view tk/bou.tcl @ 22:29cf617f49db default tip

newer CVS version
author Shinji KONO <>
date Fri, 22 Apr 2016 16:47:13 +0900
parents 1c57a78f1d98
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f
# Program: bou
# Tcl version: 7.3 (Tcl/Tk/XF)
# Tk version: 3.6
# XF version: 2.2

# module inclusion
global env
global xfLoadPath
global xfLoadInfo
set xfLoadInfo 0
if {[info exists env(XF_LOAD_PATH)]} {
  if {[string first $env(XF_LOAD_PATH) /usr/local/lib/] == -1} {
    set xfLoadPath $env(XF_LOAD_PATH):/usr/local/lib/
  } {
    set xfLoadPath /usr/local/lib/
} {
  set xfLoadPath /usr/local/lib/

global argc
global argv
global tkVersion
set tmpArgv ""
for {set counter 0} {$counter < $argc} {incr counter 1} {
  case [string tolower [lindex $argv $counter]] in {
    {-xfloadpath} {
      incr counter 1
      set xfLoadPath "[lindex $argv $counter]:$xfLoadPath"
    {-xfstartup} {
      incr counter 1
      source [lindex $argv $counter]
    {-xfbindfile} {
      incr counter 1
      set env(XF_BIND_FILE) "[lindex $argv $counter]"
    {-xfcolorfile} {
      incr counter 1
      set env(XF_COLOR_FILE) "[lindex $argv $counter]"
    {-xfcursorfile} {
      incr counter 1
      set env(XF_CURSOR_FILE) "[lindex $argv $counter]"
    {-xffontfile} {
      incr counter 1
      set env(XF_FONT_FILE) "[lindex $argv $counter]"
    {-xfmodelmono} {
      if {$tkVersion >= 3.0} {
        tk colormodel . monochrome
    {-xfmodelcolor} {
      if {$tkVersion >= 3.0} {
        tk colormodel . color
    {-xfloading} {
      set xfLoadInfo 1
    {-xfnoloading} {
      set xfLoadInfo 0
    {default} {
      lappend tmpArgv [lindex $argv $counter]
set argv $tmpArgv
set argc [llength $tmpArgv]
unset counter
unset tmpArgv

# procedure to show window .toy
proc ShowWindow.toy {args} {# xf ignore me 7

  # build widget .toy
  if {"[info procs XFEdit]" != ""} {
    catch "XFDestroy .toy"
  } {
    catch "destroy .toy"
  toplevel .toy  \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -relief {raised}

  # Window manager configurations
  global tkVersion
  wm positionfrom .toy program
  wm sizefrom .toy program
  wm maxsize .toy 1000 1000
  wm title .toy {Toy}

  # build widget .toy.frame1
  frame .toy.frame1 \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -borderwidth {2} \
    -height {293} \
    -relief {raised} \
    -width {141}

  # build widget .toy.frame1.label2
  label .toy.frame1.label2 \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -font {8x16} \
    -relief {raised} \
    -text {Green}

  # build widget .toy.frame1.label3
  label .toy.frame1.label3 \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -font {8x16} \
    -relief {raised} \
    -text {Red}

  # build widget .toy.frame1.button4
  button .toy.frame1.button4 \
    -activebackground {#eed5b7} \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -command {event quit} \
    -disabledforeground {#b0b0b0} \
    -font {8x16} \
    -relief {flat} \
    -text {   Quit   }

  # build widget .toy.frame1.button5
  button .toy.frame1.button5 \
    -activebackground {#eed5b7} \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -command {event stop} \
    -disabledforeground {#b0b0b0} \
    -font {8x16} \
    -text {Stop}

  # build widget .toy.frame1.button6
  button .toy.frame1.button6 \
    -activebackground {#eed5b7} \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -command {event start} \
    -disabledforeground {#b0b0b0} \
    -font {8x16} \
    -text {Run}

  # pack widget .toy.frame1
  pack append .toy.frame1 \
    .toy.frame1.label2 {top frame center fillx} \
    .toy.frame1.label3 {top frame center fillx} \
    .toy.frame1.button4 {bottom frame center fillx} \
    .toy.frame1.button5 {bottom frame center fillx} \
    .toy.frame1.button6 {bottom frame center fillx}

