diff cake/tests/cases/libs/model/model_read.test.php @ 0:261e66bd5a0c

hg init
author Shoshi TAMAKI <shoshi@cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sun, 24 Jul 2011 21:08:31 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cake/tests/cases/libs/model/model_read.test.php	Sun Jul 24 21:08:31 2011 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,7456 @@
+ * ModelReadTest file
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing>
+ * Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
+ *
+ *  Licensed under The Open Group Test Suite License
+ *  Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
+ *
+ * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2010, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
+ * @link          http://book.cakephp.org/view/1196/Testing CakePHP(tm) Tests
+ * @package       cake
+ * @subpackage    cake.tests.cases.libs.model
+ * @since         CakePHP(tm) v
+ * @license       http://www.opensource.org/licenses/opengroup.php The Open Group Test Suite License
+ */
+require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'model.test.php';
+ * ModelReadTest
+ *
+ * @package       cake
+ * @subpackage    cake.tests.cases.libs.model.operations
+ */
+class ModelReadTest extends BaseModelTest {
+ * testFetchingNonUniqueFKJoinTableRecords()
+ *
+ * Tests if the results are properly returned in the case there are non-unique FK's
+ * in the join table but another fields value is different. For example:
+ * something_id | something_else_id | doomed = 1
+ * something_id | something_else_id | doomed = 0
+ * Should return both records and not just one.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFetchingNonUniqueFKJoinTableRecords() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Something', 'SomethingElse', 'JoinThing');
+		$Something = new Something();
+		$joinThingData = array(
+			'JoinThing' => array(
+				'something_id' => 1,
+				'something_else_id' => 2,
+				'doomed' => '0',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+			)
+		);
+		$Something->JoinThing->create($joinThingData);
+		$Something->JoinThing->save();
+		$result = $Something->JoinThing->find('all', array('conditions' => array('something_else_id' => 2)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result[0]['JoinThing']['doomed'], true);
+		$this->assertEqual($result[1]['JoinThing']['doomed'], false);
+		$result = $Something->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual(count($result['SomethingElse']), 2);
+		$doomed = Set::extract('/JoinThing/doomed', $result['SomethingElse']);
+		$this->assertTrue(in_array(true, $doomed));
+		$this->assertTrue(in_array(false, $doomed));
+	}
+ * testGroupBy method
+ *
+ * These tests will never pass with Postgres or Oracle as all fields in a select must be
+ * part of an aggregate function or in the GROUP BY statement.
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testGroupBy() {
+		$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
+		$isStrictGroupBy = in_array($db->config['driver'], array('postgres', 'oracle'));
+		$message = '%s Postgres and Oracle have strict GROUP BY and are incompatible with this test.';
+		if ($this->skipIf($isStrictGroupBy, $message )) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$this->loadFixtures('Project', 'Product', 'Thread', 'Message', 'Bid');
+		$Thread =& new Thread();
+		$Product =& new Product();
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'group' => 'Thread.project_id',
+			'order' => 'Thread.id ASC'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Thread' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'project_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1'
+				),
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Project 1'
+				),
+				'Message' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'thread_id' => 1,
+						'name' => 'Thread 1, Message 1'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Thread' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'project_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'Project 2, Thread 1'
+				),
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'Project 2'
+				),
+				'Message' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'thread_id' => 3,
+						'name' => 'Thread 3, Message 1'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$rows = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'group' => 'Thread.project_id',
+			'fields' => array('Thread.project_id', 'COUNT(*) AS total')
+		));
+		$result = array();
+		foreach($rows as $row) {
+			$result[$row['Thread']['project_id']] = $row[0]['total'];
+		}
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 2,
+			2 => 1
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$rows = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'group' => 'Thread.project_id',
+			'fields' => array('Thread.project_id', 'COUNT(*) AS total'),
+			'order'=> 'Thread.project_id'
+		));
+		$result = array();
+		foreach($rows as $row) {
+			$result[$row['Thread']['project_id']] = $row[0]['total'];
+		}
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 2,
+			2 => 1
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => 'Thread.project_id'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Thread' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'project_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1'
+				),
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Project 1'
+				),
+				'Message' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'thread_id' => 1,
+						'name' => 'Thread 1, Message 1'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => 'Thread.project_id, Project.id'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => 'project_id'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => array('project_id')
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => array('project_id', 'Project.id')
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Thread->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Thread.project_id' => 1),
+			'group' => array('Thread.project_id', 'Project.id')
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$expected = array(
+			array('Product' => array('type' => 'Clothing'), array('price' => 32)),
+			array('Product' => array('type' => 'Food'), array('price' => 9)),
+			array('Product' => array('type' => 'Music'), array( 'price' => 4)),
+			array('Product' => array('type' => 'Toy'), array('price' => 3))
+		);
+		$result = $Product->find('all',array(
+			'fields'=>array('Product.type', 'MIN(Product.price) as price'),
+			'group'=> 'Product.type',
+			'order' => 'Product.type ASC'
+			));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $Product->find('all', array(
+			'fields'=>array('Product.type', 'MIN(Product.price) as price'),
+			'group'=> array('Product.type'),
+			'order' => 'Product.type ASC'));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testOldQuery method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testOldQuery() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article');
+		$Article =& new Article();
+		$query  = 'SELECT title FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.id IN (1,2)';
+		$results = $Article->query($query);
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($results));
+		$this->assertEqual(count($results), 2);
+		$query  = 'SELECT title, body FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.id = 1';
+		$results = $Article->query($query, false);
+		$this->assertTrue(!isset($this->db->_queryCache[$query]));
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($results));
+		$query  = 'SELECT title, id FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= '.published = ' . $this->db->value('Y');
+		$results = $Article->query($query, true);
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($this->db->_queryCache[$query]));
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($results));
+	}
+ * testPreparedQuery method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testPreparedQuery() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article');
+		$Article =& new Article();
+		$this->db->_queryCache = array();
+		$finalQuery = 'SELECT title, published FROM ';
+		$finalQuery .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$finalQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$finalQuery .= '.id = ' . $this->db->value(1);
+		$finalQuery .= ' AND ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$finalQuery .= '.published = ' . $this->db->value('Y');
+		$query = 'SELECT title, published FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= '.id = ? AND ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.published = ?';
+		$params = array(1, 'Y');
+		$result = $Article->query($query, $params);
+		$expected = array(
+			'0' => array(
+				$this->db->fullTableName('articles', false) => array(
+					'title' => 'First Article', 'published' => 'Y')
+		));
+		if (isset($result[0][0])) {
+			$expected[0][0] = $expected[0][$this->db->fullTableName('articles', false)];
+			unset($expected[0][$this->db->fullTableName('articles', false)]);
+		}
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($this->db->_queryCache[$finalQuery]));
+		$finalQuery = 'SELECT id, created FROM ';
+		$finalQuery .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$finalQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$finalQuery .= '.title = ' . $this->db->value('First Article');
+		$query  = 'SELECT id, created FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= '  WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.title = ?';
+		$params = array('First Article');
+		$result = $Article->query($query, $params, false);
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+		$this->assertTrue(
+			   isset($result[0][$this->db->fullTableName('articles', false)])
+			|| isset($result[0][0])
+		);
+		$this->assertFalse(isset($this->db->_queryCache[$finalQuery]));
+		$query  = 'SELECT title FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.title LIKE ?';
+		$params = array('%First%');
+		$result = $Article->query($query, $params);
+		$this->assertTrue(is_array($result));
+		$this->assertTrue(
+			   isset($result[0][$this->db->fullTableName('articles', false)]['title'])
+			|| isset($result[0][0]['title'])
+		);
+		//related to ticket #5035
+		$query  = 'SELECT title FROM ';
+		$query .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . ' WHERE title = ? AND published = ?';
+		$params = array('First? Article', 'Y');
+		$Article->query($query, $params);
+		$expected  = 'SELECT title FROM ';
+		$expected .= $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$expected .= " WHERE title = 'First? Article' AND published = 'Y'";
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($this->db->_queryCache[$expected]));
+	}
+ * testParameterMismatch method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testParameterMismatch() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article');
+		$Article =& new Article();
+		$query  = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= ' WHERE ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles');
+		$query .= '.published = ? AND ' . $this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.user_id = ?';
+		$params = array('Y');
+		$this->expectError();
+		ob_start();
+		$result = $Article->query($query, $params);
+		ob_end_clean();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, null);
+	}
+ * testVeryStrangeUseCase method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testVeryStrangeUseCase() {
+		$message = "%s skipping SELECT * FROM ? WHERE ? = ? AND ? = ?; prepared query.";
+		$message .= " MSSQL is incompatible with this test.";
+		if ($this->skipIf($this->db->config['driver'] == 'mssql', $message)) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article');
+		$Article =& new Article();
+		$query = 'SELECT * FROM ? WHERE ? = ? AND ? = ?';
+		$param = array(
+			$this->db->fullTableName('articles'),
+			$this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.user_id', '3',
+			$this->db->fullTableName('articles') . '.published', 'Y'
+		);
+		$this->expectError();
+		ob_start();
+		$result = $Article->query($query, $param);
+		ob_end_clean();
+	}
+ * testRecursiveUnbind method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testRecursiveUnbind() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Apple', 'Sample');
+		$TestModel =& new Apple();
+		$TestModel->recursive = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array (
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					))),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' =>'',
+						'apple_id' => '',
+						'name' => ''
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+								'date' => '1951-01-04',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'name' => 'sample2'
+							),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'Red 1',
+									'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+									'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+									'date' => '1951-01-04',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 3,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'blue green',
+									'name' => 'green blue',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 4,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'Blue Green',
+									'name' => 'Test Name',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01',
+								'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					))),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2',
+						'Apple' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					)),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01',
+								'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 2,
