view src/start.s @ 0:53676d1f5817 default tip

firsh commit
author tobaru
date Sun, 04 Feb 2018 17:54:49 +0900
line wrap: on
line source

	.syntax unified
	.eabi_attribute	67, "2.09"
	.cpu	arm1136jf-s
	.eabi_attribute	6, 6
	.eabi_attribute	8, 1
	.eabi_attribute	9, 1
	.fpu	vfpv2
	.eabi_attribute	34, 0
	.eabi_attribute	17, 1
	.eabi_attribute	20, 1
	.eabi_attribute	21, 1
	.eabi_attribute	23, 3
	.eabi_attribute	24, 1
	.eabi_attribute	25, 1
	.eabi_attribute	38, 1
	.eabi_attribute	18, 4
	.eabi_attribute	26, 2
	.eabi_attribute	14, 0
	.file	"start.c"
	.file	1 "." "types.h"
	.file	2 "start.c"
	.globl	_uart_putc
	.p2align	2
	.type	_uart_putc,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 10 0
	.cfi_sections .debug_frame
	.pad	#12
	sub	sp, sp, #12
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 12
	mov	r1, r0
	str	r0, [sp, #8]
	.loc	2 11 22 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, .LCPI0_0
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 12 14
	ldr	r0, [sp, #8]
	.loc	2 12 6 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r2, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 12 12
	strb	r0, [r2]
	.loc	2 13 1 is_stmt 1
	str	r1, [sp]
	add	sp, sp, #12
	bx	lr
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	270471168
	.size	_uart_putc, .Lfunc_end0-_uart_putc

	.globl	_puts
	.p2align	2
	.type	_puts,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 17 0 is_stmt 1
	.save	{r11, lr}
	push	{r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.setfp	r11, sp
	mov	r11, sp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 11
	.pad	#8
	sub	sp, sp, #8
	mov	r1, r0
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 18 5 prologue_end
	str	r1, [sp]
	b	.LBB1_1
	.loc	2 18 13 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 18 12
	ldrb	r0, [r0]
	.loc	2 18 5
	cmp	r0, #0
	beq	.LBB1_3
	b	.LBB1_2
	.loc	2 19 21 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 19 20 is_stmt 0
	ldrb	r0, [r0]
	.loc	2 19 9
	bl	_uart_putc
	.loc	2 20 10 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #4]
	add	r0, r0, #1
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 18 5
	b	.LBB1_1
	.loc	2 22 1
	mov	sp, r11
	pop	{r11, pc}
	.size	_puts, .Lfunc_end1-_puts

	.globl	_putint
	.p2align	2
	.type	_putint,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 25 0
	.save	{r11, lr}
	push	{r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.setfp	r11, sp
	mov	r11, sp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 11
	.pad	#32
	sub	sp, sp, #32
	mov	r3, r2
	mov	r12, r1
	mov	lr, r0
	str	r0, [r11, #-4]
	str	r1, [r11, #-8]
	str	r2, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 26 11 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, .LCPI2_0
	str	r0, [sp, #16]
	.loc	2 29 9
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-4]
	.loc	2 29 9 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #0
	str	r3, [sp, #8]
	str	r12, [sp, #4]
	str	lr, [sp]
	beq	.LBB2_2
	b	.LBB2_1
	.loc	2 30 15 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-4]
	.loc	2 30 9 is_stmt 0
	bl	_puts
	.loc	2 31 5 is_stmt 1
	b	.LBB2_2
	.loc	2 33 14
	mov	r0, #28
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 33 10 is_stmt 0
	b	.LBB2_3
	.loc	2 33 37
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 33 5
	cmp	r0, #0
	blt	.LBB2_6
	b	.LBB2_4
	.loc	2 34 20 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #16]
	.loc	2 34 25 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r1, [r11, #-8]
	.loc	2 34 32
	ldr	r2, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 34 37
	mov	r3, #15
	and	r1, r3, r1, lsr r2
	.loc	2 34 20
	ldrb	r0, [r0, r1]
	.loc	2 34 9
	bl	_uart_putc
	.loc	2 35 5 is_stmt 1
	b	.LBB2_5
	.loc	2 33 51
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 33 5 is_stmt 0
	b	.LBB2_3
	.loc	2 37 9 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 37 9 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #0
	beq	.LBB2_8
	b	.LBB2_7
	.loc	2 38 15 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 38 9 is_stmt 0
	bl	_puts
	.loc	2 39 5 is_stmt 1
	b	.LBB2_8
	.loc	2 40 1
	mov	sp, r11
	pop	{r11, pc}
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	.L.str
	.size	_putint, .Lfunc_end2-_putint

