view src/1_28.log @ 0:53676d1f5817 default tip

firsh commit
author tobaru
date Sun, 04 Feb 2018 17:54:49 +0900
line wrap: on
line source

Last login: Thu Jan 25 18:29:02 on ttys007
+firefly+one ssh
cLast login: Thu Jan 25 18:29:20 2018 from 2001:2f8:1c:a504:18b2:63c6:738f:6292
cd%                                                                             [one@dalmore]~% cd src/xv6-rpi 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile  src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% less Dockerfile 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% less 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi 
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls           
Dockerfile  src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls src 
arm.c        elf.h        kernel.ld         param.h       syscall.h
arm.h        entry-osx.S  lib               pipe.c        sysfile.c
asm.S        entry.S      log.c             proc.c        sysproc.c
bio.c        exec.c       main.c            proc.h        tools
buddy.c      fcntl.h      Makefile  trap_asm.S
buf.h        file.c      spinlock.c    trap.c
connect.gdb  file.h       Makefile.osx      spinlock.h    types.h
console.c    fs.c  start.c       usr     fs.h         memide.c          stat.h        vm.c
defs.h       initcode.S   memlayout.h       swtch.S
device       kalloc.c     mmu.h             syscall.c
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[sudo] password for one: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls 
Dockerfile  src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[sudo] password for one: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls /tmp
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile  src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /tmp/kvm-armLinux.xml ./
cp: cannot create regular file ‘./kvm-armLinux.xml’: Permission denied
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /tmp/kvm-armLinux.xml .  
cp: cannot create regular file ‘./kvm-armLinux.xml’: Permission denied
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls -ld .                  
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 103 Jan 25 19:26 .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% su -
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% history |less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% history > 1_26_history.log
zsh: permission denied: 1_26_history.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo history > 1_26_history.log
zsh: permission denied: 1_26_history.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% su -
su: Authentication failure
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi             
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo vi
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls -l
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  290 Nov 21 15:03 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  226 Nov 21 11:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1654 Jan 25 19:29 kvm-armLinux.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1465 Jan 25 19:33 kvm-armxv6.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 2188 Nov 21 11:55
drwxr-xr-x 7 one root 4096 Jan 26 15:44 src
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  136 Jan 25 19:26
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sh virt-install 
--name is required
--memory amount in MiB is required
--disk storage must be specified (override with --disk none)
An install method must be specified
(--location URL, --cdrom CD/ISO, --pxe, --import, --boot hd|cdrom|...)
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sh virt-install   
--name is required
--memory amount in MiB is required
--disk storage must be specified (override with --disk none)
An install method must be specified
(--location URL, --cdrom CD/ISO, --pxe, --import, --boot hd|cdrom|...)
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sh
sh: No such file or directory
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       kvm-armLinux.xml  kvm-armxv6.xml    src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sh 
WARNING  Unable to connect to graphical console: virt-viewer not installed. Please install the 'virt-viewer' package.
WARNING  No console to launch for the guest, defaulting to --wait -1

Starting install...
Creating domain...                                       |    0 B     00:00     
Domain installation still in progress. Waiting for installation to complete.
^CDomain install interrupted.
Installation aborted at user request
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls -lrt
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 2188 Nov 21 11:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  226 Nov 21 11:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  290 Nov 21 15:03 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1654 Jan 25 19:29 kvm-armLinux.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1465 Jan 25 19:33 kvm-armxv6.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  182 Jan 26 15:54
drwxr-xr-x 7 one root 4096 Jan 26 15:56 src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls -ltr
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 2188 Nov 21 11:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  226 Nov 21 11:55
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  290 Nov 21 15:03 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1654 Jan 25 19:29 kvm-armLinux.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root 1465 Jan 25 19:33 kvm-armxv6.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 one root  182 Jan 26 15:54
drwxr-xr-x 7 one root 4096 Jan 26 15:56 src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% history|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh --help

virsh [options]... [<command_string>]
virsh [options]... <command> [args...]

    -c | --connect=URI      hypervisor connection URI
    -d | --debug=NUM        debug level [0-4]
    -e | --escape <char>    set escape sequence for console
    -h | --help             this help
    -k | --keepalive-interval=NUM
                            keepalive interval in seconds, 0 for disable
    -K | --keepalive-count=NUM
                            number of possible missed keepalive messages
    -l | --log=FILE         output logging to file
    -q | --quiet            quiet mode
    -r | --readonly         connect readonly
    -t | --timing           print timing information
    -v                      short version
    -V                      long version
         --version[=TYPE]   version, TYPE is short or long (default short)
  commands (non interactive mode):

 Domain Management (help keyword 'domain')
    attach-device                  attach device from an XML file
    attach-disk                    attach disk device
    attach-interface               attach network interface
    autostart                      autostart a domain
    blkdeviotune                   Set or query a block device I/O tuning parameters.
    blkiotune                      Get or set blkio parameters
    blockcommit                    Start a block commit operation.
    blockcopy                      Start a block copy operation.
    blockjob                       Manage active block operations
    blockpull                      Populate a disk from its backing image.
    blockresize                    Resize block device of domain.
    change-media                   Change media of CD or floppy drive
    console                        connect to the guest console
    cpu-baseline                   compute baseline CPU
    cpu-compare                    compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file
    cpu-stats                      show domain cpu statistics
    create                         create a domain from an XML file
    define                         define (but don't start) a domain from an XML file
    desc                           show or set domain's description or title
    destroy                        destroy (stop) a domain
    detach-device                  detach device from an XML file
    detach-disk                    detach disk device
    detach-interface               detach network interface
    domdisplay                     domain display connection URI
    domfsfreeze                    Freeze domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsthaw                      Thaw domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsinfo                      Get information of domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfstrim                      Invoke fstrim on domain's mounted filesystems.
    domhostname                    print the domain's hostname
    domid                          convert a domain name or UUID to domain id
    domif-setlink                  set link state of a virtual interface
    domiftune                      get/set parameters of a virtual interface
    domjobabort                    abort active domain job
    domjobinfo                     domain job information
    domname                        convert a domain id or UUID to domain name
    domrename                      rename a domain
    dompmsuspend                   suspend a domain gracefully using power management functions
    dompmwakeup                    wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state
    domuuid                        convert a domain name or id to domain UUID
    domxml-from-native             Convert native config to domain XML
    domxml-to-native               Convert domain XML to native config
    dump                           dump the core of a domain to a file for analysis
    dumpxml                        domain information in XML
    edit                           edit XML configuration for a domain
    event                          Domain Events
    inject-nmi                     Inject NMI to the guest
    iothreadinfo                   view domain IOThreads
    iothreadpin                    control domain IOThread affinity
    iothreadadd                    add an IOThread to the guest domain
    iothreaddel                    delete an IOThread from the guest domain
    send-key                       Send keycodes to the guest
    send-process-signal            Send signals to processes
    lxc-enter-namespace            LXC Guest Enter Namespace
    managedsave                    managed save of a domain state
    managedsave-remove             Remove managed save of a domain
    memtune                        Get or set memory parameters
    perf                           Get or set perf event
    metadata                       show or set domain's custom XML metadata
    migrate                        migrate domain to another host
    migrate-setmaxdowntime         set maximum tolerable downtime
    migrate-compcache              get/set compression cache size
    migrate-setspeed               Set the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-getspeed               Get the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-postcopy               Switch running migration from pre-copy to post-copy
    numatune                       Get or set numa parameters
    qemu-attach                    QEMU Attach
    qemu-monitor-command           QEMU Monitor Command
    qemu-monitor-event             QEMU Monitor Events
    qemu-agent-command             QEMU Guest Agent Command
    reboot                         reboot a domain
    reset                          reset a domain
    restore                        restore a domain from a saved state in a file
    resume                         resume a domain
    save                           save a domain state to a file
    save-image-define              redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file
    save-image-dumpxml             saved state domain information in XML
    save-image-edit                edit XML for a domain's saved state file
    schedinfo                      show/set scheduler parameters
    screenshot                     take a screenshot of a current domain console and store it into a file
    set-user-password              set the user password inside the domain
    setmaxmem                      change maximum memory limit
    setmem                         change memory allocation
    setvcpus                       change number of virtual CPUs
    shutdown                       gracefully shutdown a domain
    start                          start a (previously defined) inactive domain
    suspend                        suspend a domain
    ttyconsole                     tty console
    undefine                       undefine a domain
    update-device                  update device from an XML file
    vcpucount                      domain vcpu counts
    vcpuinfo                       detailed domain vcpu information
    vcpupin                        control or query domain vcpu affinity
    emulatorpin                    control or query domain emulator affinity
    vncdisplay                     vnc display
    guestvcpus                     query or modify state of vcpu in the guest (via agent)

 Domain Monitoring (help keyword 'monitor')
    domblkerror                    Show errors on block devices
    domblkinfo                     domain block device size information
    domblklist                     list all domain blocks
    domblkstat                     get device block stats for a domain
    domcontrol                     domain control interface state
    domif-getlink                  get link state of a virtual interface
    domifaddr                      Get network interfaces' addresses for a running domain
    domiflist                      list all domain virtual interfaces
    domifstat                      get network interface stats for a domain
    dominfo                        domain information
    dommemstat                     get memory statistics for a domain
    domstate                       domain state
    domstats                       get statistics about one or multiple domains
    domtime                        domain time
    list                           list domains

 Host and Hypervisor (help keyword 'host')
    allocpages                     Manipulate pages pool size
    capabilities                   capabilities
    cpu-models                     CPU models
    domcapabilities                domain capabilities
    freecell                       NUMA free memory
    freepages                      NUMA free pages
    hostname                       print the hypervisor hostname
    maxvcpus                       connection vcpu maximum
    node-memory-tune               Get or set node memory parameters
    nodecpumap                     node cpu map
    nodecpustats                   Prints cpu stats of the node.
    nodeinfo                       node information
    nodememstats                   Prints memory stats of the node.
    nodesuspend                    suspend the host node for a given time duration
    sysinfo                        print the hypervisor sysinfo
    uri                            print the hypervisor canonical URI
    version                        show version

 Interface (help keyword 'interface')
    iface-begin                    create a snapshot of current interfaces settings, which can be later committed (iface-commit) or restored (iface-rollback)
    iface-bridge                   create a bridge device and attach an existing network device to it
    iface-commit                   commit changes made since iface-begin and free restore point
    iface-define                   define an inactive persistent physical host interface or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    iface-destroy                  destroy a physical host interface (disable it / "if-down")
    iface-dumpxml                  interface information in XML
    iface-edit                     edit XML configuration for a physical host interface
    iface-list                     list physical host interfaces
    iface-mac                      convert an interface name to interface MAC address
    iface-name                     convert an interface MAC address to interface name
    iface-rollback                 rollback to previous saved configuration created via iface-begin
    iface-start                    start a physical host interface (enable it / "if-up")
    iface-unbridge                 undefine a bridge device after detaching its slave device
    iface-undefine                 undefine a physical host interface (remove it from configuration)

 Network Filter (help keyword 'filter')
    nwfilter-define                define or update a network filter from an XML file
    nwfilter-dumpxml               network filter information in XML
    nwfilter-edit                  edit XML configuration for a network filter
    nwfilter-list                  list network filters
    nwfilter-undefine              undefine a network filter

 Networking (help keyword 'network')
    net-autostart                  autostart a network
    net-create                     create a network from an XML file
    net-define                     define an inactive persistent virtual network or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    net-destroy                    destroy (stop) a network
    net-dhcp-leases                print lease info for a given network
    net-dumpxml                    network information in XML
    net-edit                       edit XML configuration for a network
    net-event                      Network Events
    net-info                       network information
    net-list                       list networks
    net-name                       convert a network UUID to network name
    net-start                      start a (previously defined) inactive network
    net-undefine                   undefine a persistent network
    net-update                     update parts of an existing network's configuration
    net-uuid                       convert a network name to network UUID

 Node Device (help keyword 'nodedev')
    nodedev-create                 create a device defined by an XML file on the node
    nodedev-destroy                destroy (stop) a device on the node
    nodedev-detach                 detach node device from its device driver
    nodedev-dumpxml                node device details in XML
    nodedev-list                   enumerate devices on this host
    nodedev-reattach               reattach node device to its device driver
    nodedev-reset                  reset node device

 Secret (help keyword 'secret')
    secret-define                  define or modify a secret from an XML file
    secret-dumpxml                 secret attributes in XML
    secret-get-value               Output a secret value
    secret-list                    list secrets
    secret-set-value               set a secret value
    secret-undefine                undefine a secret

 Snapshot (help keyword 'snapshot')
    snapshot-create                Create a snapshot from XML
    snapshot-create-as             Create a snapshot from a set of args
    snapshot-current               Get or set the current snapshot
    snapshot-delete                Delete a domain snapshot
    snapshot-dumpxml               Dump XML for a domain snapshot
    snapshot-edit                  edit XML for a snapshot
    snapshot-info                  snapshot information
    snapshot-list                  List snapshots for a domain
    snapshot-parent                Get the name of the parent of a snapshot
    snapshot-revert                Revert a domain to a snapshot

 Storage Pool (help keyword 'pool')
    find-storage-pool-sources-as   find potential storage pool sources
    find-storage-pool-sources      discover potential storage pool sources
    pool-autostart                 autostart a pool
    pool-build                     build a pool
    pool-create-as                 create a pool from a set of args
    pool-create                    create a pool from an XML file
    pool-define-as                 define a pool from a set of args
    pool-define                    define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    pool-delete                    delete a pool
    pool-destroy                   destroy (stop) a pool
    pool-dumpxml                   pool information in XML
    pool-edit                      edit XML configuration for a storage pool
    pool-info                      storage pool information
    pool-list                      list pools
    pool-name                      convert a pool UUID to pool name
    pool-refresh                   refresh a pool
    pool-start                     start a (previously defined) inactive pool
    pool-undefine                  undefine an inactive pool
    pool-uuid                      convert a pool name to pool UUID
    pool-event                     Storage Pool Events

 Storage Volume (help keyword 'volume')
    vol-clone                      clone a volume.
    vol-create-as                  create a volume from a set of args
    vol-create                     create a vol from an XML file
    vol-create-from                create a vol, using another volume as input
    vol-delete                     delete a vol
    vol-download                   download volume contents to a file
    vol-dumpxml                    vol information in XML
    vol-info                       storage vol information
    vol-key                        returns the volume key for a given volume name or path
    vol-list                       list vols
    vol-name                       returns the volume name for a given volume key or path
    vol-path                       returns the volume path for a given volume name or key
    vol-pool                       returns the storage pool for a given volume key or path
    vol-resize                     resize a vol
    vol-upload                     upload file contents to a volume
    vol-wipe                       wipe a vol

 Virsh itself (help keyword 'virsh')
    cd                             change the current directory
    echo                           echo arguments
    exit                           quit this interactive terminal
    help                           print help
    pwd                            print the current directory
    quit                           quit this interactive terminal
    connect                        (re)connect to hypervisor

  (specify help <group> for details about the commands in the group)

  (specify help <command> for details about the command)

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls              
Dockerfile       kvm-armLinux.xml  kvm-armxv6.xml    src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls src 
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr     initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h
device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       kvm-armLinux.xml  kvm-armxv6.xml    src
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define kvm-armxv6.xml 
error: Failed to define domain from kvm-armxv6.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi kvm-armxv6.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define kvm-armxv6.xml  
error: Failed to define domain from kvm-armxv6.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 1     xv6arm7                        paused

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi kvm-armxv6.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh --help

virsh [options]... [<command_string>]
virsh [options]... <command> [args...]

