comparison cake/tests/lib/cake_test_case.php @ 0:261e66bd5a0c

hg init
author Shoshi TAMAKI <>
date Sun, 24 Jul 2011 21:08:31 +0900
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:261e66bd5a0c
1 <?php
2 /**
3 * CakeTestCase file
4 *
5 * PHP versions 4 and 5
6 *
7 * CakePHP(tm) Tests <>
8 * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
9 *
10 * Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
11 * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
12 *
13 * @copyright Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
14 * @link CakePHP(tm) Tests
15 * @package cake
16 * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.libs
17 * @since CakePHP(tm) v
18 * @license The Open Group Test Suite License
19 */
20 if (!class_exists('dispatcher')) {
21 require CAKE . 'dispatcher.php';
22 }
23 require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_test_model.php';
24 require_once CAKE_TESTS_LIB . 'cake_test_fixture.php';
25 App::import('Vendor', 'simpletest' . DS . 'unit_tester');
27 /**
28 * CakeTestDispatcher
29 *
30 * @package cake
31 * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib
32 */
33 class CakeTestDispatcher extends Dispatcher {
35 /**
36 * controller property
37 *
38 * @var Controller
39 * @access public
40 */
41 var $controller;
42 var $testCase;
44 /**
45 * testCase method
46 *
47 * @param CakeTestCase $testCase
48 * @return void
49 * @access public
50 */
51 function testCase(&$testCase) {
52 $this->testCase =& $testCase;
53 }
55 /**
56 * invoke method
57 *
58 * @param Controller $controller
59 * @param array $params
60 * @param boolean $missingAction
61 * @return Controller
62 * @access protected
63 */
64 function _invoke(&$controller, $params, $missingAction = false) {
65 $this->controller =& $controller;
67 if (array_key_exists('layout', $params)) {
68 $this->controller->layout = $params['layout'];
69 }
71 if (isset($this->testCase) && method_exists($this->testCase, 'startController')) {
72 $this->testCase->startController($this->controller, $params);
73 }
75 $result = parent::_invoke($this->controller, $params, $missingAction);
77 if (isset($this->testCase) && method_exists($this->testCase, 'endController')) {
78 $this->testCase->endController($this->controller, $params);
79 }
81 return $result;
82 }
83 }
85 /**
86 * CakeTestCase class
87 *
88 * @package cake
89 * @subpackage cake.cake.tests.lib
90 */
91 class CakeTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
93 /**
94 * Methods used internally.
95 *
96 * @var array
97 * @access public
98 */
99 var $methods = array('start', 'end', 'startcase', 'endcase', 'starttest', 'endtest');
101 /**
102 * By default, all fixtures attached to this class will be truncated and reloaded after each test.
103 * Set this to false to handle manually
104 *
105 * @var array
106 * @access public
107 */
108 var $autoFixtures = true;
110 /**
111 * Set this to false to avoid tables to be dropped if they already exist
112 *
113 * @var boolean
114 * @access public
115 */
116 var $dropTables = true;
118 /**
119 * Maps fixture class names to fixture identifiers as included in CakeTestCase::$fixtures
120 *
121 * @var array
122 * @access protected
123 */
124 var $_fixtureClassMap = array();
126 /**
127 * truncated property
128 *
129 * @var boolean
130 * @access private
131 */
132 var $__truncated = true;
134 /**
135 * savedGetData property
136 *
137 * @var array
138 * @access private
139 */
140 var $__savedGetData = array();
142 /**
143 * Called when a test case (group of methods) is about to start (to be overriden when needed.)
144 *
145 * @param string $method Test method about to get executed.
146 * @return void
147 * @access public
148 */
149 function startCase() {
150 }
152 /**
153 * Called when a test case (group of methods) has been executed (to be overriden when needed.)
154 *
155 * @param string $method Test method about that was executed.
156 * @return void
157 * @access public
158 */
159 function endCase() {
160 }
162 /**
163 * Called when a test case method is about to start (to be overriden when needed.)
164 *
165 * @param string $method Test method about to get executed.
166 * @return void
167 * @access public
168 */
169 function startTest($method) {
170 }
172 /**
173 * Called when a test case method has been executed (to be overriden when needed.)