	.globl	get_pde
	.p2align	2
	.type	get_pde,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 53 0 is_stmt 1
	.pad	#8
	sub	sp, sp, #8
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	mov	r1, r0
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 54 10 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, [sp, #4]
	lsr	r0, r0, #20
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 55 12
	ldr	r0, .LCPI3_0
	ldr	r0, [r0]
	.loc	2 55 25 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r2, [sp, #4]
	.loc	2 55 12
	ldr	r0, [r0, r2, lsl #2]
	.loc	2 55 5
	str	r1, [sp]
	add	sp, sp, #8
	bx	lr
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 5
	.long	kernel_pgtbl
	.size	get_pde, .Lfunc_end3-get_pde

	.globl	set_bootpgtbl
	.p2align	2
	.type	set_bootpgtbl,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 60 0 is_stmt 1
	.save	{r4, r5, r11, lr}
	push	{r4, r5, r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.cfi_offset 5, -12
	.cfi_offset 4, -16
	.setfp	r11, sp, #8
	add	r11, sp, #8
	.cfi_def_cfa 11, 8
	.pad	#40
	sub	sp, sp, #40
	mov	r12, r3
	mov	lr, r2
	mov	r4, r1
	mov	r5, r0
	str	r0, [r11, #-12]
	str	r1, [r11, #-16]
	str	r2, [r11, #-20]
	str	r3, [sp, #24]
	.loc	2 65 10 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-12]
	lsr	r0, r0, #20
	str	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 66 10
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-16]
	lsr	r0, r0, #20
	str	r0, [r11, #-16]
	.loc	2 67 10
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-20]
	lsr	r0, r0, #20
	str	r0, [r11, #-20]
	mov	r0, #0
	.loc	2 69 14
	str	r0, [sp, #16]
	.loc	2 69 10 is_stmt 0
	str	r12, [sp, #12]
	str	lr, [sp, #8]
	str	r4, [sp, #4]
	str	r5, [sp]
	b	.LBB4_1
	.loc	2 69 19
	ldr	r0, [sp, #16]
	.loc	2 69 25
	ldr	r1, [r11, #-20]
	.loc	2 69 5
	cmp	r0, r1
	bhs	.LBB4_10
	b	.LBB4_2
	.loc	2 70 16 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-16]
	.loc	2 70 20 is_stmt 0
	lsl	r0, r0, #20
	.loc	2 70 13
	str	r0, [sp, #20]
	.loc	2 72 14 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #24]
	.loc	2 72 13 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #0
	bne	.LBB4_4
	b	.LBB4_3
	.loc	2 74 17 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #20]
	mov	r1, #14
	orr	r1, r1, #1024
	orr	r0, r0, r1
	str	r0, [sp, #20]
	.loc	2 75 9
	b	.LBB4_5
	.loc	2 77 17
	ldr	r0, [sp, #20]
	mov	r1, #2
	orr	r1, r1, #1024
	orr	r0, r0, r1
	str	r0, [sp, #20]
	b	.LBB4_5
	.loc	2 81 13
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 81 13 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #255
	bhi	.LBB4_7
	b	.LBB4_6
	.loc	2 82 32 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #20]
	.loc	2 82 13 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r1, .LCPI4_1
	ldr	r1, [r1]
	.loc	2 82 24
	ldr	r2, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 82 30
	str	r0, [r1, r2, lsl #2]
	.loc	2 83 9 is_stmt 1
	b	.LBB4_8
	.loc	2 84 34
	ldr	r0, [sp, #20]
	.loc	2 84 13 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r1, .LCPI4_0
	ldr	r1, [r1]
	.loc	2 84 26
	ldr	r2, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 84 32
	str	r0, [r1, r2, lsl #2]
	b	.LBB4_8
	.loc	2 87 13 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-12]
	add	r0, r0, #1
	str	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 88 12
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-16]
	add	r0, r0, #1
	str	r0, [r11, #-16]
	.loc	2 89 5
	b	.LBB4_9
	.loc	2 69 33
	ldr	r0, [sp, #16]
	add	r0, r0, #1
	str	r0, [sp, #16]
	.loc	2 69 5 is_stmt 0
	b	.LBB4_1
	.loc	2 90 1 is_stmt 1
	sub	sp, r11, #8
	pop	{r4, r5, r11, pc}
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	kernel_pgtbl
	.long	user_pgtbl
	.size	set_bootpgtbl, .Lfunc_end4-set_bootpgtbl

