changeset 1:7ed7c121d5b8

fix DeleteFunction but not all
author ryokka
date Tue, 14 May 2019 02:35:21 +0900
parents 6bd95a31ffef
children 7c9b8d601b77
files RBTree.agda
diffstat 1 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/RBTree.agda	Mon May 13 19:54:15 2019 +0900
+++ b/RBTree.agda	Tue May 14 02:35:21 2019 +0900
@@ -139,7 +139,6 @@
 module _ { n m : Level} {a : Set n} {cg : Set m} where
   -- _,_ : (tree : RBTree a) → (b : Bool) → Set
   -- leaf , false = (leaf , false)
   -- leaf , true = {!!}
@@ -202,16 +201,16 @@
   isRed (node red x₁ t x₂ t₁) = true
   isRed _ = false
-  isColorSame : Color → Color → Bool
-  isColorSame red red = true
-  isColorSame red black = false
-  isColorSame black red = false
-  isColorSame black black = true
+  isColorSame : Color → Color → (Bool → cg) → cg
+  isColorSame red red cg = cg true
+  isColorSame red black cg = cg false
+  isColorSame black red cg = cg false
+  isColorSame black black cg = cg true
-  root→ℕ : Maybe (RBTree a) → Maybe ℕ
-  root→ℕ (just leaf) = nothing
-  root→ℕ (just (node x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄)) = just x₃
-  root→ℕ nothing = nothing
+  node→ℕ : Maybe (RBTree a) → Maybe ℕ
+  node→ℕ (just leaf) = nothing
+  node→ℕ (just (node x x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄)) = just x₃
+  node→ℕ nothing = nothing
 -- basic operations
@@ -220,6 +219,8 @@
 -- balance
 module _ { n m : Level} {a : Set n} {cg : Set m}  where
   balanceL' :  ℕ → RBTree a → ℕ → RBTree a → (RBTree a → cg) → cg
@@ -245,18 +246,18 @@
 -- unbalance
   -- unbalanceL' : Color → ℕ -> RBTree a -> a -> RBTree a -> (RBTreeBDel a → cg) → cg
-  -- unbalanceL' c h l@(node black _ _ _ _) x r cg = cg record { tree = ? ; bool = (isColorSame c black) }
+  -- unbalanceL' c h l@(node black _ _ _ _) x r cg = isColorSame c black ( λ issame → cg record { tree = {!!} ; bool = issame })
   -- unbalanceL' c h l x r cg = {!!}
-  -- unbalanceL : Color → ℕ → RBTree a → a → RBTree a → (RBTree a → cg) → cg
-  -- unbalanceL c h l@(node black _ _ _ _) x r  cg = cg (balanceL black h (turnR l) x r cg)
-  -- unbalanceL Black h l@(node red lh ll lx lr@(node black _ _ _ _)) x r  cg = cg (node black lh ll lx (balanceL black h (turnR lr) x r))
-  -- unbalanceL c h l x r  cg = cg leaf
+  unbalanceL : Color → ℕ → RBTree a → ℕ → RBTree a → (RBTreeBDel a → cg) → cg
+  unbalanceL c h l@(node black _ _ _ _) x r cg = turnR l (λ tl → (balanceL black h tl x r (λ t → isColorSame {n} {m} {a} {_} c black (λ issame → cg record {tree = t ; bool = issame}))))
+  unbalanceL Black h l@(node red lh ll lx lr@(node black _ _ _ _)) x r  cg = turnR lr (λ tlr → balanceL black h tlr x r (λ t → cg record { tree = (node black lh ll lx t) ; bool = false}))
+  unbalanceL c h l x r  cg = cg record {tree = leaf ; bool = false}
-  -- unbalanceR : Color → ℕ → RBTree ℕ → ℕ → RBTree ℕ → RBTreeBDel ℕ
-  -- unbalanceR c h l x r@(node black _ _ _ _)  = record {t = (balanceR black h l x (turnR r)) ; b = (checkColor c black)}
