changeset 24:e668962ac31a

rename modules
author Shinji KONO <>
date Tue, 25 Dec 2018 08:45:06 +0900
parents 3968822b9693
children a39a82820742
files Hoare.agda HoareData.agda HoareSoundness.agda whileTestPrim.agda whileTestPrimProof.agda
diffstat 5 files changed, 273 insertions(+), 273 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Hoare.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:41:15 2018 +0900
+++ b/Hoare.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:45:06 2018 +0900
@@ -1,200 +1,76 @@
-{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}
-open import Level
-open import Data.Nat
-open import Data.Product
-open import Data.Bool
-open import Data.Empty
-open import Data.Sum
-open import Relation.Binary 
-open import Relation.Nullary
-open import Relation.Binary.Core
-open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-open import RelOp 
-open import utilities 
+module Hoare
+        (PrimComm : Set)
+        (Cond : Set)
+        (Axiom : Cond -> PrimComm -> Cond -> Set)
+        (Tautology : Cond -> Cond -> Set)
+        (_and_ :  Cond -> Cond -> Cond)
+        (neg :  Cond -> Cond )
+  where
-module Hoare 
-    (Cond : Set)
-    (PrimComm : Set)
-    (neg : Cond -> Cond)
-    (_/\_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond)
-    (Tautology : Cond -> Cond -> Set)
-    (State : Set)
-    (SemCond : Cond -> State -> Set)
-    (tautValid : (b1 b2 : Cond) -> Tautology b1 b2 ->
-                 (s : State) -> SemCond b1 s -> SemCond b2 s)
-    (respNeg : (b : Cond) -> (s : State) ->
-               Iff (SemCond (neg b) s) (¬ SemCond b s))
-    (respAnd : (b1 b2 : Cond) -> (s : State) ->
-               Iff (SemCond (b1 /\ b2) s)
-                   ((SemCond b1 s) × (SemCond b2 s)))
-    (PrimSemComm : ∀ {l} -> PrimComm -> Rel State l)
-    (Axiom : Cond -> PrimComm -> Cond -> Set)
-    (axiomValid : ∀ {l} -> (bPre : Cond) -> (pcm : PrimComm) -> (bPost : Cond) ->
-                  (ax : Axiom bPre pcm bPost) -> (s1 s2 : State) ->
-                  SemCond bPre s1 -> PrimSemComm {l} pcm s1 s2 -> SemCond bPost s2) where
-open import HoareData PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _/\_ neg
-open import RelOp 
-module RelOpState = RelOp State
+data Comm : Set where
+  Skip  : Comm
+  Abort : Comm
+  PComm : PrimComm -> Comm
+  Seq   : Comm -> Comm -> Comm
+  If    : Cond -> Comm -> Comm -> Comm
+  While : Cond -> Comm -> Comm
-NotP : {S : Set} -> Pred S -> Pred S
-NotP X s = ¬ X s
-_\/_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond
-b1 \/ b2 = neg (neg b1 /\ neg b2)
-_==>_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond
-b1 ==> b2 = neg (b1 \/ b2)
-when : {X  Y  Z : Set} -> (X -> Z) -> (Y -> Z) ->
-       X ⊎ Y -> Z
-when f g (inj₁ x) = f x
-when f g (inj₂ y) = g y
+                prPre              pr              prPost
+             -------------  ------------------  ----------------
+             bPre => bPre'  {bPre'} c {bPost'}  bPost' => bPost
+Weakening : ----------------------------------------------------
+                       {bPre} c {bPost}
--- semantics of commands
-SemComm : Comm -> Rel State (
-SemComm Skip = RelOpState.deltaGlob
-SemComm Abort = RelOpState.emptyRel
-SemComm (PComm pc) = PrimSemComm pc
-SemComm (Seq c1 c2) = RelOpState.comp (SemComm c1) (SemComm c2)
-SemComm (If b c1 c2)
-  = RelOpState.union
-      (RelOpState.comp ( (SemCond b))
-                       (SemComm c1))
-      (RelOpState.comp ( (NotP (SemCond b)))
-                       (SemComm c2))
-SemComm (While b c)
-  = RelOpState.unionInf
-      (λ (n : ℕ) ->
-        RelOpState.comp (RelOpState.repeat
-                           n
-                           (RelOpState.comp
-                             ( (SemCond b))
-                             (SemComm c)))
-                         ( (NotP (SemCond b))))
+Assign: ----------------------------
+         {bPost[v<-e]} v:=e {bPost}
-Satisfies : Cond -> Comm -> Cond -> Set