	.globl	load_pgtlb
	.p2align	2
	.type	load_pgtlb,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 105 0 is_stmt 1
	.save	{r11, lr}
	push	{r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.setfp	r11, sp
	mov	r11, sp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 11
	.pad	#32
	sub	sp, sp, #32
	mov	r2, r1
	mov	r3, r0
	str	r0, [r11, #-4]
	str	r1, [r11, #-8]
	.loc	2 111 5 prologue_end
	MRC p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0
	.code	32
	str	r0, [r11, #-12]
	.loc	2 113 9
	ldrb	r0, [r11, #-9]
	.loc	2 113 9 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #65
	str	r2, [sp, #8]
	str	r3, [sp, #4]
	bne	.LBB5_2
	b	.LBB5_1
	.loc	2 115 5 is_stmt 1
	b	.LBB5_2
	.loc	2 117 13
	ldrh	r0, [r11, #-10]
	.loc	2 117 24 is_stmt 0
	and	r0, r0, #15
	.loc	2 117 10
	strb	r0, [r11, #-13]
	.loc	2 119 10 is_stmt 1
	ldrb	r0, [r11, #-13]
	.loc	2 119 21 is_stmt 0
	cmp	r0, #7
	beq	.LBB5_5
	b	.LBB5_3
	.loc	2 119 25
	ldrb	r0, [r11, #-13]
	.loc	2 119 9
	cmp	r0, #15
	beq	.LBB5_5
	b	.LBB5_4
	.loc	2 120 9 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, .LCPI5_0
	bl	_puts
	.loc	2 121 5
	b	.LBB5_5
	.loc	2 126 9
	ldr	r0, .LCPI5_1
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 127 49
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 127 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c3, c0, 0
	.code	32
	.loc	2 131 9 is_stmt 1
	mov	r0, #4
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 132 49
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 132 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 2
	.code	32
	.loc	2 135 17 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, .LCPI5_2
	ldr	r0, [r0]
	.loc	2 135 9 is_stmt 0
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 136 49 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 136 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 1
	.code	32
	.loc	2 139 17 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-8]
	.loc	2 139 9 is_stmt 0
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 140 49 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 140 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c2, c0, 0
	.code	32
	.loc	2 143 5 is_stmt 1
	MRC p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
	.code	32
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 145 9
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	ldr	r1, .LCPI5_3
	orr	r0, r0, r1
	str	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 147 49
	ldr	r0, [sp, #12]
	.loc	2 147 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0
	.code	32
	.loc	2 149 5 is_stmt 1
	bl	_flush_all
	.loc	2 150 1
	mov	sp, r11
	pop	{r11, pc}
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	.L.str.1
	.long	1431655765
	.long	kernel_pgtbl
	.long	8400909
	.size	load_pgtlb, .Lfunc_end5-load_pgtlb

	.p2align	2
	.type	_flush_all,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 93 0 is_stmt 1
	.pad	#4
	sub	sp, sp, #4
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 4
	mov	r0, #0
	.loc	2 94 10 prologue_end
	str	r0, [sp]
	.loc	2 97 50
	ldr	r0, [sp]
	.loc	2 97 5 is_stmt 0
	MCR p15, 0, r0, c8, c7, 0
	.code	32
	.loc	2 102 1 is_stmt 1
	add	sp, sp, #4
	bx	lr
	.size	_flush_all, .Lfunc_end6-_flush_all

	.globl	clear_bss
	.p2align	2
	.type	clear_bss,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 162 0
	.save	{r11, lr}
	push	{r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.setfp	r11, sp
	mov	r11, sp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 11
	.pad	#8
	sub	sp, sp, #8
	.loc	2 163 5 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, .LCPI7_0
	ldr	r1, .LCPI7_1
	sub	r2, r1, r0
	mov	r1, #0
	bl	memset
	.loc	2 164 1
	str	r0, [sp, #4]
	mov	sp, r11
	pop	{r11, pc}
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	edata
	.long	end
	.size	clear_bss, .Lfunc_end7-clear_bss