-  -- unbalanceR Black h l x (node R rh rl@(node black _ _ _ _) rx rr) = record { t = (node black rh (balanceR black h l x (turnR rl)) rx rr); b = false}
-  -- unbalanceR c h l x r  = record {t = leaf ; b = false}
+  unbalanceR : Color → ℕ → RBTree a → ℕ → RBTree a → (RBTreeBDel a → cg) → cg
+  unbalanceR c h l x r@(node black _ _ _ _) cg = turnR r (λ tr → balanceR black h l x r (λ t → isColorSame {n} {m} {a} {_} c black (λ issame → cg record {tree = t ; bool = issame})))
+  unbalanceR Black h l x (node R rh rl@(node black _ _ _ _) rx rr) cg = turnR rl (λ trl → balanceR black h l x trl (λ t → cg record { tree = (node black rh t rx rr); bool = false}))
+  unbalanceR c h l x r cg  = cg record {tree = leaf ; bool = false}
@@ -326,11 +327,8 @@
 cget = get 6 c1 (λ a → a)
-hoge = rootChildFix (node black 3 (node black 2 (node black 1 leaf 1 leaf) 2 (node black 1 (node red 1 leaf 3 leaf) 4 leaf)) 5 (node black 2 (node black 1 leaf 6 leaf) 7 (node black 1 leaf 8 leaf))) (λ t → t)
-fuga = rootChildFix c3
-proof-leaf : {l : Level} {D : Set l} (n : ℕ) → insert {_} {_} {ℕ} {Set} n leaf (λ t1 → get n t1 (λ n1 → (just n ≡ (root→ℕ {_} {_} {ℕ} {ℕ} n1))))
+proof-leaf : {l : Level} {D : Set l} (n : ℕ) → insert {_} {_} {ℕ} {Set} n leaf (λ t1 → get n t1 (λ n1 → (just n ≡ (node→ℕ {_} {_} {ℕ} {ℕ} n1))))
 proof-leaf n with n Data.Nat.≟ n | compareTri n n
 proof-leaf n | yes p | tri< a ¬b ¬c = ⊥-elim (¬b p)
 proof-leaf n | yes p | tri≈ ¬a b ¬c = refl
@@ -368,36 +366,62 @@
 rb 含めると、色関係、枝の長さ、になりそう?
+module _ { n m : Level} {a : Set n} {cg : Set m}  where
--- {-# TERMINATING #-}
--- deleteMin' : RBTree ℕ → RBTreeBDel ℕ
--- deleteMin' leaf  = record {t = (node black 999 leaf 999 leaf) ; b = false} -- unreachable case
--- deleteMin' (node black _ leaf x leaf) = record {t = leaf ; b = true}
--- deleteMin' (node black _ leaf x r@(node red _ _ _ _))  = record {t = (turnB {ℕ} r) ; b = false}
--- deleteMin' (node red _ leaf x r)  = record {t = r ; b = false}
--- deleteMin' (node c h l x r) = (delCheck (deleteMin' l))
---   where
---     delCheck : RBTreeBDel ℕ → RBTreeBDel ℕ
---     delCheck bt with (b bt)
---     delCheck record { t = leaf ; b = b } | false = record {t = (node red 100 leaf 100 leaf) ; b = b } -- unreachable case
---     delCheck record { t = leaf ; b = b } | true = unbalanceR {ℕ} c (h - 1) leaf x r
---     delCheck record { t = (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂) ; b = b } | false = deleteMin' (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂)
---     delCheck record { t = (node x₁ (x₂) t₁ x₃ t₂) ; b = b } | true = unbalanceR {ℕ} c (h - 1) (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂) x r
+deleteMin' は後ろに bool(Color の変更情報?)を持ちながら再帰する
+```Haskell Source
+deleteMin' (Node c h l x r)               = if d then (tD, m) else (tD', m)
+((l', d), m) = deleteMin' l
+tD  = unbalancedR c (h-1) l' x r
+tD' = (Node c h l' x r, False)
+たぶん ((l', d), m) の形になると deleteMin' がしたい
+RBTreeBDel の bool 情報はleaf に着いたかどうかだけ
+ん、node の左に leaf がついてる最小パターン探せばいいのでは?