    -c | --connect=URI      hypervisor connection URI
    -d | --debug=NUM        debug level [0-4]
    -e | --escape <char>    set escape sequence for console
    -h | --help             this help
    -k | --keepalive-interval=NUM
                            keepalive interval in seconds, 0 for disable
    -K | --keepalive-count=NUM
                            number of possible missed keepalive messages
    -l | --log=FILE         output logging to file
    -q | --quiet            quiet mode
    -r | --readonly         connect readonly
    -t | --timing           print timing information
    -v                      short version
    -V                      long version
         --version[=TYPE]   version, TYPE is short or long (default short)
  commands (non interactive mode):

 Domain Management (help keyword 'domain')
    attach-device                  attach device from an XML file
    attach-disk                    attach disk device
    attach-interface               attach network interface
    autostart                      autostart a domain
    blkdeviotune                   Set or query a block device I/O tuning parameters.
    blkiotune                      Get or set blkio parameters
    blockcommit                    Start a block commit operation.
    blockcopy                      Start a block copy operation.
    blockjob                       Manage active block operations
    blockpull                      Populate a disk from its backing image.
    blockresize                    Resize block device of domain.
    change-media                   Change media of CD or floppy drive
    console                        connect to the guest console
    cpu-baseline                   compute baseline CPU
    cpu-compare                    compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file
    cpu-stats                      show domain cpu statistics
    create                         create a domain from an XML file
    define                         define (but don't start) a domain from an XML file
    desc                           show or set domain's description or title
    destroy                        destroy (stop) a domain
    detach-device                  detach device from an XML file
    detach-disk                    detach disk device
    detach-interface               detach network interface
    domdisplay                     domain display connection URI
    domfsfreeze                    Freeze domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsthaw                      Thaw domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsinfo                      Get information of domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfstrim                      Invoke fstrim on domain's mounted filesystems.
    domhostname                    print the domain's hostname
    domid                          convert a domain name or UUID to domain id
    domif-setlink                  set link state of a virtual interface
    domiftune                      get/set parameters of a virtual interface
    domjobabort                    abort active domain job
    domjobinfo                     domain job information
    domname                        convert a domain id or UUID to domain name
    domrename                      rename a domain
    dompmsuspend                   suspend a domain gracefully using power management functions
    dompmwakeup                    wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state
    domuuid                        convert a domain name or id to domain UUID
    domxml-from-native             Convert native config to domain XML
    domxml-to-native               Convert domain XML to native config
    dump                           dump the core of a domain to a file for analysis
    dumpxml                        domain information in XML
    edit                           edit XML configuration for a domain
    event                          Domain Events
    inject-nmi                     Inject NMI to the guest
    iothreadinfo                   view domain IOThreads
    iothreadpin                    control domain IOThread affinity
    iothreadadd                    add an IOThread to the guest domain
    iothreaddel                    delete an IOThread from the guest domain
    send-key                       Send keycodes to the guest
    send-process-signal            Send signals to processes
    lxc-enter-namespace            LXC Guest Enter Namespace
    managedsave                    managed save of a domain state
    managedsave-remove             Remove managed save of a domain
    memtune                        Get or set memory parameters
    perf                           Get or set perf event
    metadata                       show or set domain's custom XML metadata
    migrate                        migrate domain to another host
    migrate-setmaxdowntime         set maximum tolerable downtime
    migrate-compcache              get/set compression cache size
    migrate-setspeed               Set the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-getspeed               Get the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-postcopy               Switch running migration from pre-copy to post-copy
    numatune                       Get or set numa parameters
    qemu-attach                    QEMU Attach
    qemu-monitor-command           QEMU Monitor Command
    qemu-monitor-event             QEMU Monitor Events
    qemu-agent-command             QEMU Guest Agent Command
    reboot                         reboot a domain
    reset                          reset a domain
    restore                        restore a domain from a saved state in a file
    resume                         resume a domain
    save                           save a domain state to a file
    save-image-define              redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file
    save-image-dumpxml             saved state domain information in XML
    save-image-edit                edit XML for a domain's saved state file
    schedinfo                      show/set scheduler parameters
    screenshot                     take a screenshot of a current domain console and store it into a file
    set-user-password              set the user password inside the domain
    setmaxmem                      change maximum memory limit
    setmem                         change memory allocation
    setvcpus                       change number of virtual CPUs
    shutdown                       gracefully shutdown a domain
    start                          start a (previously defined) inactive domain
    suspend                        suspend a domain
    ttyconsole                     tty console
    undefine                       undefine a domain
    update-device                  update device from an XML file
    vcpucount                      domain vcpu counts
    vcpuinfo                       detailed domain vcpu information
    vcpupin                        control or query domain vcpu affinity
    emulatorpin                    control or query domain emulator affinity
    vncdisplay                     vnc display
    guestvcpus                     query or modify state of vcpu in the guest (via agent)

 Domain Monitoring (help keyword 'monitor')
    domblkerror                    Show errors on block devices
    domblkinfo                     domain block device size information
    domblklist                     list all domain blocks
    domblkstat                     get device block stats for a domain
    domcontrol                     domain control interface state
    domif-getlink                  get link state of a virtual interface
    domifaddr                      Get network interfaces' addresses for a running domain
    domiflist                      list all domain virtual interfaces
    domifstat                      get network interface stats for a domain
    dominfo                        domain information
    dommemstat                     get memory statistics for a domain
    domstate                       domain state
    domstats                       get statistics about one or multiple domains
    domtime                        domain time
    list                           list domains

 Host and Hypervisor (help keyword 'host')
    allocpages                     Manipulate pages pool size
    capabilities                   capabilities
    cpu-models                     CPU models
    domcapabilities                domain capabilities
    freecell                       NUMA free memory
    freepages                      NUMA free pages
    hostname                       print the hypervisor hostname
    maxvcpus                       connection vcpu maximum
    node-memory-tune               Get or set node memory parameters
    nodecpumap                     node cpu map
    nodecpustats                   Prints cpu stats of the node.
    nodeinfo                       node information
    nodememstats                   Prints memory stats of the node.
    nodesuspend                    suspend the host node for a given time duration
    sysinfo                        print the hypervisor sysinfo
    uri                            print the hypervisor canonical URI
    version                        show version

 Interface (help keyword 'interface')
    iface-begin                    create a snapshot of current interfaces settings, which can be later committed (iface-commit) or restored (iface-rollback)
    iface-bridge                   create a bridge device and attach an existing network device to it
    iface-commit                   commit changes made since iface-begin and free restore point
    iface-define                   define an inactive persistent physical host interface or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    iface-destroy                  destroy a physical host interface (disable it / "if-down")
    iface-dumpxml                  interface information in XML
    iface-edit                     edit XML configuration for a physical host interface
    iface-list                     list physical host interfaces
    iface-mac                      convert an interface name to interface MAC address
    iface-name                     convert an interface MAC address to interface name
    iface-rollback                 rollback to previous saved configuration created via iface-begin
    iface-start                    start a physical host interface (enable it / "if-up")
    iface-unbridge                 undefine a bridge device after detaching its slave device
    iface-undefine                 undefine a physical host interface (remove it from configuration)

 Network Filter (help keyword 'filter')
    nwfilter-define                define or update a network filter from an XML file
    nwfilter-dumpxml               network filter information in XML
    nwfilter-edit                  edit XML configuration for a network filter
    nwfilter-list                  list network filters
    nwfilter-undefine              undefine a network filter

 Networking (help keyword 'network')
    net-autostart                  autostart a network
    net-create                     create a network from an XML file
    net-define                     define an inactive persistent virtual network or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    net-destroy                    destroy (stop) a network
    net-dhcp-leases                print lease info for a given network
    net-dumpxml                    network information in XML
    net-edit                       edit XML configuration for a network
    net-event                      Network Events
    net-info                       network information
    net-list                       list networks
    net-name                       convert a network UUID to network name
    net-start                      start a (previously defined) inactive network
    net-undefine                   undefine a persistent network
    net-update                     update parts of an existing network's configuration
    net-uuid                       convert a network name to network UUID

 Node Device (help keyword 'nodedev')
    nodedev-create                 create a device defined by an XML file on the node
    nodedev-destroy                destroy (stop) a device on the node
    nodedev-detach                 detach node device from its device driver
    nodedev-dumpxml                node device details in XML
    nodedev-list                   enumerate devices on this host
    nodedev-reattach               reattach node device to its device driver
    nodedev-reset                  reset node device

 Secret (help keyword 'secret')
    secret-define                  define or modify a secret from an XML file
    secret-dumpxml                 secret attributes in XML
    secret-get-value               Output a secret value
    secret-list                    list secrets
    secret-set-value               set a secret value
    secret-undefine                undefine a secret

 Snapshot (help keyword 'snapshot')
    snapshot-create                Create a snapshot from XML
    snapshot-create-as             Create a snapshot from a set of args
    snapshot-current               Get or set the current snapshot
    snapshot-delete                Delete a domain snapshot
    snapshot-dumpxml               Dump XML for a domain snapshot
    snapshot-edit                  edit XML for a snapshot
    snapshot-info                  snapshot information
    snapshot-list                  List snapshots for a domain
    snapshot-parent                Get the name of the parent of a snapshot
    snapshot-revert                Revert a domain to a snapshot

 Storage Pool (help keyword 'pool')
    find-storage-pool-sources-as   find potential storage pool sources
    find-storage-pool-sources      discover potential storage pool sources
    pool-autostart                 autostart a pool
    pool-build                     build a pool
    pool-create-as                 create a pool from a set of args
    pool-create                    create a pool from an XML file
    pool-define-as                 define a pool from a set of args
    pool-define                    define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    pool-delete                    delete a pool
    pool-destroy                   destroy (stop) a pool
    pool-dumpxml                   pool information in XML
    pool-edit                      edit XML configuration for a storage pool
    pool-info                      storage pool information
    pool-list                      list pools
    pool-name                      convert a pool UUID to pool name
    pool-refresh                   refresh a pool
    pool-start                     start a (previously defined) inactive pool
    pool-undefine                  undefine an inactive pool
    pool-uuid                      convert a pool name to pool UUID
    pool-event                     Storage Pool Events

 Storage Volume (help keyword 'volume')
    vol-clone                      clone a volume.
    vol-create-as                  create a volume from a set of args
    vol-create                     create a vol from an XML file
    vol-create-from                create a vol, using another volume as input
    vol-delete                     delete a vol
    vol-download                   download volume contents to a file
    vol-dumpxml                    vol information in XML
    vol-info                       storage vol information
    vol-key                        returns the volume key for a given volume name or path
    vol-list                       list vols
    vol-name                       returns the volume name for a given volume key or path
    vol-path                       returns the volume path for a given volume name or key
    vol-pool                       returns the storage pool for a given volume key or path
    vol-resize                     resize a vol
    vol-upload                     upload file contents to a volume
    vol-wipe                       wipe a vol

 Virsh itself (help keyword 'virsh')
    cd                             change the current directory
    echo                           echo arguments
    exit                           quit this interactive terminal
    help                           print help
    pwd                            print the current directory
    quit                           quit this interactive terminal
    connect                        (re)connect to hypervisor

  (specify help <group> for details about the commands in the group)

  (specify help <command> for details about the command)

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh --help|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh create kvm-armxv6.xml 
error: Failed to create domain from kvm-armxv6.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define kvm-armxv6.xml
error: Failed to define domain from kvm-armxv6.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi kvm-armxv6.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 1     xv6arm7                        paused

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7 
error: Domain is already active

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7 virsh shutdown xv6arm7
error: unexpected data 'shutdown'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7 virsh shutdown 1     
error: unexpected data 'shutdown'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start 1                  
error: failed to get domain '1'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name '1'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh destroy 1
Domain 1 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start 1  
error: failed to get domain '1'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name '1'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 started

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh console 1
error: failed to get domain '1'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name '1'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all   
 Id    Name                           State
 2     xv6arm7                        paused

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh console 2
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh shutdown xv6arm7
error: Failed to shutdown domain xv6arm7
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh shutdown 2      
error: Failed to shutdown domain 2
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all      
 Id    Name                           State
 2     xv6arm7                        paused

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh destroy 2
Domain 2 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi vm_xv6arm7
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi vm_xv6arm7     
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi vm_xv6arm7     
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi vm_xv6arm7     
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg log   
changeset:   5:f8ce1013b84d
tag:         tip
user:        tobaru
date:        Thu Jan 25 19:33:40 2018 +0900
summary:     kvm xml files

changeset:   4:e4f49859477e
parent:      3:0bbeb1a284e2
parent:      2:11870733f490
user:        tobaru
date:        Fri Aug 04 20:58:06 2017 +0900
summary:     merge

changeset:   3:0bbeb1a284e2
parent:      1:cc14476ac479
user:        tobaru
date:        Fri Aug 04 20:53:15 2017 +0900
summary:     fix entry asmcode

changeset:   2:11870733f490
user:        Tatsuki IHA <>
date:        Sat May 27 16:42:44 2017 +0900
summary:     Add

changeset:   1:cc14476ac479
user:        Tatsuki IHA <>
date:        Fri May 26 23:33:07 2017 +0900
summary:     Add Dockerfile

changeset:   0:83c23a36980d
user:        Tatsuki IHA <>
date:        Fri May 26 23:11:05 2017 +0900
summary:     Init

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg add edit_xv6arm7 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg status
M src/
M src/trap.c
M src/usr/ulib.c
A edit_xv6arm7
? src/build/arm.o
? src/build/asm.o
? src/build/bio.o
? src/build/buddy.o
? src/build/console.o
? src/build/device/picirq.o
? src/build/device/timer.o
? src/build/device/uart.o
? src/build/entry.o
? src/build/exec.o
? src/build/file.o
? src/build/fs.img
? src/build/fs.o
? src/build/initcode
? src/build/initcode.o
? src/build/initcode.out
? src/build/lib/string.o
? src/build/log.o
? src/build/main.o
? src/build/memide.o
? src/build/pipe.o
? src/build/proc.o
? src/build/spinlock.o
? src/build/start.o
? src/build/swtch.o
? src/build/syscall.o
? src/build/sysfile.o
? src/build/sysproc.o
? src/build/trap.o
? src/build/trap_asm.o
? src/build/vm.o
? src/initcode.asm
? src/kernel.asm
? src/kernel.elf
? src/kernel.sym
? src/tools/mkfs
? src/usr/_cat
? src/usr/_echo
? src/usr/_forktest
? src/usr/_grep
? src/usr/_hello
? src/usr/_init
? src/usr/_kill
? src/usr/_ln
? src/usr/_ls
? src/usr/_mkdir
? src/usr/_rm
? src/usr/_sh
? src/usr/_stressfs
? src/usr/_usertests
? src/usr/_wc
? src/usr/_zombie
? src/usr/cat.asm
? src/usr/cat.sym
? src/usr/echo.asm
? src/usr/echo.sym
? src/usr/forktest.asm
? src/usr/forktest.o
? src/usr/grep.asm
? src/usr/grep.sym
? src/usr/hello.asm
? src/usr/hello.sym
? src/usr/init.asm
? src/usr/init.sym
? src/usr/kill.asm
? src/usr/kill.sym
? src/usr/ln.asm
? src/usr/ln.sym
? src/usr/ls.asm
? src/usr/ls.sym
? src/usr/mkdir.asm
? src/usr/mkdir.sym
? src/usr/printf.o
? src/usr/rm.asm
? src/usr/rm.sym
? src/usr/sh.asm
? src/usr/sh.sym
? src/usr/stressfs.asm
? src/usr/stressfs.sym
? src/usr/ulib.o
? src/usr/umalloc.o
? src/usr/usertests.asm
? src/usr/usertests.sym
? src/usr/usys.asm
? src/usr/usys.o
? src/usr/wc.asm
? src/usr/wc.sym
? src/usr/zombie.asm
? src/usr/zombie.sym
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit -u -m "before virsh edit file"
abort: before virsh edit file: No such file or directory
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit -u tobaru -m "fedore virsh edit file"
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 4 changes to 4 files
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  src  kvm-armLinux.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
y - yes, start editor again
n - no, throw away my changes
f - force, try to redefine again
? - print this help
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
y - yes, start editor again
n - no, throw away my changes
i - turn off validation and try to redefine again
f - force, try to redefine again
? - print this help
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
y - yes, start editor again
n - no, throw away my changes
i - turn off validation and try to redefine again
f - force, try to redefine again
? - print this help
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
y - yes, start editor again
n - no, throw away my changes
f - force, try to redefine again
? - print this help
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh xmldump xv6arm
error: unknown command: 'xmldump'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh xmldump xv6armv7
error: unknown command: 'xmldump'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh dumpxml xv6armv7
error: failed to get domain 'xv6armv7'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'xv6armv7'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh dumpxml xv6arm  
error: failed to get domain 'xv6arm'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'xv6arm'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh dumpxml xv6arm7 
<domain type='kvm'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>131072</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>131072</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>
    <type arch='x86_64' machine='versatileab'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
    <vmport state='off'/>
  <cpu mode='custom' match='exact'>
    <model fallback='allow'>Haswell-noTSX</model>
  <clock offset='utc'>
    <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
    <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
    <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
    <suspend-to-mem enabled='no'/>
    <suspend-to-disk enabled='no'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img'/>
      <target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='0'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-ehci1'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x7'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci1'>
      <master startport='0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci2'>
      <master startport='2'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci3'>
      <master startport='4'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
    <controller type='ide' index='0'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='user'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:42:94:60'/>
      <model type='rtl8139'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='pty'>
      <target port='0'/>
    <console type='pty'>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes'>
      <listen type='address'/>
      <image compression='off'/>
    <sound model='ich6'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='2'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh dumpxml xv6arm7|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh cpu-models arm   
error: failed to get CPU model names
error: invalid argument: cannot find architecture arm

