open import Level renaming (suc to Suc ; zero to Zero ) module WhileTest where open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality open import Relation.Binary.Core open import Data.Nat hiding (compare) open import Data.Maybe open import Data.List open import Function open import logic open import Data.Bool hiding ( _∧_ ; _≟_ ) -- ; _∧_ ; _≤_ ; _<_) open import Data.Product open import Agda.Builtin.Unit open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_; Dec; yes; no) open import Data.Empty open import Data.Nat.Properties -- logicへ +zero : { y : ℕ } → y + zero ≡ y +zero {zero} = refl +zero {suc y} = cong ( λ x → suc x ) ( +zero {y} ) -- utilへ _-_ : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ x - zero = x zero - _ = zero (suc x) - (suc y) = x - y record Env : Set (Suc Zero) where field c10 : ℕ varn : ℕ vari : ℕ open Env data _implies_ (A B : Set ) : Set (Suc Zero) where proof : ( A → B ) → A implies B implies2p : {A B : Set } → A implies B → A → B implies2p (proof x) = x data whileTestState : Set where s1 : whileTestState s2 : whileTestState sf : whileTestState whileTestStateP : whileTestState → Env → Set whileTestStateP s1 env = (vari env ≡ 0) ∧ (varn env ≡ c10 env) whileTestStateP s2 env = (varn env + vari env ≡ c10 env) whileTestStateP sf env = (vari env ≡ c10 env) record WhileTest {m : Level } {t : Set m } : Set (Suc m) where field env : Env whileInit : {m : Level } {t : Set m } → (c10 : ℕ) → (Env → t) → t whileInit c10 next = next (record {c10 = c10 ; varn = c10 ; vari = 0 } ) whileLoop : Env → (Code : Env → t) → t whileLoop env next = whileLoop1 (varn env) env where whileLoop1 : ℕ → Env → t whileLoop1 zero env = next env whileLoop1 (suc t ) env = whileLoop1 t (record env {varn = t ; vari = (vari env) + 1}) whileTest : (c10 : ℕ) → (Env → t) → t whileTest c10 next = whileInit c10 $ λ env → whileLoop env next loopPP : (n : ℕ) → (input : Env ) → (n ≡ varn input) → Env loopPP zero input refl = input loopPP (suc n) input refl = loopPP n (record input { varn = pred (varn input) ; vari = suc (vari input)}) refl -- init whileInit-impl : (c10 : ℕ) → whileInit c10 (λ env → ⊤ implies (whileTestStateP s1 env) ) whileInit-impl c = proof ( λ _ → record { proj1 = refl ; proj2 = refl } ) whileTestPSemSound : (c : ℕ ) (output : Env ) → output ≡ whileInit c (λ e → e) → ⊤ implies ((vari output ≡ 0) ∧ (varn output ≡ c)) whileTestPSemSound c output refl = whileInit-impl c -- init → loop whileConvPSemSound : {l : Level} → (input : Env) → (whileTestStateP s1 input ) implies (whileTestStateP s2 input) whileConvPSemSound input = proof λ x → (conv input x) where conv : (env : Env ) → (vari env ≡ 0) ∧ (varn env ≡ c10 env ) → varn env + vari env ≡ c10 env conv e record { proj1 = refl ; proj2 = refl } = +zero -- loop → loop whileLoopPSem : {l : Level} {t : Set l} → (input : Env ) → whileTestStateP s2 input → (next : (output : Env ) → (whileTestStateP s2 input ) implies (whileTestStateP s2 output) → t) → (exit : (output : Env ) → (whileTestStateP s2 input ) implies (whileTestStateP sf output) → t) → t whileLoopPSem env s next exit with varn env | s ... | zero | _ = exit env (proof (λ z → z)) ... | (suc varn ) | refl = next ( record env { varn = varn ; vari = suc (vari env) } ) (proof λ x → +-suc varn (vari env) ) -- loop → fin loopPPSem : (input output : Env ) → output ≡ loopPP (varn input) input refl → (whileTestStateP s2 input ) → (whileTestStateP s2 input ) implies (whileTestStateP sf output) loopPPSem input output refl s2p = loopPPSemInduct (varn input) input refl refl s2p where lem : (n : ℕ) → (env : Env) → n + suc (vari env) ≡ suc (n + vari env) lem n env = +-suc (n) (vari env) loopPPSemInduct : (n : ℕ) → (current : Env) → (eq : n ≡ varn current) → (loopeq : output ≡ loopPP n current eq) → (whileTestStateP s2 current ) → (whileTestStateP s2 current ) implies (whileTestStateP sf output) loopPPSemInduct zero current refl loopeq refl rewrite loopeq = proof (λ x → refl) loopPPSemInduct (suc n) current refl loopeq refl rewrite (sym (lem n current)) = whileLoopPSem current refl (λ output x → loopPPSemInduct n (record { c10 = n + suc (vari current) ; varn = n ; vari = suc (vari current) }) refl loopeq refl) (λ output x → loopPPSemInduct n (record { c10 = n + suc (vari current) ; varn = n ; vari = suc (vari current) }) refl loopeq refl) whileLoopPSemSound : {l : Level} → (input output : Env ) → whileTestStateP s2 input → output ≡ loopPP (varn input) input refl → (whileTestStateP s2 input ) implies ( whileTestStateP sf output ) whileLoopPSemSound {l} input output pre eq = loopPPSem input output eq pre whileTestSound : {l : Level} (c : ℕ) → (output : Env) → ⊤ → whileTestStateP sf output whileTestSound {l} c record { c10 = c10 ; varn = varn ; vari = vari } top = implies2p (whileLoopPSemSound {l} (record { c10 = c ; varn = c ; vari = zero }) (record { c10 = c10 ; varn = c ; vari = vari}) (+zero) {!!}) (implies2p (whileConvPSemSound {l} (record { c10 = c ; varn = c ; vari = zero })) (implies2p (whileTestPSemSound c (whileInit c (λ e → e)) refl) top)) open WhileTest createWhileTest : {m : Level} {t : Set m } → WhileTest {m} {t} createWhileTest = record { env = record { c10 = 0; varn = 0; vari = 0 } } test2 : ℕ test2 = whileTest createWhileTest 10 $ λ e → vari e --- {- whileTestStateP : whileTestState → Envc → Set whileTestStateP s1 env = (vari env ≡ 0) /\ (varn env ≡ c10 env) whileTestStateP s2 env = (varn env + vari env ≡ c10 env) whileTestStateP sf env = (vari env ≡ c10 env) whileTestP : {l : Level} {t : Set l} → (c10 : ℕ) → (Code : Envc → t) → t whileTestP c10 next = next (record {varn = c10 ; vari = 0 ; c10 = c10 } ) whileTestPSem : (c : ℕ) → whileTestP c ( λ env → ⊤ implies (whileTestStateP s1 env) ) whileTestPSem c = proof ( λ _ → record { pi1 = refl ; pi2 = refl } ) -}