comparison cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_sqlite.php @ 0:261e66bd5a0c

hg init
author Shoshi TAMAKI <>
date Sun, 24 Jul 2011 21:08:31 +0900
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:261e66bd5a0c
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * SQLite layer for DBO
4 *
5 * PHP versions 4 and 5
6 *
7 * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (
8 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
9 *
10 * Licensed under The MIT License
11 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
12 *
13 * @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
14 * @link CakePHP(tm) Project
15 * @package cake
16 * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources.dbo
17 * @since CakePHP(tm) v 0.9.0
18 * @license MIT License (
19 */
21 /**
22 * DBO implementation for the SQLite DBMS.
23 *
24 * Long description for class
25 *
26 * @package cake
27 * @subpackage cake.cake.libs.model.datasources.dbo
28 */
29 class DboSqlite extends DboSource {
31 /**
32 * Datasource Description
33 *
34 * @var string
35 */
36 var $description = "SQLite DBO Driver";
38 /**
39 * Opening quote for quoted identifiers
40 *
41 * @var string
42 */
43 var $startQuote = '"';
45 /**
46 * Closing quote for quoted identifiers
47 *
48 * @var string
49 */
50 var $endQuote = '"';
52 /**
53 * Keeps the transaction statistics of CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE queries
54 *
55 * @var array
56 * @access protected
57 */
58 var $_queryStats = array();
60 /**
61 * Base configuration settings for SQLite driver
62 *
63 * @var array
64 */
65 var $_baseConfig = array(
66 'persistent' => true,
67 'database' => null
68 );
70 /**
71 * Index of basic SQL commands
72 *
73 * @var array
74 * @access protected
75 */
76 var $_commands = array(
77 'begin' => 'BEGIN TRANSACTION',
78 'commit' => 'COMMIT TRANSACTION',
79 'rollback' => 'ROLLBACK TRANSACTION'
80 );
82 /**
83 * SQLite column definition
84 *
85 * @var array
86 */
87 var $columns = array(
88 'primary_key' => array('name' => 'integer primary key'),
89 'string' => array('name' => 'varchar', 'limit' => '255'),
90 'text' => array('name' => 'text'),
91 'integer' => array('name' => 'integer', 'limit' => 11, 'formatter' => 'intval'),
92 'float' => array('name' => 'float', 'formatter' => 'floatval'),
93 'datetime' => array('name' => 'datetime', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
94 'timestamp' => array('name' => 'timestamp', 'format' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
95 'time' => array('name' => 'time', 'format' => 'H:i:s', 'formatter' => 'date'),
96 'date' => array('name' => 'date', 'format' => 'Y-m-d', 'formatter' => 'date'),
97 'binary' => array('name' => 'blob'),
98 'boolean' => array('name' => 'boolean')
99 );
101 /**
102 * List of engine specific additional field parameters used on table creating
103 *
104 * @var array
105 * @access public
106 */
107 var $fieldParameters = array(
108 'collate' => array(
109 'value' => 'COLLATE',
110 'quote' => false,
111 'join' => ' ',
112 'column' => 'Collate',
113 'position' => 'afterDefault',
114 'options' => array(
116 )
117 ),
118 );
120 /**
121 * Connects to the database using config['database'] as a filename.
122 *
123 * @param array $config Configuration array for connecting
124 * @return mixed
125 */
126 function connect() {
127 $config = $this->config;
129 if (!$config['persistent']) {
130 $this->connection = sqlite_open($config['database']);
131 } else {
132 $this->connection = sqlite_popen($config['database']);
133 }
134 $this->connected = is_resource($this->connection);
136 if ($this->connected) {
137 $this->_execute('PRAGMA count_changes = 1;');
138 }
139 return $this->connected;
140 }
142 /**
143 * Check that SQLite is enabled/installed
144 *
145 * @return boolean
146 */
147 function enabled() {
148 return extension_loaded('sqlite');
149 }
150 /**
151 * Disconnects from database.
152 *
153 * @return boolean True if the database could be disconnected, else false
154 */
155 function disconnect() {
156 @sqlite_close($this->connection);
157 $this->connected = false;
158 return $this->connected;
159 }
161 /**
162 * Executes given SQL statement.