+									'apple_id' => 1,
+									'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+									'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+									'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+									'date' => '2014-01-01',
+									'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						))),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01',
+								'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'apple_id' => 3,
+								'name' => 'sample1'
+						)),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01',
+								'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(
+								'id' => 3,
+								'apple_id' => 4,
+								'name' => 'sample3'
+							),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 6,
+									'apple_id' => 4,
+									'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+									'name' => 'My new apple',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'sample1',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26', 'mytime' => '22:57:17'),
+						'Sample' => array('id' => 2, 'apple_id' => 2, 'name' => 'sample2'),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+								'date' => '1951-01-04',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							array(
+								'id' => 3,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'blue green',
+								'name' => 'green blue',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							array(
+								'id' => 4,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Blue Green',
+								'name' => 'Test Name',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'sample3',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 6,
+						'apple_id' => 4,
+						'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+						'name' => 'My new apple',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 7,
+								'apple_id' => 6,
+								'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+								'name' => 'Some odd color',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'name' => 'sample4'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'sample4',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					)),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 5,
+								'apple_id' => 5,
+								'color' => 'Green',
+								'name' => 'Blue Green',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(
+								'id' => 4,
+								'apple_id' => 5,
+								'name' => 'sample4'
+							),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 5,
+									'apple_id' => 5,
+									'color' => 'Green',
+									'name' => 'Blue Green',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 4,
+						'name' => 'sample3'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+							'name' => 'My new apple',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 7,
+						'apple_id' => 6,
+						'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+						'name' => 'Some odd color',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+							'name' => 'My new apple',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array()
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 7,
+					'apple_id' => 6,
+					'color' =>
+					'Some wierd color',
+					'name' => 'Some odd color',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 7,
+							'apple_id' => 6,
+							'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+							'name' => 'Some odd color',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+				),
+				'Child' => array()));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->Parent->unbindModel(array('hasOne' => array('Sample')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'),
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+								'date' => '1951-01-04',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							array(
+								'id' => 3,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'blue green',
+								'name' => 'green blue',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							array(
+								'id' => 4,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Blue Green',
+								'name' => 'Test Name',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					))),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' =>'',
+						'apple_id' => '',
+						'name' => ''
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+							'Parent' => array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'color' => 'Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+								'date' => '1951-01-04',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+							),
+							'Sample' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 2,
+								'name' => 'sample2'
+							),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'Red 1',
+									'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+									'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+									'date' => '1951-01-04',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 3,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'blue green',
+									'name' => 'green blue',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 4,
+									'apple_id' => 2,
+									'color' => 'Blue Green',
+									'name' => 'Test Name',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'sample2',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01', 'modified' =>
+								'2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					))),
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 3,
+							'name' => 'sample1'
+					)),
+					array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'name' => 'sample3'
+						),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 6,
+								'apple_id' => 4,
+								'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+								'name' => 'My new apple',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'sample1',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'sample3',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 6,
+						'apple_id' => 4,
+						'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+						'name' => 'My new apple',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(),
+							'Child' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 7,
+									'apple_id' => 6,
+									'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+									'name' => 'Some odd color',
+									'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+									'date' => '2006-12-25',
+									'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+									'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'sample4',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				)),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'name' => 'sample4'
+						),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 5,
+								'apple_id' => 5,
+								'color' => 'Green',
+								'name' => 'Blue Green',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+							'name' => 'My new apple',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 7,
+						'apple_id' => 6,
+						'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+						'name' => 'Some odd color',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Parent' => array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+							'name' => 'My new apple',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						'Sample' => array()
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 7,
+					'apple_id' => 6,
+					'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+					'name' => 'Some odd color',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 7,
+							'apple_id' => 6,
+							'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+							'name' => 'Some odd color',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+				),
+				'Child' => array()
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->Parent->unbindModel(array('hasOne' => array('Sample')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Child')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array (
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' =>'',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'sample2',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+				'id' => 3,
+				'apple_id' => 2,
+				'color' => 'blue green',
+				'name' => 'green blue',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			),
+			'Parent' => array(
+				'id' => 2,
+				'apple_id' => 1,
+				'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+				'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+				'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+				'date' => '2014-01-01',
+				'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			'Sample' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'apple_id' => 3,
+				'name' => 'sample1',
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+		))),
+		array(
+			'Apple' => array(
+				'id' => 4,
+				'apple_id' => 2,
+				'color' => 'Blue Green',
+				'name' => 'Test Name',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			),
+			'Parent' => array(
+				'id' => 2,
+				'apple_id' => 1,
+				'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+				'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+				'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+				'date' => '2014-01-01',
+				'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			'Sample' => array(
+				'id' => 3,
+				'apple_id' => 4,
+				'name' => 'sample3',
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+		))),
+		array(
+			'Apple' => array(
+				'id' => 5,
+				'apple_id' => 5,
+				'color' => 'Green',
+				'name' => 'Blue Green',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			),
+			'Parent' => array(
+				'id' => 5,
+				'apple_id' => 5,
+				'color' => 'Green',
+				'name' => 'Blue Green',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			'Sample' => array(
+				'id' => 4,
+				'apple_id' => 5,
+				'name' => 'sample4',
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+		))),
+		array(
+			'Apple' => array(
+				'id' => 6,
+				'apple_id' => 4,
+				'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+				'name' => 'My new apple',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			),
+			'Parent' => array(
+				'id' => 4,
+				'apple_id' => 2,
+				'color' => 'Blue Green',
+				'name' => 'Test Name',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 6,
+						'apple_id' => 4,
+						'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+						'name' => 'My new apple',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			'Sample' => array(
+				'id' => '',
+				'apple_id' => '',
+				'name' => ''
+		)),
+		array(
+			'Apple' => array(
+				'id' => 7,
+				'apple_id' => 6,
+				'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+				'name' => 'Some odd color',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			),
+			'Parent' => array(
+				'id' => 6,
+				'apple_id' => 4,
+				'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+				'name' => 'My new apple',
+				'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+				'date' => '2006-12-25',
+				'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+				'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 7,
+						'apple_id' => 6,
+						'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+						'name' => 'Some odd color',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			'Sample' => array(
+				'id' => '',
+				'apple_id' => '',
+				'name' => ''
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Child')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->Sample->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Apple')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' =>'',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'apple_id' => 1,
+							'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+							'date' => '2014-01-01',
+							'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'sample2'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'sample1'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'sample3'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'name' => 'sample4'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'sample4'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 4,
+						'name' => 'sample3'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+							'name' => 'My new apple',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 7,
+					'apple_id' => 6,
+					'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+					'name' => 'Some odd color',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					'Sample' => array(),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 7,
+							'apple_id' => 6,
+							'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+							'name' => 'Some odd color',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->Parent->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Parent')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Child')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' =>'',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'apple_id' => 1,
+								'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+								'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+								'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+								'date' => '2014-01-01',
+								'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'sample2',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 1,
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'apple_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'sample1',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 2,
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'apple_id' => 1,
