Studying Operating System Using Docker Platform

Shivani Dubey Intern, University of the Ryukyus

Why Operating System?


What is Docker?

What is xv6?

What helped us

Why Docker?

Features of Docker:

Why xv6?

Scheduling processes by their priorities

The function

int get_highest_priority_proc(void)
  int highest_priority;
  int pid = 0;
  int hpid = -1;
  int rpid = 0;

  struct proc *p;
  for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++, pid++){
    if(p->state != RUNNABLE) {
    rpid = pid;
    if (highest_priority > p->priority) {
       hpid = pid;
  return hpid > 0?hpid:rpid;

Docker Limitation

Mutliple images present in repository due to form command.

If repository breaks, Docker poses problem

What can be done?

We can keep track of images of Docker