163 *
164 * @param string $sql SQL statement
165 * @return resource Result resource identifier
166 */
167 function _execute($sql) {
168 $result = sqlite_query($this->connection, $sql);
170 if (preg_match('/^(INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE)/', $sql)) {
171 $this->resultSet($result);
172 list($this->_queryStats) = $this->fetchResult();
173 }
174 return $result;
175 }
177 /**
178 * Overrides DboSource::execute() to correctly handle query statistics
179 *
180 * @param string $sql
181 * @return unknown
182 */
183 function execute($sql) {
184 $result = parent::execute($sql);
185 $this->_queryStats = array();
186 return $result;
187 }
189 /**
190 * Returns an array of tables in the database. If there are no tables, an error is raised and the application exits.
191 *
192 * @return array Array of tablenames in the database
193 */
194 function listSources() {
195 $cache = parent::listSources();
197 if ($cache != null) {
198 return $cache;
199 }
200 $result = $this->fetchAll("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;", false);
202 if (empty($result)) {
203 return array();
204 } else {
205 $tables = array();
206 foreach ($result as $table) {
207 $tables[] = $table[0]['name'];
208 }
209 parent::listSources($tables);
210 return $tables;
211 }
212 return array();
213 }
215 /**
216 * Returns an array of the fields in given table name.
217 *
218 * @param string $tableName Name of database table to inspect
219 * @return array Fields in table. Keys are name and type
220 */
221 function describe(&$model) {
222 $cache = parent::describe($model);
223 if ($cache != null) {
224 return $cache;
225 }
226 $fields = array();
227 $result = $this->fetchAll('PRAGMA table_info(' . $this->fullTableName($model) . ')');
229 foreach ($result as $column) {
230 $fields[$column[0]['name']] = array(
231 'type' => $this->column($column[0]['type']),
232 'null' => !$column[0]['notnull'],
233 'default' => $column[0]['dflt_value'],
234 'length' => $this->length($column[0]['type'])
235 );
236 if ($column[0]['pk'] == 1) {
237 $colLength = $this->length($column[0]['type']);
238 $fields[$column[0]['name']] = array(
239 'type' => $fields[$column[0]['name']]['type'],
240 'null' => false,
241 'default' => $column[0]['dflt_value'],
242 'key' => $this->index['PRI'],
243 'length'=> ($colLength != null) ? $colLength : 11
244 );
245 }
246 }
248 $this->__cacheDescription($model->tablePrefix . $model->table, $fields);
249 return $fields;
250 }
252 /**
253 * Returns a quoted and escaped string of $data for use in an SQL statement.
254 *
255 * @param string $data String to be prepared for use in an SQL statement
256 * @return string Quoted and escaped
257 */
258 function value($data, $column = null, $safe = false) {
259 $parent = parent::value($data, $column, $safe);
261 if ($parent != null) {
262 return $parent;
263 }
264 if ($data === null) {
265 return 'NULL';
266 }
267 if ($data === '' && $column !== 'integer' && $column !== 'float' && $column !== 'boolean') {
268 return "''";
269 }
270 switch ($column) {
271 case 'boolean':
272 $data = $this->boolean((bool)$data);
273 break;
274 case 'integer':
275 case 'float':
276 if ($data === '') {
277 return 'NULL';
278 }
279 default:
280 $data = sqlite_escape_string($data);
281 break;
282 }
283 return "'" . $data . "'";
284 }
286 /**
287 * Generates and executes an SQL UPDATE statement for given model, fields, and values.
288 *
289 * @param Model $model
290 * @param array $fields
291 * @param array $values
292 * @param mixed $conditions
293 * @return array
294 */
295 function update(&$model, $fields = array(), $values = null, $conditions = null) {
296 if (empty($values) && !empty($fields)) {
297 foreach ($fields as $field => $value) {
298 if (strpos($field, $model->alias . '.') !== false) {
299 unset($fields[$field]);
300 $field = str_replace($model->alias . '.', "", $field);
301 $field = str_replace($model->alias . '.', "", $field);
302 $fields[$field] = $value;
303 }
304 }
305 }
306 $result = parent::update($model, $fields, $values, $conditions);
307 return $result;
308 }
310 /**
311 * Deletes all the records in a table and resets the count of the auto-incrementing
312 * primary key, where applicable.
313 *
314 * @param mixed $table A string or model class representing the table to be truncated
315 * @return boolean SQL TRUNCATE TABLE statement, false if not applicable.
316 * @access public
317 */
318 function truncate($table) {
319 return $this->execute('DELETE From ' . $this->fullTableName($table));
320 }
322 /**
323 * Returns a formatted error message from previous database operation.