174 *
175 * @param string $method Test method about that was executed.
176 * @return void
177 * @access public
178 */
179 function endTest($method) {
180 }
182 /**
183 * Overrides SimpleTestCase::assert to enable calling of skipIf() from within tests
184 *
185 * @param Expectation $expectation
186 * @param mixed $compare
187 * @param string $message
188 * @return boolean|null
189 * @access public
190 */
191 function assert(&$expectation, $compare, $message = '%s') {
192 if ($this->_should_skip) {
193 return;
194 }
195 return parent::assert($expectation, $compare, $message);
196 }
198 /**
199 * Overrides SimpleTestCase::skipIf to provide a boolean return value
200 *
201 * @param boolean $shouldSkip
202 * @param string $message
203 * @return boolean
204 * @access public
205 */
206 function skipIf($shouldSkip, $message = '%s') {
207 parent::skipIf($shouldSkip, $message);
208 return $shouldSkip;
209 }
211 /**
212 * Callback issued when a controller's action is about to be invoked through testAction().
213 *
214 * @param Controller $controller Controller that's about to be invoked.
215 * @param array $params Additional parameters as sent by testAction().
216 * @return void
217 * @access public
218 */
219 function startController(&$controller, $params = array()) {
220 if (isset($params['fixturize']) && ((is_array($params['fixturize']) && !empty($params['fixturize'])) || $params['fixturize'] === true)) {
221 if (!isset($this->db)) {
222 $this->_initDb();
223 }
225 if ($controller->uses === false) {
226 $list = array($controller->modelClass);
227 } else {
228 $list = is_array($controller->uses) ? $controller->uses : array($controller->uses);
229 }
231 $models = array();
232 ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => $params['connection']));
234 foreach ($list as $name) {
235 if ((is_array($params['fixturize']) && in_array($name, $params['fixturize'])) || $params['fixturize'] === true) {
236 if (class_exists($name) || App::import('Model', $name)) {
237 $object =& ClassRegistry::init($name);
238 //switch back to specified datasource.
239 $object->setDataSource($params['connection']);
240 $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource($object->useDbConfig);
241 $db->cacheSources = false;
243 $models[$object->alias] = array(
244 'table' => $object->table,
245 'model' => $object->alias,
246 'key' => strtolower($name),
247 );
248 }
249 }
250 }
251 ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite'));
253 if (!empty($models) && isset($this->db)) {
254 $this->_actionFixtures = array();
256 foreach ($models as $model) {
257 $fixture =& new CakeTestFixture($this->db);
259 $fixture->name = $model['model'] . 'Test';
260 $fixture->table = $model['table'];
261 $fixture->import = array('model' => $model['model'], 'records' => true);
262 $fixture->init();
264 $fixture->create($this->db);
265 $fixture->insert($this->db);
266 $this->_actionFixtures[] =& $fixture;
267 }
269 foreach ($models as $model) {
270 $object =& ClassRegistry::getObject($model['key']);
271 if ($object !== false) {
272 $object->setDataSource('test_suite');
273 $object->cacheSources = false;
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 }
280 /**
281 * Callback issued when a controller's action has been invoked through testAction().
282 *
283 * @param Controller $controller Controller that has been invoked.
284 * @param array $params Additional parameters as sent by testAction().
285 * @return void
286 * @access public
287 */
288 function endController(&$controller, $params = array()) {
289 if (isset($this->db) && isset($this->_actionFixtures) && !empty($this->_actionFixtures) && $this->dropTables) {
290 foreach ($this->_actionFixtures as $fixture) {
291 $fixture->drop($this->db);
292 }
293 }
294 }
296 /**
297 * Executes a Cake URL, and can get (depending on the $params['return'] value):
298 *
299 * Params:
300 * - 'return' has several possible values:
301 * 1. 'result': Whatever the action returns (and also specifies $this->params['requested'] for controller)
302 * 2. 'view': The rendered view, without the layout
303 * 3. 'contents': The rendered view, within the layout.
304 * 4. 'vars': the view vars
305 *
306 * - 'fixturize' - Set to true if you want to copy model data from 'connection' to the test_suite connection
307 * - 'data' - The data you want to insert into $this->data in the controller.