  # build widget .toy.canvas0
  canvas .toy.canvas0 \
    -background {Cornsilk2} \
    -height {207} \
    -insertofftime {600} \
    -relief {raised} \
    -selectbackground {#b2dfee} \
    -selectborderwidth {1} \
    -selectforeground {CornSilk2} \
    -width {295}

  # pack widget .toy
  pack append .toy \
    .toy.frame1 {right frame e filly} \
    .toy.canvas0 {left frame center expand fill}

  # build canvas items .toy.canvas0

  if {"[info procs XFEdit]" != ""} {
    catch "XFMiscBindWidgetTree .toy"
    after 2 "catch {XFEditSetShowWindows}"

proc DestroyWindow.toy {} {# xf ignore me 7
  if {"[info procs XFEdit]" != ""} {
    if {"[info commands .toy]" != ""} {
      global xfShowWindow.toy
      set xfShowWindow.toy 0
      XFEditSetPath .
      after 2 "XFSaveAsProc .toy; XFEditSetShowWindows"
  } {
    catch "destroy .toy"

# procedure to show window .
proc ShowWindow. {args} {# xf ignore me 7

  # Window manager configurations
  global tkVersion
  wm positionfrom . user
  wm sizefrom . ""
  wm maxsize . 1280 1024
  wm title . {xf}

  if {"[info procs XFEdit]" != ""} {
    catch "XFMiscBindWidgetTree ."
    after 2 "catch {XFEditSetShowWindows}"

# User defined procedures

# Procedure: event
proc event { args} {
	prolog "tokio:tokio_event($args)" 
# tokio

# Internal procedures

# Procedure: Alias
if {"[info procs Alias]" == ""} {
proc Alias { args} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: Alias
# Description: establish an alias for a procedure
# Arguments: args - no argument means that a list of all aliases
#                   is returned. Otherwise the first parameter is
#                   the alias name, and the second parameter is
#                   the procedure that is aliased.
# Returns: nothing, the command that is bound to the alias or a
#          list of all aliases - command pairs. 
# Sideeffects: internalAliasList is updated, and the alias
#              proc is inserted
  global internalAliasList

  if {[llength $args] == 0} {
    return $internalAliasList
  } {
    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
      set xfTmpIndex [lsearch $internalAliasList "[lindex $args 0] *"]
      if {$xfTmpIndex != -1} {
        return [lindex [lindex $internalAliasList $xfTmpIndex] 1]
    } {
      if {[llength $args] == 2} {
        eval "proc [lindex $args 0] {args} {#xf ignore me 4
return \[eval \"[lindex $args 1] \$args\"\]}"
        set xfTmpIndex [lsearch $internalAliasList "[lindex $args 0] *"]
        if {$xfTmpIndex != -1} {
          set internalAliasList [lreplace $internalAliasList $xfTmpIndex $xfTmpIndex "[lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]"]
        } {
          lappend internalAliasList "[lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]"
      } {
        error "Alias: wrong number or args: $args"

# Procedure: GetSelection
if {"[info procs GetSelection]" == ""} {
proc GetSelection {} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: GetSelection
# Description: get current selection
# Arguments: none
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none

  # the save way
  set xfSelection ""
  catch "selection get" xfSelection
  if {"$xfSelection" == "selection doesn't exist or form \"STRING\" not defined"} {
    return ""
  } {
    return $xfSelection

# Procedure: MenuPopupAdd
if {"[info procs MenuPopupAdd]" == ""} {
proc MenuPopupAdd { xfW xfButton xfMenu {xfModifier ""} {xfCanvasTag ""}} {
# xf ignore me 7
# the popup menu handling is from (I already gave up with popup handling :-):
# Copyright 1991,1992 by James Noble.
# Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute.
# This notice must be preserved on all copies or derivates.
# Procedure: MenuPopupAdd
# Description: attach a popup menu to widget
# Arguments: xfW - the widget
#            xfButton - the button we use
#            xfMenu - the menu to attach
#            {xfModifier} - a optional modifier
#            {xfCanvasTag} - a canvas tagOrId
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none
  global tk_popupPriv

  set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus) ""
  set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab) ""
  if {"$xfModifier" != ""} {
    set press "$xfModifier-"
    set motion "$xfModifier-"
    set release "Any-"
  } {
    set press ""
    set motion ""
    set release ""

