title: Studying Operating System Using Docker author: Shivani Dubey profile: Intern, University of the Ryukyus # Introduction - Docker - xv6 Why Docker? The modern platform for high velocity innovation. Docker container is not any specific platform. It can run on any computer, on any infrastructure and in any cloud. ## Features of Docker - Easy and Faster Configuration - Increases productivity - Application Isolation - Swarm - Routing Mesh - Services - Security Management What is xv6? xv6 is modern reimplementation of Sixth Edition Unix in ANSI C. ## Scheduling processes by their priorities We implemented the concept of scheduling processes by their priorities. ```c int get_highest_priority_proc(void) { int highest_priority; int pid = 0; int hpid = -1; int rpid = 0; highest_priority=100; struct proc *p; for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++, pid++){ if(p->state != RUNNABLE) { continue; } rpid = pid; if (highest_priority > p->priority) { highest_priority=p->priority; hpid = pid; } } return hpid > 0?hpid:rpid; } ``` ## Docker Limitations Docker environment poses some problems, some of which are difficult to comprehend.