view src/main/java/fj/ @ 2:d2b4440b2cc0

change getLoop
author tatsuki
date Sat, 21 Mar 2015 08:06:30 +0900
parents fe80c1edf1be
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package fj;

import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;

import fj.function.Try0;

public abstract class P1<A> {

     * Access the first element of the product.
     * @return The first element of the product.
    public abstract A _1();

     * Returns a function that returns the first element of a product.
     * @return A function that returns the first element of a product.
    public static <A> F<P1<A>, A> __1() {
        return new F<P1<A>, A>() {
            public A f(final P1<A> p) {
                return p._1();

     * Promote any function to a transformation between P1s.
     * @param f A function to promote to a transformation between P1s.
     * @return A function promoted to operate on P1s.
    public static <A, B> F<P1<A>, P1<B>> fmap(final F<A, B> f) {
        return new F<P1<A>, P1<B>>() {
            public P1<B> f(final P1<A> a) {

     * Binds the given function to the value in a product-1 with a final join.
     * @param f A function to apply to the value in a product-1.
     * @return The result of applying the given function to the value of given product-1.
    public <B> P1<B> bind(final F<A, P1<B>> f) {
        P1<A> self = this;
        return new P1<B>() {
            public B _1() {
                return f.f(self._1())._1();

     * Promotes the given function so that it returns its value in a P1.
     * @param f A function to have its result wrapped in a P1.
     * @return A function whose result is wrapped in a P1.
    public static <A, B> F<A, P1<B>> curry(final F<A, B> f) {
        return new F<A, P1<B>>() {
            public P1<B> f(final A a) {
                return new P1<B>() {
                    public B _1() {
                        return f.f(a);

     * Performs function application within a P1 (applicative functor pattern).
     * @param cf The P1 function to apply.
     * @return A new P1 after applying the given P1 function to the first argument.
    public <B> P1<B> apply(final P1<F<A, B>> cf) {
        P1<A> self = this;
        return cf.bind(new F<F<A, B>, P1<B>>() {
            public P1<B> f(final F<A, B> f) {
                return fmap(f).f(self);

     * Binds the given function to the values in the given P1s with a final join.
     * @param cb A given P1 to bind the given function with.
     * @param f  The function to apply to the values in the given P1s.
     * @return A new P1 after performing the map, then final join.
    public <B, C> P1<C> bind(final P1<B> cb, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
        return cb.apply(fmap(f).f(this));

     * Joins a P1 of a P1 with a bind operation.
     * @param a The P1 of a P1 to join.
     * @return A new P1 that is the join of the given P1.
    public static <A> P1<A> join(final P1<P1<A>> a) {
        return a.bind(Function.<P1<A>>identity());

     * Promotes a function of arity-2 to a function on P1s.
     * @param f The function to promote.
     * @return A function of arity-2 promoted to map over P1s.
    public static <A, B, C> F<P1<A>, F<P1<B>, P1<C>>> liftM2(final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
        return Function.curry(new F2<P1<A>, P1<B>, P1<C>>() {
            public P1<C> f(final P1<A> pa, final P1<B> pb) {
                return pa.bind(pb, f);

     * Turns a List of P1s into a single P1 of a List.
     * @param as The list of P1s to transform.
     * @return A single P1 for the given List.
    public static <A> P1<List<A>> sequence(final List<P1<A>> as) {
        return as.foldRight(liftM2(List.<A>cons()), P.p(List.<A>nil()));

     * A first-class version of the sequence method for lists of P1s.
     * @return A function from a List of P1s to a single P1 of a List.
    public static <A> F<List<P1<A>>, P1<List<A>>> sequenceList() {
        return new F<List<P1<A>>, P1<List<A>>>() {
            public P1<List<A>> f(final List<P1<A>> as) {
                return sequence(as);

     * Turns a stream of P1s into a single P1 of a stream.
     * @param as The stream of P1s to transform.
     * @return A single P1 for the given stream.
    public static <A> P1<Stream<A>> sequence(final Stream<P1<A>> as) {
        return as.foldRight(liftM2(Stream.<A>cons()), P.p(Stream.<A>nil()));

     * Turns an array of P1s into a single P1 of an array.
     * @param as The array of P1s to transform.
     * @return A single P1 for the given array.
    public static <A> P1<Array<A>> sequence(final Array<P1<A>> as) {
        return new P1<Array<A>>() {
            public Array<A> _1() {

       * Map the element of the product.
       * @param f The function to map with.
       * @return A product with the given function applied.
      public <X> P1<X> map(final F<A, X> f) {
          final P1<A> self = this;
        return new P1<X>() {
          public X _1() {
            return f.f(self._1());

       * Provides a memoising P1 that remembers its value.
       * @return A P1 that calls this P1 once and remembers the value for subsequent calls.
      public P1<A> memo() {
          final P1<A> self = this;
        return new P1<A>() {
          private final Object latch = new Object();
          private volatile SoftReference<A> v;
          public A _1() {
            A a = v != null ? v.get() : null;
            if (a == null)
              synchronized (latch) {
                if (v == null || v.get() == null)
                  a = self._1();
                v = new SoftReference<A>(a);
            return a;

    static <A> P1<A> memo(F<Unit, A> f) {
        return P.lazy(f).memo();

       * Returns a constant function that always uses this value.
       * @return A constant function that always uses this value. 
      public <B> F<B, A> constant() {

        return new F<B, A>() {
          public A f(final B b) {
              return P1.this._1();

    public String toString() {
		return Show.p1Show(Show.<A>anyShow()).showS(this);