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cat /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml
  <arch name='x86'>
    <!-- vendor definitions -->
    <vendor name='Intel' string='GenuineIntel'/>
    <vendor name='AMD' string='AuthenticAMD'/>

    <!-- standard features, EDX -->
    <feature name='fpu'> <!-- CPUID_FP87 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000001'/>
    <feature name='vme'> <!-- CPUID_VME -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='de'> <!-- CPUID_DE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000004'/>
    <feature name='pse'> <!-- CPUID_PSE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000008'/>
    <feature name='tsc'> <!-- CPUID_TSC -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000010'/>
    <feature name='msr'> <!-- CPUID_MSR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000020'/>
    <feature name='pae'> <!-- CPUID_PAE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000040'/>
    <feature name='mce'> <!-- CPUID_MCE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000080'/>
    <feature name='cx8'> <!-- CPUID_CX8 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000100'/>
    <feature name='apic'> <!-- CPUID_APIC -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000200'/>
    <feature name='sep'> <!-- CPUID_SEP -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00000800'/>
    <feature name='mtrr'> <!-- CPUID_MTRR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00001000'/>
    <feature name='pge'> <!-- CPUID_PGE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00002000'/>
    <feature name='mca'> <!-- CPUID_MCA -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00004000'/>
    <feature name='cmov'> <!-- CPUID_CMOV -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00008000'/>
    <feature name='pat'> <!-- CPUID_PAT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00010000'/>
    <feature name='pse36'> <!-- CPUID_PSE36 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00020000'/>
    <feature name='pn'> <!-- CPUID_PN -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00040000'/>
    <feature name='clflush'> <!-- CPUID_CLFLUSH -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00080000'/>
    <feature name='ds'> <!-- CPUID_DTS -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00200000'/>
    <feature name='acpi'> <!-- CPUID_ACPI -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00400000'/>
    <feature name='mmx'> <!-- CPUID_MMX -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x00800000'/>
    <feature name='fxsr'> <!-- CPUID_FXSR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x01000000'/>
    <feature name='sse'> <!-- CPUID_SSE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x02000000'/>
    <feature name='sse2'> <!-- CPUID_SSE2 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x04000000'/>
    <feature name='ss'> <!-- CPUID_SS -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x08000000'/>
    <feature name='ht'> <!-- CPUID_HT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x10000000'/>
    <feature name='tm'> <!-- CPUID_TM -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x20000000'/>
    <feature name='ia64'> <!-- CPUID_IA64 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x40000000'/>
    <feature name='pbe'> <!-- CPUID_PBE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' edx='0x80000000'/>

    <!-- standard features, ECX -->
    <feature name='pni'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_SSE3 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000001'/>
    <feature name='pclmuldq'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='dtes64'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000004'/>
    <feature name='monitor'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_MONITOR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000008'/>
    <feature name='ds_cpl'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_DSCPL -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000010'/>
    <feature name='vmx'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_VMX -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000020'/>
     <feature name='smx'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000040'/>
    <feature name='est'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_EST -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000080'/>
    <feature name='tm2'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_TM2 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000100'/>
    <feature name='ssse3'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_SSSE3 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000200'/>
    <feature name='cid'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_CID -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00000400'/>
    <feature name='fma'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00001000'/>
    <feature name='cx16'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_CX16 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00002000'/>
    <feature name='xtpr'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_XTPR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00004000'/>
    <feature name='pdcm'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00008000'/>
    <feature name='pcid'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00020000'/>
    <feature name='dca'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_DCA -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00040000'/>
    <feature name='sse4.1'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_SSE41 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00080000'/>
    <feature name='sse4.2'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_SSE42 -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00100000'/>
    <feature name='x2apic'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_X2APIC -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00200000'/>
    <feature name='movbe'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00400000'/>
    <feature name='popcnt'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_POPCNT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x00800000'/>
    <feature name='tsc-deadline'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x01000000'/>
    <feature name='aes'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x02000000'/>
    <feature name='xsave'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x04000000'/>
    <feature name='osxsave'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x08000000'/>
    <feature name='avx'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x10000000'/>
    <feature name='f16c'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x20000000'/>
    <feature name='rdrand'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x40000000'/>
    <feature name='hypervisor'> <!-- CPUID_EXT_HYPERVISOR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x01' ecx='0x80000000'/>

    <!-- Termal Power and Management -->
    <feature name='arat'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x06' eax='0x00000004'/>

    <!-- cpuid function 0x7 ecx 0x0 features -->
    <feature name='fsgsbase'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000001'/>
    <feature name='tsc_adjust'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='bmi1'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000008'/>
    <feature name='hle'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000010'/>
    <feature name='avx2'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000020'/>
    <feature name='smep'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000080'/>
    <feature name='bmi2'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000100'/>
    <feature name='erms'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000200'/>
    <feature name='invpcid'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000400'/>
    <feature name='rtm'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00000800'/>
    <feature name='cmt'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00001000'/>
    <feature name='mpx'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00004000'/>
    <feature name='avx512f'> <!-- AVX-512 Foundation -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00010000'/>
    <feature name='rdseed'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00040000'/>
    <feature name='adx'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00080000'/>
    <feature name='smap'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00100000'/>
    <feature name='clflushopt'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x00800000'/>
    <feature name='avx512pf'> <!-- AVX-512 Prefetch -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x04000000'/>
    <feature name='avx512er'> <!-- AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x08000000'/>
    <feature name='avx512cd'> <!-- AVX-512 Conflict Detection -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x07' ebx='0x10000000'/>

    <!-- Processor Extended State Enumeration sub leaf 1 -->
    <feature name='xsaveopt'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0d' ecx_in='0x01' eax='0x00000001'/>
    <feature name='xsavec'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0d' ecx_in='0x01' eax='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='xgetbv1'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0d' ecx_in='0x01' eax='0x00000004'/>
    <feature name='xsaves' migratable='no'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0d' ecx_in='0x01' eax='0x00000008'/>

    <!-- cpuid level 0x0000000f:1 (edx) -->
    <feature name='mbm_total'> <!-- LLC Total MBM monitoring -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0f' ecx_in='0x01' edx='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='mbm_local'> <!-- LLC Local MBM monitoring -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x0f' ecx_in='0x01' edx='0x00000004'/>

    <!-- extended features, EDX -->
    <feature name='syscall'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_SYSCALL -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x00000800'/>
    <feature name='nx'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_NX -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x00100000'/>
    <feature name='mmxext'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_MMXEXT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x00400000'/>
    <feature name='fxsr_opt'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_FFXSR -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x02000000'/>
    <feature name='pdpe1gb'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_PDPE1GB -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x04000000'/>
    <feature name='rdtscp'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_RDTSCP -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x08000000'/>
    <feature name='lm'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_LM -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x20000000'/>
    <feature name='3dnowext'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_3DNOWEXT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x40000000'/>
    <feature name='3dnow'> <!-- CPUID_EXT2_3DNOW -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' edx='0x80000000'/>

    <!-- extended features, ECX -->
    <feature name='lahf_lm'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_LAHF_LM -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000001'/>
    <feature name='cmp_legacy'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_CMP_LEG -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000002'/>
    <feature name='svm'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_SVM -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000004'/>
    <feature name='extapic'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_EXTAPIC -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000008'/>
    <feature name='cr8legacy'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_CR8LEG -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000010'/>
    <feature name='abm'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_ABM -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000020'/>
    <feature name='sse4a'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_SSE4A -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000040'/>
    <feature name='misalignsse'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_MISALIGNSSE -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000080'/>
    <feature name='3dnowprefetch'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_3DNOWPREFETCH -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000100'/>
    <feature name='osvw'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_OSVW -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000200'/>
    <feature name='ibs'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000400'/>
    <feature name='xop'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00000800'/>
    <feature name='skinit'> <!-- CPUID_EXT3_SKINIT -->
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00001000'/>
    <feature name='wdt'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00002000'/>
    <feature name='lwp'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00008000'/>
    <feature name='fma4'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00010000'/>
    <feature name='tce'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00020000'/>
    <feature name='cvt16'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00040000'/>
    <feature name='nodeid_msr'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00080000'/>
    <feature name='tbm'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00200000'/>
    <feature name='topoext'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00400000'/>
    <feature name='perfctr_core'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x00800000'/>
    <feature name='perfctr_nb'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000001' ecx='0x01000000'/>

    <!-- Advanced Power Management edx features -->
    <feature name='invtsc' migratable='no'>
      <cpuid eax_in='0x80000007' edx='0x00000100'/>

    <!-- models -->
    <model name='486'>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <!-- Intel-based QEMU generic CPU models -->
    <model name='pentium'>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='pentium2'>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='pentium3'>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='pentiumpro'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='coreduo'>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='n270'>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='core2duo'>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <!-- Generic QEMU CPU models -->
    <model name='qemu32'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='kvm32'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='cpu64-rhel5'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='cpu64-rhel6'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='kvm64'>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='qemu64'>
      <!-- These are supported only by TCG.  KVM supports them only if the
           host does.  So we leave them out:

           <feature name='abm'/>
           <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
           <feature name='popcnt'/>
           <feature name='sse4a'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <!-- Intel CPU models -->
    <model name='Conroe'>
      <signature family='6' model='15'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Penryn'>
      <signature family='6' model='23'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Nehalem'>
      <signature family='6' model='26'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Westmere'>
      <signature family='6' model='44'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='SandyBridge'>
      <signature family='6' model='42'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='IvyBridge'>
      <signature family='6' model='58'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='f16c'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdrand'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Haswell-noTSX'>
      <signature family='6' model='60'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='avx2'/>
      <feature name='bmi1'/>
      <feature name='bmi2'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='invpcid'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='movbe'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pcid'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Haswell'>
      <signature family='6' model='60'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='avx2'/>
      <feature name='bmi1'/>
      <feature name='bmi2'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='hle'/>
      <feature name='invpcid'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='movbe'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pcid'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='rtm'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Broadwell-noTSX'>
      <signature family='6' model='61'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
      <feature name='adx'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='avx2'/>
      <feature name='bmi1'/>
      <feature name='bmi2'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='invpcid'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='movbe'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pcid'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdseed'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smap'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Broadwell'>
      <signature family='6' model='61'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
      <feature name='adx'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='avx2'/>
      <feature name='bmi1'/>
      <feature name='bmi2'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='hle'/>
      <feature name='invpcid'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='movbe'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pcid'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdseed'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='rtm'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smap'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Skylake-Client'>
      <signature family='6' model='94'/>
      <vendor name='Intel'/>
      <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
      <feature name='abm'/>
      <feature name='adx'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='arat'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='avx2'/>
      <feature name='bmi1'/>
      <feature name='bmi2'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='erms'/>
      <feature name='f16c'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fsgsbase'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='hle'/>
      <feature name='invpcid'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='movbe'/>
      <feature name='mpx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pcid'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdrand'/>
      <feature name='rdseed'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='rtm'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='smap'/>
      <feature name='smep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='tsc-deadline'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>
      <feature name='x2apic'/>
      <feature name='xgetbv1'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>
      <feature name='xsavec'/>
      <feature name='xsaveopt'/>

    <!-- AMD CPUs -->
    <model name='athlon'>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='3dnow'/>
      <feature name='3dnowext'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='mmxext'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>

    <model name='phenom'>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='3dnow'/>
      <feature name='3dnowext'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='fxsr_opt'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='mmxext'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Opteron_G1'>
      <signature family='15' model='6'/>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Opteron_G2'>
      <signature family='15' model='6'/>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Opteron_G3'>
      <signature family='15' model='6'/>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='abm'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='misalignsse'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4a'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>

    <model name='Opteron_G4'>
      <signature family='21' model='1'/>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
      <feature name='abm'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='fma4'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='misalignsse'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pdpe1gb'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='sse4a'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='xop'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

    <model name='Opteron_G5'>
      <signature family='21' model='2'/>
      <vendor name='AMD'/>
      <feature name='3dnowprefetch'/>
      <feature name='abm'/>
      <feature name='aes'/>
      <feature name='apic'/>
      <feature name='avx'/>
      <feature name='clflush'/>
      <feature name='cmov'/>
      <feature name='cx16'/>
      <feature name='cx8'/>
      <feature name='de'/>
      <feature name='f16c'/>
      <feature name='fma'/>
      <feature name='fma4'/>
      <feature name='fpu'/>
      <feature name='fxsr'/>
      <feature name='lahf_lm'/>
      <feature name='lm'/>
      <feature name='mca'/>
      <feature name='mce'/>
      <feature name='misalignsse'/>
      <feature name='mmx'/>
      <feature name='msr'/>
      <feature name='mtrr'/>
      <feature name='nx'/>
      <feature name='pae'/>
      <feature name='pat'/>
      <feature name='pclmuldq'/>
      <feature name='pdpe1gb'/>
      <feature name='pge'/>
      <feature name='pni'/>
      <feature name='popcnt'/>
      <feature name='pse'/>
      <feature name='pse36'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='sep'/>
      <feature name='sse'/>
      <feature name='sse2'/>
      <feature name='sse4.1'/>
      <feature name='sse4.2'/>
      <feature name='sse4a'/>
      <feature name='ssse3'/>
      <feature name='svm'/>
      <feature name='syscall'/>
      <feature name='tbm'/>
      <feature name='tsc'/>
      <feature name='xop'/>
      <feature name='xsave'/>

  <arch name='ppc64'>
    <!-- vendor definitions -->
    <vendor name='IBM'/>
    <vendor name='Freescale'/>

    <!-- IBM-based CPU models -->
    <model name='POWER6'>
      <vendor name='IBM'/>
      <pvr value='0x003e0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>

    <model name='POWER7'>
      <vendor name='IBM'/>
      <pvr value='0x003f0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>
      <pvr value='0x004a0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>

    <model name='POWER8'>
      <vendor name='IBM'/>
      <pvr value='0x004b0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>
      <pvr value='0x004c0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>
      <pvr value='0x004d0000' mask='0xffff0000'/>

    <!-- Freescale-based CPU models -->
    <model name='POWERPC_e5500'>
      <vendor name='Freescale'/>
      <pvr value='0x80240000' mask='0xffff0000'/>

    <model name='POWERPC_e6500'>
      <vendor name='Freescale'/>
      <pvr value='0x80400000' mask='0xffff0000'/>
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cat /usr/share/libvirt/cpu_map.xml|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh dumpxml xv6arm7|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh kapabilities        
error: unknown command: 'kapabilities'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh capabilities