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'sample2'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Red 1',
+							'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+							'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+							'date' => '1951-01-04',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'blue green',
+							'name' => 'green blue',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'apple_id' => 2,
+							'color' => 'Blue Green',
+							'name' => 'Test Name',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'sample3',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' =>
+					'2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'name' => 'sample4'
+					),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 5,
+							'apple_id' => 5,
+							'color' => 'Green',
+							'name' => 'Blue Green',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25',
+							'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'apple_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'sample4',
+					'Apple' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'apple_id' => 5,
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'),
+					'Parent' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'apple_id' => 2,
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+						'Sample' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'apple_id' => 4,
+							'name' => 'sample3'
+						),
+						'Child' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 6,
+								'apple_id' => 4,
+								'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+								'name' => 'My new apple',
+								'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+								'date' => '2006-12-25',
+								'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+								'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					))),
+					'Sample' => array(
+						'id' => '',
+						'apple_id' => '',
+						'name' => ''
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => 7,
+					'apple_id' => 6,
+					'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+					'name' => 'Some odd color',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'apple_id' => 4,
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17',
+					'Sample' => array(),
+					'Child' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => 7,
+							'apple_id' => 6,
+							'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+							'name' => 'Some odd color',
+							'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'date' => '2006-12-25', 'modified' =>
+							'2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+							'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				))),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'apple_id' => '',
+					'name' => ''
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testSelfAssociationAfterFind method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testSelfAssociationAfterFind() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Apple');
+		$afterFindModel = new NodeAfterFind();
+		$afterFindModel->recursive = 3;
+		$afterFindData = $afterFindModel->find('all');
+		$duplicateModel = new NodeAfterFind();
+		$duplicateModel->recursive = 3;
+		$duplicateModelData = $duplicateModel->find('all');
+		$noAfterFindModel = new NodeNoAfterFind();
+		$noAfterFindModel->recursive = 3;
+		$noAfterFindData = $noAfterFindModel->find('all');
+		$this->assertFalse($afterFindModel == $noAfterFindModel);
+		// Limitation of PHP 4 and PHP 5 > 5.1.6 when comparing recursive objects
+		if (PHP_VERSION === '5.1.6') {
+			$this->assertFalse($afterFindModel != $duplicateModel);
+		}
+		$this->assertEqual($afterFindData, $noAfterFindData);
+	}
+ * testFindAllThreaded method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAllThreaded() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Category');
+		$TestModel =& new Category();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array(
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '7',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()),
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '8',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()))
+					),
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '3',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.2',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 3',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '6',
+							'parent_id' => '5',
+							'name' => 'Category 3.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Category.name LIKE' => 'Category 1%')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array(
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '7',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()),
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '8',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()))
+					),
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '3',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.2',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'fields' => 'id, parent_id, name'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1'
+						),
+						'children' => array(
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '7',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1'),
+								'children' => array()),
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '8',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.2'),
+								'children' => array()))
+					),
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '3',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.2'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 2'
+				),
+				'children' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 3'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '6',
+							'parent_id' => '5',
+							'name' => 'Category 3.1'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array('order' => 'id DESC'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'parent_id' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Category 3',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => 6,
+							'parent_id' => 5,
+							'name' => 'Category 3.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'parent_id' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Category 2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'parent_id' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'parent_id' => 1,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.2',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					),
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'parent_id' => 1,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array(
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '8',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()),
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '7',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()))
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Category.name LIKE' => 'Category 3%')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 3',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '6',
+							'parent_id' => '5',
+							'name' => 'Category 3.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Category.name LIKE' => 'Category 1.1%')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+				array('Category' =>
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'parent_id' => '1',
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+						'children' => array(
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '7',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()),
+							array('Category' => array(
+								'id' => '8',
+								'parent_id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'),
+								'children' => array()))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'fields' => 'id, parent_id, name',
+			'conditions' => array('Category.id !=' => 2)
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '3',
+							'parent_id' => '1',
+							'name' => 'Category 1.2'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 2'
+				),
+				'children' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 3'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array(
+						'Category' => array(
+							'id' => '6',
+							'parent_id' => '5',
+							'name' => 'Category 3.1'
+						),
+						'children' => array()
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'id, name, parent_id',
+			'conditions' => array('Category.id !=' => 1)
+		));
+		$expected = array (
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+				'parent_id' => '1'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '3',
+				'name' => 'Category 1.2',
+				'parent_id' => '1'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '4',
+				'name' => 'Category 2',
+				'parent_id' => '0'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '5',
+				'name' => 'Category 3',
+				'parent_id' => '0'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '6',
+				'name' => 'Category 3.1',
+				'parent_id' => '5'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '7',
+				'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+				'parent_id' => '2'
+			)),
+			array ('Category' => array(
+				'id' => '8',
+				'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+				'parent_id' => '2'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('threaded', array(
+			'fields' => 'id, parent_id, name',
+			'conditions' => array('Category.id !=' => 1)
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'parent_id' => '1',
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1'
+				),
+				'children' => array(
+					array('Category' => array(
+						'id' => '7',
+						'parent_id' => '2',
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.1'),
+						'children' => array()),
+					array('Category' => array(
+						'id' => '8',
+						'parent_id' => '2',
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.2'),
+						'children' => array()))
+			),
+			array(
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'parent_id' => '1',
+					'name' => 'Category 1.2'
+				),
+				'children' => array()
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * test find('neighbors')
+ *
+ * @return void
+ * @access public
+ */
+	function testFindNeighbors() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('fields' => array('id')));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => null,
+			'next' => array(
+				'Article' => array('id' => 2)
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array(
+			'fields' => array('id')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 1
+			)),
+			'next' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 3
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('fields' => array('id')));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 2
+			)),
+			'next' => null
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => -1));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => null,
+			'next' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 3,
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => -1));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				)
+			),
+			'next' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => -1));
+		$expected = array(
+			'prev' => array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 3,
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				)
+			),
+			'next' => null
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->recursive = 0;
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$one = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$two = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$three = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors');
+		$expected = array('prev' => null, 'next' => $two);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors');
+		$expected = array('prev' => $one, 'next' => $three);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors');
+		$expected = array('prev' => $two, 'next' => null);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->recursive = 2;
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$one = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$two = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$three = $TestModel->read();
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => 2));
+		$expected = array('prev' => null, 'next' => $two);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => 2));
+		$expected = array('prev' => $one, 'next' => $three);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 3;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('neighbors', array('recursive' => 2));
+		$expected = array('prev' => $two, 'next' => null);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindCombinedRelations method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindCombinedRelations() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Apple', 'Sample');
+		$TestModel =& new Apple();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'apple_id' => '1',
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => null,
+					'apple_id' => null,
+					'name' => null
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'apple_id' => '1',
+						'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+						'date' => '2014-01-01',
+						'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'apple_id' => '1',
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'color' => 'Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+					'date' => '1951-01-04',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'name' => 'sample2'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'apple_id' => '2',
+						'color' => 'Red 1',