  bind $xfMenu "<${motion}B${xfButton}-Motion>"  "MenuPopupMotion $xfMenu %W %X %Y"
  bind $xfMenu "<${release}ButtonRelease-${xfButton}>"  "MenuPopupRelease $xfMenu %W"
  if {"$xfCanvasTag" == ""} {
    bind $xfW "<${press}ButtonPress-${xfButton}>"  "MenuPopupPost $xfMenu %X %Y"
    bind $xfW "<${release}ButtonRelease-${xfButton}>"  "MenuPopupRelease $xfMenu %W"
  } {
    $xfW bind $xfCanvasTag "<${press}ButtonPress-${xfButton}>"  "MenuPopupPost $xfMenu %X %Y"
    $xfW bind $xfCanvasTag "<${release}ButtonRelease-${xfButton}>"  "MenuPopupRelease $xfMenu %W"

# Procedure: MenuPopupMotion
if {"[info procs MenuPopupMotion]" == ""} {
proc MenuPopupMotion { xfMenu xfW xfX xfY} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: MenuPopupMotion
# Description: handle the popup menu motion
# Arguments: xfMenu - the topmost menu
#            xfW - the menu
#            xfX - the root x coordinate
#            xfY - the root x coordinate
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none
  global tk_popupPriv

  if {"[info commands $xfW]" != "" && [winfo ismapped $xfW] &&
      "[winfo class $xfW]" == "Menu" &&
      [info exists tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)] &&
      "$tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)" != "" &&
      [info exists tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab)] &&
      "$tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab)" != ""} {
    set xfPopMinX [winfo rootx $xfW]
    set xfPopMaxX [expr $xfPopMinX+[winfo width $xfW]]
    if {$xfX >= $xfPopMinX && $xfX <= $xfPopMaxX} {
      $xfW activate @[expr $xfY-[winfo rooty $xfW]]
      if {![catch "$xfW entryconfig @[expr $xfY-[winfo rooty $xfW]] -menu" result]} {
        if {"[lindex $result 4]" != ""} {
          foreach binding [bind $xfMenu] {
            bind [lindex $result 4] $binding [bind $xfMenu $binding]
    } {
      $xfW activate none

# Procedure: MenuPopupPost
if {"[info procs MenuPopupPost]" == ""} {
proc MenuPopupPost { xfMenu xfX xfY} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: MenuPopupPost
# Description: post the popup menu
# Arguments: xfMenu - the menu
#            xfX - the root x coordinate
#            xfY - the root x coordinate
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none
  global tk_popupPriv

  if {"[info commands $xfMenu]" != ""} {
    if {![info exists tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)]} {
      set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus) [focus]
    } {
      if {"$tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)" == ""} {
        set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus) [focus]
    set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab) $xfMenu

    catch "$xfMenu activate none"
    catch "$xfMenu post $xfX $xfY"
    catch "focus $xfMenu"
    catch "grab -global $xfMenu"

# Procedure: MenuPopupRelease
if {"[info procs MenuPopupRelease]" == ""} {
proc MenuPopupRelease { xfMenu xfW} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: MenuPopupRelease
# Description: remove the popup menu
# Arguments: xfMenu - the topmost menu widget
#            xfW - the menu widget
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none
  global tk_popupPriv
  global tkVersion

  if {"[info commands $xfW]" != "" && [winfo ismapped $xfW] &&
      "[winfo class $xfW]" == "Menu" &&
      [info exists tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)] &&
      "$tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)" != "" &&
      [info exists tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab)] &&
      "$tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab)" != ""} {
    if {$tkVersion >= 3.0} {
      catch "grab release $tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab)"
    } {
      catch "grab none"
    catch "focus $tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus)"
    set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,focus) ""
    set tk_popupPriv($xfMenu,grab) ""
    if {"[$xfW index active]" != "none"} {
      $xfW invoke active; catch "$xfMenu unpost"
  catch "$xfMenu unpost"

# Procedure: NoFunction
if {"[info procs NoFunction]" == ""} {
proc NoFunction { args} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: NoFunction
# Description: do nothing (especially with scales and scrollbars)
# Arguments: args - a number of ignored parameters
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: none

# Procedure: SN
if {"[info procs SN]" == ""} {
proc SN { {xfName ""}} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: SN
# Description: map a symbolic name to the widget path
# Arguments: xfName
# Returns: the symbolic name
# Sideeffects: none