-Satisfies bPre cm bPost
-  = (s1 : State) -> (s2 : State) ->
-      SemCond bPre s1 -> SemComm cm s1 s2 -> SemCond bPost s2
+             pr1                pr2
+      -----------------  ------------------
+      {bPre} cm1 {bMid}  {bMid} cm2 {bPost}
+Seq: ---------------------------------------
+      {bPre} cm1 ; cm2 {bPost}
-Soundness : {bPre : Cond} -> {cm : Comm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
-            HTProof bPre cm bPost -> Satisfies bPre cm bPost
-Soundness (PrimRule {bPre} {cm} {bPost} pr) s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = axiomValid bPre cm bPost pr s1 s2 q1 q2
-Soundness {.bPost} {.Skip} {bPost} (SkipRule .bPost) s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = substId1 State {} {State} {s1} {s2} (proj₂ q2) (SemCond bPost) q1
-Soundness {bPre} {.Abort} {bPost} (AbortRule .bPre .bPost) s1 s2 q1 ()
-Soundness (WeakeningRule {bPre} {bPre'} {cm} {bPost'} {bPost} tautPre pr tautPost)
-          s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = let hyp : Satisfies bPre' cm bPost'
-        hyp = Soundness pr
-        r1 : SemCond bPre' s1
-        r1 = tautValid bPre bPre' tautPre s1 q1
-        r2 : SemCond bPost' s2
-        r2 = hyp s1 s2 r1 q2
-    in tautValid bPost' bPost tautPost s2 r2
-Soundness (SeqRule {bPre} {cm1} {bMid} {cm2} {bPost} pr1 pr2)
-           s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = let hyp1 : Satisfies bPre cm1 bMid
-        hyp1 = Soundness pr1
-        hyp2 : Satisfies bMid cm2 bPost
-        hyp2 = Soundness pr2
-        sMid : State
-        sMid = proj₁ q2
-        r1 : SemComm cm1 s1 sMid × SemComm cm2 sMid s2
-        r1 = proj₂ q2
-        r2 : SemComm cm1 s1 sMid
-        r2 = proj₁ r1
-        r3 : SemComm cm2 sMid s2
-        r3 = proj₂ r1
-        r4 : SemCond bMid sMid
-        r4 = hyp1 s1 sMid q1 r2
-    in hyp2 sMid s2 r4 r3
-Soundness (IfRule {cmThen} {cmElse} {bPre} {bPost} {b} pThen pElse)
-          s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = let hypThen : Satisfies (bPre /\ b) cmThen bPost
-        hypThen = Soundness pThen
-        hypElse : Satisfies (bPre /\ neg b) cmElse bPost
-        hypElse = Soundness pElse
-        rThen : RelOpState.comp
-                  ( (SemCond b))
-                  (SemComm cmThen) s1 s2 ->
-                SemCond bPost s2
-        rThen = λ h ->
-                  let t1 : SemCond b s1 × SemComm cmThen s1 s2
-                      t1 = (proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
-                                     (SemCond b)
-                                     (SemComm cmThen) s1 s2)) h
-                      t2 : SemCond (bPre /\ b) s1
-                      t2 = (proj₂ (respAnd bPre b s1))
-                           (q1 , proj₁ t1)
-                  in hypThen s1 s2 t2 (proj₂ t1)
-        rElse : RelOpState.comp
-                  ( (NotP (SemCond b)))
-                  (SemComm cmElse) s1 s2 ->
-                SemCond bPost s2
-        rElse = λ h ->
-                  let t10 : (NotP (SemCond b) s1) ×
-                            (SemComm cmElse s1 s2)
-                      t10 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
-                                    (NotP (SemCond b)) (SemComm cmElse) s1 s2)
-                            h
-                      t6 : SemCond (neg b) s1
-                      t6 = proj₂ (respNeg b s1) (proj₁ t10)
-                      t7 : SemComm cmElse s1 s2
-                      t7 = proj₂ t10
-                      t8 : SemCond (bPre /\ neg b) s1
-                      t8 = proj₂ (respAnd bPre (neg b) s1)
-                           (q1 , t6)
-                  in hypElse s1 s2 t8 t7
-    in when rThen rElse q2
-Soundness (WhileRule {cm'} {bInv} {b} pr) s1 s2 q1 q2
-  = proj₂ (respAnd bInv (neg b) s2) t20
-    where
-      hyp : Satisfies (bInv /\ b) cm' bInv
-      hyp = Soundness pr
-      n : ℕ
-      n = proj₁ q2
-      Rel1 : ℕ -> Rel State (