324 *
325 * @return string Error message
326 */
327 function lastError() {
328 $error = sqlite_last_error($this->connection);
329 if ($error) {
330 return $error.': '.sqlite_error_string($error);
331 }
332 return null;
333 }
335 /**
336 * Returns number of affected rows in previous database operation. If no previous operation exists, this returns false.
337 *
338 * @return integer Number of affected rows
339 */
340 function lastAffected() {
341 if (!empty($this->_queryStats)) {
342 foreach (array('rows inserted', 'rows updated', 'rows deleted') as $key) {
343 if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_queryStats)) {
344 return $this->_queryStats[$key];
345 }
346 }
347 }
348 return false;
349 }
351 /**
352 * Returns number of rows in previous resultset. If no previous resultset exists,
353 * this returns false.
354 *
355 * @return integer Number of rows in resultset
356 */
357 function lastNumRows() {
358 if ($this->hasResult()) {
359 sqlite_num_rows($this->_result);
360 }
361 return false;
362 }
364 /**
365 * Returns the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation.
366 *
367 * @return int
368 */
369 function lastInsertId() {
370 return sqlite_last_insert_rowid($this->connection);
371 }
373 /**
374 * Converts database-layer column types to basic types
375 *
376 * @param string $real Real database-layer column type (i.e. "varchar(255)")
377 * @return string Abstract column type (i.e. "string")
378 */
379 function column($real) {
380 if (is_array($real)) {
381 $col = $real['name'];
382 if (isset($real['limit'])) {
383 $col .= '('.$real['limit'].')';
384 }
385 return $col;
386 }
388 $col = strtolower(str_replace(')', '', $real));
389 $limit = null;
390 if (strpos($col, '(') !== false) {
391 list($col, $limit) = explode('(', $col);
392 }
394 if (in_array($col, array('text', 'integer', 'float', 'boolean', 'timestamp', 'date', 'datetime', 'time'))) {
395 return $col;
396 }
397 if (strpos($col, 'varchar') !== false) {
398 return 'string';
399 }
400 if (in_array($col, array('blob', 'clob'))) {
401 return 'binary';
402 }
403 if (strpos($col, 'numeric') !== false) {
404 return 'float';
405 }
406 return 'text';
407 }
409 /**
410 * Enter description here...
411 *
412 * @param unknown_type $results
413 */
414 function resultSet(&$results) {
415 $this->results =& $results;
416 $this->map = array();
417 $fieldCount = sqlite_num_fields($results);
418 $index = $j = 0;
420 while ($j < $fieldCount) {
421 $columnName = str_replace('"', '', sqlite_field_name($results, $j));
423 if (strpos($columnName, '.')) {
424 $parts = explode('.', $columnName);
425 $this->map[$index++] = array($parts[0], $parts[1]);
426 } else {
427 $this->map[$index++] = array(0, $columnName);
428 }
429 $j++;
430 }
431 }
433 /**
434 * Fetches the next row from the current result set
435 *
436 * @return unknown
437 */
438 function fetchResult() {
439 if ($row = sqlite_fetch_array($this->results, SQLITE_ASSOC)) {
440 $resultRow = array();
441 $i = 0;
443 foreach ($row as $index => $field) {
444 if (strpos($index, '.')) {
445 list($table, $column) = explode('.', str_replace('"', '', $index));
446 $resultRow[$table][$column] = $row[$index];
447 } else {
448 $resultRow[0][str_replace('"', '', $index)] = $row[$index];
449 }
450 $i++;
451 }
452 return $resultRow;
453 } else {
454 return false;
455 }
456 }
458 /**
459 * Returns a limit statement in the correct format for the particular database.
460 *
461 * @param integer $limit Limit of results returned
462 * @param integer $offset Offset from which to start results
463 * @return string SQL limit/offset statement
464 */
465 function limit($limit, $offset = null) {
466 if ($limit) {
467 $rt = '';
468 if (!strpos(strtolower($limit), 'limit') || strpos(strtolower($limit), 'limit') === 0) {
469 $rt = ' LIMIT';
470 }
471 $rt .= ' ' . $limit;
472 if ($offset) {
473 $rt .= ' OFFSET ' . $offset;
474 }
475 return $rt;
476 }
477 return null;
478 }
480 /**
481 * Generate a database-native column schema string
482 *
483 * @param array $column An array structured like the following: array('name'=>'value', 'type'=>'value'[, options]),
484 * where options can be 'default', 'length', or 'key'.