  SymbolicName $xfName

# Procedure: SymbolicName
if {"[info procs SymbolicName]" == ""} {
proc SymbolicName { {xfName ""}} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: SymbolicName
# Description: map a symbolic name to the widget path
# Arguments: xfName
# Returns: the symbolic name
# Sideeffects: none

  global symbolicName

  if {"$xfName" != ""} {
    set xfArrayName ""
    append xfArrayName symbolicName ( $xfName )
    if {![catch "set \"$xfArrayName\"" xfValue]} {
      return $xfValue
    } {
      if {"[info commands XFProcError]" != ""} {
        XFProcError "Unknown symbolic name:\n$xfName"
      } {
        puts stderr "XF error: unknown symbolic name:\n$xfName"
  return ""

# Procedure: Unalias
if {"[info procs Unalias]" == ""} {
proc Unalias { aliasName} {
# xf ignore me 7
# Procedure: Unalias
# Description: remove an alias for a procedure
# Arguments: aliasName - the alias name to remove
# Returns: none
# Sideeffects: internalAliasList is updated, and the alias
#              proc is removed
  global internalAliasList

  set xfIndex [lsearch $internalAliasList "$aliasName *"]
  if {$xfIndex != -1} {
    rename $aliasName ""
    set internalAliasList [lreplace $internalAliasList $xfIndex $xfIndex]

# application parsing procedure
proc XFLocalParseAppDefs {xfAppDefFile} {
  global xfAppDefaults

  # basically from: Michael Moore
  if {[file exists $xfAppDefFile] &&
      [file readable $xfAppDefFile] &&
      "[file type $xfAppDefFile]" == "link"} {
    catch "file type $xfAppDefFile" xfType
    while {"$xfType" == "link"} {
      if {[catch "file readlink $xfAppDefFile" xfAppDefFile]} {
      catch "file type $xfAppDefFile" xfType
  if {!("$xfAppDefFile" != "" &&
        [file exists $xfAppDefFile] &&
        [file readable $xfAppDefFile] &&
        "[file type $xfAppDefFile]" == "file")} {
  if {![catch "open $xfAppDefFile r" xfResult]} {
    set xfAppFileContents [read $xfResult]
    close $xfResult
    foreach line [split $xfAppFileContents "\n"] {
      # backup indicates how far to backup.  It applies to the
      # situation where a resource name ends in . and when it
      # ends in *.  In the second case you want to keep the *
      # in the widget name for pattern matching, but you want
      # to get rid of the . if it is the end of the name. 
      set backup -2  
      set line [string trim $line]
      if {[string index $line 0] == "#" || "$line" == ""} {
        # skip comments and empty lines
      set list [split $line ":"]
      set resource [string trim [lindex $list 0]]
      set i [string last "." $resource]
      set j [string last "*" $resource]
      if {$j > $i} { 
        set i $j
        set backup -1
      incr i
      set name [string range $resource $i end]
      incr i $backup
      set widname [string range $resource 0 $i]
      set value [string trim [lindex $list 1]]
      if {"$widname" != "" && "$widname" != "*"} {
        # insert the widget and resourcename to the application
        # defaults list.
        if {![info exists xfAppDefaults]} {
          set xfAppDefaults ""
        lappend xfAppDefaults [list $widname [string tolower $name] $value]

# application loading procedure
proc XFLocalLoadAppDefs {{xfClasses ""} {xfPriority "startupFile"} {xfAppDefFile ""}} {
  global env

  if {"$xfAppDefFile" == ""} {
    set xfFileList ""
    if {[info exists env(XUSERFILESEARCHPATH)]} {
      append xfFileList [split $env(XUSERFILESEARCHPATH) :]
    if {[info exists env(XAPPLRESDIR)]} {
      append xfFileList [split $env(XAPPLRESDIR) :]
    if {[info exists env(XFILESEARCHPATH)]} {
      append xfFileList [split $env(XFILESEARCHPATH) :]
    append xfFileList " /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults"
    append xfFileList " /usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults"