+						'name' => 'Red Apple 1',
+						'created' => '2006-11-22 10:38:58',
+						'date' => '1951-01-04',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-01 13:31:26',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'apple_id' => '2',
+						'color' => 'blue green',
+						'name' => 'green blue',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'apple_id' => '2',
+						'color' => 'Blue Green',
+						'name' => 'Test Name',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'color' => 'blue green',
+					'name' => 'green blue',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:13:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:24',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'apple_id' => '1',
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'apple_id' => '3',
+					'name' => 'sample1'
+				),
+				'Child' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'apple_id' => '1',
+					'color' => 'Bright Red 1',
+					'name' => 'Bright Red Apple',
+					'created' => '2006-11-22 10:43:13',
+					'date' => '2014-01-01',
+					'modified' => '2006-11-30 18:38:10',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'apple_id' => '4',
+					'name' => 'sample3'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'apple_id' => '4',
+						'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+						'name' => 'My new apple',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'apple_id' => '5',
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'apple_id' => '5',
+					'color' => 'Green',
+					'name' => 'Blue Green',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'apple_id' => '5',
+					'name' => 'sample4'
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'apple_id' => '5',
+						'color' => 'Green',
+						'name' => 'Blue Green',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:24:06',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:16',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '6',
+					'apple_id' => '4',
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'apple_id' => '2',
+					'color' => 'Blue Green',
+					'name' => 'Test Name',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:23:36',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => null,
+					'apple_id' => null,
+					'name' => null
+				),
+				'Child' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '7',
+						'apple_id' => '6',
+						'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+						'name' => 'Some odd color',
+						'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'date' => '2006-12-25',
+						'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+						'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Apple' => array(
+					'id' => '7',
+					'apple_id' => '6',
+					'color' => 'Some wierd color',
+					'name' => 'Some odd color',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:34:21',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Parent' => array(
+					'id' => '6',
+					'apple_id' => '4',
+					'color' => 'My new appleOrange',
+					'name' => 'My new apple',
+					'created' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'date' => '2006-12-25',
+					'modified' => '2006-12-25 05:29:39',
+					'mytime' => '22:57:17'
+				),
+				'Sample' => array(
+					'id' => null,
+					'apple_id' => null,
+					'name' => null
+				),
+				'Child' => array()
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testSaveEmpty method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testSaveEmpty() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Thread');
+		$TestModel =& new Thread();
+		$data = array();
+		$expected = $TestModel->save($data);
+		$this->assertFalse($expected);
+	}
+ * testFindAllWithConditionInChildQuery
+ *
+ * @todo external conditions like this are going to need to be revisited at some point
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAllWithConditionInChildQuery() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Basket', 'FilmFile');
+		$TestModel =& new Basket();
+		$recursive = 3;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', compact('conditions', 'recursive'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Basket' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'type' => 'nonfile',
+					'name' => 'basket1',
+					'object_id' => 1,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+				),
+				'FilmFile' => array(
+					'id' => '',
+					'name' => '',
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Basket' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'type' => 'file',
+					'name' => 'basket2',
+					'object_id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+				),
+				'FilmFile' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'two',
+				)
+			),
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindAllWithConditionsHavingMixedDataTypes method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAllWithConditionsHavingMixedDataTypes() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article');
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 3,
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$conditions = array('id' => array('1', 2));
+		$recursive = -1;
+		$order = 'Article.id ASC';
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', compact('conditions', 'recursive', 'order'));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		if ($this->skipIf($this->db->config['driver'] == 'postgres', 'The rest of testFindAllWithConditionsHavingMixedDataTypes test is not compatible with Postgres')) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$conditions = array('id' => array('1', 2, '3.0'));
+		$order = 'Article.id ASC';
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', compact('recursive', 'conditions', 'order'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 3,
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				)
+			),
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testBindUnbind method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testBindUnbind() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'FeatureSet');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'N',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->resetAssociations();
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$this->assertEqual($result, array());
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')), false);
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'N',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array(
+			'Comment' => array(
+				'className' => 'Comment',
+				'foreignKey' => 'user_id',
+				'conditions' => null,
+				'fields' => null,
+				'order' => null,
+				'limit' => null,
+				'offset' => null,
+				'dependent' => null,
+				'exclusive' => null,
+				'finderQuery' => null,
+				'counterQuery' => null
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'N',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' =>
+						'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')), false);
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('fields' => 'User.id, User.user'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')),
+			array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array(
+			'Comment' => array('className' => 'Comment', 'conditions' => 'Comment.published = \'Y\'')
+		)));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('fields' => 'User.id, User.user'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel2 =& new DeviceType();
+		$expected = array(
+			'className' => 'FeatureSet',
+			'foreignKey' => 'feature_set_id',
+			'conditions' => '',
+			'fields' => '',
+			'order' => '',
+			'counterCache' => ''
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel2->belongsTo['FeatureSet'], $expected);
+		$TestModel2->bindModel(array(
+			'belongsTo' => array(
+				'FeatureSet' => array(
+					'className' => 'FeatureSet',
+					'conditions' => array('active' => true)
+				)
+			)
+		));
+		$expected['conditions'] = array('active' => true);
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel2->belongsTo['FeatureSet'], $expected);
+		$TestModel2->bindModel(array(
+			'belongsTo' => array(
+				'FeatureSet' => array(
+					'className' => 'FeatureSet',
+					'foreignKey' => false,
+					'conditions' => array('Feature.name' => 'DeviceType.name')
+				)
+			)
+		));
+		$expected['conditions'] = array('Feature.name' => 'DeviceType.name');
+		$expected['foreignKey'] = false;
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel2->belongsTo['FeatureSet'], $expected);
+		$TestModel2->bindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array(
+				'NewFeatureSet' => array(
+					'className' => 'FeatureSet',
+					'conditions' => array('active' => true)
+				)
+			)
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'className' => 'FeatureSet',
+			'conditions' => array('active' => true),
+			'foreignKey' => 'device_type_id',
+			'fields' => '',
+			'order' => '',
+			'limit' => '',
+			'offset' => '',
+			'dependent' => '',
+			'exclusive' => '',
+			'finderQuery' => '',
+			'counterQuery' => ''
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel2->hasMany['NewFeatureSet'], $expected);
+		$this->assertTrue(is_object($TestModel2->NewFeatureSet));
+	}
+ * testBindMultipleTimes method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testBindMultipleTimes() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array(
+				'Items' => array('className' => 'Comment')
+		)));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Items' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'N',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Items' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Items' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett'),
+					'Items' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'article_id' => '1',
+							'user_id' => '4',
+							'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array(
+				'Items' => array('className' => 'Article')
+		)));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => 'User.id, User.user'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano'
+				),
+				'Items' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'user_id' => 1,
+						'title' => 'First Article',
+						'body' => 'First Article Body',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'user_id' => 1,
+						'title' => 'Third Article',
+						'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate'
+				),
+				'Items' => array()
+			),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry'
+				),
+				'Items' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'user_id' => 3,
+						'title' => 'Second Article',
+						'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett'
+				),
+				'Items' => array()
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * test that multiple reset = true calls to bindModel() result in the original associations.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testBindModelMultipleTimesResetCorrectly() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$TestModel->resetAssociations();
+		$this->assertFalse(isset($TestModel->hasMany['Comment']), 'Association left behind');
+	}
+ * testBindMultipleTimes method with different reset settings
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testBindMultipleTimesWithDifferentResetSettings() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->hasMany;
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array('Comment')
+		));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(
+			array('hasMany' => array('Article')),
+			false
+		);
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = array_keys($TestModel->hasMany);
+		$expected = array('Comment', 'Article');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->resetAssociations();
+		$result = array_keys($TestModel->hasMany);
+		$expected = array('Article');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * test that bindModel behaves with Custom primary Key associations
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function bindWithCustomPrimaryKey() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Story', 'StoriesTag', 'Tag');
+		$Model =& ClassRegistry::init('StoriesTag');
+		$Model->bindModel(array(
+			'belongsTo' => array(
+				'Tag' => array(
+					'className' => 'Tag',
+					'foreignKey' => 'story'
+		))));
+		$result = $Model->find('all');
+		$this->assertFalse(empty($result));
+	}
+ * test that calling unbindModel() with reset == true multiple times 
+ * leaves associations in the correct state.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testUnbindMultipleTimesResetCorrectly() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new Article10();
+		$TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$TestModel->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Comment')));
+		$TestModel->resetAssociations();
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($TestModel->hasMany['Comment']), 'Association permanently removed');
+	}
+ * testBindMultipleTimes method with different reset settings
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testUnBindMultipleTimesWithDifferentResetSettings() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Comment', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new Comment();
+		$result = array_keys($TestModel->belongsTo);
+		$expected = array('Article', 'User');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(array(
+			'belongsTo' => array('User')
+		));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = $TestModel->unbindModel(
+			array('belongsTo' => array('Article')),
+			false
+		);
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$result = array_keys($TestModel->belongsTo);
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->resetAssociations();
