view src/main/java/fj/parser/ @ 2:d2b4440b2cc0

change getLoop
author tatsuki
date Sat, 21 Mar 2015 08:06:30 +0900
parents fe80c1edf1be
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package fj.parser;

import fj.F;
import static fj.P.p;
import fj.P1;
import fj.Semigroup;
import fj.Unit;
import fj.Digit;
import static fj.Unit.unit;
import static;
import static;
import static fj.parser.Result.result;

 * A parser is a function that takes some input (I) and produces either an error (E) or a parse result (A) and the
 * remainder of the input.
 * @version %build.number%
public final class Parser<I, A, E> {
  private final F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>> f;

  private Parser(final F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>> f) {
    this.f = f;

   * Parses the input to produce a result or error.
   * @param i The input to parse.
   * @return A parse result with the remaining input or an error.
  public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> parse(final I i) {
    return f.f(i);

   * Maps the parse input type through an invariant functor.
   * @param f The function to covariant map.
   * @param g The function to contra-variant map.
   * @return A parser with the new input type.
  public <Z> Parser<Z, A, E> xmap(final F<I, Z> f, final F<Z, I> g) {
    return parser(new F<Z, Validation<E, Result<Z, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<Z, A>> f(final Z z) {
        return parse(g.f(z)).map(new F<Result<I, A>, Result<Z, A>>() {
          public Result<Z, A> f(final Result<I, A> r) {
            return r.mapRest(f);

   * Maps the given result type across this parser.
   * @param f The function to map.
   * @return A parser with the new result type.
  public <B> Parser<I, B, E> map(final F<A, B> f) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, B>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, B>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).map(new F<Result<I, A>, Result<I, B>>() {
          public Result<I, B> f(final Result<I, A> r) {
            return r.mapValue(f);

   * Returns a parser that fails with the given error if the result value does not meet the given predicate.
   * @param f The predicate to filter on.
   * @param e The error to in the event that the predicate is not met.
   * @return A parser that fails with the given error if the result value does not meet the given predicate.
  public Parser<I, A, E> filter(final F<A, Boolean> f, final E e) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).bind(new F<Result<I, A>, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
          public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final Result<I, A> r) {
            final A v = r.value();
            return f.f(v) ?
                Validation.<E, Result<I, A>>success(result(, v)) :
                Validation.<E, Result<I, A>>fail(e);

   * Binds the given function across the parser with a final join.
   * @param f The function to apply to the element of this parser.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B> Parser<I, B, E> bind(final F<A, Parser<I, B, E>> f) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, B>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, B>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).bind(new F<Result<I, A>, Validation<E, Result<I, B>>>() {
          public Validation<E, Result<I, B>> f(final Result<I, A> r) {
            return f.f(r.value()).parse(;

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C> Parser<I, C, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
    return pb.apply(map(f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D> Parser<I, D, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                        final F<A, F<B, F<C, D>>> f) {
    return pc.apply(bind(pb, f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pd A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D, E$> Parser<I, E$, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                             final Parser<I, D, E> pd, final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, E$>>>> f) {
    return pd.apply(bind(pb, pc, f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pd A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pe A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D, E$, F$> Parser<I, F$, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                                 final Parser<I, D, E> pd, final Parser<I, E$, E> pe,
                                                 final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E$, F$>>>>> f) {
    return pe.apply(bind(pb, pc, pd, f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pd A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pe A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pf A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D, E$, F$, G> Parser<I, G, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                                   final Parser<I, D, E> pd, final Parser<I, E$, E> pe,
                                                   final Parser<I, F$, E> pf,
                                                   final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E$, F<F$, G>>>>>> f) {
    return pf.apply(bind(pb, pc, pd, pe, f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pd A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pe A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pf A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pg A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D, E$, F$, G, H> Parser<I, H, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                                      final Parser<I, D, E> pd, final Parser<I, E$, E> pe,
                                                      final Parser<I, F$, E> pf, final Parser<I, G, E> pg,
                                                      final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E$, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>>>> f) {
    return pg.apply(bind(pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, f));

   * Binds the given function across the parsers with a final join.
   * @param f  The function to apply to the element of the parsers.
   * @param pb A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pc A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pd A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pe A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pf A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param pg A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @param ph A given parser to bind the given function with.
   * @return A new parser after performing the map, then final join.
  public <B, C, D, E$, F$, G, H, I$> Parser<I, I$, E> bind(final Parser<I, B, E> pb, final Parser<I, C, E> pc,
                                                           final Parser<I, D, E> pd, final Parser<I, E$, E> pe,
                                                           final Parser<I, F$, E> pf, final Parser<I, G, E> pg,
                                                           final Parser<I, H, E> ph,
                                                           final F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E$, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I$>>>>>>>> f) {
    return ph.apply(bind(pb, pc, pd, pe, pf, pg, f));

   * Binds anonymously, ignoring the result value.
   * @param p The parser to bind with.
   * @return A parser after binding anonymously.
  public <B> Parser<I, B, E> sequence(final Parser<I, B, E> p) {
    return bind(new F<A, Parser<I, B, E>>() {
      public Parser<I, B, E> f(final A a) {
        return p;

   * Performs function application within a parser.
   * @param p The parser returning a function value.
   * @return A new parser after function application.
  public <B> Parser<I, B, E> apply(final Parser<I, F<A, B>, E> p) {
    return p.bind(new F<F<A, B>, Parser<I, B, E>>() {
      public Parser<I, B, E> f(final F<A, B> f) {
        return map(f);

   * Returns a parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
   * @param alt The parser to try if this parser fails.
   * @return A parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
  public Parser<I, A, E> or(final P1<Parser<I, A, E>> alt) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).f().sequence(alt._1().parse(i));

   * Returns a parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
   * @param alt The parser to try if this parser fails.
   * @return A parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
  public Parser<I, A, E> or(final Parser<I, A, E> alt) {
    return or(p(alt));

   * Returns a parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser. If both parsers fail, then
   * append their errors with the given semigroup.
   * @param alt The parser to try if this parser fails.
   * @param s   The semigroup to append error messages if both parsers fail.
   * @return A parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
  public Parser<I, A, E> or(final P1<Parser<I, A, E>> alt, final Semigroup<E> s) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).f().bind(new F<E, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
          public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final E e) {
            return alt._1().parse(i).f().map(s.sum(e));

   * Returns a parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser. If both parsers fail, then
   * append their errors with the given semigroup.
   * @param alt The parser to try if this parser fails.
   * @param s   The semigroup to append error messages if both parsers fail.
   * @return A parser that tries this parser and if it fails, then tries the given parser.
  public Parser<I, A, E> or(final Parser<I, A, E> alt, final Semigroup<E> s) {
    return or(p(alt), s);

   * Returns a parser that negates this parser. If this parser succeeds, then the returned parser fails and vice versa.
   * @param e The error message to fail with if this parser succeeds.
   * @return A parser that negates this parser.
  public Parser<I, Unit, E> not(final P1<E> e) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, Unit>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, Unit>> f(final I i) {
        return parse(i).isFail() ?
            Validation.<E, Result<I, Unit>>success(result(i, unit())) :
            Validation.<E, Result<I, Unit>>fail(e._1());

   * Returns a parser that negates this parser. If this parser succeeds, then the returned parser fails and vice versa.
   * @param e The error message to fail with if this parser succeeds.
   * @return A parser that negates this parser.
  public Parser<I, Unit, E> not(final E e) {
    return not(p(e));

   * Returns a parser that repeats application of this parser zero or many times.
   * @return A parser that repeats application of this parser zero or many times.
  public Parser<I, Stream<A>, E> repeat() {
    return repeat1().or(new P1<Parser<I, Stream<A>, E>>() {
      public Parser<I, Stream<A>, E> _1() {
        return value(Stream.<A>nil());

   * Returns a parser that repeats application of this parser one or many times.
   * @return A parser that repeats application of this parser one or many times.
  public Parser<I, Stream<A>, E> repeat1() {
      return bind(new F<A, Parser<I, Stream<A>, E>>() {
          public Parser<I, Stream<A>, E> f(final A a) {
              return repeat().map(new F<Stream<A>, Stream<A>>() {
                public Stream<A> f(final Stream<A> as) {
                    return as.cons(a);

   * Maps the given function across this parser's error.
   * @param f The function to map this parser's error with.
   * @return A new parser with a new error type.
  public <K> Parser<I, A, K> mapError(final F<E, K> f) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<K, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<K, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {
        return Parser.this.f.f(i).f().map(f);

   * Returns a parser that computes using the given function.
   * @param f The function to construct the parser with.
   * @return A parser that computes using the given function.
  public static <I, A, E> Parser<I, A, E> parser(final F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>> f) {
    return new Parser<I, A, E>(f);

   * Constructs a parser that always returns the given value. The unital for a parser.
   * @param a The value to consistently return from a parser.
   * @return A parser that always returns the given value.
  public static <I, A, E> Parser<I, A, E> value(final A a) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {
        return success(result(i, a));

   * Returns a parser that always fails with the given error.
   * @param e The error to fail with.
   * @return A parser that always fails with the given error.
  public static <I, A, E> Parser<I, A, E> fail(final E e) {
    return parser(new F<I, Validation<E, Result<I, A>>>() {
      public Validation<E, Result<I, A>> f(final I i) {

   * Sequence the list of parsers through {@link #bind}.
   * @param ps The parsers to sequence.
   * @return A parser after sequencing.
  public static <I, A, E> Parser<I, List<A>, E> sequence(final List<Parser<I, A, E>> ps) {
    return ps.isEmpty() ?
        Parser.<I, List<A>, E>value(List.<A>nil()) :
        ps.head().bind(new F<A, Parser<I, List<A>, E>>() {
          public Parser<I, List<A>, E> f(final A a) {
            return sequence(ps.tail()).map(cons_(a));

   * Parsers that accept {@link Stream} input.
  public static final class StreamParser {
    private StreamParser() {


     * Returns a parser that produces an element from the stream if it is available and fails otherwise.
     * @param e The error to fail with if no element is available.
     * @return A parser that produces an element from the stream if it is available and fails otherwise.
    public static <I, E> Parser<Stream<I>, I, E> element(final P1<E> e) {
      return parser(new F<Stream<I>, Validation<E, Result<Stream<I>, I>>>() {
        public Validation<E, Result<Stream<I>, I>> f(final Stream<I> is) {
          return is.isEmpty() ?
              Validation.<E, Result<Stream<I>, I>>fail(e._1()) :
              Validation.<E, Result<Stream<I>, I>>success(result(is.tail()._1(), is.head()));

     * Returns a parser that produces an element from the stream if it is available and fails otherwise.
     * @param e The error to fail with if no element is available.
     * @return A parser that produces an element from the stream if it is available and fails otherwise.
    public static <I, E> Parser<Stream<I>, I, E> element(final E e) {
      return element(p(e));

     * Returns a parser that produces an element from the stream that satisfies the given predicate, or fails.
     * @param missing The error if no element is available.
     * @param sat     The error if the element does not satisfy the predicate.
     * @param f       The predicate that the element should satisfy.
     * @return A parser that produces an element from the stream that satisfies the given predicate, or fails.
    public static <I, E> Parser<Stream<I>, I, E> satisfy(final P1<E> missing, final F<I, E> sat,
                                                         final F<I, Boolean> f) {
      return StreamParser.<I, E>element(missing).bind(new F<I, Parser<Stream<I>, I, E>>() {
        public Parser<Stream<I>, I, E> f(final I x) {
          return f.f(x) ?
              Parser.<Stream<I>, I, E>value(x) :
              Parser.<Stream<I>, I, E>fail(sat.f(x));

     * Returns a parser that produces an element from the stream that satisfies the given predicate, or fails.
     * @param missing The error if no element is available.
     * @param sat     The error if the element does not satisfy the predicate.
     * @param f       The predicate that the element should satisfy.
     * @return A parser that produces an element from the stream that satisfies the given predicate, or fails.
    public static <I, E> Parser<Stream<I>, I, E> satisfy(final E missing, final F<I, E> sat, final F<I, Boolean> f) {
      return satisfy(p(missing), sat, f);

   * Parsers that accept {@link Stream Stream&lt;Character&gt;} input.
  public static final class CharsParser {
    private CharsParser() {


     * Returns a parser that produces a character if one is available or fails with the given error.
     * @param e The error to fail with if a character is unavailable.
     * @return A parser that produces a character if one is available or fails with the given error.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> character(final P1<E> e) {
      return StreamParser.element(e);

     * Returns a parser that produces a character if one is available or fails with the given error.
     * @param e The error to fail with if a character is unavailable.
     * @return A parser that produces a character if one is available or fails with the given error.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> character(final E e) {
      return character(p(e));

     * Returns a parser that produces the given character or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if no character is available.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not the one given.
     * @param c       The character to produce in the parser.
     * @return A parser that produces the given character or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> character(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                        final char c) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character x) {
          return x == c;

     * Returns a parser that produces the given character or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if no character is available.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not the one given.
     * @param c       The character to produce in the parser.
     * @return A parser that produces the given character or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> character(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                        final char c) {
      return character(p(missing), sat, c);

     * Returns a parser that produces the given number of characters, or fails with the given error.
     * @param missing The error if the given number of characters is unavailable.
     * @param n       The number of characters to produce in the parse result.
     * @return A parser that produces the given number of characters, or fails with the given error.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E> characters(final P1<E> missing, final int n) {
      return n <= 0 ?
          Parser.<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E>value(Stream.<Character>nil()) :
          character(missing).bind(characters(missing, n - 1), Stream.<Character>cons_());

