# S6 Format ## Media Types S6 supports out-of-the box three media types, that is, `projection`, `screen` and `print`: * `projection` => display one slide at-a-time; (use option `mode: slideshow`) * `screen` => display all slides at-once on screen; (use option `mode: outline`) * `print` => print (and print preview) Note: Only the Opera browser has built-in support for `projection`. On other browsers S6 uses JavaScript to switch `projection` to `screen` on startup. ## Structure, CSS Classes .presentation .slide .step .notes .extra ### Core Classes `.presentation` (alias `.deck`, `.slides`) Top level class for all slides `.slide` Marks a slide `.step` (alias `.incremental`, `.delayed`, `.action`, `.build`) Marks a slide step. Shortcut Tip: If a list gets marked up with `.step`, all its children get marked up automatically. ### Extras `.notes` (alias `.note`, `.handout`) Marks speaker notes. `.extra` Marks extra text for print only. ## Styling and Slide Types ### Slide Types/Layouts * fullscreen * hidden ### Font Size Absolute: * xx-large * x-large * large * small * x-small * xx-small Relative: * larger * smaller ### Alignment * right * center * left