485 * @return string
486 */
487 function buildColumn($column) {
488 $name = $type = null;
489 $column = array_merge(array('null' => true), $column);
490 extract($column);
492 if (empty($name) || empty($type)) {
493 trigger_error(__('Column name or type not defined in schema', true), E_USER_WARNING);
494 return null;
495 }
497 if (!isset($this->columns[$type])) {
498 trigger_error(sprintf(__('Column type %s does not exist', true), $type), E_USER_WARNING);
499 return null;
500 }
502 $real = $this->columns[$type];
503 $out = $this->name($name) . ' ' . $real['name'];
504 if (isset($column['key']) && $column['key'] == 'primary' && $type == 'integer') {
505 return $this->name($name) . ' ' . $this->columns['primary_key']['name'];
506 }
507 return parent::buildColumn($column);
508 }
510 /**
511 * Sets the database encoding
512 *
513 * @param string $enc Database encoding
514 */
515 function setEncoding($enc) {
516 if (!in_array($enc, array("UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16le", "UTF-16be"))) {
517 return false;
518 }
519 return $this->_execute("PRAGMA encoding = \"{$enc}\"") !== false;
520 }
522 /**
523 * Gets the database encoding
524 *
525 * @return string The database encoding
526 */
527 function getEncoding() {
528 return $this->fetchRow('PRAGMA encoding');
529 }
531 /**
532 * Removes redundant primary key indexes, as they are handled in the column def of the key.
533 *
534 * @param array $indexes
535 * @param string $table
536 * @return string
537 */
538 function buildIndex($indexes, $table = null) {
539 $join = array();
541 foreach ($indexes as $name => $value) {
543 if ($name == 'PRIMARY') {
544 continue;
545 }
546 $out = 'CREATE ';
548 if (!empty($value['unique'])) {
549 $out .= 'UNIQUE ';
550 }
551 if (is_array($value['column'])) {
552 $value['column'] = implode(', ', array_map(array(&$this, 'name'), $value['column']));
553 } else {
554 $value['column'] = $this->name($value['column']);
555 }
556 $out .= "INDEX {$name} ON {$table}({$value['column']});";
557 $join[] = $out;
558 }
559 return $join;
560 }
562 /**
563 * Overrides DboSource::index to handle SQLite indexe introspection
564 * Returns an array of the indexes in given table name.
565 *
566 * @param string $model Name of model to inspect
567 * @return array Fields in table. Keys are column and unique
568 */
569 function index(&$model) {
570 $index = array();
571 $table = $this->fullTableName($model);
572 if ($table) {
573 $indexes = $this->query('PRAGMA index_list(' . $table . ')');
574 $tableInfo = $this->query('PRAGMA table_info(' . $table . ')');
575 foreach ($indexes as $i => $info) {
576 $key = array_pop($info);
577 $keyInfo = $this->query('PRAGMA index_info("' . $key['name'] . '")');
578 foreach ($keyInfo as $keyCol) {
579 if (!isset($index[$key['name']])) {
580 $col = array();
581 if (preg_match('/autoindex/', $key['name'])) {
582 $key['name'] = 'PRIMARY';
583 }
584 $index[$key['name']]['column'] = $keyCol[0]['name'];
585 $index[$key['name']]['unique'] = intval($key['unique'] == 1);
586 } else {
587 if (!is_array($index[$key['name']]['column'])) {
588 $col[] = $index[$key['name']]['column'];
589 }
590 $col[] = $keyCol[0]['name'];
591 $index[$key['name']]['column'] = $col;
592 }
593 }
594 }
595 }
596 return $index;
597 }
599 /**
600 * Overrides DboSource::renderStatement to handle schema generation with SQLite-style indexes
601 *
602 * @param string $type
603 * @param array $data
604 * @return string
605 */
606 function renderStatement($type, $data) {
607 switch (strtolower($type)) {
608 case 'schema':
609 extract($data);
611 foreach (array('columns', 'indexes') as $var) {
612 if (is_array(${$var})) {
613 ${$var} = "\t" . implode(",\n\t", array_filter(${$var}));
614 }
615 }
616 return "CREATE TABLE {$table} (\n{$columns});\n{$indexes}";
617 break;
618 default:
619 return parent::renderStatement($type, $data);
620 break;
621 }
622 }
623 }