comparison seminar2013/0326.html @ 1:d3f740120b55

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author taiki <>
date Tue, 16 Apr 2013 18:03:33 +0900
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0:dd1c78c6398f 1:d3f740120b55
1 <!--
2 Google IO 2012 HTML5 Slide Template
4 Authors: Eric Bidelman <>
5 Luke Mahé <>
7 URL:
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39 <!-- The content of this hgroup is replaced programmatically through the slide_config.json. -->
40 <hgroup class="auto-fadein">
41 <h1 data-config-title><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></h1>
42 <h2 data-config-subtitle><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></h2>
43 <p data-config-presenter><!-- populated from slide_config.json --></p>
44 </hgroup>
45 </slide>
47 <slide>
48 <hgroup>
49 <h2>研究目的</h2>
50 </hgroup>
51 <article>
52 <ul>
53 <li>動作が軽く、落ちにくいカーネルを実装する</li>
54 <li>ブートが最速で、コンパクトなカーネルを実装する</li>
55 <li>Codesegment と Datasegment をカーネルに実装するにあたって、メモリ管理の役割とどう合致するのかを検証する</li>
56 </ul>
57 </article>
58 </slide>
60 <slide>
61 <hgroup>
62 <h2>今週の作業</h2>
63 </hgroup>
64 <article>
65 <ul>
66 <li>Linux 3.7.7 を読む</li>
67 <li>メモリ初期化のデバッグ</li>
68 <li>Fedora 18 で環境構築</li>
69 </ul>
70 </article>
71 </slide>
73 <slide>
74 <hgroup>
75 <h2>Linux kernel</h2>
76 </hgroup>
77 <article>
78 <h3>初期化</h3>
79 <img src='images/linux_before_kernel.jpg'>
80 </article>
81 </slide>
83 <slide>
84 <hgroup>
85 <h2>メモリ初期化のデバッグ</h2>
86 </hgroup>
87 <article>
88 <ul>
89 <li>GetMemoryMap は成功</li>
90 <li>EFI の処理を終わらせる、<br>
91 ExitBootServices がうまくいかない</li>
92 <li>ELILO ではない、EFIアプリケーションでは成功する</li>
93 </ul>
94 </article>
95 </slide>
97 <slide>
98 <hgroup>
99 <h2></h2>
100 </hgroup>
101 <article>
102 </article>
103 </slide>
105 <slide>
106 <hgroup>
107 <h2>Code Slide (with Subtitle Placeholder)</h2>
108 </hgroup>
109 <article>
110 <p>Press 'h' to highlight important sections of code (wrapped in <code>&lt;b&gt;</code>).</p>
111 <pre class="prettyprint" data-lang="javascript">
112 &lt;script type='text/javascript'&gt;
113 // Say hello world until the user starts questioning
114 // the meaningfulness of their existence.
115 function helloWorld(world) {
116 <b>for (var i = 42; --i &gt;= 0;) {
117 alert('Hello ' + String(world));
118 }</b>
119 }
120 &lt;/script&gt;
121 </pre>
122 </article>
123 </slide>
125 <slide>
126 <hgroup>
127 <h2>Code Slide (Smaller Font)</h2>
128 </hgroup>
129 <article class="smaller">
130 <pre class="prettyprint" data-lang="javascript">
131 // Say hello world until the user starts questioning
132 // the meaningfulness of their existence.
133 function helloWorld(world) {
134 for (var i = 42; --i &gt;= 0;) {
135 alert('Hello ' + String(world));
136 }
137 }
138 </pre>
139 <pre class="prettyprint" data-lang="css">
140 &lt;style&gt;
141 p { color: pink }
142 b { color: blue }
143 &lt;/style&gt;
144 </pre>
145 <pre class="prettyprint" data-lang="html">
146 &lt;!DOCTYPE html>
147 &lt;html>
148 &lt;head>
149 &lt;title>My Awesome Page&lt;/title>
150 &lt;/head>
151 &lt;body>
152 &lt;p&gt;Hello world&lt;/p&gt;
153 &lt;body>
154 &lt;/html>
155 </pre>
156 </article>
157 </slide>
159 <slide>
160 <aside class="note">
161 <section>
162 <ul>
163 <li>Point I wanted to make #1</li>
164 <li>Point I wanted to make #2</li>
165 <li>Point I wanted to make #3</li>
166 <li>Example <a href="#">link</a> in notes.</li>
167 </ul>
168 <p><b>Remember to say this tag line!</b></p>
169 </section>
170 </aside>
171 <hgroup>
172 <h2>Slide with Speaker Notes</h2>
173 </hgroup>
174 <article>
175 <p>Press 'p' to toggle speaker notes.</p>
176 </article>
177 </slide>
179 <slide>
180 <aside class="note">
181 <section>
182 <ul>
183 <li>See this amazing link: <a href="">link</a>.</li>
184 </ul>
185 <p><b>Remember to say this tag line!</b></p>
186 </section>
187 </aside>
188 <hgroup>
189 <h2>Presenter Mode</h2>
190 </hgroup>
191 <article>
192 <p>Add <code><a href="?presentme=true" target="_self">?presentme=true</a></code> to the URL to enabled presenter mode.
