view libphobos/libdruntime/core/internal/traits.d @ 158:494b0b89df80 default tip

author Shinji KONO <>
date Mon, 25 May 2020 18:13:55 +0900
parents 1830386684a0
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 * Contains traits for runtime internal usage.
 * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2014 -.
 * License:   $(WEB, Boost License 1.0).
 * Authors:   Martin Nowak
 * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/internal/_traits.d)
module core.internal.traits;

/// taken from std.typetuple.TypeTuple
template TypeTuple(TList...)
    alias TypeTuple = TList;

T trustedCast(T, U)(auto ref U u) @trusted pure nothrow
    return cast(T)u;

template Unconst(T)
         static if (is(T U ==   immutable U)) alias Unconst = U;
    else static if (is(T U == inout const U)) alias Unconst = U;
    else static if (is(T U == inout       U)) alias Unconst = U;
    else static if (is(T U ==       const U)) alias Unconst = U;
    else                                      alias Unconst = T;

/// taken from std.traits.Unqual
template Unqual(T)
    version (none) // Error: recursive alias declaration @@@BUG1308@@@
             static if (is(T U ==     const U)) alias Unqual = Unqual!U;
        else static if (is(T U == immutable U)) alias Unqual = Unqual!U;
        else static if (is(T U ==     inout U)) alias Unqual = Unqual!U;
        else static if (is(T U ==    shared U)) alias Unqual = Unqual!U;
        else                                    alias Unqual =        T;
    else // workaround
             static if (is(T U ==          immutable U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U == shared inout const U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U == shared inout       U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U == shared       const U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U == shared             U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U ==        inout const U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U ==        inout       U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else static if (is(T U ==              const U)) alias Unqual = U;
        else                                             alias Unqual = T;

// Substitute all `inout` qualifiers that appears in T to `const`
template substInout(T)
    static if (is(T == immutable))
        alias substInout = T;
    else static if (is(T : shared const U, U) || is(T : const U, U))
        // U is top-unqualified
        mixin("alias substInout = "
            ~ (is(T == shared) ? "shared " : "")
            ~ (is(T == const) || is(T == inout) ? "const " : "")    // substitute inout to const
            ~ "substInoutForm!U;");
        static assert(0);

private template substInoutForm(T)
    static if (is(T == struct) || is(T == class) || is(T == union) || is(T == interface))
        alias substInoutForm = T;   // prevent matching to the form of alias-this-ed type
    else static if (is(T : V[K], K, V))        alias substInoutForm = substInout!V[substInout!K];
    else static if (is(T : U[n], U, size_t n)) alias substInoutForm = substInout!U[n];
    else static if (is(T : U[], U))            alias substInoutForm = substInout!U[];
    else static if (is(T : U*, U))             alias substInoutForm = substInout!U*;
    else                                       alias substInoutForm = T;

/// used to declare an extern(D) function that is defined in a different module
template externDFunc(string fqn, T:FT*, FT) if (is(FT == function))
    static if (is(FT RT == return) && is(FT Args == function))
        import core.demangle : mangleFunc;
        enum decl = {
            string s = "extern(D) RT externDFunc(Args)";
            foreach (attr; __traits(getFunctionAttributes, FT))
                s ~= " " ~ attr;
            return s ~ ";";
        pragma(mangle, mangleFunc!T(fqn)) mixin(decl);
        static assert(0);

template staticIota(int beg, int end)
    static if (beg + 1 >= end)
        static if (beg >= end)
            alias staticIota = TypeTuple!();
            alias staticIota = TypeTuple!(+beg);
        enum mid = beg + (end - beg) / 2;
        alias staticIota = TypeTuple!(staticIota!(beg, mid), staticIota!(mid, end));

template dtorIsNothrow(T)
    enum dtorIsNothrow = is(typeof(function{T t=void;}) : void function() nothrow);

Tests whether all given items satisfy a template predicate, i.e. evaluates to
$(D F!(T[0]) && F!(T[1]) && ... && F!(T[$ - 1])).
template allSatisfy(alias F, T...)
    static if (T.length == 0)
        enum allSatisfy = true;
    else static if (T.length == 1)
        enum allSatisfy = F!(T[0]);
        static if (allSatisfy!(F, T[0  .. $/2]))
            enum allSatisfy = allSatisfy!(F, T[$/2 .. $]);
            enum allSatisfy = false;

template anySatisfy(alias F, T...)
    static if (T.length == 0)
        enum anySatisfy = false;
    else static if (T.length == 1)
        enum anySatisfy = F!(T[0]);
        enum anySatisfy =
            anySatisfy!(F, T[ 0  .. $/2]) ||
            anySatisfy!(F, T[$/2 ..  $ ]);

// simplified from std.traits.maxAlignment
template maxAlignment(U...)
    static if (U.length == 0)
        static assert(0);
    else static if (U.length == 1)
        enum maxAlignment = U[0].alignof;
    else static if (U.length == 2)
        enum maxAlignment = U[0].alignof > U[1].alignof ? U[0].alignof : U[1].alignof;
        enum a = maxAlignment!(U[0 .. ($+1)/2]);
        enum b = maxAlignment!(U[($+1)/2 .. $]);
        enum maxAlignment = a > b ? a : b;

template classInstanceAlignment(T)
if (is(T == class))
    alias classInstanceAlignment = maxAlignment!(void*, typeof(T.tupleof));

// Somehow fails for non-static nested structs without support for aliases
template hasElaborateDestructor(T...)
    static if (is(T[0]))
        alias S = T[0];
        alias S = typeof(T[0]);

    static if (is(S : E[n], E, size_t n) && S.length)
        enum bool hasElaborateDestructor = hasElaborateDestructor!E;
    else static if (is(S == struct))
        enum hasElaborateDestructor = __traits(hasMember, S, "__dtor")
            || anySatisfy!(.hasElaborateDestructor, S.tupleof);
        enum bool hasElaborateDestructor = false;

// Somehow fails for non-static nested structs without support for aliases
template hasElaborateCopyConstructor(T...)
    static if (is(T[0]))
        alias S = T[0];
        alias S = typeof(T[0]);

    static if (is(S : E[n], E, size_t n) && S.length)
        enum bool hasElaborateCopyConstructor = hasElaborateCopyConstructor!E;
    else static if (is(S == struct))
        enum hasElaborateCopyConstructor = __traits(hasMember, S, "__postblit")
            || anySatisfy!(.hasElaborateCopyConstructor, S.tupleof);
        enum bool hasElaborateCopyConstructor = false;

// std.meta.Filter
template Filter(alias pred, TList...)
    static if (TList.length == 0)
        alias Filter = TypeTuple!();
    else static if (TList.length == 1)
        static if (pred!(TList[0]))
            alias Filter = TypeTuple!(TList[0]);
            alias Filter = TypeTuple!();
        alias Filter =
                Filter!(pred, TList[ 0  .. $/2]),
                Filter!(pred, TList[$/2 ..  $ ]));