      <topology sockets='1' cores='18' threads='2'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>
      <feature name='ds'/>
      <feature name='acpi'/>
      <feature name='ss'/>
      <feature name='ht'/>
      <feature name='tm'/>
      <feature name='pbe'/>
      <feature name='dtes64'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='ds_cpl'/>
      <feature name='vmx'/>
      <feature name='smx'/>
      <feature name='est'/>
      <feature name='tm2'/>
      <feature name='xtpr'/>
      <feature name='pdcm'/>
      <feature name='dca'/>
      <feature name='osxsave'/>
      <feature name='f16c'/>
      <feature name='rdrand'/>
      <feature name='arat'/>
      <feature name='tsc_adjust'/>
      <feature name='cmt'/>
      <feature name='xsaveopt'/>
      <feature name='pdpe1gb'/>
      <feature name='abm'/>
      <feature name='invtsc'/>
      <pages unit='KiB' size='4'/>
      <pages unit='KiB' size='2048'/>
      <pages unit='KiB' size='1048576'/>
      <cells num='2'>
        <cell id='0'>
          <memory unit='KiB'>402557292</memory>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='4'>100639323</pages>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='2048'>0</pages>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='1048576'>0</pages>
            <sibling id='0' value='10'/>
            <sibling id='1' value='21'/>
          <cpus num='36'>
            <cpu id='0' socket_id='0' core_id='0' siblings='0,36'/>
            <cpu id='2' socket_id='0' core_id='1' siblings='2,38'/>
            <cpu id='4' socket_id='0' core_id='2' siblings='4,40'/>
            <cpu id='6' socket_id='0' core_id='3' siblings='6,42'/>
            <cpu id='8' socket_id='0' core_id='4' siblings='8,44'/>
            <cpu id='10' socket_id='0' core_id='8' siblings='10,46'/>
            <cpu id='12' socket_id='0' core_id='9' siblings='12,48'/>
            <cpu id='14' socket_id='0' core_id='10' siblings='14,50'/>
            <cpu id='16' socket_id='0' core_id='11' siblings='16,52'/>
            <cpu id='18' socket_id='0' core_id='16' siblings='18,54'/>
            <cpu id='20' socket_id='0' core_id='17' siblings='20,56'/>
            <cpu id='22' socket_id='0' core_id='18' siblings='22,58'/>
            <cpu id='24' socket_id='0' core_id='19' siblings='24,60'/>
            <cpu id='26' socket_id='0' core_id='20' siblings='26,62'/>
            <cpu id='28' socket_id='0' core_id='24' siblings='28,64'/>
            <cpu id='30' socket_id='0' core_id='25' siblings='30,66'/>
            <cpu id='32' socket_id='0' core_id='26' siblings='32,68'/>
            <cpu id='34' socket_id='0' core_id='27' siblings='34,70'/>
            <cpu id='36' socket_id='0' core_id='0' siblings='0,36'/>
            <cpu id='38' socket_id='0' core_id='1' siblings='2,38'/>
            <cpu id='40' socket_id='0' core_id='2' siblings='4,40'/>
            <cpu id='42' socket_id='0' core_id='3' siblings='6,42'/>
            <cpu id='44' socket_id='0' core_id='4' siblings='8,44'/>
            <cpu id='46' socket_id='0' core_id='8' siblings='10,46'/>
            <cpu id='48' socket_id='0' core_id='9' siblings='12,48'/>
            <cpu id='50' socket_id='0' core_id='10' siblings='14,50'/>
            <cpu id='52' socket_id='0' core_id='11' siblings='16,52'/>
            <cpu id='54' socket_id='0' core_id='16' siblings='18,54'/>
            <cpu id='56' socket_id='0' core_id='17' siblings='20,56'/>
            <cpu id='58' socket_id='0' core_id='18' siblings='22,58'/>
            <cpu id='60' socket_id='0' core_id='19' siblings='24,60'/>
            <cpu id='62' socket_id='0' core_id='20' siblings='26,62'/>
            <cpu id='64' socket_id='0' core_id='24' siblings='28,64'/>
            <cpu id='66' socket_id='0' core_id='25' siblings='30,66'/>
            <cpu id='68' socket_id='0' core_id='26' siblings='32,68'/>
            <cpu id='70' socket_id='0' core_id='27' siblings='34,70'/>
        <cell id='1'>
          <memory unit='KiB'>402653184</memory>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='4'>100663296</pages>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='2048'>0</pages>
          <pages unit='KiB' size='1048576'>0</pages>
            <sibling id='0' value='21'/>
            <sibling id='1' value='10'/>
          <cpus num='36'>
            <cpu id='1' socket_id='1' core_id='0' siblings='1,37'/>
            <cpu id='3' socket_id='1' core_id='1' siblings='3,39'/>
            <cpu id='5' socket_id='1' core_id='2' siblings='5,41'/>
            <cpu id='7' socket_id='1' core_id='3' siblings='7,43'/>
            <cpu id='9' socket_id='1' core_id='4' siblings='9,45'/>
            <cpu id='11' socket_id='1' core_id='8' siblings='11,47'/>
            <cpu id='13' socket_id='1' core_id='9' siblings='13,49'/>
            <cpu id='15' socket_id='1' core_id='10' siblings='15,51'/>
            <cpu id='17' socket_id='1' core_id='11' siblings='17,53'/>
            <cpu id='19' socket_id='1' core_id='16' siblings='19,55'/>
            <cpu id='21' socket_id='1' core_id='17' siblings='21,57'/>
            <cpu id='23' socket_id='1' core_id='18' siblings='23,59'/>
            <cpu id='25' socket_id='1' core_id='19' siblings='25,61'/>
            <cpu id='27' socket_id='1' core_id='20' siblings='27,63'/>
            <cpu id='29' socket_id='1' core_id='24' siblings='29,65'/>
            <cpu id='31' socket_id='1' core_id='25' siblings='31,67'/>
            <cpu id='33' socket_id='1' core_id='26' siblings='33,69'/>
            <cpu id='35' socket_id='1' core_id='27' siblings='35,71'/>
            <cpu id='37' socket_id='1' core_id='0' siblings='1,37'/>
            <cpu id='39' socket_id='1' core_id='1' siblings='3,39'/>
            <cpu id='41' socket_id='1' core_id='2' siblings='5,41'/>
            <cpu id='43' socket_id='1' core_id='3' siblings='7,43'/>
            <cpu id='45' socket_id='1' core_id='4' siblings='9,45'/>
            <cpu id='47' socket_id='1' core_id='8' siblings='11,47'/>
            <cpu id='49' socket_id='1' core_id='9' siblings='13,49'/>
            <cpu id='51' socket_id='1' core_id='10' siblings='15,51'/>
            <cpu id='53' socket_id='1' core_id='11' siblings='17,53'/>
            <cpu id='55' socket_id='1' core_id='16' siblings='19,55'/>
            <cpu id='57' socket_id='1' core_id='17' siblings='21,57'/>
            <cpu id='59' socket_id='1' core_id='18' siblings='23,59'/>
            <cpu id='61' socket_id='1' core_id='19' siblings='25,61'/>
            <cpu id='63' socket_id='1' core_id='20' siblings='27,63'/>
            <cpu id='65' socket_id='1' core_id='24' siblings='29,65'/>
            <cpu id='67' socket_id='1' core_id='25' siblings='31,67'/>
            <cpu id='69' socket_id='1' core_id='26' siblings='33,69'/>
            <cpu id='71' socket_id='1' core_id='27' siblings='35,71'/>

    <arch name='i686'>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.4.0</machine>
      <machine canonical='pc-i440fx-rhel7.4.0' maxCpus='240'>pc</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.3.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.4.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.0.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.1.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='255'>pc-q35-rhel7.3.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.5.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='384'>pc-q35-rhel7.4.0</machine>
      <machine canonical='pc-q35-rhel7.4.0' maxCpus='384'>q35</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.6.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.1.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.2.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.3.0</machine>
      <domain type='qemu'/>
      <domain type='kvm'>
      <disksnapshot default='on' toggle='no'/>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='no'/>

    <arch name='x86_64'>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.4.0</machine>
      <machine canonical='pc-i440fx-rhel7.4.0' maxCpus='240'>pc</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.0.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.3.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.4.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.0.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.1.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.2.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='255'>pc-q35-rhel7.3.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.5.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='384'>pc-q35-rhel7.4.0</machine>
      <machine canonical='pc-q35-rhel7.4.0' maxCpus='384'>q35</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.6.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.1.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>rhel6.2.0</machine>
      <machine maxCpus='240'>pc-i440fx-rhel7.3.0</machine>
      <domain type='qemu'/>
      <domain type='kvm'>
      <disksnapshot default='on' toggle='no'/>
      <acpi default='on' toggle='yes'/>
      <apic default='on' toggle='no'/>


[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh capabilities|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /tmp/xv6arm7.xml .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh undefien xv6arm7
error: unknown command: 'undefien'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh undefine xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 has been undefined

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define xv6arm7.xml
error: Failed to define domain from xv6arm7.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo virsh define xv6arm7.xml
[sudo] password for one: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for one: 
error: Failed to define domain from xv6arm7.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh -v                     
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define xv6arm7.xml   
error: Failed to define domain from xv6arm7.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define xv6arm7.xml
error: Failed to define domain from xv6arm7.xml
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi /tmp/aaa.log 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh define xv6arm7.xml
Domain xv6arm7 defined from xv6arm7.xml

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cat /tmp/aaa.log 
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:53:12 JST 2018
Original args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Edited args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:53:12 JST 2018
Original args: -help
Edited args: -help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:56:07 JST 2018
Original args: -hlp
Edited args: -hlp
Result code: 1
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:56:09 JST 2018
Original args: -help
Edited args: -help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:56:13 JST 2018
Original args: -help
Edited args: -help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:57:24 JST 2018
Original args: -machine help
Edited args: -machine help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:57:28 JST 2018
Original args: -machine help
Edited args: -machine help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:57:52 JST 2018
Original args: -cpu help
Edited args: -cpu help
Result code: 1
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:58:03 JST 2018
Original args: -help
Edited args: -help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:58:19 JST 2018
Original args: -cpu help
Edited args: -cpu help
Result code: 1
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:58:48 JST 2018
Original args: -machine help
Edited args: -machine help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 17:59:53 JST 2018
Original args: -machine versatileab -cpu help
Edited args: -machine versatileab -cpu help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 18:00:08 JST 2018
Original args: -machine versatileab -cpu help
Edited args: -machine versatileab -cpu help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 18:01:02 JST 2018
Original args: -help
Edited args: -help
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 18:03:24 JST 2018
Original args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Edited args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Result code: 0
Date: Fri Jan 26 18:03:24 JST 2018
Original args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Edited args: -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -M none -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile -daemonize
Result code: 0
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /bin/qemu-system-arm .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg add qemu-system-arm 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit -u tobaru -m "qemu-system-arm wrapper"
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7     
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: vmport is not available with this QEMU binary

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: setting ACPI S3 not supported

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: setting ACPI S3 not supported

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: setting ACPI S3 not supported

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: setting ACPI S3 not supported

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls /var/cache/libvirt   
ls: cannot open directory /var/cache/libvirt: Permission denied
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% sudo ls /var/cache/libvirt
[sudo] password for one: 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7      
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: setting ACPI S3 not supported

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7        
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: IDE controllers are unsupported for this QEMU binary or machine type

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: IDE controllers are unsupported for this QEMU binary or machine type

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 started

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh cosole xv6arm7
error: unknown command: 'cosole'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh console xv6arm7
error: The domain is not running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list     
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list -all
error: unexpected data '-all'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7  
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /tmp/xv6arm.xml .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls           
Dockerfile       kvm-armLinux.xml        xv6arm7.xml  kvm-armxv6.xml    src              xv6arm.xml
edit_xv6arm7     qemu-system-arm
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% rm xv6arm.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% rm xv6arm7.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp /tmp/xv6arm.xml .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg add xv6arm.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit -u tobaru -m "xv6arm xml file"
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7  
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls src 
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr     initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h
device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% vi src/Makefile
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf 
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4738:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2261:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
kernel.elf: No such file or directory
qemu: could not load kernel 'kernel.elf'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -noaudio -kernel kernel.elf
qemu-system-arm.bin: -noaudio: invalid option
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin --help
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
usage: qemu-system-arm.bin [options] [disk_image]

'disk_image' is a raw hard disk image for IDE hard disk 0

Standard options:
-h or -help     display this help and exit
-version        display version information and exit
-machine [type=]name[,prop[=value][,...]]
                selects emulated machine ('-machine help' for list)
                property accel=accel1[:accel2[:...]] selects accelerator
                supported accelerators are kvm, xen, tcg (default: tcg)
                kernel_irqchip=on|off controls accelerated irqchip support
                kvm_shadow_mem=size of KVM shadow MMU
                dump-guest-core=on|off include guest memory in a core dump (default=on)
                mem-merge=on|off controls memory merge support (default: on)
-cpu cpu        select CPU ('-cpu help' for list)
-smp [cpus=]n[,maxcpus=cpus][,cores=cores][,threads=threads][,sockets=sockets]
                set the number of CPUs to 'n' [default=1]
                maxcpus= maximum number of total cpus, including
                offline CPUs for hotplug, etc
                cores= number of CPU cores on one socket
                threads= number of threads on one CPU core
                sockets= number of discrete sockets in the system
-numa node[,mem=size][,cpus=cpu[-cpu]][,nodeid=node]
-add-fd fd=fd,set=set[,opaque=opaque]
                Add 'fd' to fd 'set'
                set <arg> parameter for item <id> of type <group>
                i.e. -set drive.$id.file=/path/to/image
-global driver.prop=value
                set a global default for a driver property
-boot [order=drives][,once=drives][,menu=on|off]
                'drives': floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), network (n)
                'sp_name': the file's name that would be passed to bios as logo picture, if menu=on
                'sp_time': the period that splash picture last if menu=on, unit is ms
                'rb_timeout': the timeout before guest reboot when boot failed, unit is ms
-m megs         set virtual RAM size to megs MB [default=128]
-mem-path FILE  provide backing storage for guest RAM
-mem-prealloc   preallocate guest memory (use with -mem-path)
-k language     use keyboard layout (for example 'fr' for French)
-audio-help     print list of audio drivers and their options
-soundhw c1,... enable audio support
                and only specified sound cards (comma separated list)
                use '-soundhw help' to get the list of supported cards
                use '-soundhw all' to enable all of them
-balloon none   disable balloon device
-balloon virtio[,addr=str]
                enable virtio balloon device (default)
-device driver[,prop[=value][,...]]
                add device (based on driver)
                prop=value,... sets driver properties
                use '-device help' to print all possible drivers
                use '-device driver,help' to print all possible properties
-name string1[,process=string2][,debug-threads=on|off]
                set the name of the guest
                string1 sets the window title and string2 the process name (on Linux)
                When debug-threads is enabled, individual threads are given a separate name (on Linux)
                NOTE: The thread names are for debugging and not a stable API.
-uuid %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x
                specify machine UUID

Block device options:
-fda/-fdb file  use 'file' as floppy disk 0/1 image
-hda/-hdb file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image
-hdc/-hdd file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image
-cdrom file     use 'file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master)
-drive [file=file][,if=type][,bus=n][,unit=m][,media=d][,index=i]
                use 'file' as a drive image
-mtdblock file  use 'file' as on-board Flash memory image
-sd file        use 'file' as SecureDigital card image
-pflash file    use 'file' as a parallel flash image
-snapshot       write to temporary files instead of disk image files
-hdachs c,h,s[,t]
                force hard disk 0 physical geometry and the optional BIOS
                translation (t=none or lba) (usually QEMU can guess them)
-fsdev fsdriver,id=id[,path=path,][security_model={mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none}]
-virtfs local,path=path,mount_tag=tag,security_model=[mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none]
-virtfs_synth Create synthetic file system image

USB options:
-usb            enable the USB driver (will be the default soon)
-usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device 'name'

Display options:
-display sdl[,frame=on|off][,alt_grab=on|off][,ctrl_grab=on|off]
                select display type
-nographic      disable graphical output and redirect serial I/Os to console
-curses         use a curses/ncurses interface instead of SDL
-no-frame       open SDL window without a frame and window decorations
-alt-grab       use Ctrl-Alt-Shift to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-ctrl-grab      use Right-Ctrl to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-no-quit        disable SDL window close capability
-sdl            enable SDL
-spice [port=port][,tls-port=secured-port][,x509-dir=<dir>]
   enable spice
   at least one of {port, tls-port} is mandatory
-portrait       rotate graphical output 90 deg left (only PXA LCD)
-rotate <deg>   rotate graphical output some deg left (only PXA LCD)
-vga [std|cirrus|vmware|qxl|xenfb|tcx|cg3|none]
                select video card type
-full-screen    start in full screen
-vnc display    start a VNC server on display

Network options:
-net nic[,vlan=n][,macaddr=mac][,model=type][,name=str][,addr=str][,vectors=v]
                create a new Network Interface Card and connect it to VLAN 'n'
-net user[,vlan=n][,name=str][,net=addr[/mask]][,host=addr][,restrict=on|off]
                connect the user mode network stack to VLAN 'n', configure its
                DHCP server and enabled optional services
-net tap[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,fds=x:y:...:z][,ifname=name][,script=file][,downscript=dfile][,helper=helper][,sndbuf=nbytes][,vnet_hdr=on|off][,vhost=on|off][,vhostfd=h][,vhostfds=x:y:...:z][,vhostforce=on|off][,queues=n]
                connect the host TAP network interface to VLAN 'n'
                use network scripts 'file' (default=/etc/qemu-ifup)
                to configure it and 'dfile' (default=/etc/qemu-ifdown)
                to deconfigure it
                use '[down]script=no' to disable script execution
                use network helper 'helper' (default=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper) to
                configure it
                use 'fd=h' to connect to an already opened TAP interface
                use 'fds=x:y:...:z' to connect to already opened multiqueue capable TAP interfaces
                use 'sndbuf=nbytes' to limit the size of the send buffer (the
                default is disabled 'sndbuf=0' to enable flow control set 'sndbuf=1048576')
                use vnet_hdr=off to avoid enabling the IFF_VNET_HDR tap flag
                use vnet_hdr=on to make the lack of IFF_VNET_HDR support an error condition
                use vhost=on to enable experimental in kernel accelerator
                    (only has effect for virtio guests which use MSIX)
                use vhostforce=on to force vhost on for non-MSIX virtio guests
                use 'vhostfd=h' to connect to an already opened vhost net device
                use 'vhostfds=x:y:...:z to connect to multiple already opened vhost net devices
                use 'queues=n' to specify the number of queues to be created for multiqueue TAP
-net bridge[,vlan=n][,name=str][,br=bridge][,helper=helper]
                connects a host TAP network interface to a host bridge device 'br'
                (default=br0) using the program 'helper'
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,listen=[host]:port][,connect=host:port]
                connect the vlan 'n' to another VLAN using a socket connection
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,mcast=maddr:port[,localaddr=addr]]
                connect the vlan 'n' to multicast maddr and port
                use 'localaddr=addr' to specify the host address to send packets from
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,udp=host:port][,localaddr=host:port]
                connect the vlan 'n' to another VLAN using an UDP tunnel
-net dump[,vlan=n][,file=f][,len=n]
                dump traffic on vlan 'n' to file 'f' (max n bytes per packet)
-net none       use it alone to have zero network devices. If no -net option
                is provided, the default is '-net nic -net user'
-netdev [user|tap|bridge|socket|hubport],id=str[,option][,option][,...]