+		$result = array_keys($TestModel->belongsTo);
+		$expected = array('User');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testAssociationAfterFind method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testAssociationAfterFind() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post', 'Author', 'Comment');
+		$TestModel =& new Post();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Post' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'author_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Post',
+					'body' => 'First Post Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'Author' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31',
+					'test' => 'working'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Post' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'author_id' => '3',
+					'title' => 'Second Post',
+					'body' => 'Second Post Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				),
+				'Author' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31',
+					'test' => 'working'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'Post' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'author_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Third Post',
+					'body' => 'Third Post Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				),
+				'Author' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31',
+					'test' => 'working'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		unset($TestModel);
+		$Author =& new Author();
+		$Author->Post->bindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array(
+				'Comment' => array(
+					'className' => 'ModifiedComment',
+					'foreignKey' => 'article_id',
+				)
+		)));
+		$result = $Author->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Author.id' => 1),
+			'recursive' => 2
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'id' => 1,
+			'article_id' => 1,
+			'user_id' => 2,
+			'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+			'published' => 'Y',
+			'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+			'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31',
+			'callback' => 'Fire'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result[0]['Post'][0]['Comment'][0], $expected);
+	}
+ * Tests that callbacks can be properly disabled
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testCallbackDisabling() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Author');
+		$TestModel = new ModifiedAuthor();
+		$result = Set::extract($TestModel->find('all'), '/Author/user');
+		$expected = array('mariano (CakePHP)', 'nate (CakePHP)', 'larry (CakePHP)', 'garrett (CakePHP)');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::extract($TestModel->find('all', array('callbacks' => 'after')), '/Author/user');
+		$expected = array('mariano (CakePHP)', 'nate (CakePHP)', 'larry (CakePHP)', 'garrett (CakePHP)');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::extract($TestModel->find('all', array('callbacks' => 'before')), '/Author/user');
+		$expected = array('mariano', 'nate', 'larry', 'garrett');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::extract($TestModel->find('all', array('callbacks' => false)), '/Author/user');
+		$expected = array('mariano', 'nate', 'larry', 'garrett');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * Tests that the database configuration assigned to the model can be changed using
+ * (before|after)Find callbacks
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testCallbackSourceChange() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post');
+		$TestModel = new Post();
+		$this->assertEqual(3, count($TestModel->find('all')));
+		$this->expectError(new PatternExpectation('/Non-existent data source foo/i'));
+		$this->assertFalse($TestModel->find('all', array('connection' => 'foo')));
+	}
+ * testMultipleBelongsToWithSameClass method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testMultipleBelongsToWithSameClass() {
+		$this->loadFixtures(
+			'DeviceType',
+			'DeviceTypeCategory',
+			'FeatureSet',
+			'ExteriorTypeCategory',
+			'Document',
+			'Device',
+			'DocumentDirectory'
+		);
+		$DeviceType =& new DeviceType();
+		$DeviceType->recursive = 2;
+		$result = $DeviceType->read(null, 1);
+		$expected = array(
+			'DeviceType' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'device_type_category_id' => 1,
+				'feature_set_id' => 1,
+				'exterior_type_category_id' => 1,
+				'image_id' => 1,
+				'extra1_id' => 1,
+				'extra2_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'DeviceType 1',
+				'order' => 0
+			),
+			'Image' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'document_directory_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'Document 1',
+				'DocumentDirectory' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'DocumentDirectory 1'
+			)),
+			'Extra1' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'document_directory_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'Document 1',
+				'DocumentDirectory' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'DocumentDirectory 1'
+			)),
+			'Extra2' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'document_directory_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'Document 1',
+				'DocumentDirectory' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'DocumentDirectory 1'
+			)),
+			'DeviceTypeCategory' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'DeviceTypeCategory 1'
+			),
+			'FeatureSet' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'FeatureSet 1'
+			),
+			'ExteriorTypeCategory' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'image_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'ExteriorTypeCategory 1',
+				'Image' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'device_type_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Device 1',
+					'typ' => 1
+			)),
+			'Device' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'device_type_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Device 1',
+					'typ' => 1
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'device_type_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Device 2',
+					'typ' => 1
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'device_type_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Device 3',
+					'typ' => 2
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testHabtmRecursiveBelongsTo method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testHabtmRecursiveBelongsTo() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Portfolio', 'Item', 'ItemsPortfolio', 'Syfile', 'Image');
+		$Portfolio =& new Portfolio();
+		$result = $Portfolio->find(array('id' => 2), null, null, 3);
+		$expected = array(
+			'Portfolio' => array(
+				'id' => 2,
+				'seller_id' => 1,
+				'name' => 'Portfolio 2'
+			),
+			'Item' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'syfile_id' => 2,
+					'published' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Item 2',
+					'ItemsPortfolio' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'item_id' => 2,
+						'portfolio_id' => 2
+					),
+					'Syfile' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'image_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'Syfile 2',
+						'item_count' => null,
+						'Image' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'name' => 'Image 2'
+						)
+				)),
+				array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'syfile_id' => 6,
+					'published' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Item 6',
+					'ItemsPortfolio' => array(
+						'id' => 6,
+						'item_id' => 6,
+						'portfolio_id' => 2
+					),
+					'Syfile' => array(
+						'id' => 6,
+						'image_id' => null,
+						'name' => 'Syfile 6',
+						'item_count' => null,
+						'Image' => array()
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testHabtmFinderQuery method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testHabtmFinderQuery() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article', 'Tag', 'ArticlesTag');
+		$Article =& new Article();
+		$sql = $this->db->buildStatement(
+			array(
+				'fields' => $this->db->fields($Article->Tag, null, array(
+					'Tag.id', 'Tag.tag', 'ArticlesTag.article_id', 'ArticlesTag.tag_id'
+				)),
+				'table' => $this->db->fullTableName('tags'),
+				'alias' => 'Tag',
+				'limit' => null,
+				'offset' => null,
+				'group' => null,
+				'joins' => array(array(
+					'alias' => 'ArticlesTag',
+					'table' => $this->db->fullTableName('articles_tags'),
+					'conditions' => array(
+						array("ArticlesTag.article_id" => '{$__cakeID__$}'),
+						array("ArticlesTag.tag_id" => $this->db->identifier('Tag.id'))
+					)
+				)),
+				'conditions' => array(),
+				'order' => null
+			),
+			$Article
+		);
+		$Article->hasAndBelongsToMany['Tag']['finderQuery'] = $sql;
+		$result = $Article->find('first');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'id' => '1',
+				'tag' => 'tag1'
+			),
+			array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'tag' => 'tag2'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Tag'], $expected);
+	}
+ * testHabtmLimitOptimization method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testHabtmLimitOptimization() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article', 'User', 'Comment', 'Tag', 'ArticlesTag');
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$TestModel->hasAndBelongsToMany['Tag']['limit'] = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->read(null, 2);
+		$expected = array(
+			'Article' => array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'user_id' => '3',
+				'title' => 'Second Article',
+				'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+				'published' => 'Y',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+			),
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '3',
+				'user' => 'larry',
+				'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+				'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+			),
+			'Comment' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => '5',
+					'article_id' => '2',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => '6',
+					'article_id' => '2',
+					'user_id' => '2',
+					'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+			)),
+			'Tag' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'tag' => 'tag1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'tag' => 'tag3',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->hasAndBelongsToMany['Tag']['limit'] = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->read(null, 2);
+		unset($expected['Tag'][1]);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testHasManyLimitOptimization method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testHasManyLimitOptimization() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Project', 'Thread', 'Message', 'Bid');
+		$Project =& new Project();
+		$Project->recursive = 3;
+		$result = $Project->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Project 1'
+				),
+				'Thread' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'project_id' => 1,
+						'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1',
+						'Project' => array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'name' => 'Project 1',
+							'Thread' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'project_id' => 1,
+									'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 2,
+									'project_id' => 1,
+									'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 2'
+						))),
+						'Message' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'thread_id' => 1,
+								'name' => 'Thread 1, Message 1',
+								'Bid' => array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'message_id' => 1,
+									'name' => 'Bid 1.1'
+					)))),
+					array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'project_id' => 1,
+						'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 2',
+						'Project' => array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'name' => 'Project 1',
+							'Thread' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'project_id' => 1,
+									'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 1'
+								),
+								array(
+									'id' => 2,
+									'project_id' => 1,
+									'name' => 'Project 1, Thread 2'
+						))),
+						'Message' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'thread_id' => 2,
+								'name' => 'Thread 2, Message 1',
+								'Bid' => array(
+									'id' => 4,
+									'message_id' => 2,
+									'name' => 'Bid 2.1'
+			)))))),
+			array(
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'Project 2'
+				),
+				'Thread' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'project_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'Project 2, Thread 1',
+						'Project' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'name' => 'Project 2',
+							'Thread' => array(
+								array(
+									'id' => 3,
+									'project_id' => 2,
+									'name' => 'Project 2, Thread 1'
+						))),
+						'Message' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => 3,
+								'thread_id' => 3,
+								'name' => 'Thread 3, Message 1',
+								'Bid' => array(
+									'id' => 3,
+									'message_id' => 3,
+									'name' => 'Bid 3.1'
+			)))))),
+			array(
+				'Project' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'Project 3'
+				),
+				'Thread' => array()
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindAllRecursiveSelfJoin method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAllRecursiveSelfJoin() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Home', 'AnotherArticle', 'Advertisement');