    foreach xfCounter1 $xfClasses {
      foreach xfCounter2 $xfFileList {
        set xfPathName $xfCounter2
        if {[regsub -all "%N" "$xfPathName" "$xfCounter1" xfResult]} {
          set xfPathName $xfResult
        if {[regsub -all "%T" "$xfPathName" "app-defaults" xfResult]} {
          set xfPathName $xfResult
        if {[regsub -all "%S" "$xfPathName" "" xfResult]} {
          set xfPathName $xfResult
        if {[regsub -all "%C" "$xfPathName" "" xfResult]} {
          set xfPathName $xfResult
        if {[file exists $xfPathName] &&
            [file readable $xfPathName] &&
            ("[file type $xfPathName]" == "file" ||
             "[file type $xfPathName]" == "link")} {
          catch "option readfile $xfPathName $xfPriority"
          if {"[info commands XFParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
            XFParseAppDefs $xfPathName
          } {
            if {"[info commands XFLocalParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
              XFLocalParseAppDefs $xfPathName
        } {
          if {[file exists $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1] &&
              [file readable $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1] &&
              ("[file type $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1]" == "file" ||
               "[file type $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1]" == "link")} {
            catch "option readfile $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1 $xfPriority"
            if {"[info commands XFParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
              XFParseAppDefs $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1
            } {
              if {"[info commands XFLocalParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
                XFLocalParseAppDefs $xfCounter2/$xfCounter1
  } {
    # load a specific application defaults file
    if {[file exists $xfAppDefFile] &&
        [file readable $xfAppDefFile] &&
        ("[file type $xfAppDefFile]" == "file" ||
         "[file type $xfAppDefFile]" == "link")} {
      catch "option readfile $xfAppDefFile $xfPriority"
      if {"[info commands XFParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
        XFParseAppDefs $xfAppDefFile
      } {
        if {"[info commands XFLocalParseAppDefs]" != ""} {
          XFLocalParseAppDefs $xfAppDefFile

# application setting procedure
proc XFLocalSetAppDefs {{xfWidgetPath "."}} {
  global xfAppDefaults

  if {![info exists xfAppDefaults]} {
  foreach xfCounter $xfAppDefaults {
    if {"$xfCounter" == ""} {
    set widname [lindex $xfCounter 0]
    if {[string match $widname ${xfWidgetPath}] ||
        [string match "${xfWidgetPath}*" $widname]} {
      set name [string tolower [lindex $xfCounter 1]]
      set value [lindex $xfCounter 2]
      # Now lets see how many tcl commands match the name
      # pattern specified.
      set widlist [info command $widname]
      if {"$widlist" != ""} {
        foreach widget $widlist {
          # make sure this command is a widget.
          if {![catch "winfo id $widget"] &&
              [string match "${xfWidgetPath}*" $widget]} {
            catch "$widget configure -$name $value" 

# prepare auto loading
global auto_path
global tk_library
global xfLoadPath
foreach xfElement [eval list [split $xfLoadPath :] $auto_path] {
  if {[file exists $xfElement/tclIndex]} {
    lappend auto_path $xfElement
catch "unset auto_index"

catch "unset auto_oldpath"

catch "unset auto_execs"

# initialize global variables
proc InitGlobals {} {
  global {now}
  set {now} {}

  # please don't modify the following
  # variables. They are needed by xf.
  global {autoLoadList}
  set {autoLoadList(bou.tcl)} {0}
  set {autoLoadList(main.tcl)} {0}
  global {internalAliasList}
  set {internalAliasList} {}
  global {moduleList}
  set {moduleList(bou.tcl)} {}
  global {preloadList}
  set {preloadList(xfInternal)} {}
  global {symbolicName}
  set {symbolicName(c)} {.canvas0}
  set {symbolicName(green)} {.frame1.label2}
  set {symbolicName(quit)} {.frame1.button4}
  set {symbolicName(red)} {.frame1.label3}
  set {symbolicName(root)} {.}
  set {symbolicName(run)} {.frame1.button6}
  set {symbolicName(stop)} {.frame1.button5}
  global {xfWmSetPosition}
  set {xfWmSetPosition} {}
  global {xfWmSetSize}
  set {xfWmSetSize} {}
  global {xfAppDefToplevels}
  set {xfAppDefToplevels} {}

# initialize global variables

# display/remove toplevel windows.

global xfShowWindow.toy
set xfShowWindow.toy 1

# load default bindings.
if {[info exists env(XF_BIND_FILE)] &&
    "[info procs XFShowHelp]" == ""} {
  source $env(XF_BIND_FILE)

# parse and apply application defaults.
XFLocalLoadAppDefs Bou

# eof