308 * - 'connection' - Which connection to use in conjunction with fixturize (defaults to 'default')
309 * - 'method' - What type of HTTP method to simulate (defaults to post)
310 *
311 * @param string $url Cake URL to execute (e.g: /articles/view/455)
312 * @param mixed $params Parameters (see above), or simply a string of what to return
313 * @return mixed Whatever is returned depending of requested result
314 * @access public
315 */
316 function testAction($url, $params = array()) {
317 $default = array(
318 'return' => 'result',
319 'fixturize' => false,
320 'data' => array(),
321 'method' => 'post',
322 'connection' => 'default'
323 );
325 if (is_string($params)) {
326 $params = array('return' => $params);
327 }
328 $params = array_merge($default, $params);
330 $toSave = array(
331 'case' => null,
332 'group' => null,
333 'app' => null,
334 'output' => null,
335 'show' => null,
336 'plugin' => null
337 );
338 $this->__savedGetData = (empty($this->__savedGetData))
339 ? array_intersect_key($_GET, $toSave)
340 : $this->__savedGetData;
342 $data = (!empty($params['data'])) ? $params['data'] : array();
344 if (strtolower($params['method']) == 'get') {
345 $_GET = array_merge($this->__savedGetData, $data);
346 $_POST = array();
347 } else {
348 $_POST = array('data' => $data);
349 $_GET = $this->__savedGetData;
350 }
352 $return = $params['return'];
353 $params = array_diff_key($params, array('data' => null, 'method' => null, 'return' => null));
355 $dispatcher =& new CakeTestDispatcher();
356 $dispatcher->testCase($this);
358 if ($return != 'result') {
359 if ($return != 'contents') {
360 $params['layout'] = false;
361 }
363 ob_start();
364 @$dispatcher->dispatch($url, $params);
365 $result = ob_get_clean();
367 if ($return == 'vars') {
368 $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
369 $viewVars = $view->getVars();
371 $result = array();
373 foreach ($viewVars as $var) {
374 $result[$var] = $view->getVar($var);
375 }
377 if (!empty($view->pageTitle)) {
378 $result = array_merge($result, array('title' => $view->pageTitle));
379 }
380 }
381 } else {
382 $params['return'] = 1;
383 $params['bare'] = 1;
384 $params['requested'] = 1;
386 $result = @$dispatcher->dispatch($url, $params);
387 }
389 if (isset($this->_actionFixtures)) {
390 unset($this->_actionFixtures);
391 }
392 ClassRegistry::flush();
394 return $result;
395 }
397 /**
398 * Announces the start of a test.
399 *
400 * @param string $method Test method just started.
401 * @return void
402 * @access public
403 */
404 function before($method) {
405 parent::before($method);
407 if (isset($this->fixtures) && (!is_array($this->fixtures) || empty($this->fixtures))) {
408 unset($this->fixtures);
409 }
411 // Set up DB connection
412 if (isset($this->fixtures) && strtolower($method) == 'start') {
413 $this->_initDb();
414 $this->_loadFixtures();
415 }
417 // Create records
418 if (isset($this->_fixtures) && isset($this->db) && !in_array(strtolower($method), array('start', 'end')) && $this->__truncated && $this->autoFixtures == true) {
419 foreach ($this->_fixtures as $fixture) {
420 $inserts = $fixture->insert($this->db);
421 }
422 }
424 if (!in_array(strtolower($method), $this->methods)) {
425 $this->startTest($method);
426 }
427 }
429 /**
430 * Runs as first test to create tables.
431 *
432 * @return void
433 * @access public
434 */
435 function start() {
436 if (isset($this->_fixtures) && isset($this->db)) {
437 Configure::write('Cache.disable', true);
438 $cacheSources = $this->db->cacheSources;
439 $this->db->cacheSources = false;
440 $sources = $this->db->listSources();
441 $this->db->cacheSources = $cacheSources;
443 if (!$this->dropTables) {
444 return;
445 }
446 foreach ($this->_fixtures as $fixture) {
447 $table = $this->db->config['prefix'] . $fixture->table;
448 if (in_array($table, $sources)) {
449 $fixture->drop($this->db);
450 $fixture->create($this->db);
451 } elseif (!in_array($table, $sources)) {
452 $fixture->create($this->db);
453 }
454 }
455 }
456 }
458 /**
459 * Runs as last test to drop tables.