+		$TestModel =& new Home();
+		$TestModel->recursive = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Home' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'another_article_id' => '1',
+					'advertisement_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Home',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'AnotherArticle' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31',
+					'Home' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'another_article_id' => '1',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'First Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				))),
+				'Advertisement' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Ad',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31',
+					'Home' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'another_article_id' => '1',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'First Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'another_article_id' => '3',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'Second Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+			)))),
+			array(
+				'Home' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'another_article_id' => '3',
+					'advertisement_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Second Home',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				),
+				'AnotherArticle' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31',
+					'Home' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'another_article_id' => '3',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'Second Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				))),
+				'Advertisement' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Ad',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31',
+					'Home' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'another_article_id' => '1',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'First Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'another_article_id' => '3',
+							'advertisement_id' => '1',
+							'title' => 'Second Home',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+		)))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindAllRecursiveWithHabtm method
+ *
+ * @return void
+ * @access public
+ */
+	function testFindAllRecursiveWithHabtm() {
+		$this->loadFixtures(
+			'MyCategoriesMyUsers',
+			'MyCategoriesMyProducts',
+			'MyCategory',
+			'MyUser',
+			'MyProduct'
+		);
+		$MyUser =& new MyUser();
+		$MyUser->recursive = 2;
+		$result = $MyUser->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'MyUser' => array('id' => '1', 'firstname' => 'userA'),
+				'MyCategory' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'name' => 'A',
+						'MyProduct' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => '1',
+								'name' => 'book'
+					))),
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'name' => 'C',
+						'MyProduct' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'computer'
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'MyUser' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'firstname' => 'userB'
+				),
+				'MyCategory' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'name' => 'A',
+						'MyProduct' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => '1',
+								'name' => 'book'
+					))),
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'name' => 'B',
+						'MyProduct' => array(
+							array(
+								'id' => '1',
+								'name' => 'book'
+							),
+							array(
+								'id' => '2',
+								'name' => 'computer'
+		))))));
+		$this->assertIdentical($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testReadFakeThread method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testReadFakeThread() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('CategoryThread');
+		$TestModel =& new CategoryThread();
+		$fullDebug = $this->db->fullDebug;
+		$this->db->fullDebug = true;
+		$TestModel->recursive = 6;
+		$TestModel->id = 7;
+		$result = $TestModel->read();
+		$expected = array(
+			'CategoryThread' => array(
+				'id' => 7,
+				'parent_id' => 6,
+				'name' => 'Category 2.1',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+			),
+			'ParentCategory' => array(
+				'id' => 6,
+				'parent_id' => 5,
+				'name' => 'Category 2',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'parent_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'Category',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'parent_id' => 3,
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'parent_id' => 2,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'parent_id' => 1,
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+								'ParentCategory' => array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'parent_id' => 0,
+									'name' => 'Category 1',
+									'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+									'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+		)))))));
+		$this->db->fullDebug = $fullDebug;
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindFakeThread method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindFakeThread() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('CategoryThread');
+		$TestModel =& new CategoryThread();
+		$fullDebug = $this->db->fullDebug;
+		$this->db->fullDebug = true;
+		$TestModel->recursive = 6;
+		$result = $TestModel->find(array('CategoryThread.id' => 7));
+		$expected = array(
+			'CategoryThread' => array(
+				'id' => 7,
+				'parent_id' => 6,
+				'name' => 'Category 2.1',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+			),
+			'ParentCategory' => array(
+				'id' => 6,
+				'parent_id' => 5,
+				'name' => 'Category 2',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'parent_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'Category',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'parent_id' => 3,
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'parent_id' => 2,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'parent_id' => 1,
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+								'ParentCategory' => array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'parent_id' => 0,
+									'name' => 'Category 1',
+									'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+									'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+		)))))));
+		$this->db->fullDebug = $fullDebug;
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindAllFakeThread method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAllFakeThread() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('CategoryThread');
+		$TestModel =& new CategoryThread();
+		$fullDebug = $this->db->fullDebug;
+		$this->db->fullDebug = true;
+		$TestModel->recursive = 6;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', null, null, 'CategoryThread.id ASC');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'parent_id' => 0,
+				'name' => 'Category 1',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => null,
+					'parent_id' => null,
+					'name' => null,
+					'created' => null,
+					'updated' => null,
+					'ParentCategory' => array()
+			)),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'parent_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'parent_id' => 0,
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array()
+				)),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'parent_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'parent_id' => 1,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 1,
+						'parent_id' => 0,
+						'name' => 'Category 1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array()
+			))),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'parent_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'parent_id' => 2,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 2,
+						'parent_id' => 1,
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 1,
+							'parent_id' => 0,
+							'name' => 'Category 1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array()
+			)))),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'parent_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'Category',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 4,
+					'parent_id' => 3,
+					'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 3,
+						'parent_id' => 2,
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 2,
+							'parent_id' => 1,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 1,
+								'parent_id' => 0,
+								'name' => 'Category 1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+								'ParentCategory' => array()
+			))))),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'parent_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'Category 2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 5,
+					'parent_id' => 4,
+					'name' => 'Category',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 4,
+						'parent_id' => 3,
+						'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 3,
+							'parent_id' => 2,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'parent_id' => 1,
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+								'ParentCategory' => array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'parent_id' => 0,
+									'name' => 'Category 1',
+									'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+									'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+									'ParentCategory' => array()
+			)))))),
+			array(
+				'CategoryThread' => array(
+					'id' => 7,
+					'parent_id' => 6,
+					'name' => 'Category 2.1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				),
+				'ParentCategory' => array(
+					'id' => 6,
+					'parent_id' => 5,
+					'name' => 'Category 2',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+					'ParentCategory' => array(
+						'id' => 5,
+						'parent_id' => 4,
+						'name' => 'Category',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+						'ParentCategory' => array(
+							'id' => 4,
+							'parent_id' => 3,
+							'name' => 'Category 1.1.2',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 3,
+								'parent_id' => 2,
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+							'ParentCategory' => array(
+								'id' => 2,
+								'parent_id' => 1,
+								'name' => 'Category 1.1',
+								'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+								'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31',
+								'ParentCategory' => array(
+									'id' => 1,
+									'parent_id' => 0,
+									'name' => 'Category 1',
+									'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+									'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+		))))))));
+		$this->db->fullDebug = $fullDebug;
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testConditionalNumerics method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testConditionalNumerics() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('NumericArticle');
+		$NumericArticle =& new NumericArticle();
+		$data = array('title' => '12345abcde');
+		$result = $NumericArticle->find($data);
+		$this->assertTrue(!empty($result));
+		$data = array('title' => '12345');
+		$result = $NumericArticle->find($data);
+		$this->assertTrue(empty($result));
+	}
+ * test find('all') method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindAll() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$TestModel->cacheQueries = false;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all');
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('conditions' => 'User.id > 2'));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('User.id !=' => '0', 'User.user LIKE' => '%arr%')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('conditions' => array('User.id' => '0')));
+		$expected = array();
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('or' => array('User.id' => '0', 'User.user LIKE' => '%a%')
+		)));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '4',
+					'user' => 'garrett',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('fields' => 'User.id, User.user'));
+		$expected = array(
+				array('User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano')),
+				array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate')),
+				array('User' => array('id' => '3', 'user' => 'larry')),
+				array('User' => array('id' => '4', 'user' => 'garrett')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('fields' => 'User.user', 'order' => 'User.user ASC'));
+		$expected = array(
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'garrett')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'larry')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'mariano')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'nate')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('fields' => 'User.user', 'order' => 'User.user DESC'));
+		$expected = array(
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'nate')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'mariano')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'larry')),
+				array('User' => array('user' => 'garrett')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('limit' => 3, 'page' => 1));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user' => 'nate',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$ids = array(4 => 1, 5 => 3);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('User.id' => $ids),
+			'order' => 'User.id'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+			)),
+			array(
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		// These tests are expected to fail on SQL Server since the LIMIT/OFFSET
+		// hack can't handle small record counts.
+		if ($this->db->config['driver'] != 'mssql') {
+			$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('limit' => 3, 'page' => 2));
+			$expected = array(
+				array(
+					'User' => array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'user' => 'garrett',
+						'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+						'created' => '2007-03-17 01:22:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:24:31'
+			)));
+			$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+			$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('limit' => 3, 'page' => 3));
+			$expected = array();
+			$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		}
+	}
+ * test find('list') method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testGenerateFindList() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article', 'Apple', 'Post', 'Author', 'User');
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$TestModel->displayField = 'title';
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'order' => 'Article.title ASC'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Article',
+			2 => 'Second Article',
+			3 => 'Third Article'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$db =& ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
+		if ($db->config['driver'] == 'mysql') {
+			$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+				'order' => array('FIELD(Article.id, 3, 2) ASC', 'Article.title ASC')
+			));
+			$expected = array(
+				1 => 'First Article',
+				3 => 'Third Article',
+				2 => 'Second Article'
+			);
+			$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		}
+		$result = Set::combine(
+			$TestModel->find('all', array(
+				'order' => 'Article.title ASC',
+				'fields' => array('id', 'title')
+			)),
+			'{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article.title'
+		);
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Article',
+			2 => 'Second Article',
+			3 => 'Third Article'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::combine(
+			$TestModel->find('all', array(
+				'order' => 'Article.title ASC'
+			)),
+			'{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article'
+		);
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => array(
+				'id' => 1,
+				'user_id' => 1,
+				'title' => 'First Article',
+				'body' => 'First Article Body',
+				'published' => 'Y',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+			),
+			2 => array(
+				'id' => 2,
+				'user_id' => 3,
+				'title' => 'Second Article',
+				'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+				'published' => 'Y',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+			),
+			3 => array(
+				'id' => 3,
+				'user_id' => 1,
+				'title' => 'Third Article',
+				'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+				'published' => 'Y',
+				'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::combine(
+			$TestModel->find('all', array(
+				'order' => 'Article.title ASC'
+			)),
+			'{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article', '{n}.Article.user_id'
+		);
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => array(
+				1 => array(
+					'id' => 1,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				3 => array(
+					'id' => 3,
+					'user_id' => 1,
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				)),
+			3 => array(
+				2 => array(
+					'id' => 2,
+					'user_id' => 3,
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = Set::combine(
+			$TestModel->find('all', array(
+				'order' => 'Article.title ASC',
+				'fields' => array('id', 'title', 'user_id')
+			)),
+			'{n}.Article.id', '{n}.Article.title', '{n}.Article.user_id'
+		);
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => array(
+				1 => 'First Article',
+				3 => 'Third Article'
+			),
+			3 => array(
+				2 => 'Second Article'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel =& new Apple();
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'Red Apple 1',
+			2 => 'Bright Red Apple',
+			3 => 'green blue',
+			4 => 'Test Name',
+			5 => 'Blue Green',
+			6 => 'My new apple',
+			7 => 'Some odd color'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel->find('list'), $expected);
+		$this->assertEqual($TestModel->Parent->find('list'), $expected);
+		$TestModel =& new Post();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => 'Post.title'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Post',
+			2 => 'Second Post',
+			3 => 'Third Post'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => 'title'
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Post',
+			2 => 'Second Post',
+			3 => 'Third Post'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('title', 'id')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'First Post' => '1',
+			'Second Post' => '2',
+			'Third Post' => '3'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('title', 'id', 'created')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'2007-03-18 10:39:23' => array(
+				'First Post' => '1'
+			),
+			'2007-03-18 10:41:23' => array(
+				'Second Post' => '2'
+			),
+			'2007-03-18 10:43:23' => array(
+				'Third Post' => '3'
+			),
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('Post.body')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Post Body',
+			2 => 'Second Post Body',
+			3 => 'Third Post Body'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('Post.title', 'Post.body')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'First Post' => 'First Post Body',
+			'Second Post' => 'Second Post Body',
+			'Third Post' => 'Third Post Body'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('Post.id', 'Post.title', 'Author.user'),
+			'recursive' => 1
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'mariano' => array(
+				1 => 'First Post',
+				3 => 'Third Post'
+			),
+			'larry' => array(
+				2 => 'Second Post'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('User.user', 'User.password')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			'mariano' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+			'nate' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+			'larry' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+			'garrett' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel =& new ModifiedAuthor();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'fields' => array('Author.id', 'Author.user')
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'mariano (CakePHP)',
+			2 => 'nate (CakePHP)',
+			3 => 'larry (CakePHP)',
+			4 => 'garrett (CakePHP)'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$TestModel->displayField = 'title';
+		$result = $TestModel->find('list', array(
+			'conditions' => array('User.user' => 'mariano'),
+			'recursive' => 0
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			1 => 'First Article',
+			3 => 'Third Article'
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testFindField method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindField() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->field('user');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano');
+		$result = $TestModel->field('User.user');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano');
+		$TestModel->id = false;
+		$result = $TestModel->field('user', array(
+			'user' => 'mariano'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 'mariano');
+		$result = $TestModel->field('COUNT(*) AS count', true);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+		$result = $TestModel->field('COUNT(*)', true);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+	}
+ * testFindUnique method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindUnique() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$this->assertFalse($TestModel->isUnique(array(
+			'user' => 'nate'
+		)));
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$this->assertTrue($TestModel->isUnique(array(
+			'user' => 'nate'
+		)));
+		$this->assertFalse($TestModel->isUnique(array(
+			'user' => 'nate',
+			'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99'
+		)));
+	}
+ * test find('count') method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindCount() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Project');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('count');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+		$fullDebug = $this->db->fullDebug;
+		$this->db->fullDebug = true;
+		$TestModel->order = 'User.id';
+		$this->db->_queriesLog = array();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('count');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($this->db->_queriesLog[0]['query']));
+		$this->assertNoPattern('/ORDER\s+BY/', $this->db->_queriesLog[0]['query']);
+	}
+ * Test that find('first') does not use the id set to the object.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindFirstNoIdUsed() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Project');
+		$Project =& new Project();
+		$Project->id = 3;
+		$result = $Project->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Project']['name'], 'Project 1', 'Wrong record retrieved');
+	}
+ * test find with COUNT(DISTINCT field)
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindCountDistinct() {
+		$skip = $this->skipIf(
+			$this->db->config['driver'] == 'sqlite',
+			'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT field) is not compatible with SQLite'
+		);
+		if ($skip) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$this->loadFixtures('Project');
+		$TestModel =& new Project();
+		$TestModel->create(array('name' => 'project')) && $TestModel->save();
+		$TestModel->create(array('name' => 'project')) && $TestModel->save();
+		$TestModel->create(array('name' => 'project')) && $TestModel->save();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('count', array('fields' => 'DISTINCT name'));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+	}
+ * Test find(count) with Db::expression
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindCountWithDbExpressions() {
+		if ($this->skipIf($this->db->config['driver'] == 'postgres', '%s testFindCountWithExpressions is not compatible with Postgres')) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$this->loadFixtures('Project');
+		$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('test_suite');
+		$TestModel =& new Project();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('count', array('conditions' => array(
+			$db->expression('Project.name = \'Project 3\'')
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 1);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('count', array('conditions' => array(
+			'Project.name' => $db->expression('\'Project 3\'')
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 1);
+	}
+ * testFindMagic method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindMagic() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->findByUser('mariano');
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '1',
+				'user' => 'mariano',
+				'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+				'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->findByPassword('5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99');
+		$expected = array('User' => array(
+			'id' => '1',
+			'user' => 'mariano',
+			'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+			'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+			'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testRead method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testRead() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('User', 'Article');
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->read();
+		$this->assertFalse($result);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->read();
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'user' => 'nate',
+				'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+				'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->read(null, 2);
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'user' => 'nate',
+				'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+				'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+				'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->id = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->read(array('id', 'user'));
+		$expected = array('User' => array('id' => '2', 'user' => 'nate'));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->read('id, user', 2);
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '2',
+				'user' => 'nate'
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Article')));
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$TestModel->id = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->read('id, user');
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '1',
+				'user' => 'mariano'
+			),
+			'Article' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testRecursiveRead method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testRecursiveRead() {
+		$this->loadFixtures(
+			'User',
+			'Article',
+			'Comment',
+			'Tag',
+			'ArticlesTag',
+			'Featured',
+			'ArticleFeatured'
+		);
+		$TestModel =& new User();
+		$result = $TestModel->bindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Article')), false);
+		$this->assertTrue($result);
+		$TestModel->recursive = 0;
+		$result = $TestModel->read('id, user', 1);
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array('id' => '1', 'user' => 'mariano'),
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->recursive = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->read('id, user', 1);
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '1',
+				'user' => 'mariano'
+			),
+			'Article' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->recursive = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->read('id, user', 3);
+		$expected = array(
+			'User' => array(
+				'id' => '3',
+				'user' => 'larry'
+			),
+			'Article' => array(
+				array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user_id' => '3',
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31',
+					'User' => array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'user' => 'larry',
+						'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+						'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+					),
+					'Comment' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '5',
+							'article_id' => '2',
+							'user_id' => '1',
+							'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => '6',
+							'article_id' => '2',
+							'user_id' => '2',
+							'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31'
+					)),
+					'Tag' => array(
+						array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'tag' => 'tag1',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+						),
+						array(
+							'id' => '3',
+							'tag' => 'tag3',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31'
+		)))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+	function testRecursiveFindAll() {
+		$this->db->truncate(new Featured());
+		$this->loadFixtures(
+			'User',
+			'Article',
+			'Comment',
+			'Tag',
+			'ArticlesTag',
+			'Attachment',
+			'ArticleFeatured',
+			'Featured',
+			'Category'
+		);