-      Rel1 = λ m ->
-               RelOpState.repeat
-                 m
-                 (RelOpState.comp ( (SemCond b))
-                                  (SemComm cm'))
-      t1 : RelOpState.comp
-             (Rel1 n)
-             ( (NotP (SemCond b))) s1 s2
-      t1 = proj₂ q2
-      t15 : (Rel1 n s1 s2) × (NotP (SemCond b) s2)
-      t15 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPost
-                    (NotP (SemCond b)) (Rel1 n) s1 s2)
-              t1
-      t16 : Rel1 n s1 s2
-      t16 = proj₁ t15
-      t17 : NotP (SemCond b) s2
-      t17 = proj₂ t15
-      lem1 : (m : ℕ) -> (ss2 : State) -> Rel1 m s1 ss2 ->
-             SemCond bInv ss2
-      lem1 ℕ.zero ss2 h
-        = substId1 State (proj₂ h) (SemCond bInv) q1
-      lem1 (ℕ.suc n) ss2 h
-        = let hyp2 : (z : State) -> Rel1 n s1 z ->
-                     SemCond bInv z
-              hyp2 = lem1 n
-              s20 : State
-              s20 = proj₁ h
-              t21 : Rel1 n s1 s20
-              t21 = proj₁ (proj₂ h)
-              t22 : (SemCond b s20) × (SemComm cm' s20 ss2)
-              t22 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
-                            (SemCond b) (SemComm cm') s20 ss2)
-                    (proj₂ (proj₂ h))
-              t23 : SemCond (bInv /\ b) s20
-              t23 = proj₂ (respAnd bInv b s20)
-                    (hyp2 s20 t21 , proj₁ t22)
-          in hyp s20 ss2 t23 (proj₂ t22)
-      t20 : SemCond bInv s2 × SemCond (neg b) s2
-      t20 = lem1 n s2 t16 , proj₂ (respNeg b s2) t17
+               pr1                         pr2
+     -----------------------  ---------------------------
+     {bPre /\ c} cm1 {bPost}  {bPre /\ neg c} cm2 {bPost}
+If: ------------------------------------------------------
+     {bPre} If c then cm1 else cm2 fi {bPost}
+                          pr
+                 -------------------
+                 {inv /\ c} cm {inv}
+While: ---------------------------------------
+        {inv} while c do cm od {inv /\ neg c}
+data HTProof : Cond -> Comm -> Cond -> Set where
+  PrimRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {pcm : PrimComm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
+             (pr : Axiom bPre pcm bPost) ->
+             HTProof bPre (PComm pcm) bPost
+  SkipRule : (b : Cond) -> HTProof b Skip b
+  AbortRule : (bPre : Cond) -> (bPost : Cond) ->
+              HTProof bPre Abort bPost
+  WeakeningRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {bPre' : Cond} -> {cm : Comm} ->
+                {bPost' : Cond} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
+                Tautology bPre bPre' ->
+                HTProof bPre' cm bPost' ->
+                Tautology bPost' bPost ->
+                HTProof bPre cm bPost
+  SeqRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {cm1 : Comm} -> {bMid : Cond} ->
+            {cm2 : Comm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
+            HTProof bPre cm1 bMid ->
+            HTProof bMid cm2 bPost ->
+            HTProof bPre (Seq cm1 cm2) bPost
+  IfRule : {cmThen : Comm} -> {cmElse : Comm} ->
+           {bPre : Cond} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
+           {b : Cond} ->
+           HTProof (bPre and b) cmThen bPost ->
+           HTProof (bPre and neg b) cmElse bPost ->
+           HTProof bPre (If b cmThen cmElse) bPost
+  WhileRule : {cm : Comm} -> {bInv : Cond} -> {b : Cond} ->
+              HTProof (bInv and b) cm bInv ->
+              HTProof bInv (While b cm) (bInv and neg b)
--- a/HoareData.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:41:15 2018 +0900
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-module HoareData
-        (PrimComm : Set)
-        (Cond : Set)
-        (Axiom : Cond -> PrimComm -> Cond -> Set)
-        (Tautology : Cond -> Cond -> Set)
-        (_and_ :  Cond -> Cond -> Cond)
-        (neg :  Cond -> Cond )
-  where
-data Comm : Set where
-  Skip  : Comm