+  {-# TERMINATING #-}
+  deleteMin' : RBTree ℕ → (RBTreeBDel ℕ → cg) → cg
--- deleteMin : RBTree ℕ → RBTree ℕ
--- deleteMin leaf = empty
--- deleteMin t = turnB {ℕ} (outPutTree (deleteMin' t))
---   where
---     outPutTree : RBTreeBDel ℕ → RBTree ℕ
---     outPutTree record { t = s ; b = b } = s
+  deleteMin' leaf cg = cg record {tree = (node black 999 leaf 999 leaf) ; bool = false} -- unreachable case
+  deleteMin' (node black _ leaf x leaf) cg = cg record {tree = leaf ; bool = true}
+  deleteMin' (node black _ leaf x r@(node red _ _ _ _)) cg = turnB r (λ tr → cg record {tree = tr ; bool = false})
+  deleteMin' (node red _ leaf x r) cg = cg record {tree = r ; bool = false}
+  deleteMin' (node c h l x r) cg = deleteMin' l (λ dt → delCheck {n} {m} {a} dt (λ dct → cg dct))
+    where
+      delCheck : { n m : Level} {a : Set n} {cg : Set m} → RBTreeBDel ℕ → (RBTreeBDel ℕ → cg) → cg
+      delCheck bt cg with (bool bt)
+      delCheck record { tree = leaf ; bool = b } cg | false = cg record {tree = (node red 100 leaf 100 leaf) ; bool = b } -- unreachable case
+      delCheck record { tree = leaf ; bool = b } cg | true = unbalanceR c (h - 1) leaf x r (λ t → cg t)
+      delCheck record { tree = (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂) ; bool = b } cg | false = cg record {tree = (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂) ; bool = false}
+      delCheck record { tree = (node x₁ (x₂) t₁ x₃ t₂) ; bool = b } cg | true = unbalanceR c (h - 1) (node x₁ x₂ t₁ x₃ t₂) x r (λ t → cg t)
+deleteMin では最後に帰ってきたやつを turnB
+型は rbtree → (rbtree → cg) → cg
+rbtree が tree のとき deleteMin' tree
+((s, _), _) は RBTreeBDel から RBTree への変換なので outPutTree
+  deleteMin : RBTree ℕ → (RBTree ℕ → cg) → cg
+  deleteMin leaf cg = cg leaf
+  deleteMin tree cg = deleteMin' tree (λ dt → outPutTree {n} {m} {a} dt (λ dct → turnB dct (λ dctb → cg dctb)))
+    where
+      outPutTree : { n m : Level} {a : Set n} {cg : Set m} → RBTreeBDel ℕ → (RBTree ℕ → cg) → cg
+      outPutTree record { tree = s ; bool = b } cg = cg s
 -- {--
 --  1~7 のとき以降 delcheck の leaf case が出るので多分どこかの red の処理ミスってるっぽい
 -- --}
--- cd = deleteMin (fromList ( 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ 5 ∷ 6 ∷ 7 ∷ []))
--- cdc = fromList ( 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ 5 ∷ 6 ∷ 7 ∷ [])
+  cd1 = deleteMin (fromList (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ 5 ∷ 6 ∷ 7 ∷ []))
+  cdd1 = fromList (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ 5 ∷ 6 ∷ 7 ∷ [])
+  cd2 = deleteMin (fromList ( 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ 5 ∷ 6 ∷ 7 ∷ []))
 -- dd = deleteMin (fromList (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []))