view src/main/java/fj/control/ @ 0:fe80c1edf1be

add getLoop
author tatsuki
date Fri, 20 Mar 2015 21:04:03 +0900
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package fj.control;

import fj.Bottom;
import fj.F;
import fj.F1Functions;
import fj.F2;
import fj.P1;
import fj.F2Functions;
import static fj.Function.curry;
import static;
import static;

 * A Trampoline is a potentially branching computation that can be stepped through and executed in constant stack.
 * It represent suspendable coroutines with subroutine calls, reified as a data structure.
public abstract class Trampoline<A> {

  // A Normal Trampoline is either done or suspended, and is allowed to be a subcomputation of a Codense.
  // This is the pointed functor part of the Trampoline monad.
  private static abstract class Normal<A> extends Trampoline<A> {
    public abstract <R> R foldNormal(final F<A, R> pure, final F<P1<Trampoline<A>>, R> k);

    public <B> Trampoline<B> bind(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) {
      return codense(this, f);

  // A Codense Trampoline delimits a subcomputation and tracks its current continuation. Subcomputations are only
  // allowed to be Normal, so all of the continuations accumulate on the right.
  private static final class Codense<A> extends Trampoline<A> {

    // The Normal subcomputation
    private final Normal<Object> sub;

    // The current continuation
    private final F<Object, Trampoline<A>> cont;

    private Codense(final Normal<Object> t, final F<Object, Trampoline<A>> k) {
      sub = t;
      cont = k;

    public <R> R fold(final F<Normal<A>, R> n,
                      final F<Codense<A>, R> gs) {
      return gs.f(this);

    // The monadic bind constructs a new Codense whose subcomputation is still `sub`, and Kleisli-composes the
    // continuations.
    public <B> Trampoline<B> bind(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) {
      return codense(sub, new F<Object, Trampoline<B>>() {
        public Trampoline<B> f(final Object o) {
          return suspend(new P1<Trampoline<B>>() {
            public Trampoline<B> _1() {
              return cont.f(o).bind(f);

    // The resumption of a Codense is the resumption of its subcomputation. If that computation is done, its result
    // gets shifted into the continuation.
    public Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> resume() {
      return left(sub.resume().either(new F<P1<Trampoline<Object>>, P1<Trampoline<A>>>() {
            public P1<Trampoline<A>> f(final P1<Trampoline<Object>> p) {
              return F<Trampoline<Object>, Trampoline<A>>() {
                public Trampoline<A> f(final Trampoline<Object> ot) {
                  return ot.fold(new F<Normal<Object>, Trampoline<A>>() {
                        public Trampoline<A> f(final Normal<Object> o) {
                          return o.foldNormal(new F<Object, Trampoline<A>>() {
                                public Trampoline<A> f(final Object o) {
                                  return cont.f(o);
                              }, new F<P1<Trampoline<Object>>, Trampoline<A>>() {
                            public Trampoline<A> f(final P1<Trampoline<Object>> t) {
                              return t._1().bind(cont);
                      }, new F<Codense<Object>, Trampoline<A>>() {
                    public Trampoline<A> f(final Codense<Object> c) {
                      return codense(c.sub, new F<Object, Trampoline<A>>() {
                        public Trampoline<A> f(final Object o) {
                          return c.cont.f(o).bind(cont);
          }, new F<Object, P1<Trampoline<A>>>() {
        public P1<Trampoline<A>> f(final Object o) {
          return new P1<Trampoline<A>>() {
            public Trampoline<A> _1() {
              return cont.f(o);

  // A suspended computation that can be resumed.
  private static final class Suspend<A> extends Normal<A> {

    private final P1<Trampoline<A>> suspension;

    private Suspend(final P1<Trampoline<A>> s) {
      suspension = s;

    public <R> R foldNormal(final F<A, R> pure, final F<P1<Trampoline<A>>, R> k) {
      return k.f(suspension);

    public <R> R fold(final F<Normal<A>, R> n, final F<Codense<A>, R> gs) {
      return n.f(this);

    public Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> resume() {
      return left(suspension);

  // A pure value at the leaf of a computation.
  private static final class Pure<A> extends Normal<A> {
    private final A value;

    private Pure(final A a) {
      value = a;

    public <R> R foldNormal(final F<A, R> pure, final F<P1<Trampoline<A>>, R> k) {
      return pure.f(value);

    public <R> R fold(final F<Normal<A>, R> n, final F<Codense<A>, R> gs) {
      return n.f(this);

    public Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> resume() {
      return right(value);

  protected static <A, B> Codense<B> codense(final Normal<A> a, final F<A, Trampoline<B>> k) {
    return new Codense<B>((Normal<Object>) a, (F<Object, Trampoline<B>>) k);

   * @return The first-class version of `pure`.
  public static <A> F<A, Trampoline<A>> pure() {
    return new F<A, Trampoline<A>>() {
      public Trampoline<A> f(final A a) {
        return pure(a);

   * Constructs a pure computation that results in the given value.
   * @param a The value of the result.
   * @return A trampoline that results in the given value.
  public static <A> Trampoline<A> pure(final A a) {
    return new Pure<A>(a);

   * Suspends the given computation in a thunk.
   * @param a A trampoline suspended in a thunk.
   * @return A trampoline whose next step runs the given thunk.
  public static <A> Trampoline<A> suspend(final P1<Trampoline<A>> a) {
    return new Suspend<A>(a);

   * @return The first-class version of `suspend`.
  public static <A> F<P1<Trampoline<A>>, Trampoline<A>> suspend_() {
    return new F<P1<Trampoline<A>>, Trampoline<A>>() {
      public Trampoline<A> f(final P1<Trampoline<A>> trampolineP1) {
        return suspend(trampolineP1);

  protected abstract <R> R fold(final F<Normal<A>, R> n, final F<Codense<A>, R> gs);

   * Binds the given continuation to the result of this trampoline.
   * @param f A function that constructs a trampoline from the result of this trampoline.
   * @return A new trampoline that runs this trampoline, then continues with the given function.
  public abstract <B> Trampoline<B> bind(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f);

   * Maps the given function across the result of this trampoline.
   * @param f A function that gets applied to the result of this trampoline.
   * @return A new trampoline that runs this trampoline, then applies the given function to the result.
  public final <B> Trampoline<B> map(final F<A, B> f) {
    return bind(F1Functions.o(Trampoline.<B>pure(), f));

   * @return The first-class version of `bind`.
  public static <A, B> F<F<A, Trampoline<B>>, F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>> bind_() {
    return new F<F<A, Trampoline<B>>, F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>>() {
      public F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>> f(final F<A, Trampoline<B>> f) {
        return new F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>() {
          public Trampoline<B> f(final Trampoline<A> a) {
            return a.bind(f);

   * @return The first-class version of `map`.
  public static <A, B> F<F<A, B>, F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>> map_() {
    return new F<F<A, B>, F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>>() {
      public F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>> f(final F<A, B> f) {
        return new F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>>() {
          public Trampoline<B> f(final Trampoline<A> a) {

   * @return The first-class version of `resume`.
  public static <A> F<Trampoline<A>, Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A>> resume_() {
    return new F<Trampoline<A>, Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A>>() {
      public Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> f(final Trampoline<A> aTrampoline) {
        return aTrampoline.resume();

   * Runs a single step of this computation.
   * @return The next step of this compuation.
  public abstract Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> resume();

   * Runs this computation all the way to the end, in constant stack.
   * @return The end result of this computation.
  public A run() {
    Trampoline<A> current = this;
    while (true) {
      final Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> x = current.resume();
      for (final P1<Trampoline<A>> t : x.left()) {
        current = t._1();
      for (final A a : x.right()) {
        return a;

   * Performs function application within a Trampoline (applicative functor pattern).
   * @param lf A Trampoline resulting in the function to apply.
   * @return A new Trampoline after applying the given function through this Trampoline.
  public final <B> Trampoline<B> apply(final Trampoline<F<A, B>> lf) {
    return lf.bind(new F<F<A, B>, Trampoline<B>>() {
      public Trampoline<B> f(final F<A, B> f) {
        return map(f);

   * Binds the given function across the result of this Trampoline and the given Trampoline.
   * @param lb A given Trampoline to bind the given function with.
   * @param f  The function to combine the results of this Trampoline and the given Trampoline.
   * @return A new Trampoline combining the results of the two trampolines with the given function.
  public final <B, C> Trampoline<C> bind(final Trampoline<B> lb, final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
    return lb.apply(map(f));

   * Promotes the given function of arity-2 to a function on Trampolines.
   * @param f The function to promote to a function on Trampolines.
   * @return The given function, promoted to operate on Trampolines.
  public static <A, B, C> F<Trampoline<A>, F<Trampoline<B>, Trampoline<C>>> liftM2(final F<A, F<B, C>> f) {
    return curry(new F2<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>, Trampoline<C>>() {
      public Trampoline<C> f(final Trampoline<A> as, final Trampoline<B> bs) {
        return as.bind(bs, f);

   * Combines two trampolines so they run cooperatively. The results are combined with the given function.
   * @param b Another trampoline to combine with this trampoline.
   * @param f A function to combine the results of the two trampolines.
   * @return A new trampoline that runs this trampoline and the given trampoline simultaneously.
  public <B, C> Trampoline<C> zipWith(final Trampoline<B> b, final F2<A, B, C> f) {
    final Either<P1<Trampoline<A>>, A> ea = resume();
    final Either<P1<Trampoline<B>>, B> eb = b.resume();
    for (final P1<Trampoline<A>> x : ea.left()) {
      for (final P1<Trampoline<B>> y : eb.left()) {
        return suspend(x.bind(y, F2Functions.curry(new F2<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<B>, Trampoline<C>>() {
          public Trampoline<C> f(final Trampoline<A> ta, final Trampoline<B> tb) {
            return suspend(new P1<Trampoline<C>>() {
              public Trampoline<C> _1() {
                return ta.zipWith(tb, f);
      for (final B y : eb.right()) {
        return suspend( F<Trampoline<A>, Trampoline<C>>() {
          public Trampoline<C> f(final Trampoline<A> ta) {
            return, y));
    for (final A x : ea.right()) {
      for (final B y : eb.right()) {
        return suspend(new P1<Trampoline<C>>() {
          public Trampoline<C> _1() {
            return pure(f.f(x, y));
      for (final P1<Trampoline<B>> y : eb.left()) {
        return suspend(;
    throw Bottom.error("Match error: Trampoline is neither done nor suspended.");