	.globl	start
	.p2align	2
	.type	start,%function
	.code	32
	.loc	2 167 0 is_stmt 1
	.save	{r11, lr}
	push	{r11, lr}
	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
	.cfi_offset 14, -4
	.cfi_offset 11, -8
	.setfp	r11, sp
	mov	r11, sp
	.cfi_def_cfa_register 11
	.pad	#16
	sub	sp, sp, #16
	.loc	2 169 5 prologue_end
	ldr	r0, .LCPI8_0
	bl	_puts
	.loc	2 173 5
	mov	r0, #1048576
	mov	lr, #0
	str	r0, [sp, #8]
	mov	r0, lr
	mov	r1, lr
	ldr	r2, [sp, #8]
	mov	r3, lr
	str	lr, [sp, #4]
	bl	set_bootpgtbl
	.loc	2 174 5
	mov	r0, #-2147483648
	ldr	r1, [sp, #4]
	ldr	r2, [sp, #8]
	ldr	r3, [sp, #4]
	bl	set_bootpgtbl
	.loc	2 177 12
	mov	r0, #983040
	orr	r0, r0, #-2147483648
	str	r0, [r11, #-4]
	.loc	2 179 9
	ldr	r0, [r11, #-4]
	.loc	2 179 16 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r1, .LCPI8_1
	.loc	2 179 9
	cmp	r0, r1
	bhi	.LBB8_2
	b	.LBB8_1
	.loc	2 180 9 is_stmt 1
	ldr	r0, .LCPI8_2
	bl	cprintf
	.loc	2 181 5
	b	.LBB8_2
	.loc	2 183 5
	mov	r0, #16711680
	orr	r0, r0, #-16777216
	mov	r2, #1048576
	mov	r1, #0
	str	r1, [sp]
	ldr	r3, [sp]
	bl	set_bootpgtbl
	.loc	2 184 5
	mov	r0, #-1879048192
	mov	r1, #268435456
	mov	r2, #134217728
	mov	r3, #1
	bl	set_bootpgtbl
	.loc	2 186 17
	ldr	r0, .LCPI8_3
	ldr	r0, [r0]
	.loc	2 186 31 is_stmt 0
	ldr	r1, .LCPI8_4
	ldr	r1, [r1]
	.loc	2 186 5
	bl	load_pgtlb
	.loc	2 187 5 is_stmt 1
	bl	jump_stack
	.loc	2 190 5
	bl	clear_bss
	.loc	2 192 5
	bl	kmain
	.loc	2 193 1
	mov	sp, r11
	pop	{r11, pc}
	.p2align	2
	.loc	2 0 1 is_stmt 0
	.long	.L.str.2
	.long	end
	.long	.L.str.3
	.long	kernel_pgtbl
	.long	user_pgtbl
	.size	start, .Lfunc_end8-start

	.type	.L.str,%object
	.section	.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",%progbits,1
	.asciz	"0123456789ABCDEF"
	.size	.L.str, 17

	.type	kernel_pgtbl,%object
	.globl	kernel_pgtbl
	.p2align	2
	.long	_kernel_pgtbl
	.size	kernel_pgtbl, 4

	.type	user_pgtbl,%object
	.globl	user_pgtbl
	.p2align	2
	.long	_user_pgtbl
	.size	user_pgtbl, 4

	.type	.L.str.1,%object
	.section	.rodata.str1.1,"aMS",%progbits,1
	.asciz	"need AARM v6 or higher\n"
	.size	.L.str.1, 24

	.type	.L.str.2,%object
	.asciz	"starting xv6 for ARM...\n"
	.size	.L.str.2, 25

	.type	.L.str.3,%object
	.asciz	"error: vector table overlaps kernel\n"
	.size	.L.str.3, 37

	.section	.debug_str,"MS",%progbits,1
	.asciz	"clang version 6.0.0 "
	.asciz	"start.c"
	.asciz	"/mnt/dalmore-home/one/src/xv6-rpi/src"
	.asciz	"kernel_pgtbl"
	.asciz	"unsigned int"
	.asciz	"uint32"
	.asciz	"user_pgtbl"
	.asciz	"unsigned char"
	.asciz	"uint8"
	.asciz	"uint"
	.asciz	"_uart_putc"
	.asciz	"_puts"
	.asciz	"_putint"
	.asciz	"get_pde"
	.asciz	"set_bootpgtbl"
	.asciz	"load_pgtlb"
	.asciz	"_flush_all"
	.asciz	"clear_bss"
	.asciz	"start"
	.asciz	"c"
	.asciz	"int"
	.asciz	"uart0"
	.asciz	"s"
	.asciz	"char"
	.asciz	"prefix"
	.asciz	"val"
	.asciz	"suffix"
	.asciz	"arr"
	.asciz	"idx"
	.asciz	"virt"
	.asciz	"phy"
	.asciz	"len"
	.asciz	"dev_mem"
	.asciz	"pde"
	.asciz	"kern_pgtbl"
	.asciz	"ret"
	.asciz	"arch"
	.asciz	"vectbl"
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