460 *
461 * @return void
462 * @access public
463 */
464 function end() {
465 if (isset($this->_fixtures) && isset($this->db)) {
466 if ($this->dropTables) {
467 foreach (array_reverse($this->_fixtures) as $fixture) {
468 $fixture->drop($this->db);
469 }
470 }
471 $this->db->sources(true);
472 Configure::write('Cache.disable', false);
473 }
475 if (class_exists('ClassRegistry')) {
476 ClassRegistry::flush();
477 }
478 }
480 /**
481 * Announces the end of a test.
482 *
483 * @param string $method Test method just finished.
484 * @return void
485 * @access public
486 */
487 function after($method) {
488 $isTestMethod = !in_array(strtolower($method), array('start', 'end'));
490 if (isset($this->_fixtures) && isset($this->db) && $isTestMethod) {
491 foreach ($this->_fixtures as $fixture) {
492 $fixture->truncate($this->db);
493 }
494 $this->__truncated = true;
495 } else {
496 $this->__truncated = false;
497 }
499 if (!in_array(strtolower($method), $this->methods)) {
500 $this->endTest($method);
501 }
502 $this->_should_skip = false;
504 parent::after($method);
505 }
507 /**
508 * Gets a list of test names. Normally that will be all internal methods that start with the
509 * name "test". This method should be overridden if you want a different rule.
510 *
511 * @return array List of test names.
512 * @access public
513 */
514 function getTests() {
515 return array_merge(
516 array('start', 'startCase'),
517 array_diff(parent::getTests(), array('testAction', 'testaction')),
518 array('endCase', 'end')
519 );
520 }
522 /**
523 * Chooses which fixtures to load for a given test
524 *
525 * @param string $fixture Each parameter is a model name that corresponds to a
526 * fixture, i.e. 'Post', 'Author', etc.
527 * @return void
528 * @access public
529 * @see CakeTestCase::$autoFixtures
530 */
531 function loadFixtures() {
532 $args = func_get_args();
533 foreach ($args as $class) {
534 if (isset($this->_fixtureClassMap[$class])) {
535 $fixture = $this->_fixtures[$this->_fixtureClassMap[$class]];
537 $fixture->truncate($this->db);
538 $fixture->insert($this->db);
539 } else {
540 trigger_error(sprintf(__('Referenced fixture class %s not found', true), $class), E_USER_WARNING);
541 }
542 }
543 }
545 /**
546 * Takes an array $expected and generates a regex from it to match the provided $string.
547 * Samples for $expected:
548 *
549 * Checks for an input tag with a name attribute (contains any non-empty value) and an id
550 * attribute that contains 'my-input':
551 * array('input' => array('name', 'id' => 'my-input'))
552 *
553 * Checks for two p elements with some text in them:
554 * array(
555 * array('p' => true),
556 * 'textA',
557 * '/p',
558 * array('p' => true),
559 * 'textB',
560 * '/p'
561 * )
562 *
563 * You can also specify a pattern expression as part of the attribute values, or the tag
564 * being defined, if you prepend the value with preg: and enclose it with slashes, like so:
565 * array(
566 * array('input' => array('name', 'id' => 'preg:/FieldName\d+/')),
567 * 'preg:/My\s+field/'
568 * )
569 *
570 * Important: This function is very forgiving about whitespace and also accepts any
571 * permutation of attribute order. It will also allow whitespaces between specified tags.