Character device options:
-chardev null,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev socket,id=id[,host=host],port=host[,to=to][,ipv4][,ipv6][,nodelay]
         [,server][,nowait][,telnet][,mux=on|off] (tcp)
-chardev socket,id=id,path=path[,server][,nowait][,telnet],[mux=on|off] (unix)
-chardev udp,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,localaddr=localaddr]
-chardev msmouse,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev vc,id=id[[,width=width][,height=height]][[,cols=cols][,rows=rows]]
-chardev ringbuf,id=id[,size=size]
-chardev file,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev pipe,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev pty,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev stdio,id=id[,mux=on|off][,signal=on|off]
-chardev braille,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev serial,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev tty,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev parallel,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev parport,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev spicevmc,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug]
-chardev spiceport,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug]

Device URL Syntax:
-iscsi [user=user][,password=password]
                iSCSI session parameters
Bluetooth(R) options:
-bt hci,null    dumb bluetooth HCI - doesn't respond to commands
-bt hci,host[:id]
                use host's HCI with the given name
-bt hci[,vlan=n]
                emulate a standard HCI in virtual scatternet 'n'
-bt vhci[,vlan=n]
                add host computer to virtual scatternet 'n' using VHCI
-bt device:dev[,vlan=n]
                emulate a bluetooth device 'dev' in scatternet 'n'

TPM device options:
-tpmdev passthrough,id=id[,path=path][,cancel-path=path]
                use path to provide path to a character device; default is /dev/tpm0
                use cancel-path to provide path to TPM's cancel sysfs entry; if
                not provided it will be searched for in /sys/class/misc/tpm?/device

Linux/Multiboot boot specific:
-kernel bzImage use 'bzImage' as kernel image
-append cmdline use 'cmdline' as kernel command line
-initrd file    use 'file' as initial ram disk
-dtb    file    use 'file' as device tree image

Debug/Expert options:
-serial dev     redirect the serial port to char device 'dev'
-parallel dev   redirect the parallel port to char device 'dev'
-monitor dev    redirect the monitor to char device 'dev'
-qmp dev        like -monitor but opens in 'control' mode
-mon [chardev=]name[,mode=readline|control][,default]
-debugcon dev   redirect the debug console to char device 'dev'
-pidfile file   write PID to 'file'
-singlestep     always run in singlestep mode
-S              freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' to start execution)
-realtime [mlock=on|off]
                run qemu with realtime features
                mlock=on|off controls mlock support (default: on)
-gdb dev        wait for gdb connection on 'dev'
-s              shorthand for -gdb tcp::1234
-d item1,...    enable logging of specified items (use '-d help' for a list of log items)
-D logfile      output log to logfile (default stderr)
-L path         set the directory for the BIOS, VGA BIOS and keymaps
-bios file      set the filename for the BIOS
-enable-kvm     enable KVM full virtualization support
-xen-domid id   specify xen guest domain id
-xen-create     create domain using xen hypercalls, bypassing xend
                warning: should not be used when xend is in use
-xen-attach     attach to existing xen domain
                xend will use this when starting QEMU
-no-reboot      exit instead of rebooting
-no-shutdown    stop before shutdown
-loadvm [tag|id]
                start right away with a saved state (loadvm in monitor)
-daemonize      daemonize QEMU after initializing
-option-rom rom load a file, rom, into the option ROM space
-clock          force the use of the given methods for timer alarm.
                To see what timers are available use '-clock help'
-rtc [base=utc|localtime|date][,clock=host|rt|vm][,driftfix=none|slew]
                set the RTC base and clock, enable drift fix for clock ticks (x86 only)
-icount [N|auto]
                enable virtual instruction counter with 2^N clock ticks per
-watchdog i6300esb|ib700
                enable virtual hardware watchdog [default=none]
-watchdog-action reset|shutdown|poweroff|pause|debug|none
                action when watchdog fires [default=reset]
-echr chr       set terminal escape character instead of ctrl-a
-virtioconsole c
                set virtio console
-show-cursor    show cursor
-tb-size n      set TB size
-incoming p     prepare for incoming migration, listen on port p
-nodefaults     don't create default devices
-chroot dir     chroot to dir just before starting the VM
-runas user     change to user id user just before starting the VM
-semihosting    semihosting mode
-old-param      old param mode
-sandbox <arg>  Enable seccomp mode 2 system call filter (default 'off').
-readconfig <file>
-writeconfig <file>
                read/write config file
                do not load default config files at startup
                do not load user-provided config files at startup
-trace [events=<file>][,file=<file>]
                specify tracing options
-enable-fips    enable FIPS 140-2 compliance
-object TYPENAME[,PROP1=VALUE1,...]
                create an new object of type TYPENAME setting properties
                in the order they are specified.  Note that the 'id'
                property must be set.  These objects are placed in the
                '/objects' path.
-msg timestamp[=on|off]
                change the format of messages
                on|off controls leading timestamps (default:on)

During emulation, the following keys are useful:
ctrl-alt-f      toggle full screen
ctrl-alt-n      switch to virtual console 'n'
ctrl-alt        toggle mouse and keyboard grab

When using -nographic, press 'ctrl-a h' to get some help.
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin --help|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -noaudio -kernel kernel.elf
qemu-system-arm.bin: -noaudio: invalid option
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4738:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2261:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
kernel.elf: No such file or directory
qemu: could not load kernel 'kernel.elf'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -audio-help|less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls src 
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr     initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h
device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cd src 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4738:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2261:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
starting xv6 for ARM...
init: starting sh
exec  failed
$ exit
exec exit failed
$ exec  failed
xezsh: killed     /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176 -nographic -kerne
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% Xxz 
zsh: command not found: Xxz
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% zjkk
zsh: command not found: zjkk
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% i 
zsh: command not found: i
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?edit
virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: unsupported configuration: Unknown architecture arm1176
Failed. Try again? [y,n,f,?]: 
error: unsupported configuration: Unknown architecture arm1176
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?start
virsh start xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 started

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?cons             
virsh console xv6arm7
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list           
 Id    Name                           State
 1     xv6arm7                        running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh console xv6arm7
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destory xv6arm7
error: unknown command: 'destory'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7  
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !/                
/bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4738:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2261:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
starting xv6 for ARM...
init: starting sh
$ ls
.              1 1 512
..             1 1 512
cat            2 2 13412
echo           2 3 12936
grep           2 4 14788
init           2 5 13216
kill           2 6 12924
ln             2 7 12908
ls             2 8 14588
mkdir          2 9 13000
rm             2 10 12984
sh             2 11 21404
stressfs       2 12 13388
usertests      2 13 43988
wc             2 14 13820
zombie         2 15 12644
hello          2 16 12876
forktest       2 17 7316
UNIX           2 18 7828
console        3 19 0
$ QEMU: Terminated
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7  
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !/                
/bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1251:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4259:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:4738:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2261:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
starting xv6 for ARM...
init: starting sh
$ QEMU: Terminated
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% vi Makefile
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% vi 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element os in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?start           
virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list 
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7
error: Failed to destroy domain xv6arm7
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7  
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ks ~/.cache 
zsh: command not found: ks
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache
libvirt  virt-manager
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache/libvirt 
qemu  virsh
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu 
cache  log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ld ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log 
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel 6 Jan 26 19:23 /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% chmod -R 777 !$
chmod -R 777 ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less !$
less xv6arm7
xv6arm7: No such file or directory
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -l !$    
ls -l xv6arm7
ls: cannot access xv6arm7: No such file or directory
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ld ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
drwxrwxrwx 2 one wheel 6 Jan 26 19:23 /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -l ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log  
total 0
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm -rf ~/.cache/libvirt 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !rm   
rm -rf ~/.cache/libvirt
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7    
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% cp /tmp/xv6arm7.xml .
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% hg add xv6arm7.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% hg commit -u tobaru -m "xv6arm7.xml"
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? remote: Host key verification failed.
abort: no suitable response from remote hg!
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes  
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% stty nl
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls     
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
                                                                    arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
                                                        asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
                                            bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
                                buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
                buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
     build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
                                                                      connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
                                                        console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr
                                 initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
                     defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h        xv6arm7.xml
           device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
                                                               %                [one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% man stty
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% vi
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
                                                                    arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
                                                        asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
                                            bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
                                buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
                buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
     build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
                                                                      connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
                                                        console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr
                                 initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
                     defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h        xv6arm7.xml
           device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
                                                               %                [one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% stty -nl
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c        elf.h         kernel.asm        memlayout.h   syscall.c
arm.h        entry-osx.S   kernel.elf        mmu.h         syscall.h
asm.S        entry.S       kernel.ld         param.h       sysfile.c
bio.c        exec.c        kernel.sym        pipe.c        sysproc.c
buddy.c      fcntl.h       lib               proc.c        tools
buf.h        file.c        log.c             proc.h        trap_asm.S
build        file.h        main.c    trap.c
connect.gdb  fs.c          Makefile          spinlock.c    types.h
console.c    fs.h      spinlock.h    usr     initcode.asm  Makefile.osx      start.c       vm.c
defs.h       initcode.S  stat.h        xv6arm7.xml
device       kalloc.c      memide.c          swtch.S
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh --help

virsh [options]... [<command_string>]
virsh [options]... <command> [args...]

    -c | --connect=URI      hypervisor connection URI
    -d | --debug=NUM        debug level [0-4]
    -e | --escape <char>    set escape sequence for console
    -h | --help             this help
    -k | --keepalive-interval=NUM
                            keepalive interval in seconds, 0 for disable
    -K | --keepalive-count=NUM
                            number of possible missed keepalive messages
    -l | --log=FILE         output logging to file
    -q | --quiet            quiet mode
    -r | --readonly         connect readonly
    -t | --timing           print timing information
    -v                      short version
    -V                      long version
         --version[=TYPE]   version, TYPE is short or long (default short)
  commands (non interactive mode):

 Domain Management (help keyword 'domain')
    attach-device                  attach device from an XML file
    attach-disk                    attach disk device
    attach-interface               attach network interface
    autostart                      autostart a domain
    blkdeviotune                   Set or query a block device I/O tuning parameters.
    blkiotune                      Get or set blkio parameters
    blockcommit                    Start a block commit operation.
    blockcopy                      Start a block copy operation.
    blockjob                       Manage active block operations
    blockpull                      Populate a disk from its backing image.
    blockresize                    Resize block device of domain.
    change-media                   Change media of CD or floppy drive
    console                        connect to the guest console
    cpu-baseline                   compute baseline CPU
    cpu-compare                    compare host CPU with a CPU described by an XML file
    cpu-stats                      show domain cpu statistics
    create                         create a domain from an XML file
    define                         define (but don't start) a domain from an XML file
    desc                           show or set domain's description or title
    destroy                        destroy (stop) a domain
    detach-device                  detach device from an XML file
    detach-disk                    detach disk device
    detach-interface               detach network interface
    domdisplay                     domain display connection URI
    domfsfreeze                    Freeze domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsthaw                      Thaw domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfsinfo                      Get information of domain's mounted filesystems.
    domfstrim                      Invoke fstrim on domain's mounted filesystems.
    domhostname                    print the domain's hostname
    domid                          convert a domain name or UUID to domain id
    domif-setlink                  set link state of a virtual interface
    domiftune                      get/set parameters of a virtual interface
    domjobabort                    abort active domain job
    domjobinfo                     domain job information
    domname                        convert a domain id or UUID to domain name
    domrename                      rename a domain
    dompmsuspend                   suspend a domain gracefully using power management functions
    dompmwakeup                    wakeup a domain from pmsuspended state
    domuuid                        convert a domain name or id to domain UUID
    domxml-from-native             Convert native config to domain XML
    domxml-to-native               Convert domain XML to native config
    dump                           dump the core of a domain to a file for analysis
    dumpxml                        domain information in XML
    edit                           edit XML configuration for a domain
    event                          Domain Events
    inject-nmi                     Inject NMI to the guest
    iothreadinfo                   view domain IOThreads
    iothreadpin                    control domain IOThread affinity
    iothreadadd                    add an IOThread to the guest domain
    iothreaddel                    delete an IOThread from the guest domain
    send-key                       Send keycodes to the guest
    send-process-signal            Send signals to processes
    lxc-enter-namespace            LXC Guest Enter Namespace
    managedsave                    managed save of a domain state
    managedsave-remove             Remove managed save of a domain
    memtune                        Get or set memory parameters
    perf                           Get or set perf event
    metadata                       show or set domain's custom XML metadata
    migrate                        migrate domain to another host
    migrate-setmaxdowntime         set maximum tolerable downtime
    migrate-compcache              get/set compression cache size
    migrate-setspeed               Set the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-getspeed               Get the maximum migration bandwidth
    migrate-postcopy               Switch running migration from pre-copy to post-copy
    numatune                       Get or set numa parameters
    qemu-attach                    QEMU Attach
    qemu-monitor-command           QEMU Monitor Command
    qemu-monitor-event             QEMU Monitor Events
    qemu-agent-command             QEMU Guest Agent Command
    reboot                         reboot a domain
    reset                          reset a domain
    restore                        restore a domain from a saved state in a file
    resume                         resume a domain
    save                           save a domain state to a file
    save-image-define              redefine the XML for a domain's saved state file
    save-image-dumpxml             saved state domain information in XML
    save-image-edit                edit XML for a domain's saved state file
    schedinfo                      show/set scheduler parameters
    screenshot                     take a screenshot of a current domain console and store it into a file
    set-user-password              set the user password inside the domain
    setmaxmem                      change maximum memory limit
    setmem                         change memory allocation
    setvcpus                       change number of virtual CPUs
    shutdown                       gracefully shutdown a domain
    start                          start a (previously defined) inactive domain
    suspend                        suspend a domain
    ttyconsole                     tty console
    undefine                       undefine a domain
    update-device                  update device from an XML file
    vcpucount                      domain vcpu counts
    vcpuinfo                       detailed domain vcpu information
    vcpupin                        control or query domain vcpu affinity
    emulatorpin                    control or query domain emulator affinity
    vncdisplay                     vnc display
    guestvcpus                     query or modify state of vcpu in the guest (via agent)

 Domain Monitoring (help keyword 'monitor')
    domblkerror                    Show errors on block devices
    domblkinfo                     domain block device size information
    domblklist                     list all domain blocks
    domblkstat                     get device block stats for a domain
    domcontrol                     domain control interface state
    domif-getlink                  get link state of a virtual interface
    domifaddr                      Get network interfaces' addresses for a running domain
    domiflist                      list all domain virtual interfaces
    domifstat                      get network interface stats for a domain
    dominfo                        domain information
    dommemstat                     get memory statistics for a domain
    domstate                       domain state
    domstats                       get statistics about one or multiple domains
    domtime                        domain time
    list                           list domains

