view src/main/java/fj/test/ @ 0:fe80c1edf1be

add getLoop
author tatsuki
date Fri, 20 Mar 2015 21:04:03 +0900
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package fj.test;

import fj.F;
import fj.F2;
import fj.F3;
import fj.F4;
import fj.F5;
import fj.F6;
import fj.F7;
import fj.F8;
import fj.Function;
import static fj.Function.compose;
import static fj.P.p;
import fj.P1;
import fj.P2;
import fj.P3;
import fj.P4;
import fj.P5;
import fj.P6;
import fj.P7;
import fj.P8;
import fj.LcgRng;

import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;

import fj.function.Effect1;

import static;
import static fj.test.Gen.choose;
import static fj.test.Gen.elements;
import static;
import static fj.test.Gen.frequency;
import static fj.test.Gen.listOf;
import static fj.test.Gen.oneOf;
import static fj.test.Gen.promote;
import static fj.test.Gen.sized;
import static fj.test.Gen.value;

import static java.lang.Math.abs;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Locale;
import static java.util.Locale.getAvailableLocales;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
import static java.util.EnumSet.copyOf;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.Delayed;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;

 * The type used to generate arbitrary values of the given type parameter (<code>A</code>). Common
 * arbitrary implementations are provided.
 * @version %build.number%
public final class Arbitrary<A> {
   * The generator associated with this arbitrary.
  public final Gen<A> gen;

  private Arbitrary(final Gen<A> gen) {
    this.gen = gen;

   * Constructs and arbitrary with the given generator.
   * @param g The generator to construct an arbitrary with.
   * @return A new arbitrary that uses the given generator.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<A> arbitrary(final Gen<A> g) {
    return new Arbitrary<A>(g);

   * An arbitrary for functions.
   * @param c The coarbitrary for the function domain.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for functions.
  public static <A, B> Arbitrary<F<A, B>> arbF(final Coarbitrary<A> c, final Arbitrary<B> a) {
    return arbitrary(promote(new F<A, Gen<B>>() {
      public Gen<B> f(final A x) {
        return c.coarbitrary(x, a.gen);

    public static <A, B> Arbitrary<Reader<A, B>> arbReader(Coarbitrary<A> aa, Arbitrary<B> ab) {
        return arbitrary(Arbitrary.arbF(aa, ab) -> Reader.unit(f)));

     * An arbitrary for state.
    public static <S, A> Arbitrary<State<S, A>> arbState(Arbitrary<S> as, Coarbitrary<S> cs, Arbitrary<A> aa) {
        return arbitrary(arbF(cs, arbP2(as, aa)) -> State.unit(f)));

     * An arbitrary for the LcgRng.
    public static <A> Arbitrary<LcgRng> arbLcgRng() {
        return arbitrary( -> new LcgRng(l)));

   * An arbitrary for functions.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for functions.
  public static <A, B> Arbitrary<F<A, B>> arbFInvariant(final Arbitrary<B> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B>constant()));

   * An arbitrary for function-2.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-2.
  public static <A, B, C> Arbitrary<F2<A, B, C>> arbF2(final Coarbitrary<A> ca, final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                       final Arbitrary<C> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, a))<A, B, C>uncurryF2()));

   * An arbitrary for function-2.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-2.
  public static <A, B, C> Arbitrary<F2<A, B, C>> arbF2Invariant(final Arbitrary<C> a) {
    return arbitrary(
        compose(Function.<A, B, C>uncurryF2(), compose(Function.<A, F<B, C>>constant(), Function.<B, C>constant()))));

   * An arbitrary for function-3.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-3.
  public static <A, B, C, D> Arbitrary<F3<A, B, C, D>> arbF3(final Coarbitrary<A> ca, final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                             final Coarbitrary<C> cc, final Arbitrary<D> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, a)))<A, B, C, D>uncurryF3()));

   * An arbitrary for function-3.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-3.
  public static <A, B, C, D> Arbitrary<F3<A, B, C, D>> arbF3Invariant(final Arbitrary<D> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D>uncurryF3(), compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, D>>>constant(),
                                                                                     Function.<B, F<C, D>>constant(),
                                                                                     Function.<C, D>constant())))));

   * An arbitrary for function-4.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cd A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-4.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E> Arbitrary<F4<A, B, C, D, E>> arbF4(final Coarbitrary<A> ca, final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                                   final Coarbitrary<C> cc, final Coarbitrary<D> cd,
                                                                   final Arbitrary<E> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, arbF(cd, a))))<A, B, C, D, E>uncurryF4()));

   * An arbitrary for function-4.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-4.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E> Arbitrary<F4<A, B, C, D, E>> arbF4Invariant(final Arbitrary<E> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D, E>uncurryF4(),
                                       compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, E>>>>constant(),
                                               compose(Function.<B, F<C, F<D, E>>>constant(),
                                                       compose(Function.<C, F<D, E>>constant(),
                                                               Function.<D, E>constant()))))));

   * An arbitrary for function-5.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cd A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param ce A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-5.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$> Arbitrary<F5<A, B, C, D, E, F$>> arbF5(final Coarbitrary<A> ca,
                                                                           final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                                           final Coarbitrary<C> cc,
                                                                           final Coarbitrary<D> cd,
                                                                           final Coarbitrary<E> ce,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<F$> a) {
    return arbitrary(
        arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, arbF(cd, arbF(ce, a)))))<A, B, C, D, E, F$>uncurryF5()));

   * An arbitrary for function-5.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-5.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$> Arbitrary<F5<A, B, C, D, E, F$>> arbF5Invariant(final Arbitrary<F$> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D, E, F$>uncurryF5(),
                                       compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F$>>>>>constant(),
                                               compose(Function.<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F$>>>>constant(),
                                                       compose(Function.<C, F<D, F<E, F$>>>constant(),
                                                               compose(Function.<D, F<E, F$>>constant(),
                                                                       Function.<E, F$>constant())))))));

   * An arbitrary for function-6.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cd A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param ce A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cf A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-6.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G> Arbitrary<F6<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>> arbF6(final Coarbitrary<A> ca,
                                                                                 final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                                                 final Coarbitrary<C> cc,
                                                                                 final Coarbitrary<D> cd,
                                                                                 final Coarbitrary<E> ce,
                                                                                 final Coarbitrary<F$> cf,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<G> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, arbF(cd, arbF(ce, arbF(cf, a))))))
        Function.<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>uncurryF6()));

   * An arbitrary for function-6.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-6.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G> Arbitrary<F6<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>> arbF6Invariant(final Arbitrary<G> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>uncurryF6(),
                                       compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, G>>>>>>constant(),
                                               compose(Function.<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, G>>>>>constant(),
                                                       compose(Function.<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, G>>>>constant(),
                                                               compose(Function.<D, F<E, F<F$, G>>>constant(),
                                                                       compose(Function.<E, F<F$, G>>constant(),
                                                                               Function.<F$, G>constant()))))))));

   * An arbitrary for function-7.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cd A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param ce A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cf A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cg A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-7.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> Arbitrary<F7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>> arbF7(final Coarbitrary<A> ca,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<C> cc,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<D> cd,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<E> ce,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<F$> cf,
                                                                                       final Coarbitrary<G> cg,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<H> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, arbF(cd, arbF(ce, arbF(cf, arbF(cg, a)))))))
        Function.<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>uncurryF7()));

   * An arbitrary for function-7.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-7.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> Arbitrary<F7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>> arbF7Invariant(final Arbitrary<H> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>uncurryF7(),
                                       compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>>>>constant(),
                                               compose(Function.<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>>>constant(),
                                                       compose(Function.<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>>constant(),
                                                               compose(Function.<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>>constant(),
                                                                       compose(Function.<E, F<F$, F<G, H>>>constant(),
                                                                               compose(Function.<F$, F<G, H>>constant(),
                                                                                       Function.<G, H>constant())))))))));

   * An arbitrary for function-8.
   * @param ca A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cb A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cc A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cd A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param ce A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cf A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param cg A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param ch A coarbitrary for the part of the domain of the function.
   * @param a  An arbitrary for the codomain of the function.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-8.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I> Arbitrary<F8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I>> arbF8(final Coarbitrary<A> ca,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<B> cb,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<C> cc,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<D> cd,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<E> ce,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<F$> cf,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<G> cg,
                                                                                             final Coarbitrary<H> ch,
                                                                                             final Arbitrary<I> a) {
    return arbitrary(arbF(ca, arbF(cb, arbF(cc, arbF(cd, arbF(ce, arbF(cf, arbF(cg, arbF(ch, a))))))))
        Function.<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I>uncurryF8()));

   * An arbitrary for function-8.
   * @param a The arbitrary for the function codomain.
   * @return An arbitrary for function-8.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I> Arbitrary<F8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I>> arbF8Invariant(
      final Arbitrary<I> a) {
    return arbitrary(<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H, I>uncurryF8(),
                                       compose(Function.<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>>>>>constant(),
                                               compose(Function.<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>>>>constant(),
                                                       compose(Function.<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>>>constant(),
                                                                   Function.<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>>constant(),
                                                                   compose(Function.<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>>constant(),
                                                                               Function.<F$, F<G, F<H, I>>>constant(),
                                                                               compose(Function.<G, F<H, I>>constant(),
                                                                                       Function.<H, I>constant()))))))))));

   * An arbitrary implementation for boolean values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Boolean> arbBoolean = arbitrary(elements(true, false));

   * An arbitrary implementation for integer values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Integer> arbInteger = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Integer>>() {
    public Gen<Integer> f(final Integer i) {
      return choose(-i, i);

   * An arbitrary implementation for integer values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1,
   * max, min, max - 1, min + 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from {@link
   * #arbInteger} the remainder of the time (93%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Integer> arbIntegerBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Integer>>() {
    public Gen<Integer> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value(0)),
                            p(1, value(1)),
                            p(1, value(-1)),
                            p(1, value(Integer.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Integer.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1)),
                            p(1, value(Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1)),
                            p(93, arbInteger.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for long values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Long> arbLong =
      arbitrary(arbInteger.gen.bind(arbInteger.gen, new F<Integer, F<Integer, Long>>() {
        public F<Integer, Long> f(final Integer i1) {
          return new F<Integer, Long>() {
            public Long f(final Integer i2) {
              return (long) i1 << 32L & i2;

   * An arbitrary implementation for long values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1, max,
   * min, max - 1, min + 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from {@link #arbLong}
   * the remainder of the time (93%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Long> arbLongBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Long>>() {
    public Gen<Long> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value(0L)),
                            p(1, value(1L)),
                            p(1, value(-1L)),
                            p(1, value(Long.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Long.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1L)),
                            p(1, value(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1L)),
                            p(93, arbLong.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for byte values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Byte> arbByte = arbitrary( F<Integer, Byte>() {
    public Byte f(final Integer i) {
      return (byte) i.intValue();

   * An arbitrary implementation for byte values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1, max,
   * min, max - 1, min + 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from {@link #arbByte}
   * the remainder of the time (93%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Byte> arbByteBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Byte>>() {
    public Gen<Byte> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value((byte) 0)),
                            p(1, value((byte) 1)),
                            p(1, value((byte) -1)),
                            p(1, value(Byte.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Byte.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value((byte) (Byte.MAX_VALUE - 1))),
                            p(1, value((byte) (Byte.MIN_VALUE + 1))),
                            p(93, arbByte.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for short values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Short> arbShort = arbitrary( F<Integer, Short>() {
    public Short f(final Integer i) {
      return (short) i.intValue();

   * An arbitrary implementation for short values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1, max,
   * min, max - 1, min + 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from {@link #arbShort}
   * the remainder of the time (93%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Short> arbShortBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Short>>() {
    public Gen<Short> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value((short) 0)),
                            p(1, value((short) 1)),
                            p(1, value((short) -1)),
                            p(1, value(Short.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Short.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value((short) (Short.MAX_VALUE - 1))),
                            p(1, value((short) (Short.MIN_VALUE + 1))),
                            p(93, arbShort.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for character values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Character> arbCharacter = arbitrary(choose(0, 65536).map(new F<Integer, Character>() {
    public Character f(final Integer i) {
      return (char) i.intValue();

   * An arbitrary implementation for character values that checks boundary values <code>(max, min,
   * max - 1, min + 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from {@link #arbCharacter}
   * the remainder of the time (96%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Character> arbCharacterBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Character>>() {
    public Gen<Character> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value(Character.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value((char) (Character.MIN_VALUE + 1))),
                            p(1, value(Character.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value((char) (Character.MAX_VALUE - 1))),
                            p(95, arbCharacter.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for double values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Double> arbDouble = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Double>>() {
    public Gen<Double> f(final Integer i) {
      return choose((double) -i, i);

   * An arbitrary implementation for double values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1, max,
   * min, min (normal), NaN, -infinity, infinity, max - 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then
   * generates from {@link #arbDouble} the remainder of the time (91%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Double> arbDoubleBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Double>>() {
    public Gen<Double> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value(0D)),
                            p(1, value(1D)),
                            p(1, value(-1D)),
                            p(1, value(Double.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Double.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Double.NaN)),
                            p(1, value(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)),
                            p(1, value(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)),
                            p(1, value(Double.MAX_VALUE - 1D)),
                            p(91, arbDouble.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for float values.
  public static final Arbitrary<Float> arbFloat = arbitrary( F<Double, Float>() {
    public Float f(final Double d) {
      return (float) d.doubleValue();

   * An arbitrary implementation for float values that checks boundary values <code>(0, 1, -1, max,
   * min, NaN, -infinity, infinity, max - 1)</code> with a frequency of 1% each then generates from
   * {@link #arbFloat} the remainder of the time (91%).
  public static final Arbitrary<Float> arbFloatBoundaries = arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Float>>() {
    public Gen<Float> f(final Integer i) {
      return frequency(list(p(1, value(0F)),
                            p(1, value(1F)),
                            p(1, value(-1F)),
                            p(1, value(Float.MAX_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Float.MIN_VALUE)),
                            p(1, value(Float.NaN)),
                            p(1, value(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)),
                            p(1, value(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)),
                            p(1, value(Float.MAX_VALUE - 1F)),
                            p(91, arbFloat.gen)));

   * An arbitrary implementation for string values.
  public static final Arbitrary<String> arbString =
      arbitrary(arbList(arbCharacter) F<List<Character>, String>() {
        public String f(final List<Character> cs) {
          return asString(cs);

   * An arbitrary implementation for string values with characters in the US-ASCII range.
  public static final Arbitrary<String> arbUSASCIIString =
      arbitrary(arbList(arbCharacter) F<List<Character>, String>() {
        public String f(final List<Character> cs) {
          return asString( F<Character, Character>() {
            public Character f(final Character c) {
              return (char) (c % 128);

   * An arbitrary implementation for string values with alpha-numeric characters.
  public static final Arbitrary<String> arbAlphaNumString =
      arbitrary(arbList(arbitrary(elements(range(charEnumerator, 'a', 'z').append(
          range(charEnumerator, 'A', 'Z')).append(
          range(charEnumerator, '0', '9')).toArray().array(Character[].class))));

   * An arbitrary implementation for string buffer values.
  public static final Arbitrary<StringBuffer> arbStringBuffer =
      arbitrary( F<String, StringBuffer>() {
        public StringBuffer f(final String s) {
          return new StringBuffer(s);

   * An arbitrary implementation for string builder values.
  public static final Arbitrary<StringBuilder> arbStringBuilder =
      arbitrary( F<String, StringBuilder>() {
        public StringBuilder f(final String s) {
          return new StringBuilder(s);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for generators.
   * @param aa an arbitrary implementation for the type over which the generator is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for generators.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Gen<A>> arbGen(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Gen<A>>>() {
      public Gen<Gen<A>> f(final Integer i) {
        if (i == 0)
          return fail();
          return F<A, Gen<A>>() {
            public Gen<A> f(final A a) {
              return value(a);
          }).resize(i - 1);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for optional values.
   * @param aa an arbitrary implementation for the type over which the optional value is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for optional values.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Option<A>> arbOption(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(sized(new F<Integer, Gen<Option<A>>>() {
      public Gen<Option<A>> f(final Integer i) {
        return i == 0 ?
               value(Option.<A>none()) :
      F<A, Option<A>>() {
                 public Option<A> f(final A a) {
                   return some(a);
               }).resize(i - 1);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for the disjoint union.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which one side of the disjoint union is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An arbitrary implementation for the type over which one side of the disjoint union is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for the disjoint union.
  public static <A, B> Arbitrary<Either<A, B>> arbEither(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab) {
    final Gen<Either<A, B>> left = F<A, Either<A, B>>() {
      public Either<A, B> f(final A a) {
        return left(a);
    final Gen<Either<A, B>> right = F<B, Either<A, B>>() {
      public Either<A, B> f(final B b) {
        return right(b);
    return arbitrary(oneOf(list(left, right)));

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for lists.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the list is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for lists.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<List<A>> arbList(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(listOf(aa.gen));

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for streams.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the stream is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for streams.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Stream<A>> arbStream(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbList(aa) F<List<A>, Stream<A>>() {
      public Stream<A> f(final List<A> as) {
        return as.toStream();

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for arrays.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the array is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for arrays.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Array<A>> arbArray(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbList(aa) F<List<A>, Array<A>>() {
      public Array<A> f(final List<A> as) {
        return as.toArray();

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for throwables.
   * @param as An arbitrary used for the throwable message.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for throwables.
  public static Arbitrary<Throwable> arbThrowable(final Arbitrary<String> as) {
    return arbitrary( F<String, Throwable>() {
      public Throwable f(final String msg) {
        return new Throwable(msg);

   * An arbitrary implementation for throwables.
  public static final Arbitrary<Throwable> arbThrowable = arbThrowable(arbString);

  // BEGIN java.util

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for array lists.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the array list is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for array lists.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<ArrayList<A>> arbArrayList(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, ArrayList<A>>() {
      public ArrayList<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new ArrayList<A>(a.toCollection());

   * An arbitrary implementation for bit sets.
  public static final Arbitrary<BitSet> arbBitSet =
      arbitrary(arbList(arbBoolean) F<List<Boolean>, BitSet>() {
        public BitSet f(final List<Boolean> bs) {
          final BitSet s = new BitSet(bs.length());
          bs.zipIndex().foreachDoEffect(new Effect1<P2<Boolean, Integer>>() {
              public void f(final P2<Boolean, Integer> bi) {
                  s.set(bi._2(), bi._1());
          return s;

   * An arbitrary implementation for calendars.
  public static final Arbitrary<Calendar> arbCalendar = arbitrary( F<Long, Calendar>() {
    public Calendar f(final Long i) {
      final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
      return c;

   * An arbitrary implementation for dates.
  public static final Arbitrary<Date> arbDate = arbitrary( F<Long, Date>() {
    public Date f(final Long i) {
      return new Date(i);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for a Java enumeration.
   * @param clazz The type of enum to return an arbtrary of.
   * @return An arbitrary for instances of the supplied enum type.
  public static <A extends Enum<A>> Arbitrary<A> arbEnumValue(final Class<A> clazz) {
    return arbitrary(Gen.elements(clazz.getEnumConstants()));

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for enum maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the enum map's keys are defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the enum map's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for enum maps.
  public static <K extends Enum<K>, V> Arbitrary<EnumMap<K, V>> arbEnumMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, EnumMap<K, V>>() {
      public EnumMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new EnumMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for enum sets.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the enum set is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for enum sets.
  public static <A extends Enum<A>> Arbitrary<EnumSet<A>> arbEnumSet(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, EnumSet<A>>() {
      public EnumSet<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return copyOf(a.toCollection());

   * An arbitrary implementation for gregorian calendars.
  public static final Arbitrary<GregorianCalendar> arbGregorianCalendar =
      arbitrary( F<Long, GregorianCalendar>() {
        public GregorianCalendar f(final Long i) {
          final GregorianCalendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
          return c;

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for hash maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash map's keys are defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash map's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for hash maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<HashMap<K, V>> arbHashMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak, final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, HashMap<K, V>>() {
      public HashMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new HashMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for hash sets.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash set is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for hash sets.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<HashSet<A>> arbHashSet(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, HashSet<A>>() {
      public HashSet<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new HashSet<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for hash tables.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash table's keys are
   *           defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash table's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for hash tables.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<Hashtable<K, V>> arbHashtable(final Arbitrary<K> ak, final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbList(ak).gen.bind(arbList(av).gen, new F<List<K>, F<List<V>, Hashtable<K, V>>>() {
      public F<List<V>, Hashtable<K, V>> f(final List<K> ks) {
        return new F<List<V>, Hashtable<K, V>>() {
          public Hashtable<K, V> f(final List<V> vs) {
            final Hashtable<K, V> t = new Hashtable<K, V>();

   Effect1<P2<K, V>>() {
                public void f(final P2<K, V> kv) {
                    t.put(kv._1(), kv._2());

            return t;

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for identity hash maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the identity hash map's keys are
   *           defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the identity hash map's values
   *           are defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for identity hash maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<IdentityHashMap<K, V>> arbIdentityHashMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, IdentityHashMap<K, V>>() {
      public IdentityHashMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new IdentityHashMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for linked hash maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the linked hash map's keys are
   *           defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the linked hash map's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for linked hash maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<LinkedHashMap<K, V>> arbLinkedHashMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak, final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, LinkedHashMap<K, V>>() {
      public LinkedHashMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for hash sets.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the hash set is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for hash sets.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<LinkedHashSet<A>> arbLinkedHashSet(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, LinkedHashSet<A>>() {
      public LinkedHashSet<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new LinkedHashSet<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for linked lists.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the linked list is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for linked lists.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<LinkedList<A>> arbLinkedList(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, LinkedList<A>>() {
      public LinkedList<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new LinkedList<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for priority queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the priority queue is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for priority queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<PriorityQueue<A>> arbPriorityQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, PriorityQueue<A>>() {
      public PriorityQueue<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new PriorityQueue<A>(a.toCollection());

   * An arbitrary implementation for properties.
  public static final Arbitrary<Properties> arbProperties =
      arbitrary(arbHashtable(arbString, arbString) F<Hashtable<String, String>, Properties>() {
        public Properties f(final Hashtable<String, String> ht) {
          final Properties p = new Properties();

          for (final String k : ht.keySet()) {
            p.setProperty(k, ht.get(k));

          return p;

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for stacks.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the stack is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for stacks.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Stack<A>> arbStack(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, Stack<A>>() {
      public Stack<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        final Stack<A> s = new Stack<A>();
        return s;

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for tree maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the tree map's keys are defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the tree map's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for tree maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<TreeMap<K, V>> arbTreeMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak, final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, TreeMap<K, V>>() {
      public TreeMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new TreeMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for tree sets.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the tree set is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for tree sets.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<TreeSet<A>> arbTreeSet(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, TreeSet<A>>() {
      public TreeSet<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new TreeSet<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for vectors.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the vector is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for vectors.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<Vector<A>> arbVector(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, Vector<A>>() {
      public Vector<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new Vector<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for weak hash maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the weak hash map's keys are
   *           defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the weak hash map's values are
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for weak hash maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<WeakHashMap<K, V>> arbWeakHashMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak, final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, WeakHashMap<K, V>>() {
      public WeakHashMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new WeakHashMap<K, V>(ht);

  // END java.util

  // BEGIN java.util.concurrent

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for array blocking queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the array blocking queue is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for array blocking queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<ArrayBlockingQueue<A>> arbArrayBlockingQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa).gen.bind(arbInteger.gen, arbBoolean.gen,
                                           new F<Array<A>, F<Integer, F<Boolean, ArrayBlockingQueue<A>>>>() {
                                             public F<Integer, F<Boolean, ArrayBlockingQueue<A>>> f(final Array<A> a) {
                                               return new F<Integer, F<Boolean, ArrayBlockingQueue<A>>>() {
                                                 public F<Boolean, ArrayBlockingQueue<A>> f(final Integer capacity) {
                                                   return new F<Boolean, ArrayBlockingQueue<A>>() {
                                                     public ArrayBlockingQueue<A> f(final Boolean fair) {
                                                       return new ArrayBlockingQueue<A>(a.length() + abs(capacity),
                                                                                        fair, a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for concurrent hash maps.
   * @param ak An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the concurrent hash map's keys
   *           are defined.
   * @param av An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the concurrent hash map's values
   *           are defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for concurrent hash maps.
  public static <K, V> Arbitrary<ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>> arbConcurrentHashMap(final Arbitrary<K> ak,
                                                                               final Arbitrary<V> av) {
    return arbitrary(arbHashtable(ak, av) F<Hashtable<K, V>, ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>>() {
      public ConcurrentHashMap<K, V> f(final Hashtable<K, V> ht) {
        return new ConcurrentHashMap<K, V>(ht);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for concurrent linked queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the concurrent linked queue is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for concurrent linked queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<ConcurrentLinkedQueue<A>> arbConcurrentLinkedQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<A>>() {
      public ConcurrentLinkedQueue<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for copy-on-write array lists.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the copy-on-write array list is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for copy-on-write array lists.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<CopyOnWriteArrayList<A>> arbCopyOnWriteArrayList(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, CopyOnWriteArrayList<A>>() {
      public CopyOnWriteArrayList<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for copy-on-write array sets.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the copy-on-write array set is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for copy-on-write array sets.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<CopyOnWriteArraySet<A>> arbCopyOnWriteArraySet(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, CopyOnWriteArraySet<A>>() {
      public CopyOnWriteArraySet<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new CopyOnWriteArraySet<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for delay queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the delay queue is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for delay queues.
  public static <A extends Delayed> Arbitrary<DelayQueue<A>> arbDelayQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, DelayQueue<A>>() {
      public DelayQueue<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new DelayQueue<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for linked blocking queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the linked blocking queue is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for linked blocking queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<LinkedBlockingQueue<A>> arbLinkedBlockingQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, LinkedBlockingQueue<A>>() {
      public LinkedBlockingQueue<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new LinkedBlockingQueue<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for priority blocking queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the priority blocking queue is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for priority blocking queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<PriorityBlockingQueue<A>> arbPriorityBlockingQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa) F<Array<A>, PriorityBlockingQueue<A>>() {
      public PriorityBlockingQueue<A> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new PriorityBlockingQueue<A>(a.toCollection());

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for priority blocking queues.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the priority blocking queue is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for priority blocking queues.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<SynchronousQueue<A>> arbSynchronousQueue(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary(arbArray(aa).gen.bind(arbBoolean.gen, new F<Array<A>, F<Boolean, SynchronousQueue<A>>>() {
      public F<Boolean, SynchronousQueue<A>> f(final Array<A> a) {
        return new F<Boolean, SynchronousQueue<A>>() {
          public SynchronousQueue<A> f(final Boolean fair) {
            final SynchronousQueue<A> q = new SynchronousQueue<A>(fair);
            return q;

  // END java.util.concurrent

  // BEGIN java.sql

   * An arbitrary implementation for SQL dates.
  public static final Arbitrary<java.sql.Date> arbSQLDate = arbitrary( F<Long, java.sql.Date>() {
    public java.sql.Date f(final Long i) {
      return new java.sql.Date(i);

   * An arbitrary implementation for SQL times.
  public static final Arbitrary<Time> arbTime = arbitrary( F<Long, Time>() {
    public Time f(final Long i) {
      return new Time(i);

   * An arbitrary implementation for SQL time stamps.
  public static final Arbitrary<Timestamp> arbTimestamp = arbitrary( F<Long, Timestamp>() {
    public Timestamp f(final Long i) {
      return new Timestamp(i);

  // END java.sql

  // BEGIN java.math

   * An arbitrary implementation for big integers.
  public static final Arbitrary<BigInteger> arbBigInteger =
      arbitrary(arbArray(arbByte).gen.bind(arbByte.gen, new F<Array<Byte>, F<Byte, BigInteger>>() {
        public F<Byte, BigInteger> f(final Array<Byte> a) {
          return new F<Byte, BigInteger>() {
            public BigInteger f(final Byte b) {
              final byte[] x = new byte[a.length() + 1];

              for (int i = 0; i < a.array().length; i++) {
                x[i] = a.get(i);

              x[a.length()] = b;

              return new BigInteger(x);

   * An arbitrary implementation for big decimals.
  public static final Arbitrary<BigDecimal> arbBigDecimal =
      arbitrary( F<BigInteger, BigDecimal>() {
        public BigDecimal f(final BigInteger i) {
          return new BigDecimal(i);

  // END java.math

   * An arbitrary implementation for locales.
  public static final Arbitrary<Locale> arbLocale = arbitrary(elements(getAvailableLocales()));

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-1 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for the type over which the product-1 is defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-1 values.
  public static <A> Arbitrary<P1<A>> arbP1(final Arbitrary<A> aa) {
    return arbitrary( F<A, P1<A>>() {
      public P1<A> f(final A a) {
        return p(a);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-2 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-2 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-2 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-2 values.
  public static <A, B> Arbitrary<P2<A, B>> arbP2(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, new F<A, F<B, P2<A, B>>>() {
      public F<B, P2<A, B>> f(final A a) {
        return new F<B, P2<A, B>>() {
          public P2<A, B> f(final B b) {
            return p(a, b);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-3 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-3 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-3 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-3 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-3 values.
  public static <A, B, C> Arbitrary<P3<A, B, C>> arbP3(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                       final Arbitrary<C> ac) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, new F<A, F<B, F<C, P3<A, B, C>>>>() {
      public F<B, F<C, P3<A, B, C>>> f(final A a) {
        return new F<B, F<C, P3<A, B, C>>>() {
          public F<C, P3<A, B, C>> f(final B b) {
            return new F<C, P3<A, B, C>>() {
              public P3<A, B, C> f(final C c) {
                return p(a, b, c);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-4 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-4 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-4 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-4 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ad An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-4 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-4 values.
  public static <A, B, C, D> Arbitrary<P4<A, B, C, D>> arbP4(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                             final Arbitrary<C> ac, final Arbitrary<D> ad) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, ad.gen, new F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>>>>() {
      public F<B, F<C, F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>>> f(final A a) {
        return new F<B, F<C, F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>>>() {
          public F<C, F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>> f(final B b) {
            return new F<C, F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>>() {
              public F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>> f(final C c) {
                return new F<D, P4<A, B, C, D>>() {
                  public P4<A, B, C, D> f(final D d) {
                    return p(a, b, c, d);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-5 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-5 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-5 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-5 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ad An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-5 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ae An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-5 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-5 values.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E> Arbitrary<P5<A, B, C, D, E>> arbP5(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                                   final Arbitrary<C> ac, final Arbitrary<D> ad,
                                                                   final Arbitrary<E> ae) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, ad.gen, ae.gen, new F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>>>>() {
      public F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>>> f(final A a) {
        return new F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>>>() {
          public F<C, F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>> f(final B b) {
            return new F<C, F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>>() {
              public F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>> f(final C c) {
                return new F<D, F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>>() {
                  public F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>> f(final D d) {
                    return new F<E, P5<A, B, C, D, E>>() {
                      public P5<A, B, C, D, E> f(final E e) {
                        return p(a, b, c, d, e);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-6 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-6 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-6 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-6 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ad An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-6 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ae An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-6 is
   *           defined.
   * @param af An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-6 values.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$> Arbitrary<P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>> arbP6(final Arbitrary<A> aa, final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<C> ac, final Arbitrary<D> ad,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<E> ae,
                                                                           final Arbitrary<F$> af) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, ad.gen, ae.gen, af.gen,
                                 new F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>>>>() {
                                   public F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>>> f(final A a) {
                                     return new F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>>>() {
                                       public F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>> f(final B b) {
                                         return new F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>>() {
                                           public F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>> f(final C c) {
                                             return new F<D, F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>>() {
                                               public F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>> f(final D d) {
                                                 return new F<E, F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>>() {
                                                   public F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>> f(final E e) {
                                                     return new F<F$, P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$>>() {
                                                       public P6<A, B, C, D, E, F$> f(final F$ f) {
                                                         return p(a, b, c, d, e, f);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-7 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ad An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ae An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param af An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-7 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ag An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-7 values.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G> Arbitrary<P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>> arbP7(final Arbitrary<A> aa,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<C> ac,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<D> ad,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<E> ae,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<F$> af,
                                                                                 final Arbitrary<G> ag) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, ad.gen, ae.gen, af.gen, ag.gen,
                                 new F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>>>>() {
                                   public F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>>> f(final A a) {
                                     return new F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>>>() {
                                       public F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>> f(final B b) {
                                         return new F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>>() {
                                           public F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>> f(final C c) {
                                             return new F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>>() {
                                               public F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>> f(final D d) {
                                                 return new F<E, F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>>() {
                                                   public F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>> f(final E e) {
                                                     return new F<F$, F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>>() {
                                                       public F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>> f(final F$ f) {
                                                         return new F<G, P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G>>() {
                                                           public P7<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G> f(final G g) {
                                                             return p(a, b, c, d, e, f, g);

   * Returns an arbitrary implementation for product-8 values.
   * @param aa An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ab An Arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ac An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ad An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ae An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param af An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ag An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @param ah An arbitrary implementation for one of the types over which the product-8 is
   *           defined.
   * @return An arbitrary implementation for product-8 values.
  public static <A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> Arbitrary<P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>> arbP8(final Arbitrary<A> aa,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<B> ab,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<C> ac,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<D> ad,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<E> ae,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<F$> af,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<G> ag,
                                                                                       final Arbitrary<H> ah) {
    return arbitrary(aa.gen.bind(ab.gen, ac.gen, ad.gen, ae.gen, af.gen, ag.gen, ah.gen,
                                 new F<A, F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>>>>() {
                                   public F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>>> f(
                                       final A a) {
                                     return new F<B, F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>>>() {
                                       public F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>> f(
                                           final B b) {
                                         return new F<C, F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>>() {
                                           public F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>> f(
                                               final C c) {
                                             return new F<D, F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>>() {
                                               public F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>> f(
                                                   final D d) {
                                                 return new F<E, F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>>() {
                                                   public F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>> f(final E e) {
                                                     return new F<F$, F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>>() {
                                                       public F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>> f(final F$ f) {
                                                         return new F<G, F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>>() {
                                                           public F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>> f(final G g) {
                                                             return new F<H, P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H>>() {
                                                               public P8<A, B, C, D, E, F$, G, H> f(final H h) {
                                                                 return p(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);