-  Abort : Comm
-  PComm : PrimComm -> Comm
-  Seq   : Comm -> Comm -> Comm
-  If    : Cond -> Comm -> Comm -> Comm
-  While : Cond -> Comm -> Comm
-                prPre              pr              prPost
-             -------------  ------------------  ----------------
-             bPre => bPre'  {bPre'} c {bPost'}  bPost' => bPost
-Weakening : ----------------------------------------------------
-                       {bPre} c {bPost}
-Assign: ----------------------------
-         {bPost[v<-e]} v:=e {bPost}
-             pr1                pr2
-      -----------------  ------------------
-      {bPre} cm1 {bMid}  {bMid} cm2 {bPost}
-Seq: ---------------------------------------
-      {bPre} cm1 ; cm2 {bPost}
-               pr1                         pr2
-     -----------------------  ---------------------------
-     {bPre /\ c} cm1 {bPost}  {bPre /\ neg c} cm2 {bPost}
-If: ------------------------------------------------------
-     {bPre} If c then cm1 else cm2 fi {bPost}
-                          pr
-                 -------------------
-                 {inv /\ c} cm {inv}
-While: ---------------------------------------
-        {inv} while c do cm od {inv /\ neg c}
-data HTProof : Cond -> Comm -> Cond -> Set where
-  PrimRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {pcm : PrimComm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
-             (pr : Axiom bPre pcm bPost) ->
-             HTProof bPre (PComm pcm) bPost
-  SkipRule : (b : Cond) -> HTProof b Skip b
-  AbortRule : (bPre : Cond) -> (bPost : Cond) ->
-              HTProof bPre Abort bPost
-  WeakeningRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {bPre' : Cond} -> {cm : Comm} ->
-                {bPost' : Cond} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
-                Tautology bPre bPre' ->
-                HTProof bPre' cm bPost' ->
-                Tautology bPost' bPost ->
-                HTProof bPre cm bPost
-  SeqRule : {bPre : Cond} -> {cm1 : Comm} -> {bMid : Cond} ->
-            {cm2 : Comm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
-            HTProof bPre cm1 bMid ->
-            HTProof bMid cm2 bPost ->
-            HTProof bPre (Seq cm1 cm2) bPost
-  IfRule : {cmThen : Comm} -> {cmElse : Comm} ->
-           {bPre : Cond} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
-           {b : Cond} ->
-           HTProof (bPre and b) cmThen bPost ->
-           HTProof (bPre and neg b) cmElse bPost ->
-           HTProof bPre (If b cmThen cmElse) bPost
-  WhileRule : {cm : Comm} -> {bInv : Cond} -> {b : Cond} ->
-              HTProof (bInv and b) cm bInv ->
-              HTProof bInv (While b cm) (bInv and neg b)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HoareSoundness.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:45:06 2018 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+{-# OPTIONS --universe-polymorphism #-}
+open import Level
+open import Data.Nat
+open import Data.Product
+open import Data.Bool
+open import Data.Empty
+open import Data.Sum
+open import Relation.Binary 
+open import Relation.Nullary
+open import Relation.Binary.Core
+open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
+open import RelOp 
+open import utilities 
+module HoareSoundness
+    (Cond : Set)
+    (PrimComm : Set)
+    (neg : Cond -> Cond)
+    (_/\_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond)
+    (Tautology : Cond -> Cond -> Set)
+    (State : Set)
+    (SemCond : Cond -> State -> Set)
+    (tautValid : (b1 b2 : Cond) -> Tautology b1 b2 ->
+                 (s : State) -> SemCond b1 s -> SemCond b2 s)
+    (respNeg : (b : Cond) -> (s : State) ->
+               Iff (SemCond (neg b) s) (¬ SemCond b s))
+    (respAnd : (b1 b2 : Cond) -> (s : State) ->
+               Iff (SemCond (b1 /\ b2) s)
+                   ((SemCond b1 s) × (SemCond b2 s)))
+    (PrimSemComm : ∀ {l} -> PrimComm -> Rel State l)
+    (Axiom : Cond -> PrimComm -> Cond -> Set)