 Host and Hypervisor (help keyword 'host')
    allocpages                     Manipulate pages pool size
    capabilities                   capabilities
    cpu-models                     CPU models
    domcapabilities                domain capabilities
    freecell                       NUMA free memory
    freepages                      NUMA free pages
    hostname                       print the hypervisor hostname
    maxvcpus                       connection vcpu maximum
    node-memory-tune               Get or set node memory parameters
    nodecpumap                     node cpu map
    nodecpustats                   Prints cpu stats of the node.
    nodeinfo                       node information
    nodememstats                   Prints memory stats of the node.
    nodesuspend                    suspend the host node for a given time duration
    sysinfo                        print the hypervisor sysinfo
    uri                            print the hypervisor canonical URI
    version                        show version

 Interface (help keyword 'interface')
    iface-begin                    create a snapshot of current interfaces settings, which can be later committed (iface-commit) or restored (iface-rollback)
    iface-bridge                   create a bridge device and attach an existing network device to it
    iface-commit                   commit changes made since iface-begin and free restore point
    iface-define                   define an inactive persistent physical host interface or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    iface-destroy                  destroy a physical host interface (disable it / "if-down")
    iface-dumpxml                  interface information in XML
    iface-edit                     edit XML configuration for a physical host interface
    iface-list                     list physical host interfaces
    iface-mac                      convert an interface name to interface MAC address
    iface-name                     convert an interface MAC address to interface name
    iface-rollback                 rollback to previous saved configuration created via iface-begin
    iface-start                    start a physical host interface (enable it / "if-up")
    iface-unbridge                 undefine a bridge device after detaching its slave device
    iface-undefine                 undefine a physical host interface (remove it from configuration)

 Network Filter (help keyword 'filter')
    nwfilter-define                define or update a network filter from an XML file
    nwfilter-dumpxml               network filter information in XML
    nwfilter-edit                  edit XML configuration for a network filter
    nwfilter-list                  list network filters
    nwfilter-undefine              undefine a network filter

 Networking (help keyword 'network')
    net-autostart                  autostart a network
    net-create                     create a network from an XML file
    net-define                     define an inactive persistent virtual network or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    net-destroy                    destroy (stop) a network
    net-dhcp-leases                print lease info for a given network
    net-dumpxml                    network information in XML
    net-edit                       edit XML configuration for a network
    net-event                      Network Events
    net-info                       network information
    net-list                       list networks
    net-name                       convert a network UUID to network name
    net-start                      start a (previously defined) inactive network
    net-undefine                   undefine a persistent network
    net-update                     update parts of an existing network's configuration
    net-uuid                       convert a network name to network UUID

 Node Device (help keyword 'nodedev')
    nodedev-create                 create a device defined by an XML file on the node
    nodedev-destroy                destroy (stop) a device on the node
    nodedev-detach                 detach node device from its device driver
    nodedev-dumpxml                node device details in XML
    nodedev-list                   enumerate devices on this host
    nodedev-reattach               reattach node device to its device driver
    nodedev-reset                  reset node device

 Secret (help keyword 'secret')
    secret-define                  define or modify a secret from an XML file
    secret-dumpxml                 secret attributes in XML
    secret-get-value               Output a secret value
    secret-list                    list secrets
    secret-set-value               set a secret value
    secret-undefine                undefine a secret

 Snapshot (help keyword 'snapshot')
    snapshot-create                Create a snapshot from XML
    snapshot-create-as             Create a snapshot from a set of args
    snapshot-current               Get or set the current snapshot
    snapshot-delete                Delete a domain snapshot
    snapshot-dumpxml               Dump XML for a domain snapshot
    snapshot-edit                  edit XML for a snapshot
    snapshot-info                  snapshot information
    snapshot-list                  List snapshots for a domain
    snapshot-parent                Get the name of the parent of a snapshot
    snapshot-revert                Revert a domain to a snapshot

 Storage Pool (help keyword 'pool')
    find-storage-pool-sources-as   find potential storage pool sources
    find-storage-pool-sources      discover potential storage pool sources
    pool-autostart                 autostart a pool
    pool-build                     build a pool
    pool-create-as                 create a pool from a set of args
    pool-create                    create a pool from an XML file
    pool-define-as                 define a pool from a set of args
    pool-define                    define an inactive persistent storage pool or modify an existing persistent one from an XML file
    pool-delete                    delete a pool
    pool-destroy                   destroy (stop) a pool
    pool-dumpxml                   pool information in XML
    pool-edit                      edit XML configuration for a storage pool
    pool-info                      storage pool information
    pool-list                      list pools
    pool-name                      convert a pool UUID to pool name
    pool-refresh                   refresh a pool
    pool-start                     start a (previously defined) inactive pool
    pool-undefine                  undefine an inactive pool
    pool-uuid                      convert a pool name to pool UUID
    pool-event                     Storage Pool Events

 Storage Volume (help keyword 'volume')
    vol-clone                      clone a volume.
    vol-create-as                  create a volume from a set of args
    vol-create                     create a vol from an XML file
    vol-create-from                create a vol, using another volume as input
    vol-delete                     delete a vol
    vol-download                   download volume contents to a file
    vol-dumpxml                    vol information in XML
    vol-info                       storage vol information
    vol-key                        returns the volume key for a given volume name or path
    vol-list                       list vols
    vol-name                       returns the volume name for a given volume key or path
    vol-path                       returns the volume path for a given volume name or key
    vol-pool                       returns the storage pool for a given volume key or path
    vol-resize                     resize a vol
    vol-upload                     upload file contents to a volume
    vol-wipe                       wipe a vol

 Virsh itself (help keyword 'virsh')
    cd                             change the current directory
    echo                           echo arguments
    exit                           quit this interactive terminal
    help                           print help
    pwd                            print the current directory
    quit                           quit this interactive terminal
    connect                        (re)connect to hypervisor

  (specify help <group> for details about the commands in the group)

  (specify help <command> for details about the command)

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh --help | less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list -all
error: unexpected data '-all'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% systemctl status libvirt
Unit libvirt.service could not be found.
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% systemctl status libvirtd
● libvirtd.service - Cluster Controlled libvirtd
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /run/systemd/system/libvirtd.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-01-26 19:27:57 JST; 21h ago
     Docs: man:libvirtd(8)
 Main PID: 74741 (libvirtd)
   Memory: 41.5M
   CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service
           ├─ 38520 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           ├─ 40661 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           ├─ 40677 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           ├─ 74741 /usr/sbin/libvirtd --listen
           ├─152452 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           ├─152705 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           ├─155348 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
           └─155699 /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -...
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls /etc/
adjtime                    gnocchi/                   multipath/                 resolv.conf
aliases                    gnupg/                     my.cnf           
aliases.db                 GREP_COLORS                my.cnf.d/                  rpc
alternatives/              groff/                     nagios/                    rpm/
anacrontab                 group                      nanorc                     rsyncd.conf
aodh/                      group-                     netconfig                  rsyslog.conf
asound.conf                grub2.cfg@                 NetworkManager/            rsyslog.d/
at-spi2/                   grub.d/                    networks                   rwtab
audisp/                    gshadow                    neutron/                   rwtab.d/
audit/                     gshadow-                   nfsmount.conf              ryu/
avahi/                     gss/                       nova/                      sahara/
bash_completion.d/         gssproxy/                  nrpe.d/                    samba/
bashrc                     ha.d/                      nscd.conf                  sasl2/
binfmt.d/                  heat/                      nslcd.conf                 securetty
brltty/                    hiera.yaml                 nslcd.conf.rpmsave         security/
brltty.conf                host.conf                  nsswitch.conf              selinux/
ceilometer/                hostname                   nsswitch.conf.bak          services
centos-release             hosts                      nsswitch.conf.rpmnew       sestatus.conf
centos-release-upstream    hosts.allow                numad.conf                 shadow
chkconfig.d/               hosts.deny                 oci-register-machine.conf  shadow-
chrony.conf                httpd/                     oci-umount.conf            shells
chrony.keys                idmapd.conf                odbcinst.ini               skel/
cifs-utils/                init.d@                    openldap/                  snmp/
cinder/                    inittab                    openstack-dashboard/       sos.conf
conntrackd/                inputrc                    openvswitch/               ssh/
containers/                iproute2/                  opt/                       ssl/
corosync/                  iscsi/                     os-release                 sssd/
cron.d/                    issue                      pam.d/                     statetab
cron.daily/                        passwd                     statetab.d/
cron.deny                  java/                      passwd-                    subversion/
cron.hourly/               jvm/                       php.d/                     sudo.conf
cron.monthly/              jvm-commmon/               php.ini                    sudoers
crontab                    kdump.conf                 pkcs11/                    sudoers.d/
cron.weekly/               keepalived/                pki/                       sudoers.rpmnew
crypttab                   kernel/                    plymouth/                  sudo-ldap.conf
csh.cshrc                  keystone/                  pm/                        swift/
csh.login                  krb5.conf                  polkit-1/                  sysconfig/
dbus-1/                    ksmtuned.conf              popt.d/                    sysctl.conf
dconf/                           postfix/                   sysctl.d/
default/                          ppp/                       systemd/
depmod.d/                      prelink.conf.d/            system-release@
dhcp/                      libaudit.conf              printcap                   system-release-cpe
dibbler/                   libibverbs.d/              profile                    target/
DIR_COLORS                 libnl/                     profile.d/                 tcsd.conf
DIR_COLORS.256color        libreport/                 protocols                  terminfo/
DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor    libuser.conf               pulse/                     tmpfiles.d/
dkms/                      libvirt/                   puppet/                    trusted-key.key
dnsmasq.conf               locale.conf                pycadf/                    tuned/
dnsmasq.d/                 localtime@                 python/                    udev/
docker/                    login.defs                 qemu/                      unbound/
dracut.conf                logrotate.conf             qemu-kvm/                  vbox/
dracut.conf.d/             logrotate.d/               rabbitmq/                  vconsole.conf
e2fsck.conf                lvm/                       radvd.conf                 vimrc
environment                machine-id                 rc0.d@                     virc
ethertypes                 magic                      rc1.d@                     wgetrc
exports                    mailcap                    rc2.d@                     wpa_supplicant/
exports.d/                 mail.rc                    rc3.d@                     X11/
extlinux.conf@             makedumpfile.conf.sample   rc4.d@                     xdg/
facter/                    man_db.conf                rc5.d@                     xinetd.conf
favicon.png@               maven/                     rc6.d@                     xinetd.d/
filesystems                mercurial/                 rc.d/                      yum/
firewalld/                 mime.types                 rc.local@                  yum.conf
fonts/                     mke2fs.conf                rdma/                      yum.repos.d/
fstab                      modprobe.d/                redhat-release@            zabbix/
fuse.conf                  modules-load.d/            redis/                     zlogin
gconf/                     mongod.conf                redis.conf                 zlogout
gcrypt/                    mongos.conf                redis.conf.puppet          zprofile
gdbinit                    motd                       redis-sentinel.conf        zshenv
gdbinit.d/                 mtab@                      request-key.conf           zshrc
glance/                    mtools.conf                request-key.d/             
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ldr ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/
drwxrwxr-x 8 one wheel 97 Jan 26 19:11 /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ltr ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 2 one wheel    6 Nov 10  2015 snapshot
drwxrwxr-x 2 one wheel    6 Nov 10  2015 save
drwxrwxr-x 2 one wheel    6 Nov 10  2015 dump
drwxr-xr-x 3 one wheel   19 Jan 30  2016 channel
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 30  2016 nvram
-rw------- 1 one wheel 3450 Jan 26 19:11 xv6arm7.xml
drwxrwxr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 26 19:28 lib
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ltr ~/.config/libvirt/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 one wheel 38 Jan 26 15:57 storage
drwxrwxr-x 8 one wheel 97 Jan 26 19:11 qemu
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm -rf ~/.config/libvirt 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm -rf ~/.config/VirtualBox/
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: failed to get domain 'xv6arm7'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'xv6arm7'

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all   
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls              
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh define xv6arm7.xml
Domain xv6arm7 defined from xv6arm7.xml

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm6            
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all   
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -l ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 one wheel 25 Jan 26 19:28 cache
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel  6 Jan 26 19:28 log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -l ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log 
total 0
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% touch ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -l ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 one wheel 0 Jan 27 17:04 /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7                        
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh --version
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all                           
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'qxl' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: video type 'xen' is not supported with QEMU
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -help

(process:10830): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
usage: qemu-system-arm.bin [options] [disk_image]

'disk_image' is a raw hard disk image for IDE hard disk 0

Standard options:
-h or -help     display this help and exit
-version        display version information and exit
-machine [type=]name[,prop[=value][,...]]
                selects emulated machine ('-machine help' for list)
                property accel=accel1[:accel2[:...]] selects accelerator
                supported accelerators are kvm, xen, tcg (default: tcg)
                kernel_irqchip=on|off controls accelerated irqchip support
                kvm_shadow_mem=size of KVM shadow MMU
                dump-guest-core=on|off include guest memory in a core dump (default=on)
                mem-merge=on|off controls memory merge support (default: on)
-cpu cpu        select CPU ('-cpu help' for list)
-smp [cpus=]n[,maxcpus=cpus][,cores=cores][,threads=threads][,sockets=sockets]
                set the number of CPUs to 'n' [default=1]
                maxcpus= maximum number of total cpus, including
                offline CPUs for hotplug, etc
                cores= number of CPU cores on one socket
                threads= number of threads on one CPU core
                sockets= number of discrete sockets in the system
-numa node[,mem=size][,cpus=cpu[-cpu]][,nodeid=node]
-add-fd fd=fd,set=set[,opaque=opaque]
                Add 'fd' to fd 'set'
                set <arg> parameter for item <id> of type <group>
                i.e. -set drive.$id.file=/path/to/image
-global driver.prop=value
                set a global default for a driver property
-boot [order=drives][,once=drives][,menu=on|off]
                'drives': floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), network (n)
                'sp_name': the file's name that would be passed to bios as logo picture, if menu=on
                'sp_time': the period that splash picture last if menu=on, unit is ms
                'rb_timeout': the timeout before guest reboot when boot failed, unit is ms
-m megs         set virtual RAM size to megs MB [default=128]
-mem-path FILE  provide backing storage for guest RAM
-mem-prealloc   preallocate guest memory (use with -mem-path)
-k language     use keyboard layout (for example 'fr' for French)
-audio-help     print list of audio drivers and their options
-soundhw c1,... enable audio support
                and only specified sound cards (comma separated list)
                use '-soundhw help' to get the list of supported cards
                use '-soundhw all' to enable all of them
-balloon none   disable balloon device
-balloon virtio[,addr=str]
                enable virtio balloon device (default)
-device driver[,prop[=value][,...]]
                add device (based on driver)
                prop=value,... sets driver properties
                use '-device help' to print all possible drivers
                use '-device driver,help' to print all possible properties
-name string1[,process=string2][,debug-threads=on|off]
                set the name of the guest
                string1 sets the window title and string2 the process name (on Linux)
                When debug-threads is enabled, individual threads are given a separate name (on Linux)
                NOTE: The thread names are for debugging and not a stable API.
-uuid %08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x
                specify machine UUID

Block device options:
-fda/-fdb file  use 'file' as floppy disk 0/1 image
-hda/-hdb file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image
-hdc/-hdd file  use 'file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image
-cdrom file     use 'file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master)
-drive [file=file][,if=type][,bus=n][,unit=m][,media=d][,index=i]
                use 'file' as a drive image
-mtdblock file  use 'file' as on-board Flash memory image
-sd file        use 'file' as SecureDigital card image
-pflash file    use 'file' as a parallel flash image
-snapshot       write to temporary files instead of disk image files
-hdachs c,h,s[,t]
                force hard disk 0 physical geometry and the optional BIOS
                translation (t=none or lba) (usually QEMU can guess them)
-fsdev fsdriver,id=id[,path=path,][security_model={mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none}]
-virtfs local,path=path,mount_tag=tag,security_model=[mapped-xattr|mapped-file|passthrough|none]
-virtfs_synth Create synthetic file system image

USB options:
-usb            enable the USB driver (will be the default soon)
-usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device 'name'

Display options:
-display sdl[,frame=on|off][,alt_grab=on|off][,ctrl_grab=on|off]
                select display type
-nographic      disable graphical output and redirect serial I/Os to console
-curses         use a curses/ncurses interface instead of SDL
-no-frame       open SDL window without a frame and window decorations
-alt-grab       use Ctrl-Alt-Shift to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-ctrl-grab      use Right-Ctrl to grab mouse (instead of Ctrl-Alt)
-no-quit        disable SDL window close capability
-sdl            enable SDL
-spice [port=port][,tls-port=secured-port][,x509-dir=<dir>]
   enable spice
   at least one of {port, tls-port} is mandatory
-portrait       rotate graphical output 90 deg left (only PXA LCD)
-rotate <deg>   rotate graphical output some deg left (only PXA LCD)
-vga [std|cirrus|vmware|qxl|xenfb|tcx|cg3|none]
                select video card type
-full-screen    start in full screen
-vnc display    start a VNC server on display