572 *
573 * @param string $string An HTML/XHTML/XML string
574 * @param array $expected An array, see above
575 * @param string $message SimpleTest failure output string
576 * @return boolean
577 * @access public
578 */
579 function assertTags($string, $expected, $fullDebug = false) {
580 $regex = array();
581 $normalized = array();
582 foreach ((array) $expected as $key => $val) {
583 if (!is_numeric($key)) {
584 $normalized[] = array($key => $val);
585 } else {
586 $normalized[] = $val;
587 }
588 }
589 $i = 0;
590 foreach ($normalized as $tags) {
591 if (!is_array($tags)) {
592 $tags = (string)$tags;
593 }
594 $i++;
595 if (is_string($tags) && $tags{0} == '<') {
596 $tags = array(substr($tags, 1) => array());
597 } elseif (is_string($tags)) {
598 $tagsTrimmed = preg_replace('/\s+/m', '', $tags);
600 if (preg_match('/^\*?\//', $tags, $match) && $tagsTrimmed !== '//') {
601 $prefix = array(null, null);
603 if ($match[0] == '*/') {
604 $prefix = array('Anything, ', '.*?');
605 }
606 $regex[] = array(
607 sprintf('%sClose %s tag', $prefix[0], substr($tags, strlen($match[0]))),
608 sprintf('%s<[\s]*\/[\s]*%s[\s]*>[\n\r]*', $prefix[1], substr($tags, strlen($match[0]))),
609 $i,
610 );
611 continue;
612 }
613 if (!empty($tags) && preg_match('/^preg\:\/(.+)\/$/i', $tags, $matches)) {
614 $tags = $matches[1];
615 $type = 'Regex matches';
616 } else {
617 $tags = preg_quote($tags, '/');
618 $type = 'Text equals';
619 }
620 $regex[] = array(
621 sprintf('%s "%s"', $type, $tags),
622 $tags,
623 $i,
624 );
625 continue;
626 }
627 foreach ($tags as $tag => $attributes) {
628 $regex[] = array(
629 sprintf('Open %s tag', $tag),
630 sprintf('[\s]*<%s', preg_quote($tag, '/')),
631 $i,
632 );
633 if ($attributes === true) {
634 $attributes = array();
635 }
636 $attrs = array();
637 $explanations = array();
638 $i = 1;
639 foreach ($attributes as $attr => $val) {
640 if (is_numeric($attr) && preg_match('/^preg\:\/(.+)\/$/i', $val, $matches)) {
641 $attrs[] = $matches[1];
642 $explanations[] = sprintf('Regex "%s" matches', $matches[1]);
643 continue;
644 } else {
645 $quotes = '["\']';
646 if (is_numeric($attr)) {
647 $attr = $val;
648 $val = '.+?';
649 $explanations[] = sprintf('Attribute "%s" present', $attr);
650 } elseif (!empty($val) && preg_match('/^preg\:\/(.+)\/$/i', $val, $matches)) {
651 $quotes = '["\']?';
652 $val = $matches[1];
653 $explanations[] = sprintf('Attribute "%s" matches "%s"', $attr, $val);
654 } else {
655 $explanations[] = sprintf('Attribute "%s" == "%s"', $attr, $val);
656 $val = preg_quote($val, '/');
657 }
658 $attrs[] = '[\s]+' . preg_quote($attr, '/') . '=' . $quotes . $val . $quotes;
659 }
660 $i++;
661 }
662 if ($attrs) {
663 $permutations = $this->__array_permute($attrs);
665 $permutationTokens = array();
666 foreach ($permutations as $permutation) {
667 $permutationTokens[] = implode('', $permutation);
668 }
669 $regex[] = array(
670 sprintf('%s', implode(', ', $explanations)),
671 $permutationTokens,
672 $i,
673 );
674 }
675 $regex[] = array(
676 sprintf('End %s tag', $tag),
677 '[\s]*\/?[\s]*>[\n\r]*',
678 $i,
679 );
680 }
681 }
682 foreach ($regex as $i => $assertation) {
683 list($description, $expressions, $itemNum) = $assertation;
684 $matches = false;
685 foreach ((array)$expressions as $expression) {
686 if (preg_match(sprintf('/^%s/s', $expression), $string, $match)) {
687 $matches = true;
688 $string = substr($string, strlen($match[0]));
689 break;
690 }
691 }
692 if (!$matches) {
693 $this->assert(new TrueExpectation(), false, sprintf('Item #%d / regex #%d failed: %s', $itemNum, $i, $description));
694 if ($fullDebug) {
695 debug($string, true);
696 debug($regex, true);
697 }
698 return false;
699 }
700 }
701 return $this->assert(new TrueExpectation(), true, '%s');
702 }
704 /**
705 * Initialize DB connection.