+    (axiomValid : ∀ {l} -> (bPre : Cond) -> (pcm : PrimComm) -> (bPost : Cond) ->
+                  (ax : Axiom bPre pcm bPost) -> (s1 s2 : State) ->
+                  SemCond bPre s1 -> PrimSemComm {l} pcm s1 s2 -> SemCond bPost s2) where
+open import Hoare PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _/\_ neg
+open import RelOp 
+module RelOpState = RelOp State
+NotP : {S : Set} -> Pred S -> Pred S
+NotP X s = ¬ X s
+_\/_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond
+b1 \/ b2 = neg (neg b1 /\ neg b2)
+_==>_ : Cond -> Cond -> Cond
+b1 ==> b2 = neg (b1 \/ b2)
+when : {X  Y  Z : Set} -> (X -> Z) -> (Y -> Z) ->
+       X ⊎ Y -> Z
+when f g (inj₁ x) = f x
+when f g (inj₂ y) = g y
+-- semantics of commands
+SemComm : Comm -> Rel State (
+SemComm Skip = RelOpState.deltaGlob
+SemComm Abort = RelOpState.emptyRel
+SemComm (PComm pc) = PrimSemComm pc
+SemComm (Seq c1 c2) = RelOpState.comp (SemComm c1) (SemComm c2)
+SemComm (If b c1 c2)
+  = RelOpState.union
+      (RelOpState.comp ( (SemCond b))
+                       (SemComm c1))
+      (RelOpState.comp ( (NotP (SemCond b)))
+                       (SemComm c2))
+SemComm (While b c)
+  = RelOpState.unionInf
+      (λ (n : ℕ) ->
+        RelOpState.comp (RelOpState.repeat
+                           n
+                           (RelOpState.comp
+                             ( (SemCond b))
+                             (SemComm c)))
+                         ( (NotP (SemCond b))))
+Satisfies : Cond -> Comm -> Cond -> Set
+Satisfies bPre cm bPost
+  = (s1 : State) -> (s2 : State) ->
+      SemCond bPre s1 -> SemComm cm s1 s2 -> SemCond bPost s2
+Soundness : {bPre : Cond} -> {cm : Comm} -> {bPost : Cond} ->
+            HTProof bPre cm bPost -> Satisfies bPre cm bPost
+Soundness (PrimRule {bPre} {cm} {bPost} pr) s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = axiomValid bPre cm bPost pr s1 s2 q1 q2
+Soundness {.bPost} {.Skip} {bPost} (SkipRule .bPost) s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = substId1 State {} {State} {s1} {s2} (proj₂ q2) (SemCond bPost) q1
+Soundness {bPre} {.Abort} {bPost} (AbortRule .bPre .bPost) s1 s2 q1 ()
+Soundness (WeakeningRule {bPre} {bPre'} {cm} {bPost'} {bPost} tautPre pr tautPost)
+          s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = let hyp : Satisfies bPre' cm bPost'
+        hyp = Soundness pr
+        r1 : SemCond bPre' s1
+        r1 = tautValid bPre bPre' tautPre s1 q1
+        r2 : SemCond bPost' s2
+        r2 = hyp s1 s2 r1 q2
+    in tautValid bPost' bPost tautPost s2 r2
+Soundness (SeqRule {bPre} {cm1} {bMid} {cm2} {bPost} pr1 pr2)
+           s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = let hyp1 : Satisfies bPre cm1 bMid
+        hyp1 = Soundness pr1
+        hyp2 : Satisfies bMid cm2 bPost
+        hyp2 = Soundness pr2
+        sMid : State
+        sMid = proj₁ q2
+        r1 : SemComm cm1 s1 sMid × SemComm cm2 sMid s2
+        r1 = proj₂ q2
+        r2 : SemComm cm1 s1 sMid
+        r2 = proj₁ r1
+        r3 : SemComm cm2 sMid s2
+        r3 = proj₂ r1
+        r4 : SemCond bMid sMid
+        r4 = hyp1 s1 sMid q1 r2
+    in hyp2 sMid s2 r4 r3
+Soundness (IfRule {cmThen} {cmElse} {bPre} {bPost} {b} pThen pElse)
+          s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = let hypThen : Satisfies (bPre /\ b) cmThen bPost
+        hypThen = Soundness pThen
+        hypElse : Satisfies (bPre /\ neg b) cmElse bPost
+        hypElse = Soundness pElse
+        rThen : RelOpState.comp
+                  ( (SemCond b))
+                  (SemComm cmThen) s1 s2 ->
+                SemCond bPost s2
+        rThen = λ h ->
+                  let t1 : SemCond b s1 × SemComm cmThen s1 s2
+                      t1 = (proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
+                                     (SemCond b)
+                                     (SemComm cmThen) s1 s2)) h
+                      t2 : SemCond (bPre /\ b) s1
