll(); int inputIndex = 0; ByteBuffer header = bufs.get(inputIndex); if (header==null) continue; if (header.get(0)==RfbProto.FramebufferUpdate) { // System.out.println("client "+ myId); } writeToClient(os, bufs, inputIndex); writerRunning.set(1); // yes my client is awaking. } } catch (IOException e) { try { writerRunning.set(2); os.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { } /* if socket closed cliList.remove(newCli); */ } } public void writeToClient(final OutputStream os, LinkedList bufs, int inputIndex) throws IOException { while(inputIndex < bufs.size()) { ByteBuffer b = bufs.get(inputIndex++); os.write(b.array(), b.position(), b.limit()); } os.flush(); } }; clients++; new Thread(sender).start(); } public void dump32(LinkedListbufs) { int len =0; for(ByteBuffer b: bufs) len += b.remaining(); ByteBuffer top = bufs.getFirst(); ByteBuffer end = bufs.getLast(); System.err.println("length: "+len); System.err.print("head 0: "); for(int i = 0; i<16 && i < top.remaining(); i++) { System.err.print(" "+ top.get(i)); } System.err.print("tail 0: "); for(int i = 0; i<16 && i < end.remaining(); i++) { System.err.print(" "+end.get(i)); } System.err.println(); } @Test public void test1() { try { LinkedList in = new LinkedList(); LinkedList out = new LinkedList(); LinkedList out2 = new LinkedList(); // if (false) { // for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { // in.add(ByteBuffer.wrap("test1".getBytes())); // in.add(ByteBuffer.wrap("test2".getBytes())); // in.add(ByteBuffer.wrap("test3".getBytes())); // in.add(ByteBuffer.wrap("test44".getBytes())); // } // } else { String t = ""; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { t += "test1"; t += "test2"; t += "test3"; t += "test44"; } in.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(t.getBytes())); } LinkedList in1 = clone(in); Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); zip(deflater,in,0,out); // LinkedList out3 = clone(out); zipped result is depend on deflator's state unzip(inflater, out, 0,out2, INFLATE_BUFSIZE); // inflater.reset(); equalByteBuffers(in1, out2); LinkedList out4 = new LinkedList(); deflater = new Deflater(); zip(deflater,out2,0,out4); LinkedList out5 = new LinkedList(); unzip(inflater,out4,0, out5, INFLATE_BUFSIZE); int len = equalByteBuffers(in1,out5); System.out.println("Test Ok. "+len); } catch (Exception e) { assertEquals(0,1); } } private LinkedList clone(LinkedList in) { LinkedList copy = new LinkedList(); for(ByteBuffer b: in) { ByteBuffer c = b.duplicate(); copy.add(c); } return copy; } public int equalByteBuffers(LinkedList in, LinkedList out2) { int len = 0; Iterable i = byteBufferIterator(in); Iterator o = byteBufferIterator(out2).iterator(); for(int b: i) { len ++; if (o.hasNext()) { int c =; assertEquals(b,c); } else assertEquals(0,1); } if (o.hasNext()) assertEquals(0,1); // System.out.println(); return len; } private Iterable byteBufferIterator(final LinkedList in) { return new Iterable() { public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { int bytes = 0; int buffers = 0; public boolean hasNext() { for(;;) { if (buffers>=in.size()) return false; ByteBuffer b = in.get(buffers); if (! (bytes