193 This setting is sticky, meaning refreshing the page will persist presenter
194 mode.</p>
195 <p>Hit <code><a href="?presentme=false" target="_self">?presentme=false</a></code> to disable presenter mode.</p>
196 </article>
197 </slide>
199 <slide>
200 <hgroup>
201 <h2>Slide with Image</h2>
202 </hgroup>
203 <article>
204 <img src="../io2012slides/images/chart.png" class="reflect" alt="Description" title="Description">
205 <footer class="source">source: place source info here</footer>
206 </article>
207 </slide>
209 <slide>
210 <hgroup>
211 <h2>Slide with Image (Centered horz/vert)</h2>
212 </hgroup>
213 <article class="flexbox vcenter">
214 <img src="../io2012slides/images/barchart.png" alt="Description" title="Description">
215 <footer class="source">source: place source info here</footer>
216 </article>
217 </slide>
219 <slide>
220 <hgroup>
221 <h2>Table Option A</h2>
222 <h3>Subtitle Placeholder</h3>
223 </hgroup>
224 <article>
225 <table>
226 <tr>
227 <th></th><th>Column 1</th><th>Column 2</th><th>Column 3</th><th>Column 4</th>
228 </tr>
229 <tr>
230 <td>Row 1</td><td>placeholder</td><td class="highlight">placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
231 </tr>
232 <tr>
233 <td>Row 2</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
234 </tr>
235 <tr>
236 <td>Row 3</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
237 </tr>
238 <tr>
239 <td>Row 4</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr>
242 <td>Row 5</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
243 </tr>
244 </table>
245 </article>
246 </slide>
248 <slide>
249 <hgroup>
250 <h2>Table Option A (Smaller Text)</h2>
251 <h3>Subtitle Placeholder</h3>
252 </hgroup>
253 <article class="smaller">
254 <table>
255 <tr>
256 <th></th><th>Column 1</th><th>Column 2</th><th>Column 3</th><th>Column 4</th>
257 </tr>
258 <tr>
259 <td>Row 1</td><td>placeholder</td><td class="highlight">placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
260 </tr>
261 <tr>
262 <td>Row 2</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
263 </tr>
264 <tr>
265 <td>Row 3</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
266 </tr>
267 <tr>
268 <td>Row 4</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
269 </tr>
270 <tr>
271 <td>Row 5</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
272 </tr>
273 </table>
274 </article>
275 </slide>
277 <slide>
278 <hgroup>
279 <h2>Table Option B</h2>
280 <h3>Subtitle Placeholder</h3>
281 </hgroup>
282 <article>
283 <table class="rows">
284 <tr>
285 <th>Header 1</th><td>placeholder</td><td class="highlight">placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
286 </tr>
287 <tr>
288 <th>Header 2</th><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
289 </tr>
290 <tr>
291 <th>Header 3</th><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
292 </tr>
293 <tr>
294 <th>Header 4</th><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
295 </tr>
296 <tr>
297 <th>Header 5</th><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td><td>placeholder</td>
298 </tr>
299 </table>
300 </article>
301 </slide>
303 <slide>
304 <hgroup>
305 <h2>Slide Styles</h2>
306 </hgroup>
307 <article class="smaller">
308 <div class="columns-2">
309 <ul>
310 <li class="red">class="red"</li>
311 <li class="red2">class="red2"</li>
312 <li class="red3">class="red3"</li>
313 <li class="blue">class="blue"</li>
314 <li class="blue2">class="blue2"</li>
315 <li class="blue3">class="blue3"</li>
316 <li class="green">class="green"</li>
317 <li class="green2">class="green2"</li>
318 </ul>
319 <ul>
320 <li class="green3">class="green3"</li>
321 <li class="yellow">class="yellow"</li>
322 <li class="yellow2">class="yellow2"</li>
323 <li class="yellow3">class="yellow3"</li>
324 <li class="gray">class="gray"</li>
325 <li class="gray2">class="gray2"</li>
326 <li class="gray3">class="gray3"</li>
327 <li class="gray4">class="gray4"</li>
328 </ul>
329 </div>
330 <div class="centered" style="margin-top:2em">
331 I am centered text with a <button>Button</button> and <button disabled>Disabled</button> button.
332 </div>
333 </article>
334 </slide>
336 <slide class="segue dark nobackground">
337 <aside class="gdbar"><img src="../io2012slides/images/google_developers_icon_128.png"></aside>
338 <hgroup class="auto-fadein">
339 <h2>Segue Slide</h2>
340 <h3>Subtitle Placeholder</h3>
341 </hgroup>
342 </slide>
344 <slide class="fill nobackground" style="background-image: url(images/sky.jpg)">
345 <hgroup>
346 <h2 class="white">Full Image (with Optional Header)</h2>
347 </hgroup>
348 <footer class="source white"></footer>
349 </slide>
351 <slide class="segue dark quote nobackground">
352 <aside class="gdbar right bottom"><img src="../io2012slides/images/google_developers_icon_128.png"></aside>
353 <article class="flexbox vleft auto-fadein">
354 <q>
355 This is an example of quote text.
356 </q>
357 <div class="author">
358 Name<br>
359 Company
360 </div>
361 </article>
362 </slide>
364 <slide>
365 <hgroup>
366 <h2>Slide with Iframe</h2>
367 </hgroup>
368 <article>
369 <iframe data-src=""></iframe>
370 </article>
371 </slide>
373 <slide>
374 <article>
375 <iframe data-src=""></iframe>
376 </article>
377 </slide>
379 <slide class="thank-you-slide segue nobackground">
380 <aside class="gdbar right"><img src="../io2012slides/images/google_developers_icon_128.png"></aside>
381 <article class="flexbox vleft auto-fadein">
382 <h2>&lt;Thank You!&gt;</h2>
383 <p>Important contact information goes here.</p>
384 </article>
385 <p class="auto-fadein" data-config-contact>
386 <!-- populated from slide_config.json -->
387 </p>
388 </slide>
390 <slide class="logoslide dark nobackground">
391 <article class="flexbox vcenter">
392 <span><img src="../io2012slides/images/google_developers_logo_white.png"></span>
393 </article>
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396 <slide class="backdrop"></slide>
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