+                      t2 = (proj₂ (respAnd bPre b s1))
+                           (q1 , proj₁ t1)
+                  in hypThen s1 s2 t2 (proj₂ t1)
+        rElse : RelOpState.comp
+                  ( (NotP (SemCond b)))
+                  (SemComm cmElse) s1 s2 ->
+                SemCond bPost s2
+        rElse = λ h ->
+                  let t10 : (NotP (SemCond b) s1) ×
+                            (SemComm cmElse s1 s2)
+                      t10 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
+                                    (NotP (SemCond b)) (SemComm cmElse) s1 s2)
+                            h
+                      t6 : SemCond (neg b) s1
+                      t6 = proj₂ (respNeg b s1) (proj₁ t10)
+                      t7 : SemComm cmElse s1 s2
+                      t7 = proj₂ t10
+                      t8 : SemCond (bPre /\ neg b) s1
+                      t8 = proj₂ (respAnd bPre (neg b) s1)
+                           (q1 , t6)
+                  in hypElse s1 s2 t8 t7
+    in when rThen rElse q2
+Soundness (WhileRule {cm'} {bInv} {b} pr) s1 s2 q1 q2
+  = proj₂ (respAnd bInv (neg b) s2) t20
+    where
+      hyp : Satisfies (bInv /\ b) cm' bInv
+      hyp = Soundness pr
+      n : ℕ
+      n = proj₁ q2
+      Rel1 : ℕ -> Rel State (
+      Rel1 = λ m ->
+               RelOpState.repeat
+                 m
+                 (RelOpState.comp ( (SemCond b))
+                                  (SemComm cm'))
+      t1 : RelOpState.comp
+             (Rel1 n)
+             ( (NotP (SemCond b))) s1 s2
+      t1 = proj₂ q2
+      t15 : (Rel1 n s1 s2) × (NotP (SemCond b) s2)
+      t15 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPost
+                    (NotP (SemCond b)) (Rel1 n) s1 s2)
+              t1
+      t16 : Rel1 n s1 s2
+      t16 = proj₁ t15
+      t17 : NotP (SemCond b) s2
+      t17 = proj₂ t15
+      lem1 : (m : ℕ) -> (ss2 : State) -> Rel1 m s1 ss2 ->
+             SemCond bInv ss2
+      lem1 ℕ.zero ss2 h
+        = substId1 State (proj₂ h) (SemCond bInv) q1
+      lem1 (ℕ.suc n) ss2 h
+        = let hyp2 : (z : State) -> Rel1 n s1 z ->
+                     SemCond bInv z
+              hyp2 = lem1 n
+              s20 : State
+              s20 = proj₁ h
+              t21 : Rel1 n s1 s20
+              t21 = proj₁ (proj₂ h)
+              t22 : (SemCond b s20) × (SemComm cm' s20 ss2)
+              t22 = proj₂ (RelOpState.deltaRestPre
+                            (SemCond b) (SemComm cm') s20 ss2)
+                    (proj₂ (proj₂ h))
+              t23 : SemCond (bInv /\ b) s20
+              t23 = proj₂ (respAnd bInv b s20)
+                    (hyp2 s20 t21 , proj₁ t22)
+          in hyp s20 ss2 t23 (proj₂ t22)
+      t20 : SemCond bInv s2 × SemCond (neg b) s2
+      t20 = lem1 n s2 t16 , proj₂ (respNeg b s2) t17
--- a/whileTestPrim.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:41:15 2018 +0900
+++ b/whileTestPrim.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:45:06 2018 +0900
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 neg :  Cond -> Cond 
 neg x  =  λ env → not ( x env )
-open import HoareData PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _and_ neg
+open import Hoare PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _and_ neg
--- a/whileTestPrimProof.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:41:15 2018 +0900
+++ b/whileTestPrimProof.agda	Tue Dec 25 08:45:06 2018 +0900
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 open import utilities hiding ( _/\_ )
 open import whileTestPrim
-open import HoareData PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _and_ neg
+open import Hoare PrimComm Cond Axiom Tautology _and_ neg
 open Env
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 axiomValid {l} bPre pcm bPost ax s1 .(pcm s1) semPre ref | true | false | ()
 axiomValid {l} bPre pcm bPost ax s1 .(pcm s1) semPre ref | true | true | refl = refl
-open import Hoare
+open import HoareSoundness