Network options:
-net nic[,vlan=n][,macaddr=mac][,model=type][,name=str][,addr=str][,vectors=v]
                create a new Network Interface Card and connect it to VLAN 'n'
-net user[,vlan=n][,name=str][,net=addr[/mask]][,host=addr][,restrict=on|off]
                connect the user mode network stack to VLAN 'n', configure its
                DHCP server and enabled optional services
-net tap[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,fds=x:y:...:z][,ifname=name][,script=file][,downscript=dfile][,helper=helper][,sndbuf=nbytes][,vnet_hdr=on|off][,vhost=on|off][,vhostfd=h][,vhostfds=x:y:...:z][,vhostforce=on|off][,queues=n]
                connect the host TAP network interface to VLAN 'n'
                use network scripts 'file' (default=/etc/qemu-ifup)
                to configure it and 'dfile' (default=/etc/qemu-ifdown)
                to deconfigure it
                use '[down]script=no' to disable script execution
                use network helper 'helper' (default=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper) to
                configure it
                use 'fd=h' to connect to an already opened TAP interface
                use 'fds=x:y:...:z' to connect to already opened multiqueue capable TAP interfaces
                use 'sndbuf=nbytes' to limit the size of the send buffer (the
                default is disabled 'sndbuf=0' to enable flow control set 'sndbuf=1048576')
                use vnet_hdr=off to avoid enabling the IFF_VNET_HDR tap flag
                use vnet_hdr=on to make the lack of IFF_VNET_HDR support an error condition
                use vhost=on to enable experimental in kernel accelerator
                    (only has effect for virtio guests which use MSIX)
                use vhostforce=on to force vhost on for non-MSIX virtio guests
                use 'vhostfd=h' to connect to an already opened vhost net device
                use 'vhostfds=x:y:...:z to connect to multiple already opened vhost net devices
                use 'queues=n' to specify the number of queues to be created for multiqueue TAP
-net bridge[,vlan=n][,name=str][,br=bridge][,helper=helper]
                connects a host TAP network interface to a host bridge device 'br'
                (default=br0) using the program 'helper'
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,listen=[host]:port][,connect=host:port]
                connect the vlan 'n' to another VLAN using a socket connection
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,mcast=maddr:port[,localaddr=addr]]
                connect the vlan 'n' to multicast maddr and port
                use 'localaddr=addr' to specify the host address to send packets from
-net socket[,vlan=n][,name=str][,fd=h][,udp=host:port][,localaddr=host:port]
                connect the vlan 'n' to another VLAN using an UDP tunnel
-net dump[,vlan=n][,file=f][,len=n]
                dump traffic on vlan 'n' to file 'f' (max n bytes per packet)
-net none       use it alone to have zero network devices. If no -net option
                is provided, the default is '-net nic -net user'
-netdev [user|tap|bridge|socket|hubport],id=str[,option][,option][,...]

Character device options:
-chardev null,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev socket,id=id[,host=host],port=host[,to=to][,ipv4][,ipv6][,nodelay]
         [,server][,nowait][,telnet][,mux=on|off] (tcp)
-chardev socket,id=id,path=path[,server][,nowait][,telnet],[mux=on|off] (unix)
-chardev udp,id=id[,host=host],port=port[,localaddr=localaddr]
-chardev msmouse,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev vc,id=id[[,width=width][,height=height]][[,cols=cols][,rows=rows]]
-chardev ringbuf,id=id[,size=size]
-chardev file,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev pipe,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev pty,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev stdio,id=id[,mux=on|off][,signal=on|off]
-chardev braille,id=id[,mux=on|off]
-chardev serial,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev tty,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev parallel,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev parport,id=id,path=path[,mux=on|off]
-chardev spicevmc,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug]
-chardev spiceport,id=id,name=name[,debug=debug]

Device URL Syntax:
-iscsi [user=user][,password=password]
                iSCSI session parameters
Bluetooth(R) options:
-bt hci,null    dumb bluetooth HCI - doesn't respond to commands
-bt hci,host[:id]
                use host's HCI with the given name
-bt hci[,vlan=n]
                emulate a standard HCI in virtual scatternet 'n'
-bt vhci[,vlan=n]
                add host computer to virtual scatternet 'n' using VHCI
-bt device:dev[,vlan=n]
                emulate a bluetooth device 'dev' in scatternet 'n'

TPM device options:
-tpmdev passthrough,id=id[,path=path][,cancel-path=path]
                use path to provide path to a character device; default is /dev/tpm0
                use cancel-path to provide path to TPM's cancel sysfs entry; if
                not provided it will be searched for in /sys/class/misc/tpm?/device

Linux/Multiboot boot specific:
-kernel bzImage use 'bzImage' as kernel image
-append cmdline use 'cmdline' as kernel command line
-initrd file    use 'file' as initial ram disk
-dtb    file    use 'file' as device tree image

Debug/Expert options:
-serial dev     redirect the serial port to char device 'dev'
-parallel dev   redirect the parallel port to char device 'dev'
-monitor dev    redirect the monitor to char device 'dev'
-qmp dev        like -monitor but opens in 'control' mode
-mon [chardev=]name[,mode=readline|control][,default]
-debugcon dev   redirect the debug console to char device 'dev'
-pidfile file   write PID to 'file'
-singlestep     always run in singlestep mode
-S              freeze CPU at startup (use 'c' to start execution)
-realtime [mlock=on|off]
                run qemu with realtime features
                mlock=on|off controls mlock support (default: on)
-gdb dev        wait for gdb connection on 'dev'
-s              shorthand for -gdb tcp::1234
-d item1,...    enable logging of specified items (use '-d help' for a list of log items)
-D logfile      output log to logfile (default stderr)
-L path         set the directory for the BIOS, VGA BIOS and keymaps
-bios file      set the filename for the BIOS
-enable-kvm     enable KVM full virtualization support
-xen-domid id   specify xen guest domain id
-xen-create     create domain using xen hypercalls, bypassing xend
                warning: should not be used when xend is in use
-xen-attach     attach to existing xen domain
                xend will use this when starting QEMU
-no-reboot      exit instead of rebooting
-no-shutdown    stop before shutdown
-loadvm [tag|id]
                start right away with a saved state (loadvm in monitor)
-daemonize      daemonize QEMU after initializing
-option-rom rom load a file, rom, into the option ROM space
-clock          force the use of the given methods for timer alarm.
                To see what timers are available use '-clock help'
-rtc [base=utc|localtime|date][,clock=host|rt|vm][,driftfix=none|slew]
                set the RTC base and clock, enable drift fix for clock ticks (x86 only)
-icount [N|auto]
                enable virtual instruction counter with 2^N clock ticks per
-watchdog i6300esb|ib700
                enable virtual hardware watchdog [default=none]
-watchdog-action reset|shutdown|poweroff|pause|debug|none
                action when watchdog fires [default=reset]
-echr chr       set terminal escape character instead of ctrl-a
-virtioconsole c
                set virtio console
-show-cursor    show cursor
-tb-size n      set TB size
-incoming p     prepare for incoming migration, listen on port p
-nodefaults     don't create default devices
-chroot dir     chroot to dir just before starting the VM
-runas user     change to user id user just before starting the VM
-semihosting    semihosting mode
-old-param      old param mode
-sandbox <arg>  Enable seccomp mode 2 system call filter (default 'off').
-readconfig <file>
-writeconfig <file>
                read/write config file
                do not load default config files at startup
                do not load user-provided config files at startup
-trace [events=<file>][,file=<file>]
                specify tracing options
-enable-fips    enable FIPS 140-2 compliance
-object TYPENAME[,PROP1=VALUE1,...]
                create an new object of type TYPENAME setting properties
                in the order they are specified.  Note that the 'id'
                property must be set.  These objects are placed in the
                '/objects' path.
-msg timestamp[=on|off]
                change the format of messages
                on|off controls leading timestamps (default:on)

During emulation, the following keys are useful:
ctrl-alt-f      toggle full screen
ctrl-alt-n      switch to virtual console 'n'
ctrl-alt        toggle mouse and keyboard grab

When using -nographic, press 'ctrl-a h' to get some help.
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -help | less
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
+firefly+one ssh 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
+firefly+one ping 
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
+firefly+one ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
Request timeout for icmp_seq 6
Request timeout for icmp_seq 7
Request timeout for icmp_seq 8
Request timeout for icmp_seq 9
Request timeout for icmp_seq 10
Request timeout for icmp_seq 11
Request timeout for icmp_seq 12
Request timeout for icmp_seq 13
Request timeout for icmp_seq 14
Request timeout for icmp_seq 15
Request timeout for icmp_seq 16
Request timeout for icmp_seq 17
Request timeout for icmp_seq 18
Request timeout for icmp_seq 19
Request timeout for icmp_seq 20
Request timeout for icmp_seq 21
Request timeout for icmp_seq 22
Request timeout for icmp_seq 23
Request timeout for icmp_seq 24
Request timeout for icmp_seq 25
Request timeout for icmp_seq 26
Request timeout for icmp_seq 27
Request timeout for icmp_seq 28
Request timeout for icmp_seq 29
Request timeout for icmp_seq 30
Request timeout for icmp_seq 31
Request timeout for icmp_seq 32
Request timeout for icmp_seq 33
Request timeout for icmp_seq 34
Request timeout for icmp_seq 35
Request timeout for icmp_seq 36
Request timeout for icmp_seq 37
Request timeout for icmp_seq 38
Request timeout for icmp_seq 39
Request timeout for icmp_seq 40
Request timeout for icmp_seq 41
Request timeout for icmp_seq 42
Request timeout for icmp_seq 43
Request timeout for icmp_seq 44
Request timeout for icmp_seq 45
Request timeout for icmp_seq 46
Request timeout for icmp_seq 47
Request timeout for icmp_seq 48
Request timeout for icmp_seq 49
Request timeout for icmp_seq 50
Request timeout for icmp_seq 51
Request timeout for icmp_seq 52
Request timeout for icmp_seq 53
Request timeout for icmp_seq 54
Request timeout for icmp_seq 55
Request timeout for icmp_seq 56
Request timeout for icmp_seq 57
Request timeout for icmp_seq 58
Request timeout for icmp_seq 59
Request timeout for icmp_seq 60
Request timeout for icmp_seq 61
Request timeout for icmp_seq 62
Request timeout for icmp_seq 63
Request timeout for icmp_seq 64
Request timeout for icmp_seq 65
Request timeout for icmp_seq 66
Request timeout for icmp_seq 67
Request timeout for icmp_seq 68
Request timeout for icmp_seq 69
Request timeout for icmp_seq 70
Request timeout for icmp_seq 71
Request timeout for icmp_seq 72
Request timeout for icmp_seq 73
Request timeout for icmp_seq 74
Request timeout for icmp_seq 75
Request timeout for icmp_seq 76
Request timeout for icmp_seq 77
Request timeout for icmp_seq 78
Request timeout for icmp_seq 79
Request timeout for icmp_seq 80
Request timeout for icmp_seq 81
Request timeout for icmp_seq 82
Request timeout for icmp_seq 83
Request timeout for icmp_seq 84
Request timeout for icmp_seq 85
Request timeout for icmp_seq 86
Request timeout for icmp_seq 87
Request timeout for icmp_seq 88
Request timeout for icmp_seq 89
Request timeout for icmp_seq 90
Request timeout for icmp_seq 91
Request timeout for icmp_seq 92
Request timeout for icmp_seq 93
Request timeout for icmp_seq 94
Request timeout for icmp_seq 95
Request timeout for icmp_seq 96
Request timeout for icmp_seq 97
Request timeout for icmp_seq 98
Request timeout for icmp_seq 99
Request timeout for icmp_seq 100
Request timeout for icmp_seq 101
Request timeout for icmp_seq 102
Request timeout for icmp_seq 103
Request timeout for icmp_seq 104
Request timeout for icmp_seq 105
Request timeout for icmp_seq 106
Request timeout for icmp_seq 107
Request timeout for icmp_seq 108
Request timeout for icmp_seq 109
Request timeout for icmp_seq 110
Request timeout for icmp_seq 111
Request timeout for icmp_seq 112
Request timeout for icmp_seq 113
Request timeout for icmp_seq 114
Request timeout for icmp_seq 115
Request timeout for icmp_seq 116
Request timeout for icmp_seq 117
Request timeout for icmp_seq 118
Request timeout for icmp_seq 119
Request timeout for icmp_seq 120
Request timeout for icmp_seq 121
Request timeout for icmp_seq 122
Request timeout for icmp_seq 123
Request timeout for icmp_seq 124
Request timeout for icmp_seq 125
Request timeout for icmp_seq 126
Request timeout for icmp_seq 127
Request timeout for icmp_seq 128
Request timeout for icmp_seq 129
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 130
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 131
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 132
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 133
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 134
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 135
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 136
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 137
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 138
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 139
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 140
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 141
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 142
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 143
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 144
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 145
--- ping statistics ---
147 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
+firefly+one ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 4
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 5
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 6
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 7
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 8
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 9
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 10
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 11
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 12
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 13
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 14
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 15
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 16
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 17
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 18
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 19
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 20
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 21
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 22
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 23
Request timeout for icmp_seq 24
Request timeout for icmp_seq 25
Request timeout for icmp_seq 26
Request timeout for icmp_seq 27
Request timeout for icmp_seq 28
Request timeout for icmp_seq 29
Request timeout for icmp_seq 30
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 31
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 32
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 33
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 34
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 35
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 36
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 37
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 38
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 39
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 40
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 41
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 42
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 43
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 44
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 45
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 46
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 47
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 48
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 49
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 50
Request timeout for icmp_seq 51
Request timeout for icmp_seq 52
Request timeout for icmp_seq 53
Request timeout for icmp_seq 54
Request timeout for icmp_seq 55
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 56
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 57
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 58
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 59
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 60
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 61
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 62
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 63
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 64
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 65
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 66
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 67
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 68
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 69
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 70
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 71
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 72
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 73
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 74
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 75
Request timeout for icmp_seq 76
Request timeout for icmp_seq 77
Request timeout for icmp_seq 78
Request timeout for icmp_seq 79
Request timeout for icmp_seq 80
Request timeout for icmp_seq 81
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 82
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 83
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 84
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 85
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 86
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 87
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 88
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 89
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 90
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 91
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 92
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 93
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 94
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 95
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 96
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 97
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 98
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 99
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 100
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 101
Request timeout for icmp_seq 102
Request timeout for icmp_seq 103
Request timeout for icmp_seq 104
Request timeout for icmp_seq 105
Request timeout for icmp_seq 106
ping: sendto: No route to host
Request timeout for icmp_seq 107
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 108
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 109
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 110
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 111
ping: sendto: Host is down
Request timeout for icmp_seq 112
Request timeout for icmp_seq 113
64 bytes from icmp_seq=114 ttl=64 time=0.444 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=115 ttl=64 time=0.289 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=116 ttl=64 time=0.267 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=117 ttl=64 time=0.329 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=118 ttl=64 time=0.294 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=119 ttl=64 time=0.346 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=120 ttl=64 time=0.273 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=121 ttl=64 time=0.337 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=122 ttl=64 time=0.336 ms
--- ping statistics ---
123 packets transmitted, 9 packets received, 92.7% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.267/0.324/0.444/0.051 ms
+firefly+one ssh 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
+firefly+one ssh
^PLast login: Fri Jan 26 18:28:31 2018 from
[one@dalmore]~% ls
cbc-llvm_3.9-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm  Dockerfile      kl         raudo-reading.tgz  src  virsh-wrapper
centos-java                           docker-wrapper  param.txt  rpmbuild           tmp
[one@dalmore]~% df       
Filesystem                       1K-blocks       Used  Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root           52403200   38223752   14179448  73% /
devtmpfs                         396141324          0  396141324   0% /dev
tmpfs                            396152928      49008  396103920   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                            396152928       9728  396143200   1% /run
tmpfs                            396152928          0  396152928   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0                         1900368       6148    1772980   1% /srv/node/swiftloopback
/dev/mapper/centos-home          527384988  113384724  414000264  22% /mnt/dalmore-home
/dev/sda1                           508588     292348     216240  58% /boot 4293943296 2768430976 1525512320  65% /net/home 4293943296 2768430976 1525512320  65% /net/open
tmpfs                             79230588          0   79230588   0% /run/user/4000
[one@dalmore]~% df              
Filesystem                        1K-blocks       Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root            52403200   38296136    14107064  74% /
devtmpfs                          396141324          0   396141324   0% /dev
tmpfs                             396152928      61488   396091440   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             396152928       9760   396143168   1% /run
tmpfs                             396152928          0   396152928   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0                          1900368       6148     1772980   1% /srv/node/swiftloopback
/dev/mapper/centos-home           527384988  113384724   414000264  22% /mnt/dalmore-home
/dev/sda1                            508588     292348      216240  58% /boot  4293943296 2768430976  1525512320  65% /net/home  4293943296 2768430976  1525512320  65% /net/open
tmpfs                              79230588          0    79230588   0% /run/user/4000
/dev/mapper/vg_whisky-lv_whisky 26840269376 6995843120 19844426256  27% /mnt/whisky