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Article.user_id' => 1)));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Third Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:49:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:51:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '4',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'Fourth Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'N',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+					)
+				),
+				'Tag' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'tag' => 'tag1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'tag' => 'tag2',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(),
+				'Tag' => array()
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Article.user_id' => 3),
+			'limit' => 1,
+			'recursive' => 2
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user_id' => '3',
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31',
+						'Article' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'user_id' => '3',
+							'title' => 'Second Article',
+							'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+						),
+						'User' => array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'user' => 'mariano',
+							'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+							'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+						),
+						'Attachment' => array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'comment_id' => 5,
+							'attachment' => 'attachment.zip',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+						)
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '6',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:55:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:57:31',
+						'Article' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'user_id' => '3',
+							'title' => 'Second Article',
+							'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+						),
+						'User' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'user' => 'nate',
+							'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+							'created' => '2007-03-17 01:18:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:20:31'
+						),
+						'Attachment' => false
+					)
+				),
+				'Tag' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'tag' => 'tag1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'tag' => 'tag3',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31'
+		))));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$Featured = new Featured();
+		$Featured->recursive = 2;
+		$Featured->bindModel(array(
+			'belongsTo' => array(
+				'ArticleFeatured' => array(
+					'conditions' => "ArticleFeatured.published = 'Y'",
+					'fields' => 'id, title, user_id, published'
+				)
+			)
+		));
+		$Featured->ArticleFeatured->unbindModel(array(
+			'hasMany' => array('Attachment', 'Comment'),
+			'hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Tag'))
+		);
+		$orderBy = 'ArticleFeatured.id ASC';
+		$result = $Featured->find('all', array(
+			'order' => $orderBy, 'limit' => 3
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Featured' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'article_featured_id' => '1',
+					'category_id' => '1',
+					'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23',
+					'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'ArticleFeatured' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'User' => array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'user' => 'mariano',
+						'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+						'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+					),
+					'Category' => array(),
+					'Featured' => array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_featured_id' => '1',
+						'category_id' => '1',
+						'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23',
+						'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				)),
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+				)),
+			array(
+				'Featured' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'article_featured_id' => '2',
+					'category_id' => '1',
+					'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23',
+					'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'ArticleFeatured' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'user_id' => '3',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'User' => array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'user' => 'larry',
+						'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+						'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+					),
+					'Category' => array(),
+					'Featured' => array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_featured_id' => '2',
+						'category_id' => '1',
+						'published_date' => '2007-03-31 10:39:23',
+						'end_date' => '2007-05-15 10:39:23',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				)),
+				'Category' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'parent_id' => '0',
+					'name' => 'Category 1',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 15:30:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 15:32:31'
+		)));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * testRecursiveFindAllWithLimit method
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testRecursiveFindAllWithLimit() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Article', 'User', 'Tag', 'ArticlesTag', 'Comment', 'Attachment');
+		$TestModel =& new Article();
+		$TestModel->hasMany['Comment']['limit'] = 2;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Article.user_id' => 1)
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'First Article',
+					'body' => 'First Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:39:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:41:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '2',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:45:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:47:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'article_id' => '1',
+						'user_id' => '4',
+						'comment' => 'Second Comment for First Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:47:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:49:31'
+					),
+				),
+				'Tag' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'tag' => 'tag1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '2',
+						'tag' => 'tag2',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:24:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:26:31'
+			))),
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user_id' => '1',
+					'title' => 'Third Article',
+					'body' => 'Third Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:43:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:45:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '1',
+					'user' => 'mariano',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(),
+				'Tag' => array()
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+		$TestModel->hasMany['Comment']['limit'] = 1;
+		$result = $TestModel->find('all', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Article.user_id' => 3),
+			'limit' => 1,
+			'recursive' => 2
+		));
+		$expected = array(
+			array(
+				'Article' => array(
+					'id' => '2',
+					'user_id' => '3',
+					'title' => 'Second Article',
+					'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+					'published' => 'Y',
+					'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+				),
+				'User' => array(
+					'id' => '3',
+					'user' => 'larry',
+					'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+					'created' => '2007-03-17 01:20:23',
+					'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:22:31'
+				),
+				'Comment' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '5',
+						'article_id' => '2',
+						'user_id' => '1',
+						'comment' => 'First Comment for Second Article',
+						'published' => 'Y',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 10:53:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:55:31',
+						'Article' => array(
+							'id' => '2',
+							'user_id' => '3',
+							'title' => 'Second Article',
+							'body' => 'Second Article Body',
+							'published' => 'Y',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:41:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:43:31'
+						),
+						'User' => array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'user' => 'mariano',
+							'password' => '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99',
+							'created' => '2007-03-17 01:16:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-17 01:18:31'
+						),
+						'Attachment' => array(
+							'id' => '1',
+							'comment_id' => 5,
+							'attachment' => 'attachment.zip',
+							'created' => '2007-03-18 10:51:23',
+							'updated' => '2007-03-18 10:53:31'
+						)
+					)
+				),
+				'Tag' => array(
+					array(
+						'id' => '1',
+						'tag' => 'tag1',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:22:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:24:31'
+					),
+					array(
+						'id' => '3',
+						'tag' => 'tag3',
+						'created' => '2007-03-18 12:26:23',
+						'updated' => '2007-03-18 12:28:31'
+					)
+				)
+			)
+		);
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
+	}
+ * Testing availability of $this->findQueryType in Model callbacks
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testFindQueryTypeInCallbacks() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Comment');
+		$Comment =& new AgainModifiedComment();
+		$comments = $Comment->find('all');
+		$this->assertEqual($comments[0]['Comment']['querytype'], 'all');
+		$comments = $Comment->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual($comments['Comment']['querytype'], 'first');
+	}
+ * testVirtualFields()
+ *
+ * Test correct fetching of virtual fields
+ * currently is not possible to do Relation.virtualField
+ *
+ * @access public
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testVirtualFields() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post', 'Author');
+		$Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('two' => "1 + 1");
+		$result = $Post->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$Post->Author->virtualFields = array('false' => '1 = 2');
+		$result = $Post->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Author']['false'], false);
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array('fields' => array('author_id')));
+		$this->assertFalse(isset($result['Post']['two']));
+		$this->assertFalse(isset($result['Author']['false']));
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array('fields' => array('author_id', 'two')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$this->assertFalse(isset($result['Author']['false']));
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array('fields' => array('two')));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$Post->id = 1;
+		$result = $Post->field('two');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 2);
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array(
+			'conditions' => array('two' => 2),
+			'limit' => 1
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array(
+			'conditions' => array('two <' => 3),
+			'limit' => 1
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$result = $Post->find('first',array(
+			'conditions' => array('NOT' => array('two >' => 3)),
+			'limit' => 1
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['two'], 2);
+		$dbo =& $Post->getDataSource();
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('other_field' => 'Post.id + 1');
+		$result = $Post->find('first', array(
+			'conditions' => array('other_field' => 3),
+			'limit' => 1
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Post']['id'], 2);
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('other_field' => 'Post.id + 1');
+		$result = $Post->find('all', array(
+			'fields' => array($dbo->calculate($Post, 'max', array('other_field')))
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result[0][0]['other_field'], 4);
+		ClassRegistry::flush();
+		$Writing =& ClassRegistry::init(array('class' => 'Post', 'alias' => 'Writing'), 'Model');
+		$Writing->virtualFields = array('two' => "1 + 1");
+		$result = $Writing->find('first');
+		$this->assertEqual($result['Writing']['two'], 2);
+		$Post->create();
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('other_field' => 'COUNT(Post.id) + 1');
+		$result = $Post->field('other_field');
+		$this->assertEqual($result, 4);
+		if ($this->skipIf($this->db->config['driver'] == 'postgres', 'The rest of virtualFieds test is not compatible with Postgres')) {
+			return;
+		}
+		ClassRegistry::flush();
+		$Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');
+		$Post->create();
+		$Post->virtualFields = array(
+			'year' => 'YEAR(Post.created)',
+			'unique_test_field' => 'COUNT(Post.id)'
+		);
+		$expectation = array(
+			'Post' => array(
+				'year' => 2007,
+				'unique_test_field' => 3
+			)
+		);
+		$result = $Post->find('first', array(
+			'fields' => array_keys($Post->virtualFields),
+			'group' => array('year')
+		));
+		$this->assertEqual($result, $expectation);
+		$Author =& ClassRegistry::init('Author');
+		$Author->virtualFields = array(
+			'full_name' => 'CONCAT(Author.user, " ", Author.id)'
+		);
+		$result = $Author->find('first', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Author.user' => 'mariano'),
+			'fields' => array('Author.password', 'Author.full_name'),
+			'recursive' => -1
+		));
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($result['Author']['full_name']));
+		$result = $Author->find('first', array(
+			'conditions' => array('Author.user' => 'mariano'),
+			'fields' => array('Author.full_name', 'Author.password'),
+			'recursive' => -1
+		));
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($result['Author']['full_name']));
+	}
+ * test that virtual fields work when they don't contain functions.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testVirtualFieldAsAString() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post', 'Author');
+		$Post =& new Post();
+		$Post->virtualFields = array(
+		    'writer' => 'Author.user'
+		);
+		$result = $Post->find('first');
+		$this->assertTrue(isset($result['Post']['writer']), 'virtual field not fetched %s');
+	}
+ * test that isVirtualField will accept both aliased and non aliased fieldnames
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testIsVirtualField() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post');
+		$Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('other_field' => 'COUNT(Post.id) + 1');
+		$this->assertTrue($Post->isVirtualField('other_field'));
+		$this->assertTrue($Post->isVirtualField('Post.other_field'));
+		$this->assertFalse($Post->isVirtualField('id'));
+		$this->assertFalse($Post->isVirtualField('Post.id'));
+		$this->assertFalse($Post->isVirtualField(array()));
+	}
+ * test that getting virtual fields works with and without model alias attached
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+	function testGetVirtualField() {
+		$this->loadFixtures('Post');
+		$Post =& ClassRegistry::init('Post');
+		$Post->virtualFields = array('other_field' => 'COUNT(Post.id) + 1');
+		$this->assertEqual($Post->getVirtualField('other_field'), $Post->virtualFields['other_field']);
+		$this->assertEqual($Post->getVirtualField('Post.other_field'), $Post->virtualFields['other_field']);
+	}