     * Returns a parser that produces the given number of characters, or fails with the given error.
     * @param missing The error if the given number of characters is unavailable.
     * @param n       The number of characters to produce in the parse result.
     * @return A parser that produces the given number of characters, or fails with the given error.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E> characters(final E missing, final int n) {
      return characters(p(missing), n);

     * Returns a parser that produces the given stream of characters or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if the producing stream could not supply more characters.
     * @param sat     The error if a character was produced that is not the given stream of characters.
     * @param cs      The stream of characters to produce.
     * @return A parser that produces the given stream of characters or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E> characters(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                 final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                                 final Stream<Character> cs) {
      return cs.isEmpty() ?
          Parser.<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E>value(Stream.<Character>nil()) :
          character(missing, sat, cs.head()).bind(characters(missing, sat, cs.tail()._1()), Stream.<Character>cons_());

     * Returns a parser that produces the given stream of characters or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if the producing stream could not supply more characters.
     * @param sat     The error if a character was produced that is not the given stream of characters.
     * @param cs      The stream of characters to produce.
     * @return A parser that produces the given stream of characters or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Stream<Character>, E> characters(final E missing,
                                                                                 final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                                 final Stream<Character> cs) {
      return characters(p(missing), sat, cs);

     * Returns a parser that produces the given string or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if the producing stream could not supply more characters.
     * @param sat     The error if a character was produced that is not the given string.
     * @param s       The string to produce.
     * @return A parser that produces the given string or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, String, E> string(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                  final String s) {
      return characters(missing, sat, List.fromString(s).toStream()).map(new F<Stream<Character>, String>() {
        public String f(final Stream<Character> cs) {
          return List.asString(cs.toList());

     * Returns a parser that produces the given string or fails otherwise.
     * @param missing The error if the producing stream could not supply more characters.
     * @param sat     The error if a character was produced that is not the given string.
     * @param s       The string to produce.
     * @return A parser that produces the given string or fails otherwise.
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, String, E> string(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat,
                                                                  final String s) {
      return string(p(missing), sat, s);

     * Returns a parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a digit with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a digit.
     * @return A parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Digit, E> digit(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isDigit(c);
      }).map(new F<Character, Digit>() {
        public Digit f(final Character c) {
          return Digit.fromChar(c).some();