706 *
707 * @return void
708 * @access protected
709 */
710 function _initDb() {
711 $testDbAvailable = in_array('test', array_keys(ConnectionManager::enumConnectionObjects()));
713 $_prefix = null;
715 if ($testDbAvailable) {
716 // Try for test DB
717 restore_error_handler();
718 @$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test');
719 set_error_handler('simpleTestErrorHandler');
720 $testDbAvailable = $db->isConnected();
721 }
723 // Try for default DB
724 if (!$testDbAvailable) {
725 $db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
726 $_prefix = $db->config['prefix'];
727 $db->config['prefix'] = 'test_suite_';
728 }
730 ConnectionManager::create('test_suite', $db->config);
731 $db->config['prefix'] = $_prefix;
733 // Get db connection
734 $this->db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
735 $this->db->cacheSources = false;
737 ClassRegistry::config(array('ds' => 'test_suite'));
738 }
740 /**
741 * Load fixtures specified in var $fixtures.
742 *
743 * @return void
744 * @access protected
745 */
746 function _loadFixtures() {
747 if (!isset($this->fixtures) || empty($this->fixtures)) {
748 return;
749 }
751 if (!is_array($this->fixtures)) {
752 $this->fixtures = array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->fixtures));
753 }
755 $this->_fixtures = array();
757 foreach ($this->fixtures as $index => $fixture) {
758 $fixtureFile = null;
760 if (strpos($fixture, 'core.') === 0) {
761 $fixture = substr($fixture, strlen('core.'));
762 foreach (App::core('cake') as $key => $path) {
763 $fixturePaths[] = $path . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures';
764 }
765 } elseif (strpos($fixture, 'app.') === 0) {
766 $fixture = substr($fixture, strlen('app.'));
767 $fixturePaths = array(
768 TESTS . 'fixtures',
769 VENDORS . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures'
770 );
771 } elseif (strpos($fixture, 'plugin.') === 0) {
772 $parts = explode('.', $fixture, 3);
773 $pluginName = $parts[1];
774 $fixture = $parts[2];
775 $fixturePaths = array(
776 App::pluginPath($pluginName) . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures',
777 TESTS . 'fixtures',
778 VENDORS . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures'
779 );
780 } else {
781 $fixturePaths = array(
782 TESTS . 'fixtures',
783 VENDORS . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures',
784 TEST_CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'cake' . DS . 'tests' . DS . 'fixtures'
785 );
786 }
788 foreach ($fixturePaths as $path) {
789 if (is_readable($path . DS . $fixture . '_fixture.php')) {
790 $fixtureFile = $path . DS . $fixture . '_fixture.php';
791 break;
792 }
793 }
795 if (isset($fixtureFile)) {
796 require_once($fixtureFile);
797 $fixtureClass = Inflector::camelize($fixture) . 'Fixture';
798 $this->_fixtures[$this->fixtures[$index]] =& new $fixtureClass($this->db);
799 $this->_fixtureClassMap[Inflector::camelize($fixture)] = $this->fixtures[$index];
800 }
801 }
803 if (empty($this->_fixtures)) {
804 unset($this->_fixtures);
805 }
806 }
808 /**
809 * Generates all permutation of an array $items and returns them in a new array.
810 *
811 * @param array $items An array of items
812 * @return array
813 * @access private
814 */
815 function __array_permute($items, $perms = array()) {
816 static $permuted;
817 if (empty($perms)) {
818 $permuted = array();
819 }
821 if (empty($items)) {
822 $permuted[] = $perms;
823 } else {
824 $numItems = count($items) - 1;
825 for ($i = $numItems; $i >= 0; --$i) {
826 $newItems = $items;
827 $newPerms = $perms;
828 list($tmp) = array_splice($newItems, $i, 1);
829 array_unshift($newPerms, $tmp);
830 $this->__array_permute($newItems, $newPerms);
831 }
832 return $permuted;
833 }
834 }
835 }