[one@dalmore]~% pd
zsh: command not found: pd
[one@dalmore]~% pwd
[one@dalmore]~% ls
cbc-llvm_3.9-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm  Dockerfile      kl         raudo-reading.tgz  src  virsh-wrapper
centos-java                           docker-wrapper  param.txt  rpmbuild           tmp
[one@dalmore]~% find -name rpi src 
find: paths must precede expression: src
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression]
[one@dalmore]~% find ./ -name rpi
[one@dalmore]~% find ./src/ -name rpi
[one@dalmore]~% ls src/**/*xv6*/     
Dockerfile  src

Dockerfile  src

Dockerfile  src

Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]~% cd src/xv6-rpi 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7 --consloe
error: command 'start' doesn't support option --consloe
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7           
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7          
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% tail src/Makefile
	make -C tools
	make -C usr

	rm -rf build
	rm -f *.o *.d *.asm *.sym vectors.S bootblock entryother \
	initcode initcode.out kernel xv6.img fs.img kernel.elf memfs
	make -C tools clean
	make -C usr clean
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% less src/Makefile
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cd src                                                           
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -m 128 -cpu arm1176  -nographic -kernel kernel.elf

(process:33961): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
pulseaudio: pa_context_connect() failed
pulseaudio: Reason: Connection refused
pulseaudio: Failed to initialize PA contextaudio: Could not init `pa' audio driver
ALSA lib confmisc.c:767:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib confmisc.c:1246:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name
ALSA lib conf.c:4528:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib conf.c:5007:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory
ALSA lib pcm.c:2501:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
sdl: SDL_OpenAudio failed
sdl: Reason: No available audio device
audio: Failed to create voice `lm4549.out'
starting xv6 for ARM...
init: starting sh
$ ls
.              1 1 512
..             1 1 512
cat            2 2 13412
echo           2 3 12936
grep           2 4 14788
init           2 5 13216
kill           2 6 12924
ln             2 7 12908
ls             2 8 14588
mkdir          2 9 13000
rm             2 10 12984
sh             2 11 21404
stressfs       2 12 13388
usertests      2 13 43988
wc             2 14 13820
zombie         2 15 12644
hello          2 16 12876
forktest       2 17 7316
UNIX           2 18 7828
console        3 19 0
$ QEMU: Terminated
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration not changed.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: unsupported configuration: this QEMU does not support 'cirrus' video device

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: (domain_definition):74: error parsing attribute name
      <model='none' />
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: (domain_definition):73: AttValue: " or ' expected
    <video model=none>
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML document failed to validate against schema: Unable to validate doc against /usr/share/libvirt/schemas/domain.rng
Extra element devices in interleave
Element domain failed to validate content

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
error: internal error: Child process (LC_ALL=C PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin HOME=/mnt/dalmore-home//one USER=one LOGNAME=one /bin/qemu-system-arm -help) unexpected exit status 1: /bin/qemu-system-arm: line 28: /tmp/aaa.log: Permission denied
/bin/qemu-system-arm: line 29: /tmp/aaa.log: Permission denied
/bin/qemu-system-arm: line 30: /tmp/aaa.log: Permission denied

(process:37678): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
/bin/qemu-system-arm: line 35: /tmp/aaa.log: Permission denied

Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 started

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh console xv6arm7
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin -name guest=xv6arm7,debug-threads=on -S -machine versatilepb,accel=tcg,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off -m 128 -realtime mlock=off -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid 80ddbab5-a467-4964-8eb1-0475512522ee -display none -no-user-config -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-1-xv6arm7/monitor.sock,server,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew -no-shutdown -boot strict=on -kernel /mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/kernel.elf      -drive file=/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img,format=raw,if=sd,index=0 -netdev user,id=hostnet0 -net nic,macaddr=52:54:00:42:94:60,vlan=0,name=nic.0 -serial pty -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel0,name=vdagent    -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir0,name=usbredir  -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir1,name=usbredir   -msg timestamp=on

(process:38422): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
2018-01-27T09:51:31.562109Z qemu-system-arm.bin: -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-1-xv6arm7/monitor.sock,server,nowait: Failed to bind socket: No such file or directory
2018-01-27T09:51:31.562177Z qemu-system-arm.bin: -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-1-xv6arm7/monitor.sock,server,nowait: chardev: opening backend "socket" failed
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ltr ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 17:00 snapshot
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 17:00 save
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 17:00 dump
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 17:00 nvram
drwxr-xr-x 3 one wheel   19 Jan 27 17:00 channel
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 18:09 ram
-rw------- 1 one wheel 3130 Jan 27 18:50 xv6arm7.xml
drwxr-xr-x 2 one wheel    6 Jan 27 18:50 lib
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls -ltr ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib 
total 0
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less -ltr ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
There is no -l option ("less --help" for help)
/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log  (press RETURN)

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% qemu-system-arm --version

(process:40103): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% qemu-system-arm --version

(process:40150): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% qemu-system-arm --version

(process:40160): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm.bin --version

(process:40332): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
QEMU emulator version 2.0.0, Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Fabrice Bellard
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7               
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh status       
error: unknown command: 'status'
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list  
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 -     xv6arm7                        shut off

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7               
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: invalid argument: could not find capabilities for arch=armv7l 

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm -rf ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7                         
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7          
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% rm -rf ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7         
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list
 Id    Name                           State

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
error: Failed to start domain xv6arm7
error: Cannot open log file: '/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log': Device or resource busy

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% df
Filesystem                        1K-blocks       Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root            52403200   38217268    14185932  73% /
devtmpfs                          396141324          0   396141324   0% /dev
tmpfs                             396152928      61488   396091440   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             396152928       9856   396143072   1% /run
tmpfs                             396152928          0   396152928   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0                          1900368       6148     1772980   1% /srv/node/swiftloopback
/dev/mapper/centos-home           527384988  113384752   414000236  22% /mnt/dalmore-home
/dev/sda1                            508588     310980      197608  62% /boot  4293943296 2768430976  1525512320  65% /net/home  4293943296 2768430976  1525512320  65% /net/open
tmpfs                              79230588          8    79230580   1% /run/user/4000
/dev/mapper/vg_whisky-lv_whisky 26840269376 6996388272 19843881104  27% /mnt/whisky
tmpfs                              79230588          0    79230588   0% /run/user/11835
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls /run/user/11835 
ls: cannot open directory /run/user/11835: Permission denied
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 started

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh console xv6arm7
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh list           
 Id    Name                           State
 1     xv6arm7                        running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7        
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% /bin/qemu-system-arm -S -no-user-config -nodefaults -nographic -machine none,accel=kvm:tcg -qmp unix:/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.monitor.sock,server,nowait -pidfile /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/capabilities.pidfile            

(process:53165): GLib-WARNING **: gmem.c:483: custom memory allocation vtable not supported
KVM not supported for this target
"kvm" accelerator does not exist.

^Cqemu: terminating on signal 2
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ps agx | grep qemu
 53577 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto qemu
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?edit
virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% less ~/.cache/libvirt/qemu/log/xv6arm7.log

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?dest                                    
virsh destroy xv6arm7
error: Failed to destroy domain xv6arm7
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?star
virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]
error: internal error: cannot find character device <null>

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7        
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls                           
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% cat xv6arm7.xml 
<domain type='qemu'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>131072</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>131072</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>
    <type arch='armv7l' machine='versatilepb'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <clock offset='utc'>
    <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
    <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
    <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img'/>
      <target dev='sda' bus='sd'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-ehci1'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x7'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci1'>
      <master startport='0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci2'>
      <master startport='2'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci3'>
      <master startport='4'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='user'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:42:94:60'/>
      <model type='rtl8139'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='pty'>
      <target port='0'/>
    <console type='pty'>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes'>
      <listen type='address'/>
      <image compression='off'/>
    <sound model='ich6'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='2'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?edit         
virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !ca                          
cat xv6arm7.xml
<domain type='qemu'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>131072</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>131072</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>
    <type arch='armv7l' machine='versatilepb'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <clock offset='utc'>
    <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
    <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
    <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img'/>
      <target dev='sda' bus='sd'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-ehci1'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x7'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci1'>
      <master startport='0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci2'>
      <master startport='2'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci3'>
      <master startport='4'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='user'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:42:94:60'/>
      <model type='rtl8139'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='pty'>
      <target port='0'/>
    <console type='pty'>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes'>
      <listen type='address'/>
      <image compression='off'/>
    <sound model='ich6'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='2'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !?edit
virsh edit xv6arm7
error: XML error: Multiple 'virtio-serial' controllers with index '0'
Failed. Try again? [y,n,i,f,?]: 
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]
error: internal error: cannot find character device <null>

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !ca                          
cat xv6arm7.xml
<domain type='qemu'>
  <memory unit='KiB'>131072</memory>
  <currentMemory unit='KiB'>131072</currentMemory>
  <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>
    <type arch='armv7l' machine='versatilepb'>hvm</type>
    <boot dev='hd'/>
  <clock offset='utc'>
    <timer name='rtc' tickpolicy='catchup'/>
    <timer name='pit' tickpolicy='delay'/>
    <timer name='hpet' present='no'/>
    <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
      <source file='/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img'/>
      <target dev='sda' bus='sd'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-ehci1'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x7'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci1'>
      <master startport='0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci2'>
      <master startport='2'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x1'/>
    <controller type='usb' index='0' model='ich9-uhci3'>
      <master startport='4'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x2'/>
    <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>
    <controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='user'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:42:94:60'/>
      <model type='rtl8139'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>
    <serial type='pty'>
      <target port='0'/>
    <console type='pty'>
      <target type='serial' port='0'/>
    <channel type='spicevmc'>
      <target type='virtio' name='com.redhat.spice.0'/>
      <address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
    <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>
    <graphics type='spice' autoport='yes'>
      <listen type='address'/>
      <image compression='off'/>
    <sound model='ich6'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
      <model type='qxl' ram='65536' vram='65536' vgamem='16384' heads='1' primary='yes'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='1'/>
    <redirdev bus='usb' type='spicevmc'>
      <address type='usb' bus='0' port='2'/>
    <memballoon model='virtio'>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7           
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% !v
virsh start xv6arm7 --console
error: Domain is already active

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ps agx | grep arm
 57122 ?        Sl     0:27 /bin/qemu-system-arm -name guest=xv6arm7,debug-threads=on -S -machine versatilepb,accel=tcg,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off -m 128 -realtime mlock=off -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid 80ddbab5-a467-4964-8eb1-0475512522ee -display none -no-user-config -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/mnt/dalmore-home//one/.config/libvirt/qemu/lib/domain-2-xv6arm7/monitor.sock,server,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=utc,driftfix=slew -no-shutdown -boot strict=on -kernel /mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/kernel.elf -device ich9-usb-ehci1,id=usb,bus=pci,addr=0x6.0x7 -device ich9-usb-uhci1,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=0,bus=pci,multifunction=on,addr=0x6 -device ich9-usb-uhci2,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=2,bus=pci,addr=0x6.0x1 -device ich9-usb-uhci3,masterbus=usb.0,firstport=4,bus=pci,addr=0x6.0x2 -device virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci,addr=0x1 -drive file=/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src/build/fs.img,format=raw,if=sd,index=0 -netdev user,id=hostnet0 -device rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:42:94:60,bus=pci,addr=0x3 -serial pty -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel0,name=vdagent -device virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.spice.0 -device intel-hda,id=sound0,bus=pci,addr=0x4 -device hda-duplex,id=sound0-codec0,bus=sound0.0,cad=0 -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir0,name=usbredir -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir0,id=redir0,bus=usb.0,port=1 -chardev spicevmc,id=charredir1,name=usbredir -device usb-redir,chardev=charredir1,id=redir1,bus=usb.0,port=2 -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci,addr=0x7 -msg timestamp=on
 57275 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto arm
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ps agx | grep arm > /tmp/aho
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% vi !$
vi /tmp/aho
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh destroy xv6arm7 
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh edit xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 XML configuration edited.

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% virsh start xv6arm7 --console
Domain xv6arm7 started
Connected to domain xv6arm7
Escape character is ^]
nit: starting sh
                $ ls
                    .              1 1 512
                                          ..             1 1 512
                                                                cat            2 2 13412
                                                                                        echo           2 3 12936
                                                                                                                grep           2 4 14788
            init           2 5 13216
                                    kill           2 6 12924
                                                            ln             2 7 12908
                                                                                    ls             2 8 14588
                                                                                                            mkdir          2 9 13000
        rm             2 10 12984
                                 sh             2 11 21404
                                                          stressfs       2 12 13388
                                                                                   usertests      2 13 43988
                                                                                                            wc             2 14 13820
         zombie         2 15 12644
                                  hello          2 16 12876
                                                           forktest       2 17 7316
                                                                                   UNIX           2 18 7828
                                                                                                           console        3 19 0
    $ ls
        .              1 1 512
                              ..             1 1 512
                                                    cat            2 2 13412
                                                                            echo           2 3 12936
                                                                                                    grep           2 4 14788
                                                                                                                           init           2 5 13216
                       kill           2 6 12924
                                               ln             2 7 12908
                                                                       ls             2 8 14588
                                                                                               mkdir          2 9 13000
                                                                                                                       rm             2 10 12984
                    sh             2 11 21404
                                             stressfs       2 12 13388
                                                                      usertests      2 13 43988
                                                                                               wc             2 14 13820
                                                                                                                        zombie         2 15 12644
                     hello          2 16 12876
                                              forktest       2 17 7316
                                                                      UNIX           2 18 7828
                                                                                              console        3 19 0
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% cd .. 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% less ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/xv6arm7.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cp ~/.config/libvirt/qemu/xv6arm7.xml xv6arm.xml 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit
abort: no username supplied (see "hg help config")
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg commit -u innparusu
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% hg push
pushing to ssh://
Warning: the RSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP address ''
Offending key for IP in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:4
Matching host key in /mnt/dalmore-home//one/.ssh/known_hosts:1
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
searching for changes
remote: adding changesets
remote: adding manifests
remote: adding file changes
remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 1     xv6arm7                        running

[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% virsh destroy xv6arm7
Domain xv6arm7 destroyed


[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cd 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one% ls
cbc-llvm_3.9-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm  Dockerfile      kl         raudo-reading.tgz  src  virsh-wrapper
centos-java                           docker-wrapper  param.txt  rpmbuild           tmp
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one% cd src/xv6-rpi 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% ls
Dockerfile       edit_xv6arm7      kvm-armxv6.xml  kvm-armLinux.xml  qemu-system-arm  src        xv6arm.xml
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% pwd
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi% cd src 
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% ls
arm.c    connect.gdb  entry.S  initcode.asm  lib               memide.c  syscall.h   usr
arm.h    console.c    exec.c   initcode.S    log.c             memlayout.h  spinlock.c    sysfile.c   vm.c
asm.S     fcntl.h  kalloc.c      main.c            mmu.h        spinlock.h    sysproc.c   xv6arm7.xml
bio.c    defs.h       file.c   kernel.asm    Makefile          param.h      start.c       tools
buddy.c  device       file.h   kernel.elf      pipe.c       stat.h        trap_asm.S
buf.h    elf.h        fs.c     kernel.ld     Makefile.osx      proc.c       swtch.S       trap.c
build    entry-osx.S  fs.h     kernel.sym  proc.h       syscall.c     types.h
[one@dalmore]/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src% vi 1_28_2.log  