     * Returns a parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a digit with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a digit.
     * @return A parser that produces a digit (0 to 9).
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Digit, E> digit(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return digit(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a lower-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a lower-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a lower-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a lower-case character.
     * @see Character#isLowerCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> lower(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isLowerCase(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a lower-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a lower-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a lower-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a lower-case character.
     * @see Character#isLowerCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> lower(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return lower(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a upper-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a upper-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a upper-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a upper-case character.
     * @see Character#isUpperCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> upper(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isUpperCase(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a upper-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a upper-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a upper-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a upper-case character.
     * @see Character#isUpperCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> upper(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return upper(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a defined character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a defined character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a defined character.
     * @return A parser that produces a defined character.
     * @see Character#isDefined(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> defined(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isDefined(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a defined character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a defined character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a defined character.
     * @return A parser that produces a defined character.
     * @see Character#isDefined(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> defined(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return defined(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a high-surrogate character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a high-surrogate character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a high-surrogate character.
     * @return A parser that produces a high-surrogate character.
     * @see Character#isHighSurrogate(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> highSurrogate(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                            final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isHighSurrogate(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a high-surrogate character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a high-surrogate character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a high-surrogate character.
     * @return A parser that produces a high-surrogate character.
     * @see Character#isHighSurrogate(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> highSurrogate(final E missing,
                                                                            final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return highSurrogate(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an identifier-ignorable character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @return A parser that produces an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @see Character#isIdentifierIgnorable(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> identifierIgnorable(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                  final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isIdentifierIgnorable(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an identifier-ignorable character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @return A parser that produces an identifier-ignorable character.
     * @see Character#isIdentifierIgnorable(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> identifierIgnorable(final E missing,
                                                                                  final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return identifierIgnorable(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces an ISO control character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an ISO control character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an ISO control character.
     * @return A parser that produces an ISO control character.
     * @see Character#isISOControl(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> isoControl(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                         final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isISOControl(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces an ISO control character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an ISO control character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an ISO control character.
     * @return A parser that produces an ISO control character.
     * @see Character#isISOControl(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> isoControl(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return isoControl(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a Java identifier part character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a Java identifier part character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a Java identifier part character.
     * @return A parser that produces a Java identifier part character.
     * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierPart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> javaIdentifierPart(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                 final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a Java identifier part character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a Java identifier part character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a Java identifier part character.
     * @return A parser that produces a Java identifier part character.
     * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierPart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> javaIdentifierPart(final E missing,
                                                                                 final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return javaIdentifierPart(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a Java identifier start character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a Java identifier start character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a Java identifier start character.
     * @return A parser that produces a Java identifier start character.
     * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierStart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> javaIdentifierStart(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                  final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a Java identifier start character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a Java identifier start character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a Java identifier start character.
     * @return A parser that produces a Java identifier start character.
     * @see Character#isJavaIdentifierStart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> javaIdentifierStart(final E missing,
                                                                                  final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return javaIdentifierStart(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces an alpha character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an alpha character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an alpha character.
     * @return A parser that produces an alpha character.
     * @see Character#isLetter(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> alpha(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isLetter(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces an alpha character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an alpha character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an alpha character.
     * @return A parser that produces an alpha character.
     * @see Character#isLetter(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> alpha(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return alpha(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces an alpha-numeric character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an alpha-numeric character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an alpha-numeric character.
     * @return A parser that produces an alpha-numeric character.
     * @see Character#isLetterOrDigit(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> alphaNum(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isLetterOrDigit(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces an alpha-numeric character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce an alpha-numeric character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not an alpha-numeric character.
     * @return A parser that produces an alpha-numeric character.
     * @see Character#isLetterOrDigit(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> alphaNum(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return alphaNum(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a low-surrogate character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a low-surrogate character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a low-surrogate character.
     * @return A parser that produces a low-surrogate character.
     * @see Character#isLowSurrogate(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> lowSurrogate(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                           final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isLowSurrogate(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a low-surrogate character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a low-surrogate character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a low-surrogate character.
     * @return A parser that produces a low-surrogate character.
     * @see Character#isLowSurrogate(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> lowSurrogate(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return lowSurrogate(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a mirrored character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a mirrored character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a mirrored character.
     * @return A parser that produces a mirrored character.
     * @see Character#isMirrored(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> mirrored(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isMirrored(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a mirrored character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a mirrored character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a mirrored character.
     * @return A parser that produces a mirrored character.
     * @see Character#isMirrored(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> mirrored(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return mirrored(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a space character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a space character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a space character.
     * @return A parser that produces a space character.
     * @see Character#isSpace(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> space(final P1<E> missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isSpaceChar(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a space character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a space character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a space character.
     * @return A parser that produces a space character.
     * @see Character#isSpace(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> space(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return space(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a title-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a title-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a title-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a title-case character.
     * @see Character#isTitleCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> titleCase(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                        final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isTitleCase(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a title-case character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a title-case character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a title-case character.
     * @return A parser that produces a title-case character.
     * @see Character#isTitleCase(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> titleCase(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return titleCase(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a unicode identifier part character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a unicode identifier part character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a unicode identifier part character.
     * @return A parser that produces a unicode identifier part character.
     * @see Character#isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> unicodeIdentiferPart(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                   final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a unicode identifier part character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a unicode identifier part character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a unicode identifier part character.
     * @return A parser that produces a unicode identifier part character.
     * @see Character#isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> unicodeIdentiferPart(final E missing,
                                                                                   final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return unicodeIdentiferPart(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a unicode identifier start character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a unicode identifier start character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a unicode identifier start character.
     * @return A parser that produces a unicode identifier start character.
     * @see Character#isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> unicodeIdentiferStart(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                                    final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a unicode identifier start character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a unicode identifier start character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a unicode identifier start character.
     * @return A parser that produces a unicode identifier start character.
     * @see Character#isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> unicodeIdentiferStart(final E missing,
                                                                                    final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return unicodeIdentiferStart(p(missing), sat);

     * Returns a parser that produces a white-space character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a white-space character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a white-space character.
     * @return A parser that produces a white-space character.
     * @see Character#isWhitespace(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> whitespace(final P1<E> missing,
                                                                         final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return StreamParser.satisfy(missing, sat, new F<Character, Boolean>() {
        public Boolean f(final Character c) {
          return Character.isWhitespace(c);

     * Returns a parser that produces a white-space character.
     * @param missing The error if there is no character on the stream to produce a white-space character with.
     * @param sat     The error if the produced character is not a white-space character.
     * @return A parser that produces a white-space character.
     * @see Character#isWhitespace(char)
    public static <E> Parser<Stream<Character>, Character, E> whitespace(final E missing, final F<Character, E> sat) {
      return whitespace(p(missing), sat);